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It is true that good writers rewrite and rewrite and then rewrite some more. But in order to work up the desire to rewrite, it is important to learn to like what you write at the early stage.

I am surprised at the number of famous writers I know who say that they so dislike reading their own writing later that they even hate to look over the publishers' opinions. One reason we may dislike reading our own work is that we're often disappointed that the rich ideas in our minds seem very thin and plain when first written down. Jerry Fodor and Steven Pinker suggest that this fact may be a result of how our minds work.

Different from popular belief ,we do not usually think in the works and sentences of ordinary language but in symbols for ideas (known as "mentalese"), and writing our ideas down is an act of translation from that symbolic language . But while mentalese contains our  thoughts in the form of a complex tapestry (织锦),writing can only be composed one thread at a time . Therefore it should not be surprising that our first attempt at expressing ideas should look so simple. It is only by repeatedly rewriting that we produces new threads and connect them to get closer to the ideas formed in our minds.

When people write as if some strict critics (批评家) are looking over their shoulder , they are so worried about what this critic might say that they get stuck before they even start. Peter Elbow makes an excellent suggestion to deal with this problem. When writing we should have two different minds. At the first stage, we should see every idea, as well as the words we use to express it ,as wonderful and worth putting down . It is only during rewrites that we should examine what we excitedly wrote in the first stage and check for weaknesses.


What do we learn from the text about those famous writers?

A. They often regret writing poor works
B. Some of them write surprisingly much.
C. Many of them hate reading their own works
D. They are happy to review the publishers' opinions.

What do people generally believe about the way human minds work?

A. People think in words and sentences.
B. Human ideas are translated into symbols
C. People think by connecting threads of ideas.
D. Human thoughts are expressed through pictures.

What can we conclude from the text?

A. Most people believe we think in symbols.
B. Loving our own writing is scientifically reasonable.
C. The writers and critics can never reach an agreement.
D. Thinking and writing are different stages of mind at work.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was going home to India last year, I called up my mother to ask if she wanted anything from china, 

When India had not opened up its markers to the world, I carried suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans. Thankfully, we can get all these anywhere in India now, 

Still ,her answer surprised me: "Green tea," 

As long as I can remember she didn't even drink    Indian tea.  

I dutifully bought a big packet of Longjing and headed home to hear the story. My mother and her brother, both regular newspaper readers, believed that Chinese green tea was the wonder drug for all illnesses 

At the turn of the century, China was not really familiar to the average Indian, It was a strange country 

How things change [And how soon] 

Now every town of any size seems to have a "China Market". And everyone is talking about China 

The government of India has planned to send a team to China to see how things are done A minister once said that India must open the doors for more foreign investment(投资)and such a step would "work wonders as it did for China".  

But it's a two-way street, I just heard about a thousand Shenzhen office workers who have gone to Rangalore to train in software. Meanwhile, all the IT majors are setting up a strong presence in China, 
No wonder that trade, which was only in the millions just ten years ago, is expected to his about us$15 billion for last year and us$20 billion by 2008, a goal set by both governments, 
No wonder, my colleague wrote some weeks ago about this being the Sino-Indian(中印)century as the two countries started on January I the Sino-Indian Friendship Year, 

But what is still a wonder to me is my mother drinking Chinese tea.


Why did the mother ask for Chinese green tea?

A. she was tired of Indian tea
B. she had a son working in China.
C. she believed it had a curing effect
D. she was fond of Chinese products,

What does the author mean by "it's a two-way street' in paragraph 10?

A. China and India have different traffic rules
B. Tea trade works wonders in both India and China
C. Chinese products are popular in both China and India,
D. The exchanges between India and China benefit both

hat do we know about the Indian IT industry?

A. It will move its head office to Shenzhen
B. It is seeking further development in China
C. It has attracted an investment of US$15 billion
D. It caught up with the US IT industry in2008.

