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第三节 完形填空(共20小题,第小题1.5分,满分30分)
A little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boy’s 21 , she said she would go. This 22 be the first time that his classmates and teacher 23 his mother and he felt 24 of her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar(疤痕)that 25 nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to26 why or how she got the scar.
At the meeting, the people were 27 by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother 28 the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed(尴尬) and 29 himself from everyone. He did, however, get within 30 of a conversation between his mother and his teacher.
The teacher asked 31, “How did you get the scar on your face?”
The mother replied, “32 my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught fire. Everyone was 33 afraid to go in because the fire was 34, so I went in. As I was running toward his bed, I saw a losing piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked 35 but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She 36 the burned side of her face. “This scar will be 37 , but to this day, I have never38 what I did.”
At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He held her in his arms and felt a great 39 of the sacrifice(牺牲)that his mother had made for him. He held her hand 40 for the rest of the day.
21.A.enjoyment            B.disappointment          C.surprise              D.excitement
22.A.would                  B.could                        C.should                D.must
23.A.noticed                 B.greeted                      C.accepted             D.met
24.A.sick                      B.ashamed                    C.afraid                 D.tired
25.A.included               B.passed                       C.covered              D.shaded
26.A.talk about             B.think about                C.care about          D.hear about
27.A.impressed             B.surprised                   C.excited               D.comforted
28.A.in sight of             B.by means of               C.by way of           D.in spite of
29.A.hid                       B.protected                   C.separated            D.escaped
30.A.understanding              B.reminding                 C.hearing                     D.learning
31.A.carefully               B.seriously                   C.nervously           D.anxiously
32.A.As                       B.When                        C.Since                 D.While
33.A.so                        B.much                        C.quite                  D.too
34.A.out of control        B.under control             C.in control           D.over control
35.A.helpless                B.hopeless                    C.senseless             D.useless
36.A.pointed                 B.showed                            C.wiped                D.touched
37.A.ugly                     B.lasting                       C.serious               D.frightening
38.A.forgot                  B.recognized                 C.considered          D.regretted
39.A.honor                   B.sense                         C.happiness           D.pride
40.A.quietly                 B.slightly                            C.tightly                D.suddenly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I am a team leader in an insurance company. We are going through a lot of changes right now, which is  36  much stress for all of us.
A few weeks ago I was having a day so  37  that I even doubted if I had the ability to do this challenging work, and was about ready to change to a less stressful job  38  . Something happened that day to change my way of  39  and I am so appreciative of this young lady. I want to let her know that the small act  40  .
On the top of my cubicle (工作隔间) I have a small collection of lighthouses (灯塔) to let people know where I am sitting  41  my team members have to find me for emergencies.
That day I came into the office and was about to get the day  42  when Crystal came over. l asked if she needed anything. She said, "I  43  you something. " I looked at her with a  44  look and said, "Well, thank you, but why  45  you buy me anything?" I had never spoke to this young lady   _46  . She said, "Every day I stand up and look across the  47  and see your lighthouses. Then I feel I am not alone and I encourage myself that there are always  48  things in life. I saw this on the way to work and thought  49  would like it. I wish it would have the same  50  as your Lighthouses do. " In her hand she had a small globe with a Lighthouse and a ship on it. I gave her a hug and  51  her. I don't think she knows how much that small act of  52   changed my day: 1 remained  53  the rest of the day.
For anyone that reads this, I hope you remember, no matter what the  54   is, you could change  someone's day,  55  even his views on life.
36. A. preventing              B. reducing            C. causing            D. suffering
37. A. funny              B. nice               C. bad              D. dull
38. A. everywhere          B. elsewhere            C. anywhere         D. nowhere
39. A. working             B. behaving          C. speaking            D. thinking
40. A. broke my heart      B. touched my heart   C. lost my heart       D. tore my heart
41. A. in case            B. so that              C. as if              D. even though
42. A. ended                  B. started             C. changed            D. avoided
43. A. borrowed           B. lent               C. sold               D. bought
44. A. delighted               B. puzzled            C. thankful            D. worried
45. A. might              B. dare                C. could             D. would
46. A. before              B. then              C. since              D. after
47. A. dorm              B. office             C. ship               D. tower
48. A. bright              B. challenging        C. bad               D. stressful
49. A. colleagues         B. leaders           C. you                 D. I
50. A. opinion            B. cause              C. expectation         D. effect
51. A. praised             B. thanked             C. scolded             D. refund
62. A. justice               B. courage             C. kindness             D. tolerance
53. A. careful             B. encouraged         C. tired              D. alone
54. A. present               B. work               C. gesture             D. intention
55. A. so                 B. for                 C. or                  D. nor

