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As well as reaching the right audience with the right technique, advertisers must also place their ads in the right medium. Obviously, cost will play __(1)______ big part in this decision. Television adverts are expensive to make __(2)_____to show. You have to be a big corporation with a big budget to afford television ads. Advertisements in newspapers, on the other hand, are __(3)______cheaper.
As well as worrying about the expense, advertisers must also consider _____(4)_ media are most appropriate for their product and which their target audience is most likely to see or hear. __(5)_______most cars have radios, ads broadcast via radio can reach a lot of drivers very __(6)______(easy). For this reason, ______(7)_would be appropriate to use radio to advertise goods and services relating to cars. _(8)______, it would be no use __(9)_ _____(advertise) products on radio if the ad relies on visual effects. Television adverts are great for generating emotional responses to a product, but magazines and newspapers can have __(10)_ ____details.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Most people who work in London get a break of about an hour for lunch.  36  they mostly live too far from home to go back there  37  lunch, they have to  38  other arrangements for their midday meal.
Many large companies have a canteen (自助食堂) for their employees. In  39  canteens the food served is simple but  40 , and there is some  41  of choice. But the number of dishes  42 usually small. The employees themselves fetch their dishes  43  a counter at which they are  44. There they can find a tray on  45  to carry their knives, forks, spoons, plates, cups, saucers,  46, of course, their food. A meal in a canteen is inexpensive and may  47  of soup, fish and chips or meat and two vegetables,  48  fruit or pudding of some  49  as dessert. Some companies that do not run a canteen  50  their staff with luncheon-vouchers (午餐券), which many restaurants will accept in 51  of money.
As there are so many people  52  work in London, there are numerous cafes and restaurants in every area that is not purely residential. A meal  53  cost anything from a modest sum to quite a few pounds,  54  on the restaurant and the food chosen.  55 , one can generally get a meal, or at least a snack, in a pub. In recent years there has also been a big increase in the number of ‘take-away’ food shops of all kinds.
36. A. Unless             B. As                     C. If                     D. Although
37. A. for                    B. at                            C. of                    D. in
38. A. take               B. bring             C. make                D. use
39. A. such               B. few                C. so                   D. little
40. A. full                B. limited           C. extra              D. enough
41. A. exchange                   B. variety                            C. change                    D. difference
42. A. are                   B. is                             C. being                       D. be
43. A. to                             B. with                         C. at                                   D. from
44. A. sold                           B. served                      C. made                       D. kept
45. A. which                        B. it                             C. except                      D. instead
46. A. or                 B. but               C. and               D. except
47. A. consist                    B. compose                   C. compare                   D. insist
48. A. along                         B. with                         C. about                       D. at
49. A. sort                           B. pattern                            C. category                   D. content
50. A. prepare                      B. repair                       C. afford                      D. provide
51. A. space                        B. case                         C. face                         D. place
52. A. at                              B. above               C. over                         D. by
53. A. must                          B. may                         C. should                     D. could
54. A. taking                        B. turning                     C. depending                D. bringing
55. A. Besides                     B. However                  C. Never                      D. More

