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单词拼写(共15空格,每空限填一词, 注意用正确的形式,每空1分,共15分)
Just to satisfy my________(好奇心), how much did you pay for your car?
We spent two hours analysing the team's strengths and__________(缺点).
That young woman has a(n)________(苗条的)figure.
I have only a________(有限的)understanding of French.
With the production going up, an increasing supply of__________(未加工的)materials is needed.
How many________(场)are there in the play?
I think it is time to________(寻求)legal advice.
The________(冒险)of Tom Sawyer is written by Mark Twain.
Learning to walk again after his accident required great________(耐心).
We discovered a secret________(通道)behind the wall.
The ______________(起源) of some words are unknown.
Millions of people in Africa are still _____________(挨饿) to death at present.
I don’t mind ______________(道歉) to others if I make a mistake.
We visited our beloved teacher on hearing his ____________(到达)in the capital city.
Many __________(奖) will be given to the winners in the coming music ceremony.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why are these men so______ (愚蠢的)?
Lily now helps in a local school as a(an)______(志愿者).
We set a fire nearby to _______( 保护 ) plants from the cold.
We should _______(探索)new ways to solve the problems that we are facing.
All streets were _______((装饰;装修)with colorful flags and flowers on National Day.
I would _____ (感激) it if you could give me this chance.
If you can’t show us any ______(证据), we will not be able to believe you .
This kind of change is called _______ (物理的) change.
Many people trust Jack and think highly of him, but _______(就个人而言), I think he is actually dishonest.
They were put inside          (木制的)boxes.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all             (钦佩) her for what she had done.
You must ask for p           _ before taking any photos inside the church.
Sometimes, doing exercise violently is          _  to our health.
The scientist made the great discovery almost by a           .
Finally, after a long-time wait, it was her t_________ to be examined by the doctor.
You’ll easily _______ __________ (增加体重)if you eat too much food rich in fat and sugar.
Farmers have ___________ _______(从…中获益)the new medical policy.
The poor weather could ____________ _______ (解释 )the small crowd.
At that time, a great dust cloud formed in the sky, ____________ ______(挡住)the sunlight.
The doctor told me to ______ ________(减少)on smoking and drinking.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

His               (抱负)is to work in the computer industry when he grows up.
He was forced to r           as chairman for the great losses he had made。
Their school life is quite busy for them to have no time to sit      (闲坐着) gossiping.
I am feeling not good, and I’d like to be              alone for a moment.
With the               (分发) of food and medicine to the flooded area, they all let out a sigh of relief.
That frightened scream nearly made me feel s            to death.
I will a           you whenever you are in trouble and help you through the hard time.
           to you on winning the first prize in the final competition.
Do you know the gentleman who         (捐赠) a large sum of money to the charity?
I loved to listened to their talking to each other ,even though I couldn’t p      in them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pandasareournationalt________   .
The East Pearl Tower is l_____    in the center of China.
What he said left a deep i________       on the girl.
Venice is one of the great _____________ attractions (旅游胜地)of the world.
Hewasbusy,buthestillvisitedhisparents___________    (定期).
This problem has also a_____________ (影响) our final decision.
__________   (显然), he didn’t realize it was a formal occasion.
You can get a good  ___________ (风景)of the beautiful hotel garden from there.
To their _______________ (失望),they failed at last.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He a________ a little girl whose parents had been killed in the earthquake.
The teacher doesn’t think that the t___________ of the Tang poem is very good.
The e___________ of the volcano is really exciting to watch.
Running a marathon will leave you b___________.
Some poems tell a story, others try to c________ certain emotions.
Frick had a __________ (喜爱) for pre-twentieth century Western paintings.
These advice might help you to stop and ___________(加强) your resolve.
It is human activity that has caused global warming rather than a random but natural _______________(现象).
The earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil _________ (燃料).
Her voice was full of _________(焦虑)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students examined how childrena______language.
A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀)up
The lung is an o________________ and so is the heart.
An __________(精确的) instrument is able to give you information that is correct to a detailed level.
He felt g________________ after he stole some money from the old couple.
If you have an a__________ with someone,you have arranged to see them at a particular time,usually in connection with their work.
Keeping an o    state of mind is good for health.
It'll be two years before the________(过程)is complete.
She said it d     to challenge me.