In the text the author expresses,

A. his concern for his mother's health
B. his support for drinking Chinese green tea
C. his surprise at China's recent development
D. his wonder at the growth of India's IT industry
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Even at school there had been an unhealthy competition between George and Richard.
“I’ll be the first millionaire in Coleford!” Richard used to boast.
“And you’ll be sorry you knew me,” George would reply “because I’ll be the best lawyer in town!”
George never did become a lawyer and Richard never made any money. Instead both men opened bookshops on opposite sides of Coleford High Street. It was hard to make money from books, which made the competition between them worse.
Now with only one bookshop in town, business was better for George. But sometimes he sat in his narrow , old kitchen and gazed out of the dirty window , thinking about his former rival (竞争对手)。Perhaps he missed him?
George was very interested in old dictionaries, He’d recently found a collector in Australia who was selling a rare first edition. When the parcel arrived, the book was in perfect condition and George was delighted. But while he was having lunch, George glanced at the photo in the newspaper that the book had been wrapped in. He was astonished—the smiling face was older than he remembered but unmistakable! Trembling, George started reading.
“Bookends have bought ten bookstores from their rivals Dylans. The company, owned by multi-millionaire Richard Pike, is now the largest bookseller in Australia. ”
George and Rivhard were   at school.

A.roommates B.good friends
C.competitors D.booksellers

How did George feel about Richard after his disappearance?

A.He envied Richard’s marriage.
B.He thought of Richard from time to time.
C.He felt lucky with no rival in town.
D.He was guilty of Richard’s death.

George got information about Richard from   .

A.a dictionary collector in Australia
B.the latter’s rivals Dylans
C.a rare first edition of a dictionary
D.the wrapping paper of a book

What happened to George and Richard in the end?

A.Both George and Richard became millionaires.
B.Both of them realized their original ambitions.
C.George established a successful business white Richard was missing.
D.Richard became a millionaire while George had no great success.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Eddie McKay, a once-forgotten pilot, is a subject of great interest to a group of history students in Canada.
It all started when Graham Broad, a professor at the University of Western Ontario, found McKay’s name in a footnote in a book about university history. McKay was included in a list of university alumni (校友) who had served during the First World War, but his name was unfamiliar to Broad, a specialist in military history. Out of curiosity, Broad spent hours at the local archives (档案馆) in a fruitless search for information on McKay. Tired and discouraged, he finally gave up. On his way out, Broad’s glance happened to fall on an exhibiting case showing some old newspapers. His eye was drawn to an old picture of a young man in a rugby uniform. As he read the words beside the picture, he experienced a thrilling realization. “After looking for him all day, there he was, staring up at me out of the exhibiting case,” said Broad. Excited by the find, Broad asked his students to continue his search. They combed old newspapers and other materials for clues. Gradually, a picture came into view.
Captain Alfred Edwin McKay joined the British Royal Flying Corps in 1916. He downed ten enemy planes, outlived his entire squadron (中队) as a WWI flyer, spent some time as a flying instructor in England, then returned to the front, where he was eventually shot down over Belgium and killed in December 1917. But there’s more to his story. “For a brief time in 1916 he was probably the most famous pilot in the world,” says Broad. “He was credited with downing Oswald Boelcke, the most famous German pilot at the time.” Yet, in a letter home, McKay refused to take credit, saying that Boelcke had actually crashed into another German plane.
McKay’s war records were destroyed during a World War II air bombing on London — an explanation for why he was all but forgotten.
But now, thanks to the efforts of Broad and his students, a marker in McKay’s memory was placed on the university grounds in November 2007. “I found my eyes filling with tears as I read the word ‘deceased’ (阵亡) next to his name,” said Corey Everrett, a student who found a picture of Mckay in his uniform. “This was such a simple example of the fact that he had been a student just like us, but instead of finishing his time at Western, he chose to fight and die for his country.”
What made Professor Broad continue his search for more information on McKay?

A.A uniform of McKay. B.A footnote about McKay.
C.A book on McKay. D.A picture of McKay.

What did the students find out about McKay?

A.He trained pilots for some time.
B.He lived longer than other pilots.
C.He died in the Second World War.
D.He was downed by the pilot Boelcke.

McKay’s flying documents were destroyed in      .

A.Belgium B.Germany C.Canada D.England

We can learn from the last paragraph that McKay     .

