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I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday”, which was to make us more       the problems faced by disabled people. We were asked to “     a disability” for several hours one Sunday. Some members,      , chose to use wheelchairs. Others wore sound-blocking earplugs(耳塞)or blindfolds(眼罩).
Just sitting in the wheelchair was a       experience. I had never considered before how       it would be to use one. As soon as I sat down, my       made the chair begin to roll. Its wheels were not     . Then I wondered where to put my      . It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into      . I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of       for several hours. For disabled people, “adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary(临时的)      .
I tried to find a      position and thought it might be restful,       kind of nice, to be       around for a while. Looking around, I       I would have to handle the thing myself? My hands started to ache as I       the heavy metal wheels. I came to know that controlling the       of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)       task.
My wheelchair experiment was soon      . It made a deep impression on me. A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the      , both physical and mental, that disabled people must overcome.

A.curious about B.interested in C.aware of D.careful with

A.cure B.prevent C.adopt D.analyze

A.instead B.strangely C.as usual D.like me

A.learning B.working C.satisfying D.relaxing

A.convenient B.awkward C.boring D.exciting

A.height B.force C.skill D.weight

A.locked B.repaired C.powered D.grasped

A.hands B.feet C.keys D.handles

A.place B.action C.play D.effect

A.operation B.communication C.transportation D.production

A.exploration B.education C.experiment D.entertainment

A.flexible B.safe C.starting D.comfortable

A.yet B.just C.still D.even

A.shown B.pushed C.driven D.guided

A.realized B.suggested C.agreed D.admitted

A.lifted B.turned C.pressed D.seized

A.path B.position C.direction D.way

A.easy B.heavy C.major D.extra

A.forgotten B.repeated C.conducted D.finished

A.weaknesses B.challenges C.anxieties D.illnesses
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mobile phones are everywhere in big cities. It seems that             can live without one. Mobile phones are a great         to stay connected with friends and family.          , it is important to remember that there are certain times               you should not be using your phone, especially as a student, during school.
you are in class, you should not be sending your friends text messages            taking phone calls. Your classmates and teacher should not have to deal with this rude             . Aren’t you at school to learn?
In the United States, students would never be allowed to             their mobile phones during class. If you were to send or             a text message you would probably be kicked            class. It is very disturbing to hear a lot of tones and ringing during         . There are many more rules for mobile phone use in America and it is to            respect for those around you.
As a teacher in China, I have to             students using mobile phones every day. I have told my class to            their phones, but many students do not listen. The            to be connected all the time seems to be more            than the desire to learn.
It’s easy to understand           it is so tempting(诱惑人的) to have your phone on during class. It seems so easy just to send a short text message; it’s not hurting anyone, is it? But you may actually be hurting          when you do this. Your teacher knows when you use your phone and may give you a             grade. Sending a text message also takes your attention away from what’s going on in class, you may        something important.

A.one B.somebody C.someone D.no one

A.way B.road C.method D.path

A.But B.However C.So D.Therefore

A.which B.that C.when D.where

A.After B.Before C.Because D.If

A.or B.and C.as well as D.instead of

A.act B.action C.habit D.behavior

A.have B.take C.use D.send

A.receive B.accept C.make D.get

A.of B.off C.out D.out of

A.school B.class C.office D.home

A.ask B.suggest C.show D.answer

A.do B.deal C.do with D.deal with

A.turn on B.turn down C.turn off D.turn in

A.desire B.wish C.hope D.expect

A.possible B.important C.necessary D.interesting

A.why B.what C.that D.whether

A.himself B.herself C.ourselves D.yourself

A.lower B.higher C.better D.upper

A.forget B.remember C.miss D.leave
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A frail old man went to live with his______, daughter-in-law, and a four-year-old grandson. The family ate together nightly at the dinner table. ______the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating rather_____. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, often milk spilled on the tablecloth.
The son and daughter-in-law became_____the mess. So the husband and wife______a small table in the corner. There, grandfather ate_____while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner at the dinner table. Since grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a_____bowl.
Sometimes when the family glanced in grandfather's______, he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone. Still, the only words the couple had for______were sharp warnings when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The four-year-old son watched it all______.
One evening_____supper, the father noticed his son playing ______ wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child______, “What are you making?” Just as sweetly, the boy responded, “Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and mama to eat your food from when I grow up.” The words struck the parents so hard______they were speechless. Then______started to stream down their cheeks. ______no word was spoken, both knew_____must be done. That evening the husband took grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table.
For the rest of his days he______every meal with the family. And for some reason, ______ husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled. The wise parent______that every day is being laid for the child's future.

