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Five people were waiting for a company(公司).Inside the room,they could do whatever they liked,except using the phone or the Internet.

On the first day,all of the five people were excited.They were imagining their bright future.But there was no interview.

On the second day,they came again for the interview.But to their surprise,there was no news about the interview.Two of them got upset.

On the third morning,they arrived earlier.Still,no news came.By mid﹣day,most of them were irritated.Some thought the company did not care for them.Some regretted coming here.Only one man was different.He was happy all those days.He kept smiling while the others complained(抱怨).

At the end of that day,the boss appeared.To their disappointment,the boss said that their interview had ended and only one of them was chosen.It was the man who kept happy.Then the boss added "We want someone who can keep happy in whatever situations .Keeping happy is an ability!"

(1)The five people were waiting for    .


an interview


a meeting


a phone call


a meal

(2)The underlined word "irritated" in Paragraph 4 probably means"    " .









(3)The man was chosen because    .


he listened to the others


he kept happy


his answers were better


he cared for others

(4)The passage probably comes from       .


a dictionary


a poster


a magazine


a notice

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Liu Xiuxiang was born in a poor family.When he was 4,his father died.His mother developed mental(精神的)health problems.When he was 10,his elder brother and sisters left and never returned.To make a living,Liu collected rubbish,and in high school he worked 18 hours a day during summer vacations.However difficult it was,he never gave up his study.

In 2007,Liu failed the Gaokao.He got lost.He wondered if he should continue studying.After working in a bathhouse for about 50 days,he decided to go back to school.In 2008,h finally passed the Gaokao and went to university.

After graduation,he became a history teacher in his hometown. "I want to come back to tell the children,who are as poor and lost as I was,that education has changed my life. "Liu set a good example for them to take control of lives through education.

Now Liu gives speeches around the country.His story inspires(鼓舞)many students and encourages people to help those from poor families.Since 2012,he has helped more than 1,900 students and called on more teachers to work in poor areas to improve the quality(质量)of education.

Liu was titled "the most beautiful teacher" in 2020.His story moves us a lot.

(1)How long did Liu Xiuxiang work during summer vacations in high school?       


4 hours a day.


10 hours a day.


12 hours a day.


18 hours a day.

(2)The underlined word " lost" in Paragraph 2 probably means "    .









(3)Liu Xiuxiang set a good example for the children to take control of lives through       .









(4)The passage is written in the order of       .









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

RED BANK,New Jersey(January 31,2020).These days,women go to space.They sail(航行)around the world.They have all kinds of adventures(冒险).This wasn't true hundreds of years ago.Back then,women were expected to stay home.But that didn't stop these three women from taking off and doing big things.

    Jeanne Baret (1740—1807):Baret was a French scientist.She studied plants.And she was the first woman to sail around the world.In 1766,Baret wanted to set sail with a group of scientists.But they were all men.Women weren't allowed to travel on French navy ships.So Baret dressed up like a man.And she sailed away.

    Lady Hester Stanhope (1776—1839):Stanhope was from England.She wanted to travel.She traveled throughout the Middle East by herself.And she led an archeological dig there.She was the first woman to do this.

    Nellie Bly (1864﹣1922):Bly was a reporter.In 1887,she wrote a story about hidden problems at a hospital.She dressed up like a patient at the hospital.Then she wrote an alarming six﹣part report.The story made Bly well﹣known.It also led the way for other women reporters.Two years later,Bly set a world record.She traveled around the world in seventy﹣two days!

(1)The passage is probably from the    column(栏目)of a magazine.





(2)According to the passage,    set a record traveling around the world in 72 days.

A.Red Bank

B.Jeanne Baret

C.Lady Hester Stanhope

D.Nellie Bly

(3)It is the most important to tell that    ,if you are retelling this passage.

A.women today have all kinds of adventures

B.women could do great things even centuries ago

C.Jeanne Baret was the first woman to sail around the world

D.Nellie Bly's report about life inside a hospital made her famous

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My name is Ryan and last summer my family and I went to an island for our summer vacation.There were so many fun and interesting things to do on the island,but my favorite was fishing.Every day,my mom,my dad,my younger brother Derek and I went to the beach.We took our little fishing boat with us.Mom didn't like fishing,so she stayed on the beach and read a book.

    One morning,while we were fishing,we heard a loud noise. "What was that?" I asked. "Oh,don't worry,Ryan.It might be a turtle(海龟)swimming under the boat, "said Dad,Derek and I looked around the boat,but we couldn't see anything.Then we heard a different noise,which sounded like an animal. "Look,Dad,there it is!" shouted Derek.It was a sea turtle and it couldn't swim well. "Let's go closer and see what's wrong with it, "Dad said.

