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  首页 / 试题库 / 初中英语试题 / 选词填空

are  pencil  a  she  he  on  cousin  family  parent  good
Hello , I’m Kate. Today is Sunday . My __1___are all at home. My grandparents are in the living room (客厅). They like watching TV. They have _2___color TV. Look, that is my __3___. She is a nice girl . ___4__ name is Mary Smith. She has two erasers and three___5___. My little brother Jack is __6__ the sofa. __7___ is playing computer game. My __8____ are in the kitchen(厨房). They are cooking. Mary and I __9___ in the same school . We are ___10___students.

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that;  clear;   with;   learn;   travel;   try;  
from;   rain;   I;  strange;   he;    heavy

After almost 24 hour of traveling, I was in Beijing. I was       with some of my classmates. We were all tired and dirty. Even at the airport, it was       that we were in a foreign country which was very different       our own. For us, the language sounded very     . Although nervous, I felt excited.
It’s amazing     there are so many places of interest (名胜) in Beijing. We visited the Forbidden City, Tian’anmen Square and the Great Wall.
One day, Li Bo, a Chinese friend of      , took us to visit a village. On the way, it rained       . we were wet when we arrived, but we were happy to see the mountains in the      . They were really beautiful. The China Study Tour made me       a lot about the country, the people I met and even myself. It was the most valuable (宝贵的) part of my college life. I often encourage my friends to        a study tour. There’s no other way to learn so much in only four weeks!

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选词填空。从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的选项,并将其填入短文后相应题号的横线上。 (其中有两个选项是多余的)

A. necessary     B. comes       C. well       D. up         E. hold        F. habits
G. parents’      H. dressed      I. forget      J. nothing      K. how        L.from

   Now lots of parents will buy everything that their children want to have. If they go on with the habit, their children won’t know the money   1  from hard work.
Some parents like to   2  birthday parties for their children. If they keep on doing this, their children will think it   3  for them to enjoy birthday parties every year. Year after year, maybe they will forget their   4  birthdays and only remember their own. It is against traditional habits.
Many parents don’t let the children do housework. They think children have only one thing to do. They should study hard and do   5   in their lessons. If parents go on doing this, the children will only learn to open their mouths to be fed and stretch out (伸出) their arms to be   6  every day. When the children grow   7  , they will be able to do   8 , and they won’t even find a job. Parents should teach the children   9  to do housework because it can help them start good    10  of working by themselves.

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teach, knife, pronounce nine, they
Dear, we need three more __________.
The children are not old enough to take care of ___________.
We’re in the __________ grade now. And we should learn hard.
We should pay attention to our __________.
Dad, who __________ you English when you were young.

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choose  come  twelve  it   success
Nobody came close to the door, so the door seemed to close by _________ .
Without the help of our teacher, we did the experiment ___________ .
We are all busy getting ready for the _________ exams these days.
The traffic stopped, and he had no ______ but to walk home.
I hope to see you at my ________ birthday party.
show  visit  save  prefer   wait
Please keep quiet. The doctors _________ the dying man in it .
---You were not in when I called you yesterday afternoon.
----Oh, I _________ for my uncle at the airport.
----She seems to know much about the exhibition.
----That’s  right .  She ________ it three times since she came here.
I wonder how to use the washing machine.
That’s easy.  I ___________ you later.
My sister ________ red to black when she was young .

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take  west  month  talk  eat

Have you ever          Italian food ?
Quzhou is in the          part of Zhejiang.
.       a deep breath, and it will make you feel comfortable and relaxed.
It has taken scientists several         to get to Mars.
All the students stopped       when the teacher came into the classroom.

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thank   need    run    you    watch

1.—What’s ________ QQ number? —It’s 23356789.
2. Liu Xiang is a great _____ star, I like him very much.
3.I_________some books.
4. Lucy has some nice ________
5. ________ for your help.

