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At a few minutes past five, Dave noted that the blanket of darkness was lifting. He was just able to make out the heavier masses that eventually appeared as the familiar trees that lined the road at the base of the hill. The upper reaches of the sky showed lighter shades of gray.
Dave got out of bed quietly and dressed quickly. He mixed a spoonful of instant chocolate into a glass of cold water, and his impatience forced him to finish the drink in gulps.
As he walked down toward the lake, Dave paused to reach for the fishing pole and gear box on the bench where he had left them the night before.
By the time where he reached the small boat, a thick white mist(雾气)had spread over the surface of the water. He stepped into the boat, sat down, and rowed out of the weed beds that lined the edge of the shore.
The outer fringe(边缘)of the lake disappeared as the boat moved forward noiselessly. All he could see was the enveloping whiteness. He could not tell where the boat and the surrounding air met the surface of the lake.
Dave rowed steadily ahead, relying on a mental picture of the surroundings. Then the mist began to rise, slowly. It soon rested inches above the still surface of the lake. The heavy silence was now being broken by the fish breaking through the surface as they leaped out of the water for low-flying insects.
The magic time had arrived. Dave raised his pole. Dawn was broken. He was excited with expectancy.
Dave got up early in the morning to        .

A.enjoy the scene of the lake B.seek adventure at the lake
C.go fishing in the lake D.take a walk by the lake

According to the story, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Dave broke the quietness of the lake.
B.Dave was familiar with the surroundings.
C.Dave took a picture of the lake with him.
D.Dave forgot the fishing pole at the beginning.

The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 6 refers to        .

A.fish B.boat C.silence D.mist

What can we learn from the end of the story?

A.Dave was hopeful of catching a lot of fish.
B.Dave wished the weather would be better.
C.Dave was happy that dawn was broken.
D.Dave expected someone else would come.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A man was on the side of the road hitchhiking(搭便车)on a very dark night in the middle of a terrible rainstorm, with no cars on the road.The storm was so strong that the man could hardly see a few feet ahead of him.Suddenly, he saw a car come towards him and stop.The man, without thinking about it, got in the car and closed the door and only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the steering wheel(方向盘)!
The car started to move very slowly.The man looked at the road and saw a curve (拐弯处)coming his way.Terrified, he started to pray, begging for his life.He had not come out of shock when, just before the car hit the curve, a hand suddenly appeared through the window and moved the wheel.The man, paralyzed with fear, watched how the hand appeared every time the car was drawing near a curve.Finally, although terrified, the man managed to open the door and jump out of the spooky car.Without looking back, the man ran through the storm all the way to the nearest town.In a state of complete horror, the man walked into a nearby bar and asked for two glasses of Scotch whisky.
Then, still shaking with fright, he started telling everybody in the bar about the horrible experience he just went through in the spooky car.Everyone in the bar listened in silence and became frightened, with hair standing on end, when they realized the man was telling the truth because he was crying and he was certainly not drunk!
About half an hour later, two other young men walked into the same bar and one said to the other, “Hey, there’s a stupid man who jumped into the car while we were pushing it!”
When the car was first drawing near a curve, the man ________

A.felt very curious B.was extremely frightened
C.cried for help D.remained as calm as possible

According to the passage, what made the man’s experience believable?

A.His reasonable behavior. B.His vivid description
C.His plain appearance. D.His honest attitude

We can infer from the passage that ________

A.it is unsafe for people to take a free ride
B.the man was telling a lie to his listeners
C.the car probably broke down on the way
D.the two young men were familiar with the man
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My favorite English teacher could draw humor out of the driest material. It wasn't forced on us either.  He took Samuel Johnson's dictionary, Addison's essays, and many other literary wonders from the eighteenth century and made them hilarious, even at eight o'clock in the morning. The thing that amazed me most was that the first time I read these works on my own some of them seemed dead, but the second time, after his explanation, I couldn't believe that I hadn't seen the humor. The stories and poems and plays were suddenly filled with allusions (典故) and irony (反讽) and hilarious moments. I learned more from him than from any other teacher.
My least favorite English teacher also made people laugh. Some students found him to be funny. Many others did not. He assigned journals over a six week period, to be written every day. At the end of the six weeks I had a notebook full of bits and pieces about my ideas, short stories, reactions to what we had read, and so on. Our teacher announced that we would be grading each other's journals. Mine was passed to Joe, that class clown, who always behaved in a funny or silly way. He saw it fit to make joke of and said, " This writing isn't fit to line (衬垫) the bottom of a birdcage. " Our teacher laughed at that funny remark. It hurt me so much that the anger from it has driven my writing and teaching ever since.
So what makes the difference? Humor is one of the most powerful tools teachers or writers have. It can build up students and classes and make them excited about literature and writing, or it can tear them apart. It is true that humor is either productive or counter-productive and self-defeating.
The passage mainly discusses ________.

