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My family had a great summer in France. We have seen so many new things and met so many wonderful people. The French are very friendly. They have helped us get used to living here and have made us feel welcome. There are so many things to share with all of you.

    The best parts of the summer was getting to see the Tour de France. It is the most famous bicycle race in the world. It's held every July. The riders travel more than two thousand miles over about a month!We got a quick look at the riders as they passed by! After the race,our family rented bikes,and we rode along part of the route that the riders used.

    A few of you asked whether the French really eat snails(蜗牛). The answer is yes. We went out to dinner a few weeks ago,and our parents ordered them. We each tried one and it didn't taste too bad. The snails are served with lots of melted butter. They feel a little rubbery when you eat them,but they don't actually have much taste. My favorite food here is the French pastries(酥饼). My sister loves the fresh bread from the bakery down the street.

    We went to visit the Eiffel Tower a few weeks ago. We went all the way to the top. It was a sunny day,so we could see for miles and miles into the distance. Dad doesn't like heights,so he stayed at the bottom of the tower and took pictures from the ground.

    Those are our favorite highlights of our time in France so far.

(1)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?  

A. Seeing the Tour de France.

B. Try snails.

C. Making French pastries.

D. Visiting the Eiffel Tower.

(2)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. The writer took part in a bicycle race.

B. All the family got to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

C. Tour de France is held in June in France every year.

D. The writer didn't think that the snails tasted too bad.

(3)What's the best title of the passage?  

A. Friendly Frenchmen

B. A Wonderful Experience

C. Delicious French Food

D. A Famous Bicycle Race

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Why is it that the people you meet when backpacking(背包旅行)seem to be more interesting and outgoing than your friends at home?That's my experience,anyway.Very often,you'll meet people that are fun to travel with and worth getting to know.I've spent time with people of many countries and have found out some interesting things about their cultures.It's a great way to learn more about the world.

    It's often easy to make new friends while you're traveling,and you'll be able to hang around with them for a few days,until one of you leaves for the next exciting place.Relationships of this kind are shorter but can be just as strong as friendships back home,because you do so much together in that short time.I often find I like to share things about myself that I'd never say to my close friends.It is safe,I think,because we probably won't meet again,except online.

    One thing that's important when you're backpacking is to make sure you carry only basic needs,so your backpack isn't too heavy.I travel" "light" these days.One good tip someone gave me is to take old clothes and just throw them away when you move on,instead of washing and waiting for things to dry.Many hostels(小旅社)don't provide shampoo and shower gel.You can get mini bottles in supermarkets.

    I've discovered that many backpackers visit little places other tourists don't go to,and by using local shops and guest houses,they help those places with much﹣needed financial(经济上的)support.Most small guest houses allow you to stay for unlimited time,so you can spend as long as you like exploring the local area.Backpackers are also kinder to the environment,because they use trains and buses rather than cars.So,what are you waiting for? (By Andy Robinson)

(1)According to Andy,friendships made with other backpackers   .

A.are less serious than those with his friends at home

B.end at the moment they separate from each other

C.help him to decide where he would like to travel to

D.allow him to talk about himself in an honest way

(2)Which text message would Andy send to a friend?"     


"Why don't you fly out to visit me?We'll stay in a famous hotel on the coast. "


"I'm leaving here tomorrow and then I will drive a car along the coast. "


"I've met some great people.Tomorrow we're going by boat to an ancient village in the mountains together. "


"I'm glad I filled up my backpack –I've got everything I need,though it isn't easy to carry it around!"

(3)The best title for the passage can be   .

A.Friendships on the Way

B.Traveling with a Backpack

C.A Backpacking Experience

D.Tips on Travel

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Right now you probably spend most of your time in school. Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue to go to school? Will you learn a trade? Perhaps it is time to think about your choices and to prepare for them. Some day work will be a big part of your life.

    What kind of job would be right for you? Think about your interests and your skills. You may like to listen to music, dance, play basketball, or work with computers. You may know how to drive a car or how to get along with people. Knowing both your interests and skills will help make a better plan for your career(职业).

    To get an idea of what work you would like to do, make a list of your interests and a list of your skills. Think about what you have done to be successful in your interests. After that, brainstorm a list of career choices that might match your interests and skills. You can later keep your lists with the projects and documents that can help you achieve the career you want. They can help you know more clearly about your achievements in school and in the world of work.

