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Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been associated with war photography.
Born in Hungary in 1913,Capa was forced to leave his native country after his involvement in anti-government protests.Capa had originally wanted to become a writer,but after his arrival in Berlin he first found work as a photographer.He later left Germany and moved to France and it was here that he changed his name to Robert Capa,mainly because he thought it would sound more American.
In 1936,after the breakout of the Spanish Civil War,Capa went to Spain and it was here that he built his reputation as a war photographer.It was here too in 1936 that he took one of his most famous pictures,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier.One of Capa’s most famous quotes was“If your pictures aren’t good enough,you’re not close enough.”And he took his attitude of getting close to the action to an extreme.His photograph,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier is a prime example of this as Capa captures the very moment the soldier falls.However,many have questioned the reality of this photograph,claiming that it was staged.
When World War II broke out,Capa was in New York,but he was soon back in Europe covering the War for Life magazine.Some of his most famous work was created on 6th June 1944.Capa,armed only with two cameras,took more than one hundred photographs in the first hour of the Normandy landing(诺曼底登陆),but a mistake in the darkroom during the drying of the film destroyed all but eight frames.It was the images from these frames,however,that inspired the visual style of Steven Spielberg’s Oscar winning movie Saving Private Ryan.
Capa originally wanted to be ____________.

A.a journalist B.a writer C.an American D.a photographer

Why did Capa change his name?

A.To hide his identity.
B.Because he had been involved in protests.
C.To sound more American.
D.Because he had to leave Hungary.

Capa went to Spain to ________________.

A.fight in the civil war B.build his reputation
C.have a holiday D.take photographs

Capa’s famous picture Death of a Loyalist Soldier _______________.

A.was taken by someone else B.was definitely real
C.wasn’t even taken in Spain D.cannot be proven real or staged

A mistake meant that ______________.

A.most of Capa’s images of the Normandy landing were destroyed
B.Capa lost both of his two cameras
C.Capa’s images inspired an Oscar winning movie
D.only one hundred of Capa’s photographs were published
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pride and Prejudice for the Modern Woman
Let us imagine how Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen's most famous work, might be updated, 200 years on.
Austen's popularity is rooted in her intelligence. But today she would certainly have had a very different life, as would her characters. Here's my own suggestion...
It is a truth finally and universally acknowledged that a single woman with brains deserves to have equal opportunities to men, however disadvantaged she may feel by sexism.
“My dear husband,” said his hopeful wife one day, “have you heard that the local store, standing empty for so long, is taken over by a bright young businesswoman?”
Her dull and indifferent (漠不关心的) husband replied that he had not.
“But it is, it is,” she replied excitedly.
Mr Dull­Husband made no reply.
“Don't you want to know her plans?” she cried with some impatience.
“Well, clearly you think it matters to your silly little head. .. so I'd better listen.”
“Well, my dear, the rumour (传言) is that she has already set up a string of successful businesses in northern England, though_how_a_woman_can_know_anything_about_that_is_beyond_me. She will move in herself next month.”
“What is her name?”
“Is she married or single?”
“What a question! And none of your business. But her coming will be a fine thing for our five boys.”
“How so? How can it possibly affect them?”
“My dear love; those lazy boys need something to wake them up. There are bound to be jobs going.”
“Is that her point in settling here? Surely as a woman she has simply taken a fancy to the place.”
“Nonsense, my love, how little you've noticed the world has changed. She's got a first­rate degree and some sort of business qualification, I'm told. She surely needs one of our boys! Perhaps you might give her a call.”
“Me? No. Perhaps you can take an interest. You still have your looks, after all. She may even offer you a job.”
“Oh, that's not likely. These new chances belong to the younger generation. But now you mention it, I think I'll go along all the same.”
And Mrs Bennet went along. That was 10 years ago. She is now managing director of a FTSE­listed company.
... It would remain the case, of course, that Mrs Bennet would be one of very few women on the company board, that her salary would be lower than her male colleagues, her bonus of a more “female” dimension and her lifespan (年限) among the city's business leaders shorter than theirs. Still, she'd no doubt have enjoyed Davos—and might even have hobnobbed (攀谈) with influential figures.
Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Austen was born 200 years ago.
B.Austen rewrote Pride and Prejudice.
C.Austen's success lies in her wisdom.
D.Austen's updated work gains popularity.

