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Some say every day miracles are predestined (注定的)---- All that’s necessary is readiness, the right circumstance for the appointed meeting. And it can happen anywhere.  
In 1999, 11-year-old Kevin Stephan was a bat boy for his younger brother's Little League team in Lancaster, New York. It was an early evening in late July. Kevin was standing on the grass away from the plate, where another youngster was warming up for the next game. Swinging his bat back and forth, and giving it all the power an elementary school kid could give, the boy brought the bat back hard and hit Kevin in the chest. His heart stopped.  
When Kevin fell to the ground, the mother of one of the players rushed out of the stands to his aid. Penny Brown hadn't planned to be there that day, but at the last minute,she had changed  her shift (轮班) at the hospital, and she was given the night off. Penny bent over the senseless boy, his face already starting to turn blue, and giving CPR, breathing into his mouth and giving chest compressions (按压). And he came to life.
After his recovery, he became a volunteer junior firefighter, learning some of the emergency first-aid techniques that had saved his life. He studied hard in school and was saving money for college by working as a dishwasher in a local restaurant in his spare time.
Kevin, now 17, was working in the kitchen when he heard people screaming, customers in confusion, employees rushing toward a table. He hurried into the main room and saw a woman there, her face turning blue, her hands at her throat. She was choking .
Quickly Kevin stepped behind her, wrapped his arms around her and clasped his hands. Then, using skills he'd first learned in Scouts, the food that was trapped in the woman's throat was freed. The color began to return to her face.
“The food was stuck. I couldn't breathe,” she said. She thought she was dying. “I was very frightened.”
Who was the woman?
Penny Brown.
Kevin Stephan fell to the ground and fainted probably because ________.

A.he stood close to the boy who was swinging his bat
B.he suffered from heart attack all of a sudden
C.he was too excited when watching the game
D.he swung the bat too hard to keep his balance

Which of the following statements is True of Kevin Stephan?

A.He was hit on the face by a boy and almost lost his life.
B.He was a volunteer junior firefighter, teaching the players first-aid skills.
C.He worked part-time in a local restaurant to save money for college.
D.He saved Penny Brown though he didn’t really know how to deal with food choke

Why did Penny Brown change her shift and was given the night off that night?

A.She was there to give her son directions.
B.She volunteered to give medical services.
C.She was a little worried about her son’s safety.
D.She came to watch her son’s game and cheered him .
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After giving a talk at a high school, I was asked to pay a visit to a special student. An illness had kept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me. I was told it would mean a great deal to him, so I agreed.
During the nine-mile drive to his home, I found out something about Matthew. He had muscular dystrophy (肌肉萎缩症). When he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to five, and then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal power lifter, and I knew about overcoming obstacles and going for my dreams.
I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain or ask, “Why me?” He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. Obviously, he knew what he was talking about. He didn’t mention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was different. He just talked about his hopes for the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weights with me. When we had finished talking, I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I had won and put it around his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about success and overcoming obstacles than I ever would. He looked at it for a moment, then took it off and handed it back to me. He said, “You are a champion. You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.”
Last summer I received a letter from Matthew’s parents telling me that Matthew had passed away. They wanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:
Dear Dick,
My mum said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me. I also want to let you know that the doctors tell me that I don’t have long to live any more, but I still smile as much as I can.
I told you someday that I would go to the Olympics and win a gold medal, but I know now I will never get to do that. However, I know I’m a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you. Thank you for loving me.
Your friend,
The boy looked forward to meeting the author because _________. 

A.he was one of the author’s fans
B.he wanted to get to the Olympics and win a medal
C.he was also good at weight lifting
D.he admired the author for his courage very much

From the passage we learn that _________. 

A.Matthew was an athlete
B.Matthew was an optimistic and determined boy
C.The author used to have the same disease as Matthew had
D.Matthew became a champion before he died

Matthew didn’t accept the author’s medal because _________.  

A.he thought it was too expensive
B.he was sure that he could win one in the future
C.he thought it was of no use to him as he would die soon
D.he would not be pitied by others

What would be the best title for this passage? 

