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No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. It is important to make the right impression--not the wrong one--from the very first day. You will face new people. You will be in a new place. _________Here are several tips to help you make it through the first days at a new job:
___________Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code(准则). If so, be sure to follow it. No matter what, always be neat and clean.
Get to work on time. Employers value employees who come to work right on time._____ _____
Pay attention to introductions. One of the first things that your supervisor(主管) may do is to introduce you to co-workers will be important to you. They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.
Ask plenty of questions. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of you. If he or she has not told you your job duties, ask for a list. Don’t take too long for lunch. What is the lunch-hour policy at your new job? ________You can find out from your supervisor or your company’s personnel department.
______You should never make personal phone calls to your friends and family unless it is an emergency.
Never be the first one to leave. Observe how your co-workers behave around leaving time. It does no look good for you to be eager to leave.

A.Set daily and weekly goals for yourself.
B.Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time.
C.It may be difficult to know what to do.
D.Do not make personal phone calls.

E. Do people eat at their desks or does everyone take a full hour outside the workplace?
F. First impressions can last forever.
G. I’ll give you some advice now.

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A good book can be satisfying. If reading is a habit you’d like to get into, there are some ways to develop it.
Realize that reading is enjoyable if you have a good book. If you have a difficult book and you are forcing yourself through it, it will seem like a task. _____
Set time. You should have some time during every day when you’ll read for at least 5 to 10 minutes. ______ For example, make it a habit to read during breakfast and lunch and even dinner if you eat alone.
Always carry a book. ______When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my car keys and one book at hand. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go.
_____ Find a place in your home where you can sit in a comfortable chair. Don’t lie down unless you’re going to sleep. There shouldn’t be a television or a computer near the chair, and no music or no noisy family members/ roommates. If you don’t have a place like this, create one.
Reduce television/ the Internet. If you really want to read more, try cutting back on time on TV or the Internet.  _____But remember: every minute you reduce of the Internet/ TV, you could use for reading. This could create hours of book reading time.

A.Wherever you go, take a book with you.
B.Go to bookstores.
C.Have some good tea or coffee while you read.
D.Find a quiet place.

E. This may be difficult for some people.
F. If this happens, give up the book and find another one that you’ll really love.
G. It means you will read no matter how busy you are.

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Sometimes willpoweris a lot like the television remote control hard to findjust when you want it most.       But there are waysto increase your willpower.
Don’t try to change your economic situation,win a promotion and lose weight all on the same morning.Setone clear,specific goaland make a realistic plan toachieve it. Extrawillpower sometimes requires extra energy,so don’t spread yourself too thin.     
Whatever your goal is,don’texpect to achieveit overnight.        ,If you are trying to kick a coffee habit,start by replacing your morning cup of coffee with a glass of water,instead of promising never to drink coffee again.Congratulateyourself on the small achievements.These successes help your willpower grow.
        Ask friends,family or colleagues for assistance and tell them exactly how they can help.If your credit card bills have risen,for instance,let friends now that you are cutting back on expenses.Suggest havinga common dinner instead of meetingat an expensive restaurant.Find support group or organization related to your goal and attend their meeting.Youcan get valuableadvice,understanding and information.
If possible,change your environment to encourage positive behavior.Want to get in shape?Keep a set of workout clothesinyour office as a reminder to stop by the gym on the way home. Quitting smoking?     

A.Real success takes time.
B.Focus on one goat at atime.
C.Change your environment to change your life.
D.Improve your willpower by a support network.

E.Changing your behavior requires more than willpower.
F.Avoid bars or restaurants where you might be attracted to light up.
G.Breaking a bad habit or forming a new and healthy one can be difficult.

