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For travelers in China, Beijing is a must, as it is a political and cultural center and it offers many scenic attractions. Foods are very popular with tourists as well, such as authentic(真正的) Beijing roast duck and instant-boiled mutton.
B. Shanghai
You know what? Shanghai is one of the developed cities in China. It is a commercial (商业的)and industrial (工业的)city. Tourists will be satisfied with what the city supplies, from various snacks and cakes to handcrafts and textiles. Spring and autumn are the best seasons to visit the city.
C. Suzhou and Hangzhou
Suzhou and Hangzhou are two cities near Shanghai. They were once described by Italian traveler Marco Polo as the most beautiful and prosperous (繁荣的)cities in the world. Both of them are called “Paradise (天堂)on Earth”.
D. Xi’an
Xi’an is the capital of Shanxi Province. It dates back over 2,000 years as an ancient capital which served as the capital for many dynasties in the Chinese history. It is also the starting pointing of the famous ancient Silk Road. The life-size terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty are described as the “Eighth Wonder of the world”.
E. Harbin
If you want to travel in winter, Harbin is particularly good for sightseeing in January and February. If you have never seen any snow, you may enjoy the ice festival and even go skiing and skating in this world of snow.
F. Kunming
Kunming is regarded as “Scenic City of Eternal Spring” because of its year-round spring weather.
You may find almost every kind of Asian flowers there.
The Whites want to visit China recently. They are fond of Asian cultures. They are both professors of botany, who are interested in the study of species(物种). They expect to discover new species of plants, especially about flowers that no one has ever seen during the trip.
Tony is a British young man who likes to play online games. He learns a lot about world history while playing games. Tony is very fond of the history of ancient China and curious about how Qin Shi Huang managed to unite all the seven states.
Mark is a sport lover. His hobbies include horse-riding, wrestling, boating, skating and skiing. He is looking forward to a trip with his parents next winter holiday when he can have fun on the snow.
Jack is a retired (退休的)teacher in Texas. He has been teaching for over 30 years. He enjoys traveling and tasting all kinds of food in other countries. Recently his friends invited him to a city in China, where he could have some traditional Chinese food such as duck cooked in a special way.
Lily is a middle school student who loves reading. Among all her books, she loves the one written by Marco Polo describing a place called “Paradise on Earth” best. She always dreams about taking a trip there one day.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If your complaint is immediate, suppose you got the wrong order at a restaurant, make a polite but firm request to see the manager.When the manager comes, ask his or her name.And then state your problem and what you expect to have done about it.
Be polite!         
But also be firm in making your complaint.
        This doesn’t mean to put on airs and say “do you know who I am?” What it means is that people are often treated the way they expect to be treated.If you act like someone who expects a fair request to be granted, chances are that it will be granted .
         You are speaking to a voice coming from someone you cannot see.So you can’t tell how the person on the line is reacting.It is easy for that person to give you the run-around.
         If your complaint doesn’t require an immediate response, it often helps to complain by letter.If you have an appliance that doesn’t work, send a letter to the store that sold it.Be business-like and stick to the point.Don’t spend a paragraph on how your uncle John tried to fix the problem and couldn’t.

A.Shouting or acting rude will get you nowhere.
B.Complaining in person or by letter is generally more effective.
C.The worst way to complain is over the telephone.
D.Telephone complaint is never efficient.

E.The way to complain is to act business-like and important.
F.Besides, act important.
G.There are many ways to complain.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every student has tests when they are at school. But have you ever been so worried about the tests that you can’t fall asleep at night? Have you ever felt sick or had a headache during a test?       This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, frustrated, scared, or afraid --- which can give you a stomachache or a headache.
      Good or normal stress might happen when you are called to answer a question in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done.      
But bad stress can happen if the stressful feelings keep going over a long time. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is ill, if you are having problems at school, or if you are going through anything else that makes you upset every day.      
        That means making good decision about how to spend your time. If you are only dealing with school stuff and have no time to play, you can get stressed. Make sure you keep your SELF in mind: Sleep, Exercise, Leisure and Food. If you take care of yourself and get enough sleep and food, and if you exercise and leave time for fun stuff, you will probably be less stressed out!

