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Did you know that chocolate comes from a tree?The cacao(可可)tree gets large brown fruits called cocoa pods(荚),and inside the pods are cocoa beans.To make chocolate,first we leave the beans in the dark for a few days,and then dry them in the sun.

(1)    That liquid(液体)is pressed until it separates and the result is cocoa butter(可可脂),which can be turned into chocolate. (2)    

The first people to grow cacao trees for chocolate were the Mayans,who lived in Mexico thousands of years ago.(3)    When people from Spain came to Mexico,they discovered the drink,they took chocolate home with them,and soon the love for chocolate spread all over Europe!

Wouldn't you like to have a cacao tree in your garden so you could have your own special supply(供应)of chocolate?Well,don't even think about it! (4)    What a pity!

Chocolate is good for you as long as you don't eat it all day long!It has iron,which is good for your body!(5)     So don't eat too much,and remember to brush your teeth after you eat it!

A.They used chocolate to make a special drink.

B.What a lot of work just to make a piece of chocolate!

C.But remember where there is chocolate,there is sugar!

D.After that,the beans are pressed hard until a dark liquid comes out.

E.Cacao trees can only grow in rainforests,where it is very hot and rainy all the time.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Value of Negative Results

We all avoid failure(失败),and most of us fear it.However,without failure,progress would be impossible.What does success usually come after?Failure.It seems that one cannot exist(存在)without the other.

Accepting failure is not easy for many,though we are often unwilling accept failure because our professional fame depends on success.(1)    In the past ten years,for example,some scientific magazines have published reports of failed tests.It is believed that scientists can learn more "negative(负面的)"results and that this can finally lead to positive results.

(2)    The ABN AMRO bank started an Institute (机构)of Brilliant Failures to learn more about what works and what doesn't in banking.Eli Lilly and Company had failure parties to study the drugs(药物)that don't work.

In fact,one of the business world's most famous failures became one of its biggest successes,in part because the product's makers learned from their mistakes.(3)    The product,though unique(独特的)at the time,was expensive and heavy;besides,some of its most important features(特点)didn't work properly.As a result,Apple's CEO,Steve Jobs,believed in the product and he began to find out ways of improving it.In time,this led to the production of the iPhone and the iPad,two of the company's most successful products.

(4)    Not only should we try to learn from it if we want to succeed,we must also be persistent(执着的).Though Apple stopped selling the Newton in 1998,the first iPhone wasn't available until 2007.It took a lot of research and hard work to go from the Apple Newton to iPhone but in the end,the effort became successful.

All in all,there is a lot we can learn by studying mistakes.Perhaps the most important lesson is that failure and success are two sides of the same coin. (5)    

A.One truly cannot exist without the other.

B.We are brave enough to face difficulties.

C.In the early 1990s,Apple created a phone called the Apple Newton.

D.The business world already understands the value of negative results.

E.The Apple Newton has won popularity with people all over the world.

F.However,things are slowly changing,especially in business and science.

G.The story of the Apple Newton can teach us an important lesson about failure.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many scientist once believed that physical similarities between identical twins are genetic(基因的),while their personalities,intelligence and other differences between them are an effect of their environment.Now scientists are discovering that the boundaries(界限)between genes and environment are not so clear.

Twins Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were adopted(领养)as babies and raised by different couples.When the Jims finally met at age 39,they discovered they had plenty in common.Both were six feet tall,180 pounds.They had the same smile and the same voice.When scientist Thomas Bouchard Jr.invited the Jim twins to his lab,people there found it very hard to tell them apart.

But the similarities didn't stop at the physical.They'd both had dogs named Toy.They had both married women named Linda and then their marriage broke up.They'd both been policemen,enjoyed music,and left love notes around the house for their wives.They had so much in common,it seemed unlikely these were just coincidences (巧合).

The Jim twins were just one of 137 sets of separated twins.Bouchard tested.When they compared the twins' IQ scores,Bouchard and his team reached a surprising conclusion(结论).They concluded that intelligence was mostly connected to genes rather than to training or education.It seemed the differences in family and environment had little effect.

However,genes can't control everything,argues geneticist Danielle Reed,who also studies twins.Reed's research shows that though nothing can truly change our DNA,environmental differences that a child experiences before birth and in their first year can sometimes affect the way the DNA behaves,making even identical twins into very different people. "What I like to say is that Mother Nature writes some things in pencil and some things in pen, "She explains. "Things written in pen you can't change.That's DNA.But things written in pencil you can. "

(1)How many physical similarities between the Jim twins are mentioned?     