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance.
When I was growing up, I was embarrassed to be seen with my father. He was severely disabled and very   31  , and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for    32  , people would stare. I would inwardly feel uncomfortable at the unwanted   33  . If he ever noticed or was    34  , he never showed that he knew.
It was difficult to coordinate our steps — his hesitant, mine   35  - and because of that, we didn’t say much   36   we went along. But as we started out, he always said, “You set the pace. I will try to follow you.”
Our   37   walk was to or from the subway, which was   38   he got to work. He went to work despite illness and nasty weather. He almost never missed a day, and would   39   it to the office even if others could not. A matter of   40  .
He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or   41  . What he looked for   42   others was a “good heart,” and if he found one, the   43   was good enough for him.
Now that I am older, I believe that his idea is a proper   44   by which to judge people, even though I   45   don’t know exactly what a “good heart” is.   46   I know the times I don’t have one myself.
He has been gone many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if he   47   I was unwilling to be seen with him during our   48  . Now that I am older, I’m sorry that I never told him how sorry I was for my feeling   49   to be with him in public and how unworthy I felt to be his daughter. I think of him when I complain about trifles (something unimportant), when I am envious of another’s good fortune, and when I don’t possess a “good heart”.
At such times I put my hand on his arm to   50   my balance, and say, “You set the pace. I will try to follow you.”
31.A. weak        B. cautious               C. short             D. depressed
32.A. balance        B. courage       C. comfort    D. strength
33.A. care         B. friendship             C. situation            D. attention
34.A. puzzled         B. bothered              C. amazed    D. confused
35.A. delighted     B. determined         C. sympathetic      D. impatient
36.A. before   B. once                 C . as            D. since
37.A.common      B.usual            C.average        D.ordinary  
38. A.how         B.where            C.when          D.why
39. A.get          B.walk             C.take           D.make 
40. A.joy          B.pride            C.belif           D.faith 
41. A.rich         B.hardworking      C.able           D.successful  
42. A.on          B.with             C.at             D.in  
43. A.owner      B.other            C.winner         D.keeper   
44. A.method      B.levele            C.standard       D.value  
45. A.yet         B.still              C.ever           D.also  
46. A.and         B.then              C.now           D.but 
47. A.sensed      B.recognized         C.agreed        D.smelled   
48. A.walks       B.visits             C.stays          D.talks  
49.A.afraid       B.disappointed       C.ashamed       D.proud  
50. A.find        B.regain             C.refill           D.keep 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Justin, my brother, has been missing for two weeks. Now I   31    him very much. I’m worried that something   32   has happened to him. I’m sure he   33   that night at about 11 o’clock, because I heard him playing his favorite CD in his bedroom. But where has he gone?
Yesterday a girl named Marvies told me that   34   was once taken away by aliens(外星人) from outer space. They did some research on her. Marvies said that the whole experience was really terrible,   35   luckily they returned her home. If Justin has been taken away by aliens too, I hope they will   36   him soon.
My parents have been worrying about Justin. Soon after he was found missing, they called 37   . However, the police are not making   38   in the case (案子). They are very puzzled, saying Justin might have been murdered. Dad is very   39   with them. He doesn’t think they are doing their job well. Mum is so worried that she   40   sleep well. I hope Justin will come home soon and tell us what happened to him. I want all of us to be together again.

