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Alice spends her summer vacations walking back into history.Alice is 15 and she is a guide who shows visitors around the Fort (城堡)Delaware Museum in New York."This year.I spun wool (纺毛线) on a spinning wheel.Last year,I was a candle maker.My first year,I cared for the garden and looked after the animals.All the jobs I've had at the fort have been really fun."

Fort Delaware is a living﹣history museum that shows how life was in frontier (边远地区) America in the mid﹣1700s."Reading about history can't compare to experiencing it for yourself",says Alice.

The experience begins as soon as visitors enter the fort.The smell of wood smoke fills the air.Women in petticoats (long skirts) and men in knee breeches (knee﹣length shorts) are busy with their chores.The guides show visitors how the settlers (移民) would have carried out everyday work."Kids are surprised when I tell them that one of their jobs would have been to make candles,says another guide,16﹣year﹣old Jane."They don't realize the kids back then had to work hard."She also shows visitors how to play with toys and games.

They are playing historical parts,so the guides can't wear shorts or T﹣shirts when the weather is hot.But the clothes of the past can easily change modern kids into people from the 18th century,"The clothes felt strange at first,but it does make it easier to get into characters."says Jane.

Working at the fort has helped Jane to appreciate her life even more.Alice agrees,"The fort has taught me how hard life was and how much work there was every day.We are so lucky with everything we have now.Life wasn't always this easy."


56.Fort Delaware in New York is a   museum.









57.Alice has been to the Fort Delaware Museum at least   






three times


four times

58.Which of the following is TURE about the life in frontier America in the mid﹣1700s?   


People couldn't make fire.


Kids played with toys and games all day long;


People could use a spinning wheel.


Kids didn't feed the animals.

59.Why do modern kids have to wear the strange clothing while playing historical parts?   


Because wearing the strange clothing makes kids fun.


Because it is easier for kids to get into characters


Because kids like wearing the strange clothing.


Because the weather is hot.

60.The main idea of this passage is that   


all the jobs Alice has had at the fort have been really fun.


how hard life was and how much work there was in the past.


reading about history can compare to experiencing it for yourself


we are so lucky with everything we have now,and then we must appreciate them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many people have their dreams at home and abroad. During China's Ming Dynasty, there was a man named Wan Hu whose dream in life was "flying to the moon". One day, he tied ①/hɪm'self/_____ to a chair with self﹣made "rockets" and held a big kite in his hands. He lit the "rockets" and disappeared into the sky. Unfortunately, he died when the "rockets" exploded(爆炸).

    Hundreds of years later, in 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped down from Apollo II and walked on the moon.He was the first man to set foot on the moon.It was a great dream. ②_____. To remember Wan, there is a crater(环形山)on the far side of the moon which is named after him.

    There are many people like Wan in the world. ③他们从未停止实现他们的梦想.American civil rights(民权)leader Martin Luther King once said, "I have a dream". His dream helped American people of all races(种族)get the same rights. Though others laughed at him, Henry Ford had a dream of cars covering the roads ④/ɪn'sted/____ of horses and carts(马车).Seeing hungry people, Yuan Longping invented the hybrid rice for his dream of "feeding everybody in China".

    Dreams are important because they give us directions for our lives. With dreams, we set goals and make plans to change our present situations. ⑤So we can always change the world for the better Let's work harder for our dreams.


①/hɪmˈself/  ④/ɪnˈsted/  




A. It was also Henry Ford's dream

B. It was also Wan Hu's dream

C. It was also Yuan Longping s dream

D. It was also Martin Luther King's dream

(5)Why are dreams important according to the passage?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When Chinese people talk about the mouse,they are likely to see it as greedy and dishonest.It mainly comes from a Chinese folk story about the cat and the mouse.

One day, the mouse and the cat made an appointment to attend a competition held by the Jade Emperor. It would decide the zodiac animals. However, the mouse did not wake the cat up and at last won by riding on the ox's back. So the mouse ranked first on the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, and because of that, people think the mouse betrayed his friend.

Probably not! Human culture is funny. There are always different ways to look at the same thing.

In another folk story, people treated the mouse as a great hero. It's said that the mouse created the world by taking a bite of heaven, bringing light to humans. It helped people survive by scaling firewood and gain seeds (种子).As a result, many people respect the mouse by offering food and praying for success.

Since mice live together in societies and have many babies with a high survival rate,they also represent cooperation(合作)and reproduction.With these qualities,it's believed that people born he Year of the Mouse are smart and good at making money.

