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Louis Armstrong had two famous nicknames. Some people called him Bagamo. They said his mouth looked like a large bag. Musicians often called him Pops, as a sign of respect for his influence on the world of music.
Born in 1901 in New Orleans, he grew up poor, but lived among great musicians. Jazz was invented in the city a few years before his birth. Armstrong often said, “Jazz and I grew up together.”
Armstrong showed a great talent for music when he was taught to play the cornet (短号) at a boy’s home. In his late teens, Armstrong began to live the life of a musician. He played in parades, clubs, and on the steamboats that traveled on the Mississippi River. At that time, New Orleans was famous for the new music of jazz and was home to many great musicians. Armstrong learned from the older musicians and soon became respected as their equal. In 1922 he went to Chicago. There, the tale of Louis Armstrong begins. From then until the end of his life, Armstrong was celebrated and loved wherever he went. Armstrong had no equal when it came to playing the American popular song.
His cornet playing had a deep humanity and warmth that caused many listeners to say,“Listening to Pops just makes you feel good all over.” He was the father of the jazz style and also one of the best-known and most admired people in the world. His death, on July 6, 1971, was headline news around the world.
Armstrong was called Pops because he          .

A.looked like a musician
B.was a musician of much influence
C.showed an interest in music
D.traveled to play modern music

The third paragraph is developed            .

A.by space B.by examples
C.by time D.by comparison

Which statement about Armstrong is true?

A.His tale begins in New Orleans.
B.He was born before jazz was invented.
C.His music was popular with his listeners.
D.He learned popular music at a boy’s home.

Which would be the best title for the text?

A.The Invention of the Jazz Music
B.The Father of the Jazz Style
C.The Making of a Musician
D.The Spread of Popular Music
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Arthur Miller (1915-2005) is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century. Miller's father had moved to the USA from Austria Hungary, drawn like so many others by the "Great American Dream". However, he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early 1930s.
Miller's most famous play, Death of a Salesman, is a powerful attack on the American system, with its aggressive way of doing business and its insistence(坚持,强调) on money and social status as indicators of worth. In Willy Loman, the hero of the play, we see a man who has got into trouble with this system. Willy is "burnt out" and in the cruel world of business there is no room for sentiment(感伤): if he can't do the work, then he is no good to his employer, the Wagner Company, and he must go. Willy is painfully aware of this, and at a loss as to what to do with his lack of success. He refuses to face the fact that he has failed and kills himself in the end.
When it was first staged in 1949, the play was greeted with enthusiastic reviews, and it won the Tony Award for Best Play, the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award, and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It was the first play to win all three of these major awards.
Miller died of heart failure at his home in Roxbury, Connecticut, on the evening of February 10, 2005, the 56th anniversary of the first performance of Death of a Salesman on Broadway.
Why did Arthur Miller's father move to the USA?

A.He suffered from severe hunger in his home country.
B.He was attracted by the "Great American Dream"
C.He hoped to make his son a dramatist.
D.His family business failed.

The play Death of a Salesman________.

A.exposes the cruelty of the American business world
B.discusses the ways to get promoted in a company
C.talks about the business career of Arthur Miller
D.focuses on the skills in doing business

What can we learn about Willy Loman?

A.He treats his employer badly.
B.He runs the Wagner Company
C.He is a victim of the American system.
D.He is regarded as a hero by his colleagues.

What is the text mainly about?