A.wife B.brother C.son D.sister

A.And B.So C.Or D.But

A.easy B.difficult C.interesting D.happy

A.angry with B.satisfied with C.concerned about D.tired of

A.built B.bought C.set D.gave

A.lonely B.tiredly C.alone D.happily

A.woolen B.wooden C.golden D.plastic

A.action B.direction C.attraction D.attention

A.him B.her C.me D.you

A.in need B.in case C.in silence D.in all

A.after B.when C.while D.before

A.with B.in C.for D.on

A.strictly B.loudly C.sweetly D.sadly

A.that B.what C.which D.who

A.sweat B.rain C.tears D.water

A.Because B.When C.Until D.Though

A.which B.how C.that D.what

A.cooked B.ate C.prepared D.drank

A.both B.neither C.either D.all

A.recognized B.thought C.realized D.agreed

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some people took a tourist bus to a mountainous area .The scenery was really _______and a couple of young lovers were _______ so much by the natural beauty that they got off the bus on the way. Shortly after the bus went on, they heard a_______ boom ahead of the road. It was a huge rock rolling down in the landslide that hit the  bus and fell with it into a deep valley. The lovers were greatly _______by the news that no passengers on_______ survived. When they calmed down, they _______ and expressed their feelings in a few words.
The above story was told by a_______ when we were riding a tourist bus to a scenic mountain. He asked us to guess what the lovers said after the disaster that they had _______ escaped.
Often we read reports about traffic accidents, among which there were lucky ones who missed the bus and _______ the disaster. Those people usually said with a sigh of _______ “Fortunately I was not on board.” On our bus the passengers’ _______ to the guide were various.
But the answer was quite out of our _______.“If we hadn’t got down and delayed the bus, it would have passed the dangerous spot and all the passengers would have _______”
The story passed from person to person as a sort of wit (智慧) test, but I think _______ It actually serves as an examination of a person’s mind. I pay my heart-felt respect to the couple who, instead of feeling lucky, _______ themselves for causing the loss of lives. People all have heart for mercy , but it is often a flashing thought across one’s mind that decides whether it is good or evil (邪恶的).

A.breathtaking B.inspiring C.satisfying D.frustrating

A.struck B.moved C.encouraged D.appealed

A.vast B.noisy C.loud D.large

A.shocked B.scared C.embarrassed D.confused

A.bus B.hill C.board D.road

A.shouted B.screamed C.explained D.sighed

A.tourist B.guide C.driver D.passager

A.finally B.eventually C.nearly D.narrowly

A.passed B.avoided C.caused D.trapped

A.sadness B.concern C.relief D.regret

A.emotions B.expressions C.attitudes D.replies

A.touch B.expectation C.doubt D.reach

A.died B.passed C.survived D.stayed

A.differently B.actually C.similarly D.sincerely

A.thanked B.blamed C.apologized D.forgave

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Personal computers and the Internet give people new choices about how to spend their time.
Some may use this freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but new technology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care most about. I know this from personal experience.
E-mail makes it easy to work at home, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hours aren’t necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of them at the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I might have if she’d been born before electronic mail became such a practical tool.
The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Say you do something fun, see a great movie perhaps-and there are four or five friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you may tire of telling the story.
With E-mail, you just write one note about your experience, at your convenience, and address (="tell)" it to all the friends you think might be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and read only as much as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you can read what they have to say at your convenience.
E-mail is also an inexpensive way stay in close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parents use E-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off at college.
We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offer another way of staying in touch. They don’t take the place of any of the old ways.
We can infer that passage is to ________.

A.explain how to use the Internet B.describe the writer’s joy of keeping up with the latest technology C.tell the merits(价值) and usefulness of the Internet D.introduce the reader to basic knowledge about personal computers and the Internet

A.spend less time working B.have more free time with his child C.work at home on weekends D.work at a speed comfortable to him

A.reach a group of people at one time conveniently B.keep one’s communication as personal as possible C.pass on much more information than the latter D.get in touch with one’s friends faster than the latter

A.Computer: New Technological Advances B.Internet: New Tool to Maintain Good Friendship C.Computers Have Made Life Easier D.Internet: a Convenient Tool for Communication