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Learning to Accept
I learned how to accept life as it is from my father.   36__, he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was   37   and ill.
My father was   38   a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness   39   all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is   40   . One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started   41   about life, and I told them about one of my   42.__ .I said that we must very often give things up
43   we grow—our youth, our beauty, and our friends— but it always   44  that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father   45   up. He said, “But, Peter, I gave up   46  ! What did I gain?” I thought and thought, but I couldn't think of anything to say.   47  , he answered his own question: “I   48   the love of my family,” I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.
I was also   49   by his words. After that,when I began to feel irritated(愤怒的)at someone, I   50   remember his words and become   51  . If he could replace his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be   52   to give up my small irritations. In this   53  , I learned the power of acceptance from my father.
Sometimes I   54   what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am grateful for this one   55  .
36.A.Afterwards      B.Therefore  C.However   D.Meanwhile
37.A.tired  B.weak C.poor  D.slow
38.A.already     B.still   C.only  D.once
39.A.took  B.threw       C.sent   D.put
40.A.impossible       B.difficult    C.stressful    D.hopeless
41.A.worrying  B.caring       C.talking      D.asking
42.A.decisions  B.experiences      C.ambitions  D.beliefs
43.A.as     B.since C.before      D.till
44.A.suggests    B.promises   C.seems       D.requires
45.A.spoke       B.turned      C.cheered     D.opened
46.A.something B.anything   C.nothing     D.everything
47.A.Surprisingly     B.Immediately     C.Naturally  D.Certainly
48.A.had   B.accepted   C.gained      D.enjoyed
49.A.moved      B.amazed     C.attracted   D.warned
50.A.should      B.could C.would       D.might
51.A.quiet B.calm  C.relaxed     D.happy
52.A.ready       B.likely       C.free   D.able
53.A.case  B.form C.method     D.way
54.A.doubt       B.wonder     C.know D.guess
55.A.award       B.gift   C.lesson       D.word

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A concert violinist was performing a difficult piece in front of a large audience. Suddenly there is a loud snap( 断裂声 ) and the__31___could be heard throughout the auditorium( 礼堂 ).The audience ___32___knew that a string( 弦)had broken. They all __33____the concert to stop for a short time ___34___another instrument was brought to the musician.
But instead, the __35___composed( 使镇定 ) herself and then signaled the conductor to start again.The orchestra( 管弦乐团 ) continued where they had __36___and the musician played the music on three strings. In her __37____she worked out new fingering to make up for the missing string. A work that few people could play __38___on four strings, the violinist played on three.
When she __39____and bowed to the audience,there was a silence in the hall. And then the crowd rose to their feet and cheered wildly. The violinist ___40___and wiped sweat from her forehead. When __41____returned to the hall, she ___42___why she had continued to play although there was a __43___string. "You know," she said, "sometimes it is the artist's __44___to find out how much music you can still ___45___with what has been left."
Maybe we've lived most of our lives and we have only a little time left. Maybe disease has ___46___us of our capacity( 能力 ) to work. Or perhaps a financial(财政的) loss has left us very__47___. Can we still make "music"?
There will come a time when we all __48___loss. Can we find the __49___to discover how much "music" we can still make with what has been left, just like the violinist? And if it takes extra courage to make the "music", others will __50___ your effort. Some people have lost more than others, but they are brave enough to face it. They inspire the rest of us to reach greater heights.
31. A. voice           B. sound          C.music        D. scream
32. A.immediately      B. gradually       C. hardly       D.eventually
33. A. hoped          B. advised         C.urged        D.expected
34. A.when           B.until           C.after         D. since
35. A.audience        B.conductor        C.violinist      D.pianist
36. A.left             B. stopped         C.remained     D.arrived
37. A.hands           B. eyes            C.opinion      D.mind
38. A.fast             B.badly           C.well         D.gently
39. A.started          B.performed        C.finished      D.paused
40. A.worried         B.smiled           C.apologized    D.escaped
41. A.thought         B.happiness        C.excitement    D.silence
42. A.asked         B. wondered        C.explained     D.introduced
43. A.broken         B.lost              C.bad          D.difficult
44. A.dream         B. plan              C. suggestion    D. task
45. A.take           B.get               C.make         D.carry
46. A.warned        B.reminded          C. required      D.robbed
47. A.poor          B.brave              C.guilty        D.rich
48. A.appreciate      B.avoid             C.experience     D.improve
49. A. assistance     B. hope              C. support       D.courage
50. A. comment      B.applaud            C. accept        D.blame

