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Starting a book club is easy﹣all you need is to love reading.Here's how to get yours off to a flying start.

When you set up your book club,the first thing is to get members for your club.They could be friends,family,or those you know through various activities,but they should all love to read.A small group of seven to ten people is usually an ideal size for a book club.Too many make

discussions difficult.

Once you have a group,agree on how often you want to meet﹣usually clubs meet monthly.

Pick a date and stick with it.That way,members can easily plan for it.Send out emails a week

before the meeting to give people a written reminder.Set meeting time length.An hour is a good

start.Two hours usually does the trick.

Then,you need a good place.Libraries,parks and restaurants﹣all make good meeting

places.For many clubs,homes are the best place as you don't have to get dressed up,and noisy

public places can make talking hard.If members bring a plate of food or a bottle,it can help start


Please don't forget the most important thing﹣the book!Think about the books your club

will enjoy.Fiction?Non﹣fiction?Your club can choose books in different ways.You can take

turns to recommend books.Let everyone vote upon what book to read.Anyway,make sure to

keep it light and fun.

After all this has been decided,your book club is ready.Now,it's time to hold the first

meeting.Enjoy your reading.

How to (56)   a book club



●You can include those who share your (58)   for reading.

●l(59)   matters.Seven to ten people are enough for discussion.


the time

●Set a (60)   time.Send everyone an email to   (61)   them of the monthlymeeting beforehand.

●lDecide on how long the meetings will be.




to meet

●lYou can meet in (63)   places,like libraries,parks and restaurants.

●lFor many clubs,meeting at home works   (64)  :relaxing and



the books

●Think about the books your club will enjoy.

●l Decide on the (65)   of choosing books:allowing everyone to recommend or vote upon the books.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As the saying goes,"If at first you don't succeed,try,try again."This is never truer than when you are trying to master English.Lai Shixiong,a respected English master from Taiwan,has a story to share.

Like many non﹣native speakers,Lai failed when he first started learning English.When he was in high school,he once got an unbelievably low mark of 7 out of 100 on an English test.He almost gave up on English,but then he entered a military school (军校),where he met a classmate who was good at English.

Amazed by his classmate's American accent,Lai decided to start learning English from the beginning.As he put it."I saw myself as a baby who had just started to learn a language."To correct his pronunciation,Lai practiced phonetic symbols(音标)hundreds of times every day using records.

When he was able to pronounce words,Lai said he began to practice dialogues.Not being able to find someone to praclice with,Lai created a learning atmosphere(氛围)on his own."I just talked to myself as if I were in a dialogue."he said.

Lai also thought of ways to improve his skills.He used English to describe everything he saw.He even translated speeches when he went to class meetings at the military school.He also read and listened to English news to learn new expressions.

"There is no shortcut to mastering a language.You have to practice,"Lai said.After all,Rome wasn't built in a day.

61.What should we do if we want to master English according to the passage?  

A.Keep trying.

B.Turn to a teacher.

C.Share your story with others.

D.Ask a classmate for help.

62.What's the main idea of the second paragraph?  

A.Lai met a classmate.

B.Lai entered a military school.

C.Lai used to be weak in English.

D.Lai learned English after school.

63.Whom did lai talk to when he practiced dialogues?  


B.His brother.

C.A classmate.

D.An English teacher.

64.How did Lai improve his skills in English?  

A.By using an old dictionary.

B.By reading and listening to English news.

C.By pronouncing a new word a hundred times.

D.By describing what he saw in English and Chinese.

65.How do you like Lai Shixiong?  

A.Easy﹣going and wise.

B.Helpful and successful.

C.Kind﹣hearted and honest.

D.Patient and hard﹣working.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Internet nowadays opens a wide world to people,including teenagers,but many parents worry that their children may meet with something unhealthy when searching online.In order to solve this problem,a new search engine for children called Kiddle has appeared.

Search results are filtered(过滤),so only safe website are shown and descriptions are written in simple language.Searches with bad words are shut off,too.

Kiddles uses the same colors as Google in its logo and a similar design on its homepage,too﹣﹣with an extra robot picture.

The top three Kiddle search results show safe websites and pages written specially for kids,and those websites and pages are well chosen and checked by Kiddle developers.

The fourth to seventh results will be safe and trusted websites that are not written for adults.They provide expert content,but are harder for kids to understand.

Unlike on Google,most results appear along with large thumbnail pictures(缩略图)to make it easier for children to find what they are looking for.For example,when searching for"meow meow".Google produces pages for information about a drug(毒品)that has"meow meow"as its nickname(绰号),but Kiddle lists information only about cats,even with some cartoon pictures.

