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  首页 / 试题库 / 初中英语试题 / 日常生活类阅读 / 阅读理解

(1)One of my friends sometimes takes aside another friend to talk to her about something she doesn't want me to hear. It makes me feel sad. What should I do?  

(2)Some of my friends are in a fight. like them all equally(同样地), but they say I have to choose sides. Help!  

(3)I look up to my sisters. They're both intelligent(聪明的) feel that I'll never be as good as them.  

(4)I am the shortest person in my class, and my classmates call me "Tiny Mouse. " How can I make them stop?  

(5)I always use the computer and can't stop I feel that I'm not getting any smarter and the computer is warping(扭曲) my brain.  

A. It's wonderful that you admire them. but try not to compare yourself to them. Instead of trying to be like them, just try to be the best you possible. You will find that you will be much happier when you try to be true to yourself, rather than when you try to be like someone else.

B. The only way to break a habit is to force yourself to do something different. A world of exciting and interesting activities is just waiting for you. Write a list of things you've always wanted to do, learn, make, or try. When you feel like playing it, do something else.

C. Discuss this with her. Try not to suppose that she talks about you unless you actually hear what she says. But let her know that you are unhappy when she tells secrets around you. If you feel uncomfortable talking to her in person, you could write her a note instead.

D. We often hear from kids who are laughed at about their height. They probably don't mean to hurt your feelings. There are advantages and disadvantages to being any size. You might play along and come up with a funny reply. However, if you feel hurt, try talking to a parent or teacher.

E. Explain to your friends that you like all of them. You can play with each person or group separately. If they don't like this, then you may want to focus on other friendships until these friends work things out. Another idea is to offer to help your friends solve their problems.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Friday,June 6th,happens to be National Donut (甜甜圈)Day.Since the only way to celebrate this important holiday is by eating the sweet rings,you really have no choice but to eat up a few or even more than ten!

    And while it may sound like a special celebration dreamt up by donut factories to increase sales,the idea of the holiday can be followed a11 the way back to World War One.In 1917.when women volunteers were sent to look after injured US soldiers,they noticed how homesick the men were.To try to cheer them up,the women decided to make donuts for the soldiers.Not surprisingly,the treats worked well!

    In 1938,when the"Great Depression"(大萧条)happened to the country,volunteers from Chicago spent a day selling fresh donuts.However this time around it was not just to cheer up American people,but also to raise money for the charity(慈善)The event was such a success that it is now celebrated every year by the whole country,on the first Friday of June.What's even better is that this year.Dunkin Donuts is giving away free donuts with drink,making it the first World Donut Day!Many stores take part in this fun tradition,so be sure to check if you are ready to give out free treats!

    If you're among the few persons that don't like the taste of donuts,you can celebrate by selling donuts to your friends and family and giving money to charily like volunteers.It is after all thanks to them,that we have this fun tradition.

44.People celebrate National Donut Day by  

A.eating more donuts

B.relaxing a whole day

C.giving each other rings

D.making donuts themselves

45.Who created the holiday?  

A.Donut factories.

B.Donut stores.

B.Homesick soldiers.

D.Women volunteers.

46.If you don't like donuts,on the Day you could  

A.give away free donuts

B.sell donuts for charity

C.raise money to help friends

D.volunteer to check the preparation

47.Which part of a magazine can this text come from?  

A.Popular Science

B.Culture Abroad

C.Sports World

D.Future Life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most children are taught the virtue (美德) of honesty from stories.The well﹣known story of Pinocchio teaches the importance of telling the truth.Every time Pinocchio lies,his nose grows longer and longer.Another story is about the boy who"cried wolf." In the end,he loses all his sheep and the trust of his fellow villagers because he tells lies many times.These types of stories show children that "honesty is the best policy." Still,if thisis the case,then why do so many people lie?The fact is that people lie for many reasons.

One reason people lie is to minimize (减少) a mistake.While it is true that everyone does something wrong from time to time,some people do not have the courage to admit their errors (错误) because they are afraid they will be blamed.For example,students might lie to their teachers about unfinished homework.They might say that they left the work at home when,in fact,they did not do the work at all.These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible,so they make up an excuse﹣ a lie﹣ to save face.