A.However, there are two different kinds of stress.
B.Can you tell a kind of stress from another one?
C.The best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life.
D.That kind of stress isn’t going to help you, and it can actually make you sick.

E. Since bad stress is harmful for us, you’d better try to change it into good stress.
F. If so, then you know what stress is. Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something.
G. For example, you may do a better job on your test if the stress pushes you to prepare well before the test.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读七选五(共5 小题; 每题 2分 , 满分10 分)
Decision  Making
Making decision in life can be a difficult task._____________In fact, the decisions you make today will not only influence your future ,but also other people and the world in which you live .
Decision making involves thinking ,talking , and searching for information related to a problem .________________You do this by talking with others who know about the subject, going to the library , and thinking about two or more solutions.
________________An example is your ten-year-old car breaks down and needs much money to repair. You need transportation to get to work, do shopping ,and deal with other tasks.You must decide the best way to spend the family’s money.
In deciding -----or making a decision ------there is a six- step process:
*Define (明确) the problem .Understand the problem clearly .
*Gather and list all the information you can get on the problem.
*____________It is important to have many possible solutions to the situation. It will take time to rearch the variety of solutions .
*_____________Look at the good and bad sides to each solution . What are the results of each? Answer the questions : Will this solution be good for me ……the family …coworkers? Stay with your values and those of your family .
* Choose the best solution to solve your problem .
* Evaluate the decision you made. Decide if you need to revise your action plan .

A.Set clearly defined goals or action plans.
B.Examine two or more solutions to the situation .
C.Analyze(分析)the possible results of each solution .
D.You probably won’t be happy with every decision you make .

E.You gather data that can  help you with the decisions that you need to make .
F.Throughout your life you will make some decisions that will affect your future .
G.Decision making usually occurs when events , habits ,and patterns of living change.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red?     . Do you prefer greys and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy, and you would rather follow than lead. You tend to be pessimist(悲观主义者). At least, this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference, as well as the effect that colours have on human beings.    . If you happen to love brown, you did so, as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.
      . A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one; and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.     . A black bridge over the Thames River, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀) than any other bridge in the area---until it was repainted green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply. Perhaps it would have fallen even more if the bridge had been done in pink or baby blue.
    . It is an established fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or grey.

A.On the other hand, black is depressing.
B.They tell us, among other facts, that we do not choose our favourite colour as grow up --- we are born with our preference.
C.The rooms are painted in different colours as you like.
D.If you do, you must be an optimist(乐观主义者), a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement.

E. Light and bright colours make people not only happier but more active.
F. Life is like a picture or a poem, full of different colours.
G. Colours do influence our moods---there is no doubt about it

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How to Keep Your Job for a Long Time
Work Hard.
Many bosses don’t mind you spending a little time on some little things,but they do focus on your job attitude and the wealth you can create for this company. When it comes to making layoff decisions,the company will also choose the most productive employees to keep the job instead of the workers who are always late to work,leave early every day and do nothing important to the company.________
Be a Team Player.
________As an employee,you should work in a team with others,and learn from others. You should get along well with others.
Be Flexible.
________When the company needs someone to change shifts,work weekends,put in some overtime,or work a different schedule,you can think about it if your personal schedule permits.
You should be making yourself available to take on some additional tasks or help with projects that you might not have otherwise had to do. Maybe there is no additional pay,but it is also very helpful to increase your own value. Maybe due to this additional help,your boss begins to take advantage of you and give you more important work.
Don’t Complain.
If you don’t like your job,I can guarantee there are plenty of other people who would jump at the chance to get it. You should be really careful about complaining._______

A.Or your job security may be indirectly affected.
B.You should not gossip about other workers.
C.Make Yourself Available.
D.So you should remember to work hard.

