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Young people and older people do not always agree. They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But in one special program in New York State, adults and teenagers live together in a friendly way.
Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works several hours each day. They do so not just to keep busy but to find meaning and fun in work. Some teenagers work in the forests or on the farms near the village. Some learn to make things like tables and chairs and to build houses. The adults teach them these skills.
There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too .During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo-taking or drawing. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager chooses his own way to pass his free time.
When people live together, they should have rules. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask, “Why did it happen? What should we do about it?”
One of the teenagers has said something about it: “You have to stop thinking only about yourself. You learn how to think about the group.”
In one special program in New York State, young and older people_________.

A.don’t work well together
B.live together like friends
C.teach one another new ways of building houses
D.spend eight weeks together, working as farmers

All the members work some time every day mainly to_______.

A.lead a busy life
B.learn new skills of farming
C.get used to the life on the farms
D.find useful things and pleasure in work

Living together__________.

A.the teenagers don’t have to obey the rules
B.the members have to obey the rules the adults make
C.the members have no free time but on weekends
D.the members should not break the rules they make together

The last paragraph shows that the teenager thinks this the program is_________.


The best title for the passage is ____________ .

A.The Rules of Living Together
B.Life in New York State
C.Teenagers and Adults Together
D.Free Hours in the Special Work Group
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Michael is always happy and positive(积极的).This really made me curious(好奇的).So one day I asked him about it,Michael replied,"Each day I say to myself'Mike,you have two choices today.You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.'I choose to be in a good mood.Each time something bad happens,I can choose to be a victim(牺牲者)or choose to learn from it.I choose to learn from it."

"It isn't that easy,"I said. Several years later,Michael had a serious accident.When I asked him what had gone through his mind when the accident took place,Michael replied,"As I lay on the ground,I remembered I had two choices:I could choose to live or I could choose to die.I chose to live.But in the operation(手术)room,I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses and I got really scared.In their eyes,I read"He's a dead man."I knew I needed to take action.I told them,I want to live.Please operate(手术)on me!'"

Michael lived,thanks to his doctors,but also because of his amazing attitude(态度).


77.The writer felt curious because Michael was always happy and positive.

78.Michael hardly had two choices.

79.Michael had a serious accident last month.

80.Michael wanted to live and asked the doctors to operate on him.

81.In the operation room,Michael was dying at first.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

     A father and his son went to a kite﹣flying festival. The son was full of joy when he saw the sky filled with colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too. The father then bought a kite for him.

     The son started to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, he said, "Father, it seems that the string (线) is stopping the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, the kite will be free and fly even higher. Can we cut it?" The father cut the string. The kite started to go higher. This made the little boy happy.

     But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And finally it fell to the ground. The son was surprised to see this. He asked his father, "I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. Why did it fall down?"

     The father explained, "The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, but was helping it stay in the sky. You helped the kite go up in the right direction using the string. But when you cut the string, it could no longer support the kite."

     Sometimes, we may feel like there are certain things that are holding us back(阻碍)and stopping us growing. But in fact, these might be the things that support us the most.

(1)How did the boy feel when he saw the colorful kites?  

A. Strange.

B. Happy.

C. Relaxed

(2)When the son started to fly the kite?  

A. it could not fly

B. it stopped in the sky

C. it was high up in the sky

(3)The son wanted to cut the string because  

A. he preferred to use a longer one

B. he thought the kite would fly higher

C. he found the string was not strong

(4)According to the passage, what happened to the kite after the string was cut?  

A. It fell to the ground in the end

B. It fell down at once

C. It became broken suddenly

(5)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. The things that hold us back can also support us

B. We can fly kites in our free time with our parents

C. Flying kites can make people healthy

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A little stream(小溪) ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests.Then it reached a desert."I went through so many difficulties.I should have no problem crossing the desert,"she thought.As she started,she found herself slowly vanishing(消失)into the sand.After many tries,she still failed."Maybe I can't reach the ocean,"she said sadly to herself.

At this time,a deep voice said,"If wind can cross the desert,so can a river."It was the voice of the desert.But the little stream answered,"That's because the wind can fly,but I can not.""That's because you can't give up what you are.Let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the wind and it can take you across me,"said the desert."Give up what I am now?No!No!"The little stream could not accept this idea."The wind can carry the vapor(蒸汽)across the desert and let it leave as rain.The rain will form a river again,"said the desert."And whether you're a river or vapor,your nature never changes."After hearing this,the little stream went into the open arms of the wind.It carried her to the next stage of her life.

