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People didn't pay much attention to their health in the past,but now more and more people try to make sure that they are healthy.(1)      

    Do exercise every day.There are many ways to do exercise in daily life.(2)    Some people think that doing simple things like cleaning the house is helpful.Other people think that doing exercise such as running or playing ball games is good.

    Eat healthy food.It is good for your health to eat healthy food.You should eat more vegetables and fruits but less junk food every day. (3)     

    (4)     Today many people have stress (压力)in their life,but we should try to relax ourselves.In fact,you can never keep yourself away from stress in life. (5)    So you need to know the reason for the stress and find ways to feel better.Thinking about things in an active way can also reduce stress.Try to live for now,and don't worry about the future.

A.Pick up a hobby.

B.It is always with you.

C.Learn to relax yourself.

D.It's bad for your health to sit for a long time.

E.Now let me tell you some ways to keep healthy.

F.People have different ideas about ways to exercise.

G Healthy food plays an important role in a strong body.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I travel a lot.Each month,I pack up my suitcase to hit the road,whether it could be by plane,train,or automobile.I always find myself with the same problem—how to stay healthy while traveling? (1)     

    1.Move around.

    Though only about 1 in 4,500 airplane passengers develop a blood clot(血块),you should still make efforts to move around on the plane,just standing in the aisle or by taking a walk to the toilet.Have a layover(中途停留)?Instead of sitting,make sure to walk around the airport.Taking a road trip?Make plenty of stops to move around.(2)    Whether it is working out at your hotel,taking hikes,or giving up public transport to walk,you'll feel much better if you get in some activity.

    2.Prepare snacks smartly.

    (3)      Though these seem like a convenient choice,they're not the healthiest.I like to pack snacks that are within my calorie budget for the day and 100 calories or under each.When traveling and buying food,I try to choose fresh fruit and vegetables.Is fast food the only choice if you're very hungry?Stick to something simple and whatever you do,don't supersize.

    3. (4)     

Because of low humidity on planes,many of us can find ourselves feeling thirstier than ever.Drink more water.Make sure when traveling on day trips to carry water with you at all times. (5)      As a result,you will eat more healthily throughout the day.



C.Here are some practical tips.

D.Once you get to your location,don't forget to do exercise.

E.Water will also help you to be able to stay full between meals.

F.While at the airport or on road trips,you'll pass countless fast restaurants.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you know the reason why we feel tired in the middle of a class?Maybe you would say it is because the teacher's class is boring. (1)    Perhaps this is something you have not paid enough attention to or not yet noticed.

    Purpose of sleep

    (2)    Sleep helps our body heal(修复),grow,and stay healthy.It also gives us energy,so we can be active all day.Doctors and health scientists say:When you close your eyes and need t rest,sleep is just the very best!This is more than advice.

    Sleep time

Enough sleep is important to us.How much sleep do we need?New﹣born babies sleep most of the time.They can sleep 20﹣22 hours a day.Children need 10﹣12 hours of sleep a day.Teenagers need 8﹣ 10 hours of sleep a day because they need lots of energy to grow into their adult(成人的)bodies.Grown﹣ups usually need 6﹣8 hours of sleep to keep active.

(3)    That is why old people sleep less than young people.

    Interesting facts

    Almost everyone has their dreams while they sleep,but not all of them can tell their dreams clearly when they wake up. (4)    More surprisingly,some may even get up in their dreams and walk around.This is called "sleepwalking".Are you a sleepwalker?Or,is there a sleepwalker around you?


    It's not just people that love to snooze(打盹).In fact,many animals have unusual or surprising sleeping habits.Some animals,such as bears and hedgehogs,sleep all through winter.The swift is a very fast bird that can sleep while it flies!Cute koalas sleep around 18 hours a day.Giraffes don't need much sleep at all.They usually sleep standing up.

A.Sleepy animals

B.Why do we need sleep?

C.Some people talk in their dreams.

D.However,the real reason is probably that we don't have enough sleep.

E.The older you get,the less sleep you will need.

F.Some people never dream while they sleep.

G.Clever animals

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The world is getting warmer.Human activity is the main reason for this,the United Nations (UN) said.For example,people use fossil fuels (化石燃料)like coal and oil.They give off a lot of greenhouse gases (温室气体)(especially CO 2) into the air.This warms the earth.

As a result,many animals are dying out, (A)______ as penguins (企鹅)and polar bears.It will soon make a difference to us as well. (D) Sea levels will rise and many cities along the sea will disappear.

To fight climate change,countries around the world need to work together.China is now taking the lead.It has set new goals to deal (B)______ this problem.It will bring its total greenhouse gas emissions (排放)to a peak (峰值)before 2030. (C) Itwill also achieve carbon neutrality (碳中和)before 2060,Xinhua reported.