     When we got closer,we saw that there was a piece of plastic(塑料)around the turtle's legs. "Let's help it, "I said.So Dad jumped into the water,swam to the turtle and brought it back to the boat. "There you go,little turtle;now you can swim to your family, "Dad said as he cut the plastic off.Then Derek and I put it back in the water. "I know!We should make a sign about not throwing rubbish into the sea,and put it in the sand on the beach, "I said. "I'll help,too, "said Derek. "Great idea,boys.If we don't all do something to stop sea pollution,these sea animals will die. "

(1)What did Ryan like doing best?    





(2)Who cut the plastic off the turtle?    





(3)Why did Ryan want to put up a sign?    

A.To welcome people.

B.To feed sea animals.

C.To use the rubbish again.

D.To stop sea pollution.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When the days grew long in the middle of summer,Lisa liked to go to the park and watch the clouds.

    One day,Lisa saw a cloud that looked like a standing dragon.After a few minutes it became a flying dragon.Then it seemed to change direction.Another cloud moved in to mix with it,and the dragon changed into a dancing elephant.Then it became a sitting dog then a barking (吠,叫) dog,and then a tiger.

    "This is better than TV!" Lisa shouted.

    Mr Thomas,the music teacher at Lisa's school,was flying a kite with his son in the park.He heard Lisa's voice.He gave the kite string(线)to his son and came to Lisa.

    "Hi,Mr Thomas!" Lisa said. "Look at those clouds.They keep changing!First they looked like a dragon,then an elephant,then a dog,and now a tiger!"

    Mr Thomas looked up. "A tiger?" he said. "That looks like a horse to me.It's running towards the sun.That's so lively. "'

    Lisa looked again.He was right! "How do clouds know how to make so many shapes?"

    The clouds don't know how to make shapes.Your imagination(想象力)helps you see those shapes in the clouds, ""Mr Thomas answered as the horse changed into a chicken.

(1)What did Lisa like to do in the park in the middle of summer?    

A.Train her dog.

B.Watch the clouds.

C.Feed animals.

D.Read books.

(2)Lisa found that "a barking dog" in the clouds changed into    .

A.a dragon

B.an elephant

C.a tiger

D.a giraffe

(3)What was Mr Thomas doing in the park when Lisa shouted?    

A.Studying plants.

B.Flying a kite.

C.Having music lessons.

D.Playing tennis.

(4)What did Mr Thomas think of the running horse in the clouds?    

A.It was strong.

B.It was shy.

C.It was noisy.

D.It was lively.

(5)According to Mr Thomas,what helped Lisa see different shapes in the clouds?    





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I'm Kevin,a student of Grade 9.Most of my friends walk to school,but I like to ride my bike each day.I wake up at 7:00.After I wash my face and eat breakfast,I throw the schoolbag on my back.Do I have my books and homework?Yes,I do.

    I take my bike,hop (跳)onto it and ride to school at 7:30. "See you later,mum, "I say.

    I pass my friends when I ride by. "Hi,Kevin!" they call when I pass.Mary does not want to ride with me.She does not like to wear a schoolbag.She likes to carry her books in her arms when she walks.She likes to kick the autumn leaves.But she likes to look at the flowers the best.

    Not me!I like to ride my bike to feel the fresh air in my face.When I get to school,I lock my bike in the bicycle park.I walk across the field to say hi to Mr Brown and wait for my friends in our classroom.

(1)What grade is Kevin in?       

A.Grade 6.

B.Grade 7.

C.Grade 8.

D.Grade 9.

(2)What time does Kevin ride to school?      

A.At 6:30.

B.At 7:00.

C.At 7:30.

D.At 8:00.

(3)On her way to school,Mary likes to    the best.

A.ride with Kevin

B.look at the flowers

C.wear a schoolbag

D.kick the autumn leaves

(4)Why does Kevin like to ride a bike?      

A.To take his mum with him.

B.To meet his grandpa.

C.To feel the fresh air in his face.

D.To show he is brave.

(5)Where does Kevin wait for his friends?      

A.At home.

B.In the field.

C.At the school gate.

D.In the classroom.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Friendships light up our lives.Everyone needs friends.Friends are very important.If you want to have good friends,you should be a good friend yourself first.

    When I was 5 years old,I had a lot of friends.Almost every kid liked to play with me because I always shared my toy cars with others,Never be mean(小气的)if you want to be a good friend.

    As an 11﹣year﹣old,I was captain(队长)of my soccer team I was also the best player.At the beginning,I wasn't captain and I was the weakest player of the whole team.At that time,nobody wanted to make friends with me.Then I trained harder and harder,I made a lot of effort to catch up with the team.As the old saying goes—no pains,no gains.After a lot of hard work,I finally became a good player.My teammates wanted to make friends with me.If you want to be a good friend,always remember to make yourself stronger and stronger.