A.teaching B.literature
C.humor D.knowledge

The underlined word "hilarious" in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.

A.funny B.tiring
C.inspiring D.brilliant

The English teacher the writer disliked most ________.

A.was not able to make students laugh
B.hurt his students' feelings
C.didn't let his students do the grading
D.had no sense of humor
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

About ten years ago, a young and very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his shiny, black, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE, which was only two months old.
He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no child came out, but a brick sailed out and - WHUMP!  - it hit the Jaguar's shiny black side door! SCREECH ... ! ! ! ! Immediately Josh stopped the car, jumped out, seized the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?!" "That's my new Jaguar, that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?"
"Please, mister, please...I'm sorry! I didn't know what else to do!" begged the youngster. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop!" tears were streaming down the boy's face as he pointed around the parked car.  "It's my brother, mister," he said. "He rolled off the curb (路沿) and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up. " Sobbing, the boy asked the businessman, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me. "
Moved by the words, the young businessman lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapers and cuts, checking to see that everything was going to be OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long walk back to the black, shining, 12 cylinder Jaguar XKE -- a long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent (凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. Feel for the bricks of life coming you.
The boy threw a brick at the businessman's car because ________.

A.he wanted to ask for some money
B.he wanted to get help from the driver
C.the businessman drove at a high speed
D.he hated the brand-new car very much

What can we learn from the passage?

A.Josh would accept the money from the kids.
B.The two kids were Josh's neighbors.
C.Josh's new car broke down easily.
D.Josh was a kind-hearted man.

According to the passage, the last sentence means ________.

A.trying to be more understanding seeing others in trouble
B.trying to get ready for the trouble in your future life
C.driving fast in a neighborhood street is dangerous
D.protecting oneself from being hurt
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hilary Smith belonged to a good family. But by the age of twenty, he had spent all the money the good old family had. He then had some trouble with the bank and was put in prison. He escaped from the prison and ran to Australia without delay.
Hilary did not like Australia and Australia did not like Hilary. What he could do seemed to be one of two things: die or work. The thought of neither of these gave him any pleasure. Then he remembered that he was not alone in the world. He possessed an aunt.
She was his father’s only sister, but his father used to say she brought no glory to the family. Hilary, of course, tried to discover what she had done. It seemed that she had failed to marry a nobleman. Instead, she had chosen a husband who was connected with trade. Of course as soon as she became “Mrs Parks”, her brother considered her dead. Later on, Mr. Parks died and left her a lot of money; but that did not bring her back to life in her brother’s opinion.
Hilary discovered his aunt’s address. Fortunately she remained faithful and honest to him even after she fell ill. So Hilary’s star shone again. When he was feeling honest, he could talk attractively. He frequently visited his aunt’s house; and soon he was living comfortably in the building which the profits of trade had provided.
One thing was soon clear: his aunt was seriously ill, and nothing could cure her illness. Hilary was very worried. Fate had found a home for him, and was now going to throw him out of it. There was only one thing that could save him: her will.
“Will?” she said, “yes, I have made one. That was when I was a girl and had not much money. I left all my money to some religious people.”
“Didn’t you make another will when you were married?” Hilary asked.
His aunt shook her head. “No,” she said in a low voice, “There was no need. When I finally had a lot of money I found I had no relations.”
On the next day he went to the public library and examined a book of law. It told him what he already believed. When a woman is married, an earlier will loses its value. A new will must be made. If no new will is made, the money goes to the nearest relation. Hilary knew that he was his aunt’s only relation. His future was safe.
After a few months had passed, Hilary’s problems became serious. He badly needed money. He had expensive tastes, and owed a lot of money to shopkeepers. They trusted him because his aunt was rich; but the debt was terrible.
Unfortunately his aunt did not want to discuss money matters at all. In the end they had a quarrel about the small amount of ten pounds. Hilary was now very angry. He began to wonder about a new problem. Was it kind to want his aunt to live any longer? Was it not better for her to die now? While he was considering what to do, his aunt told him that she was going to send for her lawyer. So she was going to make a new will. Hilary thought she might leave all her money to someone else. Soon he reached a clear decision.He must do a great kindness to the poor old woman.
One night when the old servant who had been nursing his aunt went off, he doubled the amount of some medicine. The total amount was too great and it could just put her to sleep forever.
“Thank you,” his aunt took the glass from his hand with a grateful look. “I want, more than anything, to sleep, and never to wake up again. Is that what you wish, Hilary? I have given you your chance. Don’t blame me if I have some doubts about what you intended to do. Sick people get these ideas, you know. One thing I ought to explain to you. Mr. Parks never married me. He already had a wife and couldn’t marry again. That made your foolish father very angry with me… Well, if I am alive tomorrow I shall make another will in your favor. If I die tonight, you’ll get nothing… No, Hilary, don’t try to take the glass away. If you do that, I shall know; and I don’t want to know. Good night, Hilary.”
Then, very carefully, she raised the glass to her mouth and drank.
From the story, we learn that Hilary’s aunt was ______.