A.dislike B.respect C.hate D.miss

A.bad B.good C.wonderful D.simple

A.came home B.went out C.fell asleep D.fell ill

A.he B.they C.it D.she

A.because B.so C.or D.but

A.kill B.hurt C.return D.catch

A.the police B.the teachers C.the firemen D.the doctors

A.a face B.a mistake C.a living D.much progress

A.delighted B.disappointed C.satisfied D.pleased

A.shan’t B.can’t C.needn’t D.mustn’t

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第三部分:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分; 满分20分)
As soon as I learned to say the word “beauty”, I set out to look for it. Before I could find it, I asked my mother what a beauty was like. She said that a beauty is  36  who has large bright eyes and fine skin.
When I was in Grade Four, I  37  such a girl. I sat right in front of her and  38  her to see if she was a real beauty. She  39  a beauty in my eyes until the day she  40 with me. She demanded that I  41  her pencil box which I  42  knocked on to the floor. I  43 . Suddenly she flew at me and threw me onto the ground and we rolled about  44  each other.
During the years that followed, I came across  45  explanations given to me by different people. Some said a girl with a thin figure(体形) is a beauty,  46  that a girl with a gentle voice is beautiful,  47  said it is a girl with hair that is like a waterfall. I  48  give these a second thought.
I searched for a beauty  49  had told me before, but it was useless. Then I met an old man. He told me that a beauty is a girl who might not be quite  50   with natural beauty. However, she becomes a beauty  51  experiencing hardship. After a 10-year hunt for a beauty, I found her. She became my  52 . She was not very pretty but she was 53 . She was born in a  54  family and had to take care of herself from young. When we married, I really got the idea about a beauty. She was the one the  55  old man had described to me.
36.A. your classmate     B. a girl            C. an experienced girl     D. an ugly girl
37. A. liked                  B. was tired of      C. was against              D. found
38. A. stared at             B. scolded             C. beat                 D. laughed at
39. A. wasn’t               B. pretended to be   C. treated himself        D. was
40. A. quarreled            B. talked               C. played                     D. studied
41. A. steal                   B. rob her of     C. like                         D. pick up
42. A. by chance           B. by no means    C. by herself               D. by the way
43. A. agreed                B. refused             C. was happy                D. did so
44. A. talking with       B. helping            C. hitting                  D. leaving
45. A. the same             B. different       C. the opposite          D. some correct
46.A. but                     B. or                    C. as                            D. so
47. A. Everyone            B. The others       C. Nobody                D. Others
48. A. did                    B. must            C. didn’t                  D. should
49. A. an old man              B. some people   C. nobody              D. my mother
50. A. lucky                         B. sad                C. willing                   D. happy
51.A. after                    B. without           C. liking                    D. against
52. A. friend                     B. teacher           C. classmate                D. girlfriend
53.A. ugly                    B. beautiful       C. lovely                     D. kind
54.A. rich                    B. farmer’s       C. happy                     D. poor
55.A. foolish                B. kind-hearted     C. wise                    D. honest

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分 20分)
Once upon a time there lived an old man in a nice cottage with a large garden. The old man was seen   33   his flowers all the time. They were so well-tended that every passer-by could not but   34   for a glance.
One day a young man went by the garden. He gazed at the splendid garden,   35   in admiration at the beauty of these sceneries. Then, suddenly he   36   the old gardener was blind.   37   , the young man asked, “Why are you busy tending these flowers every day which you can’t  38  in fact?” The old man smiled and answered that “ I can tell you 39   reasons. First I was a   40  when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, although I can’t see these flowers, yet I can   41  them. Third,I can smell sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s   42  .
“Me? But you don’t know me,” responded the young man   43   .
“Yeah, it’s   44  that I don’t know you. But I know everyone knows flowers and would never   45   them down. I know the beauty of my garden will get many people into a good   46   . In the meantime, it also   47  a chance to me to have a word with you here and to enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”
The old man’s  48  astonished me. The blind man grows flowers and  49  them as a link of minds so as to make   50   enjoy the sunshine in spring. Isn’t it one kind of happiness?
I believe every flower has   51 with which they can see the kindness of the man’s heart. The blind man grows flowers in his heart. Though   52  to see the beauty of blossoming, he surely can hear the voice of it, I suppose.
33. A. loving        B. watering        C. tending      D. planting
34. A. stop       B. stay            C. live         D. run
35. A. kept          B. dropped        C. fallen        D. lost
36. A. realized      B. noticed         C. felt          D. thought
37. A. Excited       B. Frightened      C. Shocked      D. Satisfied
38. A. feel          B. see            C. hear          D. eat
39. A. one          B. two            C. three         D. four
40. A. gardener      B. teacher         C. farmer        D. painter
41. A. taste          B. plant          C. touch         D. appreciate
42. A. it            B. me            C. them          D. you
43. A. with pleasure   B. in surprise      C. with hope     D. in anger
44. A. true           B. possible       C. a pity         D. a shame
45. A. put            B. turn          C. get           D. knock
46. A. mind          B. life           C. future         D. mood
47. A. introduces      B. offers         C. stands        D. leaves
48. A. words         B. behavior       C. story         D. attitudes
49. A. treats          B. acts          C. works         D. serves
50. A. anybody       B. somebody      C. everybody     D. nobody
51. A. ears           B. soul          C. eyes          D. heart
52. A. refusing       B. trying         C. pretending     D. failing