Another reason for lying has to do with self﹣protection.Parents,particularly those with young children,may teach their children to use this type of"protective" lie in certain circumstances (状况).What should children do if a stranger calls while the parents are out?Many parents teach their children to explain that their mother and father are too busy to come to the phone at that time.In this situation,protective lying can mean greater safety.

People lie for many reasons,both good and bad.Lying to keep the peace or to stay safe can have positive results.However,lying to stay out of trouble can lead to more trouble in the end.Understanding the motives behind the impulse (冲动) to lie might minimize this habit of lying.

(1)What does the underlined word"this" refer to in the passage?    


Honesty is the best policy.


The well﹣known story of Pinocchio.


The story of the boy who"cried wolf".

(2)Why do some children lie to their teachers?    


Because they like making up an excuse.


Because they have left the homework at home.


Because they are afraid to be blamed at school.

(3)How does the writer explain why people tell lies?    


By asking questions.


By giving examples.


By showing the results.

(4)What is the correct structure of the passage? (P﹣paragraph 1)    




(5)What's the best title for the passage?    


The Truth behind Lying.


The Types of Lies.


The Habit of Lying.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some days,don't you think,"Wouldn't it be nice if the laundry would just do itself?"Self﹣cleaning clothes may sound crazy.But Australian researchers have found a way to make something like this possible!

A team at RMIT University in Melbourne,Australia,found a way to put special nanostructures (纳米结构) into clothing,which can then clean the clothes.When sunlight hits the nanostructures,they break down the dirt and stains (污渍) that don't belong on your clothes.

The nanostructures don't break down the actual clothing because cotton and the other clothing materials are too strong to be broken down.According to CNN,the researchers cover the clothing in a solution made of silver and copper (铜) nanostructures.All it takes is 40minutes of sunlight and your clothes will look as good as new.

So if you spill on yourself during lunch,you can step outside for a walk,and it will be clean by the time you go inside.It not only makes your life easier,but it can also be good for the environment.

According to the US Department of Energy,the average load of laundry uses about 25gallons (about 94liters) of water.Water is a very important resource,so using less of it to wash clothes is better for the environment.But one of the scientists at RMIT University knows more needs to be done.

"There's more work to do before we can start throwing out our washing machines,"said Dr Rajesh Ramanathan,"but this is a strong foundation (基础)."

So what's the next step?Ramanathan wants to either start selling the solution by itself or convincing (说服) clothing makers to treat the clothing with the solution while clothes are being made.

57.How do the clothing with the nanostructures get cleaned?  

A.Cotton clothes wash easily                     

B.This kind of clothing washes it by itself.

C.The dirt and stains are broken down in the sunlight.

D.Silver and copper help to get off the dirt in the dark.

58.What do Paragraphs 4﹣5talk about?  

A.What advantages the self﹣cleaning clothes have.

B.How the self﹣cleaning clothes work.

C.How the self﹣cleaning clothes are made.

D.What helps the self﹣cleaning clothes work.

59.What does the underlined word"solution"in the last paragraph mean?  





60.What can we learn from the passage?  

A.Silver and copper sell well.

B.The solution is not put into practice.

C.Clothing makes certainly like the solution.

D.We don't need washing machines any more.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Obey the rules of British roads

      British roads, some of the safest in the world. A study in 2018 compared more than 30 countries and found that 3.8 people per 100,000 died in traffic accidents in the UK. This number was lower than any other country. So, what did British drivers do to achieve this? What are they doing differently? Here are five top tips for drivers who are planning a trip to the UK.

     People in Britain drive on the left side of the road. In fact, a long time ago people drove on the left in most countries, but now only a few countries have this. Don't forget that this also means you must drive the other way around roundabouts ( 环岛).

     British people feel that waiting should be fair for everybody. If you are in a queue of traffic,then don't try to push past the cars in front of yours. This is called "jumping the queue". You must wait for your turn; otherwise people may get angry with you.

     You must stop at the traffic lights when they are red. In many countries. it is OK to go past the red lights if you are turning a corner or if there isn't any other traffic around. In the UK you could have a lot of trouble if you do this.

     If another driver flashes (闪烁) his cars lights at you, he is probably trying to tell you that he will wait for you to go first. British people don't like to use their car horn ( 喇叭) much and they think people who do so are rude.

     If you get in an accident,don't try to pay the police.The police in the UK never take money,and if you try to offer them some, you could end your holiday visiting British prison.


(1)How many tips are mentioned in the passage?  