    Roberta Zhan, an art designer, finds her work satisfying because it allows her to use her interests and skills. She enjoyed imagining something in her mind's eye while she was in school. She took art, design, and computer lessons, and also learned about taking photos on her own.

    Here is what she says about the meaning of work: "If you have a job you like, work means much more than just making money. It means using your talents, making a contribution(贡献), and getting a real sense of satisfaction from doing a job."

(1)The passage is most probably written to  

A. students

B. teachers

C. parents

D. designers

(2)At the beginning, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by  

A. listing facts

B. giving examples

C. asking questions

D. explaining differences

(3)Roberta Zhan might be most interested in  when she was at school.

A. singing songs

B. creating pictures

C. playing basketball

D. playing computer games

(4)The passage is mainly about  

A. the real meaning of work

B. the importance of interests and skills

C. the journey of Roberta's life

D. the way of preparing for the future career

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Feet help us walk, rum, dance, and jump. The words feet and foot are also used in every day


To be under someone's feet means to be troublesome. In other words, you are standing too close to someone and ass getting in their way. Some adults criticize(批评) children for being under foot.

Speaking of children, if someone says their home will soon have the pitter﹣patter of tiny feet, it means the family is expecting a baby! Now, people who are active do not let grass grow under their feet. They are never in one place for very long. People who can think and take action at the same time are said to be able to think on their feet.

Some people appear to have it all. They have money, a good education, good looks, a great family and a large circle of friends. You could say they have the world at their feet. This means whatever they want seems to be there for them.

People who have both feet firmly on the ground are realistic and practical. They are not dreamy. You might say such a person is well grounded. If you are a bad dancer, you might be described as having two left feet. To dance well, it is better to have a right foot and a left foot.

Sam loves skiing. He think that it would be fun to own a ski resort(滑雪场) high in the mountains. But he knows nothing about running a business. So, he decides to get his feet wet. In other words, he wants/to get used to a new situation.

He joins an organization for resort owners and attends their meetings. He travels to ski areas all over the United Sates. This helps Sam get his foot in the door. Having a foot in the door is a starting point. This expression comes from people selling things door﹣to﹣door. They would block the door with her foot so people couldn't close the door on them.

43. What would you say to someone who is "under your feet" ?  

A. Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

B. Take off your feet!

C. Sorry for the trouble.

D. Excuse me, you are in the way.

44. Which of the following describes people who keep moving about?  

A. They are always under foot

B. They have pitter﹣patter of tiny feet.

C. They never let grass grow under their feet.

D. They can think on their fees

45. What should you try to avoid if you want to succeed in doing something?  

A. Having both feet firmly on the ground.

B. Having two left feet

C. Getting your feet wet.                  D Getting your foot in the door.

46. What do we know about Sam's new business?  

A. It's not started yet.

B. It's a big success.

C. It lies high in the mountains.

D. It opens only in winter

47. What may be the best title for the passage?  

A. Feet help us walk.

B. Use your feet properly.

C. How to be a good dancer.

D. Ready for a new business.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Oats are healthy food. Many families have them for breakfast. The following is the instructions of Golden Oats from America.

(1)To make three servings of oats, we need one cup of Golden Oats and    cups of water.

A. two

B. three

C. five

D. six

(2)Both Oatmeal Cookies and Oatmeal Apple Crisp need   

A. milk

B. eggs

C. salt

D. butter

(3)According to the instructions, we must   

A. cook the oats before adding water

B. cook the oats for at least 4 minutes

C. choose the microwave to cook the oats

D. add fruits to the oats when cooking them

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Animals are our friends. Sometimes they make trouble, but sometimes they can help us.And they hope to live a happy life, too. Here are two real stories from our readers.

    The first story is from Ray."My cat, Tiger, hates it when I use my iPad because it takes my attention away from him. One year, I had a fall at home and was on the floor for 16 hours, During this time, I was unable to move and couldn't get to the phone to call for help. Tiger stayed by my side until he disappeared under my bed. 'What's he up to?' I wondered. To my surprise, he started to push something towards me. It was my iPad,which I didn't realize had fallen off the bed and onto the floor.He probably didn't know what it was, but he knew that it made me happy. Thanks to Tiger, I was able to communicate with my friend, Becky, who then told my doctor."