E.Team spirit is an important quality for everyone.
F.Flexibility is a very important component to your job.
G.You become someone that they can rely on.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

More perhaps than any other European nation, the Swiss are accustomed to looking after foreign travelers. As early as the 18th century, wealthy French, Germans and Italians were treating the country as a amusement center. __________. Today, it attracts visitors from all over the world.
The Swiss are clear about the importance of tourism to their economy, which contributes about eight percent of Gross National Product, and helps the industry greatly. __________ , and a generally high standard can be expected from the great majority of the country's hotels, most of which are small and pride themselves on a personalized service. __________.  Both the Swiss Federal railways and the private railways are fully electrified, and the total network is made up of about 5000 kilometers of track.
Under the Fly Baggage system passengers can check luggage in at 116 railway stations and have it automatically carried to their flight. The national highway system is equally well planned, and the mountain roads offer views of some of the country's most breathtaking scenery. Also serving the mountains is an effective system of railways and cable ways, while more than 160 passenger cars cross the lakes and rivers to and fro. __________.  For those who want to view the country from a height without having to climb the mountain themselves, it is always possible to take in the view from a balloon.
__________ . For lovers of ancient remains, the Bernese Mitelland offers magnificently preserved buildings of the Middle Ages, while the Bernese Oberland has some of the wrold's most attractive mountain scenery.

A.Modern means of transportations are under construction.
B.Public transport is the best in Europe.
C.In cultural terms, the Swiss capital in many respects is Montreux, on the shores of Lake Geneva.
D.Hiking in the mountains is equally popular with Swiss nationals and foreign visitors.

E. For travellers of different kinds, Switzerland has different capitals.
F. Managers of hotels the world over go to Switzerland to learn how to do the job
G. However, in the 19th century, it became the major holiday playground for the British nobles.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Curiosity is an important characteristic of a genius. You can’t find an intellectual giant who is not a curious person.
   This is necessary if you are to have a curious mind. Some things you know and believe might be wrong, and you should be prepared to accept things you don’t know or you don’t quite agree on.
   If you just accept the world as it is, you will certainly lose your “curiosity”. Try to discover what is beneath(在…下面) the surfaces of things around you.
Ask questions from time to time. A sure way to discover what is beneath the surface is by asking questions: What is that? Why does it make that way? How does it work? And so on.  
See learning as something that is fun. If you see learning as a burden, it will just make the burden heavier. But if you can find learning interesting, it will open another door.   
Read different kinds of reading materials. Don’t spend too much time on just one subject.    It will introduce you to other possibilities that may interest you.

A.Search for ideas to write about.
B.So make an effort to enjoy the learning process.
C.Discuss your ideas with other people.
D.Feed your mind with interesting facts about different subjects.

E. Keep an open mind.
F. It is the simplest way for curious people to increase their knowledge.
G. Try to look into the things.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Are you truly happy? Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness?_____. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.
Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value.
Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. ______.
When something goes wrong, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
___. These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.
  . Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be subconsciously (下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.
Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.
Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.    .

A.What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.
B.On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious.
C.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood.
D.These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.

