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  首页 / 试题库 / 高中英语试题 / 单词拼写

To get the job done, one should be ________(精力充沛) and hardworking.
For everything you have missed,you have _____ (获得) something else.
China and Japan have mid-autumn festival, when people______(欣赏) the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes.
The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more familyfriendly ______(气氛).
I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the______ (好处) of my food.
When ______ (咨询) about how to choose a proper car for personal use,he advised me to ask Mr. Li.
I handed in the homework______ (确实).
They are____ (寻找) the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.
They are so ______(不像) that nobody believes they are sisters.
Driven by ______ (好奇心),Wang Peng came forward to take a close look at the menu.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
If anything happened to the kids, I’d never ________(原谅) myself.
The naughty boy often plays a _________(恶作剧) on his desk mate.
On my _________(到达) at the airport, my girlfriend gave me a kiss.
I have just _________(认出) a mistake on the front page.
He didn’t shout; he just ________(怒目而视)at me silently.
It’s good _________(礼貌) to say “thank you” when you get something from others.
A person who is nice to you but ________(粗鲁的) to the waiter is not a nice person.
To meet their _________(好奇心), we’d better answer them.
They have successfully ________(结合)the old with the new in this room.
You look much ________(苗条的)these days thanks to your hard work.

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  • 难度:未知

The painting by ____________ (当代的) American artist Roy is a world famous example of pop art.
Sean from NASA wishes China continuing ____________ (成功) with its space flight programme.
Quality newspapers also carry f____________ (金融的) reports , travel news and book and film reviews.
We are short of convincing ____________ (证据) that they produced the illegal tabloid in May.
Xu Beihong believed that artists should show reality, but not just ____________ (imitation) it.
Occasions ____________ I have the time to spend a day with my kids are quite rare.
She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for ____________ (entertain) or advertisements.
On hearing the news, the boys ____________ (leap) to their feet with joy.
Our school BBS is a useful c____________ of communication between teachers and students.
We must set ____________ (reality) goals, or we’ll never realize them.
Since the ____________ (found) of the company in 1896, it has been on the increase.
The main character met an ____________ (外国人) when he walked to his school that morning,
Jackie Chen will ____________ (担任主演) in this film.
The Times is the most famous _____________ the quality newspapers.
The fight scenes between Xiulian and Yu Jiaolong are the most ____________ (thrill) moments in the film.
Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei went down the ladder and stepped ____________ (board) quickly.
A Chinese astronaut is sometimes called taikonaut from the Chinese word taikong, ____________ (mean) “space”.
From 1902 to 1904 Picasso painted a series of pictures ____________ the main color was blue.
Guernica is the name of a town to which the Spanish war did a lot of ___________ (destroy) in the 1930s.
The first villagers ___________ (attempt) to escape from the burning building were trapped.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She’d find a way to ______(原谅) him for the theft of the money.
I felt incredibly a________ of myself for getting so angry.
The striking workers have ______(占据) the whole building.
Gradually I lost the ______ (勇气) to speak out about anything.
When things aren’t going well, she e____ me, telling me not to give up.
We’ve had a few _____ (分歧), but we’re still good friends.
He a______ to escape from the prison, but failed in the end.
The firefighter lost his life when trying to r____  a child from the big fire.
Susan looks s_____  — she obviously didn’t expect anything like this.
The house on the hill ________(俯视)the valley.

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  • 难度:未知

We have a very communicative ______ (方法) to teaching languages.
Though he owned a car, he hardly used it , ______ (更喜欢) to take subway .
Move the ______ (把手) to the left and the door will lock.
Walking outdoors is ______ (有益) to our health .
All the children listened to his ______ (经历) in Africa with eager attention.
_____(就个人而言) , I think playing computer games is a waste of time.
We are in ______ (竞争) with other students for higher scores in the English.
Did she ______ (低语) in your ear at the meeting?
Don't allow evil thoughts to ______ (毒害) young people's minds.
Jenny certainly won't go to swimming---once ______ (咬), twice shy.

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  • 难度:未知

He was the only person who got special ___________ (许可) to interview the president.
The talk is going on in a friendly a___________.
The painting is a g_________ Picasso, so it is very valuable.
Most people choose bottled water, obviously in the ________ (信仰) that bottled water is clearer and healthier than tap water.
I’m sure the knowledge gained now will ________ (有益于) you in the future.
C____________ to your guess that they will give up, they are determined to continue with the task.
The mother asked her daughter to look after their __________ (行李) when she was away to buy tickets.
Out of c_________, the two boys went into the forest.
If you want to lose weight, you should have a b__________ diet and take regular exercise.
It is a __________ (传统) that women get married in long white dresses in most western countries.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The foreigners came to China in order to learn Chinese a                 ( 农业的)skills.
Mexico gained its i             (独立) from Spain in 1821.
The party was in c          (庆祝) of Mother´s silver wedding.
Rocks may hold some information about the o_______(起源) of the life on Earth.
My father does not have much b_______(信任) in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.
The young girl is an e_______(精力充沛的) tennis player.
The new building destroy the b_______(美丽) of the countryside.
The students must a            (道歉) to their teacher for being late.
He has f_______(原谅) the wrongs I have done to him.
Her eyes were full of s_______(悲伤) at the news of the Ya´an earthquake.
My mother often r_______(提醒) me to study hard.
You cannot take photos here without p            (允许).
O            (显然), he is interested in music as well as painting.
He was really brave enough to save the d         (溺水) boy from the rough sea.
Some people might win a_______(奖品) for their farm produce.
They each play several i_________.(乐器)
This is a mother's d________(热爱) to her children.
He is p              (表演) his piano at the concert tonight.
Your proposal sounds very a_________. (有吸引力的)
You use the word “c        ” (古典的) to describe something that is traditional in form, style, or content..
Hundreds of i              (邀请)are being sent out this week.
Every person could be a m             (百万富翁)!
If I´d known she was so s________(敏感的), I would not make fun of her.
Let´s go and see a film and a_______(然后) we could go for a meal.
Tell me b_______(简短地) what your story is about .
Several p__________(过路的人) called the police to help the old man in trouble.
I´m pleased to see so many f_______(熟悉的) faces here.
No pains , No g_______(收获).
We stopped and a           (赞美) the view of the mountain .
The corrupt official(贪官) was arrested on his a_______(到达) from abroad.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

