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With every new school year comes a fresh start. What are you going to do differently and better? When you are prepraring yourself, keep in mind the following:

(1)   When you miss a day, or even a class, it's easy to fall behind.The best way to stay with the development of the class is to be there! If you have to miss a class, make sure you meet with your teacher to find out what you missed.(2)   Don't write down everything, just the main points.

Ask questions,(3)   Believe it or not, most teachers want you to learn and they are always there to help you. If you aren't comfortable asking questions in front of the class,go to talk to the teacher after class.

Take your homework seriously. Like it or not, homework is a necessary part of school. There's not much you can do to get around it.(4)   If possible, you can find a study partner and do homework with him or her.

Try new things and get new friends.Try a new sport,something you think you will be good at. If sports aren't your thing,try joining a club.Keep your old friends,but get some new ones,too. (5)   

Remember, it's up to you to decide what kind of school year you're going to have. Make full use of it while you can!

A.Go to class every day.

B.Don't be afraid to ask questions!

C.Don't always ask the teacher questions.

D.Also, listen carefully and take notes in class.

E.Making friends with someone is easier when you join a club.

F.Make it a habit to do your homework at the same time every day.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's easy to tell someone good news, but what about bad news? Are there any good ways to give bad news without making people too upset?(1)   

●Say something good

Try to start the conversation with something good so that what you say is not all bad. For example,"I know you play soccer very well, but we only need one teammate." Or you may end the conversation with a promise."(2)   ."


Use words to introduce what you' re going to say, like "I'm really sorry, but." or "I'm afraid I've got some bad news." This gives the listener time to prepare for what you will say.

●Try to give a reason

(4)   Try to explain the decision: if you have to cancel a trip with friends, can you explain why?

 ●Use a soft friendly voice

If you're giving someone bad news, try to use a soft friendly voice to make you sound kind.(5)   like "I'm really sorry. I know this must be disappointing."

A. Say things to show you understand

B. People like to know why things go wrong

C. The following ways might help

D. Prepare your listener for the news

E. I'm sure you will join us in the next game

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Few students like homework, but it is an important part of middle school life in the UK.

The UK has these rules for homework: Grades 7 and 8(ages 11 to 13): 45 to 90 minutes per day; Grade 9(ages 14 to 15): 1 to 2 hours a day.

Today, many homework tasks are done on a computer. For example, preparing reports, using the Internet or doing online tasks. So schools are usually open before and after normal hours. In this way, students without computers or the Internet at home can use the schools' facilities(设备).

Sometimes, students are given extendedlearning tasks. That means they need to do more research and analysis(分析). But however big a task is, teachers always give feedback(反馈) to help students find the areas where they can improve.

Some schools send students home with home diaries. They advise parents to check on their children's progress. Sadly, not every parent takes much interest. In a survey of 1,000 students aged 1l to 18, over 10 percent said that they did not have space at home to do homework. Almost 15 percent said their families did not support them enough.

(1)In the UK ,which one of the following shouldn't do homework for more than 90 minutes?   


A student of 12.


A girl of 14.


A boy of 15.

(2)If a student doesn't have a computer or the Internet, how can he finish his online homework?   


He doesn't have to finish it.


He can ask his teacher for help.


He can finish it at school.

(3)The underlined word " extended" in Paragraph 4 probably means   







(4)Why do some schools send students home with home diaries?   


To advise students to do their homework in time.


To advise parents to learn more about their children's progress.


To advise parents to help their children with their homework.

(5)Which part is the passage probably from in a newspaper?   







  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"I will learn Chinese!" This idea jumped into my head. It was born of something deeper inside. The idea has changed my life completely. When other people asked me why, I often joked that I was inspired by the nice tank of goldfish in the Chinese restaurant my family frequented(频繁光顾) when I was young. In fact, I started studying it because I was always attracted to Chinese culture, and learning the language is the key to achieving my dream of travelling around China.

I was lucky for many reasons. Back in 2010, Chinese was not as popular with foreigners as it is today. However, my family lent me strong support from my first year abroad in China. Even if they cannot see me often and miss me so much, I still have their support. I was also very fortunate that a Confucius Institute opened. I will always thank for its excellent staff and all the great people I met there.

Ni hao! The word "hello" in Chinese was the first word I learned in my first Chinese class. After class I was filled with enthusiasm and couldn't stop thinking about "ni hao" and all the new words yet to come. Not only were many more words and phrases waiting, but also the experiences I never expected.