A.preferred fight to his study
B.went to war before graduation
C.left a picture for Corey Everrett
D.set an example for his fellow students

What is the text mainly about?

A.The research into war history.
B.The finding of a forgotten hero.
C.The pilots of the two world wars.
D.The importance of military studies.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was the first snow of winter — an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers. Up until now, I had been old enough to dress myself, but today would need some help. Miss Finlayson, my kindergarten teacher, had been through brst snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one. 
I managed to get into my wool snow trousers. But I struggled won my jacket because it didn’t fit well. It was a hand-mc-down from my brother, and if made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes, At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty. Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots(靴子). 
In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots.” I didn’t realize at the at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence(信心). 
I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot. Like most children, I expected grown-ups to do all the work. After much pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too. 
I announced, “They’re on the wrong feet.”
She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again. 
“They’re my brother’s boots, you know,” I said. “I hate them”. 
Somehow,  from long years of practice,  she managed to act as though I wasn’t an annoying(烦人的) little girl,  She struggle with me, she asked, “Now, where are your mittens(连指手套)?”
I looked into her eyes and said, “I didn’t want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots. 
The little girl was more satisfied with her_____.

A.trousers B.jacket C.boots D.hat

Miss Finlayson had difficulty with the girl’s boots mainly because_____.

A.the girl got them from her brother B.the girl put something in them
C.they were on the wrong feet D.they did not fit the girl well

Why does the author Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day?

A.Because the little girl was in her brother’s clothes.
B.Because it was the most exciting day of the winter .
C.Because the little girl played a trick on her.
D.Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf.

We can learn from the text that Miss Finlayson____.

A.was losing confidence in the little girl.
B.gradually lost patience with the little girl.
C.became disappointed with the little girl.
D.was getting bored with the little girl.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was waiting for a phone call from my agent. He had left at message the night before, telling me that my show was to be cancelled. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, but there was still no call.

Three hours passing by, I became more and more and impatient. I was certain that my agent didn't care about my work, and he didn't care about me. I was overcome with that thought. I started to shout at the phone, "Let me wait, will you? Who do you think you are?"

At that time I didn't realize my wife was looking on. Without showing her surprise, she rushed in, seized the phone, tore off the wires, and shouted at the phone, "Yeah! Who do you think you are? Bad telephone! Bad telephone!" And she swept it into the wastebasket.

I stood watching her, speechless. What on earth...?

She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the test of the house, "Now hear this! All objects in this room----if you do anything to upset my husband, out you go!"

Then she turned to me. Kissed me and said calmly, "Honey, you just have to learn how to take control." With that, she left the room.

After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight , I noticed that something in my mood (情绪) had changed. I was laughing. How could I have trouble with that phone? Her aunties helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things. Twenty minutes later my agent did call. I was able to listen to him and talk to him and talk to him calmly.


Why did the author shout at the telephone?

A. He was mad at the telephone.
B. He was angry with his agent.
C. He was anxious about his wife.
D. He was impatient with the secretary?

What did the author's wife do after she heard his shouting?

A. She said nothing.
B. She shouted at him.
C. She called the agent.
D. She threw the phone away.

What made the author laugh?

A. His own behavior
B. His wife's suggestion
C. His changeable feelings.
D. His wife's sweet kiss.

What does the underlined word "aunties" refer to?

