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On the early morning of December 17,the Chang'e﹣5 lunar probe (月球探测器) landed safely on the grasslands in Inner Mongolia,meaning the Chang'e﹣5 mission (任务) ended successfully.

    Chang'e﹣5 was launched from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province on November 24,2020.On December 1,the probe got to the moon.During the stay on the moon,it collected 1,731 grams of rock and soil samples (样品).On December 3,our national flag was shown on the moon.After that,the probe was ready to go home.

    China is no stranger to lunar exploration (探月) programs.Over the years,it has sent a number of increasingly challenging missions to the moon.One of the most famous missions was the historic landing of Chang'e﹣4 spacecraft on the moon's far side in 2019.As Chang'e﹣5 reached a new area of the moon,this launch successfully pushed the limits (极限) even further.It's no doubt a great step forward for the space industry.

    This is a truly historic event for China's space program,making China the third nation in the world to bring samples back from the moon.The success has also made Chang'e﹣5 the first spacecraft to bring back samples from the moon since 1976 when a Russian spaceship brought back 170.1 grams of samples to the earth.This was no easy task,but China has made it.

(1)How long did the whole Chang'e﹣5 mission last?   

A.About half a month.

B.Around 10 days.

C.Over a month.

D.More than 20 days.

(2)The underlined word "launched" in paragraph 2 means    in Chinese.





(3)Paragraph 3 mainly talks about   .

A.the importance of space exploration

B.the difficulty in lunar exploration

C.the future of China's space program

D.the progress in China's moon missions

(4)In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?   





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

John was born in 1838.When he turned 11 years old,his family moved to the United States from Scotland.They began a new life in Wisconsin that year.

    John showed his love of nature in his early years.He liked playing outdoors.He also loved working outdoors on his father's farm.

    When he was 29,John had an accident at work.The accident hurt his eyes.As a result he missed looking at nature for months.Luckily,he could see again.Later that year,John decided to spend all his time learning about nature.He would travel in order to make his dream come true.

    First.John hiked 1,000 miles.He studied plants and wildlife He then took a trip by ship.It was to learn more about the world around him.In 1869,John went to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.He climbed the mountains and wrote down what he saw.And he wrote about the animals and plants as well.By the time John turned 33,people were reading what he had written.They realized the importance of nature from John's books.Many people understood and accepted his thoughts.

    In 1852,John started the Sierra Chub.Many people joined it.They agreed that forest wildlife should be protected.Today,the club has more than two million members.It has a great influence on the people who love nature.They all help spread the ways to protect the environment.

    John's books are still read today.He is famous for his love of nature.


(1)Where did John and his family begin their new life?


(2)How did John show his love of nature in his early years?


(3)What was John's dream after he could see again?


(4)When did John go to climb the Sierra Nevadan Mountains?


(5)Why did John do things like taking trips,writing books and starting a club?(请用一句话作答)


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

10﹣year﹣old Mike is being interviewed on TV about his own cooking.

    Mike,when did you start cooking?

    When I was four,I became interested in cooking.I stared helping my mum in the kitchen when I was five.At the age of six,I could make vegetable salad.One year later,I could make a fruit pie all by myself.

    What's the best way to get good at cooking?

    I don't go to cooking classes.Sometimes I watch videos on the phone.I often read books about cooking actually,I think the best way to improve my cooking is trying it again and again.If it is no good,I'll do it differently next time.

    What do your parents think of your cooking?

    They're glad that they don't have to make dinner every day,and they enjoy my cooking ﹣﹣﹣usually!But,you can't make everyone happy all the time.

    Finally,what's it like being on TV?

    It's interesting.In fact,I really enjoy myself making the shows.They're watched by millions,but I still find it strange when people I don't know say hello to me in the street.

(1)When could Mike make a fruit pie all by himself?    

A.At the age of four.

B.At the age of five.

C.At the age of six.

D.At the age of seven.

(2)What does Mike think is the best way to improve his cooking?   

A.To learn by practicing.

B.To read books about cooking.

C.To go to cooking classes.

