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  首页 / 试题库 / 初中英语试题 / 选词填空

confident   twelve   box   offer   along

(1)I'm happy to find some    of chocolate in my bag.

(2)There is a cinema on the    floor of the shopping center.

(3)Orange juice    after each meal when I stayed at the hotel.

(4)My grandpa often takes a walk    the river early in the morning.

(5)After winning the speech competition, Bob became    than before.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

exactly     two    safety    beside    good

(1)Richard's dad was right   him, helping him stand up and try again.

(2)Since we are friends , I know   how she feels now.

(3)Ann was so close to the winner, but the   place made her feel pretty good too.

(4)For your   ,please mind your steps when getting off the train.

(5)Kids' brains are like a question machine and one of their   ways to learn is by asking a lot of questions.

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  • 难度:未知

thirsty her grape since produce

(1)How sweet these   taste!

(2)Drink whenever you feel   during exercise.

(3)That's not Mary's son.  has a round face.

(4)Tea is    in many different areas in China.

(5)We've been friends    we were at school together.

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  • 难度:未知

take out / everyday / achieve / changes / sweet / bring out

(1)We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our   lives.

(2)My best friend helps to   the best in me.

(3)The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to   our dreams.

(4)Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and   you.

(5)Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back   memories.

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  • 难度:未知

used to / managed / both / on sale / succeeded / so that

(1)Jay    play computer games after class, but now he would rather go over his lessons.

(2)My father and his brother have studied abroad, and    are working in the same company now.

(3)Our English teacher spoke louder    the students in the last row could hear her clearly.

(4)It is said that the new model will be    next month.

(5)﹣﹣The program has helped the poor return to live a more normal life.

       ﹣﹣Great. I don't know exactly how they    it.

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  • 难度:未知

Asian        five      in person        knock      nearly

46.It's the   time that I've been to the West Lake.

47.Although Jenny is only 12 years old,she's   as tall as her father.

48.If you can't be there   ,the next best thing is watching the match on TV.

49.You can find elephants both in Africa and   ,but they are kind of different.

50.Dad was   at the door,but I couldn't answer it because I was talking a shower.

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  • 难度:未知

speech      bad      him     divide     smooth

46.Look! Jack is enjoying   on the beach.

47.Rosie got a cold and coughed   last night.

48.There is no wind and the water is as   as glass.

49.Each child had to give a short   to the rest of the class.

50.The students were   into six groups before doing experiments.

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  • 难度:未知

A.necessary B.succeed C.along D.August E.silent F.exactly

51.In my hometown,  is the hottest month of the year.

52.It is quite   to check the paper before you hand it in.

53.Stella walked alone in the dark street during the   hours of the night.

54.Keep your dream and work hard towards it,and you will   sooner or later.

55.My first grade teacher hasn't changed at all﹣she looks   the same as before.

56.Tim's family plans to have a self﹣drive trip   the Tai Lake this summer.

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  • 难度:未知

safe;wet;true;nine;give away;put away;dry

76.The writer wrote his  book when he was fifty.

77.It has rained much this year,so the south of China is  than usual.

78.Children should be taught road  to avoid road accidents.

79.Even though we are busy studying,we are supposed to  our things in our bedrooms.

80.We can't understand our teachers  took care of us until we graduate.

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  • 难度:未知

another    drop    then   up   everything   why   son careful much   see rise what

It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. If we didn't see any rain soon, we would lose(1)    

One day when I was in the kitchen, I(2)    my six﹣year﹣old son, Billy, walking towards the forest. He was clearly trying to be as still (平静的) as possible. Several minutes later, he disappeared into the forest, and (3)    he ran out again, towards the house. This activity went on for an hour, walking(4)    to the forest and running back to the house. I really wanted to know (5)    Billy was doing.

Finally I followed him into the forest. I found that he was holding a cup of water. He walked very carefully not to(6)    the water.

I saw a baby deer (鹿) lying on the ground. It lifted its head to drink the water in my (7)    cup. After the deer drank up, Billy jumped up and ran back to the house to get(8)    water. When he saw me, he said, "I'm not wasting, mother." I found that his eyes were filled with tears.

"I know." I watched the most beautiful heart working so hard to save(9)   life. Tears ran down my face. As my tear drops began to hit the ground, more drops suddenly joined them. I looked(10)    at the sky. It was raining.

The actions of one little boy saved a life, and the rain saved our farm.

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  • 难度:未知

it; help; late; early; policeman; sing;problems; but;how; lost;smile;easily; town;carefully

Paula was going to a birthday party. The party was at a friend's house from work.

Paula's friend carefully wrote the directions(路线) to the party.She didn't know the (1)   ___  where her friend lived; so she left her house(2)   .For 20 minutes she followed the directions(3)   and got off at Exit 14. Then she began to have (4)   She couldn't find the street.' She drove around and around, and soon she was (5)   . She stopped and asked people for directions, (6)   no one knew that street.