A.A sick boy. B.A special friend. C.A real champion. D.A famous athlete.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Joe came to New York from the Middle West, dreaming about painting. Delia came to New York from the South, dreaming about music. Joe and Delia met in a studio. Before long they were good friends and got married.
They had only a small flat to live in, but they were happy. They loved each other, and they were both interested in art. Everything was fine until one day they found they had spent all their money.
Delia decided to give music lessons. One afternoon she said to her husband:
“Joe, , I’ve found a pupil, a general’s daughter. She is a sweet girl. I’m to give three lessons a week and get $5 a lesson.”
But Joe was not glad.
“But how about me?” he said.” Do you think I’m going to watch you work while I play with my art? No, I want to earn some money too.”
“Joe, , you are silly,” said Delia. “You must keep at your studies. We can live quite happily on $15 a week.”
“Well, perhaps I can sell some of my pictures,” said Joe.
Every day they parted in the morning and met in the evening. A week passed and Delia brought home fifteen dollars, but she looked a little tired.
“Clementina sometimes gets on my nerves. I’m afraid she doesn’t practice enough. But the general is the nicest old man! I wish you could know him, Joe.”
And then Joe took eighteen dollars out of his pocket.
“I’ve sold one of my pictures to a man from Peoria,” he said, “and he has ordered another.”
“I’m so glad,” said Delia. “Thirty-three dollars! We never had so much to spend before. We’ll have a good supper tonight.”
Next week Joe came home and put another eighteen dollars on the table. In half an hour Delia came, her right hand in a bandage.
“What’s the matter with your hand?” said Joe. Delia laughed and said:
“Oh, a funny thing happened! Clemantina gave me a plate of soup and spilled some of it on my hand. She was very sorry for it. And so was the old general. But why are you looking at me like that, Joe?”
“What time this afternoon did you burn your hand, Delia?”
“Five o’clock, I think. The iron-I mean the soup-was ready about five, Why?”
“Delia, come and sit here,” said Joe. He drew her to the couch and sat beside her.
“What do you do every day, Delia? Do you really give music lesson? Tell me the truth.”
She began to cry.
“I couldn’t get any pupils,” she said, “So I got a place in a laundry ironing shirts. This afternoon a girl accidentally set down an iron on my hand and I got a bad burn. But tell me, Joe, how did you guess that I wasn’t giving music lessons?”
“It’s very simple,” said Joe. “I knew all about your bandages because I had to send them upstairs to a girl in the laundry who had an accident with a hot iron. You see, I work in the engine-room of the same laundry where you work.”
“And your pictures? Did you sell any to that man from Peoria?”
“Well, your general with his Clemantina is an invention, and so is my man from Peoria.”
And then they both laughed.
To support the family, Delia worked as             .

A.a tutor B.a music teacher C.a laundry assistant D.an artist

It happened that             .

A.a man from Peoria liked Joe’s pictures B.Delia earned $15 dollars a week easily
C.Clemantina and the general were kind D.the couple worked at the same laundry

Who hurt Delia’s hand?

A.The general B.Clemantina C.A girl D.Herself

We can infer from the underlined sentence that             .

A.Clemantina was an invention of the general
B.Clemantina was an invention of the man from Peoria
C.the general, Clemantina and the man from Peoria were the couple’s clients
D.there were no such men as the general, Clemantina and the man from Peoria

The couple’s attitude towards each other is             .

A.honest B.faithful C.ashamed D.heartbreaking
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Son’s Help
Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.
It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen.
“I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”
Mr. Lang was paid much because _______.

A.he was a driver B.he worked in a factory
C.he had worked there for a long time D.he had a lot of work to do

Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.

A.she thought her husband was tired B.she couldn’t find any work
C.her husband spent all time in gambling D.she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling

_______, so he was put into lockup.

A.Mr. Lang was late for work B.Mr. Lang often gambled
C.Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home D.Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police

The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.

A.he wouldn’t stop gambling B.he didn’t love her any longer
C.he had been put into lockup D.he was hardly sent away by the factory

Which of the following is right?