D.To watch videos on the phone.

(3)Why does Mike say "you can't make everyone happy all the time"?    

A.His parents don't like him to make shows.

B.His parents don't always like his cooking.

C.His parents make him cook meals for everyone.

D.His parents find it strange that he's interviewed.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the fight against COVID﹣19,many national heroes have become well﹣known to the public.On August 11,2020,Chinese President Xi Jinping commended(表彰)four of them for their outstanding contribution(杰出的贡献).

Zhong Nanshan was given the Medal of the Republic(共和国勋章).He has been leading the Chinese government's efforts in the fight against COVID﹣19.The old expert got a result that COVID﹣19 could be spread between humans.

"The People's Hero" was given to three others.They are Zhang Boli,Zhang Dingyu and Chen Wei.

Zhang Boli is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) expert.He has been in charge of(负责) the research of COVID﹣19 treatments(治疗)connecting TCM with Western medicine.

Zhang Dingyu was the head of Wuhan's Jinyintan Hospital in 2020.He got an illness in 2018.However,he chose to stay with his partners in Wuhan to save lives.

Chen Wei is a professor.She has made great achievements in the research on COVID﹣19.She is also one of the key leaders in China' s Ebola vaccine(埃博拉疫苗)research.

The purpose of giving the nation's top honors to these people was to show the great courage and the spirit of working together of the Chinese people.

(1)How many people was given "the People's Hero" by Chinese President Xi Jinping?   





(2)Who got an illness in 2018 according to the passage?   

A.Zhong Nanshan.

B.Zhang Boli.

C.Zhang Dingyu.

D Chen Wei.

(3)Which of the following is right in the passage?   

A.Chen Wei is the head of Wuhan's Jinyintan Hospital.

B.Zhang Dingyu is a traditional Chinese medicine expert.

C.Zhong Nanshan got a result that COVID﹣19 could not be spread between humans.

D.Zhang Boli has been in charge of the research connecting TCM with Western medicine.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


The news you want ﹣ the way you want it                           Monday,24 May 2021


On Friday,21 May,the children and staff at Camberwell Grammar School dressed up as heroes and superheroes to raise money for Children in Need.The money we raised will go to charities across the country to help and support children who are less fortunate than us.In total,more than $300 has been raised.

(1)The picture above is part of   .

A.a club newspaper

B.a school newspaper

C.a club advertisement

D.a school advertisement

(2)The children dressed up      .

A.on 21 May

B.on 22 May

C.on 23 May

D.on 24 May

(3)The children took part in       .

A.a sports event

B.a game show

C.a charity event

D.a fashion show

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

According to a recent survey by Xinhua Research Center,Chinese people prefer buying local brands over foreign brands.The first China Brand Day fell on May 10.2017.A lot of activities take place to help Chinese brands develop across the country on that day every year.Let's take a look at the results of the survey.

    In the past, "Made in China" made people think of cheap and poor quality(质量差的)products.But that seems to be changing.Chinese people show a lot of interest in low price,good quality and creative design(设计).Experts say Chinese brands will continue to be more popular over the next 10 years.


(1)Xinhua Research Center did a survey about   .





(2)32% of Chinese people don't care about brands in    .


B.medicine and health care

C.bags and cases

D .poor﹣quality products

(3)   of Chinese people prefer local bags and cases.





(4)Chinese people choose local brands because of the following except   .

A.fine materials

B.good quality

C.creative design

D.low prices

(5)From the passage,we can know    .

A. "Made in China" is popular among Chinese people all the time

B.foreign brands will not be accepted by Chinese people in ten years

C.only 10%of Chinese people prefer foreign food while others hate it

D .many activities are organized to help Chinese brands to develop on China Brand Day

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

According to a recent survey by Xinhua Research Center,Chinese people prefer buying local brands over foreign brands.The first China Brand Day fell on May 10.2017.A lot of activities take place to help Chinese brands develop across the country on that day every year.Let's take a look at the results of the survey.