A. Smut words
B. Unusual actions.
C. Surprising Looks
D. Anxious feelings.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart(购物手推车). They will, in a lifetime, push the chrome-plated contraptions many miles. But few will know—or even think to ask—who it was that invented them.
Sylvan N. Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937. At that time he was in the supermarket business. Every day he would see shoppers lugging(吃力地携带) groceries around in baskets they had to carry.
One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting baskets on wheels. The wheeled baskets would make shopping much easier for his customers, and would help to attract more business.
On June 4, 1937, Goldman’s first carts were ready for use in his market. He was terribly excited on the morning of that day as customers began arriving. He couldn’t wait to see them using his invention.
But Goldman was disappointed. Most shoppers gave the carts a long look, but hardly anybody would give them a try.
After a while, Goldman decided to ask customers why they weren’t using his carts. “Don’t you think this arm is strong enough to carry a shopping basket?” one shopper replied.
But Goldman wasn’t beaten yet. He knew his carts would be a great success if only he could persuade people to give them a try. To this end, Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market and pretend they were shopping! Seeing this, the real customers gradually began copying the phony(假冒的) customers.
As Goldman had hoped, the carts were soon attracting larger and larger numbers of customers to his market. But not only did more people come—those who came bought more. With larger, easier-to-handle baskets, customers unconsciously bought a greater number of items than before.
Today’s shopping carts are five times larger than Goldman’s original model. Perhaps that’s one reason Americans today spend more than five times as much money on food each year as they did before 1937—before the coming of the shopping cart.
The underlined words “chrome-plate contraptions” in Paragraph 1 refer to ______.
(No more than 3 words)
What was the purpose of Goldman’s invention? (No more than 10 words)
Why was Goldman disappointed at first? (No more than 10 words)
Why did Goldman hire people to push carts around his market? (No more than 10 words)
What do you think of Goldman? Please give your reasons. (No more than 20 words)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was going home to India last year, I called up my mother to ask if she wanted anything from China.
When India had not opened up its markets to the world, I carried suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans.Thankfully, we can get all these anywhere in India now.
Still, her answer surprised me: “Green tea.”
As long as I can remember she didn’t even drink Indian tea .
I dutifully bought a big packet of Longjing and headed home to hear the story.My mother and her brother, both regular newspaper readers, believed that Chinese green tea was the wonder drug for all illnesses.
At the turn of the century, China was not really familiar to the average Indian.It was a strange country.
How things change! And how soon!
Now every town of any size seems to have a “China Market”.And everyone is talking about China.
The govemment of Indin has planned to send a team to China to see how things are done.A minister once said that India must open the doors for more foreign investment(投资)and such a step would “work wonders as it did for China”.
But it’s a two-way street.I just heard about a thousand Shenzhen office workers who have gone to Bangalore to train in software.Meanwhile, all the Indian IT majors are setting up a strong presence in China.
No wonder that trade, which was only in the millions just ten years ago, is expected to hit about US $15 billion for last year and US $20 billion by 2008, a goal set by both governments.
No wonder, my colleague wrote some weeks ago about this being the Sino-Indian(中印)century as the two countries started on January 1 the Sino-Indian Friendship Year.
But what is still a wonder to me is my mother drinking Chinese tea.
According to the passage, the author left _____ for ______.

A.India; China B.China; India
C.China; Longjing D.India; Shenzhen

The reason why the writer’s mother asked for Chinese green tea is that_____.

A.she had a son working in China B.she believed it had a curing effect
C.she enjoyed Chinese products D.she was tired of Indian tea

The underlined part “it’s a two-way street” in Paragraph 10 probably means ____.

A.The exchanges between Indian and China benefit both.
B.China and India have different traffic rules.
C.Tea trade works wonders in both India and China.
D.Chinese produces are popular in both China and India.

It can be inferred from the passage that _______.

A.the author was concerned for his mother’s health
B.the author was in favor of drinking Chinese green tea
C.the author was surprised at China’s recent development
D.the author was curious about the growth of India’s IT industry
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States. The rest of his family remained in Europe. When World War I broke out, he seemed to have become another man, downhearted. Such obvious change was not born out of concern for his welfare, but out of fear: if his only son, my uncle, had to go to war, it would be cousin fighting against cousin.
One day in 1918, my Uncle Milton received his draft notice. My grandparents were very upset. But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends, my uncle bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted.
The moment came when my uncle and the other soldiers, without any training but all in uniforms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. Although no one noticed. I'm sure my grandmother had a tear in her eye for the only son. The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly paused. Everyone stared in wonder as the train slowly returned to the station. There was a dead silence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. Someone shouted, "The war is over!" For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up in two lines, walked down the steps, and with the band playing, marched down the street, as returning heroes, to be welcomed home. My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didn't last a tiny bit longer.


