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Sun Book Store

★20% Off July 5th﹣July 15th

★Opening hours:9:00a.m.﹣9:30 p.m.

★Address:66 King Street

★For more details,please call us at 8860858.

Moon Flower Store

★50% Off July 25th﹣Aug 1st

★Opening hours:9:00 a.m.﹣6:00 p.m.

★Adress:85 Center Street

★For more details,please call us at 8765569.

Star Clothes Store

★60% Off July 19th﹣Aug 6th

★Opening hours:9:00a.m.﹣8:00 p.m.

★Address:56 Bridge Street

★For more details,please call us at 8765998.

Earth Toy Store

★40% Off July 15th﹣July 21st

★Opening hours:9:00a.m.﹣5:00 p.m.

★Address:98 Long Street

★For more details,please call us at 8769059.


(1)Sun Book Store is on King Street.  

(2)The books are thirty percent off at Sun Book Store.  

(3)Lucy's father can order some flowers by calling at 8765998.  

(4)The clothes are on sale at Star Clothes Store at 9: 10 a.m. on July 20th.  

(5)Lucy can buy some toys at good prices at Earth Toy Store on July 16th.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After﹣school Activities

Are you interested in ball games?

Teacher: Mr. Brown

Place: On the playground

Time: Monday, 16:00﹣18:00

Age: Over 10 years old

Would you like to be a dancer?

Teacher: Miss, Miller

Place: In the gym

Time: Friday, 19:00﹣21:00

Age: Over 5 years old

Are you good at painting?

Teacher: Mr. Green

Place: In the art room

Time: Sunday, 8:00﹣10:00

Age: Over 4 years old, under 14

Do you enjoy playing chess?

Teacher: Mrs. Smith

Place: In the library

Time: Saturday, 15:30﹣18:00

Age: Over 6 years old, under 10

(1)If Alice wants to learn to dance, she has to be over   years old.

A. four

B. five

C. six

D. ten

(2)Cindy is interested in drawing pictures, so she can go to the   on Sundays.

A. library

B. art room

C. gym

D. playground

(3)David is 11 years old and he likes playing tennis. Who can teacher him?  

A. Mr. Green.

B. Miss. Miller.

C. Mrs. Smith.

D. Mr. Brown.

(4)Which of the following activities is NOT mentioned in the passage?  

A. Dancing.

B. Painting.

C. Singing.

D. Ball games.

(5)How long does it take Bill to play chess on Saturdays?  

A. Two and a half hours.

B. One hour and a half.

C. Two hours.

D. One hour.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

BIPC would like to invite beekeepers to the

World Bee Day Activities

9:00 am﹣ 4:00 pm, Sunday, May 20th 2018

Landhill Hall, Cornwall

    Bees are now in danger and its number is going down every year largely because of human activity, while a third of the world's food production depends on this yellow and black insect(昆虫) and other pollinators(传授花粉者).

    May 20th this year is the first World Bee Day. It was created last year by the UN, after Slovenia put forward the idea, to draw people's attention to the important role of bees and other pollinators in keeping the planet healthy.

    A day for all those who are interested in learning to improve the quality(质量) of their bees! A day also for those who want to know more about bee keeping!

    Bring your family with you and have fun! Let's celebrate everything connected with bees and the coming of spring!

Activities for the whole family

talks on bees/bee products for sale/wax(蜡) & candle﹣making lessons

Bee Communication

Dr Gavin Ramsay will explain the dances of bees, telling you about what smart behaviors bees have.

Cleaning beeswax & candlemaking: Classes will be given by Kate Black.

Cafe: Lunch and tea/coffee/cakes are available at the cafe.

    These activities are held by BIPC, the Bee Improvement Program for Cornwall.

    Tickets are 8 for members of BIPC and 10 for non﹣members. Half price for a child.

    All the money will go to the City Bee Protection Project.

    Book your place by emailing bengreen@hotmail.com

(1)The danger that bees are facing is caused by  

A. beekeepers

B. food production

C. human activity

D. other pollinators

(2)The World Bee Day was created  

A. to advise people to keep healthy

B. to help beekeepers sell more bee products

C. to celebrate the coming of spring

D. to make people know the importance of bees

(3)During the activities, you can learn all the following EXCEPT  

A. to make a candle

B. to improve the quality of bees

C. to make tea and coffee

D. to understand the dances of bees

(4)Bill, a member of BIPC, and his 5﹣year﹣old son will pay  for tickets to the activities.