The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream.If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success,you should also change the way you are.Answer the following questions according to what you read.

81.Did the little stream want to reach the ocean or the desert at last?   

82.Was the little stream able to cross the desert at first?   

83.Who gave the advice to the little stream?   

84.What did the little Stream do after hearing the desert's words?   

85.What can you realize from the experience of the little stream in this passage?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Whenever I'm invited to somebody's house for the first time, I'll take a close look at their bookshelves.What they keep on their shelves,in my eyes,is a reflection(反映) of their personal tastes and interests.The books on a bookshelf tell the story of a life.

    My own shelves are a kind of roadmap through my life, telling a chronological tale. First up come my favorite childhood reads, like Watership Down and His Dark Materials. The collection then moves on to teenage things I read in school ﹣ Nineteen Eight﹣Four, The Handmaid's Tale and A Clockwork Orange. Finally, we come out of full﹣time education and enter the real world, and this part is a reflection of my professional(职业的) life, from the first exciting days of work experience to the present.

    If you pointed to any book on my shelves, I could name the year I got it, where I was working,and probably where I was living at the time.

    ___▲____It is an easy way to get to know about his hopes, dreams and interests. And a big part of that story is how we arrange(排列) our books, and get on with them. It's such a personal thing,different from each other. Some want to be with their books in every room, others have them on

shelves, behind glass or simply lining their floors. Each home has a story to tell through the way they live with their books.

    It's often said that what we read says something about who we are. The way we fill our bookshelves might also send a message about ourselves. From the pile of books on your bedside table to your well﹣organized shelves, whether we notice it or not, our book collections are telling a story before a single page has been turned.

(1)The book son the writer's own shelves are organized according to   

A. their prices

B. their writers

C. his personal interests

D. the periods of his life

(2)Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?  

A. Every book is worth reading.

B. Each bookshelf holds a special dream.

C. Book collections tell so much about a person.

D. The books a person reads depend on his choices,

(3)The writer seems to agree that   

A. we'd better not put our books on the floor

B. the way we arrange our books shows our tastes

C. the books at our bedside are usually more important

D. we Can know about a person by reading the message he sends

(4)It can be learned from the passage that the writer is probably   

A. a book lover

B. a story teller

C. a shelf collector

D. a fashion designer

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was a kid in Minnesota, watermelon was expensive. One of my father’s friends, Bernie, was a rich businessman, who owned a large store in St. Paul.
Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived, Bernie would call. Dad and I would go to Bernie’s place. We’ d sit on the edge of the dock(码头), feet dangling(摇晃), and got ready for a big meal.
Bernie would take his knife, cut our first watermelon, hand us both a big piece and sit down next to us. Then we’d bury our faces in watermelon, eating only the heart—the reddest, juiciest, firmest, sweetest, most seed-free part—and throw away the rest.
Bernie was my father’s idea of a rich man. I always thought it was because he was such a successful businessman. Years later, I realized that it was not Bernie’s wealth itself but his way of dealing with it that my father liked. Bernie knew how to stop working, get together with friends and eat only the heart of the watermelon.
What I learned from Bernie is that being rich is a state of mind. Some of us, no matter how much money we have, will never be free enough to eat only the heart of the watermelon. If you don’t take the time to dangle your feet over the dock and enjoy life’s small pleasure, your work is probably hurting your life.
For many years, I forgot that lesson I’d learned as a kid on the loading dock. I was too busy making all the money I could.
Well, I’ve relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the success of others and to take pleasure in the day. That’s the heart of the watermelon. I have learned again to throw the rest away.
We learned from the second paragraph that the writer and his father were feeling ______.

A.relaxed B.worried C.hungry D.proud

How did the writer and his father eat the watermelon?

A.They ate it in a polite way. B.They only ate its best part.
C.They ate every part of it. D.They shared only one piece.

In the eyes of the writer’s father, Bernie ______.

A.was just a rich businessman B.worked hard all the time
C.lived a rich but healthy life D.knew how to make money

The underlined part “the heart of the watermelon” in the last paragraph refers to ______.

A.the best part of the watermelon B.the writer’s busy life
C.the writer’s decision of making money D.the writer’s hope of enjoying life

It can be learned from the passage that ______.