A.The boy thought his father needed some policemen
B.The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again.
C.The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon.
D.The boy hoped his mother to come back.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As the sound of footsteps behind her grew louder, she quickened her pace. She didn’t want to turn around as the memory of that morning’s newspaper headline made her afraid of what she would see: “City Killer Claims Fourth Victim.”
“Why did I stop for a few drinks in the bar after work?” she thought to herself. Now it was dark and the streets deserted. She was alone and a sitting duck.
She felt as if she was walking in the rain. Her clothes were damp from nervous sweat and as each short hot breath hit the night air, it turned to steam, coating her glasses in a thin film so all she saw seemed covered in fog.
The footsteps were closer now. She needed to get off this street. Her eyes began a useless search for an open store or lighted window. Passing a small lane she looked through,for a possible escape route. But the lane was a dead - end and she laughed to herself at the irony.
The sound of a car behind her turning onto the street interrupted her self – pity. Escape was at hand. But as she was about to throw herself onto the road and shout for the car to stop, the car’s headlights cast a shadow that paralyzed (使瘫痪) her with terror.
It was the footsteps’ owner. The figure was huge and in its raised arm it held what looked like a lead-pipe, no doubt the one that was about to claim victim number five.
The shadow dissolved as the car passed by and disappeared into the distance. She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was all happening as if in slow – motion. She was waiting for her life to flash before her eyes like all those novels said it would – but it didn’t. The only thing she thought of was her dear husband. She recalled phoning him from work that very afternoon and joking about, of all things, the city killer. It was a night full of ironies.
There was a voice talking to her now but she was lost in thoughts of her fate and didn’t respond. The hand then began turning her around. It was surprisingly gentle given what was about to come. She allowed it to guide her without resistance. (抵抗;反抗)
She looked up. She recognized the face, but she didn’t know from where. Its mouth was still talking to her but she couldn’t understand. Then she remembered. The face belonged to the foreign looking man who had served her at the bar. She looked down to his hand and saw in it not a lead – pipe but a rolled up copy of a work report she had been correcting in the bar as she drank.
His words suddenly started to register in her brain and she could hear him. “Miss, Miss. Are you OK? You left this in the bar and it looked important so I thought I’d better give it to you.”
The woman was feeling nervous because        .

A.she had left her report in the bar
B.there was a killer in the city
C.she was being followed by someone
D.the streets were dark and empty

The underlined expression “a sitting duck” (paragraph 2) is closest in meaning to “        ”.

A.an easy target B.a frightened person
C.a foolish animal D.a still position

What is the correct order of events that happened to the woman on the day of the story?
a. She went for a drink in a bar.   b. She corrected the report.
c. She heard loud footsteps.    d. She read the newspaper.
e. She called her husband.  f. She felt a hand on her shoulder.

A.d,c,a,e,b,f B.c,d,a,e,f,b C.d,a,b,e,c,f D.d,e,a,b,c,f

Why did the woman laugh when she looked into the lane?

A.She was excited because she thought it may be a way to escape.
B.She felt bitter because she had no chance to escape.
C.She was becoming more and more nervous.
D.She realized that she was behaving foolishly.

Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A.It was raining when she left the bar.
B.The woman had felt nervous about the city killer for days.
C.The temperature was very low that evening.
D.The woman was behaving unreasonably.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Billie Holiday was one of the greatest jazz(爵士音乐) singers in America. Her life was just a mixture of success and tragedy. Her singing expressed her experiences and feelings.
Billie Holiday was born Eleanora Fagan in 1915 in Baltimore, Maryland. Her parents were Sadie Fagan and Clarence Holiday. They were young when their daughter was born. Their marriage failed because Clarence Holiday was often out. He traveled as a musician with some of the earliest jazz bands and inspired his daughter.
Sadie Fagan cleaned people’s houses to make a living. But she could not support her family with the money she earned. So she moved to New York City where the pay was higher. She left her daughter in Baltimore with one of her distant relatives.
The young girl Eleanora Fagan changed her name to Billie, because she liked a movie star, Billie Dove. The talented Billie Holiday loved singing. She sang and listened  to music whenever she could. In one place near her home there was a machine that played records. The building was a theater where many famous singers also performed their newly-made songs for free.
Billie cleaned floors and did other jobs for the theater so that she could listen to the records. It was there that young Billie first heard the records of some famous black American blues artists of the 1920s. she heard Bessie Smith sing the blues. And she heard Louis Armstrong play the horn. Both musicians had a great influence on her.
Billie Holiday once said, “I do not think I’m singing. I feel like I am playing a horn. What comes out is what I feel. I hate straight singing. I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it. That is all I know.”
Billie Holiday’s parents divorced because _______.

