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While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can't be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.
Try physical activity
When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try. Physical exercise will relieve your anxiety and worry and help you to relax. Your body and your mind will work together to ease the stress in your life.
Share your stress
It helps to talk to someone about your anxieties and worries. Perhaps a friend, family member, teacher or even your leader can help you a better view of what's troubling you. If you feel your problem is serious, you might seek professional help from a psychologist or a doctor. Knowing when to ask for help is an important step in avoiding serious problems later.
Take care of yourself
You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you're not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor. Make time for yourself.
Make a list of the things you need to do
Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that "there's so much to do, and not enough time". Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important tasks first.
Go ahead and cry
A good cry can be a healthy way to bring relief to your anxiety. It might even help you avoid a headache or other physical effect of anxiety and stress.
What is most probably the writer's purpose in writing the article?

A.To release his or her working tiredness.
B.To help solve the universal problem of stress.
C.To strengthen his or her anxiety.
D.To have more people cry out.

Physical activity can help people release stress because________.

A.only your body movement can help you relax
B.your mind can work better to free you of anxiety
C.your body and mind can cooperate in releasing stress
D.physical activity doesn't play an important part in reducing nervousness

What is similarity between "Share your stress" and "Go ahead and cry"?

A.They both help you let out your feelings.
B.They both need physical movement.
C.They both require mental relaxation.
D.They can cause a headache.

The underlined sentence is close to the meaning of "________".

A.Strike while the iron is hot
B.More haste, less speed
C.Practice makes perfect
D.Quietness wins time
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She may have lacked a home, but now this teen has top honors.
A 17-year-old student who spent much of high school living around homeless shelters — and sometimes sleeping in her car — today graduated and spoke on behalf of her class at Charles Drew High School in Clayton County, Ga., just outside of Atlanta.
Chelsea Fearce held a 4.466 GPA and scored 1900 on her SATs despite having to use her cellphone to study after the shelter lights were turned off at night.
“I know I have been made stronger.I was homeless.My family slept on cushions on the floor and we were lucky if we got more than one full meal a day.Getting a shower, food and clean clothes was an everyday struggle,” Fearce said in a speech she gave at her graduation ceremony.Fearce overcame her day-to-day struggles by focusing on a better day.“I just told myself to keep working, because the future will not be like this anymore,” she told WSBTV.
Fearce, one of five children, grow up in a family that sometimes had an apartment to live in, but at other times had to live in homeless shelters or even out of their car, if they had one.“You’re worried about your home life and then worried at school.Worry about being a little hungry sometimes and go hungry sometimes.You just have to deal with it.You eat what you can, when you can.”
To our surprise, Fearce overcame the difficulties and even tested high enough to be admitted into college half way through her high school career.She starts college next year at Spelman College as a junior where she is planning to study biology, pre-med (医学预科).“Don’t give up.Do what you have to do right now so that you can have the future that you want,” Fearce said.
How did Fearce go on with her study without access to lights?

A.By the car light.
B.By her cellphone.
C.By lights out of shelters.
D.By moonlight.

When Fearce starts college at Spelman College, she will _____..

A.have graduated earlier from high school than normal
B.be a 17-year-old student from a poor family
C.have a home without sleeping in her car or shelters
D.have raised enough money to go to college

What lesson can we learn from Fearce’s experience?

A.Knowledge can change your fate.
B.Don’t give up, and tomorrow will be better.
C.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
D.He that will not work shall not eat.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A cafe owner has defended her decision to pen a Facebook post (an Internet message to be discussed) stating “No, we are not child-friendly,” saying it breaks her heart when children damage her possessions.
On Monday, the Little French Cafe in Newcastle, Australia, posted an announcement on their Facebook page: “Are we child-friendly? If you are looking for a cafe with a children’ s menu, a play area, lounges for your children to jump on, vast space for your baby carriages, an area for your children to run around, and annoy other customers, while you are unaware of them—then the short answer is ‘No, we are not child-friendly.’ However, if you would like to bring your children here and they are happy to sit at a table with you and behave properly, please come in. Otherwise, there are plenty of places that are specifically designed to entertain your children.” The post has since been deleted.
Some Facebook users called the post “arrogant (傲慢的)” and an “attack on parents,” The Newcastle Herald reports. The cafe owner responded with this statement: “I built the cafe myself. It has my blood, sweat and plenty of tears in it.”
The post came about after the cafe owner was asked by a customer, who had left a one-star review on the cafe’s business page, about whether the cafe was child-friendly. Ms Kotz told news.com.au she wrote the bad review because she felt staff reacted negatively towards children at the cafe.
The cafe owner said it broke a piece of her heart every time when she was watching children emptying salt and pepper shakers into her fireplaces, parents changing nappies (尿布) on her lounges, or kids throwing their own food onto her carpet.
Although the cafe’s policy has attracted a lot of criticism, most people who commented on the Little French Cafe’s Facebook page stood by the owner. One woman named Lesley wrote, “I don’t think there was anything wrong with what you said by any means. If parents want to take their children to your cafe, they need to be responsible for their behavior.”
What is the text mainly about?

