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  首页 / 试题库 / 高中英语试题 / 单词拼写

I’m terribly sorry --- it’s all my f____________.
We began to know each other _______ (逐渐地)
As a member of the skating club, he is a________ in each game.
You should not talk about things that don’t c______ you.

I am _________(决心) to do better than anyone in our class.

In fact,life is full of different__________________ (挑战)when one is born into this world.
There are v           (各种各样的) kinds of theme parks all over the world.
We used to listen to the radio a lot, but n__________ we mostly watch television.
He went to London without having a any success.
The girl walked ________(自信地) on to the stage, ready for her first speech.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Ted caught a cold and s________ from a headache last night.  
After retirement(退休), he and his wife s________ themselves in the countryside.
Tom’s bad a________ towards his parents disappointed them.
A lot of buildings lay in r________ after the earthquake.
It’s getting dark and she was c________ about the safety of her children.
Mr. Smith has been _______ (埋头) in his research for more than 3 weeks.
She made a ________ (请求) for some water.
Of the six people injured in the crash, only two ________ (幸存下来).
The big fire was terrible so everything was completely________ (毁坏) .
He is still ________(康复) from his operation.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The brothers d_____ widely in their tastes.
The question is quite s_______ , while that one is much more complicated.
It is quite d_____ to hear the bad news.
Smoking is f_____ in public places.
His suggestion sounds quite r_________ to most of us.
The film was a _____ (商业的)success.
I’d like to come, too, if you have no _____(反对).
He ______ (仅仅)asked us our names.
There were strong ______ (争论) for and against the plan.
He always managed to ______(得到)what he wanted.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

单词拼写(共10小题,分值为1分,共10分). 请根据句子逻辑, 从模块二课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。
According to the new standard, p_________ health and mental health are equally important.
To enter a university, all Chinese students should take part in the college e_____________ examinations which take place in June every year.
The number of students who leave school because of financial difficulty has d___________ with the help of the government and society.
This room used to be very dirty and old. But after we have designed it again and d__________ it, it now looks like a new one.
I would a_____________ it if you could give me an early reply.
Such romantic story only happens in films. In r_________, it will never happen.
When I came into the room, she p____________ to be asleep. As soon as I stepped out of the room, she got up again.
There are too many steps to operate this machine and they are very confusing (容易混淆的). You had better s__________ the steps so that they can be easily understood.
When kids step into this toy shop, it is not easy to take them out because there are too many things that are a____________ to them.
Whoever breaks the window should take the r___________________ and should pay for it.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

  switch over,  can't stand ,  wake up,  take up,  go off,  complain… about, get bored,
I normally          at six o'clock every morning.  
The gun           and the murder was killed.
I really don't like the program, would you          the TV?
I play basketball every weekend though it         much of my spare time.
We students         sitting in classroom all day without any exercise. 
I like my life to be full of challenges. If I have nothing to do,
I will         and fell uneasy.
He often          to me          his parents.
She said she didn't like her present          (生活方式).
He is           (罹患) bad heart disease.
We must think out ways to          (减少) air pollution.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He grew up in a w      ____    _ family, so he knows nothing about the life of the poor.
We’re c       ____    _ about the result of your operation. We have been waiting for 10 hours.
In China, young children are usually taught to r      __  __ _ the old. 
Now that medical technology has a      ____ _ to its present state, more people are aware of how long one can be kept alive.
He stood up and a     ___  _ _ that he was ready to go.
Beijing is making          ____ _ (准备)for the 2008 Olympics. 
The shop       __   __     _(对面的)the post office is a bank.
With the development of technology, new digital products are   ____   _ (取代)old machines.
China has been stressing the      ____    _(重要性) of its ties with the third world countries.
The      ___  _ _ (委员会) sit together to discuss the water pollution.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