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day on the way home from work, I stopped at a little store by the market. As I entered the store, I   36     something unexpectedly: the   37   made with a special cheese that my wife and I both liked very much!  38  , I decided to buy a large one. When I got home and   39  my discovery, my wife was less   40   in it than I was: I didn’t know why. Perhaps she thought it was too   41   for the fridge,   42   maybe she thought it was too expensive. Whatever the   43  , we didn’t eat the cake that night and without any argument we put it in the   44 .
A few days later, I opened the fridge. It was   45   ! I thought she had returned it to the store. In spite of my strong willingness to start a (n)  46   , I convinced myself that maybe there was another   47  , so I didn’t mention it. One month later, we were going to visit some friends. As we were getting into the car, I saw the cake box in her hand ! I couldn’t describe how  48  I was . When I told her what I had   49   , she smiled and said that   50   she bought a lot of frozen things, she had taken the cake to her mom to   51   it for us in her fridge. That night I had the   52   cake ever.
We told the story to our friends and we talked about how   53   in our family life it might be to make wrong   54  and how joyous it is when you fight against your ___ 55_  to start an argument.

A. touched  
A. candy
A. Anyway
A. hid  
A. disappointed
A. sweet
A. or                                 
A. decision                   
A. car                          
A. packed
A. argument
A. effect
A. eager
A. thought
A. though
A. find
A. dearest
A. easy  
A. excuses
A. effort
B. bought
B. chocolate
B. However
B. explained 
B. concerned
B. heavy               
B. but
B. example
B. fridge
B. covered
B. speech
B. place 
B. happy
B. seen
B. when
B. lay
B. best
B. serious
B. decisions
B. ability
C. picked
C. cake
C. Indeed  
C. made
C. confident
C. big
C. so
C. story
C. kitchen
C. destroyed
C. explanation
C. reason 
C. angry
C. meant
C. since
C. make
C. coldest
C. amazing
C. choices
C. thought
D. noticed 
D. ice cream
D. Moreover
D. presented
D. interested
D. special
D. as
D. case
D. box
D. gone
D. discussion
D. choice
D. bored
D. said
D. if 
D. keep
D. largest
D. funny
D. guesses
D. try


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A boy walked along Carver Street, singing a sad song. He walked with his head down. Once he looked up and noticed the sign across the empty street, painted on the side of an old house. On the sign a big woman with yellow hair and a five-mile smile held out a big bottle. “Coca-Cola. Drink-Cola-Cola,” the sign said.
  “Boy!” the silence was cut by a sudden cry. He turned around quickly to see who had called.
  An old woman was standing at her door.
  “You boy! Come here this minute!”
  Slowly the boy   21  onto the cold flat stones leading to the old woman’s house. When he arrived at her house, she   22  out her hand and wrapped(缠住)her   23  old fingers around his arm.
  “Help me inside, boy,” she said. “Help me   24  to my bed. What’s your name?”
  “Joseph,” he said.
  The old woman on the bed tried to   25  up, raising herself on her elbow(肘). Water   26   from her eyes and mouth. The sight of her made Joseph feel   27  .
  “I’m dying, Joseph. You can see that, can’t you? I want you to write a   28  for me. There’s paper and pencil on the table there.”
  Joseph looked down at the   29  , and then looked out of the window. He saw the sign again, “Coca-Cola. Drink Cola-Cola.”
  “I want my silver ring to   30  to my daughter.”
  Joseph bent his small body over the table and   31  the pencil slowly across the paper.
  “There’s my Bible(圣经),” the old woman said. “That’s for my daughter, too. I want a   32  Christian burial(基督葬礼)with lots of singing. Write that down, too. That’s the last   33  of a poor old woman.”
  The boy laboured over the paper. Again he looked out of the window.
  “Here. Bring it here so I can   34  it.”
  Joseph found the Bible, and,   35  the paper inside, laid it next to the bed.
  “  36  me now, boy,” she sighed. “I’m tired.”
  He ran out of the house.
  A cold wind blew through the   37  window, but the old woman on the bed   38  nothing. She was dead. The paper in the Bible moved back and forth in the wind.   39  on the paper were some childish letters. They   40  the words, “Coca-Cola. Drink Coca-Cola.”
  21.A.rushed      B.struggled     C.hurried        D.stepped
  22.A.reached    B.let               C.pushed           D.pointed
  23.A.firm              B.smooth          C.dry                D.fresh
  24.A.back         B.up                    C.away           D.ahead
  25.A.sit          B.get                   C.stand             D.wake
  26.A.fell         B.burnt             C.burst              D.ran
  27.A.ill          B.sick             C.unpleasant      D.funny
  28.A.letter             B.note             C.will              D.message
  29.A.table              B.pen              C.paper             D.woman
  30.A.send      B.go                C.belong           D.come
  31.A.moved   B.drew              C.used              D.pulled
  32.A.great      B.merry         C.splendid         D.real
  33.A.hope      B.chance           C.opinion          D.wish
  34.A.sign       B.read             C.remember      D.copy
  35.A.setting     B.hiding            C.placing          D.laying
  36.A.Hold      B.Leave           C.Excuse           D.Pardon
  37.A.large       B.open            C.small             D.pretty
  38.A.did      B.saw              C.felt              D.knew
  39.A.Described B.Printed          C.Recorded       D.Written
40.A.formed   B.spelled           C.organized       D.repeated