A. 10 dollars

B. 12 dollars

C. l6 dollars

D. l8 dollars

(5)The money from the sales of tickets  

A. will be used to protect bees

B. will make BIPC very rich

C. will be given to beekeepers

D. will be spent on the celebrations

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

配对阅读 左框是五位旅行者的需求,右框是丝绸之路的旅游路线信息.请根据这些旅游者的需求,选出最适合他们的旅游线路,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.

66.Kitty will have two weeks off and she'd like a tour at a cost of about 2500.She feels like visiting China's historic capitals


67.Lucas dreams of traveling along the ancient route (路线)in China during his summer vacation to find out what it used to be  

68.Sam likes to meet challenges(挑战).He is going to spend no more than 2000 traveling across Xinjiang


69.Elsa is taking her parents to visit china.They plan to travel along the Silk Road.They also want to take a cruise on the Yangtze River  

70.Janet wants to learn about China.She is looking forward to visiting the great wonders in China  

A.22 Days from 3629 Travel on the ancient route,you may wonder why it was chosen then and later given up.The remains of the old cities help to record their past.

B.13 Days from 2700 This is a journey deep into Xinjiang area.Driving most part of this journey is surely an exciting experience,and most areas we pass are still undeveloped.

C.6 Days from 1899 We'll take you across Xinjiang area.This Silk Road route is a challenging journey,for most part of the journey will be made by bus.

D.13 Days from 2449 You can experience going through China's past to its present.The world﹣famous historic capitals along the Silk Road and the colorful culture are really fantastic

E.5 Days from 2069 The Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors(兵马佣)are great wonders in the world.These places of interest are valuable treasures across the beautiful area.

F.12 Days from2199 This journey heads all the way to kirgizstan,a friendly neighbor from the beginning.Business along this historic trading road is still going on though it is not as busy as before.

G.16 Days from 3799 Traditional Silk Road includes excellent Yangtze Cruise.This tour from the capital to DunHuang,Chongqing and then to Shanghai shows you a big part of the basic sightseeing of China

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)You can get a free hat if you buy a handbag and  

A.a book

B.a dress

C.a pair of gloves

D.a pair of shoes

(2)The cheapest book is  

A.This Side of Wild

B.The Grass House

C.The Forbidden Library

D.Has Anyone Seen Jessica Jenkins

(3)The book Kids Who Are Changing the World is written by a/an  





(4)If you spend ¥ 400 in the shopping center,you will get  

A.¥ 400

B.5 hours of free parking

C.10 hours of free parking

D.5 hours of free parking and ¥ 6

(5)The material above is most probably  

A.a poster

B.a shopping list

C.a picture book

D.a trip introduction.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


It's a Mailbox…It's a Bird House…

No. Wait. It's a Library!

Sunshine Park Has A Little Free Library!

    Bryan Lim is excited to be the director of the Little Free Library for our neighbors in Sunshine Park Community!

    The way it works is simple:

◆ We bring to the library a number of good books that we hope will interest our neighbors.

◆ You stop by and take whatever catches your eyes.

◆ You return and bring other books for the library whenever you can.

◆ Books are always a gift. Never for sale!

    Join us for our small opening at 9 am on March 25th, 2018.

    Call 9051 660l or email bryan@beautiful﹣gathering.com for more information!

    Take a book! Leave a book!

More about Little Free Library:                                     

    The idea was started in 2009 in Hudson, Wisconsin, when Todd Bol placed a homemade wooden box in his front yard. The box looked like a one﹣room schoolhouse. Inside were a dozen or more books free for the taking. It was put there in memory of Todd's mother, a teacher who loved reading. She had died several years earlier.

    His neighbors and friends loved it, so he built several more and gave them away. Later, more people joined Todd in starting the project called Little Free Library.

    In 2017, the were more than sixty thousand Little Free Libraries in over eighty countries around the world.

Information Card

(1)The name of the community this Little Free Library serves.  

(2)The opening date of this Little Free Library.  