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction and even if they have only visited a place once, they will be able to find it again years later. I am one of those unfortunate people who have         sense of direction and I may have visited a place time after time but I still get         on my way there. When I was young I was so        that I never dared ask strangers the way and so I used to       round in circles and hope that I would happen to get to the place I was heading for. I am               too shy to ask people for directions, but I often        replies that puzzle me. Often people do not like to admit that they didn’t know their hometown and will       on telling you the way, even if they do not know it ; others who are       to prove that they know their hometown very well, will give you a long         of directions which you cannot possibly hope to remember, and still others do not seem to be able to        between their left and their right and you find in the end that you are going in the         direction. If anyone ever asks me the way to somewhere, I always tell them I am a       to the town in order to avoid giving them wrong        but even this can have embarrassing (尴尬的) results. Once I was on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I would      him the way to the Sunlight Building. I gave my         reply, but I had not walked on a few steps when I       that he had asked for directions to my office building. However, at this point, I decided it was too late to turn back and        him in the crowd behind me        I was going to meet with someone at the office and I did not want to keep him waiting. Imagine my embarrassment when my secretary showed in the       man who had asked for directions to my office and his       when he recognized me as the person he had asked.

A.good B.instant C.poor D.fine

A.lost B.disappeared C.stuck D.missing

A.brave B.nervous C.afraid D.shy

A.come B.show C.look D.wander

A.still B.no longer C.any more D.often

A.receive B.accept C.give D.import

A.advise B.suggest C.insist D.persuade

A.glad B.anxious C.interested D.angry

A.line B.list C.page D.paragraph

A.say B.know C.divide D.tell

A.right B.same C.other D.opposite

A.friend B.policeman C.stranger D.foreigner

A.direction B.advice C.answer D.road

A.direct B.tell C.take D.point

A.similar B.common C.usual D.general

A.noticed B.realized C.believed D.considered

A.look B.find C.discover D.search

A.when B.then C.while D.as

A.only B.certain C.very D.just

A.astonishment B.excitement C.judgment D.Embarrassment

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was going to stay all night with her friend Amy. They had to        Mr. Dawson’s house on the way to Amy’s house. As they got     , Janet saw him sitting in his front yard and            they should cross over to the other side of the street. Janet was       of the strange old man because of the stories she’d heard about him.
Amy said not to       . Still, Janet was growing more nervous with each step closer to the old man’s house. When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his usual frown (皱眉头).       , when he saw it was Amy, a broad     changed his entire face as he said, “Hello Miss Amy. I see you’ve got a little          with you today.”
Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying         and they were going to listen to music and play games. Dawson said that sounded        , and gave them each a freshly picked         off his tree.
When they          Dawson’s house, Janet asked Amy, “How come he was so          to us?”
Amy          that when she first started walking past his house he wasn’t very          and she was afraid of him, but she       he was wearing an invisible (看不见的)smile and so she          smiled back at him. After some time, he started smiling real smiles and then started         to her. Now he always     her an apple, and was always very kind.
Smiles are contagious (感染他人的). If you pretend he is smiling an invisible  smile at you and you smile back at him,          he will really smile.

A.walk by B.take up C.go into D.tear down.

A.far B.fast C.inside D.close

A.announced B.suggested C.ordered D.predicted

A.fond B.ashamed C.scared D.proud

A.cry B.worry C.return D.speak

A.Instead B.Besides C.Therefore D.However

A.accent B.joke C.smile D.idea

A.friend B.doll C.gift D.pet

A.there B.indoors C.overnight D.here

A.great B.strange C.simple D.dull

A.banana B.orange C.pear D.apple

A.entered B.left C.visited D.saw

A.fair B.rude C.nice D.open

A.explained B.thought C.doubted D.realized

A.happy B.famous C.friendly D.popular

A.remembered B.pretended C.asked D.agreed

A.ever B.seldom C.never D.always.

A.turning B.referring C.talking D.complaining

A.offered B.awarded C.lent D.bought

A.more or less B.now and again C.here and there D.sooner or later

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I know that it's hard to devote enough time to class and to social efforts. But, I wanted to succeed in both. I knew this would be a       but didn't realize how much until classes began.
I    on well with the other girls who lived in my dorm(宿舍). Often,    _______   finishing my homework before it was           to hand in, I went upstairs and had ice cream with my neighbor. I         finished it the next day between classes. But I knew it wasn't very good and the       I received showed my lack of        . I realized that I needed to find some sort of        .
So, the next day I created a         that would         my time up between going to class, doing homework, and relaxing. It seemed like a good idea,    ____    I was only able to         it for a few days. A schedule like that had too much  ____    .
So I tried another plan. This one             lists and common sense. Each week I made a list of       I had to get done during that week and by which day I had to have it done. Then,          the list of things I had to get done, I made a list of things I could do if I had the time.
This is the         I have used since then. Now, I have started my senior year and I feel time is           . Scheduling my time has become more challenging, but I continue to do it.
My cousins, who are now in college, tell me that there are a lot of books to read by yourself and many different things to do, with various people and organizations. So I'm    __     that I've learned to balance things and it has helped        me for what is to come after graduation.

