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  首页 / 试题库 / 小学英语试题 / 生活故事 / 选择题

Do you like sports? I do and my friend Manuel does. We have sports collections(收藏). I have two tennis rackets(网球拍), three baseballs and a basketball. She has two volleyballs, two footballs and baseball bats. We both play sports after school every day.
(1)Does Manuel like sports?
A. Yes, I do.             
B. No, I don’t.
C. Yes, she does.       
D. No, she doesn’t.
(2)We have small _____ collections.
A. pen      B. book       C. ball       D. sports
(3)I have ____.
A. a basketball     
B. soccer
C. ping-pang         
D. volleyballs
(4)She doesn’t have _____.
A. tennis rackets        
B. baseball bats
C. footballs              
D. volleyballs
(5)We _____ every day.
A. watch TV             
B. read
C. play sports          
D. watch baseball

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A.play the violin
B. go to the beach
C.have a picnic
D.drink juice E.go skating

F. answer the phone
G. plant trees
H.climb the hill
I.walk the dog
J. have a fever

(1)______   (2)______   (3)______ (4)_____ (5)_______

(6)____ _   (7)_______  (8)______ (9)_____ (10)______

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Look and circle. 看图,请圈出表示图片意思的单词。

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(     ) (1)
A. My birthday is June fifth.
B. My birthday is May eighteenth.
(     ) (2)
A. Today is Thanksgiving Day.
B. Today is New Year’s Day.
(     ) (3)
A. The bird is flying.
B. The bird is standing.
(     ) (4)
A. Please turn left .
B. Please turn right.
(     ) (5)
A. January first is New Year’s Day.
B. I like Children’s Day.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)How long does it take the Earth(地球)to turn once on its axis(轴)?
A.12 hours.   B.1 hours.     C.24 hours.    D.5 days.
(2)一What’s wrong with my computer? Dad,can you help me?
一Let me have a look...It’s OK now.
一You’re great.Dad.
一It’s a piece of cake.
Here“It’s a piece of cake.”means“     .”
A.It’s a small cake     
B.The cake is nice
C.The computer is like a cake 
D.It’s very easy for me
(3)What man cannot live inside the house ?          
(4)What does“cn”on the Internet stand for(代表)?       
(5)If A×B=6(A-B),what are the minimum values(最小值)of A and B?
A=             ;B=             
(6)Sue wants to cut(切)her birthday cake.She’d like to cut the cake into five pieces with three straight(直的)cuts.Every piece is going to have two cherries(樱桃).Where can she cut the cake? Draw the cuts.  

(7)Tim wants to buy a basketball for 50.80 yuan.a pair of shoes for 70.00 yuan and a pencil box for 15.00 yuan.He has l30.80 yuan altogether.Can he buy all those things?
A.Yes.he can.     B.He needs lo yuan more.
C.No.he can’t.   D.No.he can’t.He needs 5 yuan more.
(8)At a supermarket’s grand opening(开业),every l2th customer(顾客) gets$10.every 40th customer gets a cap.Which customer will be the first to got$10 and a cap?
A.120th.     B.80th.      C.160th.      D.200th.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

a. Turn left                        b. Go along this street
c. Get on the bus                   d. Get off the bus.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s April the 23rd today.It’s the World Book Day.Look, in the city        , there are many people.Some of them are old, some are        .What are they doing there? Some are         and reading different kinds of books at the table.Some are standing and looking for their      books.What about people over there? Oh, they are reading on the       .It’s a good way to read, too.
Most of the people are from different         clubs.All of them love reading.They think reading can           us a lot.There are many different kinds of books, magazines and newspapers.We can       a lot from them.We can get help from them.Good books are      our best friends.Reading books can open our eyes.It can make our life         .It can change(改变)our life.
(1)A.park       B.restaurant     C.street      D.library
(2)A.bad        B.new            C.young      D.good
(3)A.sitting    B.seeing         C.teaching   D.buying
(4)A.favorite    B.new            C.story      D.old
(5)A.desks      B.computers      C.beds       D.chairs
(6)A.dancing    B.reading        C.climbing    D.swimming
(7)A.make       B.help           C.pay        D.spend
(8)A.learn      B.talk           C.forget     D.make
(9)A.from       B.like           C.as         D.in
(10)A.boring     B.poor           C.cheap      D.beautiful

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom,Danny and Jenny           in Beijing.They are sending e-mails          their friends and families.
Jenny says,"Let's            an e-mail to my friend,Emma."
"Where          Emma live?"          Danny.
"She lives in Ottawa,"says Jenny."I'm sending the e-mail to her school."
(1)A. is     B. are     C. am       D. and
(2)A. at     B. in      C. to       D. on
(3)A. give    B. take    C. have     D. send
(4)A. does   B. do      C. is        D. are
(5)A. ask    B. asks    C. say      D. says

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jenny有six books,Danny有two books,Jenny给Danny(   ),两人的book就一样多了。
A. two books
B. three books

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Read and match.(图文匹配,将句子序号写在相应图片下的横线上)
A You read and borrow books here.  
B You drink it at breakfast.
C Your mother cooks in this room.   
D We ride it when we go out.
E People use it when it’s rainy.   
F In this class teacher teaches you how to sing songs.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(      )(1)A. Can I have some milk?
B. Can I have some fish?

(     )(2)A. They’re playing football.
B.     They’re playing chess.

(      )(3)A. I like flying kite.
B. I like riding a bike.

(      )(4)A. Panpan is playing with a toy train.
B. Panpan is taking pictures.

(      )(5)A. Turn left.
B. Turn right.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

图形和句子配对 。
1.Bobby finds a big nice mushroom.
2.They are bad for us.
3.Bobby is hungry.
4.We can’t eat them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


(   ) (1)十一点钟        (   ) (2)画一个男孩
(   ) (3)一个魔法闹钟   (   ) (4)打开门

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


(1)Lily can play the guitar.Tom can play the guitar, too.
(2)Lucy’s brother is a policeman.
(3)Lily is from America.She’s American.
(4)His cousin will go to Shanghai by plane next week.
(5)—Let’s go swimming tomorrow.
— Good idea!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