(1)What caused the writer to study Chinese?   


His sudden idea.


His interest in Chinese culture.


His family's influence on him.


Chinese restaurant's goldfish tank.

(2)The writer's dream is to   


learn the Chinese language


change his life completely


open a Chinese restaurant


travel around China

(3)What is paragraph 2 mainly about?   


The support which he has got.


The reason for his study in China.


The advantages of his Chinese learning.


The difficulty he has in Studying Chinese.

(4)How did the writer feel about his first Chinese class?   









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Students in Kenya are returning for their third term. They begin their school year in January and it is broken up into three terms. In Kenya, in the past, students were not required to attend school and the education was not free, either.

I taugth math, English and physics at Chamasiri Secondary School whiel I was a teacher in Kenya. This school had four classrooms-one for each grade, Form 1, Form 2, Form 3 and Form 4. They are equivalent (对等) to our 9th ,10th ,11th, and 12th grade. Teachers traveled from classroom to classroom instead of the students going from room to room. The Form 1 class had 60 students, Form 2 had 45, Form 3 had 30, and Form 4 about 12 students. The class sizes became smaller as the grades continued on. Why did this happen? Many families were very poor and couldn't afford the school fees(学费).

Most countryside schools in Kenya did not have a lot of money. As a result, there were very few textbooks for the students to use. I had seven math texts for my Form 2 class and 14 for the Form I class. Anything the students needed to know was put up on the blackboard and the students copied it down into their notebooks, The notebooks became the students' textbooks.

Kenyan students study ten different subject areas. Some of the students spend over an hour running home.They do chores at home and hopefully manage to find some time to study before it gets dark. Most families do not have electricity and may not even have candies for their children to study by.

Luckily, Kenyan education has been becoming better and better in the past few years. I'm sure it will have a good future.

(1)Which grade does Form 3 refer to(指的是) in the writer's country?   


Grade 9.


Grade 10.


Grade 11.


Grade 12.

(2)Why did the notebooks become the students' textbooks?   


The students did not pay the schools.


The schools couldn't afford the textbooks.


The students preferred to use their notebook.


The teachers asked the students to take notes.

(3)Why do some students run home from school?   


They aren't allowed to stay at school.


They don't like studying in the school.


They hope to have more time to study.


They want to get candles in the stores.

(4)According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?   


In Kenya, a school year has three terms.


The Form I class had the most students.


Each family has electricity in Kenya.


Kenyan education has been improving.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Please Take my Children to Work Day(PTCW Day) first began as a holiday for hard﹣working and tired stay﹣at﹣home mothers to take a day off. Now, this day is fit for any parent. It was created in 2003 and is celebrated each year on June 25, but it isn't a public holiday. It encourages friends and family to take care of the children so that the stay﹣at﹣home parent can have some time to relax.

Kamehameha Day is held on June 11 each year. Kamehameha the Great was the monarch(君主) of Hawaii.He is famous and respected for establishing(建立) the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1810.Kamehameha Day is a public holiday in Hawaii ,and this is a day off for people School and most businesses are closed.

D﹣Day is celebrated in the U.S. to memorize the Normandy landings in France on June 6,1944. On the day, American army and other Allied forces (盟军)fought hard and the World War Ⅱ(WWⅡ)in Europe was over soon. It is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours.

Flag Day is celebrated on June 14 each year to honor the United States flag.On the same day,the United States Army celebrates its birthday. Although Flag Day is a great celebration across the country, it is not a public holiday.

(1)If you are a stay﹣at﹣home parent, what can you do to relax on PTCW Day?   


Take a day off.


Go to work earlier.


Look after children.


Do some housework.

(2)Which is a public holiday?   




Kamehameha Day.




Flag Day.

(3)When is the United States Amy's birthday?   


On June 6.


On June 11.


On June 14.


On June 25.

(4)What can we know about D﹣Day?   


It is celebrated in France.


The WWⅡ ended before 1944.


Businesses are closed for it.


The Normandy landings happened in 1944.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My teacher said to a student: "Give me your phone."

We all looked in surprise. Kyle, a student who I never saw text in class, gave the teacher his phone.

When the teacher left, two students who I often saw text in class started boastingabout how they sent text messages and never got caught.

"Kyle, you stupid! I put my phone under my desk so it looks like I'm looking at my textbooks," one of them said.

"Isn't it funny that we always text and never get caught?" the other one laughed.