A.bad-tempered and lonely B.kind-hearted and wise
C.careless about money D.cruel to her nephew

Why did Hilary’s father consider his aunt dead?

A.Because they lost contact with each other after her marriage.
B.Because she married a businessman.
C.Because she broke away from the family for a better life.
D.Because he thought she was a shame to the family.

The underlined sentence “He must do a great kindness to the poor old woman” in Paragraph 11 suggests that Hilary Smith ______.

A.was determined to put his aunt’s life to an end
B.decided to do his aunt a favor to call in a lawyer
C.made up his mind to take good care of his aunt
D.would help his aunt to donate all her money to religious people

Which of the following is the focus of the story?

A.Hilary’s aunt’s money. B.Hilary Smith’s debts.
C.The intended murder. D.Hilary’s aunt’s marriage.

Which part of what Hilary’s aunt said finally might make Hilary frustrated?

A.She wanted to sleep and never to wake up again.
B.She never got married to Mr. Parks.
C.Mr. Parks had a wife.
D.She would make a new will tomorrow.

Which detail from the story is the climax(高潮)of the story?

A.Hilary escaped from the prison.
B.Hilary quarreled with his aunt about ten pounds.
C.Hilary’s aunt drank the medicine her nephew prepared for her.
D.Hilary’s aunt made a will to leave all her money to someone else.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A girl became a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, which meant visiting and taking care of a patient suffering from an incurable disease with days numbered.
The girl was assigned to look after an old man suffering from cancer whose children lived abroad. Their living conditions were not satisfactory while the old man had a lot of savings. She was expected to comfort him and keep up his spirits.
Every Saturday the girl came on time to keep him company, telling him stories. When he was having an intravenous drip (静脉滴注), she would help massage his arms. The doctor found the patient much improved mentally. The old man began to involve himself actively in the medical treatment and he seldom shouted at others.
But something that happened made the doctor uneasy and puzzled. Each time the girl left, the old man would give her some money. The doctor did nothing to interfere (干涉), unwilling to offend the old man. A month later the old man showed evident signs of decline after suffering coma (昏迷) a few times.
When rescued from the latest coma, the old man told the doctor his last wish, “I have deep sympathy for the girl. Will you be kind enough to help her finish her studies?”
But the doctor knew that her family was welloff and she had no difficulty pursuing her studies. Sometimes she even came to the hospital in her father’s car.
When the girl came at the weekend after the death of the old man, the doctor told her the bad news. She was very sad and burst into tears. Then she handed $ 500 to the doctor, saying, “The old man had all along thought I came to do the job because of poverty. He gave me money so that I could continue my schooling.” Now he got the answer to the puzzle. In the last period of his life, the old man found it a real pleasure to be able to help a girl badly in need.
If you’re a volunteer in the activities of Deathbed Care, what kind of people do you have to attend to?

A.Patients with a lot of money.
B.Patients suffering from cancer.
C.Patients without many days left.
D.Patients living alone.

What can we learn from the passage?

A.The doctor told the old man the truth.
B.The old man’s children were wealthy.
C.The girl’s father encouraged her to accept the money.
D.The girl didn’t accompany the old man when he died.

What is the real reason resulting in the old man’s mental improvement?