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
When a person is curious about something, it means he is   36   in it and wishes to know something about it. We can say he has curiosity about that thing. There is nothing wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad  37  on what people are curious about. 
Curiosity   38   can be silly or wrong. Some people with nothing to do are   39   of curiosity about what their neighbours are doing. They are anxious to know what they are eating or drinking, what they are   40   home or taking outside, or why they have come home so early or late. To be interested in these things is silly because they are not important. It is none of their  41   to know what their neighbours do or are doing. Such curiosity is not only foolish but also harmful. Most probably, it may   42   to small talk which often brings harm, shame or disrespect to   43   , and thus   44   their feelings. 
On the other hand, there is a noble (高尚的) curiosity — curiosity of wise men, who wonder at all the great things and try to find out all they   45   about them. Columbus would never have found America if he had not been   46   . James Watt would not have made the steam engine   47   his curiosity about the rising of the kettle lid. All the discoveries in human history have been made   48  a result of curiosity,   49   the curiosity is never about unimportant things which have   50   — or nothing to do with the happiness of the public. 

36. A. engaged
37. A. keeps
B. pleased
B. puts
C. interested
C. takes
D. excited
D. depends
38. A. always
B. sometimes
C. seldom
D. never
39. A. full
40. A. taking
41. A. work
42. A. refer
43. A. other
B. fond
B. bringing
B. housework
B. lead
B. others
C. proud
C. going
C. duty
C. cause
C. another
D. out
D. coming
D. business
D. bring
D. the others
44. A. hurts
B. effects
C. shows
D. destroys
45. A. need
B. must
C. may
D. can
46. A. famous
B. careful
C. curious
D. hard
47. A. for
B. without
C. with
D. in
48. A. as
B. in
C. on
D. of
49. A. so
B. however
C. but
D. or
50. A. much
B. little
C. some
D. any


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知




A seven-year-old boy , with his father , was inspecting a new car , one with a metal strip (条纹) looking like wood . “Dad , ”the boy    36     , “don’t buy this wood rot (烂东西).” He was shocked when his father started laughing . Then, when the father    37     his private remark with the salesman , and he laughed , the boy felt    38     .Some 30 years later , now a father himself , the man often thinks of this    39     whenever his own children say something that is unintentionally funny .
Most parents are     40    by such reactions because they don’t understand how deeply a child   41      shame . “All too often we don’t see or hear what is really    42     our children,” says Kaoru Yamamoto , a psychologist .
Yamamoto’s surveys    43    that children are afraid of losing    44     : being thought of as unattractive ,   45     or dishonest . It is more troubling to wet their pants in class , get a bad report card or    46     a grade than to be faced with a rival (竞争) baby brother or sister —situations a parent might     47    to be most disturbing . For a child , a blow to self-esteem , the sense of being worthy , is a     48    thing to stand .
Causing this fear , among other things , is the experience of being lost in a    49     place , of seeing their parents fight ,    50    when there is violence . About two-thirds of the children surveyed have experienced the    51     of parental fighting , which   52      them afraid that their mother and father are going to get divorced .
“In listening to children, it is   53      not to be touched by their strong sense of vulnerability (脆弱),” says Yamamoto. “They are afraid of being left alone , fearful of what lies   54      and uncertain of what they can do . They are completely dependent upon   55      in the face of upsetting and unpredictable events .”
36.A.shouted    B.whispered       C.cried        D.asked
37.A.told B.spared      C.shared      D.exchanged
38.A.pleased    B.afraid      C.surprised D.ashamed
39.A.occasion B.story        C.fun   D.event
40.A.delighted        B.puzzled    C.entertained      D.excited
41.A.faces       B.deals        C.fears        D.hates
42.A.interesting       B.troubling C.affecting D.hurting
43.A.show       B.inform     C.appear     D.prove
44.A.interest    B.courage    C.face D.freedom
45.A.unhealthy        B.energetic C.stupid      D.easy-going
46.A.repeat      B.fail   C.leave       D.change
47.A.wish        B.imagine   C.expect      D.realize
48.A.simple     B.rough      C.terrible    D.hopeless