Perhaps we need to find a new understanding for other things﹣animals,ideas or even.

(1)Who did the mouse betray in the passage?   


The ox.


The cat.


Jade Emperor.


The cat and the ox.

(2)What can we know from Paragraph 4?   


The mouse created the word by stealing something.


The mouse lose people's grain seeds secretly.


The mouse did many things to save humans.


The mouse can never be a hero.

(3)What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase "survival rate" in Paragraph 5?   









(4)Which saying can be used as the writer's opinion?   


Where there is a will, there is a way.


Each coin has two sides.


God help those who help themselves.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was filled with doubts and worries until my grandfather told me to stand tall.

    For me, height was my trouble. I was much taller than other girls, so I often bent( 弯曲) my body at the back of the line. I had always felt unsafe as the tallest student of my class in Bala Cynwyd. And I wasn't looking forward to entering the ninth grade.

    My grandfather didn't laugh at me. Instead, whenever I tried to bend myself in order to appear shorter, he would tell me "Stand straight and tall, Alisa. "I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood. And whenever I was afraid of something, he always told me stories of his life.

    My grandfather grew up in war﹣torn(战乱的) Europe." Stand straight, stand tall "meant something else then. After the war, he went to America. He lived a hard life, "If they could do it, why couldn't I?""Stand straight, stand tall,"he often reminded(提醒) himself. Thanks to the help of a friend, my grandfather got a job. He once told me that he was very nervous at first. He was not only trying to learn this hard new job but also a new language.

    "Stand straight, stand tall," he would always tell himself. I am so proud of my grandfather. After listening to my grandfather 's unusual experiences, I have changed the way I look at my own life.

    "Stand straight, stand tall"has become not only a piece of advice to improve my posture(身姿). It also tells me to be proud of who I am.

    And I do.

(1)Alisa often bent her body because  

A. she lived a hard life

B. she was much taller than other girls

C. she always stood at the back of the line

D. she didn't want to enter the 9th grade

(2)What did Alisa's grandfather do with her trouble?  

A. He laughed at her.

B. He asked her to bend her body.

C. He told her to stand straight and tall.

D. He advised her to stay away from her friends.

(3)Alisa's grandfather's experiences  

A. made her feel unsafe

B. taught her to accept herself

C. changed her attitude(态度) to her grandfather

D. told her his success completely depended on friends

(4)"Stand straight, stand tall"means  in the passage.

A. making yourself look tall

B. taking care of yourself

C. being proud of yourself

D. reminding yourself

(5)What's the best title for this passage?  

A. Stand straight, stand tall

B. My grandfather's life stories

C. My colorful experiences

D. The help of a friend

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Little stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests.Then it reached a desert,"I went through so many difficulties.I should have no problem crossing the desert," she thought.As she started,she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand.After many tries,she still failed."Maybe I can' t reach the ocean," she said sadly to herself.

At this time,a deep voice said,"If a breeze (微风) can cross the desert,so can a river."

It was the voice of the desert.But the little stream answered,"A breeze can fly,but I can' t." "That' s because you can' t give up what you are.Let yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze,and it can take you across," said the desert."Give up what I am now? No! No!" The little stream could not accept this idea."The breeze can carry the vapor (蒸汽) across the desert and let it leave as rain.The rain will form a river again," said the desert."And whether you are a river or vapor,your nature never changes." Hearing this,the little stream went into the open arms of the breeze.It carried her to the next stage of her life.

The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream.If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success,you should also change the way you are.

(1)The little stream planned to reach  .


the forest


the river


the desert


the ocean

(2)The little stream  before she crossed the desert.


didn' t meet any difficulties


was confident about herself


was worried about herself


knew well about the desert

(3)At first,the little stream didn' t accept the desert' s advice because  .


she failed many times


she was afraid of the nature


she wasn' t able to change her nature


she wouldn' t change the way she was

(4)The little stream finally crossed the desert by  .


evaporating into the breeze


forming a river


disappearing into the sand


changing her nature

(5)What does the story mainly tell us?


The road to success isn' t always easy and smooth.


Whatever others say,we should always be ourselves.


To succeed,we should think about things in a different way.


To succeed,we should follow others' advice.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A number of years ago, a man went to visit a circus(马戏团) in New York.He was able to walk around looking at the lions, monkeys, bears and other circus animals.As he was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped.He found that these huge elephants were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg.No chains, no cages.It was clear that the elephants could,at anytime,break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.