They must have thought they were smart, because they never got caught and Kyle did. But which situation is worse: getting caught, or getting away with it? Rules are there for a reason.

These two students might not get caught, but neither of them had good grades. They didn't pay any attention to the class, and I think they will keep doing this.

People don't just break big rules and get thrown into jail(监狱) overnight. They take it one step at a time. Kyle might have gotten caught, but at least he learned a good lesson. He will not break the rules in the future, so he will learn more in class and stay out of trouble. It's smarter not to break small rules.

(1)Why did the teacher ask Kyle to give up his phone?   


Because she wanted to find out what Kyle just texted.


Because Kyle was playing with his phone in class.


Because the students wanted to see Kyle's new phone.

(2)What does the underlined word "boasting" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?   







(3)The two students in the writer's class felt quite   because they were never caught by the teacher.







(4)In the future, the two students might   


pay more attention in class


keep texting during class


not break any rules again

(5)From the story, we know that the writer   


doesn't think Kyle is a good student


thinks getting caught in class is worse


thinks the two students might break bigger rules

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays, many people have realized the importance of leadership(领导)skills. Poor leaders may cause many problems. But good leaders do better in solving problems than poor ones. Without good leaders, problems can't be solved.(1)   . What's more , good leaders are good at cooperating with others. Usually, they are good listeners as well. But being good leaders isn't easy. So let me give you some suggestions to help you become a good leader.

(2)   Maybe nobody teaches you how to be a good leader, but you can learn it on your own. Read books about great leaders from home and abroad. By reading, you can learn a lot from their experiences and find out their secrets of success. Then you will be more confident of being a good leader.

Learn from students' leaders in your school. There is no doubt that those leaders who are popular with the students in your school must have their advantages over others.(3)   Take an active part in the activities organized by the excellent leaders and learn from them at once. Then you will know the answer.

(4)   Find the students that have the same interests as you have and start a club, Activities should be organized regularly in the club. When the members in your club have trouble in solving problems ,you should communicate with them and find out the causes of the problems. After the problems are solved, you can share pleasure with them. As time passes by, you will get more trust like those popular leaders. Sooner or Later, you will be a good leader.

(5)   Get started before it's too late! As long as you keep trying, you will develop your leadership skills.

A. Learn from books.

B. Practice what you have leaned.

C. So good leaders are very important.

D. In short, being a good leader needs courage and practice.

E. Don't you want to know why they are so successful?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a sunny Saturday in Oklahoma City. A proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two boys to visit a museum. He walked up to the penson at the ticket office and said, "How much is it to gei in?"

The person replied, "3.00 for you and 3.00 for any kid who is older than six. We will let them in free if they are six or younger ,How old are they?"

Bobby replied, "One is three and the other is seven, so I guess I owe (应给)you $6.00. "

The person at the ticket office said,"Hey,sir,did you just win the lottery(彩票) or something? You could have saved yourself $3.00. I wouldn't have known the difference." Bobby replied." Yes, that may be true, but the kids would have known the difference."

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying." In challenging times when ethics (伦理) are more important than ever before, make sure you set a good example for everyone you work and live with.

(1)Which place did the father with his children want to visit?   

(2)What′s the price of a ticket?   

(3)How old should a kid be if he or she can get in free?   

(4)How much should the father pay in fact?   

(5)What should we set for everyone around us?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are many libraries in Britain. Let's learn something about them.

▲ Public libraries

Most towns in Britain have a public library. A library usually has a large selection of books and other resources, which library members can use and borrow for free.

Britain's First Public Library

The first Britain's public library opened in Manchester in 1852. Its first librarian was a man called Edward Edwards. Edwards attended the library's opening ceremony and two famous writers called Charles Dickens and William Thackeray were there, too.

▲ Services of library

Modern public libraries have something for everyone. Most of them have audio books, CDs, newspapers and DVDs as well as books to borrow.

How to Join a Library

To join a library, go to your local library and fill in a form. You'll receive a library card which is needed when using library services.

▲ Mobile Libraries

Not everyone can get to a library. Some people live far away from towns and cities. Other people find it difficult to go out because they have an illness or a disability. Thanks to mobile libraries, these people can still borrow books.

The libraries are special. Unlike most libraries, which store books in buildings, mobile libraries usually keep their books in a mini﹣bus. The back of the mini﹣bus has shelves for the books, and it is big enough for borrowers to step inside and look around. A driver take the mini﹣bus to a certain place at a certain time, so people know when to expect it. They can return their books and borrow some more.