A.Arthur Miller and his family
B.The awards Arthur Miller won
C.The hardship Arthur Miller experienced
D.Arthur Miller and his best-known play
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Knowing that Mrs. Mallard suffered from a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death.
It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences. Her husband’s friend Richards was there, too. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when news of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard’s name leading the list of “killed.” He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and hurried to send the sad message.
She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same. She wept at once, with wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms. When the storm of sadness had spent itself she went away to her room alone.
There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that held her body and seemed to reach into her soul.
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver (颤抖的) with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves(屋檐).
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? It was too hard to name. But she felt it, coming out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the smells, the color that filled the air.
Now her chest rose and fell violently. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was trying very hard to beat it back with her will. When she gave up trying a little whispered word escaped her lips. She said it over and over under the breath: “free, free, free!”
She did not stop to ask if it was extreme joy that held her. She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, gentle hands folded in death; the face that had never looked at her except with love, fixed and gray and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter moment many years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome.
There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers.
And yet she had loved him—sometimes. What did it matter! What could love count for in the face of her realization.
“Free! Body and soul free!” she kept whispering.
Josephine was kneeling before the closed door with her lips to the keyhole. “Louise, open the door! I beg; open the door—you will make yourself ill.”
“Go away. I am not making myself ill.”
Her fancy was running wild along those days ahead of her, all sorts of days that would be her own. She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long. It was only yesterday she had thought with a shake that life might be long.
She arose after a long time and opened the door to her sister’s begging. She carried herself unknowingly like a goddess of Victory. She held her sister’s waist, and together they walked down the stairs.
Someone was opening the front door with a key. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, calmly carrying his suitcase and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine’s sharp cry; at Richards’ quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife.
When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease—of the joy that kills.
What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 7 indicate?

A.Mrs. Mallard decided to fight back when her husband beat her.
B.Mrs. Mallard was trying hard to fight against her heart trouble.
C.Mrs. Mallard was struggling with the guilty feeling of happiness.
D.Mrs. Mallard was extremely sad because of her husband’s death.

What is “that bitter moment” in paragraph 8?

A.The time when she saw her husband’s dead body.
B.The time when she had lived with her husband.
C.The time when she had to live without her husband.
D.The time when she heard of her husband’s death.

What can we infer about Mr. Mallard?

A.He was killed in a railroad disaster.
B.He survived the railroad accident.
C.He was unaware of what was going on.
D.He hurried back to comfort his wife.

What can we learn from paragraph 14 “Her fancy …might be long”?

A.Mrs. Mallard was more afraid of her future life.
B.Mrs. Mallard missed her husband very much.
C.Mrs. Mallard always thought life was hopeful.
D.Mrs. Mallard used to think life was hopeless.

What really killed Mrs. Mallard?

A.The joy of seeing her husband coming back alive.
B.The shock of losing her coming freedom.
C.The fear of seeing the ghost of her husband.
D.The sadness of losing her husband suddenly.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This is a true story from Guyana.One day, a boy took a piece of paper from a box.He made a paper ball and pushed it into his nose.He couldn’t get it out.He ran crying to his mother.His mother couldn’t get the paper out, either.A week later, the paper was still in the boy’s nose.His nose began to have a bad smell.
So his mother took the boy to a hospital.The doctor looked up at the child’s nose, but she couldn’t get the paper out.She said she had to cut the boy’s nose to get the paper out.
The boy’s mother came home looking sad.She didn’t want her child to have his nose cut.The next day she took the boy to her friend Sidney who lived in a house with an old lady called May.May wanted to see the child, so the child let her look up his nose.
“Yes, I can see it,” May said.“It will be out soon.”
As she spoke, she shook some black pepper on the child’s nose.The child gave a mighty(强而有力的) sneeze and the paper flew out.His mother was surprised.May told his mother to take the boy to the seaside for a swim, for the salt water would go up his nose and stop the bad smell.
So the lucky boy didn’t have to go to the hospital to have his nose cut.
After the boy pushed a paper ball into his nose, ____.

A.he took it out
B.his mother took it out
C.he tried to take it out but failed
D.he did nothing but cry

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The doctor helped to take the paper ball out of the boy’s nose.
B.The boy had to have his nose cut at last.
C.The boy’s mother found some black pepper to solve the problem.
D.May succeeded in taking the paper out.

The boy should be taken to the seaside for a swim because ____.

A.he needed to learn to swim.
B.the sea water would wash out the paper ball.
C.the sea water would stop the bad smell of his nose.
D.he needed a rest.

The paper ball stayed in the boy’s nose for ________.