The company explained,"Websites which appear in Kiddle search results satisfy family﹣friendly requirements,as we filter websites with unhealthy content."

Kiddle﹣a Child﹣Friendly Search Engine


•Only safe websites are shown.

•Descriptions are written in simple language.

•(36)   bad words appear.


It uses the same colors as Google with a robot picture.


The top three search results

Websites and pages are written (37)   for kids,after being well chosen and checked.

The fourth to seventh results

Websites are also worth (38) ___ and have content written in a simple way.

The eighth and onwards results

Websites are safe and famous,written for adults,and they are not (39)   for kids to understand.

(40)   from Google

•Kiddle has many thumbnail pictures.

•Kiddle only gives safe information.


Kiddle satisfies family﹣friendly requirements.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today, many people complain that it is difficult to find a good hobby. Why don't you open up a garden in front of your house? Having a garden means you need lots of space and free time. But there are many reasons why gardening is a good hobby to develop. One of them is that plants bring color to any room and keep the air nice and fresh.And,if you keep some flowering plants outside your windows,they may even attract cute bees and butterflies. In a word, it's good for places around us. Gardeners also feel very close to nature. This is quite important.

    There are another two reasons for gardening as well.One is that it makes people more relaxed.Studies show that people who do gardening feel more peaceful in their lives.This is because gardening makes them feel less stressed. Another one is that it keeps you healthy. Gardening keeps you active and provides fresh food. Both of these are helpful for a healthy lifestyle.

    If you are looking for a hobby, try gardening. You will find the fun of getting your hands dirty and pleasure that comes with growing something.Besides,nothing tastes better than vegetables you grow in your own garden.

(1)What does the writer advise us to do?  

A. Do some reading.

B. Do some gardening.

C. Do some cleaning.

D. Do some shopping.

(2)If we open up a garden, we need  

A. experience and energy

B. money and materials

C. space and spare time

D. water and air

(3)How does gardening make people feel in the writer's opinion?  

A. More relaxed.

B. More tired.

C. Happier.

D. Cleverer.

(4)What's the main idea of the passage?  

A. How to plant trees.

B. The problems of gardening.

C. The reasons for people to do gardening.

D. How to make your garden beautiful.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Here are some tips that can help you have a few moments of quiet in your day.

    1. Make it a priority (优先的事物).Like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, 10 minutes of quiet time a day is part of taking care of your body and cultivating (陶冶) your spirit.

    2. Teach the people you live with about quiet time. No television or computer or music.This is the time to read or play or create art一alone.Tell the people around you about the importance of quiet and lead by example. Then they'" begin to support you and enjoy it as well.

    3.Use the spaces in between.I seldom have the radio on in the car when I'm driving alone.When I'm waiting for an appointment (约会),I'm seldom texting or talking.I just enjoy the quiet before the appointment.

    4.Create at least our daily activity that needs quiet.Go for a run without carphones.Take a long bath,or a shower before bead My morning coffee is a time of enjoying quiet When I know I've got a very busy day ahead.I'll get up 15 minutes early just to drink coffee alone in the quiet.

    Creating pockets of quiet is a powerful way to make your life full of energy.You'll feel better to manage the challenges of your day.

(1)What is the passage about?


(2)Why should you have 10 minutes of quiet tine every day?


(3)How can you get support for quiet from the people around you?


(4)According o the text, which daily activity do you like best to get quiet?




(5)Why is it a powerful way to create pockets of quiet?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    The last time I saw my best friend was about a year and a half ago.It was her 16th birthday,and I flew hundreds of miles to see her.It was a total movie moment.She came into the room,and suddenly I jumped out,shouting,"Happy Birthday!"

    Many of my friends also had a lot of practice keeping a long﹣distance friendship,let's share some opinions.

Chen Mu,17,Hunan

    Talking to your friends online often keeps the friendship going!If the phone call doesn't always include a deep conversation,that's fine.Try a video chat.Sometimes friendship is about knowing that someone's on the other line.

Lin Pan,16,Xiamen

    My best friend moved to another city far away.We keep sharing everything so we know everything about each other's lives.It's a lot easier to imagine your best friend is there with you if you share the same information.It's like your friend is still there with you.

Zou Wen,15,Guangzhou

    Be there for your friends when they need help.Your friends may have a hard time.While you probably won't be able to be there for them as much as you used to,it is worth it to lose an hour of sleep when they need help.

Luo Yan,15,Shanghai

    The present that shows you care.This is a fun one and a must.It doesn't have to be a lot,but it will let them know you are thinking about them.