(2)Which side do British people drive on?  

(3)If you jump the queue, how will other drivers feel?  

(4)What does the driver probably mean if he flashes his car's lights at you?  

(5)If you give the police money, what will happen to you?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you use Facebook,MySpace or Twitter?If so,then you are part of a social network.Social networking sites allow us to see our social connections.

    When you create a profile (a description of somebody that gives useful information) on a social networking site,you open up a number of possible social connections.You can look up old friends,make new friends,and share music,photos and videos with them.You can also join groups according to your interests or hobbies,favorite TV shows or music.

    Setting up a social networking account (帐号) is simple.You just create and post a personal profile.For this you need a login name,password,and an e﹣mail account.Then you add some personal information such as name,age,sex,location,interests,etc.You can also add a photo of yourself.You can control who sees your profile.The next step is to look for new ones,and add them to your network.Then you can search your friends' connections for anyone else you'd like to add to your network.

    Different social networking sites allow people to communicate in different ways.There are sites that allow you to enlarge your personal community such as Facebook.Then there are ones that include media (媒体) sharing,such as YouTube,where members upload and look at other people's pictures and videos.There are also ones that specialize in sharing music,such as Last FM,and finally,ones that allow bloggers to form online communities,such as Live Journal.

    The latest trend (趋势) in social networking is to create your own independent social network.Companies do this to make their products sell well and people do it to create their own communities.

(1)What's the writer's purpose in writing Paragraph1?  

A.To raise a question.

B.To lead in the topic.

C.To introduce some sites.

D.To advertise a social network.

(2)Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2?  

A.Make new friends.

B.Share videos with others.

C.Open a net shop.

D.Join groups you like.

(3)What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?  

A.It's easy to build a social networking account.

B.It's easy to search your friends' connections.

C.It's possible to add a photo of yourself.

D.It's simple to control a social network.

(4)Last FM is a networking site where  

A.you can upload videos

B.bloggers can form online communities

C.you have the largest personal community

D.sharing music is specialized

(5)What's the best title of the passage?  

A.Social Networks          

B.Personal Profiles

C.Networking Trends      

D.Networking Accounts.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When most people decide to buy food, they go to a grocery store. Grocery stores sell many different kinds of food in just one store. Some grocery stores also sell household goods such as kitchen paper, cleaning things, and diapers (尿布). A grocery store is a convenient place to shop for the kitchen and others.

Although it is comfortable and relaxing to shop at a grocery store, some people decide to buy their food from other places like farmers' markets. At a farmers' market, local farmers sell the foods they grow to customers. The foods they sell often include fruits, vegetables, and meats. Most of these foods are freshly harvested(收获)with no man-made additions.

There are several ways in which farmers' markets are less convenient than grocery stores. For example, packed foods usually are not sold at farmers' markets. Besides, many farmers do not accept credit(信用)cards or checks (支票)as payment for their goods. What is more, most farmers' markets are only open for business once or twice each week. This makes some people not want to shop at farmers' markets, but others are willing because of the fresh and local food there.

Deciding whether to shop for food at grocery stores or at farmers' markets is a personal choice. This choice reflects a person's values about life and about food. Those who value convenience and(多样)will probably choose to shop at a grocery store. People who value freshness and enjoy supporting local farmers will probably prefer the farmers' markets. Luckily, most communities provide choices for both kinds of shoppers.

(1)According to the passage,which of the following may not be sold at a farmers' market?    








Kitchen paper.

(2)We can NOT infer(推断)        from Paragraph 3.


grocery stores sell packed foods


people can use credit cards as payment at grocery stores


grocery stores sell fresh and local food with no man﹣made additions


grocery stores are open for business more often than farmers' market

(3)In Paragraph 3,why does the writer mention that farmers' markets "are only open for business once or twice each week? "    


To complain(抱怨)about the business time of farmers' markets.


To help readers look for a better farmers' market.


To explain why farmers' markets are less convenient than grocery stores.


To make readers believe that farmers' markets are too uncomfortable to visit.

(4)What's the main idea of the last paragraph?    


If people want to have more choices,they'll probably prefer grocery stores.


Where a person decides to shop depends on his or her personal values.


If people want to support local farmers,they will probably prefer farmers' markets.


In most communities,people can choose to shop either at grocery stores or at farmers' markets.