A.An Australian cafe’s policy on children.
B.A Facebook post about parents’ manners.
C.The protection of the customers’ basic rights
D.The relationship between staff and customers.

Which of the following is permitted according to the cafe owner’s post?

A.Parents demanding a children’s menu.
B.Children entertaining themselves in the cafe.
C.Children running around their own carriages.
D.Parents taking well-behaved kids to the cafe.

The cafe owner wrote the post _____.

A.after a kid damaged her possessions
B.in response to a customer’s question
C.in order to improve the efficiency of the cafe
D.after the cafe was criticized by some Facebook users

What did Lesley think of the cafe owner’s action?

A.It was slightly unfair.
B.It was very misleading.
C.It was highly controversial.
D.It was quite understandable.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the fall of 1985, I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere.Twenty-one years later I am still a bright-eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell.
My grandma, an amazing woman, graduated from college at the age of 65.She was the first in our family to reach that goal.But one year after I started college, she developed cancer.I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her.It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.
Then I got married with another dream: building my family with a combination of adopted and biological children.In 1999, we adopted our first son.To lay eyes on him was fantastic---and very emotional.A year later came our second adopted boy.Then followed son No.3.In 2003, I gave birth to another boy.
You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8!Our home was a complete zoo — a joyous zoo.Not surprising, I never did make it back to college full-time.But I never gave up on the dream either.I had only one choice: to find a way.That meant taking as few as one class each semester.
The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys.They often wanted me to stay home with them.There certainly were times I wanted to quit, but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives.
In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina.It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!
I am not special, just single-minded.It always struck me that when you’re looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge, but when you’re in the midst of it, it just seems normal.Everything you want won’t arrive in your life on one day.It’s a process.Remember: little steps add up to big dreams.
When the author went to Howard University, her dream was to be_________.

A.a writer B.a doctor C.a judge D.a journalist

Why did the author quit school in her second year of college?

A.Her grandma asked her to withdraw from college
B.She fell in love and got married
C.She had so many children to support that she was too busy to continue her college
D.She decided to look after her grandma

What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A.Failure is the mother of success
B.Little by little, one goes far
C.Every coin has two sides
D.Well begun, half done

Which of the following can best describe the author?