A.one has to work hard to reach his goal B.a friend in need is a friend in deed
C.watermelon is the healthiest fruit D.one should keep work-life balance
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are about 1.5 million kinds of living things on Earth,but how many do you see every day?You often see the big colourful animals,like birds,rabbits,and fish.But look more closely.Can you see the small ones,too?Insects(昆虫)make up 80 percent of all the world's living kinds.Look on the ground.Imagine you could look under the ground,too.Many small living things with one cell live there.Life is everywhere around us,in every cubic foot (a foot= 12 inches).

David Littschwager is a photographer who wanted to find out how many living things lived in one cubic foot .So he made a 12﹣inch cube with a green metal frame.And then he put it in five habitats(栖息地).He chose a tropical rainforest(Costa Rica),a coral reef(Pacific Ocean),the Table Mountain(South Africa),a freshwater river(USA),and a small park(New York).Three weeks were spent at each place.He watched,counted,and took photos of everything down to I millimeter in size-that crawled(爬)or flew into the cube.

The results were amazing.Liittschwager found both common and rare living things.He discovered many new living kinds,like a strange transparent octopus that is the size of a fingernail!In total,more than a thousand living things were photographed.Liittchwager said the One Cubic Foot experience was like "finding treasure".David Liittschwager also found that the highest biodiversity(生物多样性)in the reef was in the skeleton coral(珊瑚遗骨).These skeleton coral are suitable for sea living things of all sizes to grow.Although the coral reef had the widest range of biodiversity,all the other habitats were full of life.Even the city park!

(1)What does "one cubic foot" mean in Paragraph 2?    


1 inch × 1 inch


1 inch × 1 inch × l inch


12 inches × 12 inches


12 inches × 12 inches × 12 inches

(2)What did David Liittschwager think of the One Cubic Foot experience?    

A.It was valuable.

B.It was different.

C.It was simple.

D.It was common.

(3)Which habitat has the most biodiversity?    


The tropical rainforest.


The coral reef.


The Table Mountain.


The city park.

(4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?    


Life Is Everywhere


Find Treasure in Nature


Five Habitats to Live in


A Story of David Littschwager

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A group of people asked this question to a group 4-to-8-year-old children. “What does love mean?” The answers were surprising. The children would answer like they did below.
“When my grandmother hurt her knees (膝盖), she couldn’t bent (弯腰) over and paint her toenails (脚指甲) any more. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands hurt too. That’s love.”
Rebecca–age 8
“Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don’t shout at them because you know it would hurt her feelings.”
Samantha–age 6
“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.”
Terri–age 4
“I let my big sister pick on (捉弄) me because my mum says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her.”
Bethany–age 4
“I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new clothes.”
Lauren–age 4
“Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.”
Elaine–age 5
“My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night.”
Clear–age 5
“You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget.”
Jessica–age 8
The passage mainly tells us about ______.

A.what “life” means to children B.what “family” means to children
C.what “friends” means to children D.what “love” means to children

Who told us the love between mum and dad?

A.Clear. B.Elaine. C.Rebecca. D.Lauren.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Rebecca’s grandmother ever couldn’t bend over.
B.Bethany is willing to be picked on by any other person.
C.If Samantha becomes angry, she will not shout at others.
D.Lauren prefers to wear her sister’s old clothes.

What does Jessica mean about love?

A.Too much love is no love. B.You should say love more often.
C.You mean what you think. D.Say love more often if you have it.

What is love according to Terri?

A.Love is the care between husband and wife.
B.Love is a rest when you are tired.
C.Love is what cheers you up when you are tired.
D.Love is a kiss from parents.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How do you feel about your looks? Is it important to have a beautiful face? Are there other things that can make a person special? The way you look is special. Do you know what I mean by that? We all look a little different. Some of us are tall, Some of us are fat.The point is, all of us have our own look一our own face.

Sometimes,we might feel bad about looking different.We might feel like we look ugly or strange.But our differences are what make us special.

I recently watched a speech by a man named Robert Hoge. He was born with a strange﹣looking face.His mother always worried that he would face many difficulties in life.

But what Hoge did changed his mother's mind little by little.Strangers would stare at him or even make fun of him. But he didn't care at all. He decided to accept his face and feel confident(自信的) in himself. He has made a decision to live an amazing life.

It's hard when you feel like you don't look "normal" or"perfect".But the truth is,no one is perfect.The important thing to remember is that you are special, no matter what you look like.


(1)According to the writer, all of us look a little different.   

(2)The writer recently watched a speech by Robert Hoge's mother.   

(3)Hoge's mother used to worry that he would face many difficulties in life.   

(4)When strangers made fun of him, Hoge lost his confidence.   