Paula didn't have her mobile phone with her. She left (7)   at home on the kitchen table. Suddenly she saw a (8)   , She stopped and asked him for(9)   .He looked at the directions and (10)   

"You wanted Exit 15, not Exit 14."He showed Paula (11)   to get back on the highway (公路). She got off at Exit 15 and (12)   found the house. She was very (13)  ! When she walked in,everyone was(14)   "Happy Birthday" to her friend.After a few minutes,Paula relaxed and began to enjoy the party.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

other    if     walk    deep    what    amaze     for      give     wood     short

It was another wonderful Autumn here. I took my dog outside this morning. The air was cooler and drier than it had been for months. Our dog, Fluffy was carrying around a freshly fallen leaf in his mouth. I breathed (呼吸) (1)    and smiled. This was my favorite time of the year. I closed my eyes for a moment and a thousand(2)    memories began to appear in my mind.

I was a four﹣year﹣old kid carrying an armful of (一抱) colorful leaves into the house ,(3)    to my mom. I was a young boy riding my bike down a hill with the wind whistling (呼呼地刮) past my face. I was taking a walk with my wife in the (4)    wondering why some leaves turned a rich red, while (5)    turned a light yellow. I (6)    around a local lake with my children wondering why the prettiest season seemed to be (7)    in a year. I was sitting on my back porch (走廊) drinking tea, thanking God (8)    another great Autumn afternoon, and wondering (9)    in Heaven it was Autumn all of the time.

As I bathed my mind in these memories, I remembered (10)    Emerson had once said, "Beauty is God's handwriting." I wondered too if God had a special pen just for Autumn.

We are all traveling through sweet seasons in this world. May we always take the time to add our own love, joy, and beauty to them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

   she;from;size;proper; neither;spend; clean;sunny; toy;never; word; either

One Christmas,Celina received a special gift﹣a blue plastic piece.There is green,blue and faded mica(褪色的云母片)in it.It has the same (1)    as a hand mirror. It was similar to a kind of fish which looked (2)    useful nor beautiful.She thanked,and forgot it.

One day,Celina (3)    the dining room.When she took down the box from the bookcase,the strange gift was found.This time she noticed a hook(钩)at one end,and there were several(4)    on the bottom of the box:Hang on a(5)    window.

Then Celina went to the kitchen, hung this gift on a window with the sunshine pouring in all day.To (6)    surprise,amazing colorful light came into the kitchen.Through the little blue mica colors turned(7)    green to dark blue,and then to purple …just like the fantastic sea waves.She had (8)    thought such a small strange gift could lead to a beautiful sea world.On Christmas day Celina didn't find that kind of beauty.But at the moment she understood:a common thing will be so beautiful as long as you make use of it (9)    

The gift has been hung on the window.Every day it reminds her that she should (10)    some time finding the beauty hidden in people and gifts.it's an important lesson for her.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

afraid     think     with     catch     goal     what     good     how     ready     he     quickly     around

A young eagle (鹰)was learning to hunt (捕猎)when he saw a large pig running around in the forest below. "Ooh,that looks delicious," he said. "No, dear," his mum said, "you're not (1)    to hunt something so big yet. Begin (2)    mice." Being a good boy,the eagle listened to (3)    mum and learned how to hunt mice proficiently (熟练地). Then he wanted (4)    pigs again. "No, dear," his mum said, "perhaps you should learn (5)    to catch rabbits now." So he did so, then he (6)    of the pigs again. "No, dear," his mum said, "now it's time for young sheep." The young eagle soon became (7)    at catching young sheep and then one day, he saw a pig running (8)    below. He looked at the pig, then at his mum's eyes. She nodded and the young eagle took off from his branch (树枝)and flew (9)    down. He had the pig for dinner that day.

I don't know what your (10)    are. I hope that they are big. And I hope that you are taking small daily steps every day that are required to get there.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In school, when children are given tasks, some of them are too lazy to think. They(1)    asking parents or teachers what to do instead of thinking by themselves. How then do you teach your children to think critically (批判性地)?

Firstly, allow your children to play(2)    , which is important in raising children to think on their own as it forces them to (3)    what to play with and how. It is during    (4)    that children get curious enough to try something.

Secondly, ask them(5)    questions.When your children ask you a question, don't be quick to give a(6)    .Help them think about possible answers by asking them questions in turn:" Hmmm, that's an interesting question, and (7)    do you think the answer should be?" And when they give their opinions, always(8)    them.

Thirdly, don't be quick to get involved when your children make an improper(9)    . Let them reflect for a while and try again by themselves. Don't say "you are (10)    for doing that". But when your children choose properly, be sure to praise them.

(1)A.take up

B. stay up

C. end up

D. give up

(2)A. carefully

B. freely

C. quietly

D. happily

(3)A. guess

B. promise

C. learn

D. decide

(4)A. play

B. trip

C. discussion

D. study

(5)A. open﹣hearted

B. happy﹣ending

C. surprise﹣ending

D. open﹣ended

(6)A. reward

B. reason

C. reply

D. report

(7)A. what

B. how

C. why

D. which

(8)A. correct

B. encourage

C. accept

D. compare

(9)A. mistake

B. choice

C. effort

D. excuse

(10)A. stupid

B. clever

C. exciting

D. impolite

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
