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There is an English saying:“________.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously.Now, however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body._________.
Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body.People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles.It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise.________.If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.
Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body.In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs.The group that tolerated(忍耐) the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program._______.
______.They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

A.Laughter can prolong one’s life.
B.As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh.
C.The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain.
D.It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach and even the feet.

E.Although laughter helps cure the disease, doctors still can not put this theory into clinic practice.
F.Laughter is the best medicine.
G.They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A. The Development of HSK
B. Putonghua’s Deep Influence
C. Chinese---More than a Language
D. The Increasing Number of Foreigners Learning Chinese
E. Job-hunting Becoming Easy with a Certain Level of Chinese

Chinese is a member of the Sino-Tibetan family of languages and spoken by over a billion people in China. It is also one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Learning Chinese is becoming more and more popular among foreigners.
Growing numbers of foreigners are showing a desire to learn the Chinese language, according to the latest official statistics. By the end of last year, nearly 30 million people from more than 85 countries and regions were learning standard Chinese-Putonghua. China is also witnessing a growth in the number of foreign students who come to study Chinese and related courses. An estimated 410,000 foreign students have signed up for Chinese courses over the past 10 years. It is estimated that the number of foreigners coming to China to learn the language has maintained an average annual growth rate of 35 per cent over the past few years.
The Reason Why Chinese is Getting Popular
China’s continuous economic expansion and the strengthening of its trade and business ties with the rest of the world have been behind the interest in learning Chinese. These kinds of business engagements have in turn sparked a huge demand for professional employees in foreign countries with a good command of Chinese.
The trend is more evident among some of China’s largest trading partners, particularly Japan, the United States, the Republic of Korea and some nations in Southeast Asia. “I think a good knowledge of Chinese can help me find work back in my country as there are a growing number of business companies setting up operations in China,” said a 24-year-old female student of Peking University who comes from South Korea. She added that a certificate of the Chinese Proficiency Test, or Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), is important when seeking work in a large company in South Korea. Nowadays, more and more foreigners every year outside China took the HSK, according to statistics from China’s Ministry of Education. This trend is expected to increase.
The HSK test began in Beijing in 1988. It is a national standardized test designed to assess foreign students’ command of the Chinese language. In 1991, the HSK test was held on a trial basis in Singapore, Japan and Australia It has since been gradually accepted by educational departments in more countries. So far, the Office of the State Commission for the Chinese Proficiency Test has set up 44 testing centres in 27 cities in China, including Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, and 55 centres in 24 other countries in Asia, Europe, the Americas and Oceania. Since 1991, people from 120 countries have taken the test in those centres, said Vice-Minister of Education Zhang Xingsheng.
The Chinese language-as well as Chinese culture and other languages and cultures-has played a tremendous role in developing human civilization and pushing forward social progress, Zhang said.“Hopefully the exchange of languages can help enhance understanding and friendship between peoples of different countries,”he added.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


A. There are few statues in the Middle East.
B. Art is a good means for people to know about religions.
C. Artists express their feelings and opinions in their works.
D. People know more about our culture through learning art history.
E. Art is more objective than history itself.


A study of art history might be a good way to learn more about a culture than is possible to learn in general history classes. Most typical history courses concentrate on politics, economics and war. But art history focuses on much more than this because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also religious beliefs, emotions, and psychology.

In history books, objective information about the political life of a country is presented; that is, facts about politics are given, but opinions are not expressed. Art, on the other hand, is subjective: it reflects emotions and opinions. The great Spanish painter Francisco Goya was perhaps the first truly “political” artist. In his well-known painting The Third of May 1808, he criticized the Spanish government for its misuse of power over people. Over a hundred years later, symbolic images were used in Pablo Picasso’s Guernica to express the horror of war. Meanwhile, on another continent, the powerful paintings of Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros – as well as the works of Alfredo Ramos Martins – depicted these Mexican artists’ deep anger and sadness about social problems.

In the same way, art can reflect a culture’s religious beliefs. For hundreds of years in Europe, religious art was almost the only type of art that existed. Churches and other religious buildings were filled with paintings that depicted people and stories from the Bible. Although most people couldn’t read, they could still understand biblical stories in the pictures on church walls.