    He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn't try to get away."Well,"the trainer said,"when they are very young and much smaller,we use the same size rope to tie them and,at that age,its enough to hold them.As they grow up.they still believe they can not breakaway.They believe the rope can hold them, so they never try to break free."

    "How could it be?"said the man.These animals could at anytime break free from ropes.But because they were always stuck right where they were, they believed they couldn't.

    Just like the poor elephants, how many of us go through life believing that we can not do something, just because we failed at it once before?

    Failing is part of learning.

(1)Where were the animals kept?  

A.In the circus.

B.In the zoo

C.In the fore

D.In the park.

(2)What does the underlined phrase"break away"mean?  





(3)How were the elephants held?  

A.By a strong rope

B.In cages

C.With chains.

D.By a small rope.

(4)Which of the following is NOT true?  

A.The elephants were held in this way when they were young.

B.There were many kinds of animals in the circus.

C.The animals were trained to perform.

D.The elephants often escaped.

(5)What can we learn from the passage?  

A.Well begun is half done.

B.The early bird catches the worm.

C.We should never give up.

D.One tree can't make a forest.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Wang Hongyue,14,Sichuan

I feel happy when I'm with my family.My parents never compare me with other kids.My mom will say "well done" or "thank you" if I help to do the housework.

I especially like my brother.I still remember when I was eight.I had a bad stomachache.My parents were not at home,so it was my brother,then 14,took me to the hospital.For me,happiness has nothing to do with money.Having a loving and caring family is enough.

Ren Xuyang,14,Guangdong

I feel happy while trying to help others.Last year,I visited a special school for students with weak sight or hearing loss (丧失).It is difficult for them to write and read pinyin,so I taught them over and over.For over 3 hours,we repeated the same work,but we didn't feel tired.As an old saying goes, "The rose is in her hand,the flavor in mine. "

Zhan Danyuan,15,Shanxi

I feel happy when I hang out with my friends and do something together.Last winter,three friends and I performed an original (原创的)song at a school party.At first,we wrote down how we felt about each other,Then,we corrected our mistakes and practiced.Finally,when we sang in the arena (舞台),the audience (观众)were excited.For me,happiness is doing something that I love with like﹣minded (志趣相投的)people.

(1)According to this passage,how old is Wang Hongyue's brother now?    









(2)Why was Wang Hongyue sent to the hospital?    


Because she had a bad cold.


Because she had a bad stomachache.


Because she had weak sight.


Because she had a hearing loss.

(3)What can we know from this passage?    


Wang Hongyue's parents often compare her with others.


Wang Hongyue performed an original song with her friends.


Ren Xuyang's mother often praises him when he does something good.


Zhan Danyuan likes being with the people who have something in common.

(4)"The rose is in her hand,the flavor in mine. " has the similar meaning to"    ".


A friend in need is a friend indeed


Practice makes perfect.


Helping others is helping ourselves


It's never too old to learn.

(5)What is the best title of this passage?    


Ideas about happiness.


Ideas about family.


Ideas about friends.


Ideas about life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A person has two ears but only one mouth. That means we should listen, not just speak. The word "listen" has the same letters as the word "silent". Listening silently is a good quality that we should have.Then why is it important to be a good listener?

    Listening is really helpful.

    When someone is sad or angry, he wants to express his poor feelings. At this moment, we need to listen silently first until he gets calm(冷静的). Then we may have a good talk with him. Maybe it is a good way to help him out.

    Listening is a kind of love.

    For example, we may think our parents are always talking too much. But in fact, they do so because they are anxious about our health, study and so on. If we listen patiently, our parents will feel we care about them. A loving silence is often more powerful(有力量的)than words.

    Listening is polite behavior.

    Sometimes, we just want others to listen to us but forget to listen to others. In fact. That's not polite. In order to show our respect(尊重)for others, we had better listen to them first. Then we can express our ideas.

    Listening sounds easy,but it's not. Every head is a world. So we should learn to listen with our ears, eyes and hearts as much as we can, and try to make ourselves

good listeners from now on.

(1)When someone is sad or angry, we should   first.

A.express our poor feelings.

B.talk too much with him.

C.tell his parents about it.

D. listen to him silently.

(2)The underlined word "anxious" here probably means "  ".