A.disaster B.trouble C.challenge D.competition

A.kept B.got C.took D.caught

A.as well as B.in order to C.not only D.instead of

A.point B.late C.ready D.time

A.seldom B.always C.hardly D.never

A.grade B.rank C.degree D.title

A.intelligence B.confidence C.exercise D.effort

A.change B.skill C.balance D.improvement

A.form B.method C.timetable D.system

A.average B.divide C.arrange D.organize

A.and B.but C.so D.then

A.accept B.collect C.follow D.insist

A.influence B.pressure C.question D.doubt

A.provided B.needed C.formed D.included

A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything

A.among B.under C.from D.with

A.method B.skill C.experience D.way

A.important B.valuable C.limited D.up

A.convinced B.glad C.sure D.ungrateful

A.prepare B.enable C.practise D.equip

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

America’s Beauty Is in Its Diversity
America is built on the idea of freedom, and there is no exception for Muslim women. I ______the freedom of religion and speech. But mostly, I believe it’s OK to be______, and to stand up for who and what you are. So I believe in wearing the hijab.
The hijab is a religious head covering, like a scarf. I am Muslim, and keeping my head covered is a ______ of maturity(成熟) and respect toward my ______and to Allah’s will. ______, I also like to wear it to be different. I don’t usually like to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be a(n) ______, not just part of the crowd. But when I first wore it, I was also afraid of the______ that I’d get at school.
I ______ on my own that sixth grade was the______ I should start wearing the hijab. I was ______ about what the kids would say or even do to me. I thought they might make fun of me, or ____ be scared of me and ______ my headscarf. Kids at that age usually like to be all the same, and there’s little or no ______of differences.
On the first day of school, I put all those ______ thoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high. I was holding my breath a little, but ______ I was also proud to be a Muslim, proud to be wearing the hijab, proud to be different.
I was______ about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me. I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering. Most of the kids would come and ask me questions--______--about the hijab and why I wore it.
I did hear some kids were making fun of me, ______there was one girl-- she wasn’t even in my class, and we never really talked much-- and she spoke______ me, and I wasn’t even there! I made a lot of new friends that year, friends that I still have until this very day, five years later.
Yes, I’m different, but everyone is different here, in one way or another. This is the______of America.

A.believe in B.stick to C.carry out D.push for

A.dependent B.free C.sensitive D.different

A.signal B.sign C.reminder D.cause

A.religion B.country C.parents D.status

A.In a word B.In general C.To be exact D.To be honest

A.princess B.heroine C.individual D.adult

A.praise B.punishment C.reaction D.reflection

A.hoped B.expected C.realized D.decided

A.time B.chance C.case D.occasion

A.disappointed B.scared C.enthusiastic D.angry

A.still B.already C.even D.ever

A.show off B.pull off C.pick up D.put up

A.rejection B.ignorance C.awareness D.acceptance

A.negative B.optimistic C.serious D.strange

A.often B.inside C.only D.outside

A.concerned B.particular C.wrong D.convinced

A.respectfully B.cautiously C.suspiciously D.critically

A.and B.so C.but D.or

A.in terms of B.in front of C.in charge of D.in favor of

A.significance B.beauty C.value D.power

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was in high school, my father retired and set up a food booth on the street near my school. He was particularly good at making        . Every day after I finished school, my classmates and I would       his food booth. But I really       talking to him before his food booth, because I didn’t want my classmates to know my father was selling noodles on the street!
One night, I couldn’t       it any more and shouted, “Dad, could you       selling your annoying noodles? I don’t need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment, my father was      . He tried to say something but didn’t. When he turned       , something happened that I would never       . His eyes were filled with tears. I saw him      for the first time. My mother later told me my father was selling noodles to       money for my college education. Even today I still feel       for what I did that night.
Time really flies. I finished       and then left my home to work. During the past years, whenever I        home, he was always there meeting me       at the railway station. Whenever he saw me off, he never tried to hug me, although I always       his hug. When I was away from home, he never wrote or telephoned me,       he always pushed my mother to telephone me. Whenever my mother was telephoning me, he’d sit beside her with a list of questions. He’d       my mother to talk to me for him. That’s the way he is, and that’s how he shows his       to me.
My father is quiet, but I feel a       , which is deep and powerful. It lives in a place far beyond      , and it is something special-“a silent father’s love”.