A.Caring and determined
B.Honest and responsible
C.Ambitious and sensitive
D.Innocent and single-minded
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Guys,
I’d like to talk to you about the shame you subjected to me last night. Let me first refresh your memory: You, a group of fit, young men, were playing soccer on the field across from my apartment building. I, a better - than - average looking young woman, was walking along the sidewalk with my groceries. That’s when your ball came flying over the fence and landed in front of me.
One of you approached and asked politely if I would throw the ball back to you. Fighting the strong desire to drop my bags and run screaming down the street, I unwillingly agreed.
Before I continue, let me explain something that I didn’t have a chance to mention last night: I hate sports. More specifically, I hate sports involving balls. This results from my lack of natural ability when it comes to throwing, catching and hitting. I’m bad at aiming too. So you can understand why I’d be nervous at what I’m sure seemed to you like a laughably(可笑的) simple request. However, wanting to appear agreeable, I put my bags down, picked up the ball and, eyes half-shut, and threw it as hard as I could.
It hit the middle of the fence and bounced(弹跳,反弹)back to me.
Trying to act casually, I said something about being out of practice, then picked up the ball again. If you’ll remember, at your command, I agreed to try throwing underhand. While outwardly I was smiling, in my head, I was praying, Oh God, oh please oh please oh please. I threw the ball upward with all my strength, terrified by what happened next.
The ball hit slightly higher up on the fence and bounced back to me.
This is the point where I start to take issue(争论,不同意见) with you. Wouldn’t it have been a better use of your time, and mine, if you had just walked around the fence and took the ball then? I was clearly struggling; my smiles were more and more forced. And yet, you all just stood there, still.
Seeing that you weren’t going to let me out of the trouble, I became desperate(绝望的). Memories of middle school softball came flooding back. I tried hard to throw the ball but it only went about eight feet, then I decided to pick it up and dash with ball in hand towards the baseline, while annoyed thirteen-year-old boys screamed at me that I was ruining their lives. Children are cruel.Being a big girl now, I pushed those memories aside and picked up the soccer ball for the third time. I forced a good-natured laugh while crying inside as you patiently shouted words of support over the fence at me.
“Throw it granny-style!” one of you said.
“Just back up a little and give it all you’ve got!” another offered.
And, most embarrassing of all, “You can do it!”
I know you thought you were being encouraging, but it only served to deepen the shame.
Anyway, I accepted your ball-throwing advice, backed up, rocked back and forth a little, took a deep breath and let it fly.
It hit the edge of the fence and bounced back to me.
I surprised myself --- and I’m sure you as well --- by letting out a cry, “DAMN IT!!!” I then willed myself to have a heart attack and pass out in front of you just so I’d be put out of my misery. Alas, the heart attack didn’t happen, and you continued to look at me expectantly, like you were content to do this all night. I had become a sort of exhibition for you. I could feel your collective thoughts drifting through the chain-link: “Can she really not do it? But I mean, really?”
Unfortunately for you, I wasn’t really game to continue your experiment. Three failed attempts at a simple task in front of a group of people in a two-minute period was just enough blow for me for one night. I picked up the ball one last time, approached the fence and grumbled, “Please just come get the damn ball.”
And you did. And thanks to you, I decided at that very moment never to throw anything ever again, except disrespectful glances at people who play sports.
Sincerely, Jen Cordery
The writer agreed to throw the ball because _______.

A.she needed to have a relax carrying the heavy groceries
B.she wanted to refresh her childhood memories
C.she could not refuse the polite request from the young man
D.she had fallen in love with the young man at first sight

Why did the writer mention her middle school memory?

A.To explain why she failed the attempts to throw the ball back.
B.To complain that she had not mastered the ball throwing skills.
C.To show how cruel those 13-year-old boys were.
D.To express her dislike towards softball.

What the boys said before the writer’s third attempt actually made the writer ________.

A.inspired B.encouraged
C.embarrassed D.depressed

What’s the writer’s purpose in writing this open letter?

A.To express her regret over what she did the day before.
B.To announce that she would never play ball games again.
C.To joke on her own inability to throw the ball over the fence.
D.To criticize the young men for their cruelty to her pride.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My friend had mentioned the other day that her father had a lot of children's toys he was looking to give away.She knew I have a three-year-old daughter so she thought of me first.I told her I would love it if I could get some nice things for my daughter,which I wouldn't otherwise have been able to afford.
When I met her father,he began to explain he was too poor once and that he would hate to throw away things that can be very useful.
Before he showed me what he was giving away,I thought the toys would be mostly lego's(乐高积木) or things like that.When he was showing me around I saw a bed,a slide,a kitchen set and many other things that just blew my mind.He told me to write a list of everything my daughter could use and as my eyes were wide,he told me not to feel guilty.He said I was helping him by getting rid of the stuff.
As I was looking around I did feel guilty,but I tried to remain more grateful than guilty.Every time I tried to thank him for giving me and my daughter all this wonderful stuff he would thank me right back.I wanted to believe that he was just thanking me so that I wouldn't feel so guilty but in reality I believe that he was as grateful as I was that these toys would be put to good use.
In the eyes of charity,it makes sense to feel grateful,but guilt is just as normal.I know that we could have lived without a slide,which is why I do feel guilty,but I am grateful all the same because my daughter really does enjoy all these nice things!
Why did the old man want to give away his toys?