    The second story is from Colin. "Years ago, my friend Julius saved a bird﹣a wild 'Mom' cockatoo(鹦鹉) from the side of the road and kept it as a pet in a big cage(笼子).It lost one of her wings, so she was unable to return to the wild. Soon, two wild cockatoos came visiting and one 'Dad' bird wanted to find his way into the cage. The 'Mom' cockatoo in the cage was soon expecting. But as she couldn't fly,'Dad' cockatoo built a home in the tree, keeping off everyone who got close to 'Mom' cockatoo. 'Baby' cockatoo would spend his days flying off with his dad, leaving his mom behind.She would sit and wait until they returned home each afternoon.The family stayed together happily."

    After reading the stories, don't you think we should get along well with animals? No matter they are our pets or live in the wild, they have their feelings. We should respect every life in the world.

(1)  is the owner of the cat.

A. Becky

B. Julius

C. Colin

D. Ray

(2)The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refers to the  


B. cat



(3)"Mom" cockatoo didn't return to the wild because  

A.Julius caught it as a pet

B. She was badly hurt and couldn't fly

C. she preferred the life in the cage

D."Dad" cockatoo built a home in the tree

(4)The main idea of the passage is that  

A. Ray, Becky and Colin are animal lovers

B. we shouldn't use iPad too much

C. friends should help each other

D. we should respect every life in the world

(5)In which part of a newspaper would you probably read the passage?  

A. Sports news.

B. People and animals.

C. Health.

D. Travel.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most people use their mouths to talk, but do you know some people use their hands to speak? Some people who cannot bear use their hands to communicate messages to others. This is called sign language. These people make shapes with their fingers, movements with their hands, as well as different faces in order to talk to other people.

    One way people speak with their hands is by making shapes for letters with their fingers. For example, if you make an "OK" sign with your thumb and finger, that is the shape for the letter "f" in American sign language. Each letter has a hand shape. This way people can spell words using their hands. For example, if you want to spell "fun", you need to make three shapes. First you make the shape for the letter "f", then the shape for the letter "u", and then the shape for the letter "n".

    ______.If you move your hand from your nose to your chin(下巴), you can say "mother" in American sign language. Of course, you have to use the correct hand shape, too. That shape is like holding

your hand open with all five fingers showing. If you move your hand from the top of your head to your chin, you can say "father". Again, you have to use the same hand shape that you used for "mother".

    Finally, people can change their faces to communicate in a sign language. For example, if you want to ask a question, you need to make your eyebrows(眉毛)go up. You also need to move your head forward a little. If you want to say "I do not know", you need to make your eyes smaller and make your eyebrows go down.

(1)If you want to spell the word "nice", you need to make   hand shapes.





(2)Which of the following can be put in the blank in Paragraph 3?   

A. People also need to learn sign language

B. People also make hand shapes to communicate

C. People also move their hands to talk in a sign language

D. People also make different faces to express their meanings

(3)You need to use your   to say "I do not know" in American sign language.

A. eyes and eyebrows

B. eyes and head

C. hand and head

D. fingers and eyes

(4)The purpose of the passage is to   

A. help people know more about America

B. introduce American sign language to readers

C. teach readers how to make hand shapes

D. encourage people to use more sign language

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays,we are having a much busier life,and we are using our eyes more than ever before.So we often have tired eyes after a day's work or study.Here are some good methods of protecting eyes against tiredness to keep them healthy.


Get into the habit of paying attention to the way you sit.Try to stick to the proper posture that doctors suggest.


There are some special pictures online that can help relax your eyes.You may download such pictures to your computer or smartphone.When there is nothing far away you can look at to relax your eyes,you can use one of these pictures.A picture with something like a tunnel(隧道)in it is quite popular.Try to look as far into the tunnel as you can for 30seconds(秒).Do you feel better?


The 20﹣20﹣20rule:take a break from the screen every 20minutes for 20seconds and look at something 20feet (about 6meters) away.


Step 1.Sitting comfortably,imagine there is a clock in front of you and turn your eyes up to 12o'clock.Pause(停顿)for a second,and then lower your eyes to 6o'clock.Pause again,and then repeat this step 10times.Complete the exercise by cupping your hands over your eyes for a few seconds,letting them rest in the darkness.