By contrast, one of the main characteristics of art in the Middle East was (and still is) its absence of human and animal images. This reflects the Islamic belief that statues are unholy. That’s why no figures can be found in or around places of interest in these regions.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The following article is to tell you how to behave better in an IELTS oral English test. Everyone will make necessary preparations for some possible topics in order to increase your performance in the interview.        What would you do if you were asked in an interview to talk about how you feel about your hometown if in fact you really dislike living there?
Some people might think that being truthful in this situation and giving a negative answer, they would not do the right thing.        Talk about how they love living there and give a positive answer which sounds more attractive.
    And giving a negative opinion of something is not important, either.                   If you have more to say by being truthful, even if it is to express a negative opinion, then that is what you should talk about.
   And follow it up with your reasons for disliking it instead of saying "I like my hometown… " and then struggle to find something to say.
We should consider how to deal with this situation in the best way.

A.Instead, they try to hide their true feelings.
B.What is your true feeling about your hometown?
C.The important thing is that you have something to express.
D.However, sometimes you will be asked to talk about something that you don't really like or don't really want to talk about.

E.No one should have a negative feeling about their hometown.
F.It would be much better to say "Actually I don't really like my hometown..."
G.Actually, truthfulness is not important in such an interview.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and that's actually quite true. After all, making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them.The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.
● Dress appropriately
That means dressing up or putting on nice, clean, situation-appropriate clothes for social situations.It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much, either.
● Be aware of your body language
Words express very little of what you say.Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level.Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comfortable, important and special.Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious.Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others.
● Respect the opinions of others
Not everyone will have the same opinion with you, and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great conversation.Respect other people's right to have their own opinion.Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them.

People love talking about themselves, but generally, you want to be careful of taking over the conversation.By listening carefully to what others are saying, you are not only making them feel important, but you can gather cues you need to keep the conversation going and bridge to new topics.

A.Be a careful listener.
B.Show an interest in every person you meet.
C.Smile especially when first meeting someone.
D.Make sure you look nice whenever you meet someone new.

E.Meeting new people and starting conversations is often challenging.
F.Others will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.
G.Don't force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone is forgetful, but as we age, we start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bit—and that can be a very annoying thing.    Read on for some techniques worth trying.
People who regularly made plans and looked forward to upcoming events had a 50 percent
reduced chance of Alzheimer's disease (早老性痴呆症), according to a recent study.
Something as simple as setting a goal to have a weekly coffee date with a friend will do. There's evidence that people who have a purpose in life or who are working on long or short-term goals appear to do better. In other words, keep your brain looking forward.
2. Go for a walk.
Mildly raised glucose (葡萄糖) levels can harm the area of the brain that helps you form memories and physical activity can help get blood glucose down to normal levels. In fact,exercise produces chemicals that are good for your brain.   
3. Learn something new.
Take a Spanish class online, join a drawing club, or learn to play cards. A study found that mental stimulation (刺激) limits the weakening effects of aging on memory and the mind. But the best thing for your brain is when you learn something new and are physically active at the same time.       Or go dancing with your friends.

A.Focus on the future.
B.This can be espocially harmful to the aged.
C.It should be something like learning gardening.
D.So take a few minutes each day to do some reading.

E. But don't worry if your schedule isn't filled with life-changing events.
F. Luckily, research shows there is a lot you can do to avoid those moments.
G. In other words, when you take care of your body, you take care of your brain.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A. Teens Now is a successful music magazine for teenagers that lists who is playing, where and when and how to get tickets. Interviews with well-known singers and groups as well as biographies are included. It also gives its young readers the chance to send their own articles.
B. NS Teens magazine is well-known for its wildlife and environmental content but it also has articles on the history and culture of people from all over the world. Some of the articles are long and detailed but the magazine is also famous for its fantastic photo-journalism. There are letters from readers as well as maps and fact sheets.
C. Top Teens is easy to read and full of color photographs. There are a range of different sections including those offering fashion and beauty advice. But the majority of its pages are devoted to interviews with the popular, well-known fashion models and stars of cinema, music and sports.
D. The only environmental magazine written by teenagers for teenagers is Young WB. Readers are invited to send their articles and photographs to the magazine’s office and materials are chosen for the next issue. As well as articles about the natural world, the magazine also has many special offers and competitions.
E. Teenplus is very different from the average teen magazine that simply offers articles on pop stars and fashion. This exciting new magazine informs readers about what is happening in the world through its in-depth articles on current affairs, politics and science. It also provides a variety of reviews on recent books, films and music CDs.
F. No journalists write for Teen Voice. This magazine depends completely on articles sent in by its teenage readers. It gives young people the opportunity to publish their creative works such as poems or short works of fiction or to voice their opinions on important issues. They can also write comments on the latest music CDs.
Oliver would like to read stories that people of his own age have written. He is also keen on music and would like some recommendations on the best bands to listen to.
Bessie wants to know more about famous people who frequently appear in the newspapers. She is also interested in clothing and would like some recommendations on what style to wear.
Johnson is interested in learning more about the latest international events and affairs. Besides, he is also keen on the cinema and would like to read different opinions on what movies to see.
Jennifer is fond of geography and the natural world. She would also like to read articles that tell her about the lives of people from other countries.
Chris enjoys going to concerts very much and hopes to find out more about people in his favourite bands. He is also fond of reading things written by other teenagers.