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1. How many ___________does the baby have ? Only one.
2.Millie is so kind that she always helps ____________with English.
3. Everyone is happy about the ___________festival.
4. June the first is ___________ Day. 
5. ---How often does she go to the school library?
---__________ a week.

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not support , zoo , care for , keep , good , hardly , surprise , for , much , be  suitable for

Yesterday I visited the Hong Shan Forest Zoo. I was  1  to find few people there.   2  are very important places. They provide homes  3  many endangered animals .They also help to educate the public about
 4 them . If we   5 our zoos, they won’t have enough money to take care of so  6  fine animals. Therefore, People should go and visit the zoos more often to learn about animals and help to protect them  7 .
However, some people don’t think so. They think zoos are terrible places for animals to live.“I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen one I like or one that  8 animals to live in .”Jenny said The animalsin small cages and can   10 move at all .What’s more, they are only given food once a week That’s terrible.

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happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run , tire, have, miss ,catch, think

    A man was sitting in the doctor’s office. He was telling the doctor about his ________ .
“I like football, Doctor.” He said, “ Please help me. My life has      ________ been a good one since I became ________ in football and  it is getting worse and worse. I can’t even________ from it in my sleep. When I close my ________, I’m out there in the football field and ________  after a flying ball. When I wake up, I’m more  ________than I was before I went to bed. What am I going to do?  ”
The doctor sat back and said,  “ First of all, you ______to do your best not to dream(做梦) about football. Before you fall asleep, try to________about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “ Are you crazy (疯了) ?”  the man shouted,  “ I’ll ________ the ball !”

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can,  happy,  friend,  dinner,
have,  the ,  up  clean,  on,  my

Dear Dr Know,
I’m not  , I have too many rules in my house, I have to get   at six o’clock every morning. I can’t meet my  after school because I have to do  homework. I can’t watch TV on school nights. And I have to be in bed by ten o’clock.  weekends, I have to   my room and wash my clothes. Then I   to help my mom make   . Later I have to go to Children’s Palace to learn piano. I never have any fun. What   I do ?
Zhao Pei

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mother, different, same, stay in touch, even though, get together, friend, other

A: You look lovely, Lingling!
B: Thanks, you look great, too. That’s a nice handbag.               
A: It’s my  . Are you enjoying the party?
B: Yes, it’ s enjoyable, but I feel a bit sad. I don’ t know. when we’ II be back in this hall all together again. I’ 11 miss you, Diana !
A : Oh, I feel just the  ! We must try to continue our friendship,   we will no longer be at school together.
B: Yes. I wish we weren’t going to     senior high schools. I feel really sorry to have to say goodbye to you and all our   old friends.
A: We’ll make new    , too, though! But let’, s promise to   . We may not see each other so often, but we can   in the summer vacation.
B: Yes, and think of all the happy times we’ I! have then !

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afraid   start   hardly    progress   with    speak   either   understand   help    laugh
Last year, I had a difficult time in my English class. To begin    , it wasn’t easy for me     what the teacher said-she    too fast, and I could    follow. I was also     of speaking in class because I thought I would    at.. I couldn’t make complete sentences,   . Then I    to watch English programs on TV. It   a lot. Now, I have made great    and I even got an A in the last exam!

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read    want    plant    hold  forget

Amy is crazy about dancing and she _____to be a dancer when she grows up.
I __________ this magazine. Will you please show me another?
一Can you hear some students singing in the hall?
一Yes. Our school __________ a red-song competition there.
I __________ to past the letter on my way here this morning. I’ll do it this afternoon.
一Why are you in a hurry,John?
一My classmates are waiting for me at the school gate. We__________ trees in the park.

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Clear    cloud     he     far    mouse

一Look! It’s so __________. 一I think it’s going to rain soon.
Mrs. White spoke slowly and _________, so we all understood her easily.
一What do baby pandas look like at birth? 一Little white __________,I Think
He went to the Great Wall yesterday and enjoyed __________ very much.
Jack runs faster than I, but I jump __________ than he.

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