Step 2.Look at something on the right,Keep your eyes on it and slowly turn your head to the lest as far as possible.Then do the same thing on the left.Repeat the exercise a couple of times.

Step 3.Hold your finger in front of your nose and keep looking at it.Slowly move the finger towards yourself as close as you can without losingfocus(焦点).Then look outside the window as far as possible.Repeat this several times.


Table tennis is about a small ball traveling at high speed﹣the best sport to train your eyes and relax the muscles(肌肉) in and around the eyes.Other sports like like tennis,badminton and kiteflying are also great for relaxing tired eyes.

76.Which of the following methods of protecting eyes is NOT mentioned in the passage?  

A.Having the proper posture.

B.Looking at something green.

C.Following the 20﹣20﹣20rule.

D.Playing some kinds of sports.

77.According to the passage,which of the following pictures can help relax your eyes?  

78.What does the underlined word'them"refer to(指代)?  

A.Your eyes.

B.Your hands..

C.The doctors.

D.The exercises.

79.As for eye exercises,which of the following is TRUE?  

A.In Step l,you must have a large clock in front of you.

B.In Step 2,you should turn left when you look to the right.

C.In Step3,you should move you finger as far as you can.

D.After finishing each step,you should repeat it a few times.

80.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?  

A.We must take a break every 20minutes.

B.How to do eye exercises properly.

C.Ways to protect eyes against tiredness.

D.People have tired eyes very easily.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most viruses can be found and killed by our immune system as soon as they enter our bodies.However,some viruses,for example,the coronavirus,are sneaky.They are difficult to recognize and find.These viruses can cause deadly diseases,like COVID﹣19.Human﹣to﹣human transmission can easily occur,and pandemic will therefore break out.Vaccination is by now a simple,safe and effective way to protect us from the diseases.

Vaccines are something that "looks" exactly the same as the viruses,mainly made from the viruses that are weakened or killed.They will not make us really ill.They only stimulate and activate our immune system to work,telling it something harmful is coming in.The immune system will know what the "viruses" look like,and send B cells(lymphocytes)or antibodies to find and kill them.Meanwhile,B cells will remember them for the next kill.A vaccine may also give us passive immunity by providing B cells taken from an animal or a human to play the same role.

Scientists have developed more than 180 vaccines to fight against COVID49.The technical approaches of these vaccines can be a little different,but their aims are the same.

Take the inactivated vaccine as an example.In an inactivated vaccine,the coronaviruses are already killed or made into the ones unable to produce more new viruses.When the immune system "sees" them,it will try to kill them.The question is:without enough these viruses• how can B cells remember them?That's why we need to take the vaccine more than one time.Though this vaccine is safe,it might not be as effective as it is expected to be.

The live﹣attenuated vaccine is different.In this vaccine,the viruses are weakened,but they are alive.They can produce enough new viruses to train the immune system to kill and remember them,so people only need to take the vaccine once.The live﹣attenuated vaccine is considered the most effective,but there is a worry:what might happen once these viruses wake up?

Therefore,although vaccination is by now one of the best ways to protect us from COVID﹣19,it can be better.

(1)The coronavirus can    .


not be killed


not be found


cause deaths


stop pandemic

(2)Which of the following can be the best topic sentence of Paragraph 2?    


Vaccination can provide us with B cells.


Vaccines are made from different viruses.


Vaccination can prepare us against viruses.


Vaccines won't make us ill as the viruses do.

(3)Compared to the inactivated vaccine,the live﹣attenuated vaccine    .


needs taking more than once


is equally safe


contains viruses that are killed


is more effective

(4)What can we learn from the passage?    


Vaccination is good enough to treat COVID﹣19.


The immune system can be more effective with vaccines.


The viruses in inactivated vaccines can make new viruses.


180 vaccines have been developed to fight against diseases.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everybody enjoys acts of kindness.But can you explain why?Some people think kindness is something out of love and care,while others believe it is just a tool that we use to become more popular.But research shows that being kind can activate (激活)an area of the brain called Striatum.Research also shows that kindness improves people's mood (情绪).But why and how does it happen?Here are a number of different ways.

Being kind can make someone smile.If you see yourself smile in a situation,people around may be smiling,too.This is specially true for your close friends and family .A kind act makes someone who is sad feel better. Itcan also make ourselves fee good.So why not set off that chain(链条)of good feelings to people around?