A.at most seven days B.less than seven days
C.more than seven days D.exactly seven days

According to the story,______was most worried about the boy’s accident.

A.the boy’s mother B.Sidney
C.May D.the doctor
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pearl Buck(1892—1973)was born in Hillsboro, West Virginia. She grew up in China, but  was educated at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College. After her graduation she returned to China and lived there until 1934 with the exception of a year spent at Cornell University, where she took an MA in 1926.Pearl Buck began to write in the twenties; her first novel, East Wind; West Wind, appeared in 1930.It was followed by The Good Earth (1931),Sons(1932),and A House Divided(1935),together forming a trilogy(三部曲)on the stories of the family of Wang. The Good Earth stood on the American list of bestsellers for a long time and earned her several awards, including the Pulitzer Prize and the William Dean Howells Medal. She also published The first Wife and Other Stories(1933),All Men are Brothers(1933),The Mother(1934),and This Proud Heart(1938).The biographies(传记)of her mother and father, The Exile and Fighting Angel, were published in 1936 and later brought out together under the title of The Spirit and the Flesh(1944).
Pearl Buck’s works after 1938 are too many to speak about. Her novels have continued to deal with the differences between East and West. Her interest has spread to such countries as India and Korea.
Pearl Buck was active in many charity(慈善)organizations; in particular she set up an organization for the adoption of Asian-American children and took an active interest in children with low IQ.
What is the correct time order of the following events?
a. Pearl Buck took an MA at Cornell University.
b. Pearl Buck published The First Wife and Other Stories.
c. Pearl Buck’s first novel, East Wind; West Wind appeared.
d. Pearl Buck published the biographies of her mother and father.

A.a,b,c,d B.a,d,c,b
C.a,c,b,d D.a,d,b,c

We can learn from the passage that_______.

A.Pearl Buck attended a college in China
B.The Good Earth was well-received by American readers
C.Pearl Buck stayed in China in 1926
D.Pearl Buck stopped writing in 1938

According to the passage, Pearl Buck was interested in______.

A.American history B.politics in India and Korea
C.writing novels about war D.doing charity work

In which part of a magazine would you probably read the passage?

A.People B.Politics C.Travel D.Business
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was growing up, I was ashamed to be seen with my father. He was severely disabled and very short, and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for balance, people would stare. If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never let it on.
It was difficult to coordinate(协调)our steps---his slow, mine impatient---and because of that, we didn’t say much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said, “You set the pace, I will try to adjust to you.”
He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able. What he looked for in others was a “good heart”, and if he found one, the owner was good enough for him.
Now that I am older, I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people, even though I still don’t know accurately what a “good heart” is. But I know the times I don’t have one myself.
Unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate(参加) in some way. I now know he participated in some things indirectly through me, his only son. When I played ball(poorly),he “played” too. When I joined the navy ,he “joined” too. And when I came home on leave ,he saw to it that I visited his office. Introducing me, he was really saying, “This is my son, but it is also me, and I could have done this, too, if things had been different.”Those words were never said aloud.
He has been gone many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if he sensed my unwillingness to be seen with him during our walks. If he did, I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was, how unworthy I was, how I regretted it. I think of him when I complain about small affairs, when I am envious of another’s good fortune, when I don’t have a “good heart”.
At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance, and say, “You set the pace, I will try to adjust to you.”
The author felt unhappy walking with his father because___.

A.he was pitiful for his father’s physical disability
B.it was hard for them to walk at the same pace
C.he didn’t want others to know he had an ugly father
D.it was not easy for his father to keep balance

In the father’s view, the most important quality a good person should have is___.

A.beautiful appearance B.excellent health
C.a smart head D.a good heart

It can be inferred from the text that_____.

A.the father was proud of his only son
B.the father took part in all his son’s activities
C.the author was upset when asked to his father’s office
D.the author was a good ball player and outstanding soldier

According to the last paragraph, by saying “You set the pace, I will try to adjust to you.”, the author means that____.