E.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.
F.There are some tips in life that lead to happiness.
G.It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Doctor Allen
Doctor Allen is a dentist.The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth.When you visit your dentist for a checkup he or she will look at your teeth and gums to check for any problem.The dentist also wants to make sure your teeth are developing properly as you grow.It’s important to visit your dentist every 6 months to make sure you’re taking good care of your teeth and that your teeth and gums are healthy.
Doctor Philips
Doctor Philips is a pediatrician.Basically pediatricians focus on the physical emotional and social health of infants children adolescents and young adults from birth to 21 years.Their patient-care lens is focused on prevention detection and management of physical behavioral developmental and social problems that affect children.Even more basically pediatricians take care of children.This might involve treating an ear infection talking to parents about school or behavioral problems or seeing them for well child checkups and giving them their shots.
Doctor Smith
Doctor Smith is a surgeon who is a physician specializing in surgery.General Surgeons perform comprehensive general surgery examinations consultation diagnosis and treatment planning which includes: trauma wounds and conditions of soft tissue including aspiration biopsy and repair etc.
Doctor Steward
Doctor Steward is a clinical psychologist who is trained and educated to perform psychological research testing and therapy.Clinical psychologists may simply but importantly provide an opportunity to talk and think about things that are confusing and worrying.They would also discuss with you different ways of understanding or interpreting your problems or situations.Clinical psychologists are trained to use a range of different approaches aimed to help you become more expert about yourself and more able to overcome or cope with life problems.
Doctor Lisa
Doctor Lisa is an excellent school consultant.Educational consultants counsel students and their families in the selection of programs schools and treatment centers based on the student’s individual needs.When students graduate from high school some of them want to continue their study; they may be not sure which university is more appropriate for them or what subject they will choose.In that case most of them will turn to their educational consultants.

A.Tom’s mother is worried because Tom’s wounded this morning when he jumped off the speeding bicycle.The soft tissue of his right leg was broken.
B.Alex is going to take a course of computer.But he is not sure whether this course will be useful when he goes to the university.
C.Mummy is unhappy because she feels painful when she bites into something cold or hot.Her teeth are really a trouble to her.
D.Mary’s younger brother Tim who is 8 years old felt uncomfortable because he had eaten too much ice-cream.

E.Lily wants to visit some places of interests during the long holiday.But she doesn’t know where to go and how to have a good tour and not waste money.
F.Lee is really frustrated nowadays.He doesn’t know why other students don’t want to speak to him.What’s wrong? It seems that he can never get out of it .He gets angry easily recently.He wants to talk to someone to get out of it.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Without plants, people could not live. We eat plants.    And we need plants for another reason: we need them because they are beautiful.
      Imagine no flowers with their sweet smell, their beautiful colors and their lovely shapes. Imagine, when the wind blows, we’re not able to hear the leaves in the trees or watch the branches swing from side to side.
     That is why we have parks full of trees and flowers. That is why people always like houses with room for some grass or a garden.
Do you talk to your plants?      Peter Tompking and Christopher Bird wrote a book called The Secret Life Of Plants, telling of an experiment in which two seeds were planted in different places. While the plants were growing, one plant was given love and hopeful ideas. The other plant was given only hopeless ideas.     Under the earth it had more and longer roots; above the earth, it had a thicker stem and more leaves. While the other one nearly stopped growing.

A.Plants get energy from the sun.
B.Do you give them love and attention?
C.After six months, the deserted plant faded away.
D.After six months, the beloved plant was bigger.

E. We take in oxygen that plants make.
F. Everywhere people need beautiful plants.
G. Imagine a world with no plants.

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  • 难度:未知

As we “happen to be” the best creature in the world, it’s our duty to look after other species. Here are some points which might help to protect wildlife.
Join organizations like Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund. They have devoted themselves to protecting the earth and its animals. Many volunteers join organizations like these and work for the environment.  
     Don’t buy something made from ivory and things like this. Baby seals(海豹) are hunted for their skin, as it is used to make expensive coats. Don’t buy them.
  You can write a heartfelt and logical letter to the government stating your ideas about this problem and how it can be solved.
Recycle(回收利用) and reuse. It will reduce the need to have more raw materials to produce something.  And wild animals’ home will not be destroyed.
Governments should create more safe zones and national parks for wild animals.     Governments should apply strict laws to stop hunting.
I hope this post was helpful. Share your views about this issue and let your voice be heard.

A.Let your voice be heard.
B.Stop hunting for pleasure.
C.As a result, fewer trees will be cut down.
D.You can build a bird house and feed local birds.