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  • 难度:未知

请阅读下列电视节目的信息, 然后阅读以下各人的信息。请从A、B、C、D、E和F中为他们选出想看的电视节目,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
A. TV 1  7:20 p.m.  Find out more about Australia’s animal life. This film was made last year by one of Australia’s best-known cameramen, Dougie Bond. He spent over 200 hours filming the birds, animals and fish that settle on this beautiful continent and for the first time brings some of these unusual animals to our TV screens.
B. TV 3  9:00 p.m.  The popular science programme is back with the latest in technology and medicine. This week, there are programmes about cars that run on sunlight.
C. TV 2  8:10 p.m   What do you think goes into the food most of us eat every day of the week?  Tonight’s programme takes a serious scientific look at the bread industry. Whether you make your own bread or just enjoy buying it, this programme will give you an interesting insight into something most of us eat every day of the week.
D. TV 1  5:15 p.m.  Busy parents? Bored children? Do you want something educational to interest your children while you do something else? This popular magazine programme is for the under-fives.  More music, fun, songs and games with Caria and Larry.
E. TV 3  8:45 p.m.  If you’ve always wanted to cook, now’s your chance to learn. In the studio are two chefs who will take you through some simple recipes step by step. This is a repeat of the popular series shown last year, and available from good bookshops.
F. TV 3  7:40 p.m.  The latest new music. Pete Hogg looks at the best of the current rap, raga and new jack swing and new video releases. This is the programme that tells you all about what’s happening on the music scene and brings you interviews with tomorrow’s young artists.
Although Rob leads a quiet life in a small village, that doesn’t stop him from wanting to find out about the latest scientific development.
Bella enjoys eating out but can’t afford to spend very much at the moment as she is saving for a holiday.  She has never learnt how to cook, so now might be quite a good time to find out!
Dan is interested in taking wildlife photographs and enjoys the kind of programme which gives him a chance to see a professional photographer at work.
Gina is a music teacher. Although she prefers classical(古典)music, she likes to follow the kind of music that interests the teenagers she teaches.
Ron’s wife is in hospital. He wants to find a programme for his three-year-old son while he gets on with the housework and prepares a meal.

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You are sure to improve your English if you are determined. But you should always carry on studying. Here is a list of tips to help you.
The Internet is your friend. You probably have already used several websites for your study.
Look for magazines that relate to the subjects you might be interested in, things like Reader's
Digest, National Geographic or Nature.    If you invest in a paper copy, you can write and make notes on it.
 When you are in a test, you are under pressure to understand and answer questions quickly. However, it's better to take time to experiment when preparing for exams. If you are using exam practice materials, try reading the text before the questions, and then the questions before the text.
Read for fun. Australians read a lot as you may have noticed if you travel by bus or train.    People who are good at reading are people who enjoy reading.
Practise reading quickly. Try to read in groups of words — the eyes move in little jumps when you read, they do not scan steadily.   
Use the strategies of surveying, skimming and scanning, but not all the time. Another strategy you can try is to scan the text first for words you do not know. Check their meaning and pronunciation, and then read the text.
Take it with you.     Pull it out and read for a few minutes when you have nothing else to do.
Remember, practice makes perfect, so read for at least 30 minutes a day.

A.Try different reading styles.
B.Put a book or a magazine in your pocket or bag when you go out.
C.You may start your own library.
D.Then see how many words you can read in one minute.

E. These can be read online or in hard copy.
F. Join in a chat room and work in groups.
G. Read something you enjoy, e.g. the Harry Potter stories.

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Lazy people will never gain anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.
    Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.
Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. Others take a more positive approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone.       
Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations(诱惑) that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness.      Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film.
Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home. Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately.      Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.
  Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.

A.To fight family laziness, set an example.
B.Knowing how to fight laziness is important.
C.One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.
D.Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.

E. With strong determination, you will be able to achieve your goal.
F. Laziness appears when you no longer feel in charge of your own mind.
G. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child.

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  • 难度:未知

People around the world used their computers to buy goods,communicate with others,listen to music,see pictures and learn about different places and ideas.In 2006,more people around the world used new ways to communicate and connect with each other through the Internet.
   Blog is a short way of saying Web log.Through these personal websites,people can share their experiences,ideas and opinions with anyone on the Internet.
People of all ages have their own blogs.For young people,they are a way to show their  writings and other forms of self-expression.
   These sites include “MySpace”,used mainly by teenagers and young adults. MySpace is an online community that lets people share message and pictures with an increasing number of friends. 
YouTube is another Internet site that became more popular this year.This website lets anyone create,share and watch short videos.People can watch almost anything on YouTube:news,sports and entertainment events. These include videos of people singing or dancing,or animals doing funny things.Three young men created YouTube almost two years ago as a personal video sharing service.They recently sold it to Google for more than one half billion dollars.
Games and entertainment also became a larger part of the Internet this year.One Internet social site is called Second Life.   They get married,build homes,operate businesses,buy and sell goods,work,play and attend school.

A.The blog is one form of communication that enjoys growing popularity.
B.People of all ages use computers to express themselves.
C.It is an online world in which computer users create a new self and live a different life.
D.Many Websites offer free services to create personal Web pages and fill them with writing site on the web.

E. There are music videos,and videos made by people in their own homes.
F. More and more people are buying computers because of the lower price.
G. It is the most popular social networking site on the web.