A.he is now glad to help his father to walk
B.he regrets his unwillingness to walk with his father
C.he will follow father’s standards of being a good man
D.he will never forget how mentally strong his father was
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Larry was on another of his underwater expeditions(探险)but this time, it was different. He decided to take his daughter along with him. She was only ten years old. This would be her first trip with her father on what he had always been famous for.
Larry first began diving when he was his daughter’s age. Similarly, his father had taken him along on one of his expeditions. Since then, he had never looked back. Larry started out by renting diving suits from the small diving shop just along the shore. He had hated them. They were either too big or too small. Then, there was the instructor. He gave him a short lesson before allowing him into the water with his father. He had made an exception. Larry would never have been able to go down without at least five hours of theory and another similar number of hours on practical lessons with a guide. Children his age were not even allowed to dive.
After the first expedition, Larry’s later diving adventures only got better and better. There was never a dull moment. In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank fastened on his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean. Dangerous areas did not prevent him from continuing his search. Sometimes, he was limited to a cage underwater but that did not bother him. At least, he was still able to take photographs of the underwater creatures
Larry’s first expedition without his father was in the Cayman Islands. There were numerous diving spots in the area and Larry was determined to visit all of them. Fortunately for him, a man offered to take him around the different spots for free. Larry did not even know what the time was, how many spots he dived into or how many photographs he had taken. The diving spots afforded such a wide array of fish and sea creatures that Larry saw more than thirty varieties of creatures.
Larry looked at his daughter. She looked as excited as he had been when he was her age. He hoped she would be able to continue the family tradition. Already, she looked like she was much braver than Larry had been then. This was the key to a successful underwater expedition.
In what way was this expedition different for Larry?

A.His daughter had grown up.
B.He had become a famous diver.
C.His father would dive with him.
D.His daughter would dive with him.

What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A.Larry had some privileges.
B.Larry liked the rented diving suits.
C.Divers had to buy diving equipment.
D.Ten-year-old children were permitted to dive.

Why did Larry have to stay in a cage underwater sometimes?

A.To protect himself from danger.
B.To dive into the deep water.
C.To admire the underwater view.
D.To take photos more conveniently.

What did Larry expect his daughter to do?

A.Become a successful diver.
B.Make a good diving guide.
C.Take a lot of photos underwater.
D.Have longer hours of training.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Even at school there had been an unhealthy competition between George and Richard.
“I’ll be the first millionaire in Coleford!” Richard used to boast.
“And you’ll be sorry you knew me,” George would reply “because I’ll be the best lawyer in the town!”
George never did become a lawyer and Richard never made any money. Instead both men opened bookshops on opposite sides of Coleford High Street. It was hard to make money from books, which made the competition between them worse.
Then Richard married a mysterious girl. The couple spent their honeymoon on the coast—but Richard never came back. The police found his wallet on a deserted beach but the body was never found. He must have drowned.
Now with only one bookshop in town, business was better for George. But sometimes he sat in his narrow, old kitchen and gazed out of the dirty window, thinking about his formal rival. Perhaps he missed him?
George was very interested in old dictionaries. He’d recently found a collector in Australia who was selling a rare first edition. When the parcel arrived, the book was in perfect condition and George was delighted. But while he was having lunch, George glanced at the photo in the newspaper that the book had been wrapped in. He was astonished—the smiling face was older than he remembered but unmistakable! Trembling, George started reading.
“Bookends have bought ten bookstores from their rival Dylans. The company, owned by multi-millionaire Richard Pike, is now the largest bookseller in Australia.”
George and Richard were ______ at school.

A.roommates B.good friends
C.competitors D.booksellers

How did George feel about Richard after his disappearance?

A.He envied Richard’s marriage.
B.He thought of Richard from time to time.
C.He felt lucky with no rival in town.
D.He was guilty of Richard’s death.

What can we infer from this article?