(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  

A. We should ask others to listen to us first.

B. We had better listen to others first.

C. We should let others respect us first.

D. We should express our ideas first.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. and Mrs. March lived together with their four daughters. Amy was very shy. Beth loved being at home. Meg looked very pretty. Jo was tall and thin and she was a tomboy.. Their home was always busy and full of noise and people. Next to them lived old Mr. Laurence and his grandson, Laurie. They lived in a very large and comfortable house. But it was a house without life.

    One day, Joe saw Laurie standing at an upstairs window in his house and looking down at their garden. Jo's sisters were playing in the snow there. They were throwing snowballs and having a lot of fun. But Laurie's face was very sad.

    "Poor boy!" Jo thought. "He's all alone. He needs some friends." She couldn't stop thinking about him. She wanted to go and see him, but how could she go to the house without an invitation?

    Then one snowy afternoon, she saw Laurie's grandpa go out. This gave her an idea. She took a broom from the kitchen.

    "What are you going to do, Jo?" asked her sister Meg.

    "To clear the garden path." Answered Jo.

    When Laurie saw Jo from the window, a big smile changed his pale, sad face.

    Jo laughed and shouted, "How are you? Are you ill?"

    Laurie opened the window and said," I'm better now, thank you. I had a bad cold and had to stay inside for a week".

    "I'm sorry," said Jo. "Are you bored?"

    "Yes, very." he replied.

    "Don't your friends come to visit you?"

    "No. But I don't want to see anybody. Boys are noisy and they give me a headache."

    "Girls are quiet."

    "I don't know any girls."

    "You know us."

    "That's true! Can you come and visit me?" cried Laurie.

    " I'm not quiet, but I'd like to come," replied Jo. "I must ask Mother first." She ran back into her house.

     A few minutes later, she returned and rang the bell on the door of laurie's house. A servane took her upstairs.

    "Here I am!" she said brightly. "Mother sends her love and my sisters gave me this blancmange (牛奶冻) for you."

    "That looks delicious," Laurie said. He was very happy to see Jo.

    Jo looked around. There were lots of books on the shelves.

    "A nice room!" she said. "I can read to you if you like."

    "No, let's talk," replied Laurie.

    "All right," said Jo, "I can talk for hours. My sisters say I never know when to stop."

    "You have three sisters﹣Amy, Beth and Meg." Laurie continued.

    "How do you know this?" Jo was surprised.

    "You call each other's names when you are in the garden. Sometimes I can see you all around the table with your mother. She has a very kind face. I like looking at her. I haven't got a mother."

    Jo felt sad when she heard this.

    "Why don't you come and visit us?" she said, "It isn't good for you to stay in this house all the time."

    "Thank you. I'd like to come very much." Said Laurie.

    "We know all our neighbours except you." Jo said, " I'm glad we're friends now."

    She told him about all the interesting things in her life. She said," Besides(除了……之外) plays, I also love books." Laurie loved books too, and offered to show her the library in the house. The library was a wonderful room. Jo loved it.

    "Wow!" she said, "All those books!"

    Laurie said, "A person needs more than books."

                                                                                                                    (Adapted from Little Women)

(1)From the first paragraph, we know  

A. Jo's family had five members

B. Jo and Laurie were neighbours

C. Laurie and his grandpa were busy

D. the four sisters had the same hobby

(2)Jo wanted to visit Laurie because  

A. she wanted to visit his large house

B. Laurie invited her to play with snowballs

C. she felt he was lonely and needed friends

D. Laurie was seriously ill and needed her care

(3)What might be the correct order of what happened in the story?  

a. Jo saw Laurie standing at an upstairs window in his house.

b. Jo and Laurie were having a talk happily at Laurie's home.

c. Jo wanted to Laurie's home after telling her mother.

d. Jo couldn't stop thinking about Laurie.

A. a﹣b﹣c﹣d

B. b﹣a﹣c﹣d

C. b﹣d﹣a﹣c

D. a﹣d﹣c﹣b

(4)Which words can best describe Jo and her sisters?  

A. Kind and friendly

B. Generous but rude

C. Quiet and smart

D. Funny but carless

(5)What does Laurie mean by saying "A person needs more than books."?  

A. People need to stay in their own houses.

B. People should learn much more from the books.

C. People need love and friendship besides books.

D. People should relax themselves besides reading

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This story is about Mrs. Jones, an 82﹣year﹣old lady. Although her life was hard, she was always nicely dressed every day. This morning Mrs Jones was moving to the nursing home. The nursing home was very busy. After hours of waiting, Mrs Jones still smiled sweetly when she was told that her room was ready.(1)在去她房间的路上,我告诉她房间是什么样子的.