All Aboard the Library!

A school in London didn't have space for a library inside the building. However, everybody agreed that it was still important to have a school library.So, the head of the school, Graham Blake, decided to park an old bus on the school car park and change it into a library. Pupils helped to paint the bus, and after eight months, the new library was ready.


Libraries in(1)   

(2)   Libraries

A large selection of books and other resources can be used and borrowed by library members for(3)   

Edward Edwards was the first(4)   of the first British public library.

Library(5)  . 

Most of the(6)   public libraries have audio books, CDs, newspapers and DVDs as well as books for everyone.

If you want to join the library, you must get a

Library (7)   

Special Libraries

Thanks to(8)   libraries, those people who can't get to a library can still borrow books. (9)   most libraries, a mini﹣bus with library books go to a certain place at a certain time.

The school in London had to(10)   its library on an old bus because the school didn't have enough space inside the building.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A weak old man went to live with his son, daughter﹣in﹣law and a 4﹣year﹣old grandson. The family ate together at the table. The grandfather had difficulty eating because he couldn't see things clearly, and his hands couldn't stop shaking. Peas (豌豆) rolled (滚动) off his spoon onto the floor. When he drank from the glass, milk spilled (洒) on the table.

The son and daughter﹣in﹣law became angry with the mess. Then they set a small table in the corner. There, the old man ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner together.

Because the old man had broken a dish or two, he was asked to eat from a wooden bowl. Sometimes he had a tear in his eyes as he sat alone. Still, the couple complained about him. The 4﹣year﹣old son watched it all in silence.

One evening before dinner, the father noticed his son playing with some wood blocks on the floor. He asked the child, "What are you making?" The boy answered, "Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mommy to eat your food in when I grow up." The boy smiled and went back to work. The father was shocked by his words and couldn't find a reply. Although no word was spoken, the couple knew what had to be done.

That evening the husband took the old man's hand and gently led him back to the family table. For some reason, neither the husband nor the wife seemed to care any longer when the bowl was dropped,milk was spilled, or the table was in a mess.

(1)How was the old man when he came to live with his son?   


He was healthy enough to look after his grandson.


He was too sick to stand.


He was weak and couldn't look after himself well.

(2)Why did the son and daughter﹣in﹣law set a small table in the corner for the old man?___


Because the old man ate too much.


Because the old man made the table in a mess.


Because the old man was noisy.

(3)Which is the right order of the following events according to the text?   

a. The old man's son was shocked by his own son.

b. The son and daughter﹣in﹣law became angry with the mess.

c. The 4﹣year﹣old boy made the wooden bowl.

d. The grandfather had difficulty eating.







(4)Why did the grandson make the wooden bowl for his parents?   


He followed what his parents had done.


He thought it was very interesting to have meals with wooden bowls.


He was angry with what his parents did.

(5)What can we infer(推断) from the last paragraph of the text?   


The old man left his family with his grandson.


The old man had a happy life with his family at last.


The little boy treated his parents badly when he grew up.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you begin a letter in English, you always put "Dear" before the name of the person you are writing to. If it is a friend of your own age, you just put their first name after "Dear", but for adults you do not know very well, it is more polite to put Mr, Mrs or Miss before their family name. If you do not know whether the woman is married or not, you should use Ms instead of Mrs or Miss. When you write an official letter to someone whose name you do not know, you begin with "Dear Sir or Madam".

There are variousphrases you can use at the end of a letter before you sign your own name. For friends and relatives you can put "With love from" or just "Love". For people you know less well "Best wishes" or "Kindest regards" may be more appropriate (合适的). At the end of an official letter you use "Yours sincerely" if you know the person's name and "Yours faithfully" if you do not.

When you address the envelope, be sure to include the postcode, so that the letter will be delivered (递送) as quickly as possible. Finally, do not forget to stick a stamp on the front!

(1)Where should you put Mr, Mrs or Miss?   


Before family name.


After family name.


After given name.

(2)What should you end up with if you write to your uncle?   


Yours faithfully.


With love from.


Yours sincerely.

(3)What does the underlined word "various" mean in Chinese?   







(4)What don't you need to do on the envelope?   


Write down the postcode.


Put a stamp on the front.


Write down your own name.

(5)Which of following sentences is true according to the text?   


At the end of the letter, you can just write your name.


If the woman is married, you can only use Mrs before her family name.


When you write an English letter, you should begin with "Dear".