A.Sadie Fagan wanted to move to New York City
B.the family couldn’t support itself
C.Clarence Holiday spent too much time in working
D.Clerence Holiday was a strange person

Who might originally have had an influence on Billie Holiday’s career in music?

A.Sadie Fagan B.Clerence Holiday. C.Bessie Smith. D.Louis Armstrong

From the passage, we can learn that ______.

A.Sadie Fagan was fond of living in New York
B.Clerence Holiday didn’t love his wife at all
C.Billie lived a happy childhood
D.Billie had a gift for music

The underlined sentence “ What comes out is what I feel” means _____.

A.Billie Holiday doesn’t like to sing for others
B.Billie Holiday’s songs reflect her unhappy childhood
C.Billie Holiday is fond of the songs written for herself
D.Billie Holiday’s music is greatly determined by her emotions

In order to listen to the records in the theater, Billie Holiday_______.

A.cleaned floors for the theater B.changed her name
C.moved to New York D.separated from her parents
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last July, my 12-year-old car died on California’s Santa Ana Freeway. It was an hour before sunset, and I was 25 miles from home. I couldn’t reach anyone to pick me up, so I decided to take a bus. Not knowing the routes, I figured I’d just head east.
A bus pulled up, and I asked the driver how far she was going. “Four more lights,” she said. There was another bus I could take from there. This clearly was going to be a long night.
She dropped me off at the end of her route and told me which bus to look for. After waiting for 30 minutes, I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home. Then a bus pulled up. There was no lighted number above its windshield(挡风玻璃).It was out of service. But the door opened, and I was surprised to find that it was the same driver.
“I just can’t leave you here,” she said. “This isn’t the nicest place. I’ll give you a ride home.”
“You’ll drive me home in the bus?” I asked, puzzled.
“No, I’ll take you in my car,” she said.
“It’s a long way,” I protested.
“Come on,” she said. “I have nothing else to do.”
As we drove from the station in her car, she began telling me a story. A few days earlier, her brother had run out of gas. A good Samaritan picked him up, took him to a service station and then back to his car. “I’m just passing the favor along,” she said.
When I offered her money as a thank-you, she wouldn’t accept it. “That wouldn’t make it a favor,”she said. “Just do something nice for somebody. Pass it along.”
Why did the writer say that he would have a long night?

A.He wondered how long he had to wait for the next bus.
B.No driver would give him a ride.
C.He didn’t know the routes.
D.He perhaps would have to take a taxi.

Judging from the context, the place where the writer waited for the second bus was     .

A.very quiet and peaceful
B.dark without street lights
C.neither clean nor beautiful
D.a little unsafe

Why did the writer change his mind after waiting for 30 minutes at the end of the route?

A.No bus would come at the time.
B.A taxi ride would be more comfortable.
C.He became impatient and a bit worried.
D.He knew the driver would never return.

The bus driver hoped that the writer            .

A.would pass the good deed along
B.would keep her in memory
C.would give the money to others
D.would do her a favor
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Robert Spring, a 19th century forger (伪造签字者), was as good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. Spring was born in England in 1813 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore. At first he make some money by selling his small but genuine of early U.S. autographs (亲笔签字). Discovering his ability at copying handwriting, he began imitating signatures of George Washington and Ban Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books. To make less the chance of detection (发觉), he sent his forgeries (伪造物) to England and Canada for sale and circulation (销售).
Forgers have a hard time selling their products. A forger can't approach a respectable buyer but must deal with people who don't have much knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways to make their work look real. For example, they buy old books to use the aged paper of the title page, and they can treat paper and ink with chemicals.
In Spring's time, right after the Civil War, Britain was still fond of the Southern states, so Spring invented a respectable maiden lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson, the only daughter of General "Stonewall" Jackson. For several years Miss Fanny's economic problems forced her to sell a great number of letters and manuscripts belonging to her famous father. Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand. All this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty, leaving sharp-eye experts the difficult task of separating this forgeries from the originals.
Why did Spring sell his autographs in England and Canada?