    Suddenly she said, "I love it!"

    "But Mrs Jones, you haven't seen the room yet!" I was surprised at her reply.She stopped and said,"Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is placed. (2)It depends on how I decide to think about the room. I have already decided to love the room before I actually see it."

    Then she continued, "I have a choice. I can spend the day in bed and consider how tiny my room is.Or I can just get out of bed and be thankful that I can still enjoy a new day. Each day is a gift. (3)I'll enjoy my life and all the happy memoriesI have stored them in my bank account (账户) before."

    Life is like a bank account. You can take out what you've put in. (4)If you have put a lot of happiness in your bank accountyou can take out some of it when you feel sad

    Attitude (态度) is everything.











  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Los Angeles, a waiter served a group of teens. The waiter remembered his experience as a young high school student. So he made sure the teens had a pleasant experience at the restaurant. The waiter made sure of it.

After serving all the teens doing a great job, he was left a tip(消费),only¥3.28. That was hardly enough to buy a drink at Starbucks. The waiter went home. And he felt hatred for the students who did not know the value of hard work. They looked down on people like him. Or so he thought.

After several days, the waiter forgot about it. His life went on as usual. But ten days later, he received a letter from the teens.

"About a week and a half ago, on October 7, my three friends and I came to eat at this restaurant as our own homecoming celebration. It was an exciting experience for us to be here alone, and it was all new to us. And you were the best waiter we could ask for. You were kind, helpful, and didn't treat us like babies! So I want to say thank you for making our 'grown﹣up' experience so amazing and fun. "I would also like to say sorry on behalf of(代表) my group. Since we were new to all of this,our 13﹣year﹣old minds didn't exactly know how to deal with the bill.The bill was reasonable(合乎情理),but we had completely forgotten(and didn't know,to be honest) what a tip even was, let alone how much to give. So we emptied our pockets, and all our money added up to ¥3.28. "Having no idea of how small this really was ,we left. Later, we realized our mistake and felt terrible. We knew we had to make it right." "So together with this letter, you wail find the correct 18% tip + extra for simply being amazing. Thank you for your help and patience and also thank you for making our night fun. Thank you!"

(1)How did the waiter receive the group of teens?   


He tried to make them pay more.


He served them like other waiters.


He treated them as young children.


He did his best to make them happy.

(2)Why did the group of teens leave that small tip?   


Because they looked down on the waiter.


Because they didn't know what a tip meant.


Because they weren't pleased with the service.


Because they thought the tip should be that much.

(3)What made the teens write the letter?   


The tip they left for the waiter.


The bill the restaurant received.


The way the waiter served them.


The fun they had at the restaurant.

(4)What do restaurant waiters mind most in America?   


What kind of guests they receive.


What dishes people usually order.


Whether they are given reasonable tips.


How much customers pay for their meals.

(5)What did the group of teens try to say in the letter?   


They were quite thankful for the waiter's service.


They had realized their mistake and made it right.


They had a wonderful experience at the restaurant.


They wanted more customers to go to the restaurant.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day ,a couple wanted to buy a tea cup. So they went into a shop. They saw a beautiful one there. They asked, "May we see that? We've never seen such a beautiful one." As the shopkeeper handed it to them, suddenly the tea cup spoke."You don't understand." it said,"Once I was red and looked ugly. I was rolled and struck (捶打) over and over by my master. I shouted out,'Let me alone.' But he only smiled,'Not yet.' Then I was put on a wheel which was moving, and suddenly I was pushed to move around and around.' Stop!' I cried. But my mater only shook his head and said,' Not yet.' Then he put me in the oven. I was fired at a very high heat. I wondered why he wanted to bum me , and I cried and knocked at the door. But he just shook his head.

"Finally ,the door opened. He put me on the table,and I began to become cool Then I was polished. After that,my master brushed and painted me all over. How terrible the smell was! I thought I would die.'Stop!' I cried. He only shook his head,'Not yet.' Then suddenly he put me into the second oven. This oven was twice as hot as the first one and I couldn't breathe at all. I begged (哀求). However,my master shook his head and said, Not yet' I nearly lost hope. Just then,he door opened. He took me out and put me on the table again."