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

An old man went to live with his son,his daughter﹣in﹣law,and a four﹣year﹣old grandson.The

old man's hands trembled,his eyesight was very poor,and he couldn't walk steadily(平稳地).The

family ate together nightly at the dinner table.But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and

failing sight made eating rather difficult.Rice often dropped on the floor.

The son and the daughter﹣in﹣law became angry with the old man,so they put a small table in the corner.There,the grandfather ate alone,while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner at the table.Since the grandfather had broken a dish or two,his food was served in a wooden bowl.

The four﹣year﹣old son watched it all in silence.One evening before supper,the father noticed his son playing with a piece of wood on the floor.He asked the child sweetly,"What are you making?"The boy answered,"Oh,I am making a little bowl for you and mama to eat your food from when I grow up."The four﹣year﹣old son smiled and went back to work.The words struckthe parents so that they were in silence.Then tears started to stream down their cheeks(脍颊).Though no word was spoken,both knew what must be done.That evening the husband took grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table.

45.Why was the old man's food served in a wooden bowl?    


Because the wooden bowl was light enough


Because the old man had broken a few bowls


Because there was only a wooden bowl left


Because the son and the daughter﹣in﹣law became angry with the old man

46.The word" struck"in Paragraph 3 refers to    









47.Why did the husband lead the old man back to the family table?    


Because he realized his mistakes


Because the old man didn't drop rice on the floor any more


Because the old man was served in a wooden bowl


Because a gentleman led him back to the family table

48.What's the best title ofthe passage?    


An old man and his son


A couple and their son


A wooden bowl


A dinner table.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr.Brown is a science teacher.One day he wanted to show something important to his students.

The teacher took a large﹣mouth bottle. He asked the class,"Is the bottle full now?"They all replied"Yes!"

The teacher then took some small rocks and put them into the bottle. The small rocks went into the spaces between the big rocks.He then asked."Is it full?"This time some students didn't give an answer,but most replied,"Yes!"

The teacher then started to drop some sand into the bottle.The sand filled up the spaces between the small rocks. For the third time,the teacher asked,"Is it full?"Now most students were doubting,but still some replied,"Yes!"

Then the teacher brought out a cup of water into the bottle.

"What's the point of this show?"asked the teacher.One bright student answered,"No matter how busy you are,you can always find time to do some more things.

"No,"said the teacher."The point is that if you don't place the big rocks into the bottle first,you'll never get them in.The big rocks are the important things in your life.If you fill your life with small things﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣as shown by the small rocks,the sand and the water﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣you'll never have the time for the important things"

58.The right place of the sentence"He then placed several large stones in it."is   





59.The things except   were put into the bottle at last.









60.Why did Mr.Brown put these things into the bottle in this way?   


Because he wanted to tell a story for his students


Because his wanted him to do like this.


Because he wanted to show some ideas to his students.


Because his students were interested in science.

61.What do you think of Mr.Brown from the passage?   


He is lucky.


He is caring.


He is intelligent.


He is awful.

62.Prom the passage.we learn that   


you should do small things first in your life


you should do important things and small things at the same time


you can always find time to do some more things unless you want to do them


you'll never have time for something important if your life is filled with small things.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Lots of kids hate school,a new study found.Usually this kind of feeling doesn't last long.But what happens if you feel this way too much?School is a face of life and getting a good education can help you build the kind of future life you want.So let's talk about school and what to do when you don't like it

If you don't like school,the first step is to find out why.You might not like school because you don't have enough friends,or maybe you don't get along with your teachers.Sometimes it's a big problem with your schoolwork.You may be getting farther and farther behind,and it may seem like you'll never catch up.

When you know why you don't like school,you can start taking steps to make tings better.It's a good idea to talk to someone about your problems with school.Your mum,dad,teacher or school counselor(学业指导) will be able to help you.Another good idea is to write down your feelings about school in a notebook.It's a great way to let out emotions(情绪).Remember,you don't have to show what you've written to others.

56.Lots of kids   according to the new study.


dislike school


like school very much


are good at reading

57.What does the underlined word"it"refer to in the first paragraph?   


A good education


Future life



58.If you don't like school,the first step is to   


find out why


go to see a doctor


ask your parents for help

59.How many reasons why you don't like school are mentioned in the second paragraph?   







60.Which is NOT the writer's suggestion to make things better?   


Write down your feelings about school


Show what you've written to others


Talk to someone about your problems with school.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