What the grandfather was most worried about was.

A. the spread of the world war B. the safety of his two cousins
C. a drop in his living standards D. his relatives killing each other

The underlined phrase "draft notice" means "".

A. order for army service B. train ticket for Europe
C. letter of rejection D. note of warning

What did the "service pins"(in Para. 2) stand for in the eyes of the little girls?

A. Strength. B. Courage. C. Victory. D. Honor.

Which of the following words can best describe the ending of the story?

A. Disappointing. B. Unexpected. C. Uncertain. D. Inspiring.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Computer programmer David Jones earns $35.000 a year designing new computer games. yet he cannot find a bank ready to let him have a credit card(信用卡)Instead he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18. The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job David’s firm releases(推出)two new games for the fast growing computer market each month
But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot he cannot drive a car take out a mortgage(抵押贷款),or get credit cards David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago ,a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs” he said David spends some of his money on records and clothes and gives his mother 50 pounds a week But most of his spare time is spent working.
“Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school “ he said “But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway” David added :”I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休)is a possibility You never know when the market might disappear.”
In what way is David different from people of his age?

A.He often goes out with friends
B.He lives with his mother
C.He has a handsome income
D.He graduated with six O-levels

What is one of the problems that David is facing now?

A.He is too young to get a credit card
B.He has no time to learn driving
C.He has very little spare time
D.He will soon lose his job

Why was David able to get the job in the company?

A.He had done well in all his exams
B.He had written some computer programs
C.He was good at playing computer games
D.He had learnt to use computers at school

Why did David decide to leave school and start working?

A.He received lots of job offers
B.He was eager to help his mother
C.He lost interest in school studies
D.He wanted to earn his own living
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I suddenly heard an elephant crying as though frightened Looking down I immediately recognized that something was wrong and ran down to the edge of the near bank There I saw Ma Shwe with her three-month-old calf struggling in the fast-rising water and it was a life-and-death struggle Her calf was floating and screaming with fear Ma Shwe was as near to the far bank as she could get, holding her whole body against the rushing water and keeping the calf pressed against her huge body . Every now and then the rushing water would sweep the calf a way.
There was a sudden rise in the water and the calf was washed clean over the mother’s body and was gone Ma Shwe turned quickly to reach it and pressed the calf with her head and trunk(象鼻)against the rocky bank Then with a huge effort she picked it up in her trunk and tried until she was able to place it on a narrow shelf of rock
Just at this moment she fell back into the river If she were carried down it would be certain death I knew as well as she did ,that there was one spot(地点)where she could get up the bank  but it was on the other side from where she had put her calf
While I was wondering what I could do next I heard the sound of a mother’s love Ma Shwe had crossed the river and got up the bank and was making her way back as fast as she could roaring(吼叫)all the time but to her calf it was music.
The moment the author got down to the river bank he saw______.

A.the calf was about to fall into the river
B.Ma Shwe was placing the calf on the rock
C.the calf was washed away by the rising water
D.Ma Shwe was holding the calf against the rushing water

How did Ma Shwe manage to save her calf from the fast-flowing water?

A.By putting it on a safe spot
B.By pressing it against her body
C.By taking it away with her
D.By carrying it on her back

How did the calf feel about the mother elephant’s roaring?

A.It was a great comfort B.It was a sign of danger
C.It was a call for help D.It was a musical note

What can be the best title for the text?