(2)What did Bouchard's study find about the twins?       


Each seemed to be as tall as their twin.


Each had the same hobby as their twin.


Each had almost the same ability as their twin.


Each had about the same IQ level as their twin.

(3)What is Reed's opinion about genes and environment?    


Only DNA has an effect on our development.


Environment could possibly change some things about us.


There are no boundaries between genes and environment.


Environmental differences can sometimes change our DNA.

(4)What is the passage mainly about?       


The way the DNA behaves.


The similarities between the Jim twins.


The connection between intelligence and families.


The effects of genes on personality and intelligence.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are certain foods which should never be stored(储存)in the fridge.Some of them may surprise you.

(1)    .The cold temperature will make it hard.If you have made sandwiches with the bread,then you can store them in it.

We all love to have tomatoes. (2)    .The cold air in the fridge stops the ripening(成熟)process.And as we all know,ripening is what gives every tomato more taste.For best results,keep them out.

(3)    .It needs no help from us.Putting it in your fridge will in fact increase the speed of the crystallization(结晶).This will make honey harder or nearly impossible to use.

If you haven't opened your watermelons,then there's no need to put them in your fridge.Research has shown that watermelons can be stored in room temperature. (4)    .Watermelons that have been cut open should be put in the fridge.What's more,they should be covered.

Cucumber(黄瓜)enjoys room temperature.(5)    .Cool temperature can make cucumber's skin(表皮)go bad faster,so find a dry and cool place at room temperature for your cucumber.

A.Do remember that they must be whole.

B.There's no reason to keep honey in a fridge.

C.The fridge is not a good place for storing it.

D.Nothing makes bread dry faster than your fridge.

E.It' a good way to keep the fruits and vegetables in the fridge.

F.But storing them in the fridge will cause them to lose the taste.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A mind map is basically a tool that connects information around a central subject.It can help you make a knowledge bank to solve problems.A student recently said, "I thought mind mapping would take a lot of time to do but in fact it saves me time.(1)   

   How to make a mind map?Now follow these steps for making wonderful mind maps.

   (2 )     Why?Because starting in the center lets your brain spread out in all directions and express itself more freely and naturally.

    Use a picture for your central idea.Why?Because a picture is worth a thousand words and helps you use your imagination.(3)     It helps get your attention and makes you work excitedly!

    Connect your main branches (分支) to the central picture and connect your second﹣and﹣third﹣level branches to the first and second levels,etc.Why?Because your brain works by connection(4)    If you connect the branches,you will understand and remember a lot more easily.

    Use one key word every line.Why?Because every single key word can make you learn more clearly and easily.

    (5)    Why?Because each picture,just like the central picture,is also worth a thousand words.So,if you have 10 pictures in your mind map,they are already worth 10,000 words of notes.

     Try to use more colors.Why?Because colors are as exciting to your brain as pictures.Color adds great energy to your creative thinking,and is fun!


A.Start in the center of a page.

B.Use pictures as many as possible.

C.A central picture is more interesting.

D.I don't have to read my notes over and over again.

E.It likes to connect two,or three,or four things together.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


(1)Where and when did Amy last see her mobile phone?


(2)What color is the mobile phone?


(3)How can people know the phone is Amy's?


(4)Does Amy need her phone back right away?


(5)How can Amy be contacted(联系)if the phone is found?



注意:1. 内容包括第二节问题答案的所有信息(顺序可调整);2.不得出现校名和人名等真实信息.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Going Green
Green is no longer just a color. It is a new way of thinking about the world and a way of living your life. It’s catching on all over the world. More and more people decide to “go green” because they know that we only have one planet to live on. We won’t be able to live on it much longer if we keep wasting energy, and destroying(破坏) our home with air, land, and water pollution.

“Green Living” means:
Understanding that your choices affect(影响) not just you, but everybody everywhere.
Understanding that your choices affect not just today, but the future.
Understanding that when we talk about “saving the planet” or “saving the environment,” we are actually talking about saving ourselves!
You may be thinking: “Hey, I’m just one person, on a planet with billions. I can’t really make a difference.” Well, have you ever seen a group of people do “the wave(波浪)”? It always starts off with one or two people, jumping up and down like crazy. Soon thousands of people are joining in. “Going green” is just like that. It starts with small, simple actions. It can soon build into a wave that will change the whole planet and lead us all to healthier, happier lives.
Many students have already shared with us their efforts to help the environment:
Gabrielle, 12, writes, “I have helped my community plant a garden and I ride my bike or skateboard to school.”
Kaitlyn, 10, says, “Lots of paper towels are thrown away, so I use a reusable cloth towel to dry my hands instead.”
“I always recycle(重复利用)” says Natalie, 13. “You can call me a recycler! I always look at the bottom of things. I want to see whether they have the little sign that tells you it can be recycled. So I almost recycle everything!”
Now it’s your turn to think about how you can “go green”. Make important choices and take actions to improve the environment right around you and the health of the whole world.
What does the expression “catch on” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.Go worse.
B.Come to an end.
C.Get help.
D.Become popular.