49.A.strange    B.familiar   C.faraway   D.similar

50.A.mostly     B.naturally C.basically   D.especially
51.A.result       B.pain C.question   D.noise
52.A.leaves      B.lets   C.finds        D.gets
53.A.funny      B.true C.difficult   D.interesting
54.A.ahead      B.behind     C.above      D.around
55.A.teachers   B.neighbors        C.adults      D.friends

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently divorced and unemployed,I was on my way downtown to do the rounds of the employment offices.I had no umbrella,for my old one had ____,and I could not ____ another one.
I sat down in the ____ and there against my seat was a(n) ___ silk umbrella with a silver handle.I had ____ seen anything so lovely.I examined the handle and saw a carved ___.The usual procedure would have been to ____ the umbrella to the conductor,but an idea ____ to me.I decided to take it with me and find the owner myself.
I got off the bus in a downpour and ____ opened the umbrella to protect myself.Then I ____ a telephone book for the name on the umbrella.I called and a lady ____.
Yes,she said ____,that was her umbrella,which her parents,now dead,had given her as a birthday present.But,she ____,it had been stolen ____ her doorstep a month before.
She was so excited that I ____ I was looking for a job and went directly to her house.She took the umbrella,and her eyes were filled with ____.She wanted to give me a ____,but-though twenty dollars was all I had in the world-her happiness at regaining this ____ possession was beyond words and I believed accepting her money would have ____ something.We talked for a while and I left.
A week later,I got a job as a sales manager ____.It might be my kindness that paid off.But who knows?

A.broken up B.gone away C.fallen apart D.faded away

A.afford B.borrow C.find D.repair

A.office B.bus C.theater D.train

A.ugly B.beautiful C.worn D.ancient

A.even B.always C.already D.never

A.design B.number C.name D.brand

A.turn in B.show off C.open up D.carry away

A.occurred B.ran C.struck D.happened

A.firmly B.suddenly C.casually D.thankfully

A.read B.searched C.got D.used

A.appeared B.replied C.answered D.screamed

A.in surprise B.in panic C.in silence D.in anger

A.assumed B.added C.declared D.announced

A.from B.in C.beside D.of

A.mentioned B.forgot C.realized D.remembered

A.memory B.honor C.tears D.thanks

A.gift B.position C.hug D.reward

A.expensive B.common C.rare D.special

A.bought B.ruined C.expressed D.enjoyed

A.immediately B.naturally C.hopefully D.unexpectedly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A couple of years ago, I went to a lady’s house to buy some vitamins. Upon entering the house, I  36   that there was an electronic keyboard on a stand, leaning  37   the wall. Being a piano music lover and  38  , I asked, if the woman played. She nodded and added that she had been
 39   lessons at age 54! I told her that it was very  40   that she was pursuing (追求) her passion to play the piano.  .  . 
Then she asked me  41   question. “I have been playing for 8 years now,” I answered. 
“Then you must play a song for me before you leave,” she  42  .I thought she was joking and I simply smiled. At the end of the deal of the vitamins, she  43  me of our musical “ 44 _”. She then showed me to an old upright piano in the living room,  45   asked me to play a song for her. I thought  46   and decided to play David Lantz’s “Return to the Heart”, since she had so much passion for  47  ,and it was my soul-searching song. 
I played the song to the best of my ability, and with my emotions __48   into it as possible. She loved it.  49   I was about to step out of the door, I heard a weak voice calling out, “Young man!”
I turned around. And there was an old lady  50   one little step at a time with the help of another woman. “I wanted to come out to  51   you for the beautiful song that you played. I have been very sick, and it’s very hard for me to  52  my bed, but your music made me feel good ”she said. With that, she turned around and walked  53   back to her room. 
I was deeply  54   by her appreciation and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It served its purpose beautifully, returning to one’s  55   for peace and joy. 