A.chicken B.noodles C.bread D.dessert

A.pass B.watch C.visit D.advertise

A.enjoyed B.hated C.considered D.continued

A.stand B.deserve C.forgive D.digest

A.start B.stop C.forget D.remember

A.tired B.confused C.interested D.shocked

A.around B.back C.up D.down

A.describe B.forget C.prove D.face

A.arguing B.weeping C.laughing D.smiling

A.save B.take C.spend D.count

A.happy B.empty C.lonely D.guilty

A.meeting B.reading C.homework D.college

A.returned B.missed C.left D.stayed

A.shyly B.regularly C.quietly D.responsibly

A.saw B.refused C.expected D.rewarded

A.and B.but C.or D.if

A.force B.challenge C.tell D.inspire

A.love B.hate C.anger D.respect

A.connection B.competition C.condition D.combination

A.greetings B.injuries C.links D.words

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   There is probably no field of human activity in which our values and lifestyles are shown more clearly and strongly than they are in the clothes that we choose to wear.The dress of an individual is a kind of “sign language” that communicates a set of information and is usually the basis on which immediate impressions are formed.Traditionally,a concern for clothes was considered to be an affair of females,while men took pride in the fact that they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness(意识).
This type of American culture is by degrees changing as man dress takes on greater variety and color.Even as early as 1955,a researcher in Michigan said that men attached rather high importance to the value of clothing in daily life. White collar workers in particular viewed dress as a symbol(象征)of ability,which could be used to impress or influence others,especially in the work situation.The white collar worker was described as extremely concerned about the impression his clothing made on his superiors(上司).Although blue collar workers were less aware(察觉到的)that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing,they recognized that any difference from the accepted pattern of dress would be made fun of by fellow workers.
Since that time,of course,the patterns have changed:the typical office worker may now be wearing the blue shirt,and the laborer a white shirt;but the importance of dress has not become less.Other researchers in recent years have helped to prove its importance in the lives of individuals at various age levels and in different social and economic status groups(阶层).
The passage tells us that _______.

A.our values and lifestyles are in no field of human activity B.the clothes that we choose to wear have something to do with our values and lifestyles C.our values and lifestyles are from the sign language D.the clothes we choose to wear depend on a set of information and immediate impression

A.men cared very much for clothes B.women were concerned greatly about what they wore while men didn’t C.both men and women paid great attention to their clothes D.neither men nor women showed interest in clothes

A.they are concerned about the impression their clothes make on their superiors B.they know very clearly that people will judge them on the basis of their clothing C.they want to impress and influence others D.they don’t want to be laughed at

A.Men thought the value of clothing in daily life was very important. B.Men didn’t pay attention to the importance of the value of clothing in daily life. C.Men thought little of the importance of the value of clothing in daily life. D.Men were concerned little about the value of clothing in daily life.

A.now men pay more attention to their clothes than women do B.women always like beautiful dresses C.people have paid more and more attention to the importance of dress D.American culture is changing greatly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Morning is extremely important, because it is the beginning of a day. How you choose to  your morning can often be used to predict what kind of day you are going to have.
  each day with love and gratitude (感激). When you get up in the morning, think of what a great luck it is to be   —to see, to hear, to love, to have something to look forward to. Happiness is simply the feeling of appreciating others. Realize that it’s not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy. Don’t have pressure   on each new morning.   yourself from the things that you didn’t  yesterday and made you down. Let yesterday go. Every morning is the start of a new day with new   . Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. 

A.live B.enjoy C.change D.spend

A.Compare B.Treat C.Begin D.Concern

A.alive B.alike C.ahead D.awake

A.lain B.laid C.covered D.floated

A.Comfort B.Keep C.Free D.Cure

A.give out B.come out C.set out D.work out

A.views B.tasks C.difficulties D.opportunities

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Cold weather can be hard on pets, just like it can be hard on people. Sometimes owners forget that their cats are just as used to the warm shelter as they are. Some owners will leave their animals outside for a long period of time, thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors. This can put their pets in danger of serious illness. There are things you can do to keep your animal warm and safe.
Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. If you have to take them out, stay outside with them. When you’re cold enough to go inside, they probably are too. If you must leave them outside for a long time, make sure they have a warm, solid shelter against the wind, thick bedding, and plenty of non-frozen water.
If left alone outside, dogs and cats can be very smart in their search for warm shelter. They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere. Watch them closely when they are left outdoors, and provide them with shelter of good quality. Keep an eye on your pet’s water. Sometimes owners don’t realize that a water bowl has frozen and their pet can’t get anything to drink. Animals that don’t have clean and unfrozen water may drink dirty water outside, which may contain something unhealthy for them.
What do we learn about pets from Paragraph 1?