From the passage we can learn that ______.

A.our choices can’t affect the future
B.one person can’t make a difference
C.our planet is destroyed by pollution
D.going green starts with small actions

The writer may agree that ______.

A.going green is hard for students
B.going green means changing others
C.going green is actually a choice
D.going green remains far away from us
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When a computer works on a group of programs, it can get very hot. Cooling the computer can cost a lot. So some scientists wonder what would happen if the heat from the computer could be used.
Large Internet companies (公司) such as Google and Microsoft have thousands of computers. As these computers deal with information, they produce lots of heat, so they need huge cooling systems (系统). These systems send the heat into the air.
A company in Holland (荷兰) thinks paying to make the computers work and then paying again to cool them are a waste of energy. So the company developed a special device—the e-Radiator.
Boaz Leupe, head of the company, says that e-Radiator works as a heating system and saves money. He explains that the energy is used twice—once to heat the home and once to cool the computer and that the users don’t have to pay to cool their computers.
Five homeowners in Holland are testing the heating system in their homes.
“We pay for the computer using, so, in that way, homeowners get heating for free,”Boaz says.
Jan Visser is one of the homeowners. “If you use the computer more, the e-Radiator producers more heat, ”he says, “It cannot provide enough heat if you don’t use your computer often.” But he is ready to try it. It’s a great help for his family.
The company says e-Radiators produce heat temperatures of up to 55℃. It says the system could save its users about $440 a year.
Before the e-Radiator appears, usually the heat of a computer ______.

A.is sent into the air
B.helps the five homeowners
C.is used twice
D.makes the computer work better

The e-radiator is mainly used _____.

A.to drive the computer
B.to help Microsoft
C.to heat the computer
D.to provide heat

The Chinese meaning of the word “device” in this passage is probably “____”.


The best title of the passage may be “_____”.

A.An Environment Problem
B.A New Way to Heat Homes
C.The Future Computers
D.The Energy to Be Wasted
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Erica is a nine-year-old girl. Today is a beautiful day for Erica. Her uncle will come from Australia(澳大利亚) today. Her uncle is twenty-seven. He lives there for three years. He will bring a big surprise for Erica.
The school is over. And Erica puts her books in the bag and goes out of the classroom. She is running home and thinking about her uncle. She wants to know the surprise.
"Is it a surfboard? That is fun! I can learn how to surf!"
"Are they Australian nuts(坚果)? Oh, I can eat nuts all day!"
"Or maybe he brings a kangaroo(袋鼠)? That is not good. I don't have a place in my room for a kangaroo... "
Erica gets home at four o'clock. Her parents are there, and her uncle is there! She is very happy to see him. "Uncle, uncle," she calls, "What surprise do you have for me from Australia?" "Well," her uncle smiles and answers, "I have for you an Australian uncle."
How old is Erica?

A.She is three. B.She is nine.
C.She is twenty-seven. D.She is four.

Erica is going home________.

A.on foot B.by car C.by bike D.on a bus

The surprise for Erica is_______.

A.surfboard B.Australian nuts
C.kangaroo D.her uncle

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Erica lives in Australia for three years.
B.Erica is a student.
C.Erica's uncle comes home after four.
D.Erica gets a beautiful gift from her uncle.

What's the best title (题目)?

A.A Beautiful Girl B.My Australian Uncle
C.A Big Surprise D.My Family
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A group of classmates got together to visit their old teacher.
These classmates all had good jobs and made lots of money. They talked happily. Then their talk soon turned to complaining about the stress (压力) in work and life. The teacher went to the kitchen and came back with a large pot of coffee and many cups—china (瓷制的) ones, plastic ones and glass ones. Some are plain (朴素的) looking, some are expensive and some are lovely. The teacher told them to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said, “Can you notice that all of you took nice-looking expensive cups, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones? You want only the best for yourselves, and that is the source (根源) of your problems.”
“What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you went for the best cups and then began looking at each other’s cups.”
“Now think about this: life is the coffee, and the jobs, money and position (位置) in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold, and do not change the life. Sometimes, by caring only about the cups, we fail to enjoy the coffee. So don’t let the cups drive you, and enjoy the coffee instead.”
What did the group of classmates get together for?