    In the past, "Made in China" made people think of cheap and poor quality(质量差的)products.But that seems to be changing.Chinese people show a lot of interest in low price,good quality and creative design(设计).Experts say Chinese brands will continue to be more popular over the next 10 years.


(1)Xinhua Research Center did a survey about   .





(2)32% of Chinese people don't care about brands in    .


B.medicine and health care

C.bags and cases

D .poor﹣quality products

(3)   of Chinese people prefer local bags and cases.





(4)Chinese people choose local brands because of the following except   .

A.fine materials

B.good quality

C.creative design

D.low prices

(5)From the passage,we can know    .

A. "Made in China" is popular among Chinese people all the time

B.foreign brands will not be accepted by Chinese people in ten years

C.only 10%of Chinese people prefer foreign food while others hate it

D .many activities are organized to help Chinese brands to develop on China Brand Day

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

After appearing as a special event at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic Games.Wushu,widely known as Chinese Kungfu,will make its first appearance as an official(官方的) sport at the 4th Youth Olympic Games in 2022.

    It's a long﹣awaited breakthrough (期待已久的突破) for the International Wushu Federation(协会) (IWF),which made applications to the International Olympic Committee (100)in 2001,2008 and 2011,but failed.The first two applications were refused at the very beginning.The third application made it to the final voting for taking part in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games but missed out once again.

    Over the years,both the International Wushu Federation and Chinese Wushu Association(CWA) have done a lot to make improvement with strong support from the State General Administration of Sport of China(中国体育总局).The Administration not only offers technical (技术的) support,often sending experts or teachers to help their Wushu training camps,but also generously provides a great deal of Wushu equipment(设备)for free.

    Every year,many local Wushu groups are sent abroad to put on Wushu shows,trying to improve the influence of Wushu in foreign countries.Through their continuous efforts,Wushu has become widely popular across the world,especially among young Wushu fans.Studied show that ,today,about 120 million people are attracted to Wushu around the world.

    China got Wushu accepted as an official Olympics event successfully in January,2020,which helps to make it more international quickly.

    A total of 48 athletes from across the world will compete in four Wushu events:men's and women's Changquan and men's and women's Taijiquan.

News:Wushu Is Included in Youth Olympics



• Wushu will (1)       at the 4th Youth Olympics,first time as an official sport.



• Efforts made to spread Wushu and enter it for the Olympics Games:

• IWF made applications to IOC three times but didn't(2)   each time.

• In order to improve the situation,IWF and CWA have done a lot with the technical support and (3)   equipment from the State General Administration of Sport of China.

• Through continuous efforts like putting on Wushu (4)    abroad.Wushu has been widely accepted across the world,especially among young Wushu fans.

• Wushu was accepted as an official Olympics event successfully in January,2020.

• 48 athletes from across the world will join in the(5)        in four Wushu events.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In many people’s eyes, middle school students are happy and carefree(无忧无虑). But is it the truth? And what     students happy or unhappy?
To find out the answers, Li Jiahui, a student in Pinggu No. 3 Middle School, Beijing, spent six months      students’ sense(感受) of happiness last year. The      girl made a survey with questions such as “Are you feeling happy?” and “What makes you unhappy?”
After studying the answers from 284 students, Li learned that      40% of the students feel unhappy, and the     from studies is the main reason for their unhappiness.
“More than 50% said they were under pressure and 70%      get enough sleep,” Li said. “It shows that middle school students are not so happy      people think. They worry a lot, and they can get angry easily.”
Li also said that over 90% say their happiness has nothing to do with how much money they have. Instead, they      their relationships(关系)with friends, teachers and parents. “Students always feel better when they      well with each other,” Li said.
After her survey, Li listed      tips that may make students happier, such as: Treat(对待) yourself better, be kind and polite to your friends and relatives, and try new things.