A.observed B.watched C.noticed D.caught

A.on B.at C.over D.against

A.player B.teacher C.composer D.starter

A.giving B.attending C.teaching D.reviewing

A.interesting B.wonderful C.moved D.impressive

A.another B.a different C.the same D.other

A.advised B.ordered C.demanded D.requested

A.warned B.reminded C.asked D.required

A.course B.task C.discussion D.deal

A.and B.but C.as a result D.what’s more

A.for the moment B.at the moment C.for a moment D.at a moment

A.music B.songs C.the piano D.vitamins

A.dropping B.falling C.pouring D.running

A.Since B.As C.While D.Because

A.taking B.making C.having D.giving

A.thank B.praise C.admire D.owe

A.get on B.get up C.get off D.get down

A.quietly B.calmly C.happily D.slowly

A.shocked B.touched C.delighted D.disturbed

A.world B.heart C.brains D.dreams

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The new principal decided that he’d better first take a secret __36___ before doing something about Class 5A , which was the worst class in Hill Valley High School.He didn’t need to be informed ___37___ the class was , for ___38__were leading the way.
The door was shut from inside.The lock it had was missing , __39__ knocked off , just leaving a ___40___ for the principal.
Though the principal had __41___badly behaved classes before , what appeared through the _42____ was till a shock for him.It was a scene that was ___43__ seen in action films.But he knew what to do.He ___44__ go into the classroom , take hold of the ___45__ boy and punished him.This would be an example to the others.
He took a deep breath and then ___46__ open the classroom door.He had been prepared for the scene that there should be a shock of __47____ , but few treated him as an important ___48__ , and some even paid little attention to his existence.
“ Silence ! ” he shouted at the top of his voice.This time it was really __49____.They stopped what they were doing and stared at him.Quickly he walked up to the __50__ boy in the room , who he __51____had been playing an important part and also had been shouting at the others at the top of his voice.
He seized the boy by the ear and ___52__ him to the front of the class.
“ I’m going to punish you as an example to the rest , ” he said.“ Now go to my office and wait for me.”
Then he turned to the class and ___53__them about how to behave in school.
To __54___ his speech , he said , “ Does anyone have any questions ? ”
One of the students put up her hand.“ Yes , sir.I have.When can you free my __55__ back to continue his class ? ”