Being carbon neutral means taking away the same amount of CO 2from the air as you put into it.It was set as an initiative (倡议)by the UN in 2015.

There are two ways to get to carbon neutrality.One is to plant more trees to absorb (吸收) the emitted (排放的)CO 2.The other is to stop CO 2emissions altogether by using non﹣fossil(非化石)fuels.Examples of these fuels include electricity and wind energy.

Over 20 countries and regions have carbon neutrality goals.Most of them will plant more trees.So will China.If China can realize its goal,it will lower global (全球的)warming by around 0.2°C to 0.3°C alone,according to Climate Action Tracker (气候行动追踪组织).




Sea levels will rise and       cities along the sea will disappear.



  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's very popular to travel in modern life.As travelers,we should try our best to protect the environment.Here is some advice on how to be a green traveler.

◆Make smarter flight choices

Air travel is not an environmentally﹣friendly way to travel because it uses a lot of energy.If you must fly,be sure to pack light to cut down the plane's load.And try to book a non﹣stop fight (预订直达航班).Connecting fights (转机航班) usually require longer periods of lying and planes will use more energy.

◆Respect (尊重) natural environment

Marked hiking tails (有指示标识的游览步道) are there usually to protect the natural environment and keep wild plants safe.In beach areas,don't use products that are harmful to the sea water and try to protect the ocean's ecosystem.

◆Support locals directly

Buying handmade products and art pieces created by local people can help hand down cultural tradition and create jobs.Food that is grown locally and things that are sold by local families are often better and cheaper,all while helping keep money in local pockets.

◆Find ways to give back

Consider the ways that you can help the local community and give back while traveling.This can be as simple as picking up litter in a park or volunteering to clean up a beach.If you're planning a trip where volunteering is your main goal,make sure you won't take jobs away from local people.

Some advice on how to be a green traveler

Make smarter flight choices

●You can pack light and(1)   in order to save time and energy.

Respect natural environment

●The natural environment and wild plants

(2)   by marked hiking trails.

●Use products (3)   harmful ingredients (成分) and try to protect the ocean's ecosystem.


●Buy local products and food to help hand down cultural tradition and keep money in local pockets.

Find ways to give back

●You can pick up litter in a park or

(5)       clean up a beach.

●You can't take jobs away from local people.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Now in some places of our country, many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. They need more   ________  to build houses and more farmland to grow crops and so on. The areas(面积)of forests are getting   ________ . Some scientists say that there  ________  no big forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a(n)  ________  thing.  ________   the forests, we will have sandstorms(沙尘暴) often. The weather will get   ________  . The earth will become a big desert(沙漠). A lot of plants and animals will ________  . Crops will not grow anywhere. Life will be  ________   for everyone.
So we should do our best  ________  our living environment and keep our mountains    ________ , the water clean, and the sky blue.

A.wood B.money C.deserts D.leaves

A.bigger and bigger B.less and less C.smaller and smaller D.moreand more

A.has B.have C.will have D.will be

A.excited B.happy C.better D.terrible

A.With B.Under C.Within D.Without

A.wet and cold B.hot and dry C.cold and dry D.hot and wet

A.come B.live C.die D.turn

A.difficult B.easy C.enjoyable D.poor

A.protect B.to protect C.protecting D.protected

A.clear B.fresh C.green D.blue
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The word “blog”is a short way of         web log (网络日志). A“blogger” is a person who writes a blog on the Internet.         can start a blog. and they can write about anything they like.
There are a lot of blogs on the Internet today. They give information, news and ideas to many people            read them. And they give people a place            their ideas and talk about other people's ideas. If you want to open a biog. the first step is to link(链接) to the website. Then you can surf the Internet, find interesting articles and write comments about each one. This is called an online diary of links. Also there are personal diaries. The writers talk about their lives and            there. Sometimes these blogs can be very personal.
Blogs are growing very fast. Compared              other websites, blogs are special in many ways. Most           , they are updated (更新) more often. Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day. Also, there are many special websites for blogs, so you don't need to be a computer expert (专家) to start           blog.
Many people think that as blogs become more common, news reporting will depend            on TVs or radios, and more on people posting news to the Internet. They think that then the news will be less like a lesson, but more like a conversation, which anyone can           .