Secondly,being kind starts or develops a social connection with others.Kind acts like buying someone a present make friendships stronger.Research has shown that spending money on others may help you get a stronger feeling of happiness than spending it on yourself.Similarly,charities(慈善)also open up new circles of people to connect with someone on the other side of the world.

In another recent research,even children in their first year of secondary school know how being kind makes them feel happy.If one person is kind,he or she makes others in the group kind.It also lifts everyone's spirits.Imagine that you make cakes for the office and it makes others do it each month.Then you're getting cakes a lot more days than providing them.

The story doesn't end here.Being kind may improve your mood,but research has also shown that if you're in a good mood,you can act much more kindly.This makes it a wonderful two﹣way relationship,doesn't it?

(1)The writer lends in the topic by    .


telling a story


asking questions


giving examples


making a survey

(2)The underlined word"It" in Paragraph 2 refers to"    ".


the situation


the family


the kind act


that chain

(3)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?       





(4)If you were an editor(编辑),you'd put the above passage in "    "of a newspaper.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dogs may be man's best friends,but for Sisu,a stray dog,the unicorn(独角兽)is his best friend.

   Recently,Sisu broke into a store in North Carolina five times,trying to steal the same purple unicorn toy.But every time he got it,a salesman would find him,take the toy away and put it back on the shelf.When it turned out that Sisu wouldn't give up,the salesman had to lock the door and not let Sisu in,and then called Duplin County Animal Services for help.

   Samantha Lane,the officer who answered the call,was so moved by Sisu's love for the unicorn that she bought the $10 toy for the dog.

   "The only thing we can think of is that he came from a family that had a similar toy or had children who had one, " said Joe Newbum,a director of Duplin County Animal Services.

   "It's a nice dog," Newbum added. "He likes to play and he is very smart.He sits,stays and shakes hands.He is very polite."

   And whoever is lucky enough to adopt(收养)Sisu will get two best friends for the price of one.According to the Facebook post from Duplin County Animal Services,Sisu and his stuffed animal have already had an adopter.

(1)Why did Sisu break into the store in North Carolina?    


To meet his adopter.


To look for some food.


To get the unicorn freely.

(2)What can we learn from Joe Newbum's words?    


The family had only one child.


The family owned many unicorns.


Joe Newbum thought highly of Sisu.

(3)What is the right order according to the story?    

a.Sisu was adopted at last.

b.Sisu broke into the store.

c.The salesman called for help.

d.The officer bought Sisu the unicorn.







(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?    


Brave for Love


Kind to Animals


Proper Feeding of Dogs

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Over 30 percent of all food goes to waste,according to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (联合国粮农组织).Supermarkets throw away food that is not sold before its sell﹣by date,while families throw away food that they can't finish eating.

The world's first food bank was founded in the US in 1967.Some people and stores donated (捐赠) extra food to the bank.People could take the food home there if they didn't have money to buy any for themselves.In Shanghai,there is a "shared fridge" in some communities.It is free for everyone to take food from it.

A UK company called The Real Junk Food Project says that food that has passed its sell﹣by date is still safe to eat.They collect this food from supermarkets and sell it in cafes.You only have to pay as much as you feel is necessary.If you don't want to spend money,you can volunteer at the cafes instead.

What else can we do to stop food waste?The answer is simply buying less food.

Share more,throw less

Food(1)        .

Over 30 percent of all food goes to waste.

Supermarkets throw away food that has

(2)    its sell﹣by date.

Families throw away food that they can't finish eating.

Food bank

It was created in the US in 1967.

People who couldn't(3)    any food for themselves could get food for free.

Shanghai communities have shared fridges.

Pay as you(4)    

The Real Junk Food Project collects that food that is not sold before its sell﹣by date.

People can get food by volunteering at the cafes (5)    paying as they wish.

Bay less

That's the least people can do.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sunday Plan





Play football

Have a picnic

See a film


Play the piano

Listen to music

See a film


Read a book

Play football

See a film


Ride a bike

Go shopping

See a film

Weather table for Sunday




















56.Lingling will   on Sunday morning.


ride a bike


read a book


play the piano


play football

57.You will most probably find all of the four in   this weekend.


a park


a cinema


a shop


a football club

58.If you like skating very much,you can have fun in   









59.Daming will most probably wear   in Guangzhou.


a sweater


a raincoat


a T﹣shirt


a scarf

60.According to the weather,   will most probably have to change the Sunday plan.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Helping others is a great thing to do. You can learn new things and have fun. You can help people, animals or the environment. It can make you feel good too! How can you help?