"One hour later he handed me a mirror and said, 'Look at yourself.' And I did so. I was surprised and said, 'That' s not me. Why am I so beautiful?' 'I want you to remember,' my master said,'without those pains ,you would never be a perfect product."


(注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑.正确的涂"A" ,错误的涂"B")

(1)One day,a couple went into a shop to buy a tea cup.   

(2)When the couple saw the tea cup,it looked ugly.   

(3)After being polished, the master was brushed and painted all over.   

(4)The second oven was hotter than the first one.   

(5)According to the passage,we know that those pains helped the tea cup become a perfect product.   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

WILL THE WORLD AT 12:01 A M.on Jan.1,2019 be completely different from how it was at 11:59 p.m on Dec .31, 2018? Not really. But people make a big deal of flipping( 翻动) over the calendar.For example, you make a New Year resolution, a promise to yourself that you' ll try to be better in the year ahead. Maybe that means being nicer to your family members, or reading news more often. My resolution is to have a pet. My favourite pet is in the puzzle on the right. Try to find it.


1. You may only move across or down.

2. Your path must spell out real words!

(1)Sam Ehren wrote this passage on  





(2)What does the underlined word"resolution"mean in the passage?  





(3)From the puzzle,we can find the writer's favourite pet is a  





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A woman bought a parrot from a pet store. However, the woman decided to return the parrot to the shop the next day.

    "This bird doesn't talk," she told the pet shop owner.

    "Does he have a mirror in his cage(笼子)?" the owner asked. "Parrots love mirrors."

    The woman bought a mirror and left. The next day she came back,saying that the bird still wasn't talking.

    "How about a ladder? Parrots love ladders," the owner said. The woman bought a ladder and left. But the next day, she was back.

    "Does your parrot have a swing? No? Well, once he starts swinging, he'll talk,"the owner said.

    The woman then bought a swing and left.

    When she walked into the store the next day, she began to cry. "The parrot died," she said.

    The pet store owner was shocked. "I'm sorry. Tell me, did he ever say anything?" he asked.

    "Yes, right before he died," the woman answered, "in a low voice, he asked me, 'Don't they sell any food at that pet store?'"

    Sometimes we forget what's really necessary in life. We sometimes have lots of things to do at once, but we forget to deal with the most important things first. We have to remember to "feed the parrots" in our lives.

(1)The underlined word "parrot" in paragraph 1 means "  " in Chinese.




(2)The woman bought  from the pet shop owner.

A.a mirror and a ladder

B.a ladder and a swing

C.a mirror, a ladder and a swing

(3)Why did the parrot die?  

A.Because he didn't eat any food.

B.Because the woman killed him.

C.Because the pet shop owner killed him.

(4)Did the parrot say anything before he died?  

A. Yes, he did.

B. No, he didn't.

C. We don't know.

(5)Which is NOT true according to the passage?  

A.The woman forgot to buy any food for the parrot.

B.The parrot liked the mirror most.

C.We shouldn't forget to deal with the most important things first.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

     A father and his son went to a kite﹣flying festival. The son was full of joy when he saw the sky filled with colorful kites. He wanted to fly a kite, too. The father then bought a kite for him.

     The son started to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, he said, "Father, it seems that the string (线) is stopping the kite from flying higher. If we cut it, the kite will be free and fly even higher. Can we cut it?" The father cut the string. The kite started to go higher. This made the little boy happy.

     But then, slowly, the kite started to come down. And finally it fell to the ground. The son was surprised to see this. He asked his father, "I thought that after cutting the string, the kite would fly higher. Why did it fall down?"

     The father explained, "The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, but was helping it stay in the sky. You helped the kite go up in the right direction using the string. But when you cut the string, it could no longer support the kite."

     Sometimes, we may feel like there are certain things that are holding us back(阻碍)and stopping us growing. But in fact, these might be the things that support us the most.

(1)How did the boy feel when he saw the colorful kites?  

A. Strange.

B. Happy.

C. Relaxed

(2)When the son started to fly the kite?  

A. it could not fly

B. it stopped in the sky

C. it was high up in the sky

(3)The son wanted to cut the string because  

A. he preferred to use a longer one

B. he thought the kite would fly higher

C. he found the string was not strong

(4)According to the passage, what happened to the kite after the string was cut?  

A. It fell to the ground in the end

B. It fell down at once

C. It became broken suddenly

(5)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. The things that hold us back can also support us

B. We can fly kites in our free time with our parents

C. Flying kites can make people healthy

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