(5)The writer tries to tell us that we are special no matter what we look like.   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In September,2020,I had the chance to come to China for the first time and visited Yunnan Province.

On the first day we went to a village named Xiaopingzhai.I was amazed to discover that small tea factory could bring in 6 million yuan a year with only 20 workers.

The next of our trip was the village of Kangmian.Many families now live there after leaving uninhabitable(不适合居住的)areas.The new village has 450 housing units.There I have learned that the government helps the people by providing jobs so that they can support themselves.Of the 1,331 villagers,609 now have jobs.

In Shuiduichong,a traditional Yao ethnic(瑶族)group village,we visited the workshops for making silver ornaments(饰品).We discovered the skill had a history of more than 200 year.Besides the traditional use of silver ornaments in Yao culture,                 .

A set of silver ornaments can be sold for between 10,000 and 20,000 yuan on the market.The making of silver ornaments creates jobs in the village.Shuiduichong now has more than 20 family workshops.

This trip was over.I have realized that through the hard work of the Chinese government,great changes have taken place in Yunnan.These impressive(印象深刻的)results should serve as an example for other developing countries.

(1)The trip followed the way of    .


Xiaopinghai→ Shuiduichong→ Kangmian


Xiaopingzhai→Kangmian→ Shuiduichong


Kangmian→ Shuiduichong→ Xiaopingzhai


Kangmian→Xiaopingzhai→ Shuiduichong

(2)In Kangmian the government helps the people by    .


selling products


giving money


opening factories


providing jobs

(3)Which of the following sentences can be put in the    


tourists like them very much


these objects have a high value


people buy them as gifts


they can be seen everywhere

(4)The structure of the passage may be       .

(①=Paragraph 1

②Paragraph 2


④Paragraph 4


⑥Paragraph 6)





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently,teenagers face many kinds of problems.Like many of them.I was once troubled with worries and dissatisfaction.Few people could understand my feelings.(1)   

    "The problem with your generation is that you always expect to be happy," my mother once said.(2)   Shouldn't we try hard to achieve it?

    But now I have noticed a change in my thinking.I gradually realize what my mother said was correct.Over these years,many studies have shown that we are crazy about happiness and high personal confidence(3)    In fact,we may often be happier when we stop focusing on happiness.

    We should also reset our expectations of the future.Don't expect miracles(奇迹),and accept that no matter how hard we try,feelings of failure and unhappiness will appear from time to time.When we feel sad,it's often because we have learned something painful but important.(4)   At the same time,we should learn how to deal with them better than trying to make them disappear.

    (5)   As my mother tried to teach me all those years ago, "Prepare for the worst,hope for the best,and be unsurprised by everything in between."

A.Neither could my parents.

B.We should keep the stress off ourselves.

C.Surely happiness was the purpose of living.

D.That may make us less satisfied with our lives.

E.Happiness arrives when we are least expecting it.

F.So it's necessary for us to accept sad feelings as part of life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was not easy to learn different kinds of musical instruments well at the same time.I still remembered when I took my piano lessons,my mother said worriedly to my father, "Why hasn't he made any progress with so much practice?'' I tried to play the piano better.However,my parents never got a strong feeling of satisfaction with my piano performance.

From then on,I didn't play any musical instrument until my old friend Larry invited me to play the violin with him when I was 60.It made me enjoy the joy of playing music again.One day,Larry asked me to take part in a violin performance with him.At first,thinking of my past,I wanted to refuse.1 expected to hear his words that I would become more skilled with practice on stage(舞台),But he said, "OK,only play if you want to," I was shocked by the unexpected answer.

In fact,nobody made me do it,so I had to make a choice by myself.I was willing to catch the chance this time.After a long and careful preparation,I played the violin with Larry.Though I didn't lose all my nervousness,it was enough for me to overcome my fear.Finally,I offered a full performance in front of the audience(观众).

However,happy times always didn't last long,my friend Larry passed away .It was a hard hit,but his influence stayed.It helped me not only in music,but on all sides of my life.Whenever I paid attention to what I wanted to do,joy usually took the place of fear.

(1)The mother was worried about the writer because    .


he spent little time playing the piano


he made no progress in the piano


his father didn't like him any more


she had no time to teach him music

(2)From Paragraph 2 we know that the writer    .


actually wanted to play the violin with Larry


didn't want to play any musical instrument again


began to learn music at the age of 60


refused Larry's invitation at last

(3)The writer felt a little    during his violin performance with Larry.