Wang Fei,18,Beijing

    Realize that people change and that your friends won't stay the same no matter how much you want them to.Your friend might start to act more and more like a different person.But complaints (抱怨) won't help your friendship.And you are changing too.Everyone has to be ready for growing up.


How to keep a long﹣distance friendship



Chen Mu

Talking to your friends online often

Lin Pan


Zou Wen


Luo Yan


Wang Fei




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Here are some good suggestions for you to learn English well.

    (1)  Even if there is no one around to speak to, talk to yourself. Name things as you pass them. This simple language learning skill will help you understand these everyday words.

    Talk to your friends you know in English. (2)  They may understand you even if they don't speak it.Simple expressions like"Good morning!" in English will make those sentences more natural to you.Your friends may even start to learn a few sentences as well.

    (3)  You'll hear the language used in a real situation and this will help you judge(判断)the pronunciation even better. You will also come to further understand and better enjoy the culture behind the language.

    The easiest language learning skill is to try! Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you speak and write English, In fact, you will learn as much from your mistakes as you will learn from your success. (4)  

    It's a good way to find an English club. It's helpful to speak with other peuple who are still going through the course of lerning English. (5)  

A. Explain to them you are practicing it.

B. They will give you lots of learning skills.

C. You can speak Chinese with your friends.

D. Listen to English songs when you are free.

E. The best way to get better at English is to speak it.

F. Never let the fear of making any mistakes hold you back.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What's better for learning, hands﹣on projects or tests?

    We did a survey about two days to study in our school. 73% of the students prefer hands﹣on( 动手的)projects while the rest think tests are better for learning. Here are four students'ideas.

    Hands﹣on projects require time and hard work to complete. It teaches kids not to put things off.Some kids might get bored and be less interested in studying for a test. Studying also doesn't prepare you as much for the future, since jobs at times will have more difficult tasks than simply studying for a test. Also, completing a project is good for spending time with your friends or family.     ﹣﹣﹣Bruno

    With a hands﹣on project you can be creative while you learn. It's also a lot more fun than sitting at a desk with flash cards, memorizing information they forget about after the test. Besides, with a hands﹣on project you can learn more than you expected, like problem solving, creativity, and different ways of thinking.﹣﹣﹣David

    When people study, they remember what was in the book. If they know they have a test, they will most likely take notes on all the important information to help them with the test, so they will learn it better.﹣﹣﹣Alice

    I think kids learn better studying for tests. If you actually sit and study what you are supposed to learn, you will remember it. hands﹣on projects might end up making a kid feel stressed if they are trying to finish on time, and if you are stressed, you might not learn as much. ﹣﹣﹣Matt

(1)According to the survey, how many students like studying for tests better?  

A. 73%

B. 50%.

C. 27%

D. 100%

(2)What does Bruno think of hands﹣on projects?  

A. They may be less interesting and more difficult.

B. They can make children learn to put off tasks

C. They are much easier than studying for tests.

D. They may help children to improve friendship

(3)How many reasons does David give why he prefers hands﹣on projects?  


B. Three

C. Four

D. Five

(4)Which sentence describes Matt and Alice' s point of view( 观点)of studying for tests?  

A. Students will focus on studying for test better

B. Students will be more creative while studying

C. Students will be more active in and after class.

D. Students will forget the information after tests.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Soccer is much loved by people all over the world. Nowadays, our country is taking action to get soccer games to enter schools.

    For the activity "Soccer Enters School", different people have different opinions. Some people think this activity is good for students. It helps them become belter and stronger. It not only can help students improve their psychological quality(心理素质)but also can develop the spirit of teamwork. Especially for some students. they may have a chance to become professional soccer players and play an important part in China's soccer field.

    Other people think this activity will take up plenty of time of students and get in the way of their study. Sometimes it's dangerous because they may get hurt while playing soccer. What's more, it's hard to become a professional soccer player.

    Each coin has two sides. What about your idea?

Soccer Enters School

Our country (1)   to get soccer games to enter schools.




◆Become better and stronger.

◆ (2)   psychological quality.

◆ Develop the (3)   of teamwork.

◆ Help to become professional soccer players.


◆Take up (4)   time of students.

◆ Be (5)   because they may get hurt..

◆ Be hard to become professional soccer players.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

" Red envelope "(微信红包)has swept the country recently.Children can get more money by snatching(抢)red envelope. But everyone needs to understand something about money: where it comes from, how to save it and how to spend it correctly. Too many parents don't take time to teach their children about money, and as a result, many of those children don't know how to deal with money when they grow up.