A.Richard’ wife played an important part in his career.
B.Competition could make close friends become rivals.
C.George got information about Richard from the wrapping paper of a book.
D.Richard became a millionaire while George had no great success.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The streams were long gone back into the earth. If we didn't see some rain soon we would lose everything.
I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. He was obviously walking with a great effort... trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house.
Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow purposeful long step toward the woods. This activity went on for over an hour: walking cautiously to the woods, then running back to the house. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me. I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey.
He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked; being very careful not to spill the water he held in them. Branches and thorns slapped his little face but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much greater purpose. As I leaned in to spy on him, I saw the most amazing site.
Several large deer appeared threatening in front of him. But Billy walked right up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. And I saw a baby deer lying on the ground, obviously suffering from heavy loss of water and heat exhaustion, lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hand.
I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so hard to save a life. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops... and more drops... and more. I looked up at the sky. It was as if God, Himself, was weeping with pride.
Why did the author follow her son?

A.Because there might be danger.
B.Because her son was doing a good deed.
C.Because she intended to help.
D.Because she was curious.

Which of the following statements is Not True according to the passage?

A.Rain was in great need.
B.Billy carried water with his small hands.
C.There were few trees in the woods.
D.Billy walked into the woods and then returned over and over again.

Which is the correct order of the development of the story?
①The author was moved to tears.
②Billy fed the water to the baby deer.
③Billy walked towards the large deer.
④It began to rain.
⑤The author followed Billy into the woods.

A.③②⑤①④ B.⑤③②①④
C.④①③②⑤ D.⑤②①③④

At the end of the story, the author might experience different feelings Except that _____

A.Billy was a pride.
B.God was touched by Billy's activity.
C.the rain should have dropped earlier.
D.it was worthwhile to have given birth to Billy.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear John,
My name is Amber and I want to share my story with you because what you've shared about life and positive energy has changed my life. This past year has been one of the hardest for me. I felt I was stuck in a position that had nothing to do with what I wanted to do with my life. In January, after two years of being together, my boyfriend left me.
I read your blog every morning as I drink my coffee at work, but it wasn't until this March that I told myself "no more negativity" as you taught readers in your blog.
Since then I've got into new habits at work to keep my energy positive. When people walk in the front door, I'm the first face they see, so I smile big when I say "good morning" to them, especially on Mondays. Instead of waiting for someone to ask me for help, I offer it with an open mind. The CEO noticed my change and offered me the executive assistant position that I wanted.
One of the biggest things I've taken to heart from your blog is changing my opinions on my job. Yes, it was not an important position, but when I was passionate (热情的) about it, I could make my life fulfilling.
All in all, I have to thank you somehow for having the passion to help others because it truly is inspiring to me. So thank you so much, John. My life has changed because your words pointed me in the right direction, Take care!
Sincerely ,
Amber wrote the letter mainly to______

A.introduce herself to John B.talk about her bad year
C.ask for some advice D.express her thanks

We can infer from the passage that Amber______

A.didn't like her boyfriend
B.spent a lot of time online
C.wasn't satisfied with her job
D.received very good education

What is implied about John in the letter?

A.He is a very famous writer.
B.He used to live a very negative life.
C.He doesn't like sharing his life stories.
D.He likes helping others through writing positive blogs.

What does Amber's change tell us?

A.Practice makes perfect.
B.Bad luck doesn't exist long.
C.A positive attitude is rewarding.
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Is there anything else you need, honey?” my dad asked me as he put three twenty ­dollar bills in my hand. I was traveling back home from a family visit, and after treating me to breakfast and filling my car with gas, it was obvious that my dad wanted to make sure that I would be okay on the road.
“No, Dad. You've done so much already. Thank you!” I was overwhelmed once again by his kind acts of providing everything I needed, although I turned 40. Yet I realize that in my father's eyes, I will always be his little girl. He takes deep pleasure in knowing his children are all right. Now that he has enough money, he loves to give whenever he sees a need.
But this was not always the case. Divorced from my mother when I was 11, my dad couldn't be around his kids as often as he would have liked. Money was also tight; even weekend visits were rare. However, my dad stayed in constant communication with us and made sure he was involved in our lives. Though he couldn't always be there in person, I knew he was only a phone call away. I could always make sure of that.
Even now, almost 30 years later, I treasure knowing that I can pick up the phone and call Dad, and he'll be there for me. I have a wonderful husband, but that hasn't changed how Dad sees me. I'm still his child and he loves to see that my needs are met.
I remember a time when I was shopping in a hardware store (五金店) with Dad. I mentioned my plans to paint one wall in my house. Well, that's all it took for Dad to take action. By the time I got to the checkout(结账) line, all the supplies I picked out were put out of my hands and placed with things he bought.
Then there was the time when I took him with me to do some grocery shopping for just a few “ items”. By the time we were finished, my shopping cart was full of groceries from every shelf in the store! My sister and I joke that if you don't want Dad to buy it for you, avoid even mentioning you want something.
What's the best title for the passage?