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of   36   students in the classroom on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name. Then she told them to think of the   37   thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.
It   38   the class some time to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one   39   the papers.
That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the   40   of each student on a separate sheet of paper and 41   what everyone else had said about that individual.
On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the whole class was   42   . “Really?” she heard whispered. “I never knew that I   43   anything to anyone!” and, “I didn’t know others liked me so much” were most of the comments.
No one ever   44    those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn’t   45  . The exercise had completed its   46   . The students were   47   with themselves and one another.
That group of students moved on. Several years later, one of the students was   48   in Vietnam War and his teacher   49   the funeral of that special student.
After the funeral, most of Mark’s former classmates left. Mark’s mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak to his teacher.
“We want to   50   you something,” his father said, taking a   51   out of his pocket.
“They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might   52   it.”
Opening the wallet, he   53   removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded, and refolded many times. The teacher knew without   54   that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark’s classmates had said about him.
“Thank you so much for doing that,” Mark’s mother said. “As you can see, Mark   55   it.”
36. A. other          B. others            C. the others            D. the other
37. A. worst          B. nicest            C. smallest             D. biggest
38. A. cost           B. took             C. paid                 D. spent
39. A. handed in       B. took out         C. set down             D. turned off
40. A. number        B. address          C. name                D. home
41. A. read           B. explained        C. expressed            D. listed
42. A. smiling        B. crying           C. singing              D. playing
43. A. meant         B. marked           C. referred             D. concerned
44. A. wrote          B. recited           C. mentioned           D. examined
45. A. decide         B. conduct           C. include             D. matter
46. A. plan           B. decision          C. purpose             D. function
47. A. excited         B. worried          C. satisfied             D. disappointed
48. A. killed          B. injured           C. wounded            D. frightened
49. A. joined         B. attended          C. took                D. held
50. A. give           B. tell              C. ask                D. show
51. A. wallet          B. book            C. gift                D. watch
52. A. remind         B. recognize         C. review             D. recommend
53. A. suddenly        B. quickly          C. carefully           D. surprisingly
54. A. looking        B. saying           C. hearing            D. noticing
55. A. lost            B. found           C. remembered         D. treasured

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mrs. Wilson, the wife of a rich man,  (1)                 some of her friends to lunch. She was trying a new way to cook fish and she was very pleased with  (2)          when the fish was ready. As the fish was very hot, she put it near the open window to  (3)       _____ for a few minutes. Five minutes later, when she came back (4)        it, she was surprised to find the neighbor’s cat at the fish. She was in time to stop the cat before it was too  (5).    _   .That afternoon every one enjoyed the fish. They talked and laughed  (6)    _      four o’clock.
After the guests left, Mrs. Wilson felt tired but happy. She was sitting down in a chair near the window (7)    _____   __ she saw the neighbor’s cat dead in her garden. She was sure the fish was bad. What  (8) _     _ _______ happen to her friends? She at once telephoned the family doctor for help. The doctor wanted each guest  (9)  _____      meet him. Once again Mrs. Wilson was alone in her chair still tired  (10)       _    _  not longer happy. Just then the telephone rang. It was her neighbor, “Oh, Mrs. Wilson,” he cried.” My cat is dead. She was killed by someone in a car and put in your garden …”