A.watch B.inspection C.look D.examination

A.where B.how C.what D.when

A.school guides B.class titles C.terrible noise D.some teachers

A.other than B.or rather C.worse still D.rather than

A.problem B.fault C.reason D.lookout

A.experienced B.heard C.seen D.punished

A.window B.door C.gap D.hole

A.seldom B.hardly C.never D.often

A.might B.should C.would D.could

A.noisiest B.biggest C.smallest D.youngest

A.pushed B.kicked C.forced D.knocked

A.silence B.surprise C.cries D.paleness

A.teacher B.principal C.role D.person

A.heard B.working C.shouted D.surprising

A.oldest-looking B.ordinary-looking C.funny-looking D.ill-looking

A.believed B.supposed C.guessed D.recognized

A.pushed B.pulled C.ordered D.got

A.announced B.said C.declared D.lectured

A.add to B.carry on C.end up D.show off

A.teacher B.brother C.monitor D.desk-mate

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

James sat outside the office waiting for the interview. He felt so ___21___ that he didn’t know what to do with (the) ___22___. The person who had gone in before him had been in there for nearly an hour. And she looked so confident when she went in, not like James. He felt ___23___ that she had already got the job. The problem was that he wanted this job ___24___. It meant ___25___ to him. He had thought it such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself ___26___ brilliantly (出色地) at the interview and ___27___ the job immediately.
But now here he was feeling terrible. He couldn’t remember all those things he had planned to say. At that moment, he almost decided to get up and ___28___. But he couldn’t. He had spent so much time considering it that he couldn’t give up like that. His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry.
At last the door of the office opened. The woman, who had gone in an hour earlier, came out looking very ___29___ with herself. She smiled sympathetically at James. At the moment, James hated her. The managing director then appeared at the office door. “Would you like to come in now, Mr. Davis? I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” James suddenly wished that he had gone home after all. He got up, legs ___30___ and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as terrified as he felt.
21. A. healthy         B. nervous        C. careless        D. confident
22. A. interviewer      B. woman        C. himself         D. situation
23. A. doubtful        B. sure           C. angry          D. astonished
24. A. hopelessly      B. naturally        C. easily          D. so much
25. A. everything      B. happiness       C. difficulty       D. nothing
26. A. explaining      B. performing      C. answering      D. writing
27. A. offered         B. asked for       C. being offered    D. being asked for
28. A. leave          B. go in           C. prepare         D. practice
29. A. ugly           B. pleased         C. sad            D. pretty
30. A. shaking        B. bending         C. walking        D. stopped

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to   36   in order to pay the high tuition (学费) for my brother and me. They don’t act in the __37__ ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too __38__ for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of __39__.
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I sat down beside her. “Mom, I have a question to ask you. Is there __40__ between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice. She didn’t answer immediately. She __41__ her head and continued to sew the quilt.
I was very worried because I thought I had _42_ her. I was _43__ and I didn’t know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words:
“Susan,” she said thoughtfully, “Look at this thread.Sometimes it __44_, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt __45__. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread.It can hardly be seen __46_, but it’s really there. Love is __47__.”
I listened carefully but I __48__ her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly __49_ seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked __50 _. It seemed both of them had had a serious illness. After they were back, every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father __51__ on the country road.
“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.
“Susan, don’t __52__ me.” he said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom.”__53__ his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.
Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and __54__. But from this experience, I understand that love is just __55__ in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.
36.A.keep fit            B.rise early     C.earn money        D.collect money
37.A.magic             B.romantic           C.fantastic            D.attractive
38.A.simple            B.easy         C.relaxing            D.luxurious (奢侈)
39.A.the question    B.problem            C.interest         D.control
40.A.feeling            B.love               C.quarrel             D.smile
41.A.raised          B.shook          C.nodded       D.bowed
42.A.hurt            B.injured         C.wounded     D.harmed
43.A.in great surprise             B.in a great embarrassment
C.with deep depression          D.at extreme sorrow
44.A.happens            B.comes about  C.appears       D.occurs
45.A.warm and soft        B.hot and hard    C.thin and cool        D.strong and durable
46.A.somewhere and sometime              B.anywhere or anytime
C.more or less                        D.here and there
47.A.inside          B.outside            C.faraway      D.nearby
48.A.could believe          B.couldn’t understand
C.wouldn’t recognize           D.might know
49.A.got sick            B.got stuck           C.lay down     D.became disabled
50.A.quite healthy   B.very pale     C.fairly red           D.much surprised
51.A.jump high    B.go hurriedly         C.run fast      D.walk slowly
52.A.think about     B.talk with     C.worry about         D.laugh at
53.A.Reading            B.Seeing       C.Saying             D.Writing
54.A.fresh roses     B.gold ring     C.sweet kisses   D.beautiful jewelry
55.A.a thread            B.a needle       C.the cloth           D.the cotton