A.A Mother’s Love B.A Brave Act
C.A Deadly River D.A Matter of Life and Death
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He met her at the party. She was so outstanding, with many boys around her, while he was so normal, with nobody paying attention to him.
At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him. She was surprised, but due to being polite, she agreed.
They sat in a nice coffee shop. He was too nervous to say anything, and she felt uncomfortable, thinking, “Please let me go home.”
Suddenly he asked the waiter, “Would you please give me some salt? I’d like to put it in my coffee.”
Everybody stared at him---so strange! His face turned red, but, still, he put the salt in his coffee and drank it.
She asked him curiously, “Why do you have this hobby?”
He replied, “When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea. I liked playing in the sea, and I could feel the taste of the sea, just like the taste of the salty coffee. Now every time I have the salty coffee, I always think of my childhood. I miss my hometown so much. I miss my parents who are still living there.”
While saying that, tears filled his eyes. She was deeply touched. That’s his true feeling, from the bottom of his heart. A man who can tell about his homesickness must be a man who loves home, cares about home, and has a good sense of responsibility.
Then she also started to speak, about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was a really nice talk, also a beautiful beginning of their story.
They continued to date. She found that actually he was a man who meets all her demands: he was kind-hearted, warm and careful. He was such a good person but she almost missed him!
Thanks to his salty coffee! Then the story was just like every beautiful love story, the princess married the prince, then they were living a happy life…And, every time she made coffee for him, she put some salt in the coffee.
After 40 years, he passed away, leaving her a letter which said, “My dearest, please forgive my whole-life lie. This was the only lie I said to you ---the salty coffee.”
“Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous at that time. Actually I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me to change so I just went ahead.”
“I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.”
“Now I’m dying, I’m afraid of nothing so I tell you the truth: I don’t like the salty coffee. What a strange and bad taste! But I have had the salty coffee for my whole life!”
“Since I knew you, I never feel sorry for anything I do for you. Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life. If I can live for a second time, I still want to know you and have you for my whole life, even though I have to drink the salty coffee again.”
Her tears made the letter totally wet.
Someday, someone asked her, “What’s the taste of salty coffee?” “It’s sweet,” she replied.
After ordering some salt to put into the coffee, the young man must have felt _________.

A.excited B.satisfied C.embarrassed D.displeased

Why did the man have salty coffee all his life?

A.To change lifestyle. B.To please his wife.
C.To keep his word. D.To remember the past

What does the write mean by saying “she almost missed him”?

A.She meant to leave him on their first date.
B.She thought of him every now and then.
C.She nearly misunderstood his explanation.
D.She could hardly believe this simple fact.

From the passage, we can see that the man is ___________.

A.dishonest but responsible B.shy but kind-hearted
C.caring and loyal D.warm and understanding

It is implied in the passage that the woman ___________ when reading the letter left by her husband.

A.was confused about his behavior B.was touched by his white lie
C.felt sorry to know the truth too late D.felt angry about his dishonesty
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When 7-year-old Warren Buffett said,“I will be the richest man one day,” his friends made fun of his “daydreaming”. But ever since then the little boy has set about learning how to make money by selling drinks, delivering newspaper and buying stocks. The American had already earned $9,000 (equal to $90,000 today) by the time he graduated from high school.
And this month the 78-year-old man, who earned his fortune by making a lot of sound investment in the stock market, took the place of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, as the world’s richest man. Gates’ worth declined $1.5 billion to $55.5 billion in 33 days after the recent financial storm, according to Forbes Magazine.
Buffett, the only son of a stockbroker, was ready to think outside the box to develop his business from a very early age. At 8, he went to golf courses collecting and selling the used balls. At 11 when he sold soda pop door-to-door with a friend, the pair collected lids on streets to judge which flavor was the most popular.
As a paper boy during high school, Buffett delivered two competitor papers, so that even when customers canceled one of the subscriptions, he could still make a profit from the other. With his paper delivery savings, Buffett bought 162,000 square meters of farmland and collected rent. Young Buffett stepped into the stock market at 11 but earned only $5. The experience taught him one of the virtues in investing, patience.
After graduating from university, Buffett started his venture with stocks with his childhood earnings and money from friends. He researched the stocks and just bought those of solid companies that were undervalued and inexpensive at the time. By sticking to companies such as American Express and Coca-Cola, Buffett has become rich.
“Learning is important to Buffett’s success. He is a learning machine who can spend his entire day reading. He keeps learning from books, street smarts and investigation, from both success and failure. In this way, he over-achieved his aptitude (能力).” said Charlie Munger, his longtime business partner.
The passage is mainly about ___________.

A.why Buffett took the place of Bill Gates as the world’s richest man
B.what effect Buffett’s childhood experiences had on his success
C.how Buffett earned his fortune and achieved his aptitude
D.what Buffett dreamt about when he was a child

Which of the following is true about Buffett?