(5)The writer writes the article mainly to    .


compare two places where people buy food


explain why the smartest people shop at grocery stores


make readers believe that farmers' markets are better than grocery stores


show that people should be judged (评价)according to the places where they buy food

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I'm Jenny.Nothing is cuter than my dog,Marley.He sleeps near my bed at night and gives me kisses every morning.He gets sad when I leave for school.But he's always there waiting when I get home,ready to go for a walk or play a game.

On a Christmas Eve(前夕),Marley walked with my family to a store.My mum tied him up outside.When we came out of the store,Marley had gone.My mum called the police to report that he had been stolen.We couldn't find him anywhere.I was very sad.It was the worst Christmas Eve ever.

That night,I didn't sleep well.My cat seemed to know I was sad and hugged (拥抱)me to make me feel better.On Christmas morning,I woke up and called for Marley.Then I remembered that he had gone.

Even though it was Christmas,I didn't want presents.I didn't want anything,except my friend.

Then my mum got a phone call.Someone found him!A woman saw a man on the street trying to sell a scared(恐惧的)dog.She felt bad for the dog and used her own money (more than﹩200)to buy him.She took him to a vet(兽医).The vet scanned(扫描)the dog for a microchip(芯片).The vet found our phone number in the microchip and called my mum.

I was so excited when I saw Marley.I want to say thanks to that woman.She's my hero,Getting Marley back was the best Christmas present ever.

26.Marley  every morning.

A.hugs Jenney

B.plays a game

C.goes for a walk

D.gives Jenny kisses

27.It was the worst Christmas Eve for Jenny because  

A.Marley had gone

B.Mraley was tied up by her mum

C.she didn't sleep well that night

D.her mum bought no present for her

28.On Christmas morning,Jenny  

A.became happy

B.called for Mraley

C.called for the cat

D.wanted many presents

29.Jenny's mum got the phone call from  

A.the police

B.the woman

C.the vet

D.the man

30.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?  

A.The woman is a very nice lady.

B.Jenny's mum gave the woman﹩400.

C.The vet put the microchip in Marley years ago.

D.The man was very sacred when selling Marley.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Q: At recess(课间休息), I don't know what to do because all my friends are playing games I don' like or don't want to play. So I end up standing by myself at recess doing nothing. What should I do?

                                                                                                           Alex rider,13, Bloomfield,N.J.

A: In fact, recess was my least favorite part

of the school day for Grades 1 to 5. I was

never really into playing kickball. So, like

you, I spent many days at recess standing alone. Take advantage of the extra time you have.I learned that reading a book is the best way to pass time, especially if it is sunny. Books are good for a lonely recess,because they take you out of your world and into another. If reading isn't your thing, then try making new friends. Some other things I would do at recess were chess and paper cutting. Those might be worth trying. Maybe the teacher who is watching over all the kids needs someone to talk to as well. Whatever you want to do, don't let your time go to waste.Johnny Hayes, 15

A: Do you believe in time travel, Alex?Because you just dragged me 40 years into the past. When I was 13, half my friends threw themselves into kickball at recess﹣ which was too vigorous(剧烈的) for me right after lunch. So, like you, I stood around a lot. Then, one day, my teacher, Susie, asked me."What do you want to do? I had no answer for her. But suddenly, it came to me: marbles! I asked a few friends, and they were happy to join me. Now, I'm not suggesting you play marbles, only that you consider what you feel like doing and can make you happy. And one last idea: There's no harm in trying games your friends are playing that you think you won't like. You might just surprise yourself. Philip Galanes, adult

(1)Who is asking for advice?  

A.Alex Rider.

B.Johnny Hayes.


D.Philip Galanes.

(2)One of Philips suggestions is to  

A.read a book

B.talk to a teacher

C.do what you feel like doing

D.stand without doing anything

(3)Why do Johnny and Philip mention the kickball game at their schools?  

A.To show they shared similar experiences.

B.To show they were good at the kickball game.

C.To encourage Alex to make use of the new game.

D.To encourage Alex to surprise himself with a new game.

(4)Which part of a newspaper may this passage be taken from?  

A.Science Study.

B.Art Style.

C.Sports World.

D.Teenage Problem.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most viruses can be found and killed by our immune system as soon as they enter our bodies.However,some viruses,for example,the coronavirus,are sneaky.They are difficult to recognize and find.These viruses can cause deadly diseases,like COVID﹣19.Human﹣to﹣human transmission can easily occur,and pandemic will therefore break out.Vaccination is by now a simple,safe and effective way to protect us from the diseases.