    When should parents begin teaching their children about money? Experts(专家) agree that it's never too early. The more children learn about money,the more correctly they will be able to deal with money as they grow older. To begin with, parents can teach kids how to count money.

    Next, parents can teach kids how to save money. For example, a kid wants a new bicycle. Parents can teach them to save part of their pocket money for that bike,while still keeping some money for ice cream and movies. In this way they will begin to understand the meaning of saving.

    Also it's never too early to teach children different ways to make money besides snatching red envelopes. For example, they wash cars, clean gardens, look after babies and so on. Sit down with children and talk with them about some ways they could make money. You'll be surprised and glad at the effort they will begin making.

    Teach children about how to deal with money when they're young, and their future will be brighter.

(1)Experts agree that parents should teach the children about money  

A. when they grow up

B. when they go to school

C. as early as possible

(2)In order to teach the children about money, parents may tell them to start with  

A. counting money

B. making money

C. saving money

(3)Parents teach kids how to save money so that the children can  

A. buy ice cream

B. know the meaning of saving

C. watch movies

(4)According to the passage, it is TRUE that  

A. parents should ask children to buy a new car

B. parents should ask children to study harder

C. parents can teach children to save part of their pocket money

(5)The best title of the passage is "  ".

A. How to save money

B. How to deal with money

C. How to make money

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

China and Westen countries may have different ideas about certain animals, but when it comes to pigs,we have somehow reached an agreement﹣that pigs are ugly, lazy, stupid and shameless.

But the truth is that pigs do have some finer qualities( 品质). Science long ago proved that pigs aren′t stupid at all. A research shows pigs are"mentally and socially similar to dogs". They like to play. They have good long﹣term memories. And they know the difference between those who treat them well and those who don't.

There are lovable pig characters in cartoons too. Peppa Pig(小猪佩奇), for example,a UK television series (连续剧)that began in 2004, has now become one of the most popular cartoons in 180 countries and regions. The four members in the cartoons pig family teach children from all around the world about love, friendship, and the value of family, And in China, McDull, a young pig who works hard toward his dreams even though he keeps failing, have been a popular cartoon character since 2001.

Perhaps these are the qualities of pigs to keep in mind﹣intelligence, cuteness and patience.


(1)        and   are the words that people always use to describe their dislikes to pigs.

(2)Pigs are clever and honest, which are    to dogs.

(3)Peppa Pig tells kids about   ,friendship and the   of family.

(4)   and   are the words that can best describe pigs' good qualities.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Harry wanted to find a job after finishing school. One day he came to a big company for it. There were six young people with Harry that day but the company only wanted one.The interview was very easy.It was only a few minutes' short talk.Then all of them were asked to go back home and wait.On the morning of the third day, Harry got a text message. It said, "We're sorry to tell you, someone did better than you in the interview. So you can't work in our company."

    Harry felt very disappointed. However, he answered "thank you all the same" in the text message. Later in that afternoon,Harry got another message.It said,"We are glad to tell you that you can be one of us."

    Harry couldn't believe his eyes. It was a big surprise to him. He didn't know why, so he called the company and asked about it. The interviewer told him, "That's because of the same message in the morning. Only you said 'thank you'. That was the real test, so only you gave the right answer."

    When you feel disappointed, do not forget to say "thank you" to the one who disappoints you.

(1)How many people went to the interview?  

A. One.

B. Five.

C. Six.

D. Seven.

(2)Why did the company send the first message? Because they wanted to  

A. do a test

B. play a joke

C. tell them the truth

D. tell them the result

(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?  

A. Only one man could get the job.

B. Harry felt surprised after he read the second message.

C. To know the reason, Harry sent a second message.

D. Only Harry gave the right answer.

(4)What's the best title of the passage?  

A.Learn to Wait

B. Work Hard Forever

C. Never Lose Your Hope

D. Never Forget to Say "Thank You"

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In the USA,it is normal for men to shake hands when they meet,but it is quite unusual for men to kiss when they greet each other.Greetings are casual﹣a handshake,a smile and a"hello"will do just fine.

The British often simply say"hello"when they meet friends.They usually shake hands only when they meet for the first time.Social kissing,often just a peck (轻吻) on the cheek (脸颊),is common in an informal (非正式的) situation between men and women and also between women who know each other very well.

In Japan,the common greeting for both men and women is to bow when they greet someone,instead of giving a handshake or a hug.

Hungarians like to greet in a friendly way﹣kiss each other on both cheeks.The most common way is to kiss from your right to your left.When men meet for the first time,a handshake is the norm.