A.He wanted to help those poor children.
B.He was wealthy enough to buy new toys.
C.He wanted to make full use of those toys.
D.He needed some space for more useful things.

In the writer's opinion,the old man felt grateful because

A.he wanted to make her more guilty
B.he wanted her to take the toys quickly
C.the toys would be put to good use
D.he finally got rid of the stuff

What can we know from the passage?

A.The writer took all the toys home.
B.The old man was a kind and thoughtful person
C.The writer wanted to refuse the stuff when she first saw them.
D.The writer's daughter enjoyed the slide most among all the stuff.

How did the writer feel when given the stuff?

A.Guilty and honored.
B.Grateful and respected.
C.Honored and respected.
D.Guilty and grateful.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone's life? If yes, don't care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you'll make it!
Position: Volunteer Social Care Assistant
(No Pay with Free Meals)
Place: Manchester
Hours: Part Time
We are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left.Don't miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others!
You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives.You will help them to develop new skills.You will help them to protect their rights and their safety.But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued.
Skills and Experience Required:
You will have the right values and great listening skills.You will be honest and patient.You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you'll have to help those people with different learning disabilities.Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you.
The text is meant to ______ .

A.leave a note
B.send an invitation
C.present a document
D.carry an advertisement

What does the underlined part mean?

A.You'll make others' lives more meaningful with this job.
B.You'll arrive home just in time from this job.
C.You'll earn a good salary from this job.
D.You'll succeed in getting this job.

The volunteers’ primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities ______ .

A.to get some financial support
B.to properly protect themselves
C.to learn some new living skills
D.to realize their own importance

Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer?

A.The one who can drive a car.
B.The one who has done similar work before.
C.The one who has patience to listen to others.
D.The one who can use English to communicate.

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A.A girl can’t apply for the position.
B.You can get salaries from the position.
C.Free meals are available.
D.You can get the position in 5 days.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I have two sons.They are as different as night and day.My youngest is sweet, loveable, easy-going, and finds joy in everything.My oldest we’ve nicknamed the “Evil Genius” is ambitious, self-confident, and suffers no fools.
Whenever we mentioned Santa my husband and I were rewarded with major eye rolling and deep sighs from my oldest.At first we both tried to ignore it.
We both knew that our eldest had figured out the big secret.But I’d be damned(指责) if he was going to ruin it for his six-year-old brother who had plenty of Santa-loving years ahead of him.I looked at my husband in the eye and said, “I’ll handle this.” to which he responded “Okay just be careful because I’m not sure he knows - he might just be acting like it.” But I knew.And I had it in my mind that he was about to break his younger brothers spirit and break the news to him.I was afraid he was going to take the Christmas spirit away from my sweet innocent youngest and stamp all over it.I had to protect him.I needed to control this now before it got out of control.I rushed into the play room where my oldest was playing alone.I looked him dead in the eyes and said: “Well you know Santa isn’t real, right?” And as I stared at my eight-year-old son for what seemed like a long time of silence, his eyes started to fill with tears. And a tear dropped down his cheek when he screamed out, “He’s not?”
“Um well it’s not that he’s not real (shut up you idiot- stop saying he’s not real), but he doesn’t really make and deliver all the toys.Dad and I get some of them for you.So he’s real.He’s just got a little help from us.”
The Evil Genius wasn’t buying it.He just sat there looking at me with an expression of doubt.
You know when you make a terrible mistake but you can’t stop yourself from making it worse? That was me because I just had to know.I had to know why he had seemed to be over Santa. So I asked him why he rolled his eyes and sighed every time his father and I mentioned Santa, to which he replied that kids at school had been saying Santa wasn't real but that he still thought he was.
What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Two different sons
B.Santa secret given away
C.Protecting one, ruining the other
D.Making a mistake worse

What did the writer conclude when “Evil Genius” rolled his eyes and sighed?

A.“Evil Genius” had discovered Santa was not real.
B.“Evil Genius” had broken the secret to his younger brother.
C.“Evil Genius” had passed his Santa-loving years.
D.“Evil Genius” had been influenced by his classmates.

What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?

A.“Evil Genius” refused to buy toys.
B.“Evil Genius” didn’t believe his mother’s words.
C.“Evil Genius” wanted to keep silent.
D.“Evil Genius” would not give away the secret.