(3)The place where Todd Bol's placed his first wooden box.  

(4)The job of Todd Bol's mother.   

(5)The number of the countries which had Little Free Libraries in 2017.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



15﹣day HEART OF EUROPE Circle Tour of Germany, Austria, Switzerland ltaly,France,Belgium & Holland by lmage Tours


Price reflects$700 savings per couple

October 3 & 9 departures

Includes AIR from BUFFALO

Includes 22 meals, 13 nts. hotels, air taxes, transportation and escort in Europe,per person,double occupancy.BOOK BY 6/14/2018.Call for a FREE brochure.


Amherst﹣ Ph:716﹣838﹣6755

(1)This is a tour advertisement.  

(2)The 15﹣day circle tour costs 3, 790 dollars per person.  

(3)You will visit 10 countries in this circle tour.  

(4)You can book the tour on June 18th, 2018.  

(5)You will take the plane during your tour.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Book Sale

Do you like reading?We have all kinds of books at very good price.We have Robinson Crusoe for¥9.We have Ham Let for¥6 and A Child's Geography of the world for¥18.

Come to Xinhua Bookstore and see for yourself.

Sunshine Sports Club

For students from 12 to 16 years old

Every Saturday and Sunday 6:00p.m.﹣9:00p.m.

Sunshine Gym

Just 40 pounds a month

Basketball,tennis,badminton and volleyball

London Street 26


Student Volunteers Wanted

We need two volunteers.

Do you love animals?Come to the animal hospital every Saturday morning,and you can get on with the lovely animals.

Are you a book lover?Are you responsible for your work?If your answer is"Yes",you can work as a volunteer at the library every Friday afternoon.

Come to the Students'Union for more information.

Job Registration(登记)Form


Job:A driver

Working Hours:30 hours per week,including some weekends

Requitements:To be experienced,friendly.

healthy and have a good driving record

Pay:﹩12 an hour Starting Date:July 1st


Choose the best choice from A、B or C according to what you read.

66.Mario wants to be a volunteer,but he has a piano lesson in the morning on weekends.Which work can he choose?  

A.To be a volunteer at the library.

B.To be a volunteer at the animal hospital.

C.Both of them.

67.How many kinds of books can Ann buy at most if she has¥18?  




68.How much money does the company pay the driver every week?  




69.You can  in Sunshine Sports Club.

A.play badminton and volleyball

B.swim and play tennis

C.play basketball and football

70.Where can you go to get further information if you want to be a volunteer?  

A.The animal hospital

B.The library

C.The Students'Union.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Notices from the Student Center

Slogan(标语)Design Competition

Purposes: To use English creatively and help provide a clean and safe school.

Classical Drama

Enjoy a new season of great dramas written by Hans Christian Andersen at the music hall!



Date& Time


1st place

An electronic dictionary

Sep. 6 8:00 pm

The Little Mermaid

2nd place

A novel: Harry Potter

Oct. 2 7:30 pm


3rd place

A movie ticket: Mulan

Nov. 7 8:30 pm

The Red Shoes

Each student can send 3 slogans by e﹣mail to info@smartschool. com before Aug. 30

Starring: Happy Tree Drama Team

Director: Tom Weaver

30﹣minute Fitness Club

30﹣a﹣day Fitness is a fun fitness class for students. Here are some advantages:

☆ Keep in shape.

☆ Make bones grow.

☆ Improve a sense of balance.

☆ Increase daily physical activity.

Don't miss the chance!

Visit www. smartschool. com

Little Cook Training Program

If you enjoy creating delicious dishes, why not attend our "Little Cook Training Program"? Each student who takes part in it will get a certificate(证书).

Date: Aug. 3﹣15

Time: 11:00 am﹣4: 30 pm

Place: dining hall

If you are interested in it, please e﹣mail info@smartschool. com

For information: Adelina Santos

Tel: 5323009

(1)What is the prize for 2nd place in Slogan Design Competition?  

A. A certificate.

B. A novel.

C. A dictionary.

D. A movie ticket.

(2)When is Thumbelina put on?  

A. 8:00 pm, Sep.6

B. 7:30 pm, Oct.2.

C. 8:30 pm, Nov.7.

D. 11:00 am, Aug.3.

(3)How many advantages does the fitness class have? 