A.helps B.wants C.makes D.keeps

A.to study B.studying C.study D.studied

A.15 years old B.15-years-old C.15-year-old D.15-year-olds

A.about B.than C.below D.inside

A.pressure B.difficulties C.knowledge D.interest

A.don’t B.hadn’t C.did D.didn’t

A.so B.and C.like D.as

A.be careful B.care about C.care for D.take care of

A.get along B.get up C.get off D.get down

A.any B.a number of C.much D.a lot

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Clothes are important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now let’s listen to some people’s     .
My name is Tina. I started working this year, so I’m able to get     clothes more often than before.     there are different people in my working place every day, I want them to think I am very beautiful. I like to wear bright colors and always     when I go to parties. I buy all kinds of clothes and I try to     the latest way of dressing.
I am David. I don’t have much to say about clothes. Shopping for clothes isn’t really the way of  life I’m     in. Since I’m still at college, I don’t really mind     I wear . I have two jackets and I often wear them. I know     about the way of dressing.
My name is Maria. I’d like to say that my clothes have to be     and make me feel easy as soon as I put them on. Sometimes I buy clothes in some small markets — they are less     there.

A.plans B.ideas C.habits D.ways

A.new B.nice C.old D.ugly

A.Though B.Because C.If D.Until

A.dress up B.carry out C.put on D.calm down

A.hate B.follow C.understand D.notice

A.strict B.tired C.worried D.interested[

A.what B.where C.how D.which

A.much B.few C.little D.many

A.terrible B.beautiful C.smooth D.comfortable

A.cheap B.expensive C.important D.necessary

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sometimes, the choices you have made prove to be wrong. Don’t worry – it’s not the end of the world! In traffic, what you do in this situation is just turn around and find a         way. That’s exactly what you should also do in real life. In your life you will find many dead ends but you will always find your way out of them.
Life is not always a walk in the park. There will be uphill as well as downhill, bumps(凸块) and smooth rides. If you are not careful, a bump can make you        . However, riding your life along just straight roads with no bumps can become        . So, a bump can be a nice experience as well.
Right or left? In your life there will be times when you have to make a        . You may want to focus on your studies, so you choose to stop a hobby that you’ve had for years.       ! Before putting away the guitar or stopping your dance lessons, you should think how you could divide your time between studying and hobbies. Basically, it’s just a question of how to manage your time.
Whatever you do in life, remember to take it easy. You don’t have to run everywhere. Sometimes running make life less enjoyable. It’s often better to think before taking action. So, think first and then act! There’s really no rush! You don’t have to experience everything before you’re 20!

A.better B.shorter C.faster D.wider

A.grow B.cry C.change D.fall

A.helpful B.boring C.lucky D.dangerous

A.living B.decision C.mistake D.wish

A.Drive careful B.Act immediately C.Think again D.Speak aloud

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Liu Xiuxiang was born in a poor family.When he was 4,his father died.His mother developed mental(精神的)health problems.When he was 10,his elder brother and sisters left and never returned.To make a living,Liu collected rubbish,and in high school he worked 18 hours a day during summer vacations.However difficult it was,he never gave up his study.

In 2007,Liu failed the Gaokao.He got lost.He wondered if he should continue studying.After working in a bathhouse for about 50 days,he decided to go back to school.In 2008,h finally passed the Gaokao and went to university.

After graduation,he became a history teacher in his hometown. "I want to come back to tell the children,who are as poor and lost as I was,that education has changed my life. "Liu set a good example for them to take control of lives through education.

Now Liu gives speeches around the country.His story inspires(鼓舞)many students and encourages people to help those from poor families.Since 2012,he has helped more than 1,900 students and called on more teachers to work in poor areas to improve the quality(质量)of education.

Liu was titled "the most beautiful teacher" in 2020.His story moves us a lot.

(1)How long did Liu Xiuxiang work during summer vacations in high school?       


4 hours a day.


10 hours a day.


12 hours a day.


18 hours a day.

(2)The underlined word " lost" in Paragraph 2 probably means "    .









(3)Liu Xiuxiang set a good example for the children to take control of lives through       .









(4)The passage is written in the order of       .









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

While I was jumping rope ,my smartphone took a fall to the floor which created cracks (裂缝)on my screen.However,the music kept playing.30 minutes later,I could see only one﹣tenth of my screen while the rest was black.The next morning,I decided not to use it for 24 hours.I felt a sense of calm that day,which led to my not using it for on week.0 ne week ended up becoming 60 days in total without my smartphone.

