优题课 - 聚名师,上好课(www.youtike.com)
  首页 / 试题库 / 高中英语试题 / 单词拼写

She had some f________ idea that I was poisoning her.
It is essential to balance one’s b________.
He called the hotel for a________.
A cathedral is an i________ building.
Without any ________ (犹豫),he rushed into the room to save the child.
He is a bus driver by ________ (职业).
This is a ________ (集体的) decision.
Thanksgiving parade is an ________ (每年的) event.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She has the d________ to overcome all the obstacles to success.
She has reached the limit of her p________.
The boy was c________ about everything he saw.
She is c________ changing her mind.
He ________ (期望) to finish the work by March.
They are required to publish the ________ (来源) of their campaign funds.
I have done my ________ (份) of the work.
The zoo ________ (饲养员) is feeding the animals.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

________(如今),advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.
This ________(牙刷) could clean teeth quickly and well.
At the end of the day,the ________(店主) counted his money.
They planned to join the island to the ________(大陆) with a bridge.
After dinner,Cathy set out for the ________(超市) to buy some chocolate.
All the students on the ________(操场) cheered me on,“Come on!”
The WTO is a ________(全世界的) organization that works towards helping trade internationally.
I want to ________(下载) some free software from the Net.Is it possible?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Steel and gasoline are i________ products.
He is of British n________.
Do you believe in the e________ of God?
Instead,politicians and commentators have talked up the explosions to their own p________ advantage.
The rumors ruined his r________.
New York has always been a ________(商业的) community.
I am studying English ________(文学).
Beware when you handle the toxic ________(化学品).
We ________(装备) him with arms.
This dictionary is available in ________(电子的) form.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Now,I know how to cook healthy and t________ meals.
Do you like to eat r________ vegetables?
This is your t________ English pub.
This medicine is p________ if taken in large quantities.
He is a ________(著名的) expert in finance.
________(油炸的) pine nuts were prepared for her dinner.
Many people eat ________(火鸡) for Thanksgiving.
Walt invented the ________(蒸汽) engine.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“If we go” is a c________ clause.
The man nodded with s________.
I whispered in a t________ voice.
She says to the doctor that her pain will be just b________.
Her hair is n________ curly.
His wound caused him great ________(痛苦).
The ________(手术) saved her life.
He received a flood of ________(感谢) telegrams and letters.
The ________(调查) all point to contraction.
Violent crime ________(传播) into the suburbs.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

White has always been a s________ of purity in Western cultures.
During the strong wind the ships stayed in the h________.
Crime figures are rising r________.
I have no l________ relatives.
The best defense is to a________.
Will you settle down ________(永久地) in America?
We managed to ________(引起;唤起) Mary to the dangerous situation she was in.
Many writers ________(模仿) the language of Shakespeare.
The government has imposed ________(限制) on imports.
The teacher explained the text ________(简单地).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

His room was c________ with furniture.
We just have so much to be t________ for.
They are c________ to animals.
What is the l________ church like?
This is an e________ difficult task.
The farmer hired extra workers for the ________(收获;收割).
The dog wagged its tail in ________(期望) of a bone.
I am ________(真诚地) grateful for all your help.
He ________(预测) that an earthquake was imminent.
My secretary will act as ________(翻译).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Our goal is to achieve the __________ (最大量)of efficiency.
This is a key __________ (特色)of our society.
We were all __________ (使娱乐)by his humorous stories.
A quarter of the crop may be lost in __________ (忙藏).
What is the __________ (数量)we owe them?
Johnwas touched by the __________  (热情)of theirwelcome.
A large number of homes lack adequate s __________ measures.
All parents want their children to be brought up in a __________ (和平的)world.
His house __________ (俯瞰)a fine view of the town.
She lived in a __________ (宽敞的,宽大的)house.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

His excuse for being late was totally __________(难以相信的).
When I said I was faster, she __________(挑战)me toa race.
Kindness is a human __________(特性)which everyone admires.
You should be more __________(容忍的)of otherpeople's weaknesses.
Thefire __________ (毁坏)the whole forest.
She __________(陪伴)her friend to the concert.
I had an __________(手术)on my heart.
She __________ (减少)her weight by 5 kilograms.
Johnbecame a lawyer while Tom __________ (仍是)aworker.
Man should live in __________ (协调)with nature.
This is an __________ (难忘的)experience and I'll re-member it forever.
It is __________(淘气的)of you to bully(欺负)yourlittle sister.
His disappearance is a __________(不可理解之事).
They are not divorced, but they have been __________ (分居)for ten years.
Mery1Streep won the best actress __________(奖).
She managed to climb out of the car,__________(显然)unhurt.
We should show __________(尊敬)to our teachers.
It wasn't a good thing;on the __________(相反的)itwas a huge mistake.
This evening's __________(表演)will begin at 8:00 pm.
Thisis the place where you can put your __________(行李).
Thestreets were full of crowds, all celebrating an Italian __________ (胜利).
The beauty of this lady is __________(超出之外) description.
Nobody listens to me. I don't know why I    __________(费心).
Black objects __________ (吸收)heat more.
Thedoctor stressed the __________ (重要)of regularexercise.
Mostbabies can __________ (消化)a wide range offood easily.
He's an __________ (专家)in electronic music.
This kind of work calls for __________(专心).
She was fully __________ (装备)for climbing.
What's the __________ (距离)from Beijing to London?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The lightning is quickly _________ (跟随)by/with heavy thunder.
There are  _________ (谣传)that the actor was seen checking into a hospital last week.
Young people often feel _________ (欺骗)by theirparents without knowing why.
He_________ (倾向)towards more lighthearted subjects in his later works.
The dog _________ (蜷作一团)up in front of thefire.
The escaped prisoner was brought back under close _________ (警戒)
They've_________ (毁掉)all the buildings.
We_________ (搜寻)around for hours, but couldn'tfind the book.
As_________ (轻轻地)as possible, he told her the badnews.
This drug will_________ (减轻)your discomfort.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

She failed at the World Women's Volleyball __________(锦标赛).
They had left the __________(行李)at the station.
As a writer, he is a complete __________(失败者).
The government __________(加负担于)the nationwith heavy taxes.
All his friends have __________(抛弃)him!
Food prices __________(降低)during the fall.
The political leader was __________(糟糕地)thought of.
My brother has a __________(坚定的)belief in thevalue of cold baths.
Thereare all kinds of birds with __________(富有色彩的)wings.
China is becoming more and more __________(强大的).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dogs have a highly __________  (发达的)sense ofsmell.
Investors must make an __________ (基于一定知识的)guess as to the company's potential.
Themayor urged __________ (市民)to begin preparing for a major storm.
He has a good __________ (体系)of teaching languages.
If some athletes use drugs, it is __________ (不公平的)to the others.
We've turned the smallest bedroom into a __________ (婴儿室)for our new baby.
The __________(主要的)reason for advertising is tosell more goods.
He is __________ (讲课)Russian literature.
Is there any  __________ (特别的)colour you wouldprefer?
The conference will __________  (使成为可能)greater international cooperation.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The________(历史性的)battle changed the fate of two nations.
They refused to________(承认)that they were defeated.
An increasing number of people are________(请教)their accountants about the tax laws.
After three hours of waiting for the train,our________(耐心)was finally exhausted.
It is a great________(宽慰)to have rain after a long time of drought.
Luckily,my parents were________(宽容的)of my choice of music.
She has many________(熟人)in the business community.
This war has caused widespread human________(痛苦).
You can join the class if your parents________(赞同).
You don't have to use your____________(想像力)when you're watching television.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