The underlined part in the passage suggests that Mrs Bennet ________.

A.had mixed feelings of admiration and surprise about Bingley
B.felt kind of worried and doubtful about Bingley
C.was extremely anxious to meet Bingley
D.had a great curiosity about Bingley

In the eyes of Mrs Bennet, Bingley surely needed one of their boys to ________.

A.get married to
B.work for her
C.help her move in
D.take over her store

What does the writer intend to tell us?

A.Women with brains can also be as successful as men.
B.Women have to pay a high price for success.
C.A judgment must be made free from prejudice.
D.Sex discrimination still exists nowadays.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

These young men were a different kind of prisoner from those we had seen before. They- were brave, hostile(怀敌意的)and_1__ they would not take orders, and shouted "Amandla!”at every opportunity. Their instinct was to confront(对抗)rather than cooperate. The authorities② did not know how to handle them, and they turned the island upside down. During the Rivonia Trial, I remarked to a security policeman that if the government did not reform itself, the freedom fighters who would take our place③would some-day make the authorities miss us. That day had indeed come on Robben Island.
In these young men we saw the angry revolutionary spirit of the times. I had had some warning. On a visit with Winnie a few months before, she had managed to tell me through our coded conversation that there was a rising class of discontented youths who were violent and Africanist in beliefs. She said they were changing the nature of the struggle and that I should be aware of them.
The new prisoners were shocked by what they considered the inhuman conditions of the island, and said that they could not understand how we could live in such a way. We told them that they should have seen the island in 1964. But they were almost as sceptical of us as they were of the authorities. They chose to ignore our calls for discipline and thought our advice weak and unassertive(不果断).
It was obvious that they regarded us, the Rivonia Trialists⑤,as moderates⑥(温和派). After so many years of being branded a radical(激进的)revolutionary, to be seen as a moderate was a novel and not altogether pleasant feeling. I knew that I could react in one of two ways:I could scold them for their disrespect or I could listen to what they were saying. I chose the latter.
'then some of these men, such as Strini Moodley of the South African Students' Organization and Saths Cooper of the Black People's Convention, came into our section, I __2____
Shortly after their arrival on the island, the commanding officer came and asked me as a favour to address the young men. He wanted me to tell them to behave themselves, to recognize the fact that they were in prison and to accept the discipline of prison life.I told him that I was not prepared to do that. Under the circumstances, they would have regarded me as a follower of the authorities.
(-adapted from "Long walk to freedom: The autobiography of Nelson Mandela')
Which of the following words fits best in Blank 1?

A.mild B.aggressive C.friendly D.optimistic

We may infer from the passage all of the following EXCEPT that_

A.an angry massive revolution was probably on its way
B.the author's activities were strictly monitored
C.many were concerned about the influence these young men could make
D.these young men were willing to cooperate in face of difficulties

Sentences are missing in Blank 2 regarding the author's following reactions. Which of the following reactions do you think he would have?

A."I" asked them to tell us about their movement and beliefs.
B."I" reported to the officers about their dissatisfaction.
C."I" tried to calm them down and talked them into behaving.
D."I" just turned a deaf ear to the young men.

Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Conditions of the prison were far more unsatisfactory in 1964.
B.Officers of the prison turned the island upside down to discipline the young men.
C.The Rivonia Trialists felt honored to be regarded as moderates.
D.The young men regarded the author as a follower of the authorities.

Several phrases have been underlined and numbered in the passage; which two of them actually refer to the same people?

A.①② B.③④ C.⑤③ D.⑥①
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last winter, when I was heavily pregnant, I was visiting my sister and brother-in-law's house and had to park in a nearby parking lot because they didn't have accessible parking. The snow was extremely heavy and there was lots of ice on the ground --- not many people had ventured out that evening!
When I returned to my car around 11pm, I noticed that I was the only car left. Nervously, I hopped into the car and let it warm up a bit. When I finally tried to drive away, my wheels began to spin. I was stuck! I spun and spun and wondered what to do.
All of a sudden, in my rear view mirror, I saw four teen-aged boys approaching my car. They were walking side by side in a line and dressed a bit like gang members --- at least I thought that's what they looked like. My car was in a very isolated area and I began to panic. I was certain they were coming to my car to harm me. Terrified, I just froze. One of the young men tapped on my window and said "Excuse me, Ma'am, can we help you? You seem stuck." Still afraid and fearing the worst, I said "I am stuck." And the young man said "It's okay, stay in your car and we'll push you out of the snow." And they did!
When they finally got me out of the snow, they smiled and waved. I rolled down my window and thanked them, embarrassed to have judged them so poorly.
Why did the author just freeze when the four young men walking toward her car?