A.The girl’s love and great care.
B.The pleasure of helping people in need.
C.The doctor’s medical treatment.
D.His children’s progress in life.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Tchaikovsky concerto(协奏曲)is what made Romel Joseph fall in love with the violin.
He learned how to play in Haiti, where he was born, but a Fulbright scholarship brought him to the United States, and he finally earned a master’s degree, reports CBS News reporter Katie Couric. Music had changed his life. He wanted to do the same for the children of Haiti.
Joseph built a school in Port-au-Prince nearly 20 years ago. He was on the third floor when suddenly “It was like boom boom boom and everything just opened,” Joseph said. “And the next thing I knew I was on the ground.”
Blind since birth, Joseph tried to feel his way out, but was pinned(夹)beneath heavy concrete(混凝土). He remained trapped for 18 hours. He prays that his new wife, seven months pregnant(怀孕的), will be found.
He is now being treated at Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital for two injured legs and an arm.
Joseph wonders if he’ll ever play the violin again. He can feel sensation(知觉)in his fingertips. He said, “If you were to give me a violin and if I didn’t have to fold the fingers, I would be able to play.”
Joseph’s daughter Victoria spent three terrifying days unsure of her father’s fate. For her, having him home is the sweetest music.
“Can you imagine your dad not being able to play the violin?” Couric asked.
“No, I can’t,” Victoria Joseph said. “But I will love him all the same if he can’t.”
Romel doesn’t know how many of his 300 students died in the quake. As he waits for news about his wife, Romel Joseph is already planning a return to Haiti to rebuild the school and continue teaching there.
“We can save two children, 20, 200, 300, 500 through education and music, and these children will make a difference,” Romel Joseph said.
Romel began to like music ________.

A.because he was blind since birth
B.after he had listened to a famous piece of music
C.when he got a scholarship to study in America
D.since he was born in Haiti

From what Romel said in Paragraph 6, we can infer that he was ________.

A.upset B.fearful C.excited D.optimistic

To Victoria, the best thing is ________.

A.to see her father recover from the injury quickly
B.to listen to her father playing the sweetest music
C.to play the violin as well as her father
D.to be sure that her father could play the violin

Why does Romel want to go back to Haiti?

A.To save his students from the earthquake.
B.To change the life of children by teaching music.
C.To find out how seriously his school was damaged.
D.To look for his wife who is pregnant.

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Music education: keep your creativity alive
B.A great blind musician and his students
C.Haiti earthquake: a story of a music teacher
D.How did some Haiti earthquake victims survive
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On the first day of class, Mr. Whiteson gave us a lecture about a creature(生物) called cattytiger, a kind of cat-like animal that completely disappeared during the Ice Age. He passed round a skull (头骨) as he talked, and we all felt interested and took notes while listening. Later, we had a test about that.
When he returned my paper, I was very, very surprised. There was a very large cross through each of my answers. And so it was with everyone else's in our class.
What had happened? Everyone was wondering and couldn't wait to get the answer.
Very simple, Mr. Whiteson explained. He had made up all that story about the cattytiger. There had never been such an animal. So why none of us noticed that and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers?
Needless to say, we got very angry. What kind of teacher was this?
We should have guessed it out, Mr. Whiteson said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the cattytiger skull (in fact, a cat's), hadn't he been telling us that it completely disappeared during the Ice Age? Clearly he was telling a lie. But we just kept busy making notes and none used his head. We should learn something from this. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct.
We failed in the test because we didn't ______.

A.take notes while listening
B.show interest in what Mr. Whiteson said
C.listen to the teacher carefully
D.think carefully

We got angry because ______.

A.Mr. Whiteson didn't tell us the truth about cattytiger
B.we failed in the test
C.we didn't know why he played the joke on us
D.there was no cattytiger

We didn't find out it was a lie for ______.

A.we simply believed our teacher very much
B.we took notes carelessly
C.we hadn't watched the skull carefully enough
D.Mr. Whiteson spoke too fast

Mr. Whiteson meant that ______.

A.teachers couldn't make any mistakes
B.textbooks might be wrong sometimes
C.we should speak up if we thought our teacher or the textbook was wrong
D.we shouldn't believe our teachers because sometimes they might tell lies
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Son’s Help
Mr. Smith worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup, he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.
It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Smith didn’t go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his six-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen.
“I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”
Mr. Smith was paid much because _______.