Vaccines are something that "looks" exactly the same as the viruses,mainly made from the viruses that are weakened or killed.They will not make us really ill.They only stimulate and activate our immune system to work,telling it something harmful is coming in.The immune system will know what the "viruses" look like,and send B cells(lymphocytes)or antibodies to find and kill them.Meanwhile,B cells will remember them for the next kill.A vaccine may also give us passive immunity by providing B cells taken from an animal or a human to play the same role.

Scientists have developed more than 180 vaccines to fight against COVID49.The technical approaches of these vaccines can be a little different,but their aims are the same.

Take the inactivated vaccine as an example.In an inactivated vaccine,the coronaviruses are already killed or made into the ones unable to produce more new viruses.When the immune system "sees" them,it will try to kill them.The question is:without enough these viruses• how can B cells remember them?That's why we need to take the vaccine more than one time.Though this vaccine is safe,it might not be as effective as it is expected to be.

The live﹣attenuated vaccine is different.In this vaccine,the viruses are weakened,but they are alive.They can produce enough new viruses to train the immune system to kill and remember them,so people only need to take the vaccine once.The live﹣attenuated vaccine is considered the most effective,but there is a worry:what might happen once these viruses wake up?

Therefore,although vaccination is by now one of the best ways to protect us from COVID﹣19,it can be better.

(1)The coronavirus can    .


not be killed


not be found


cause deaths


stop pandemic

(2)Which of the following can be the best topic sentence of Paragraph 2?    


Vaccination can provide us with B cells.


Vaccines are made from different viruses.


Vaccination can prepare us against viruses.


Vaccines won't make us ill as the viruses do.

(3)Compared to the inactivated vaccine,the live﹣attenuated vaccine    .


needs taking more than once


is equally safe


contains viruses that are killed


is more effective

(4)What can we learn from the passage?    


Vaccination is good enough to treat COVID﹣19.


The immune system can be more effective with vaccines.


The viruses in inactivated vaccines can make new viruses.


180 vaccines have been developed to fight against diseases.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everybody enjoys acts of kindness.But can you explain why?Some people think kindness is something out of love and care,while others believe it is just a tool that we use to become more popular.But research shows that being kind can activate (激活)an area of the brain called Striatum.Research also shows that kindness improves people's mood (情绪).But why and how does it happen?Here are a number of different ways.

Being kind can make someone smile.If you see yourself smile in a situation,people around may be smiling,too.This is specially true for your close friends and family .A kind act makes someone who is sad feel better. Itcan also make ourselves fee good.So why not set off that chain(链条)of good feelings to people around?

Secondly,being kind starts or develops a social connection with others.Kind acts like buying someone a present make friendships stronger.Research has shown that spending money on others may help you get a stronger feeling of happiness than spending it on yourself.Similarly,charities(慈善)also open up new circles of people to connect with someone on the other side of the world.

In another recent research,even children in their first year of secondary school know how being kind makes them feel happy.If one person is kind,he or she makes others in the group kind.It also lifts everyone's spirits.Imagine that you make cakes for the office and it makes others do it each month.Then you're getting cakes a lot more days than providing them.

The story doesn't end here.Being kind may improve your mood,but research has also shown that if you're in a good mood,you can act much more kindly.This makes it a wonderful two﹣way relationship,doesn't it?

(1)The writer lends in the topic by    .


telling a story


asking questions


giving examples


making a survey

(2)The underlined word"It" in Paragraph 2 refers to"    ".


the situation


the family


the kind act


that chain

(3)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?       





(4)If you were an editor(编辑),you'd put the above passage in "    "of a newspaper.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dogs may be man's best friends,but for Sisu,a stray dog,the unicorn(独角兽)is his best friend.

   Recently,Sisu broke into a store in North Carolina five times,trying to steal the same purple unicorn toy.But every time he got it,a salesman would find him,take the toy away and put it back on the shelf.When it turned out that Sisu wouldn't give up,the salesman had to lock the door and not let Sisu in,and then called Duplin County Animal Services for help.

   Samantha Lane,the officer who answered the call,was so moved by Sisu's love for the unicorn that she bought the $10 toy for the dog.