(4)This underlined phrase "passed away" means "    "in the last paragraph.









(5)The article mainly tells us    .


not to fear but enjoy the joy of doing something


how to offer a full performance in front of the audience


how to help a person both in music and on all sides of life


Larry is the writer's best old friend in his life

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

①He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got at his family's small house on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.

②On the day before the bass(鲈鱼)season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and the bass with worms. Before long, when his fishing pole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. His father watched him with admiration as the boy skillfully worked the fish alongside the bank and he very successfully lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass.

③The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish, the fish jumped up and down in the moonlight. The father looked at his watch. It was 10 P. M.﹣two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy. "You will have to put it back, my son." he said." I have never seen such a big fish before." cried the boy" There will be other fish." said his father. The boy looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by his father's voice that the decision couldn't be changed. He slowly worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the water.

④That was 34 years ago. And he has never again caught such a beautiful fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see the fish again and again﹣every time he comes up against a question of ethics(伦理). For, as his father taught him, ethics are simple matters of right and wrong. It is only the practice of ethics that is difficult.

⑤We would if we were taught to put the fish back when we were young. For we would have learned the truth. The decision to do right lives fresh in our memory. It is a story we will proudly tell our friends and grandchildren.

(1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  

A. The fish was too huge to lift easily from the water.

B. The writer and his father usually went fishing together on an island.

C. The fish went back to the water because of the writer's carelessness.

D. As time goes by, the writer can still remember every detail clearly.

(2)The third paragraph mainly tells us that  

A. someone knew when they went fishing

B. it was not a right time to take the bass away

C. the boy has great skill in working the hook out of the fish's lip

D. fishermen and boats were not far away from there

(3)After reading this passage, we can infer  

A. fishing is a good hobby not only for teens but also adults

B. the boy and his father are examples of the practice of ethics

C. the bass is not permitted to catch in New Hampshire lake

D. it's important to balance fishing the bass and protect it

(4)What can we learn from the whole passage?  

A. The boy's happy childhood.

B. Getting a handsome fish is a very brilliant experience.

C. We do the right thing when we come up against a question of ethics.

D. The practice of ethics is only simple matters of right and wrong.

(5)   might be the best title of this passage.

A. Catch of a life time

B. An unforgettable experience

C. Benefits of fishing

D. An adventure of a handsome bass

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, "Happiness depends on ourselves." In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.

    The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future ﹣ for example, getting into college or getting a good job ﹣ that we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasure, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several friends often live happier and healthier lives.

    Another secret to living a happy life is to be active. Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.

    Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.

(1)Does the writer agree to "Happiness depends on ourselves"?  

(2)What can make you happier, to think too much about the future or to enjoy life's simple pleasure?  

(3)Why do many people go dancing or play sports?  

(4)What's the example in helping others to find happiness?  

(5)What's the passage about?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Paul, a carpenter(木匠),was over 60 years old. He was ready to retire(退休).

He told his boss that he was about to leave the house building business because he wanted to live a relaxing life with his wife and enjoy family life.The boss was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build one more house. Paul said yes, but not long after that it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He didn't care about the work, and he used bad materials to build the house. It was a terrible way to end his job.

When Paul finished his work and the boss came to check the house. Then he handed the front ﹣ door key to Paul, "This is your house"he said "my gift to you."

Paul was shocked! What a shame!If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently.Now he had to live in the home that wasn't built very well.

After Paul moved into the house, he found everything wasn't going well.One day,his wife fell over and hurt herself. She complained,"Look!The floor isn't smooth at all.The stairs are broken and there is something wrong with the windows."Sorry,it's my fault,"said Paul,"I should have tried my best to build it well.but…"

So it is with us. Sometimes, we don't give the job our best effort,When looking back at what we have done,we find that we are now living in the house ,we have built. So we should build our lives in a responsible way.Your attitudes(态度)and the choices you make today help build the"house" you will live in tomorrow.

(1)What was Paul going to do after retiring?   


To move to a big city.


To live with his children.


To enjoy family life.


To travel around the world.

(2)Which statement of the following is NOT true?   


Paul was more than 60


Paul accepted the house from his boss


Paul was serious about his last work as usual


Paul was asked to build one more house before retiring

(3)How do you feel about the boss?   


A  He's careless.


He's honest.


He's mean.


He's kind.

(4)What's the best title of the passage?   


Building Your House


Being Good to Others


A Good Carpenter


A Bad House

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