He is so popular with us because he has a good sense of ________(幽默).
This book _________ (包含) all the knowledge you want to get.
We made a careful            (分析) of the sales figures.
It is to be ________ (遗憾) that so many young people leave school without qualifications. 
Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard _________(证据)supporting the existence of the Yeti.
He said he _________(不同意)to our plan at the meeting, didn’t he?
They spend $5 million a year on _________(广告)
Would you rather be famous or make great _________ (贡献)to the world but be unknown?
Television news brings us __________(视觉)images form around the world.
Do you remember him ___________(假装)to be his father on the phone?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Public bicycles in Foshan can help p__________ the development and use of public transport.
Both the earthquake and the flood are natural d__________.
Anything that is dropped falls towards the ground because of the force of g__________.
Because of his hard work, he has got b __________ achievements in the field of physics.
You’d better not go to Guilin for Golden Week. It is c__________ at that time.
I am sorry to tell you that your son c__________ (犯)a terrible fault just now.
During the weekend, I usually go __________ (骑自行车) in suburb areas with some friends.
Bill stopped__________(挥手) to us and drove away.
He chose Germany, but __________ (就自己而言) I would like to go to Spain.
I am fond of classical music now, but in the past I __________ (更喜欢) pop music.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After          (毕业) from college, we got the chance to travel abroad.
When the war in Iraq broke out, they were c            about their son, who was working there.
Earthquake is one of the most terrible d            .
A d         person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is.
Do you know how many provinces the Yellow River f       through?
His poor English is a(n)            不利之处)when he looks for a job.
I hope that the problem will be settled in a               way. (和平的)
The United States of America was f             on July 4, 1776.
I p        swimming to running because staying in cool water is much more fun.
There was a hot discussion because they each had a
different            .(观点)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

单词拼写(共10空,满分1 0分)
We burned with ____________(好奇心)over what was in the box.
In a__________ to French,he has to study Japanese.
The old man was totally a__________ in the book and took no notice of that fire .
I remember you mentioned the same thing on a ____________ (以前的) occasion.
I am g____________ to have you help me repair the house.
He gave a d____________ (描写;叙述) of what he had seen.
My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now _______ (自立的).
The fund is for r____________ distress among the flood victims.
We appreciated his ____________ (奉献) of time and money to the project.
You can’t apply for the job until you have ____________ (满足……) certain conditions.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


like, qualify, confuse, relate, variety, apply, physics, take, person, directly

His speech was so ________ that few people could understand it.
More than 300 police were sent to _______ the traffic.
There are many ________ of English in the world.
He is not ________ to be a doctor.
Now think of some more questions to ask people _______for these jobs.
For people doing this job , common sense is _________ to be more important than computer skills.
She is looking for a ________ assistant with good organized skills.
His disease is ________ to his bad habit of diet.
The piano my father bought for me ________ up too much room..
Running Marathons requires a high level of ________ fitness.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

用单词的正确形式填空, 每空一词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
It is certain that television has deeply t______________ our lives and society.
I am c_____________ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others’ feelings.
He is fond of literature, classics p_____________.
A____________ in his homework, he didn’t know that I had come in.
You can’t use his dictionary without his p______________.
It is ____________(违法的) to drive without a license.
We expected a better result than we’ve had in ____________(先前的;以前的) years.
When he was a young boy, he was always ____________(取笑,嘲弄)by his friends because he was so fat.
I must make an _____________(道歉) to you for the delay in reply to your letter.
He is a very _____________(敏感的) person, who takes her troubles and disappointments to heart.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You will have to be p          ( 7 letters)with my mother- she’s going rather deaf.
We must accept the            (可能性)(11 letters)that we might be wrong.
The man was a            (8 letters)of robbing the bank.
A c            (9letters) person is someone who is sure that he or she can do something or deal with a situation successfully.
S         (7 letters)people would care only about themselves and not about other people.
Be careful! The knife is so s          (5 letters)that it may hurt you.
A          (8 letters) people like to exercise and are good at sports.
My parents are very busy during the            (收割)(7 letters).
You are m           (8 letters). John is not the man from the British Embassy.
T         (5 letters) come to your eyes when you cry.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is good manners to _______ (问候) each other with a smile.
Since the exam is _______ (靠近), all the students are busy with lessons.
You can see _______ (各种各样的) kinds of animas in the preserve.
Do you know the _______ (长度) of the river?
They finally gained _______ (允许进入) to the party.
The soldiers _______ (摆动)their arms at the same pace as they marched.
Only a _______ (少数) of the students were for his opinion.
Who is to _______ (代表) our school to attend the conference?
_______(成年人)should set good examples to children.
In such weather, I prefer to stay in my _______ (宿舍), reading novels.
Don’t be too _______ (好奇的) about others’ personal affairs.
In most cases he had great courage to _______ (克服) difficulties.
_______ (旅游业) in our city is developing very fast.
We should take his health into _______ (考虑).
On no _______ (场合)can we behave like that.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Don’t be late for your i__________, or you won’t get the job.
She a__________ that she had stolen the bicycle.
Man should protect w__________ for his own existence.
Tom works so hard, so he will s_________ sooner or later.
In English learning, you should a______ the importance to memory.
We will buy some new flowers to r_________the old ones in the room.
Dave didn’t r_______to any of her emails,which made her angry.
If you want to sell your old furniture, why not put an a ______in the local newspaper.
It is a rule that our baggage should be i____________by customs officers.
C______ among middle school students to enter the best colleges is intense (激烈的).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