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently divorced and unemployed,I was on my way downtown to do the rounds of the employment offices.I had no umbrella,for my old one had ____,and I could not ____ another one.
I sat down in the ____ and there against my seat was a(n) ___ silk umbrella with a silver handle.I had ____ seen anything so lovely.I examined the handle and saw a carved ___.The usual procedure would have been to ____ the umbrella to the conductor,but an idea ____ to me.I decided to take it with me and find the owner myself.
I got off the bus in a downpour and ____ opened the umbrella to protect myself.Then I ____ a telephone book for the name on the umbrella.I called and a lady ____.
Yes,she said ____,that was her umbrella,which her parents,now dead,had given her as a birthday present.But,she ____,it had been stolen ____ her doorstep a month before.
She was so excited that I ____ I was looking for a job and went directly to her house.She took the umbrella,and her eyes were filled with ____.She wanted to give me a ____,but-though twenty dollars was all I had in the world-her happiness at regaining this ____ possession was beyond words and I believed accepting her money would have ____ something.We talked for a while and I left.
A week later,I got a job as a sales manager ____.It might be my kindness that paid off.But who knows?

A.broken up B.gone away C.fallen apart D.faded away

A.afford B.borrow C.find D.repair

A.office B.bus C.theater D.train

A.ugly B.beautiful C.worn D.ancient

A.even B.always C.already D.never

A.design B.number C.name D.brand

A.turn in B.show off C.open up D.carry away

A.occurred B.ran C.struck D.happened

A.firmly B.suddenly C.casually D.thankfully

A.read B.searched C.got D.used

A.appeared B.replied C.answered D.screamed

A.in surprise B.in panic C.in silence D.in anger

A.assumed B.added C.declared D.announced

A.from B.in C.beside D.of

A.mentioned B.forgot C.realized D.remembered

A.memory B.honor C.tears D.thanks

A.gift B.position C.hug D.reward

A.expensive B.common C.rare D.special

A.bought B.ruined C.expressed D.enjoyed

A.immediately B.naturally C.hopefully D.unexpectedly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A couple of years ago, I went to a lady’s house to buy some vitamins. Upon entering the house, I  36   that there was an electronic keyboard on a stand, leaning  37   the wall. Being a piano music lover and  38  , I asked, if the woman played. She nodded and added that she had been
 39   lessons at age 54! I told her that it was very  40   that she was pursuing (追求) her passion to play the piano.  .  . 
Then she asked me  41   question. “I have been playing for 8 years now,” I answered. 
“Then you must play a song for me before you leave,” she  42  .I thought she was joking and I simply smiled. At the end of the deal of the vitamins, she  43  me of our musical “ 44 _”. She then showed me to an old upright piano in the living room,  45   asked me to play a song for her. I thought  46   and decided to play David Lantz’s “Return to the Heart”, since she had so much passion for  47  ,and it was my soul-searching song. 
I played the song to the best of my ability, and with my emotions __48   into it as possible. She loved it.  49   I was about to step out of the door, I heard a weak voice calling out, “Young man!”
I turned around. And there was an old lady  50   one little step at a time with the help of another woman. “I wanted to come out to  51   you for the beautiful song that you played. I have been very sick, and it’s very hard for me to  52  my bed, but your music made me feel good ”she said. With that, she turned around and walked  53   back to her room. 
I was deeply  54   by her appreciation and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It served its purpose beautifully, returning to one’s  55   for peace and joy. 