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  • 难度:未知

The Value of a Dollar
If you find a single one dollar bill in your pocket, what could you do with it? ____ If you take a few moments to think about the value of that dollar, you'd find that it can actually get you further than you think.
Pay a visit to your local dollar store. There are a lot of things you can buy. A simple trip can show wonders in savings if you know where to shop and watch for ads. ___ Some specials include more things for a dollar in which case the value of that dollar is at least doubled.
A dollar could buy a small lottery ticket. Keep in mind that this may make you spend more money, however. It can be very attractive to many people, so be careful not to let it get to your head. Even so, what is the harm in treating yourself once in a while? ___ If not, at least it was a moment of excitement in your boring life.
___ There are many stores that have containers for the purposes of a charitable cause. Next time you see one of these, take a look at it and actually read the words on the container. If it's a cause you feel strongly about, why not help to make a difference?
___ These are only a few to get you thinking about it. In today's society with so many poor people and lowincome families, this is something that's very important to think about.

A.You never know if you'll hit it lucky.
B.Why is the value of the dollar lower today?
C.You can also think about giving it away to charity.
D.Many things are often on sale for a dollar or less a piece.

E. There are endless possibilities to put that dollar to good use.
F. Sometimes it gets carelessly spent on some unimportant things.
G. The dollar's value can be compared with what it bought in the past.

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  • 难度:未知

Investing(投资) in yourself
Figuring out how to invest your money can be a difficult task. This is something that you will want to learn how to do.
______ Things that will improve your knowledge, skills or health are all great investments. However, before you start, you need to be clear about what you will gain out of doing all of these things.
You may think investing in yourself means investing in your education. ______. There are some other things you can do as well as buying a gym membership or learning a new skill.
So what are some specific things you can do? ____. Reading books can really expand your mind and allow you to learn different skills and gain knowledge. I’m talking about the books where you will actually learn a new skill, not fiction books.
_____. These programs are taught by people with a high level of knowledge or skill. Of course, you need to do some research before investing. Only in this way can you avoid being fooled by some sales presentation.
Moreover, investing in yourself is a safe way to keep your money. Although a savings account is seen as the most secure investment, that isn’t 100% safe. Even if you never experience your bank closing down, the return is little when inflation(通货膨胀) is taken into consideration. ______. But over time, they will show up in terms of your happiness level as well as your level of success.

A.The benefits will stay with you.
B.This is just one way.
C.If you aren’t a reader, you should start with that.
D.The more you do this, the more valuable you will be.

E. The best way to invest your money is to invest it in yourself.
F. You can also take courses and attend seminars.
G. When you invest in yourself, you may not see gains right away.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My mother is a diligent and kind woman.She is very busy from morning till night.As a teacher, she works hard.     Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.
My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown.She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon.     She treats them with patience and teaches them well.For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.
    Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order.She seems to be busy all the time.As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age.But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever.Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us.      She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself.She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.
Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play.That is the way to be happy and gay.If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”.What a piece of good advice this is!        This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior.My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.

A.As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.
B.She loves her students and cares for them.
C.She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.
D.She enjoys listening to classic music.

E.I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.
F.Can you tell us something about your mother?
G.My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.

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  • 难度:未知

Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)— that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business.        Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers.        
Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business.        One is the establishment(制定) of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting       The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision(监管)and guidance by the management in authority.       

A.Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work.
B.In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management.
C.Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service agencies and may hospitals.
D.However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs.