A.his wife helped him a lot
B.he worked in a factory
C.he was busy and had a lot of work to do
D.he had worked there for a long time

Mrs. Smith did all housework because _______.

A.she couldn’t find any work
B.she thought her husband was tired
C.her husband spent all time in gambling
D.she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling

_____, so he was put into lockup.

A.Mr. Smith often gambled
B.Mr. Smith was late for work
C.Mr. Smith didn’t help his wife at home
D.Mr. Smith wasn’t polite to the police

The woman had to leave Mr. Smith because _______.

A.he didn’t love her any longer
B.he wouldn’t stop gambling
C.he had been put into lockup
D.he was hardly sent away by the factory

What is the meaning of the underlined word in the first paragraph?

A.clinic B.office C.prison D.restaurant
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day an out of work mimic(滑稽演员) is visiting the zoo and attempts to earn some money as a street performer. As soon as he starts to draw the crowd,a zoo keeper grabs him and drags him into his office. The zoo keeper explains to the mimic that the zoo's most popular attraction,a gorilla(大猩猩),has died suddenly and the keeper fears that attendance at the zoo will fall off. He offers the mimic a job to dress up as the gorilla until they can get another one. The mimic accepts.
So the next morning the mimic puts on the gorilla suit and enters the cage before the crowd comes. He discovers that it's a great job. He can sleep all he wants,play and make fun of people and he draws bigger crowds than he ever did as a mimic. However,eventually the crowds tire of him and he tires of just swinging on wires. He begins to notice that the people are paying more attention to the lion in the cage next to his. Not wanting to lose the attention of his audience,he climbs to the top of his cage,crawls across a partition(隔离物),and dangles from the top to the lion's cage. Of course,this makes the lion very angry,but the crowd loves it.
At the end of the day the zoo keeper comes and gives the mimic a raise for being such a good attraction. Well,this goes on for some time-the mimic keeps taunting the lion,the crowds grow larger,and his salary keeps going up. Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the angry lion he slips and falls. The mimic is terrified.
The lion gathers itself and prepares to attack. The mimic is so scared that he begins to run round and round the cage with the lion close behind. Finally,the mimic starts screaming and yelling,“Help me,help me!”But the lion is quick and attacks. The mimic soon finds himself flat on his back looking up at the angry lion and the lion says,“Shut up,you idiot!Do you want to get us both fired?”
The mimic visits the zoo to________.

A.take care of the dying gorilla B.beg some money from the zoo keeper
C.ask for a job there D.perform and earn some money there

The zoo keeper offers the mimic a job to act as the gorilla because________.

A.it is more expensive to hire a real gorilla
B.the real gorilla died but the keeper does not want to lose its visitors
C.he likes the mimic's performance
D.he wants to help the mimic who is out of work

What does the mimic feel about the new job at first?

A.He likes it because he has enough freedom in the job.
B.He likes it but he prefers to working as a mimic.
C.He doesn't like it for people do not respect him.
D.He doesn't like it because he gets little pay.

The mimic climbs to the lion's cage because________.

A.he finds it more interesting to climb the cage
B.he wants to play with the lion
C.he wants to attract the attention of his audience
D.he has never seen a lion before

What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.The mimic and his job B.The mimic and his success
C.The actor and the mimic D.The mimic and his animals
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day, Mary asked her mother, “Mum, what do people mean by saying they have a skeleton(骨架)in the closet(衣橱)?” Her mother paused thoughtfully and said, “Well, it’s something that you would rather not have anyone else know about. For example, if in the past, someone in Dad’s family had been arrested for stealing a horse, it would be a skeleton in his family’s closet. He really wouldn’t want any neighbor to know about it.”
“Why pick my family?” Mary’s father said with anger. “Your family history isn’t so good, you know. Wasn’t your great-great-grandfather a prisoner who was transported to Australia for his crimes?”  “Yes, but people these days say that you are not a real Australian unless your ancestors arrived as prisoners.” “Gosh, sorry I asked. I think I understand now.” Mary cut in before things grew worse.
After dinner, the house was quiet. Mary’s parents were quite angry with each other. Her mother was ironing clothes and every now and then she glared at her husband, who hid behind his newspaper pretending to read. When she finished, she gathered the freshly pressed clothes in her arms and walked to Mary’s closet. Just as she opened the door and reached in to hang a skirt, a bony arm stuck out from the dark depths and a bundle of white bones fell to the floor. Mary’s mother sank into a faint(晕倒), waking only when Mary put a cold, wet cloth on her forehead. She looked up to see the worried faces of her husband and daughter.
“What happened? Where am I?” she asked. “You just destroyed the school’s skeleton, Mum,” explained Mary. “I brought it home to help me with my health project. I meant to tell you, but it seemed that as soon as I mentioned skeletons and closets, it caused a problem between you and Dad.” Mary looked in amazement as her parents began to laugh madly. “They’re crazy,” she thought.  
According to Mary’s mother, “a skeleton in a closet” means _______.