A.Visiting their old teacher.
B.Enjoying coffee.
C.Complaining about their stress in work and life.
D.Showing each other’s good jobs.

What cups did the teacher give to his students?

A.All china cups. B.Plastic and glass cups.
C.Beautiful cups. D.Different kinds of cups.

In their teacher’s eyes, why did they have so much stress?

A.Because they cared too much about things that were not important.
B.Because they understood the meaning of life.
C.Because they knew about life itself and enjoyed it.
D.Because they drank too much coffee.

What is the best title of this passage?

A.Coffee or Cup B.An Old Teacher
C.Stress in Your Life D.What Do You Want

What can we learn from the teacher’s words?

A.We should use the plain and cheap cups to drink coffee.
B.We should think much of cups.
C.We should care about life itself instead of unimportant things.
D.We should learn how to work out problems in our work and life.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Since two years ago, Where Are We Going, Dad? ( 《爸爸去哪儿?》) has become one of the most popular TV shows. On the shows, the five fathers and their children traveled around China, riding camels through the western deserts, fishing on the east coast, and selling vegetables for their bus fare(费用) home in southwestern Yunnan Province.
One dad doesn’t know how to do his daughter’s hair, so some people try to help him. Another one must survive with his son for three days in the desert. Because the father can’t cook, they only eat instant noodles(方便面).
Why is Where Are We Going, Dad? so popular? Because it is about how Chinese parents look after their kids. The show makes modern parents think about what they should do with their kids. “In traditional Chinese culture, the father is strict and the mother is kind. But on the show, we see fathers who are much gentler(温和的) on their kids and more involved(参与) in their upbringing(培养)” said Li Minyi, a professor of early childhood education.
In the past, children were taught to obey their parents’ wishes and look after them in their old age. But today Chinese parents increasingly realize that respecting their children’s choices may be a better way to prepare them for modern society. As they raise their children, parents are growing up at the same time.
How many fathers and their children are mainly mentioned on Where Are We Going, Dad?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

Where Are We Going, Dad? is so popular because ______.

A.it teaches fathers how to cook
B.it tells us how to survive in the desert
C.it is about how Chinese parents look after their kids
D.it shows us how to ride camels through the western deserts

Which of the following is not TRUE according to the passage?

A.The show makes modern parents think about what to do with their parents.
B.In traditional Chinese culture, the father is strict and the mother is kind.
C.In the past, children were taught to obey their own wishes.
D.From the passage we know that Li Minyi is a writer of early childhood education.

The underlined word “survive” means ______ in Chinese.

A.生存 B.服务 C.料想 D.蔓延

From the passage we know that______.

A.fishing on the east coast is really interesting
B.children should learn to look after their parents when they are old
C.today Chinese children should respect their parents’ choices
D.as they raise their children, parents are growing up at the same time
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22, 1998. It was started to protect the environment. By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day.
The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001. Other cities, including Beijing, Taibei, Shanghai, Wuhan and Shenzhen also support the day.
In Beijing, more and more people are joining in the activity. It asks drivers to leave their cars for one day each week and walk, take a bus or subway or ride a bike to work. The slogan(口号)for the activity is, “If we drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.” Beijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this year. In the first three months of this year Beijing only have 52 blue sky days. This was 11 days less than the number for the same period last year. Car exhaust(汽车尾气) is one of the most important reasons of the pollution. We must do more for No Car Day.
So far, more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support. “We can’t control the weather, but we can choose not to drive.” said Wu Zonghua, a car club chairman.
There are_____ cities in China that support No Car Day according to the passage.

A.four B.five C.six D.seven

The activity of No Car Day encourages drivers in Beijing       to work.

A.to take a bus or subway. B.to ride a bike
C.to walk D.A,B and C

According to the passage there were            blue sky days in the first three months of last year in Beijing.

A.238 B.63 C.52 D.41

The air pollution in Beijing is mainly caused by      according to the passage.

A.noise B.cars C.rubbish D.weather

The main idea of the passage is           .

A.So far, more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support
B.more and more people in Beijing are joining a No Car Day activity.
C.more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day.
D.a No Car Day helps to protect our environment.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr. Grey was the manager of a small office in London. He lived in the country, and came to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his office if it was not raining, because it gave him some exercises. One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, “ You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago  I came to London without any  money in my pocket. I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend me some money, and you lent me five pounds, because you said that you were happy to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success.” Mr. Grey thought for a few moments and then said, “ Yes, I remember you. Go on with your story.” “ Well,” answered the stranger, “Are you still ready to take a chance again?”
Mr. Grey walked to his office only when the weather was ________.