A.There was a greater demand there than in America.
B.There was less chance of being detected there.
C.Britain was Spring's birthplace.
D.The price were higher in England and Canada.

After the Civil War, there was a great demand in Britain for _______.

A.Southern money
B.signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin
C.Southern manuscripts and letters
D.Civil War battle plans

Robert Spring spent 15 years _______.

A.running a bookstore in Philadelphia
B.corresponding with Miss Fanny Jackson
C.as a forger
D.as a respectable dealer

According to the passage, forgeries are usually sold to _______.

A.sharp-eyed experts B.persons who aren't experts
C.book dealers D.owner of the old books

Who was Miss Fanny Jackson?

A.The only daughter of General "Stonewall" Jackson.
B.A little-known girl who sold her father's papers to Robert Spring.
C.Robert Spring's daughter.
D.An imaginary person created by Spring.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My friends, Emma Daniels, spent the summer of 1974 traveling in Israel. During her monthlong stay in Jerusalem she often went to a café called Chocolate Soup. It was run by two men, one of whom – Alex – used to live in Montreal. One morning when Emma went in for coffee, while chatting with her new friend Alex, she mentioned that she had just finished the book she was reading and had nothing else to read. Alex said he had a wonderful book she might like, and that he’d be happy to lend it to her. As he lived just above the café, he quickly ran up to get it. The book he handed to Emma just minutes later was Markings, a book by a former Secrcetary-General of the United Nations (UN).
Emma had never read it, nor had she ever bought a copy. But, when she opened it up, she was floored to see her own name and address inside the cover in her own handwriting.It turned out that the summer before, at a concert back in Montreal, Emma had met a Californian who was in town visiting friends. They decided to exchange addresses, but neither of them had any paper. The man opened up a book he was carrying in his backpack and asked Emma to write her name and address inside. When he returned to California, he left the book behind in Montreal, and his friend Alex kept it. When Alex later moved to Jerusalcm, he took the book along.
Alex lent Emma the book, Markings,__________.

A.to show his friendliness to her
B.to show his interest in reading
C.to tell her about the importance of UN
D.to let her write her name and address inside

How did Emma feel the moment she opened the book?

A.Pleased. B.Satisfied.
C.Worried. D.Surprised.

We can learn from the text the Californian________.

A.met Emma at a concert
B.invited Emma to a concert
C.introduced Emma to his friend
D.left Emma his backpack

Who was supposed to be the first owner of the book?

A.An official of the UN.
B.A coffee shop owner.
C.A friend of the author’s.
D.Alex’s friend from California.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Liu Xiang, athlete, born in 1983

Liu Xiang made his name by winning the 110-meter hurdles gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. This was the first time an athlete of non-African descent (血统) had gone under 13 seconds for the event. In the same year, Liu set a new 110-meter hurdling world record at the Super Grand Prix in Lausanne, with a time of 12.88 seconds.
Lang Lang, pianist, born in 1982

Lang Lang began piano lessons at age three. His father quit his job to accompany his boy to Beijing. At 11, Lang Lang was awarded first prize for his outstanding performance at the Fourth International Young Pianists Competition in Germany. In 1995, at 13, he won first place at the Tchaikovsky International Young Musicians’ Competition in Japan. At 17, Lang Lang made his breakthrough in the West and has performed with many of the world’s major orchestras since then.
Li Yuchun, singer, born in 1984

Born into a middle-class family, Li was not encouraged by her parents to pursue a career in entertainment. The turning point came when she entered the Super Girl contest in 2005. This competition drew the largest audiences in Chinese television history. She rose above 120,000 applicants with her tomboy style and Latin-flavored performance. Her win came as a surprise to many people because she didn’t fit the stereotype of female singers. She has millions of fans of all ages all over the country. Her haircut and manners have been copied by tens of thousands of girls. Her first album sold more than 430,000 copies in the first month.
Ding Junhui, snooker player, born in 1987

Ding quit school at 13, after his father insisted he concentrate on snooker. His parents then sold their house to help Ding kick-start his career. In March 2005, he celebrated his 18th birthday by reaching the final of the China Open in Beijing, along the way beating world top-16 ranked players Peter Ebdon, Marco Fu and Ken Doherty. In the final, he defeated the then world No 3, Stephen Hendry, ranking first in the tournament. After shooting to fame, questions were raised over the father’s decision for Ding to quit school.
Who is the passage intended for?