What lesson can we learn from the story?

A.Lies can never change facts.
B.Honesty is the best policy.
C.No one is perfect.
D.We should think twice before we act.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The child of today owes much of its pleasant school life to the work of Maria Montessori and others who felt as she did.
Maria Montessori was born in 1870 in northern Italy. Both her parents were well educated.
While Maria was a student, she took great interest in the study of the particular nature of the child's mind. It came to her that small children should have freedom to learn.
Maria became a doctor and a professor at Rome University.In 1907, after working with backward students, she was given a chance to try out her ideas on children.There were sixty children, aged three to six, in the Children's House.The rooms were bright and colorful.Maria let the children make their own choice of what they wanted to do and work with their own speed. They became busy, peaceful and happy.
Maria Montessori was one of the world's great teachers.She traveled in Europe, America and Far East.She thought that true education, providing(提供) for the real needs of the child, would produce wise and happy grown-ups and therefore a peaceful world. Her original way of education has changed our whole idea of what childhood is.
Maria Montessori died in Holland at the age of eighty-two.
The short passage is mainly about_________.

A.the education of backward students
B.a new idea of education
C.the importance of proper education
D.the life of Maria Montessori

Maria traveled a lot in the world to ________..

A.teach the backward students
B.enjoy her life in real nature
C.spread her ideas of teaching
D.study the situation of education

In what way did Maria teach the children in the Children's House?

A.She taught them the best way of learning well.
B.She let them learn in a very pleasant way.
C.She taught them by showing them how to do things.
D.She just let them choose the most interesting subjects.

We learn from the passage that ________.

A.Maria left her homeland in order to study abroad
B.Maria didn't get married
C.Maria's own parents were her teachers
D.Maria fully understood the child's mind
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Camp All-Star
One of a Kind Summer Camps for Kids
Welcome to Camp All-Star, your No.1 summer sports camp for kids! Located on the famous Kents Hill School campus by the beautiful lake, Camp All-Star hosts kids from around the world. When thinking about your next overnight summer camp, consider the best—Camp All-Star!
Great Sports Summer Camps for Kids
Camp All-Star stands out among the successful camps in the U.S.We have the best sports fields and courts to make your child’s sports camp experience a successful one.Your child can enjoy playing for hours in any of our more than 30 sports and activities each day.Our camper to staff rate is three to one, which makes it possible for children to receive more careful instruction.
We have a wide variety of activities and sports to choose from: fishing, dance, basketball, soccer, baseball, and tennis.Boys and girls, aged 8-16, can customize their own schedules in our 2, 3, 4 or 6 week summer camp session for kids.
The aim of Camp All-Star is to develop athletic skills, encourage abilities in leadership, fair play and team work, and provide a fun, rewarding and memorable summer sports camp experience.Our staff have the experience and qualified training necessary to ensure that your child has a successful, memorable and enjoyable time at our summer camp.
Call Today About Our Overnight Summer Camps for Kids
Don’t let your kids waste another summer playing video games and sitting around. Let them enjoy their time and get some exercise at our exciting and friendly summer sports camp.Information for our upcoming camps can be found on our website.For additional information or questions, contact us today.We hope your kids can join us at Camp All-Star!
Camp All-Star stands out among the others because it ______.

A.is surrounded by a beautiful lake
B.provides various activities and sports
C.offers timely information on its websit
D.allows children to play outside all day long

One of the goals of Camp All-star is to ______.

A.fire kids’ imagination
B.build up kids’ confidence
C.develop kids’ leadership skills
D.promote kids’ self-control