A.well B.fine C.bad D.raining

Mr. Grey walked because _______.

A.he was poor
B.it was not raining
C.it helped him in good health
D.he had a lot of homework

Mr. Grey _______ the stranger some years before.

A.had stopped B.had called
C. had heard of D.had helped

The stranger ______ since then.

A.had been successful B.had still been poor
C.had been rich D.had had much money

Now the stranger wanted to ______.

A.ask for some money again
B.give Mr. Grey his money back
C.help Mr. Grey
D.lend Mr. Grey some money
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1970 was World Conservation(保护)Year. The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world was in danger. They hoped something could be done.
Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 kinds of plants, trees and flowers in Holland(荷兰),but now only 866 are left. The others have been destroyed(毁灭)by modern people and their science. We are polluting earth, air, water and everything around us. We can’t live without these things. If things go on like this, we shall destroy ourselves.
What will happen in the future? Perhaps it’s more important to ask “What must we do?” More and more young people have known this. Many of them are helping to save our earth. For example, they plant trees. In a small town in the United States, a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conversation through a song called “No one’s going to change our world”. It was made by Cliff Gichard and other singers. The money from it will help to conserve tigers, elephants and pandas on the earth.
The United Nations hoped something could be done      .

A.to conserve the world B.to change the world
C.to develop the world D.to destroy the world

Why aren’t there so many plants, trees and flowers in Holland now?   Because    .

A.people there didn’t need so many plants, trees and flowers.
B.people there want to destroy themselves
C.little conservation has been done there
D.people need more land to live on

How many kinds of plants, trees and flowers have been destroyed in Holland?

A.1300 B.988 C.3166 D.434

We shall destroy ourselves if we go on    .

A.Planting trees and flowers
B.polluting earth, air and water around us
C.saving the world
D.helping to conserve tigers, elephants and pandas

What must we do now according to the passage?

A.Save the world B.Clean the banks of river
C.Sing songs D.Get money
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

MOST of you may have heard about the Nobel Prize. But do you know the Ig Nobel Prize (搞笑诺贝尔奖)?The awards are given each year to 10 unusual achievements in science. It is to “honor achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think.
This September the 2014 winners of the Ig Nobel awards came out! Research into why bananas are slippery(滑的) won the Ig Nobel for physics.
A team of scientists from Japan, tested 12 different banana skins. They then used sensors to measure the friction(摩擦力) between the slippery side of banana skin and the ground. They found that when someone steps on a banana skin, a special chemical, polysaccharide follicular gel(囊泡多糖凝胶), is set off. This chemical reduces friction by one-fifth. Later, scientists also compared banana skin with apple skin and orange skin and showed why apple and orange skins are not quite so dangerous. Friction was about 60 per cent higher on an apple peel.
Polysaccharide follicular gel is also found in the membranes (薄膜) where our bones meet. “This idea will help to design a joint prosthesis (人工关节),” Kiyoshi Mabuchi, the lead scientist, told the BBC news.
The Ig Nobel Prize in Medicine went to doctors from the Detroit Medical Center, US. They used salt pork to stop a young child’s nose bleed. Other interesting research includes whether owning a cat was bad for your mental health and looking at ugly art can be painful.
While Ig Nobel Prizes are mostly funny, great scientific breakthroughs(突破) can be made. In 2006, a team found that a type of mosquito(蚊子) is equally attracted to the smell of feet and cheese. As a result, mosquito traps were made using cheese to fight against malaria in Africa.

Ig Nobel Prize awards are mainly given for achievements in _____.

A.chemistry B.Science
C.medical research D.Arts

Which of the following is True about the banana skin research?

A.The test led to the invention of a joint prosthesis.
B.Stepping on apple and orange skins are not dangerous.
C.The test showed that apple skin is more slippery than banana skin.
D.The chemical inside the skin mainly causes the banana’s slipperiness.

Which research has won 2014 Ig Nobel for Medicine?

A.Looking at ugly art can be painful.
B.Salt pork can be used to treat nosebleeds.
C.Mosquitoes like the smell of feet and cheese.
D.The influence cats have on their owner’s mental health.

What’s the best title for this passage?

A.Fun science that makes people think
B.Science is dry and humorless but meaningful
C.Ig Nobel Prizes: Think First, Then Laugh
D.Ig Nobel Prize given out to silly scientists
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