A.People only interested in China Daily. B.Children born after the 1980s.
C.Students and the young crazy fans. D.Readers of all ages.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Liu Xiang was the first to prove the Asians can equal the African descent in the hurdles.
B.Li Yunchun’s talent made her the best-known singer in China.
C.Ding Junhui was forced to drop out of school because of his low grades.
D.Lang Lang was the most popular with the students in China.

Who was the youngest when they rose to fame?

A.Li Yuchun. B.Liu Xiang. C.Ding Junhui. D.Lang Lang.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Knight was the manager of a hotel. One weekend all of the hotels in the city were full because there was a large meeting. On Friday, three men came into the hotel and asked for rooms. Mr. Knight said there were no rooms ready because of the meeting. The men were unhappy.
Mr. Knight wanted to help them. He remembered that Room 418, a small room, was empty. He asked them if they could share a room. The three men said they would. Mr. Knight said the room would be thirty dollars; ten dollars for each person. Each man gave him the money and then went up to the room.
Mr. Knight soon began to feel sorry. “Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small room.” he thought. He called his assistant over and said, “Here is five dollars. Take it to the men in Room 418. I asked too much for their room.”
The assistant took the money. While he was on the way there, he started to think, “How can three men divide five dollars? I’ll give them each only one dollar and keep the two dollars for myself. The men will be happy to get something back. And Mr. Knight will never know.” So the assistant returned one dollar to each man.
Each man had at first paid ten dollars. After the assistant returned them one dollar each, each had actually(in fact) paid nine. There were three men. $9´3="$27." The assistant kept$2. $27+$2="$29." Where is the missing dollar?
With the help of the manager, the three men___________.

A.went to another hotel
B.each got a small room for the night
C.stayed together in a small room
D.got a small room Mr. Knight kept for himself

At first___________.

A.$27 was paid by the three men
B.$30 was paid by each of the three men
C.$25 was paid by the three men
D.$10 was paid by each of the three men

The assistant___________.

A.helped the men to divide the money
B.kept two dollars for himself
C.kept three dollars for himself
D.returned three dollars to the men and two to the manger

Where is the missing dollar?

A.It was taken by the assistant, too.
B.It was taken by Mr. Knight.
C.It was taken by the three men.
D.In fact, there wasn’t any missing dollar.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"Colour" and "color","favourite" and "favorite"... Have you ever wondered why Americans spell those words without a "u"? Is it because they are lazy?
Of course not. In fact,the difference in spelling was created by Noah Webster (1758-1843). He is a teacher who reformed English to make American identity stronger. Linguists (语言学家) celebrated his 250th birthday on October 16. After the Revolutionary War (1775~ 1783),Webster believed that Americans should have their own dictionary,rather than rely on British versions (版本). He dropped the British "u" in some words. And he changed "centre" into "center" for children to learn English by spelling words more like they sounded.
Webster wasn't shy about expressing his opinions. In defining (定义) preposterous (unreasonable),he wrote: "A republican government in the hands of females is preposterous."
Webster spent 28 years on the project before completing the 70,000-word dictionary in 1828 with his American-style spellings. He also added local words. His dictionary was widely used in schools. Linguists believed it helped a new nation achieve unity and cultural independence at a time when most were focused on political freedom.
"He was the shaper of our language and the shaper of American identity,"said Joshua Kendall,who is working on a biography (传记) about Webster. "He at last bonded (联合)us through our language."
Which of the following would probably be the best title for the passage?

A.The shaper of American English.
B.American identity.
C.Webster's dictionary.
D.Spelling differences between American and British English.

According to the passage,when he worked on his dictionary, Noah Webster did all of the following EXCEPT        .

A.voicing his opinion B.changing "centre" into "center"
C.adding local words D.dropping "u" in all the British words

Which of the following word can best describe Noah Webster’s work?