E.Refuse fur coats and medicines made from rare animals
F.You can find some organizations like these and join them.
G. There they will be able to move freely without worrying about hunters.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

For over one hundred and fifty years,Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans.  Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today.Strauss’ invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.
Levi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829. He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847.Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853,Strauss worked in his brother’s dry goods business.This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention. After the gold rush of 1949,Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortunes.
Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals.Instead,he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners.At first,he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth. When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining,he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners.These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.
In 1873,Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉).This made the pants last a long time.Because Davis did not have the money to patent his idea,he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent.      .
By the time Strauss died in 1902,he had made a great contribution to American fashion.
  The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss’ company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world.

A.As a young boy,he moved with his family to the United States.
B.Nobody knew what kind of material was suitable.
C.He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.
D.However,he did not get much business for those products.

E.He also made a great contribution to America’s clothing industry.
F.Since they were invented by Levi Strauss,they have become a symbol of American consumer culture.
G.As the business grew,Strauss got much money from it.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tom, Eric, Tess and Ann are talking about in what way they would like their schools improved. Read the following descriptions (A, B, C and D) and match them with the four opinions.
Tom: I’d like somewhere to sit and read and enjoy myself.
Eric: I hope our school can be more comfortable and convenient.
Tess: I really prefer to have a place to do some exercise after class.
Ann: I think our school should buy more equipment like computers.

What I’d most like to have is a little café, where we students can rest and do some reading. At the moment people have to stand in the passage, or even outside and there’s nowhere to buy a drink or something, or read the paper, so people don’t stay in school for long after the lessons finish. I think it would be completely different if they had somewhere to enjoy themselves.
Our school is big with nice modern buildings and everything, but there is one thing I would really love ---- a gym. We’re right in the middle of a big city and the traffic is very busy, so I find it very difficult to get out to the gym at lunchtime. A gym would be good for the school. If more people went to the gym and did some exercise, they’d probably work better.
Our school is just uncomfortable in every way. For example, the chairs are really uncomfortable, so the next thing I’d like to do is get some comfortable chairs of good quality. Oh, and the worst thing is that we’re on the fifth and sixth floors of our building, so I’d love to have some lifts put in. Just one little lift would make our lives so much easier.
Our school has a nice building, and is in a nice part of the city. Unfortunately we haven’t got much equipment, so I’d really like to have a computer room with the Internet available. I think students can learn a lot this way. And I’d like to have VCD sub every classroom instead of tapes. VCDs are so much more interesting for learning a language, I think.


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


People who choose GOLD as their primary color like to fit in or belong. They tend to be reliable people who enjoy serving others. Things like tradition and home are very important to them. They need order and structure. They don’t like waste or change.


People who choose ORANGE as their primary color need variety and freedom. They take pride in being highly skilled. They enjoy “hands-on” work and often are good in a crisis. They are risk-takers and challenge-seekers.


People who choose YELLOW as their primary color are curious about everything. They are confident and knowledgeable. They love sports very much and they work highly efficiently.


People who choose GREEN as their primary color are competent and want to control the realities of life. They are analytical and enjoy solving problems and developing systems. They love intelligence and logic. They are often critical of themselves and others.


People who choose BLUE as their primary color enjoy close relationships, harmony and integrity(正直). They are often very creative and they also enjoy the creative work of others.


People who choose RED as their primary color are always full of vigor and tend to be confident. It seems that they are ready to do anything and will be successful. They also have a strong desire for power.

现在阅读以下根据员工性格提出的促进工作效率的方法,然后从以上A, B, C, D, E和F中找出与它们适合的群体。
Create a warm and personal working atmosphere; Establish a peaceful working environment and try to avoid conflict(冲突); Allow them freedom to express their feelings; Praise them for their creativity.
Assign them work needing detailed planning; Define the tasks in clear terms; Provide a stable work environment and avoid sudden change; Issue rules and regulations; Provide good examples.
Assign them work which needs analytical thinking and problem-solving skills; Encourage them to think independently and take their ideas to the next step.
Assign them work which is action-packed; Provide opportunities which need skills and challenges; Do not let them do the same job for a long time.
Assign them work which needs full energy; Provide competitive opportunities; Let them know that they will be promoted if they do brilliantly.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