In Albania,men shake hands when greeting one another.A kiss on the cheek may be also common if there is a close relationship.Women may shake hands or kiss each other on both cheeks.2

In Armenia,by tradition,a woman needs to wait for a man to offer his hand for a handshake.Between good friends and family members,a kiss on the cheek and a hug are also common.

26.In Britain,when two people meet for the first time,they usually   



C.shake hands              

D.kiss on the cheek

27.The underlined word"norm"means"   "in Chinese.





28.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?   

A.In Japan,hugging is as common as bowing.

B.In Hungary,people usually kiss each other on the cheeks from left to right.

C.In Albania,it is unusual for men to kiss if there is a close relationship.

D.In Armenia,it is necessary for a woman to wait for a man to offer his hand for a handshake.

29.What's the best title of the passage?   

A.Country and Culture

B.Culture and People

C.Greeting Customs Around the World

D.Body Language in Different Cultures.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Using iPads to Make Learning Fun

     Paper,pencil,whiteboard,textbook are the tools you need if you want to go to school.But recently,you can add another one to the list:an iPad.

     Because the popular Apple tablet is not only useful for searching the Internet and watching videos,

but it is also being used to make learning fun.

     Scientists now know that we learn better when we are enjoying ourselves,so recently software developers have made iPad applications(应用程序) that look like video games,but have strong educational

content.One of the best examples of this new form of teaching application is Futaba,game in which up

to four children try to recognize a spinning(旋转的)object,and then identify what it is.The game can be used to teach English,math,foreign languages,or just about anything,and students love it.Teachers can even make their own questions.The important thing is that children enjoy the game,and don't even realize how much they are learning!

     So the next time you have to choose between making your child study or letting them play game,just

remember﹣﹣they could do both at the same time!

(1)What can be added to the school thing list according to the passage?  

A.An ipad.

B.An English textbook.

C.A pencil.

D.A whiteboard.

(2)What does the underlined word"tablet"probably mean in Chinese in this passage?  





(3)Futaba is  

A.an old kind of classroom

B.a new outdoor activity

C.a new educational application

D.a very old tool of teaching

(4)How many children can take part in one Futaba game at a time?  





(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?  

A.Scientists think that we learn better when we are enjoying ourselves.

B.Futaba can only be used to teach languages.

C.Teachers can make their own questions using

D.The writer thinks children can study and have fun playing games at the same time.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Though times have changed, falling asleep in class is still a common occurrence(常事)among teenagers.

    Why do students sometimes fall asleep in class? An obvious reason is lack of sleep. However, there are also causes for getting too little sleep.

Homework is a daily occurrence for most students, one that can take three

to four hours per night. A teenager who wants to be able to take part in

any activity besides homework must stay up late to fit everything in. Club

activities, sports, computer﹣game playing, and TV viewing,for example,all contribute to (促成) teens having less time for both homework and sleep.Sometimes teens lack sleep because of after﹣school jobs that are taken on to earn extra money for college, family expenses, or simply for clothes.

    Physical problems are another factor that can cause students to fall alseep in class. For example,

insomnia, which may keep a student up at night, causing exhaustion(疲惫不堪)during class hours,

is a serious problem that may require medical attention. Medical evidence also supports the idea that each person has a body clock that helps to decide his or her sleep pattern. Unluckily, these body clocks do not always work according to school timetables.

    The effects of falling asleep in class can be quite serious. First of all, sleeping in class is not a good way to endear(使受喜爱) yourself to teachers. In addition, it is highly possible that other students may make jokes about those who sleep in class. However, the most harmful effect of sleeping in class is missing out on important points. In the long run, sleepers may end up failing classes.

    Since teens are probably not going to deal with the problem, falling asleep in class will probably remain an all﹣too﹣common occurrence. It will continue until more teens find a way to balance their personal and social lives with school and work, while still finding enough time to sleep.


Times have changed,(1)  falling asleep in class is still quite common.


Lack of sleep

◆To (2)  doing their homework, students may have to work three to four hours every night.

◆To (3)  homework with activities, students may stay up late.

◆To spare time for after﹣school jobs, students may not have (4)  time to sleep.

Physical problems

◆Insomnia may (5)  students falling asleep at night.

◆Students' body clocks do not always (6)  their school timetables.


◆Students sleeping in class may not be (7)  by their teachers.

◆Students who sleep in class run the (8)  of being laughed at.

◆Students who sleep too much in class may miss out on important knowledge and (9)  in their study.


The problem will not be (10)  until teenagers can manage their lives, deal with their school and work, and then still have time to sleep.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