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

D. Five.

(4)What will the students probably do in Little Cook Training Program?  

A. Enjoy The Red Shoes.

B. Increase daily physical activity.

C. Learn how to make Beijing duck.

D. Help the cooks wash dishes.

(5)The organizer of the activities above is  

A. the Student Center

B. Tom Weaver

C. Fitness Club

D. Adelina Santos

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you go on a vacation, the hotel you choose and the room you stay in are important. There are many cool theme (主题) hotel rooms around the world. Here are some of them.

                                       The Harry Potter Room

    The George Castle Hotel in England gives its guests the experience of staying in Harry Potters world.

    This 19th﹣century castle hotel is beside Harry Potter tour bus stop. The bus will take you to the Making of Harry Potter studio tour.

                                              Ice Theme Room

    An ice theme can be found at Hotel de Glace in Canada. In winter, you can get a fireplace

and a private spa in the rooms.

    The ice hotel has new rooms each year. This winter, it will build a room with the theme of

Disney's movie Frozen.

                                                  Pirate(海盗) Theme Room

    If you want a more attractive theme room, the Adventure Island Hotel in America is the best choice.

    In their pirate theme rooms, you'll feel like you're on a pirate ship in a world of sea adventures.

                                                     Night at the Movie Room

    At the Wensley Hotel in Australia, guests are crazy about the Night at the Movies Room.

    There they can see different things of Hollywood, such as Hollywood signs over the door,and hand﹣painted actor's pictures above the bed.

(1)What can guests do during their stay at the George Castle Hotel?  

A. Visit a movie studio.

B. Have a private spa.

C. Enjoy a movie night.

D. Play an adventure game.

(2)Who is most likely to choose the Adventure Island Hotel?  

A. Kids who love Disneyland.

B. Kids who love pirate stories.

C. Adults who love castle tours.

D. Adults who love watching movies.

(3)What is the possible choice for a super fan of Hollywood movies?  

A. The Wensley Hotel.

B. Hotel de Glace.

C. The George Castle Hotel.

D. The Adventure Island Hotel.

(4)Where is the text probably taken from?  

A. A storybook

B. A science book

C. A history book

D. A travel guide book

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


(1)   are not in the sale.




TV sets


Smart phones



(2)The big sale can last   


one week


two weeks


three weeks


four weeks

(3)You can buy   at half price.




TV sets


smart phones



(4)The biggest saving is   off.









(5)A camera is normally ¥4000, in the sale it is   









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Teens Health

Http://teens health.org/teen/

    Changes are happening in your life,both physically(身体上地) and mentally(心理上地).Sometimes you may feel upset by them.Just remember,it's normal to have these feelings.And you are not alone.Teens Health is a website that can help you.It gives a lot of tips for fighting depression(抑郁),managing feelings and taking care of your body.The website is run by a team of doctors.They give information and advice for teenagers.


46.Teens Health is probably  that can help you both physically and mentally.

A.a website    B.a guidebook C.a magazine

47.The writer probably agrees that  

A.it's good to be alone at times

B.it's normal to feel upset sometimes

C.it's impossible to manage feelings

48.You can find the information about   in Hot Topics.

A.flu          B.hobbies             C.schools and jobs

49."Take 5Tips for Life"provides five ways  

A.to get over fear        B.to stay safe          C.to fight depression

50.From the material above we can know that  

A.kids can get advice on how to study well

B.teenagers can get help on how to lose weight

C.parents can get tips on how to take care of their own bodies.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Learning Computers

    This twelve﹣hour course is for people who need to learn about computers. You will learn what computers are, what they can and can't do and how to use them.

    Course fee (费用): ﹩ 75

    Jan. 4,7,11,14,18,21 Wed. &Sat. 9:00﹣11:00 a.m.

    Zhang Hua is a teacher from Beijing University.He has over twenty years of experience in the computer field.


    This course is for those who want to learn to paint. You are tested first and then you can

choose to learn one of three different painting skills. Each program lasts(持续)20 hours. Bring your own paper.

    Course fee: ﹩ 125

    Two hours each evening for two weeks. New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of professional teachers.

Language Study

    Have you ever tried to improve your English? Do you want to learn English well? This three﹣month course will help you make it. Come and join us.

