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badly, because, family, friends, health, leave, perfectly, poor, stay with

Matt Owens of New Zealand was on his way home one day when he saw an injured (受伤的) bird on the side of the road. The 1. ______ bird looked very lonely, so Matt decided to take him home and bring him back to 2. ______. And he gave the bird a name: Swoop.

After spending plenty of time caring for his new friend, Matt helped him walk and even fly. Finally, it was time to set Swoop free back into the wild, but the bird chose to 3. ______ Matt and his cat Mowgli instead!

At the beginning, Matt didn’t want to introduce Swoop to Mowgli 4. _____ he was afraid Mowgli might not like him. But since Swoop was part of their 5. ______, Matt sat down with Mowgli and helped the cat accept his new brother.

It worked out 6. ______! Today, Swoop gets on well with Mowgli. “They have become very good 7. _______, and they play with each other all the time,” Matt said. Swoop has mad Matt’s life better in more ways than one!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mrs. Green is an old lady. She has a small car, and she always drives to the shops 1. ______ (buy) food.

Sometimes her grandchildren say to her. “Please 2. _____ (not, go) out in your car all by yourself, Granny. We can take you to the shops.”

But she always says, “No, I like driving. I 3. _____(drive) for thirty years, and I’m not going to stop now.”

Last Saturday she 4. ______ (stop) her car at some traffic lights because they were red, and then the car didn’t start again. The lights were green, then yellow, then red, and then green again, 5. ______ her car did not start again.

“What 6. _____ I 6. _______ (do) now?”

Then a policeman came and said to her kindly, “Good morning, madam! Don’t you like any of our colors today?”

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式, 必要时可加助动词或情态动词。

We can’t imagine our life without inventions. TIME magazine has picked the 100 best inventions of 2021. Here is one of 1. _________(they).

Paper Shoot

Paper Shoot is a camera made mostly out of paper! Paper Shoot 2. ______(work) just like any other camera. But it is much 3. _______(small) and lighter. You can take it around easily and get the fun moments of your life. It can hold 800 pictures. But be careful when you take 4. _____(photo) on rainy days. Don’t get it wet!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1. A _______ is the fourth month of the year.

2. The sun rises in the e_______ and sets in the west.

3. I’m h_______. I want to buy something to eat.

4. Alan is an honest boy. You can t________ him.

5. I usually ________(借) some books from out school library.

6. Go to bed if you feel ____________(困倦的).

7. My sister Sally is always _________(有礼貌的) to others.

8. China __________(成功地) held the 24th winter Olympic Games.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you first meet Meggie, you may think she’s strange. She often tells people which word “tastes” good and who has a “delicious” name. But she’s not crazy. She has synesthesia (伴生感觉), something only one in 2,000 people has.

People who have synesthesia experience the world differently. For some people, different words “taste” differently, for some, numbers or letters have colors, and for some, music “touches” parts of their bodies. Many of them experience more than one kind of synesthesia, while some have just one, like Meggie.

Each of them has their own experience- two people with synesthesia may both “feel” music, but they almost never feel the music in the same way. For example, one may feel the music of the violin lightly brushing his face; the other may feel it on her ankle (脚踝). And one’s experience of synesthesia is always the same. If they see the number 5 in the color blue, then 5 is blue every time they see it.

There’s one thing about synesthesia: it can’t be “turned off”. If you have synesthesia, you’ll experience it all the time. Meggie once met a guy and his name made her think of the taste of bad eggs. He was a fun guy, but after thinking about his name all night, she felt too sick to be friends with him. Even so, she still likes this “gift” because that’s what makes her different.

1. What do you learn about Meggie from the first paragraph?


She has a strange name.


She is a good person.


She is a crazy person.


She is special in a way.

2. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?


People with synesthesia experience the world differently.


For some people with synesthesia, different words “taste” differently.


For some people with synesthesia, numbers or letters have colors.


Many people with synesthesia experience more than one kind of it.

3. What did Meggie stop being friends with the guy?


He often played jokes on her.


He enjoys eating bad eggs.


She couldn’t stand his name.


She did not like his gift.

4. Which of the following might be said by Meggie?


“The sound of drums touches my back.”


“The number zero tastes like an apple.”


“The name Shakespeare is in bright purple.”


“The music of the violin lightly brushes my face.”

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As we all know, too much trashis a big problem for our environment. A woman in Indonesia’s Java island has come up with a great idea —lending books to children in exchange for trash.