A.Interesting. B.Meaningful. C.Unfinished. D.Boring.

Why did Noah Webster create these differences in his dictionary?

A.Because he wanted to make English simple and easy.
B.Because he wanted to show that the USA is stronger than the UK.
C.Because he wanted to achieve political freedom.
D.Because he wanted American English to have its own characteristics.

When did Noah Webster probably begin his project of the dictionary?

A.In 1758. B.In 1783. C.In 1800. D.In 1828.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When the bundle was in her arms and she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped. The doctor turned quickly and looked out of the tall hospital window. The baby had been born without ears.
Time proved that the baby’ s hearing was perfect. It was only his appearance that was imperfect. When he rushed home from school one day and threw himself into his mother’s arms, she sighed(叹息), knowing that his life was to be unfortunate. He cried to his mum “A boy, a big boy... called me a freak (怪人).”
He grew up, handsome. A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift, a talent for literature and music. “But you might communicate with other young people,” his mother blamed him, but felt a kindness in her heart.
Two years went by. One day, his father said to the son, “You’ re going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it’ s a secret.” The operation was a great success, and a new person appeared.
Later he married and became a lawyer. One day, he asked his father, “Who gave me the ears? Who gave me so much? I could never do enough for him or her.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father, “but the agreement was that you are not to know... not yet.”
The years kept their secret, but the day did come. He stood with his father over his mother’ s casket棺材. Slowly, tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish brown hair to show the mother had no outer ears.
“Mother said she was glad she never let her hair be cut,” his father whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought Mother less beautiful, did they?”
Why did Mother gasp when she saw her newborn baby?

A.Because her son had a tiny face.
B.Because she saw her son crying.
C.Because her son was born imperfect.
D.Because her son was in her arms.

Which word can describe Mother’ s feeling when the son threw himself into her arms?

A.Nervous. B.Sympathetic. C.Proud. D.Angry.

We can infer that the person who donate the ears is_____.

A.A doctor. B.His father. C.His mother. D.A stranger.

From the passage we know the followings are True except________

A.the mother felt sorry for the son without ears
B.the doctor didn’t like the baby
C.the boy meant everything to the mother
D.the father kept the secret until mother died

The best title for the passage would be ________.