This advertisement is intended for ______.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you're tired of the Mediterranean and don't want to head to Disney again,perhaps it's time for a summer holiday in space.Russia has declared plans for its first floating hotel,217 miles above earth,and it is something of an offering with good service.
Hosting just seven guests in a four cabins,the accommodation will boast huge windows with views back to earth and tasty microwave meals will be served instead of the ones often used by astronauts.
Just getting there will be an adventure in itself—it will take two days aboard a Soyuz rocket—and it won't exactly be a budget holiday: A five-day stay will cost you£100,000 to£500,000 for your journey.The hotel is due to open by 2016 and,according to those behind it,will be far more comfortable than the International   Space Station (ISS) used by astronauts and cosmonauts.
In the weightlessness of space,visitors can choose to have beds that are either vertical or horizontal.Tourists,who will be accompanied by experienced crew,will dine on food prepared on Earth and sent up on the rocket,to be reheated in microwave ovens.Many kinds of delicacies will be available.
Iced tea,mineral water and fruit juices will be available,but alcohol will be strictly prohibited.Toilets will use flowing air instead of water to move waste through the system.Waste water will be recycled.
Sergei Kostenko,chief executive of Orbital Technologies which will construct the hotel,said: “Our planned module inside will not remind you of the International Space Station.A hotel should be comfortable inside,and it will be possible to look at the Earth.The hotel will be aimed at wealthy individuals and people working for private companies who want to do research in space.” The hotel can also be used as an emergency bolthole (避难处) for astronauts aboard the International Space Station if there is a crisis.
Which can be the best title of the passage?

A.Russia declares the design for its first space hotel
B.The first space hotel is under construction now
C.The astronauts will have a second home in space
D.Russia has the advanced technology in exploring space

What does the underlined word “budget” in the 3rd paragraph mean?


What kind of accommodation will the guests have in the space hotel?

A.They will have the same food as the astronauts have.
B.Many kinds of drinks are available including alcohol.
C.Guests can have beds that are either vertical or horizontal.
D.Tourists are accompanied by the astronauts from the ISS.

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The space hotel is built to remind you of the International Space Station.
B.The hotel is constructed with big windows so that tourists can see the earth.
C.The company,Orbital Technologies,has already begun to build the space hotel.
D.In the near future,a space trip for most of the people can be realized.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Kids Wall Art
Large wall posters for kids. Your kids will love these cool posters by artist Carla Daly. Your kids will enjoy decorating their bedroom walls with these posters and their friends will think they are the coolest!

Name: ABC Wall Art             Size: 44×72cm (17.5″×28″)
Time: 9:00 am every day          Prices: $ 6.8/piece
Colorful ABC art for your kids’ bedroom and playroom. A fun, educational art piece that all kids will enjoy. Kids and babies will love learning their animals and the ABC at the same time!
Name: Kids World Map            Size: 45×75cm (17.5″×29.5″)
Time: 2:00 pm on Wednesday       Prices: $ 7.2/piece
A colorful, large print by artist Carla Daly. Your kids will love this world map showing the lands, oceans and the fun animals that live in them. An educational map that will keep your kids happy for hours!
Name: Skateboard Park              Size: 44×60cm (17.5″×23.5″)
Time: 9:00 am on weekends          Prices: $ 8.8/piece
Fun zebra children’s wall art! Children and kids will love these fun animals enjoying this popular kids’ sport. Boys and girls will enjoy decorating their bedroom walls with this colorful bedroom wall art.
Name: City Slickers(城市佬)          Size: 44×55cm(17.5″×23.5″)
Time: 2:00 pm every day except Friday  Prices: $ 6.5/piece
Cute kids wall art of two cool giraffes taking a drive through the city, unusual, fun style for kids’ walls! Your kids will love this fun giraffe wall art. Boys and girls will have fun decorating their bedroom walls with this colorful bedroom wall art.

Jane, who would like to buy a poster with the size of 45×75cm, will probably buy ________.

A.ABC Wall Art B.Kids World Map
C.Skateboard Park D.City Slickers

David plans to buy two posters. He should at least take ________ with him.

A.$ 15.3. B.$ 14. C.$ 12. D.$ 13.3.

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Kids can find two cool giraffes on Skateboard Park.
B.Kids can just learn some English letters on ABC Wall Art.
C.Kids can enjoy fun zebra children’s wall art on City Slickers.
D.Kids can get some geography knowledge on Kids World Map.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on well with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly held image of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.
An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is happier than it has ever been in the past. “We were surprised by just how positive today’s young people seem to be about their families,” said one member of the research team. “They’re expected to be rebellious(叛逆的)and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds; they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. There’s discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They don’t want to rock the boat.”
So it seems that these parents are much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends. “My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-year-old Daniel LaSalle. “I always tell them when I'm going out clubbing. When they know what I'm doing, they’re fine with it.” Susan Cromer, who is now 21, agrees. “Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call talk or discussion. For example, when I’d done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”
Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenage rebellion is not based on real facts. A researcher explains, “Teenagers were thought to be different from others in a part of time in our social history. But to our surprise, they say they are getting on well with their parents. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled.”
The study shows that teenagers don't want to ______________________.