A.Father's generosity B.Father's considerate love
C.The love for children D.Love's power

The author demonstrates her father's love for her mainly by______.

A.suggestion B.reasoning
C.examples D.argument

Which of the following is not TRUE?

A.After the author got married, her father no longer get himself involved in her life.
B.Now the father's economic condition is satisfying.
C.The author's father was divorced when she was 11.
D.The father has a great sense of responsibility.

The authors' two shopping experiences with father show______.

A.father paid little attention to money
B.father was quick in action
C.father loved going shopping very much
D.father paid great attention to his children's needs
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Frank Woolworth was born in Rodman, New York., in 1852. His family were very poor farmers, and there was never enough to eat. Frank decided he did not want to be farmer. He took a short business course, and went to work as a salesman in a large city.
Woolworth realized he had a natural skill for showing goods to attract people’s interest, but he soon learned something more important. One day his boss told him to sell some odds and ends (小商品 ) for as much as he could get. Frank put all these things on one table with a sign which said FIVE CENTS EACH. People fought and pushed to buy the things and the table was soon cleared.
Soon afterwards, Woolworth opened his own store., selling goods at five and ten cents. But he had another lesson to learn before he became successful. That is, if you want to make money by selling low-price goods, you have to buy them in large quantities directly from the factories. Once, for example, Woolworth went to Germany and placed an order for knives. The order was so large that the factory had to keep running 24 hours a day for a whole year. In this way, the price of the knives was cut down by half.
By 1919, Woolworth had over 1000 stores in the US and Canada, and opened his first store in London. He made many millions and his name became famous throughout the world. He always run his business according to strict rules, of which the most important was: “ THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.”
Frank took a short business course in order to ____________.

A.earn more money for his family
B.learn something from a salesman
C.get away from the farm
D.get enough to eat.

Frank sold the odds and ends quickly because _____________.

A.he knew how to get people to buy his goods.
B.he cut down the price by half
C.he had put the goods on a table in a very nice way.
D.the sign he put on the table was well designed.

The price of the knives was cut down by half because ______________.

A.the factory workers worked 24 hours a day.
B.knives were ordered in large quantities directly from the factory.
C.the knives were made in Germany, where labour (劳动力) was cheap.
D.the knives were produced in one factory.

_____________ make Woolworth a world-famous man.

A.His business skills and his wealth.
B.The low price of the goods he sold.
C.His trip to Germany and his huge order of knives.
D.His natural skill for showing things.
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  • 难度:未知

I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was extremely organized. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled(贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Kate got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.
War broke out one evening. Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming, “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.
The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute without a phone call. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled(爬) under her covers, weeping. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart,
Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn’t noticed Kate had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me. “Thanks.”
Kate and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn’t always agree, but we learned   the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.
What made Kate angry one evening?

A.She couldn’t find her books.
B.She heard the author shouting loud.
C.She got the news that her grandma was ill.
D.She saw the author’s shoes beneath her bed.

The author tidied up the room most probably because______.

A.she was scared by Kate’s anger
B.she hated herself for being so messy
C.she wanted to show her care
D.she was asked by Kate to do so

How is Paragraph 1 mainly developed?