A.His worth is more than $ 55.5 billion now.
B.He is next to Bill Gates in wealth at the present time.
C.He achieved great success on stepping into the stock market.
D.He bought 162,000 square meters of farmland by selling soda pop.

How did Buffett behave at the stock market?

A.He often prefers some inexpensive stocks.
B.He will buy the stock whose price is lower than its value.
C.He always borrows money from his friends to buy stocks.
D.He will sell the stock if its price doesn’t go up.

Which is the main factor that determines Buffett’s success?

A.His education. B.His family background.
C.His desire to learn. D.His cooperation with his partner.

What can we infer from the passage?

A.Buffett is an immediate success in the stock market.
B.Buffett and Gates are business partners.
C.His father helped him a lot in his business.
D.Buffett has a good sense of business.
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It gives me great pleasure today to say a few words in praise of a man we will all miss very much. To be honest, I can’t imagine we will do without him when he’s gone. Bill Masters almost single-handed built up our sales force in the Houston area and developed the market position that we enjoy today. In only six years, he has brought the firm from a very low fifth position in the area sales to the point where we now outsell all but one of our competitors. Not only have we got 37 per cent of the market under Bill’s leadership; we are increas¬ing our share with each passing month.
As you know, the company has moved Bill to northern California to work his sales magic in one of this company’s competitive areas. But we know that if anyone can do it, Bill Masters can, and I know you all join me in wishing him the best of luck in his new work.
1. The speech was made ________.
A. at a welcome meeting                            B. after someone died
C. when somebody was leaving           D. when they had a new manager
2. How long did Masters work there?
A. 37 years.                          B. Less than 5 years.
C. About six years.                     D. Since he began to work.
3 When Bill started to work in Houston area, he had to help him.
A. many people     B. nobody      C. about 37 people        D. very few people
4. Bill increased the company’s sale________.
A. by 37 per cent every month             B. to the second largest in the area
C. to be the fifth largest in the area             D. five times as much as before

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The USA is the first country where Mother’s Day appeared.
On May 9th, 1906,an American Anne Jevis’s mother died. Ann was in deep sorrow. In order to memorize her mother, she put forward a proposal to fix a day as Mother’s Day. On May 7th ,1914,the Congress of the USA passed a law ,making the second Sunday of May “Mother’s Day”.
Today millions of Americans observe Mother’s Day in some ways. They buy more than 150,000,000Mother’s Day greeting cards. Companies produce more than 1,000 different kinds. Most of the cards show pictures of flowers, hearts or other things that people feel are linked to being a mother. They have messages that express a person’s love for his or her mother. Some are humorous. And some have no words. People can express their own feelings for their mother. Many people give flowers for Mother’s Day. It is one of the busiest days of the year for the flower industry. Many people have written songs about mothers and Mother’s Day.
Mother’s Day is a time for young children to do special things for their mother. Some would make a special gift or draw a special picture. One family activity on Mother’s Day is to have the children cook the early morning meal .Then they serve the food to their mother while she is still in bed. Or they might clean the house so she does not have to do it. Fathers might take care of the children that day so the mothers can rest, or take a walk, or read a book. Many mothers feel that this free time on their special day is a very good Mother’s Day gift.
Some families will get together for a meal at a local eating place. This means that mothers do not have to cook on their special day. Coming out to dinner has become a tradition on Mother’s Day. As a result, restaurants are extremely crowded that day. It has become one of the busiest days of the year for the restaurant industry in the United States.
Now Mother’s Day has been an international festival and more than 40 countries have accepted this festival.
Title:76     Day

The 77       Sunday of May
Anne’s 79.          at her mother’s death
to celebrate
Cards are sent with flowers or hearts to express80.      
81.         written for mothers
Special things done by children
Make special gifts
Draw special pictures
Cook and serve the early
morning meal
Clean the house
Special things done by fathers
Look after children
Get together for a meal at a local eating place, which makes restaurants very83.       
An international festival celebrated in over 85.       countries
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