A.Mother’s hair B.An unforgettable memory
C.Who gave me the ears? D.Who is my best respectable person?
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When my grandfather died, my 83-year-old grandmother, once so full of life, slowly began to fade. No longer able to manage a home of her own, she moved in with my mother, where she was visited often by other members of her large, loving family. Although she still had her good days, it was often hard to arouse her interest.
But one chilly December afternoon three years ago, my daughter Meagan, then eight, and I were visiting her, when she noticed that Meagan was carrying her favorite doll.“I, too, had a special doll when I was a little girl,” she told a wide-eyed Meagan. “I got it one Christmas when I was about your age. I lived in an old farmhouse in Maine, with Mom, Dad and my four sisters, and the very first gift I opened that Christmas was the most beautiful doll you’d ever want to see.”
“She had an exquisite(优美的,高雅的), hand-painted face, and her long brown hair was pulled back with a big pink bow. Her eyes were blue, and they opened and closed. I remember she had a body of kidskin, and her arms and legs bent at the joints.”
GG’s voice dropped low, taking on an almost respectful tone. “My doll was dressed in a pretty pink gown, decorated with fine lace. … Getting such a fine doll was like a miracle for a little farm girl like me — my parents must have had to sacrifice so much to afford it But how happy I was that morning!”
GG’s eyes filled and her voice shook with emotion as she recalled that Christmas of long ago. “I played with my doll all morning long. And then it happened. My mother called us to the dining room for Christmas dinner and I laid my new doll down gently on the hall table. But as I went to join the family at the table, I heard a loud crash.”
“I hardly had to turn around — I knew it was my precious doll. And it was. Her lace skirt had hung down from the table just enough for my baby sister to reach up and pull on it. When I ran in, there lay my beautiful doll on the floor, her face smashed into a dozen pieces. She was gone forever.”
A few years later, GG’s baby sister was also gone, she told Meagan, a victim of pneumonia(肺炎). Now the tears in her eyes spilled over — tears, I knew, not only for a lost doll and a lost sister, but for a lost time.
Subdued(沉默的) for the rest of the visit, Meagan was no sooner in the car going home than she exclaimed, “Mom, I have a great idea! Let’s get GG a new doll for Christmas. Then she won’t cry when she thinks about it.”
My heart filled with pride as I listened to my sympathetic little daughter. But where would we find a doll to match GG’s fond memories?
Where there’s a will, as they say, there’s a way. When I told my best friends, Liz and Chris, about my problem, Liz put me in touch with a local doll-make. From a doll supply house I ordered a long brown hair and a kidskin body to copy the outfit GG had so lovingly described. Liz volunteered to put the doll together, and Chris helped me make the doll’s outfit. Meagan wrote the story of the lost doll by giving examples.
Finally our creation was finished. To our eyes it was perfect. But there was no way it could be exactly like the doll GG had loved so much and lost. Would she think it looked anything like it?
On Christmas Eve, Meagan and I carried our happily packed gift to GG, where she sat surrounded by children, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins. “It’s for you,” Meagan said, “but first you have to read the story that goes with it.”
GG no sooner got through the first page than her voice cracked and she was unable to go on, but Meagan took over where she left off. Then it was time to open her present.
I’ll never forget the look on GG’s face as she lifted the doll and held it to her chest. Once again her tears fell, but this time they were tears of joy. Holding the doll in her frail arms, she repeated over and over again, “She’s exactly like my old doll, exactly like her.” 
And perhaps she wasn't saying that just to be kind. Perhaps however impossible it seemed, we had managed to produce a close copy of the doll she remembered. But as I watched my eight-year-old daughter and her great-grandmother examining the doll together, I thought of a likelier explanation. What GG really recognized, perhaps, was the love that inspired the gift. And love, wherever it comes from, always looks the same.
GG moved in with her daughter because ______.

A.she wanted to live with a large family
B.she was not able to live on her own due to her weakness
C.her husband passed away
D.she thought it was the children’s obligation to take care of her

Why did GG become very emotional on a December afternoon?

A.Because she saw her great granddaughter’s doll.
B.Because she recalled her long deceased parents.
C.Because she was surrounded by her offspring.
D.Because she felt lonely during the Christmas season.

What can we infer from the underlined sentence in paragraph 4? 

A.GG’s doll was important and was a symbol of many things.
B.GG showed great respect for his husband’s love.
C.GG missed the great old days she spent with her family
D.GG was grateful for her long life.

What happened to GG’s baby sister?

A.She envied her sister all her life.
B.She felt guilty for breaking GG’s doll and decided to go.
C.She left home at a young age.
D.She died of some disease at a young age.

Why did Meagan’s mum feel proud of her daughter?

A.Because she was clever. B.Because she was loving.
C.Because she was amiable. D.Because she was imaginative.

This passage implies that ______.

A.treating the elderly well is moral
B.it is impossible to copy the exact doll for the elderly
C.love, the permanent rhythm of life, will always remain in the elderly’s heart
D.physical comfort from children rather than psychological care is important
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most people were warming up their ears, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone.
The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries (食品杂货) saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live.
I was so grieved that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that,several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, then called my husband to pick ii up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.
People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity (人性) as a whole. And it has influenced (影响) us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can share with others. No matter how or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone cares. And the results can be everlasting.
Why was the bike so important to the couple?

A.The man's job was bike racing. B.It was their only possession.
C.It was a nice Kona 18 speed. D.They used it for work and daily life

We can infer from the text that ________

A.The couple worked 60 hours a week B.people were busy before Christmas
C.the stranger brought over the bike D.life was hard for the young family

How did people get to know the couple's problem?

A.From radio broadcasts. B.From a newspaper.
C.From TV news. D.From a stranger.

The underlined word "grieved" in paragraph 3 probably means________.

A.upset B.pleased C.frightened D.lucky

What do the couple learn from their experience?

A.Strangers are usually of little help. B.One should take care of their bike.
C.News reports make people famous. D.An act of kindness can mean a lot.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