A.saying B.speaking C.talking D.telling

A.No one B.Nothing C.Anyone D.Someone

A.where B.which C.who D.when

A.to write B.writing C.to look D.reading

A.feel B.feels C.feeling D.feelings

A.with B.for C.on D.at

A.important B.importantly C.difficult D.difficultly

A.my own B.your own C.her own D.own your

A.few B.fewer C.little D.less

A.join in B.join C.attend D.attend in
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you want to be successful in everything you do? If so, then      ? Here is an example.
There was a farmer who grew corn all his life. Each year he took his corn(玉米) to the market. Then each time his corn was chosen as the        and won the first prize.
One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something surprising about how he grew it. The farmer       his seed corn to his neighbors.
“How can you share your best seed corn with your neighbors?”the reporter asked. “You know they are taking part in the      with you each year.”
“Why, sir,” said the farmer, “didn’t you know? The      picks up pollen(花粉) from the corn and moves it quickly from field to field. If my neighbors grow bad corn, cross-polination(异花传粉)will affect(影响) the quality of my corn. So if I want to grow good corn, I must      my neighbors to grow good corn.”
The farmer knows much about the connection of life. His corn cannot improve if his neighbor’s corn doesn’t improve.
As a great man says, “We make a living by what we      ; we make a life by what we give.”We can’t live without food, clothes, and many other things. Howerer, a meaningful life is not decided by how much we can get,     by how much we can give others. Giving, instead of taking, makes us     from other animals. So those who choose to live well must help others to live well, and those who choose to be happy must help others to find    in their life.

A.why B.how C.when D.where

A.cheapest B.prettiest C.best D.shortest

A.lent B.showed C.offered D.recommend

A.game B.fight C.activity D.competition

A.wind B.water C.farmer D.neighbor

A.teach B.warn C.help D.advise

A.do B.own C.get D.grow

A.and B.but C.or D.so

A.different B.free C.safe D.far

A.hope B.success C.friendship D.happiness

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Much meaning can be carried clearly with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak. Do you have such kind of        ? On a bus you may look at a stranger, but not too long. And if he finds that he is being looked at, he may          uncomfortable. The same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself        , to see if there is anything wrong with you. If         goes wrong, you will feel angry towards the person who is looking at you that way.       can speak, right?
Looking too long at someone may seem to be         . But sometimes things are different. If a man looks at a woman        more than 10 seconds, it may mean that he wishes to attract(吸引) her        , to let her understand that he loves her. When two people are in a conversation, the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure        the listener does pay attention to what he or she is speaking. For lovers, they enjoy looking at each other longer to show the love that words cannot         .Clearly, eye communication should be done according to the relationship between the two people and the certain situation.

A.chance B.experience C.message D.feeling

A.feel B.sound C.seem D.turn

A.day and night B.all the time C.up and down D.here and there

A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

A.Ears B.Eyes C.Mouth D.Nose

A.polite B.normal C.unfriendly D.impolite

A.with B.for C.by D.since

A.direction B.lesson C.attention D.trouble

A.what B.while C.which D.that

A.write B.print C.read D.express

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空。( 1´× 15 )
There're different kinds of animals in the zoo. We see the zoo keepers give them          to eat. They don't have to       food by themselves. They just eat, walk and       all day. So many of      may think that the animals there        happy and lucky. But most         them are sad. Why? They're         free.
Animals like elephants, monkeys and tigers      live freely and happily in          or mountains. Tigers,     example, run, jump, play with their children        catch small animals for food. But now they have to stay in        rooms in the zoo. Their life in the zoo is       different from their life in the forests.
Now many of us think        animals should go back to forests and mountains so that          earth will become better.

A.meat B.food C.fruit D.drink

A.take B.bring C.find D.get

A.sleep B.run C.rest D.leave

A.me B.we C.they D.us

A.is B.are C.were D.was

A.in B.on C.of D.to

A.no longer B.not any long C.not more D.no any more

A.never B.usually C.now D.seldom

A.fields B.zoos C.parks D.forests

A.for B.in C.on D.at

A.but B.and C.or D.yet

A.good B.short C.small D.tall

A.too B.quite C.even D.really

A.much B.many C.more D.most

A.the B.an C.this D.that

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the middle of a forest there was a little tree standing among many big trees. He was very       at not being as big as the others. When the birds flew into the forest and      their houses, he used to say to hem, “Come       and have a rest in my body!” But the birds always said, “Oh, no. You’re too small!” The worst part was when people came to choose trees, they would pass him by       he was too small. The other trees said that when they were taken away by people, they might be      the mast (桅杆) of a large ship, go far away from the      , and see many wonderful things; or they      become part of a fine house in a great city, and experience life there. All these were just dreams to the little tree.
One cold       morning, some people came searching the forest. “There are      that are little enough,” they said.
“Here is one,” said one man. “It’s just the right      .” And he chose the little tree.
The little tree was very happy because he knew they were about to take      away. Later all kinds of beautiful things were       all over him. The children all said, “    beautiful!” “It’s the       Christmas tree we’ve ever seen!”
     , the little tree knew what he was. He was a Christmas tree! He was just little enough to be the nicest Christmas tree in the world!