    Course fee: ﹩ 130.

    Mon. &Wed. 2:00﹣5:00 p.m.

    All the teachers are from English﹣speaking countries.


(1)If you choose the Learning Computers course, you'll have classes  

A. from Monday to Friday

B. on Wednesday and Saturday

C. on January 4,7,12,15

D. in the afternoon every day

(2)From the ads we know that Zhang Hua  

A. is a teacher from Beijing University

B. has no experience in the computer field

C. can teach you English well

D. comes from an English﹣speaking country

(3)If you choose the Painting course, you  

A. should have a test first

B. needn't bring your own paper

C. can't taught by professional teachers

D. should pay ﹩ 75

(4)Mr.Black works in the day and only has time in the evening, he can only choose the   course.

A. Learning Computers

B. Painting

C. Language Study

D. None of the above

(5)The Language Study course will last  

A. twelve hours

B. two weeks

C. three months

D. three years

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Science for Kids

This month's most popular books

1.Women in Science by Rachel Ignotofsky

Price $25

We all know the story of Marie Curie and her many scientific achievements. But many other brilliant female scientists are far less well known. This book is a great introduction to the lives and works of some of the most important and up﹣to﹣now unknown women in science.

Recommended for Ages: 12﹣15   Order Now

Special Offer

For this month only, all Bestbooks

Book Club

members will pay 20% less for every

book ordered. Join our club for free and

save big money!

2. First Big book of How by Jill Esbaum


An excellent book about sea life for young children. The book is divided into 4 parts, one for each of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic oceans. It focuses on the different animals found in each of these seas, along with interesting facts and amazing pictures.

Ages: 5﹣10          Order Now


We bring every book you order right to

your door within three days. For Bestbooks

Book Club members this is free. Non﹣members must pay an extra ¥2 per book.

3. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

Price $15

Bill Bryson takes readers on a very funny and educational trip through the history of modern science﹣from its unexpected successes to its great failures and everything in between.

Ages: 14 and over         Order Now

4. National Geographic's First Big Book of the World by Jan Carn.


This book is the perfect introduction to the seven continents. It tells young readers about the different animals that live on each of these lands and gives a simple description of the people's history and culture.

Ages: 5﹣12             Order Now

(1)How are the books on this webpage listed  

A. By price.

B. By popularity.

C. By reader's age.

D. By writer' s name.

(2)What is true about the book Women in Science  

A. It is mainly about Marie Curie's history.

B. It lists all the important scientific achievements.

C. It includes women scientists that aren't famous.

D. It is mostly about the development of modern science.

(3)How much will a Bestbooks Book Club member pay in total if he orders First Big Book of How and A Really Short History of Nearly Everything today  

A. $34.

B. $30.

C. $26.

D. $24.

(4)A primary school student who needs to write a science report about African elephants should choose  

A. Women in science

B. First Big Book of How

C. A Really Short History of Nearly Everything

D. National Geographic's First Big Book of the World

(5)What is the main purpose of this webpage  

A. To sell books to young readers.

B. To attract new book club members.

C. To encourage students' interest in science.

D. To review books young readers might like.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There is a big zoo in our city.You can see a lot of lovely animals there.

Mina is a kangaroo.She is six years old.She is a large Australian animal which moves by jumping on its back legs.She carries her babies in the pouch(育儿袋)on her stomach.

   Peter is a lion from South Africa.He is a large powerful meat﹣eating animal.Today is Peter's fifth birthday.The workers in the zoo are having a birthday party for him.

This is a big elephant named Jim,with a long trunk.He is from South Africa,too.He's ten years old.He has bad eyesight,but he can draw very well.

   Tuantuan is a panda coming from a mountain in Sichuan,China.She is four years old.She feeds on bamboo.She relaxes about 10hours every day.


58.   likes eating meat.





59.   are from the same country.

A.Mina and Peter

B.Tuantuan and Jim

C.Peter and Jim

D.Jim and Mina

60.The   is the oldest of them.





61.Tuantuan feeds on  





62.From the message above,we can learn  

A.Mina carries her babies in the pouch on her stomach.

B.Tuantuan can draw very well.

C.Jim comes from a mountain in China.

D.Peter has a long trunk.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