A.By analyzing causes. B.By showing differences.
C.By describing a process. D.By following time order.

What might be the best title for the story?

A.My Friend Kate B.Hard Work Pays Off
C.How to Be Organized D.Learning to Be Roommates
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last Thursday, Michael and Linda stood behind large food trucks distributing meals to 4,000 homeless people for their wedding reception on the border town of Kilis. The couple had decided that instead of hosting their friends and family for a traditional feast reception, they would feed the victims from an earthquake-stricken area.
The idea came from the bridegroom's father, Ted, who volunteers for a Turkish relief organization. For the past few years, the organization has distributed daily meals to thousands of people who've suffered from natural disasters. He approached a representative of the organization and suggested that the family cover part of the costs of feeding them for the day.
Then he told his son, who was surprised by the suggestion, but soon won over. When he told that to the bride, she was really shocked but finally accepted because in southeastern Turkey there is a real culture of sharing with people in need. They love to share their food, their table and everything they have. And afterwards she was quite amazed about it. So, they arrived at the distribution center on Thursday to spend the day serving food and taking photographs with their grateful recipients(接受者).
On Tuesday evening, the newly married couple were still pleased with their decision to quit a personal celebration for one with a greater good. "It's like sharing a dinner with your friends and family who have this kind of thing on a daily basis or sharing something with people who don't even have the most basic things," Michael said. "Hopefully, this will also give the start for other wedding dinners to be held here with our brothers and sisters in need."
Why did so many people crowd in Kilis?

A.To attend Michael and Linda's wedding.
B.To support the organization.
C.To escape the damaging earthquake.
D.To help distribute free daily meals.

How did the couple celebrate their wedding?

A.They treated their friends and relatives to a big dinner.
B.They shared their happiness with the homeless in Kilis.
C.They afforded the entire cost of the day for feeding victims.
D.They took photos with the grateful victims.

What does the underlined word "approached" in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.took in B.moved towards
C.came across D.consulted with

We can know from the text that __________________..

A.Kilis is a place which lies in southeastern Turkey
B.Ted was a representative of the organization
C.Linda adopted the suggestion immediately she heard it
D.Michael doubted if more new couples would follow him
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Barack Obama has really gone wild. The US president has taken part in the survival television show Running Wild With Bear Grylls, which will air on NBC later this year. In the show, Obama goes on an adventure with host Bear Grylls, learning how to survive in the Alaskan wilderness.
Edward Michael “Bear” Grylls, 41, has become known around the world as one of the most famous outdoor adventurers. The Briton has appeared on a number of wilderness survival shows in which he has climbed, sailed, and eaten bugs or cow tongue.
Obama doesn’t have to eat bugs or cow tongue on his adventure with Grylls. But he does have to eat leftovers - a bloody salmon (三文鱼). It was partly enjoyed by a bear that left some meat behind.
Although he is far from the White House kitchen, Obama seems to enjoy the outdoors. “As president, I am in what’s called the bubble(保护膜), and the Secret Service makes sure that I’m always out of danger... but I sometimes want to get out,” he said in a video.
However, Obama’s appearance on the show isn’t just for fun. He took part to raise awareness of the effect global warming has had on the US’s largest state, Alaska.
On his adventure, Obama______.

A.has to eat something strange like bugs
B.enjoys cow tongue with Grylls
C.takes in some unusual food
D.never has any difficulty

It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A.Obama has been tired of the life in the White House
B.US presidents have never been in danger because of the Secret Service
C.the food prepared in the White House is not as good as the food outdoors
D.The life outside the White House is sometimes attractive to the president

The purpose of Obama’s appearance on the show is _____.

A.to have some fun
B.to promote environmental protection
C.to enjoy the wilderness in Alaska
D.to get out of the White House for a change

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. Grylls is the most well known outdoor adventurer around the world.
B. The TV show with Obama’s appearance is now on air on NBC.
C. Obama learns how to survive with host Bear Grylls in African wilderness.
D. Grylls has special abilities to survive in the wild

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  • 难度:未知