Raden Roro Hendarti, nearly 50 years old, is a librarian in Muntang village. She started a “trash library”, hoping to make children read more as well as make them realize the importance of environment protection. Each weekday, Raden puts all kinds of books on the back of her three-wheeler (三轮车) and rides to Muntang village. There, children line up to exchange plastic cups, bags and other trash for books from Raden’s mobile library. After finishing the exchange, Raden carries back all the trash.

In the library where Raden works, there are thousands of books. Every time she shows up, children run to her “trash library”. They all carry trash bags, and Raden’s three-wheeler quickly fills with trash as the books fly out. Raden collects about 100kg of trash each week. It is then sorted out (分类) and sent for recycling or sale. She is happy that children spend less time on online games because of the books.

Raden plans to take the mobile library service to neighboring areas as well. She says, “We all should take care of our trash in order to fight climate (气候) change and save the earth.”

1. What does the underlined word “trash” mean?









2. Which of the following shows how Raden’s idea works?

①She rides to Muntang village.② She carries back all the trash.

③Children line up to get books for their trash.

④ She puts books on her three-wheeler.









3. How much trash can Raden collect each weekday?


About 100 kg.


About 50 kg.


About 25 kg.


About 20 kg.

4. What’s Raden going to do next?


To ask her neighbors for help.


To give the mobile library to her neighbors.


To exchange books for trash in more villages.


To tell children to spend less time on online games.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I got up this morning, I was so surprised to find a new watch on my desk. I couldn’t help crying.

I lost my old watch last Monday. It was a present from my father for my thirteenth birthday. I still don’t know where or how I lost it.

I felt really sad when I couldn’t find the watch. I stayed at school to look for it until very late.

When I came home, no one was there. At nine o’clock, Mom called back and told me that Dad was hit by a car on his way to look for me. He was sent to the hospital.

I went to the hospital that night and told Dad I was sorry. I also told him I lost my watch, but he did not get angry.

Dad’s left leg was badly hurt, and he stayed in the hospital for several days. He just came back home yesterday, and this morning I found the new watch.

Thank you, Dad, for loving me so much.

1. Why did the writer start crying this morning?


Because she got up too late.


Because she had lost her watch.


Because her dad was in hospital.


Because she was moved by her dad.

2. Where did the writer lose her watch?


Nobody knows.


In the hospital.


On the playground.


On her way to school.

3. What happened to Dad while he was looking for her?


He suddenly fell ill.


He lost his way.


He was hit by a car.


He hit someone.

4. Who most probably bought the new watch?


Her mom.


Her dad.


Her friend.


Her teacher.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A Picture of My Own City

How will your dream city look in 100 years’ time?

What kind of city do you hope our children, grandchildren or great grandchildren will be living in?

Now paint your very own idea about our city & you’ll have a chance to win 5,000 dollars!

What: ① The ides of your painting must be your won.

② Write down the idea behind your painting in 100 words.

Where: Send your painting to A Picture of My Own City 9F, No. 168, Swan Road, Swan City.

When: Send your painting before June 30, 2022.

Prize: 1st Prize: $5,000 (3winners)

2nd Prize: $2,500 (5 winners)

3rd Prize: $1,000 (10 winners)

4th Prize: $ 500 (20 winners)

To learn more, please visit: http://picturemyowncity.swancity.gov/

1. What does the ad ask people to do?


To paint a future city.


To live with their children.


To offer 5,000 dollars.


To write a 100-word story.

2. How much do you get if you win the third prize?


$ 5,000.




$ 1,000.


$ 500.

3. Which of the following is most probably a picture for the competition?





  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知







3.告诉他如何做一名遵守规则(obey the rules)的中学生。






Dear Peter,

How’s it going? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes!


Li Ping

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Every year some birds fly south when days turn cold and leaves from trees start to fall. They travel a very long way to find a warmer winter. This travel is called migration (迁徙).

Birds do that because in winter most of the plants die and some insects (昆虫)hide. They fly away to find enough food. The next year when there is plenty of food for them to eat they will come back.

Birds fly in some ways. For example, they fly in groups like the letter V or in a row. The trip is often hard and it may be dangerous. But they never get lost because they look at the sun, the moon and stars.

The Migration of ____1____

When they fly south

Days turn cold and ____2____ from trees start to fall.

What the purpose is

They fly away in ____3____ to find enough food.