A.observed B.watched C.noticed D.caught

A.on B.at C.over D.against

A.player B.teacher C.composer D.starter

A.giving B.attending C.teaching D.reviewing

A.interesting B.wonderful C.moved D.impressive

A.another B.a different C.the same D.other

A.advised B.ordered C.demanded D.requested

A.warned B.reminded C.asked D.required

A.course B.task C.discussion D.deal

A.and B.but C.as a result D.what’s more

A.for the moment B.at the moment C.for a moment D.at a moment

A.music B.songs C.the piano D.vitamins

A.dropping B.falling C.pouring D.running

A.Since B.As C.While D.Because

A.taking B.making C.having D.giving

A.thank B.praise C.admire D.owe

A.get on B.get up C.get off D.get down

A.quietly B.calmly C.happily D.slowly

A.shocked B.touched C.delighted D.disturbed

A.world B.heart C.brains D.dreams

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The new principal decided that he’d better first take a secret __36___ before doing something about Class 5A , which was the worst class in Hill Valley High School.He didn’t need to be informed ___37___ the class was , for ___38__were leading the way.
The door was shut from inside.The lock it had was missing , __39__ knocked off , just leaving a ___40___ for the principal.
Though the principal had __41___badly behaved classes before , what appeared through the _42____ was till a shock for him.It was a scene that was ___43__ seen in action films.But he knew what to do.He ___44__ go into the classroom , take hold of the ___45__ boy and punished him.This would be an example to the others.
He took a deep breath and then ___46__ open the classroom door.He had been prepared for the scene that there should be a shock of __47____ , but few treated him as an important ___48__ , and some even paid little attention to his existence.
“ Silence ! ” he shouted at the top of his voice.This time it was really __49____.They stopped what they were doing and stared at him.Quickly he walked up to the __50__ boy in the room , who he __51____had been playing an important part and also had been shouting at the others at the top of his voice.
He seized the boy by the ear and ___52__ him to the front of the class.
“ I’m going to punish you as an example to the rest , ” he said.“ Now go to my office and wait for me.”
Then he turned to the class and ___53__them about how to behave in school.
To __54___ his speech , he said , “ Does anyone have any questions ? ”
One of the students put up her hand.“ Yes , sir.I have.When can you free my __55__ back to continue his class ? ”

A.watch B.inspection C.look D.examination

A.where B.how C.what D.when

A.school guides B.class titles C.terrible noise D.some teachers

A.other than B.or rather C.worse still D.rather than

A.problem B.fault C.reason D.lookout

A.experienced B.heard C.seen D.punished

A.window B.door C.gap D.hole

A.seldom B.hardly C.never D.often

A.might B.should C.would D.could

A.noisiest B.biggest C.smallest D.youngest

A.pushed B.kicked C.forced D.knocked

A.silence B.surprise C.cries D.paleness

A.teacher B.principal C.role D.person

A.heard B.working C.shouted D.surprising

A.oldest-looking B.ordinary-looking C.funny-looking D.ill-looking

A.believed B.supposed C.guessed D.recognized

A.pushed B.pulled C.ordered D.got

A.announced B.said C.declared D.lectured

A.add to B.carry on C.end up D.show off

A.teacher B.brother C.monitor D.desk-mate

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

James sat outside the office waiting for the interview. He felt so ___21___ that he didn’t know what to do with (the) ___22___. The person who had gone in before him had been in there for nearly an hour. And she looked so confident when she went in, not like James. He felt ___23___ that she had already got the job. The problem was that he wanted this job ___24___. It meant ___25___ to him. He had thought it such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself ___26___ brilliantly (出色地) at the interview and ___27___ the job immediately.
But now here he was feeling terrible. He couldn’t remember all those things he had planned to say. At that moment, he almost decided to get up and ___28___. But he couldn’t. He had spent so much time considering it that he couldn’t give up like that. His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry.
At last the door of the office opened. The woman, who had gone in an hour earlier, came out looking very ___29___ with herself. She smiled sympathetically at James. At the moment, James hated her. The managing director then appeared at the office door. “Would you like to come in now, Mr. Davis? I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” James suddenly wished that he had gone home after all. He got up, legs ___30___ and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as terrified as he felt.
21. A. healthy         B. nervous        C. careless        D. confident
22. A. interviewer      B. woman        C. himself         D. situation
23. A. doubtful        B. sure           C. angry          D. astonished
24. A. hopelessly      B. naturally        C. easily          D. so much
25. A. everything      B. happiness       C. difficulty       D. nothing
26. A. explaining      B. performing      C. answering      D. writing
27. A. offered         B. asked for       C. being offered    D. being asked for
28. A. leave          B. go in           C. prepare         D. practice
29. A. ugly           B. pleased         C. sad            D. pretty
30. A. shaking        B. bending         C. walking        D. stopped