A.share family duties
B.cause trouble in their families
C.go boating with their family
D.make family decisions

Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today’s parents ___________________.

A.go to clubs more often with their children
B.are much stricter with their children
C.care less about their children’s life
D.give their children more freedom

According to the writer, teenage rebellion ____________________.

A.may be a wrong opinion
B.is common at present
C.always happened in the 1960s
D.was caused by changes in families

Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?

A.Discussion in family
B.Teenage education in family
C.Teenage trouble in family
D.Harmony in family
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

  Children have their own rules in playing games.They seldom need a referee (裁判) and rarely take trouble to keep scores.They don’t care much about who wins or loses,and it doesn’t seem to worry them if the game is not finished.Yet,they like games that depend a lot on luck,so that their personal abilities cannot be directly compared.They also enjoy games that move in stages,in which each stage,the choosing of leaders,the picking-up of sides,or the determining of which side shall start,is almost a game in itself.
Grown-ups can hardly find children’s game exciting,and they often feel puzzled at why their kids play such simple game again and again.However,it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons.He can be a good player without having to think whether he is a popular person,and he can find himself being a useful partner to someone of whom he is ordinary afraid.He becomes a leader when it comes to his turn.He can be confident,too,in particular games,that it is his place to give orders,to pretend to be dead,to throw a ball actually at someone,or to kiss someone he has caught.
It appears to us that when children play a game they imagine a situation under their control.Everyone knows the rules,and more importantly,everyone plays according to the rules.Those rules may be childish,but they make sure that every child has a chance to win.
What is true about children when they play games?

A.They can stop playing any time they like.
B.They can test their personal abilities.
C.They want to pick a better team.
D.They don’t need rules.

To become a leader in a game,the child has to _________.

A.be a useful partner
B.wait for his turn
C.be confident in himself
D.be popular among his playmates

Why does a child like playing games?

A.Because he can be someone other than himself.
B.Because he can become popular among friends.
C.Because he finds he is always lucky in games.
D.Because he likes the place where he plays a game.

Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Rules in Children’s Games
B.Advantages of Playing Games for Children
C.Reasons for Children’s Games
D.How to Be a Popular Game Player
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My family moved around a lot when I was growing up.In 2nd grade,I lived here in Washington D.C,where I made an amazing group of friends.I was upset when my parents told me we were moving again and I would have to leave all my best friends behind.
In 7th grade.we moved back to Washington D.C.And I could not have been more excited and I felt like I was finally home again.But things had changed.There were two new girls,who decided that they didn’t like me,which meant no one else could,not even all my former best friends.
And then one day during school,I opened my locker,only to find a note lying on the floor.The note said:Die.Nobody likes you.
My heart started beating faster and I felt the blood rushing to my face.I had no idea what to do.The note wasn’t signed and I had no idea who had written it,but I figured the new girls were behind it.I had to sit in class all day with my head down,wondering who else knew about this shame.I felt horrible and sure that nothing would ever be good again.
I decided that the perfect way to end all of this was with another note,left on the bathroom mirror at school.
It’s sad for someone to bully(欺负)other classmates to make themselves feel better or look cool.Bullying others is a way to impress others.It’s common,but that doesn’t mean it's okay.Looking cool is not worth making others feel bad.Obviously I’m very happy now,but it doesn’t mean I’11 ever forget about that note or how it made me feel.And to those of you that are current victims(目前的受害者) of bullying—know that you are NOT alone.It will get better.I promise.
Why was the author unhappy when she left Washington D.C.?
A.She couldn’t adapt herself
B.She had to leave best friends.
C.She was growing up there.
D.She hated traveling a lot.
When the author opened the locker,she felt            .

A.satisfied B.cheerful C.amused D.ashamed

In the end,the author turned things around           

A.under her teacher’s guide
B.by compromising to others
C.with her best friends’ help
D.through her own efforts

What suggestion does the author give to the teenagers?

A.Meet friends whenever possible.
B.Make efforts to fight back hard.
C.Be optimistic and let a thing slide.
D.Go on well with others.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