____4____ the trip is

It is often hard and dangerous.

____5____ they never get lost

Because they look at the sun, the moon and stars.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A famous writer was born in a small town. Although his family was very poor, his parents managed to send him to school. He worked hard until he left college with good grades.

He then put his heart into writing. But he made little money. He couldn’t afford his meals sometimes. Publishing (出版) his works was hard for him. An old woman heard of his experiences. She offered his money. Then he could live on and went on writing. Finally, his books came out. They sold well.

The success of his books brought him great wealth. So he made up his mind to help other young writers in the same way. He built up a fund (基金会). Many young writers received his help.

Kindness is passed on which makes the world a warm place.


s____1____ to make somebody go or be taken to a place

g____2____ a mark given in an exam


He couldn’t afford his meals sometimes.

He couldn’t afford his meals ____3____ time ____4____ time.


Where was the famous writer born?


What did the old woman offer the famous writer?


Did many young writers receive the famous writer’s help?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


achieve I climb much think about height sad natural

It was nearly dark. The sun was going down. A little boy, Mike, came back home ____1____ from the mountain.

“What’s the matter, Mike?” his mother asked.

“The mountain is so ____2____ and full of big or small stones on the way. I was very tired, so I had to return,” Mike cried.

“It doesn’t matter.” his mother said.

“But standing at the top of the mountain by ____3____ is a dream from childhood (童年)!” Mike said.

His father came up. “What did you notice when ____4____ up the mountain?

“There were a lot of beautiful flowers by the sides of the road.” Mike replied.

“Did you feel the beauty of ____5____?” his father asked.

Mike ____6____ the question for a while.

“Yes, the blue sky the white clouds and the green trees.” Mike answered.

“That’s enough!” his father smiled and said. “Please remember, Son. The beautiful scenery (风景) is on the way. You have ____7____ a lot although you didn’t reach the top of the mountain. It is one of the ____8____ valuable lessons in your life”.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A: Hi, Mary. We’re going to have our graduation (毕业) party. ____1____ you decided what to do yet?

B: No, but we need to record the happiest time.

A: I agree. I’ll bring my camera here.

B: Do you think writing some words to each other is a wonderful idea?

A: Yes, I think ____2____.

B: Why ____3____ invite our teachers to the party?

A: Good idea. I can’t wait.

B: Let’s get ready for it together.

A: When and ____4____ shall we meet?

B: Let’s meet in our classroom at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

A: All ____5____. See you!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A: Hi. Jeff ____1____

B: I’m fine, thanks.

A: ____2____

B: Nothing much.

A: Would you like to see a movie with me?

B: Sure. There are three movie theaters near here. ____3____

A: Sun Cinema. It’s the closest to us.

B: Yes, but what about the long waiting time to get movie tickets?

A: ____4____ We can buy tickets online.

B: What do you think of the other cinemas?

A: They are not as good as Sun Cinema. It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats.

B: ____5____

A: Well let’s go.


Sounds great.


You are welcome.


What are you going to do today?


How old are you?


Don’t worry.


How are you?


Which one shall we go to?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At the beginning of human history, people could only eat food they found. But then people learned to find more ways to get food. About 10, 000 years ago people started to farm the land. After that, people developed farming skills.

People eat different food in different areas. In China rice is the main food for people in the south while the people in the north eat noodles. People who live in European countries near the sea eat lots of fish. But in Central Europe, people are away from the sea. So they don’t eat so much fish. They eat more special meat instead.

People eat food with different tools in different areas. In China, people always like using chopsticks while in North American, Australia and Europe, people always like using knives and forks, to our surprise, in India and the Middle East, people always pick up food with their own fingers.

Now people can eat different food from different areas. As we can see it is possible to convey food easily from one part of the world to another. We can almost cat whatever we like at any place of the world. For example people in Britain can cat bananas from Africa and rice from India. Food is becoming a very big business now.


1. People ________ at the beginning of human history.


could only eat food they found


started to farm the land


developed farming skills

2. People living in Central Europe don’t eat so much fish because ________.


they are away from the sea


they like eating noodles


they are near the sea

3. The underlined(下划线的)word “convey” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.







4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?


People in the south of China eat bananas as their main food.


People in India and the Middle East always pick up food with their own fingers.


People in Britain can only eat rice from Africa.

5. What’s the best title(标题)for the passage?


People’s Table Manners(礼仪)


People’s Eating Tools


People and Food

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