A.a family honor B.a family wealth
C.a family story D.a family secret

What can we learn about some Australians’ ancestors from Paragraph 2?

A.They were brought to Australia as prisoners.
B.They were the earliest people living in Australia.
C.They were involved in some crimes in Australia.
D.They were not regarded as criminals in their days.

Mary’s mother fell down into a faint because she was_________.

A.knocked B.terrified C.injured D.surprised

Why did Mary bring a skeleton home?

A.She was curious about it. B.She planned to keep it for fun.
C.She needed it for her school task. D.She intended to scare her parents.

Mary’s parents laughed madly at the end of the story probably because________.

A.They were mentally ill.
B.They were over happy.
C.They understood what had really happened.
D.They both thought they had won the quarrel.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When John Weston awoke that morning, he remembered that his mother was going into hospital. He hadn’t worked out quite what was wrong with her. He knew, though that she hadn’t been well for some time now, and it had become almost familiar to him to see her eyes narrowed in a sudden attack of pain, and her hand pressing against her heart. Their own doctor, who she had finally gone to for advice, had sent her to an expert who knew all about these things. He had told her that just as soon as there was a bed for her, she would have to come into his hospital where he could look after her himself.
During the weeks since then the pains had come even more frequently, and the narrowed eyes became an almost permanent part of her expression. Always rather sharp, she began losing her temper over little things so that John’s father kept his thoughts to himself more and more. John, as ready as possible to make allowances, tried to think what it would be like to have toothache all the time and how bad-tempered that would make you.
So his mother would go into hospital for a few days. He was going to stay with his Aunt Daisy till she came back, and his father would stay on at home by himself. John’s cousin, Mona, was to come in and make the bed and wash the pots and dust round now and again. That was the arrangement, and John didn’t care much for it. Apart from missing his mother(and he was glad she was going away because they would make her better), he wasn’t very fond of his Aunt Daisy because she was even more bad-tempered than his mother.
Mrs Weston went to see her doctor_________.

A.as soon as she realized that something was wrong
B.only after her husband advised her to
C.a long time after the trouble began
D.when John asked what was wrong with her

what did Mrs Weston’s own doctor decide to do?

A.he decided to send her to hospital
B.he decided to get an expert to examine her
C.He decided to treat her himself
D.He advised her to wait for a few weeks.

how did John react to his mother’s bad temper?

A.he tried to imagine himself in her place.
B.He tried not to notice it.
C.He pretended that he had toothache.
D.He behaved himself as well as possible.

John regarded ______as most bad-tempered.

A.his father B.his mother C.his cousin Mona D.his aunt Daisy
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As far back as he could remember,Larry had longed to go to Hollywood and become a film star.The young man’s hopes for success were broken again and again,however.Hollywood just did not seem interesting.When he first came to California,Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success.Therefore,he kept on trying.Someday,he told himself,his big opportunity would come.
Larry found a job parking cars for one of Hollywood’s big restaurants.His pay was elementary,but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money,he managed to make a living.One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot (停车场) and getting out of his car.Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture.
Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it.Then he stopped,jumped out,and ran over to the director.“Excuse me,sir,but I think it’s only fair to tell you that it’s now or never if you want me in your next picture.A lot of big companies are after me.”
Instead of pushing away the boy,the director laughed,then wrote something on a card and handed it to the young man.“Come and see me tomorrow.”
Larry got a small part in the director’s next film.He was on his way!
Which of the following was Larry interested in?

A.Working as a waiter. B.Becoming a film star.
C.Parking cars for film stars. D.Owing a big company.

Why did Larry find a job parking cars?

A.Because he liked the job.
B.Because the parking lot was near Hollywood.
C.To make a living and wait for the opportunity.
D.To see a lot of film stars and work for them.

After reading the story what can we infer (推断) about the film director ?