We should_________(应用)both theories in the language classroom.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Although some may think the cinema is noisy, it is _________(适合) for Sally’s condition.
Wilberforce then _______(辞职) from government in 1825 and died in 1833.
Every time I returned after a/an _________(缺席), I felt stupid because I was behind the others.
The employees should be ___________(祝贺) for the part they have played in the success.
I hope my suggestions will meet with your __________(赞成).
As he was not allowed ___________(陪伴) her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.
She cried out “Tony” and then heard him __________(声明) that he didn’t want to leave her the next day.
She looked back on her career with great _____________(满足).
Your plan is _________(一定的) to success.
It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his_______(天赋) for writing became obvious.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He a________ a little girl whose parents had been killed in the earthquake.
The teacher doesn’t think that the t___________ of the Tang poem is very good.
The e___________ of the volcano is really exciting to watch.
Running a marathon will leave you b___________.
Some poems tell a story, others try to c________ certain emotions.
Frick had a __________ (喜爱) for pre-twentieth century Western paintings.
These advice might help you to stop and ___________(加强) your resolve.
It is human activity that has caused global warming rather than a random but natural _______________(现象).
The earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil _________ (燃料).
Her voice was full of _________(焦虑)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students examined how childrena______language.
A bee has stung my hand and it is __________________(膨胀)up
The lung is an o________________ and so is the heart.
An __________(精确的) instrument is able to give you information that is correct to a detailed level.
He felt g________________ after he stole some money from the old couple.
If you have an a__________ with someone,you have arranged to see them at a particular time,usually in connection with their work.
Keeping an o    state of mind is good for health.
It'll be two years before the________(过程)is complete.
She said it d         to challenge me.
We should_________(应用)both theories in the language classroom.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

To be honest, a lot of people a_______ great importance to becoming rich and famous.
You have been late six times a________ to our records.
He has grown up, but he r______ entirely on his parents for food.
If their habitat is threatened or they can’t find enough food, their numbers may d_________.
I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t pay a__________ to it.
The TV leaders looked for four m________ who were lively and could make good music.
The Dragon Boat Festival is held in m__________ of the famous poet Qu Yuan.
It is o_______ that he lied to us, for he couldn’t finish the work in a short time. .
He worked very hard and at last he s______________ in passing the test.
These pictures can always r_________ me of my childhood.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The new car ________(属于) to our Chinese teacher.
It was Mr. Li who _________(设计) the building.
In the past, farmers hunted the animals without _____(仁慈)
Later they may give_________(节目) in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid in cash.
He was taken to a ______(远处的)land where he could find the strange animal.
________(就我个人而言),I think the team will win the game.
Anyhow, their songs were ________(幽默的)enough to be copied by other groups.
He is one of the famous_______(男演员) who were loved by many people.
This is the fastest ________(计算)machine in my lab.
I would__________(感激) it if you lent me a hand.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bus No.790 runs _______________  (往返) between the subway station and our school.(and)
All the parents _____________ (被…打动)their children’s wonderful performance last Sunday. (impress)
It is not necessary  ___________ all of us ___________ (让…等待) there? (leave)
__________________ (那就是为什么) we want to hold the meeting.(why)
____________________(陷入了沉思), he didn’t notice my coming in. (deep)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What an _______ (非凡的) thing to happen!
Mr. William was chosen to ____________ (代表) the company at the conference.
The first living ____________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.
The dream of my _____ (青春) was to be a scientist.
Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ____________(优雅地) on the stage.
If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the  S____________ of Liberty by yourself.
While traveling, we often find many  r____________ paintings on the walls of temples.
Mr. Cooper went there with the  p____________ of exploring the new land.
An  a____________ is a person who designs buildings.
I’m  e_______ sorry to have troubled you.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Without a______________ information, many students choose a college almost blindly.
Those who seek to grab power through violence d______________ punishment.
He was the only one of the soldiers who s____________ the war.
It is i____________ that he should have gone to live in such a dangerous country.
He was a_____________ by his girlfriend to the concert.
The allied forces o____________ that country for several years after World War II.
He a_____________ his wife and went away with all their money.
The fire ____________(烧光,燃尽) before the fire brigade arrived.
You can't ____________________(拥有,占有) the house until all the papers are signed.
Scientists _______________(取得突破) in their treatment of that disease recently.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