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We always celebrated Dad’s birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a nursing home . As years went on , these events took on a  36  meaning for me : A traditional birthday party for Dad , and thanking for all that he had been doing to me in my life . When we knew it might be his 37  birthday, the whole family decided to  38  together for a huge birthday celebration at the nursing home . 
Dad was a good story-teller and here was the  39  he had had .During a quiet moment , I announced it was now Dad’s  40   to listen to stories for a change . I wanted everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him . The room became  41   . Then one after another , people told stories from their hearts , while Dad  42  with tears in eyes . People  43  kinds of stories — stories about when they were little , stories about when Dad was young , and stories that shared family treasures .
The stories  44   . Everyone seemed to have more than one story . Even the little grandchildren couldn’t 45  to tell Dad why they loved him . For a man who had been kind to so many people in his life , here was our  46  to celebrate him . A few months later , at Dad’s memorial service , we more fully realized what we had  47   Dad that night . Those are the stories people  48 tell at a funeral (葬礼)after a loved one is no longer  49  to hear the words . They tell stories , full of  50  . But we had given those memories to Dad in his  51  , and we had told them through laughter , accompanied by hugs and joys . He had them to  52  and roll over in his mind during his last days and months .
Words do  53  , and they are enough . We just need to say them or to speak them  54  to the ones we love . That’s the way to  55  love and our chance to celebrate a person in his or her life .
36. A. special      B. valuable        C. double           D. complex 
37. A. another      B. last            C. important         D. fiftieth
38. A. unite        B. arrange        C. move            D. gather
39. A. career       B. pride          C. happiness          D. audience
40. A. choice       B. wish          C. turn              D. right
41. A. lively       B. still           C. cosy(舒适的)      D. noisy
42. A. thought      B. nodded         C. listened           D. accepted
43. A. understood   B. invented        C. recalled           D. discussed
44. A. flowed       B. passed         C. unfolded          D. differed
45. A. stop         B. stand          C. afford            D. wait
46. A. responsibility  B. situation       C. chance            D. desire
47. A. returned      B. left            C. given             D. owed
48. A. sincerely     B. gently          C. normally          D. regularly
49. A. available     B. happy         C. eager             D. alive
50. A. tears        B. feelings         C. joy               D. peace
51. A. mind        B. life            C. world            D. work
52. A. hold         B. share         C. consider          D. continue
53. A. suit          B. fail           C. survive           D. matter
54. A. willingly     B. publicly        C. actually           D. truly
55. A. get back      B. call up         C. give back         D. keep up  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My 14-year-old son, John, and I spotted the coat at the same time. It was hanging at a (an) 36  clothing store. The coat had a black velvet collar, delightful tailoring, a Fifth Avenue label (标签) and a (an)  37  price of $ 28.
We looked at  38 , saying nothing,  39  John’s eyes shone. Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with  40 , but could  41  several hundred dollars now.
John  42  the coat. He turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror with a serious, studied  43  that soon changed into a smile. The  44  was perfect. John wore the coat to school the next day and came home wearing a big smile. “How did the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They love it.” He said, carefully  45  it over the chair and smoothing it flat.
Over the next few weeks, the  46  came over John. Quiet, reasoned discussion was  47  argument. He became more thoughtful and eager to  48 . “Good dinner, Mum,” he would say every evening. One day when I suggested that he might start on homework before dinner, John said, “You are right, and I guess I will.”
When I  49  this to one of his teachers and remarked that I didn’t know  50  caused the changes, she said with laughter, “It must be his coat!” At the library, we  51  to meet a friend who had not seen our children for a long time. “ 52  this be John?” he asked, looking up to John’s new height, assessing the cut of his coat, and extending his hand, one gentleman to another.
John and I both knew we should never  53  a person’s clothes for the real person within them. But there is something to be said for  54  a standard of excellence for the world to see, for practicing standards of excellence in thought, speech and behavior, and for  55  what is on the inside with what is on the outside.
36. A. second-hand         B. expensive   C. big       D. cheap
37. A. reasonable   B. unbelievable       C. special         D. average
38. A. each other    B. one another        C. the other    D. others
39. A. therefore      B. however     C. but      D. thus
40. A. adults   B. people         C. parents        D. teenagers
41. A. spend   B. cost    C. pay      D. take
42. A. touched B. buttoned    C. held    D. obtained
43. A. gesture B. expression   C. attitude      D. feeling
44. A. color       B. price    C. fit          D. style
45. A. pressing         B. taking  C. hanging        D. folding
46. A. happiness      B. satisfaction C. change         D. generosity
47. A. because of    B. instead of          C. aware of     D. full of
48. A. please B. regret  C. complain     D. apologize
49. A. mentioned    B. wrote          C. reported      D. explained
50. A. when    B. how          C. what   D. that
51. A. happened       B. came           C. intended      D. decided
52. A. Should    B. Would          C. Must D. Could
53. A. watch   B. judge            C. mistake       D. consider
54. A. doing    B. showing          C. speaking      D. wearing
55. A. comparing     B. connecting         C. combining D. matching

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