A.They are often forgotten by their owners. B.They are used to living outdoors. C.They build their own shelters. D.They like to stay in warm places.

A.To know when to bring them inside. B.To keep them from eating bad food. C.To help them find shelters. D.To keep them company.

A.run short of clean water B.dig deep holes for fun C.dirty the snow nearby D.get lost in the wild

A.To solve a problem. B.To give practical advice. C.To tell an interesting story. D.To present a research result.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you don’t have anything planned for the day or it’s rainy outside and your children are stuck in the house, why not sit around and tell them riddles? Telling riddles will make your family laugh and sometimes even scratch their heads, trying to figure out what the answer is.
Riddles have been a pastime for centuries. Not only have riddles been something for passing the time, but they have also been used to pass on secret information during the Second World War. Even the ancient Greeks used riddles. They would tell riddles at parties and whoever was the first to get them right would receive prize.
Most riddles use words that have double meanings or share the same sound like “hear” and “here”. So in order to get the riddle, you will have to do some creative thinking and think of all the possibilities of different words. The difficulty of figuring out the riddle is based on the riddle itself. The riddle has to provide you with enough clues to come to the right answer, but that doesn’t mean that the clues have to be easy.
If you are looking to tell riddles but don’t know any, you can look online and you will find a large number of sites that will have hundreds of different riddles to choose from. If you would like to look somewhere else then you could look at your local bookstore, where you will be able to find many different books with thousands of riddles to choose from. You can even find websites and books that will tell you how to write your own riddles.
After you have found some resources that have different riddles, you will need to read through them to find the right ones for you and your family: You will also need to make sure that your kids will have a chance to figure out the answers. So take your time and choose the fight family riddles to tell.
What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?

A.To recommend an interesting family activity. B.To stress the importance of family activities. C.To encourage children to read more books. D.To introduce the history of riddles.

A.do not have enough clues B.have a very long history C.were used in World War One D.were first used in ancient Rome

A.discusses how riddles are created B.explains why fiddles are interesting C.tells people how to solve riddles D.shows the benefits of telling riddles

A.one way B.two ways C.three ways D.four ways

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My first job was at a local restaurant, where I worked for seven years . Being a waitress changed my  1  . I tried my best to do what I loved---  2  People. I always made everyone , customers and coworkers,   3   good.
One of my   4   customers was Fred Hasbrook. He  5  came for Breakfast on Sunday mornings.  6  I saw the old man coming, I always smiled at him and   7   the best service.
One day, Fred saw me and asked , “What’s up ? You’re not  8  today.” I told him that I dreamed of having my own  9  . but when I called my parents to ask for a loan(贷款),they said , “We just don’t have the  10  .”“Fred,” I said to the old man, “I know I can  11  more if somebody would just have faith in me.”
The next day , Fred came and  12  me a check totaling $50,000—along with a  13 that read, “The only collateral(抵押品)on this loan is my  14  in your honesty as a person. Good people with a dream should have the chance to  15  that dream.
I accepted the money and plans for the restaurant I would  16  . Things did not go well. My plans  17  and I lost the money.
Later I decided to  18  a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was  19  and became a pretty good agent.  20 I paid back Fred the $50,000.Five years later, I was able to open my own firm.

A.work B.life C.attitude D.opinion

A.pleasing B.serving C.supporting D.understanding

A.seem B.remain C.feel D.stay

A.daily B.ordinary C.normal D.regular

A.ever B.seldom C.even D.always

A.As soon as B.Every time C.Because D.Since

A.left B.made C.got D.offered

A.working B.joking C.smiling D.singing

A.house B.way C.restaurant D.company

A.time B.money C.courage D.luck

A.do B.give C.have D.share

A.handed B.showed C.bought D.lent

A.gift B.note C.picture D.book

A.wish B.trust C.guess D.demand

A.express B.prove C.realize D.explain

A.visit B.introduce C.sell D.open

A.finish B.change C.succeeded D.failed

A.keep on with B.put up with C.apply for D.give up

A.paid B.employed C.interviewed D.praised

A.Generally B.Actually C.Finally D.Fortunately

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