A.Because she was afraid of being harmed.
B.Because she sat in her car for too long a time.
C.Because she was cold indeed in that freezing evening.
D.Because she knew they would rob her of the car.

Which of the following words can best describe the four young men?

A.Impolite. B.Ill-mannered.
C.Unfriendly D.Warm-hearted.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.One of the four teenagers was a gang member.
B.The kids wanted to help the author out of trouble.
C.The author would have a baby in her car.
D.The young men enjoyed pushing cars out of the snow.

The best title for the text would be___________

A.Every man has his faults
B.Fortune favors those who use their judgment
C.Don't judge a book by its cover
D.Think twice before you do.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was the first snow of winter – an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now, I had been old enough to dress myself, but today I would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher, had been through first snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one.
I managed to get into my wool snow trousers. But I struggled with my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots.
In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots.” I didn’t realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence.
I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected grown-ups to do all the work. After much pushing, she managed to get the first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too.
I announced, “They’re on the wrong feet.”
She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.
“They’re my brother’s boots, you know,” I said. “I hate them!”
Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying little girl, She pushed and pushed, less gently this time. With a greater sigh, seeing the end of her struggle with me, she asked, “Now, where are your mittens(连指手套)?”
I looked into her eyes and said, “I didn’t want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots.”
The little girl was more satisfied with her__________-.

A.trousers B.jacket C.boots D.hat

Miss Finlayson had difficulty with the girl’s second boot mainly because_____.

A.the girl got them from her brother B.the girl put something in them
C.they were on the wrong feet D.they did not fit the girl well

Why does the author say Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day?

A.Because the little girl was in her brother’s clothes.
B.Because it was the most exciting day of the winter.
C.Because the little girl played a trick on her.
D.Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last week, my granddaughter started kindergarten,and ,as is conventional, I wished her every success ,But part of me didn’t.
I actually wanted her to fail in some ways because I believe that failure can be good for our learning process, Success is proving that you can do something that you already know you can do , First –time success is usually a fluke (侥幸),First-time failure ,by contrast,is expected ;it is the natural order of things Failure is how we learn.
In Africa they describe a good cook as “she who has broken many bots”,If you’ve spent enough time in the kitchen to break a lot of pots ,probably you know a lot about cooking ,I once had dinner with a group of cooks and they spent a lot of time comparing knife wounds and burn scars ,They Knew how much their failures gave them.
I earn my living by writing a daily newspaper column, Each week I am aware that one column I write lill be my sores , I don’t set out to write it ; I try my best every day. I have learned to cherish that column ,A good column usually means that I am discussing a familiar topic, writing in a style I am used to or saying the same things as someons else but in fancy way.
Ny younger daughter is a trapeze artist(杂技荡秋千演员),She spent three years putting together a show and she did it successfully for years ,There was no reason for her to change it-but she did anyway, She said she was no longer learning anything new and she was boued; and if she was bored ,there was no point in subjecting her body to all that stress
My granddaughter is a perfectionist She will feel her failures ,and I will want to comfort her, But I sill also ,I hope ,remind her of what she learned ,and how she can do better next time ,I hope I can tell her ,though ,that it’s not the end of the world ,Indeed,  with juck ,it is the beginning.
Why did the author want his granddaughter to fail?

A.Success is boring though beneficial
B.She would learn more from failure
C.It is impossible to do everything successfully
D.He wanted her to be strong enough to face hardships

What’s the author’s attitude toward his daughter changing her show/

A.Negative B.Worried C.Positive D.Excited

The author develops the article mainly by        

A.giving examples
B.following the time order
C.comparing different opinions
D.analyxing cause and effect

The writer talks about his own experience to show that        

A.we cannot depend on luck to live a good life
B.we shoule try every possible way to avoid failure
C.past failures prevented him from taking risks in writing
D.the thought of failure will make you work even harder

Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A.Learn from failure
B.How to be a good cook
C.My daughter and granddaughter
D.A good column makes a good writer
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Napoleon stayed in a small inn (小旅馆). The next morning, he went to thank the innkeeper.
“You have served me well,” said Napoleon. “I wish to reward you. Tell me what you want.”
“Sir, we want nothing,” said the innkeeper. “But will you tell us something?”
“What is it?” Napoleon asked.
“We have heard a story,” said the innkeeper, “that once during the war, a small village was taken by the Russians. You happened to be in the village. You hid while they looked for you. Will you tell us how you felt when they were looking for you?” Napoleon looked very angry. He called in two of his soldiers. Then he pointed to the door. The soldiers took the innkeeper and his wife out into the yard.
At the end of the yard was a wall. The innkeeper and his wife were led to the wall. The soldiers tied the hands of the innkeeper and his wife. Napoleon watched, saying nothing.
“Please, sir.” begged the innkeeper, “Don’t kill us! we meant nothing!” The soldiers moved back. The innkeeper saw them raising their guns. Then Napoleon called: “Ready! Aim!” The wife screamed. “Stop!” said Napoleon. He went to the innkeeper, “Now, you know the answer to the question you asked me just now, don’t you?”
While the Russians were searching for him, Napoleon ______.

A.ordered his men to fight back B.was frightened to death
C.feared nothing at all D.regretted (后悔) having hidden there

Why did Napoleon order his men to tie the couple?

A.Because he wanted to teach the innkeeper a good lesson for bothering him.
B.Because he wanted to kill the couple to get rid of his anger.
C.Because he wanted to show that he was so admiring a general that nobody could upset him.
D.Because he wanted to make them know that he felt the same as they in face of danger.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Five people are mentioned (提到) in this passage.
B.In fact, Napoleon didn’t hide when the Russians were looking for him.
C.Napoleon was thankful to the innkeeper for his good service.
D.The couple had thought they would be killed before Napoleon said “stop”.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A year after graduation, I was offered a position teaching a writing class. Teaching was a profession I had never seriously considered, though several of my stories had been published. I accepted the job without hesitation, as it would allow me to wear a tie and go by the name of Mr. Davis. My father went by the same name, and I liked to imagine people getting the two of us confused. “Wait a minute,” someone might say, “are talking about Mr. Davis the retired man, or Mr. Davis the respectable scholar?”
The position was offered at the last minute, and I was given two week to prepare, a period I spent searching for a briefcase and standing before my full-length mirror, repeating the words, “Hello, class, I’m Mr. Davis.” Sometimes I would give myself an aggressive voice. Sometimes I would sound experienced. But when the day eventually came, my nerves kicked in and the true Mr. Davis was there. I sounded not like a thoughtful professor, but rather a 12-year-old boy.
I arrived in the classroom with paper cards designed in the shape of maple leaves. I had cut them myself out of orange construction paper. I saw nine students along a long table. I handed out the cards, and the students wrote down their names and fastened them to their breast pockets as I required.
“All right then,” I said. “Okay, here we go.” Then I opened my briefcase and realized that I had never thought beyond this moment. I had been thinking that the students would be the first to talk, offering their thoughts and opinions on the events of the day. I had imagined that I would sit on the edge of the desk, overlooking a forest of raised hands. Every student would shout to be heard, and I would knock on something in order to silence them. I would yell, “Calm down, you’ll all get your turn. One at a time, one at a time!”
A terrible silence ruled the room, and seeing no other opinions, I instructed the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay related to the theme of deep disappointment.
The author took the job to teach writing because______________.

A.he wanted to be respected B.he had written some stories
C.he wanted to please his father D.he had dreamed of being a teacher

What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 2?

A.He would be aggressive in his first class. B.He was well-prepared for his first class.
C.He got nervous upon the arrival of his first class. D.He waited long for the arrival of his first class.

Before he started his class, the author asked the students to_______.

A.write down their suggestions on the paper cards
B.cut maple leaves out of the construction paper
C.cut some cards out the construction paper
D.write down their names on the paper cards

What did the students do when the author started his class?

A.They began to talk. B.They stayed silent.
C.They raised their hands. D.They shouted to be heard.

The author chose the composition topic probably because________.

A.he got disappointed with his first class
B.he had prepared the topic before class.
C.he wanted to calm down the students
D.he thought it was an easy topic
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