    Now I'm 14.My friends and I have a lot of stress at school.I'm good at math and one of my best friends is good at English.We often help each other.I help him make progress in math.It really does work!Many of my classmates who are bad at math come to ask me for help.They become my friends as well…

    Be a helpful study fellow(伙伴)if you want to be a good friend.Make yourself into a good friend and you'll never walk alone.

(1)What's one supposed to do first to have good friends according to the writer?    

A.Become the best soccer player of the team.

B.Make himself/ herself stronger than others.

C.Help others study math or English.

D.Become a good friend himself/ herself.

(2)What can be inferred(推断)from the passage?    

A.One should be honest when making friends.

B.It's not easy to make friends when one does well in math.

C.Those who are stronger than others have more friends.

D.The writer hasn't any stress while making friends with others.

(3)What can be the best title for the passage?    

A.The importance of friends.

B.The ways of making friends.

C.The advantages of being captain.

D.The suggestions of dealing with stress.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Yang Zhen was an honest and clean (廉洁的) government officer during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25﹣220).

One day,Yang met his old workmate Wang Mi on a trip.They had fun talking about their life experiences and good wishes to the nation.In the past,Wang's ability and political ideas were not accepted by the people around him.Yang saw Wang's talent and promoted (提拔) him.The chance helped Wang to be successful.Wang never forgot Yang's help and invited him to stay over for the night.

It was near midnight when Wang knocked on the door of Yang's bedroom.He handed Yang a bag and said, "This is to thank you for teaching me and helping become who I am today." Yang looked in the bag.It was full of gold.

"Do I look like a person who accepts bribes (贿赂) from others?I thought you knew me well!" Yang said angrily.

"It's late at night.No one will know if we keep it secret," said Wang.

"What do you mean no one will know?Heaven (天) knows,Earth knows,you know and I know," said Yang. "You can cheat anyone but not your own heart."

The door was closed and Wang left the room in shame.

(1)According to the passage,Wang Mi's    made him successful.









(2)In order to       ,Wang gave Yang a bag of gold.


express thanks for Yang's help


ask Yang to bribe other people


move Yang to a higher position


help Yang to take a pleasant trip

(3)Wang Mi wanted to make the trade between them a    .









(4)In Yang Zhen's opinion,  knew the whole thing.

①the Earth

②the nation

③the Heaven

④the people around

⑤Yang Zhen

⑥Wang Mi









(5)The story tells us        .


ability is the key to success


not to forget to help friends


the importance of being honest and clean


knowing people well is necessary

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Vicky liked dog biscuits. (1)    She thought of a way to get the biscuits for herself.

As a little dog.Vicky had learned to watch for the postman.Every day she went to meet him.He gave her all the letters.She brought these to Mrs.Smith﹣sometimes as many as six at a time.(2)    

One day Vicky brought only one letter to Mrs.Smith.But the little dog looked excited about something.How happily her feet danced as she followed Mrs.Smith to the cupboard!She ran into the next room with the biscuit. (3)    "How strange!" thought Mrs.Smith. "Why did the postman come back so soon?" But she went to the cupboard and got another biscuit for Vicky. (4)    There she saw Vicky eating the biscuit.And under the dog"s front paws (爪) was another letter!

Vicky had thought of a way to get more of the biscuits she liked.She was not going to bring all the letters at once.(5)    

What will you do to a dog like Vicky?Will you give her another biscuit?Mrs.Smith did just that.

A.Then she followed the dog to the next room.

B.But she did not ask anyone to help her to get them.

C.She wanted a biscuit for every letter she brought in.

D.As a reward (奖励),Mrs.Smith gave Vicky a dog biscuit.

E.After about two minutes,Vicky was back with another letter.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John went to see his doctor one day,because he had a stomach ache for a long time.After checking John carefully,the doctor said, "Well,there's nothing wrong with you,I'm pleased to say.Your only trouble is that you worry too much.Do you know,I had a man with the same trouble as you here a few weeks ago,and I gave him the same advice as I am going to give you.He was worried because he couldn't pay his tailor s(裁缝的) bills.I told him not to worry about the bills any more.He took my advice and when he came to see me again two days ago,he told me that he now felt quite all right again." "Yes,I know all about that," answered John. "You see,I'm that man's tailor!"


(1)John went to see his doctor one day.   

(2)John had a headache for a long time.    

(3)A man had the same trouble as John a few days ago.    

(4)The doctor told the man not to worry about his tailor's bills any more.    

(5)From the passage we can learn that John might no get his money from the man.    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