A.He wanted to laugh at Larry.
B.He recognized Larry at first sight.
C.He was kind and gave Larry a try.
D.He thought Larry would become a star.

what does the word “elementary” mean in this passage?

A.基本的 B.充足的 C.较高的 D.不达标的

“He was on his way”refers to the fact that ________.

A.he gave up and returned home
B.he began to work towards success
C.he took a journey to Hollywood
D.he had difficulty in playing the small part
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Lew Alcindor was 13, and obviously still growing, a group of schools began offering him scholarships(奖学金). The Alcindors decided to send their only child to Power Memorial Academy, a small school on Manhattan’s West Side.
At Power. Alcindor came under the control of Coach Jack Donohue, a strict young man who already gained his fame as one of the best coaches in the city. Donohue brought Alcindor along slowly. As a first-year student, the boy was not able to do much but wave his long skinny arms and shoot a basket now and then. But by the second year, when he was 15 years old and nearly 7 feet tall, Alcindor was quick and skillful enough to make the high school All American team and to lead Power to an undefeated season.
From then on be simply got better. Some rival coaches(对方教练)used to take their teams quickly away from the floor before Power warmed up so that their players would not see him any sooner than they had to. Wearing size 16D shoes and sucking a lollipop(棒棒糖), Alcindor would loosen up by starting his leaping lay-ups(擦板球). Then he would casually shoot the ball with either hand, to the delight of the fans.
When reporters and photographers began to follow Alcindor closely, Donohue protected his boy firmly. He simply ordered Lew to talk to no member of the press, and this suited Lew fine. He was not comfortable talking to grownups, perhaps because he towered over them. Discouraged photographers began following him in secret as though he were an easily-frightened giraffe. “People want you not for yourself,” Donohue warned him, “but because you’re a basketball player. Don’t forget that.”
Many schools offered Alcindor scholarships because_______.

A.he was young B.he was hardworking
C.he was tall for his age D.he was skillful at playing basketball

Which of the following best describes Donohue as a young coach?

A.serious, popular and slow B.tall, skillful and successful
C.kind, powerful and undefeated D.well-known, strict and experienced

Why did some rival coaches take their teams away from the floor before Power warmed up?

A.Their teams refused to play Power. B.Their teams feared to see Alcindor.
C.Their teams would lose courage. D.Their teams would lose interest.

What does the last paragraph mainly discuss?

A.How Donohue protected Alcindor from the press.
B.How Alcindor disliked meeting reporters.
C.Why the press followed Alcindor closely.
D.Why the public wanted Alcindor badly.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As far back as he could remember,Larry had longed to go to Hollywood and become a film star.The young man’s hopes for success were broken again and again,however.Hollywood just did not seem interesting.When he first came to California,Larry had decided never to give up and return home without success.Therefore,he kept on trying.Someday,he told himself,his big opportunity would come.
Larry found a job parking cars for one of Hollywood’s big restaurants.His pay was elementary,but since the guests were kind enough to give him more money,he managed to make a living.One day he recognized an important film director driving into the parking lot (停车场) and getting out of his car.Larry had recently heard that the man was ready to make a new picture.
Larry got into the car and prepared to drive it on into the lot and park it.Then he stopped,jumped out,and ran over to the director.“Excuse me,sir,but I think it’s only fair to tell you that it’s now or never if you want me in your next picture.A lot of big companies are after me.”
Instead of pushing away the boy,the director laughed,then wrote something on a card and handed it to the young man.“Come and see me tomorrow.”
Larry got a small part in the director’s next film.He was on his way!
Which of the following was Larry interested in?

A.Working as a waiter. B.Becoming a film star.
C.Parking cars for film stars. D.Owing a big company.

Why did Larry find a job parking cars?

A.Because he liked the job.
B.Because the parking lot was near Hollywood.
C.To make a living and wait for the opportunity.
D.To see a lot of film stars and work for them.

After reading the story what can we infer (推断) about the film director ?

A.He wanted to laugh at Larry.
B.He recognized Larry at first sight.
C.He was kind and gave Larry a try.
D.He thought Larry would become a star.

what does the word “elementary” mean in this passage?

A.基本的 B.充足的 C.较高的 D.不达标的

“He was on his way”refers to the fact that ________.

A.he gave up and returned home
B.he began to work towards success
C.he took a journey to Hollywood
D.he had difficulty in playing the small part
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