E. Planning in business management has three main aspects.
F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects.
G.. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Sir,
I have to travel every day from So UK Road to the airport. Two buses travel along this route No.49 and No.16. However, by the time No.16 reaches So UK Road, it’s always full.___ The timetable states that there are buses from So UK Road to the airport every ten minutes._____ The instructions state that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting._______
The instructions state that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday, I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport. ____. There were 129 of them.
Clearly printed on the back of every bus is a sign that says “Maximum speed 50mph.” ___ Saturday morning a No.49 bus travelled the distance in ten minutes, at an average speed of 60mph. At times it must have done at least 80 or even 90 mph.
It is obvious that our bus companies have neither respect for the instructions nor consideration for their passengers. Can nothing be done about this?

A.I counted the other passengers as they got off.
B.Is there anything we can do to change this?
C.The problem is that we can have to pay more for our trip.
D.The distance from So UK Road to airport is 10 miles.

E. This leaves No. 49 which sometimes has empty seats on it.
F. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?
G. Why is it that half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dear Sir,
I have to travel every day from So UK Road to the airport. Two buses travel along this route No.49 and No.16. However, by the time No.16 reaches So UK Road, it’s always full.___ The timetable states that there are buses from So UK Road to the airport every ten minutes._____ The instructions state that if there are empty seats on a bus, the bus must stop at every stop where people are waiting._______
The instructions state that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers. Yesterday, I was the first to get off the bus when it reached the airport. ____. There were 129 of them.
Clearly printed on the back of every bus is a sign that says “Maximum speed 50mph.” ___ Saturday morning a No.49 bus travelled the distance in ten minutes, at an average speed of 60mph. At times it must have done at least 80 or even 90 mph.
It is obvious that our bus companies have neither respect for the instructions nor consideration for their passengers. Can nothing be done about this?

A.I counted the other passengers as they got off.
B.Is there anything we can do to change this?
C.The problem is that we can have to pay more for our trip.
D.The distance from So UK Road to airport is 10 miles.

E. This leaves No. 49 which sometimes has empty seats on it.
F. If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?
G. Why is it that half-empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A good book can be satisfying. If reading is a habit you’d like to get into, there are some ways to develop it.
Realize that reading is enjoyable if you have a good book. If you have a difficult book and you are forcing yourself through it, it will seem like a task. _____
Set time. You should have some time during every day when you’ll read for at least 5 to 10 minutes. ______ For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch and even dinner if you eat alone.
Always carry a book. ______When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my car keys and one book at hand. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go.
_____ Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. Don’t lie down unless you’re going to sleep. There shouldn’t be a television or a computer near the chair, and no music or no noisy family members/ roommates. If you don’t have a place like this, create one.
Reduce television/ the Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on time on TV or the Internet.  _____But remember: every minute you reduce of the Internet/ TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.

A.Wherever you go, take a book with you.
B.Go to bookstores.
C.Have some good tea or coffee while you read.
D.Find a quiet place.

E. This may be difficult for some people.
F. If this happens, give up the book and find another one that you’ll really love.
G. It means you will read no matter how busy you are.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sometimes willpoweris a lot like the television remote control hard to findjust when you want it most.       But there are waysto increase your willpower.
Don’t try to change your economic situation,win a promotion and lose weight all on the same morning.Setone clear,specific goaland make a realistic plan toachieve it. Extrawillpower sometimes requires extra energy,so don’t spread yourself too thin.     
Whatever your goal is,don’texpect to achieveit overnight.        ,If you are trying to kick a coffee habit,start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass of water,instead of promising never to drink coffee again.Congratulateyourself on the small achievements.These successes help your willpower grow.
        Ask friends,family or colleagues for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help.If your credit card bills have risen,for instance,let friends now that you are cutting back on expenses.Suggest havinga common dinner instead of meetingat an expensive restaurant.Find support group or organization related to your goal and attend their meeting.Youcan get valuableadvice,understanding and information.
If possible,change your environment to encourage positive behavior.Want to get in shape?Keep a set of workout clothesinyour office as a reminder to stop by the gym on the way home. Quitting smoking?     

A.Real success takes time.
B.Focus on one goat at atime.
C.Change your environment to change your life.
D.Improve your willpower by a support network.

E.Changing your behavior requires more than willpower.
F.Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be attracted to light up.
G.Breaking a bad habit or forming a new and healthy one can be difficult.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