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to   36   in order to pay the high tuition (学费) for my brother and me. They don’t act in the __37__ ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, “I love you” is too __38__ for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day is even more out of __39__.
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I sat down beside her. “Mom, I have a question to ask you. Is there __40__ between you and Dad?” I asked her in a very low voice. She didn’t answer immediately. She __41__ her head and continued to sew the quilt.
I was very worried because I thought I had _42_ her. I was _43__ and I didn’t know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words:
“Susan,” she said thoughtfully, “Look at this thread.Sometimes it __44_, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt __45__. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread.It can hardly be seen __46_, but it’s really there. Love is __47__.”
I listened carefully but I __48__ her until the next spring. At that time, my father suddenly __49_ seriously. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked __50 _. It seemed both of them had had a serious illness. After they were back, every day in the morning and dusk, my mother helped my father __51__ on the country road.
“Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.
“Susan, don’t __52__ me.” he said gently. “To tell you the truth, I just like walking with your mom.”__53__ his eyes, I know he loves my mother deeply.
Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and __54__. But from this experience, I understand that love is just __55__ in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.
36.A.keep fit            B.rise early     C.earn money        D.collect money
37.A.magic             B.romantic           C.fantastic            D.attractive
38.A.simple            B.easy         C.relaxing            D.luxurious (奢侈)
39.A.the question    B.problem            C.interest         D.control
40.A.feeling            B.love               C.quarrel             D.smile
41.A.raised          B.shook          C.nodded       D.bowed
42.A.hurt            B.injured         C.wounded     D.harmed
43.A.in great surprise             B.in a great embarrassment
C.with deep depression          D.at extreme sorrow
44.A.happens            B.comes about  C.appears       D.occurs
45.A.warm and soft        B.hot and hard    C.thin and cool        D.strong and durable
46.A.somewhere and sometime              B.anywhere or anytime
C.more or less                        D.here and there
47.A.inside          B.outside            C.faraway      D.nearby
48.A.could believe          B.couldn’t understand
C.wouldn’t recognize           D.might know
49.A.got sick            B.got stuck           C.lay down     D.became disabled
50.A.quite healthy   B.very pale     C.fairly red           D.much surprised
51.A.jump high    B.go hurriedly         C.run fast      D.walk slowly
52.A.think about     B.talk with     C.worry about         D.laugh at
53.A.Reading            B.Seeing       C.Saying             D.Writing
54.A.fresh roses     B.gold ring     C.sweet kisses   D.beautiful jewelry
55.A.a thread            B.a needle       C.the cloth           D.the cotton