A.unhappy B.proud C.nervous D.excited

A.built B.found C.asked D.watched

A.by B.out C.down D.up

A.though B.because C.unless D.so

A.asked for B.welcomed to C.sold into D.made into

A.mountain B.land C.forest D.ocean

A.might B.need C.must D.should

A.summer B.winter C.Spring D.autumn

A.some B.both C.none D.any

A.size B.colour C.price D.taste

A.them B.her C.him D.it

A.hung B.compared C.shared D.taken

A.When B.How C.What D.Which

A.strongest B.nicest C.biggest D.longest

A.Sadly B.Strangely C.Recently D.Finally

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hearing is very important to all of us. We can       beautiful music, nice songs of birds, the laughter of people or other different kinds of       in the world with our ears.     we must try to protect our ears. The following will tell you    protect ears.
Listening to       music a lot can be bad for ears,       when headphone(耳机) are used. So       the volume(音) when you’re wearing headphones or try not wear headphones. You should give your ear a rest if you like wearing headphones. You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing headphones.
Before swimming, remember         earplugs(耳塞) into your ears or wear a swim hat to stop water    into your ears. If you are going to a concert, wear earplugs to protect your ears        the terrible music!      , special earplugs can be made for you if you often go to concerts or if you are a musician. See a doctor if your ears      .      some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so.     the advice above now and you won’t be saying “what? what?” when you are getting      .

A.listen B.hear C.listening D.hear of

A.sounds B.noise C.voices D.barks

A.Because B.Although C.So D.But

A.what B.how C.what to D.how to

A.loud B.aloud C.loudly D.quiet

A.specially B.especial C.special D.especially

A.turn to B.turn off C.turn down D.turn up

A.put B.to put C.putting D.to putting

A.get B.to get C.from getting D.with getting

A.for B.from C.with D.at

A.In fast B.In short C.In general D.In a word

A.break B.sick C.ill D.hurt

A.Drink B.Eat C.Take D.Have

A.Listen B.Hear C.Follow D.Fetch

A.young B.old C.sick D.tired

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Colour helps you see things. But man and some monkeys and apes (猿) are the only mammals (哺乳动物) that can see colour.       any other mammals, such as the dog, the world      a black-white photo. Dogs hunt mainly by listening and smelling.
Like      animals, dogs see best when things move. The animals they hunt seem to know this. A rabbit or deer will freeze when they find that they are being hunted. Then the dog      see it at all.
Birds can see colour. They need to, because when they fly, they need to find places to land. Colour helps them know       the place is and what it is like so that they are able to catch flying things in the air or to       something they think safe.
Some birds see things even       than man. The birds that eat bugs (虫子) can see them from far away. And even a very young bird can see a hawk       the sky. So good eyes and being able to see colours help birds       food and also help them find out      there are other animals that are dangerous to them.

A.For B.With C.As D.Before

A.seem like B.looks like C.likes D.like

A.other B.the other C.another D.others

A.may not B.should not C.must not D.need not

A.how soon B.how long C.how fast D.how far

A.land B.land on C.land for D.be landed

A.worse B.nearer C.better D.less

A.for B.from C.on D.at

A.to look at B.look at C.find D.found

A.what B.when C.if D.how

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When people talk about air pollution, they are usually thinking about outdoor air____  .But do you know that there is ____  air pollution inside homes , offices, hotels and other buildings ? The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! In fact, some American doctors say that 50% of illnesses have____ to do with polluted indoor air.  A lot of pollution comes from indoor activities ___ smoking and cooking. As most people ___  about 80-90% of their time inside buildings, it is important to take indoor air pollution seriously, too. Air pollution influences our health ____  . When the air is polluted, not only young children and old people suffer from it, ____  people with health problems suffer as well. Indoor air pollution can ____ people's eyes, noses and throats. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also lead to lung cancer(肺癌)and heart disease! In the great London fog in 1952, 4,000 people died in a few days ____ the pollution! ____ is said that half a million young children and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!

A.pollution B.sadness C.illness D.business

A.too B.none C.also D.neither

A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything

A.as well as B.such as C.instead of D.for example

A.take B.cost C.give D.spend

A.in many ways B.in many things C.in many houses D.by the way

A.and B.but C.or D.until

A.hit B.hurt C.polluted D.destroyed

A.because of B.thanks to C.related to D.or

A.This B.That C.What D.It

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Man has a big brain. He can think and s     languages. Scientists once thought that man isn’t the same as animals b      man can think and learn. They know now that dogs, monkeys and birds can learn, too.
They are beginning to u    that men are different from animals because they can speak. Animals can’t speak. They make much n      when they are afraid, or unhappy. Apes(猿) can learn some things more quickly than man. One or two of them have learned a few words. But they cannot join w  to make sentences. They cannot think l    us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been a     to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very w   when he is four or five, b   no animals learn to speak.
How do children learn it? Scientists don’t really know w     happens inside our body when we speak. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