   "The only thing we can think of is that he came from a family that had a similar toy or had children who had one, " said Joe Newbum,a director of Duplin County Animal Services.

   "It's a nice dog," Newbum added. "He likes to play and he is very smart.He sits,stays and shakes hands.He is very polite."

   And whoever is lucky enough to adopt(收养)Sisu will get two best friends for the price of one.According to the Facebook post from Duplin County Animal Services,Sisu and his stuffed animal have already had an adopter.

(1)Why did Sisu break into the store in North Carolina?    


To meet his adopter.


To look for some food.


To get the unicorn freely.

(2)What can we learn from Joe Newbum's words?    


The family had only one child.


The family owned many unicorns.


Joe Newbum thought highly of Sisu.

(3)What is the right order according to the story?    

a.Sisu was adopted at last.

b.Sisu broke into the store.

c.The salesman called for help.

d.The officer bought Sisu the unicorn.







(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?    


Brave for Love


Kind to Animals


Proper Feeding of Dogs

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Over 30 percent of all food goes to waste,according to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (联合国粮农组织).Supermarkets throw away food that is not sold before its sell﹣by date,while families throw away food that they can't finish eating.

The world's first food bank was founded in the US in 1967.Some people and stores donated (捐赠) extra food to the bank.People could take the food home there if they didn't have money to buy any for themselves.In Shanghai,there is a "shared fridge" in some communities.It is free for everyone to take food from it.

A UK company called The Real Junk Food Project says that food that has passed its sell﹣by date is still safe to eat.They collect this food from supermarkets and sell it in cafes.You only have to pay as much as you feel is necessary.If you don't want to spend money,you can volunteer at the cafes instead.

What else can we do to stop food waste?The answer is simply buying less food.

Share more,throw less

Food(1)        .

Over 30 percent of all food goes to waste.

Supermarkets throw away food that has

(2)    its sell﹣by date.

Families throw away food that they can't finish eating.

Food bank

It was created in the US in 1967.

People who couldn't(3)    any food for themselves could get food for free.

Shanghai communities have shared fridges.

Pay as you(4)    

The Real Junk Food Project collects that food that is not sold before its sell﹣by date.

People can get food by volunteering at the cafes (5)    paying as they wish.

Bay less

That's the least people can do.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sunday Plan





Play football

Have a picnic

See a film


Play the piano

Listen to music

See a film


Read a book

Play football

See a film


Ride a bike

Go shopping

See a film

Weather table for Sunday




















56.Lingling will   on Sunday morning.


ride a bike


read a book


play the piano


play football

57.You will most probably find all of the four in   this weekend.


a park


a cinema


a shop


a football club

58.If you like skating very much,you can have fun in   









59.Daming will most probably wear   in Guangzhou.


a sweater


a raincoat


a T﹣shirt


a scarf

60.According to the weather,   will most probably have to change the Sunday plan.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Helping others is a great thing to do. You can learn new things and have fun. You can help people, animals or the environment. It can make you feel good too! How can you help?

    Charities are organizations that help others, for example, UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund, You can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own. You can also help people or places you know.


    Volunteering is when you give your time to help others. Some ways of volunteering are:

• visiting old people to talk to them or help them

• walking dogs at an animal shelter

• cleaning up a park


    Fund﹣raising is when you collect money to help others. Some ways of fund﹣raising are:

• making cakes or biscuits to sell

• doing a sponsored(赞助)activity. For example, family and friends give you money if you finish a long walk.


    Donating is when you give your things to help others. Some ways of donating are:

• giving your old toys or clothes to a charity that helps sick children or poor people

• giving your old books to a library

    So, what can you do to help others?

(1)Which organization is mentioned in the passage?  


B. Oxfam.



(2)Which of the following is a good way to raise money for a charity?  

A. Visiting a sick child.

B. Doing a sponsored walk.

C. Cleaning up a library.

D. Talking with old people.

(3)What does an animal shelter probably refer to?  

A. A house to protect animals from rain.

B. A building to keep animals on display.

C. A home for large and dangerous animal.

D. A place for poor and homeless animals.

(4)What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?  

A. To show ways of helping others.

B. To share personal experiences.

C. To explain reasons for donations.

D. To introduce some organizations.

(5)Where does the passage probably come from?  

A. A magazine.

B. A story book.

C. A travelling guide.

D. A science fiction.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