Here are some advantages I noticed in this challenge.

   ﹣You'll become "bored"

Without my phone,1 became bored,but my mind went through all kinds of topics,Boredom(无聊)is a perfect way to create new ideas on a business or project,When you are bored,you allow your mind to relax to reach all possibilities.

   ﹣You'll be able to reduce your "work" hours

A survey found that adults checked their smartphones 85 times a day,or once every 10 minutes.As 1 learned in my challenge,by not having my smartphone,I fell into deep work more easily,so I completed my tasks in a shorter time.

   ﹣You 'll improve your mental health

Without my phone,I avoided reading negative (负面的)news and comments.While that helped make a big improvement in my mental health,the biggest reason for it was truly communicating with people.It brought me more connections with humans in the real world.I went to more dinners with friends and asked more questions to strangers.

(1)What happened to the writer 's smartphone?    


It was lost.


It had no sound.


Its music stopped playing.


Its screen was mostly black.

(2)How long did the writer stop using the phone in the end?    


For 24 hours.


For one week.


For one month.


For sixty days.

(3)Boredom is a good way for the writer    .


to create new ideas


to start a business


to set up a project


to relax the body

(4)Without the smartphone,the writer could finish the work    .


more terribly


more quickly


more carelessly


more comfortably

(5)What can improve people's mental health according to the passage?    


Chatting on the phone.


Reading negative news.


Communicating in the real world.


Avoiding meeting friends and strangers.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


The Chang'e 5 robotic probe (探测器) has become China's first spaceship to bring the country' national flag to the Moon.

The scene of the Five Starred Red Flag against the dark sky on the grey lunar surface was taken by a camera on the Chang'e s robotic probe's lander and then sent to the ground control.In Chang'e 3 and 4 tasks,the national flag was painted on the spaceship.Therefore,the flag carried by Chang'e 5 is the first Chinese national flag that has been planted on the Moon.

The system to raise the flag was designed and produced by engineers at China Space Sanjing Group in Hubei Province.It has three parts.

Because of the strong radiation (辐射) and the terrible temperatures on the Moon,we couldn't use traditional fabrics (面料).If we place an ordinary flag on the Moon,its colors will quickly become lighter.Designers spent more than one year choosing and testing ideal materials.and finally picked a new kind of material that can resist the very difficult conditions on the Moon.

(1)The Chang'e s brought the flag outside the space.    

(2)The scene of the national flag was taken by a smartphone.    

(3)The flag raising system includes three pars.    

(4)If we place an ordinary flag on the Moon,its colors will quickly become dark.    

(5)The last paragraph shows how the designers chose and tested the flag's materials.    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Arctic has always been an area of great beauty and mystery,where a lot of movies and TV shows are made.Here are three of our favorite Arctic movies.


   Klaus is a family holiday film about the origins of Santa Claus,many people's favorite old man at Christmas.Santa is said to live in the North Pole,but in Klaus,he lives in Smeerenburg,a Norwegian settlement on the island of Svalbard.There,a young postman convinces the town's kids to send letters to the lonely woodsman named Klaus,and in return he will reward them with toys.


   Based on a true story,this animated movie takes place when a deadly disease hits the small town of Nome,Alaska,US,in 1925.A half﹣wolf dog named Balto must lead a sled﹣dog team across the snowy expanse to send life﹣saving medicine to the town's citizens hundreds of kilometers away.


   Is there a better place for a survival(生存)story than the Arctic?In the film Arctic,one man must survive in the icy landscape after his plane crashes.He must fish,find water,and build a makeshift camp to stay alive.The film,shot in the cold wilderness of Iceland,shows just how hard life can be in the Arctic.

(1)Which movie will you choose if you are interested in Christmas?    







(2)Which word best describes the half﹣wolf dog Balto?    







(3)Where was the movie Arctic (2019)shot?    


In Smeerenburg.


In Alaska.


In Iceland.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