    Charities are organizations that help others, for example, UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund, You can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own. You can also help people or places you know.


    Volunteering is when you give your time to help others. Some ways of volunteering are:

• visiting old people to talk to them or help them

• walking dogs at an animal shelter

• cleaning up a park


    Fund﹣raising is when you collect money to help others. Some ways of fund﹣raising are:

• making cakes or biscuits to sell

• doing a sponsored(赞助)activity. For example, family and friends give you money if you finish a long walk.


    Donating is when you give your things to help others. Some ways of donating are:

• giving your old toys or clothes to a charity that helps sick children or poor people

• giving your old books to a library

    So, what can you do to help others?

(1)Which organization is mentioned in the passage?  


B. Oxfam.



(2)Which of the following is a good way to raise money for a charity?  

A. Visiting a sick child.

B. Doing a sponsored walk.

C. Cleaning up a library.

D. Talking with old people.

(3)What does an animal shelter probably refer to?  

A. A house to protect animals from rain.

B. A building to keep animals on display.

C. A home for large and dangerous animal.

D. A place for poor and homeless animals.

(4)What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?  

A. To show ways of helping others.

B. To share personal experiences.

C. To explain reasons for donations.

D. To introduce some organizations.

(5)Where does the passage probably come from?  

A. A magazine.

B. A story book.

C. A travelling guide.

D. A science fiction.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's a school holiday today. It's warm and the sun is shining.It's the perfect day for an outing. Zack,Vera, Kelly and Tim are discussing what they are going to do. Let's listen and see what happens…

    Zack: Hey you guys, it would be a shame to stay inside on a day like this. How about taking the bus to Stanley and going to the beach?

    Tim: [excitedly] That sounds great.

    Kelly:I'm in! But can we go to the mall first so I can get some suntan oil?

    Zack: [hesitantly(犹豫地)] Well, Kelly, I suppose we've got time…

    Vera: And we can stop off in Tsim Sha Tsui and get something to eat first.I'm sorry,but I don't think I'll be able to get anything good once we get there.

    Zack: I don't know, Vera ﹣it's already eleven o'clock..

    Tim: Actually, why don't we have a look at Stanley, Market before we go to the beach? The bus stops right in front of the market. I want to look for some casual shirts and trousers.

    Kelly: Oh, yes, Tim, let's do that.Maybe they have some trendy swim suits,and some jewellery…

   Zack: [to himself] This is really awful! [to the others] Look, I don't want to go to a restaurant or go shopping﹣I just want to go to the beach on a nice day. You all said you'd go with me, but if you don't want to, you don't have to. See you later.

[sound of a door opening and closing ]

    Vera: Somebody's not glad!

    Tim: Well, it was his idea to go out, after all.

    Kelly: Oh, dear, poor Zack. I'm going to call him.

[on the telephone] Hi, Zack? Look, just wait at the bus stop for me. I'm coming now. I won't go to the mall.

    Tim: Tell him I'm coming too. We don't need to stop at the market.

    Vera:[sighs(吸气)] Oh, all right. I can risk having lunch at the beach, I guess.

    Kelly:[on the telephone] Zack? We're all coming now. We should all enjoy this great day together.

[to the rest] OK, let's go. We shouldn't keep Zack waiting.

    Tim:[hurriedly] OK, come on, everybody…[fade]

(1)What does "I'm in!" in line 7 mean?  

A. I'll come too.

B. I'm on the bus.

C. I'm at home now.

D. I've made a decision.

(2)In lines 9 and 10, Vera thinks that  

A. it's more fun to have lunch in Tsim Sha Tsui

B. the food at Stanley Beach isn't very good

C. the others will be angry because of her suggestion

D. she will be hungry by the time they get to the beach

(3)In line 22, who does "somebody" refer to?  

A. Kelly.

B. Tim.

C. Vera.

D. Zack.

(4)Which of the following might be the best title for the play? 

A. How to Make Decisions

B. Let's Plan a Trip!

C. Stop for a While

D. Keep It Simple!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