His a_________ (任命)as head of department has caused a lot of trouble.
We can never e________(评估) one’s success until he succeeds finally.
The program deals with subjects as d________ (多种多样的) as pop music and Beijing Opera.
Take this opportunity and I g_________(保证) you won’t regret it.
There are a lot of e_________(设备) needing to be repaired in that factory.
I will do some voluntary work for our ___________(社区) this summer.
The remote desert area is a___________(可进入的) only by helicopter.
My job is to improve the quality of life for all __________(残疾的) people.
The concert c___________(指挥) by the famous director appealed to many people.
We didn’t receive any news during his __________(缺席).
We need you there to offer words of ___________(鼓励).
We all wonder why that lady always looks so __________(优雅的).
The court d_________ (宣布) that the strike action was illegal.
She and her sister were collecting materials for the ___________(传记) of their father.
We further discuss the question later in this _________(篇,章).

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  • 难度:未知

I would have no __________ (hesitate) in recommending Philip for the position.
The idea of spending the Spring Festival abroad really appeals _______ me.
After adopting the __________ (advance) technology, the company has greatly increased its production in the last two years.
It wasn’t until nearly a month later __________ I received the manager’s reply.
During the APEC (the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) meeting held in November 2014, the air quality in Beijing was much better than __________ it had been before.
He rushed out of the room __________ I could say a word, so he didn’t hear the news.
China __________ (establish) economic relations with other nations since President Xi Jinping visited 22 countries last year.
He avoided __________ (punish) by his boss by making an apology.
We are __________ (obvious) going to need more help for such a messy job.
__________ (associate) with cancer treatment, the problem has caught much attention from the public.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know the person who _________(指挥) the performance last night?
There is no doubt that good diet is_____________(有益于) to health.
By doing well at school he hoped to win his parents’___________(认可)。
_____________(陪伴) by an adult, children under 14 can watch the movie.
Something like this is __________(一定) to happen.
He had been a ______________(有天赋的) musician in his youth.
There is a church just ____________(对面) my house.
Those who ___________(放弃) themselves to despair can not succeed.
The first thing I became____________(意识到) of was all the vivid colors.
He gives his son some money for the ______________(购买) of his school books .

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

单词拼写 请根据首字母和汉语,在空白处填入适当的单词或单词的正确形式。每空一词(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)
I w___________(目击) a terrible accident yesterday.
An enormous animal _______________(在对面)us threw itself out of the water.
I felt scared to___________(死) for a moment.
The __________(屋顶) of the classrooms are made of grass.
I could not ___________(参加) in the conversation.
She is halfway through the __________(准备)year.
Sara acknowledged her mistake and made an _________(道歉) immediately
When I hear an _______(习语)that I don’t understand, I can ask my host family for help.
The food is ________(变干) up in the can.
In my essay, I gave my own opinion and explained it by_______(参阅)to other authors.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The smile on Jessica’s face ____________ (表明) that she liked the flowers.
The old man could do nothing but lie in the street, waiting for the arrival of __________ (救援) workers.
This job is much more difficult than one might ___________ (料想).
Mr. Green has never smoked since his wife ___________ (劝说) him to give it up.
Recently many companies are ___________ (遭受) from a shortage of skilled staff.

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  • 难度:未知

Lucy has a____________ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for newchallenges at university.
After the big earthquake in Taiwan, people in the Chinese mainland begin to d________ their clothes, food and money to the disaster areas.
There are many _____________(解释) for where the name of the bridge came from, making readers puzzled.
Emily has been on a diet for two months, and now she looks much s__________ than before.
Anyone who w______________ the attack should call the police and report what they saw.
There is a big dog in this village, so you should take a stick for _________________ (保护).
Rowing was ________________ (官方地) recognized as an Olympic sport at London in 1908.
The man's________________ (幸存) was surprising, as the doctors thought he would die.
Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a _____________(和谐) society.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why are these men so______ (愚蠢的)?
Lily now helps in a local school as a(an)______(志愿者).
We set a fire nearby to _______( 保护 ) plants from the cold.
We should _______(探索)new ways to solve the problems that we are facing.
All streets were _______((装饰;装修)with colorful flags and flowers on National Day.
I would _____ (感激) it if you could give me this chance.
If you can’t show us any ______(证据), we will not be able to believe you .
This kind of change is called _______ (物理的) change.
Many people trust Jack and think highly of him, but _______(就个人而言), I think he is actually dishonest.
They were put inside          (木制的)boxes.

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  • 难度:未知

These new shoes are not very __________ (舒适的).
The government has been __________ (批评) for not taking the problem seriously.
The prospect of a year in India greatly __________ (使兴奋) her.
We can __________ (超过) the slow lorry on the corner.
She is __________ (敏感的) to what people think of her.
The dove is the __________ (象征) of peace.
He was __________ (叫醒) at dawn by the sound of crying.
Doctors __________ (声称) to have discovered a cure for this disease.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