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We always celebrated Dad’s birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a nursing home . As years went on , these events took on a  36  meaning for me : A traditional birthday party for Dad , and thanking for all that he had been doing to me in my life . When we knew it might be his 37  birthday, the whole family decided to  38  together for a huge birthday celebration at the nursing home . 
Dad was a good story-teller and here was the  39  he had had .During a quiet moment , I announced it was now Dad’s  40   to listen to stories for a change . I wanted everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him . The room became  41   . Then one after another , people told stories from their hearts , while Dad  42  with tears in eyes . People  43  kinds of stories — stories about when they were little , stories about when Dad was young , and stories that shared family treasures .
The stories  44   . Everyone seemed to have more than one story . Even the little grandchildren couldn’t 45  to tell Dad why they loved him . For a man who had been kind to so many people in his life , here was our  46  to celebrate him . A few months later , at Dad’s memorial service , we more fully realized what we had  47   Dad that night . Those are the stories people  48 tell at a funeral (葬礼)after a loved one is no longer  49  to hear the words . They tell stories , full of  50  . But we had given those memories to Dad in his  51  , and we had told them through laughter , accompanied by hugs and joys . He had them to  52  and roll over in his mind during his last days and months .
Words do  53  , and they are enough . We just need to say them or to speak them  54  to the ones we love . That’s the way to  55  love and our chance to celebrate a person in his or her life .
36. A. special      B. valuable        C. double           D. complex 
37. A. another      B. last            C. important         D. fiftieth
38. A. unite        B. arrange        C. move            D. gather
39. A. career       B. pride          C. happiness          D. audience
40. A. choice       B. wish          C. turn              D. right
41. A. lively       B. still           C. cosy(舒适的)      D. noisy
42. A. thought      B. nodded         C. listened           D. accepted
43. A. understood   B. invented        C. recalled           D. discussed
44. A. flowed       B. passed         C. unfolded          D. differed
45. A. stop         B. stand          C. afford            D. wait
46. A. responsibility  B. situation       C. chance            D. desire
47. A. returned      B. left            C. given             D. owed
48. A. sincerely     B. gently          C. normally          D. regularly
49. A. available     B. happy         C. eager             D. alive
50. A. tears        B. feelings         C. joy               D. peace
51. A. mind        B. life            C. world            D. work
52. A. hold         B. share         C. consider          D. continue
53. A. suit          B. fail           C. survive           D. matter
54. A. willingly     B. publicly        C. actually           D. truly
55. A. get back      B. call up         C. give back         D. keep up  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My 14-year-old son, John, and I spotted the coat at the same time. It was hanging at a (an) 36  clothing store. The coat had a black velvet collar, delightful tailoring, a Fifth Avenue label (标签) and a (an)  37  price of $ 28.
We looked at  38 , saying nothing,  39  John’s eyes shone. Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with  40 , but could  41  several hundred dollars now.
John  42  the coat. He turned from side to side, eyeing himself in the mirror with a serious, studied  43  that soon changed into a smile. The  44  was perfect. John wore the coat to school the next day and came home wearing a big smile. “How did the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They love it.” He said, carefully  45  it over the chair and smoothing it flat.
Over the next few weeks, the  46  came over John. Quiet, reasoned discussion was  47  argument. He became more thoughtful and eager to  48 . “Good dinner, Mum,” he would say every evening. One day when I suggested that he might start on homework before dinner, John said, “You are right, and I guess I will.”
When I  49  this to one of his teachers and remarked that I didn’t know  50  caused the changes, she said with laughter, “It must be his coat!” At the library, we  51  to meet a friend who had not seen our children for a long time. “ 52  this be John?” he asked, looking up to John’s new height, assessing the cut of his coat, and extending his hand, one gentleman to another.
John and I both knew we should never  53  a person’s clothes for the real person within them. But there is something to be said for  54  a standard of excellence for the world to see, for practicing standards of excellence in thought, speech and behavior, and for  55  what is on the inside with what is on the outside.
36. A. second-hand         B. expensive   C. big       D. cheap
37. A. reasonable   B. unbelievable       C. special         D. average
38. A. each other    B. one another        C. the other    D. others
39. A. therefore      B. however     C. but      D. thus
40. A. adults   B. people         C. parents        D. teenagers
41. A. spend   B. cost    C. pay      D. take
42. A. touched B. buttoned    C. held    D. obtained
43. A. gesture B. expression   C. attitude      D. feeling
44. A. color       B. price    C. fit          D. style
45. A. pressing         B. taking  C. hanging        D. folding
46. A. happiness      B. satisfaction C. change         D. generosity
47. A. because of    B. instead of          C. aware of     D. full of
48. A. please B. regret  C. complain     D. apologize
49. A. mentioned    B. wrote          C. reported      D. explained
50. A. when    B. how          C. what   D. that
51. A. happened       B. came           C. intended      D. decided
52. A. Should    B. Would          C. Must D. Could
53. A. watch   B. judge            C. mistake       D. consider
54. A. doing    B. showing          C. speaking      D. wearing
55. A. comparing     B. connecting         C. combining D. matching

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