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  • 难度:未知

A. Draw on the positives.
B. Deal with the pain.
C. Find support from others.
D. Use rejection to your advantage.
E. Don’t let negative feelings hold you down.
F. Keep track of your thoughts.
Harry Potter was rejected. So were Bella and Edward. If authors J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer hadn’t kept trying with publisher after publisher, we’d all have missed out on some great adventures. Life is about going for things. And when we do, rejection is always a possibility. The better we get at dealing with rejection, the less it affects us. So how can you build that ability to cope? Here are some ideas:
Coping well with rejection involves working with two things: how you feel and what you think. Let’s start with feelings: If you get rejected, acknowledge it to yourself. Don’t try to brush off the hurt or pretend it’s not painful. Instead of thinking “I shouldn’t feel this way,” think about how normal it is to feel like you do, given your situation.
Notice how intense your feelings are. Did this rejection upset you a lot? Or just a little? Cry if you want to or tell someone else what happened and how you feel about it.
When you’re dealing with a painful emotion like rejection, it’s easy to get stuck in the bad feeling. But dwelling on the negative stuff can feel like living the experience over and over again. Not only does it keep hurting, it becomes harder to get past the rejection.
So admit how you feel but don’t dwell on it. Avoid talking or thinking about it nonstop. Why? Negative thinking influences our expectations and how we act. Getting stuck in a negative outlook might even bring about more rejection. It certainly doesn’t inspire a person to try again.
Now on to what you think: Consider how you’re explaining the rejection to yourself. Are you being too hard on yourself? It’s natural to wonder, “Why did this happen?” When you give yourself an explanation, be careful to stick to the facts.
Tell yourself: “I got turned down for prom because the person didn’t want to go with me.” Don’t tell yourself: “I got turned down because I’m not attractive” or “I’m such a loser.” These aren’t facts. They’re imagining a reason, reading too much into a situation. If thoughts like these start creeping into your mind, shut them down.
Tell yourself: “OK, so I got rejected this time. Maybe next time, I’ll get a ‘yes’ ” or “Oh, well. This is what happened. I don’t like it. But everyone gets rejected – and I can try again.”
Think about what you’re good at and what’s good about you. Remember times when you’ve been accepted, when you made the cut, when someone told you “yes.” Think of all the people who like you and support you. Remind yourself that you can handle the rejection. Even though you were turned down now, there will be another opportunity, another time.
A rejection is a chance to consider if there are things we can work on. It’s OK to think about whether there’s room for improvement or if your goals were higher than your skills.
If your skills weren’t strong enough this time, maybe you need to work on your game, your studies, or whatever it takes to improve your chances of getting accepted next time. Use the rejection as an opportunity for self-improvement.

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A. Accept the future
B. Reflect on the Past
C. Maintain a Diary
D.  Act
E. Focus on Yourself
F.  Give Yourself a break

How to Find Yourself
Do you often feel lost?Do you think you are living somebody else’s life? If yes, discover ways to find yourself by going through the following article.
If you are thinking, “how to find yourself when you are lost?”, then the first thing to do is to have a rest from everything—work, personal life and all worldly things. Give time to yourself to think why you seem lost. Is it because of over work? Is it because you are not leading a life that you want to? Or is it because you are not satisfied with the people or things around you? Try to find answers to these questions to determine the cause behind your restlessness.
For once, instead of being the way others want you to be, be yourself. Look within and find yourself in you. Think about the things that you would want to do if you didn’t have any family obligations or any money issues. Think about the kind of relationship you would want to be in, the place that you would like to stay in, the kind of lifestyle you would like to lead, if you didn’t have the society or people around you, judging all the time. If you really want to know how to find inner peace, then think, what you would want others to describe you as—an honest person? Or adventurous? Or loving, or realistic? Once you look within, you will know the answer and then try to be exactly that.
Thinking deeply about the past, the time or situations when you were the happiest, is another way to find yourself .Think what you were doing or with whom you were, when you were the happiest. This will help you to identify things that you want to do in life that make you happy and also certain people whose company you enjoy.
Knowing yourself and determining what you to do with your life will not come to you in a day or two. Discovering oneself is an ongoing process and it can take months or sometimes even years to truly find yourself. So, it’s important that you maintain a written record of all your feelings and thoughts, which you can go through at a later stage. Pour all your emotions and feelings about life in it and who knows may be one day going through it, you will find yourself.
Once you have discovered what you want to do with your life, make a move for change and self improvement. Even if it means taking up small things such as dancing or painting, go ahead and do it. If you want a career change, plan and take steps so that it can take place smoothly. If you are stuck in a bad relationship and find yourself unable to mend it, break away. At the beginning, you may find yourself slightly unbalanced, but with time everything will be fine.
It is very important for you to truly find yourself, before it is too late. If you do not find yourself now, you will spend your life with somebody you do not even know, i.e. yourself.

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根据短文内容, 从下框的A-F选项中选出能概括出每段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项是多余项。(E="A+B;" F=A+C;)

A.Supply your own bags and leftover containers.
B. Keep your car excellent condition.
C.Plant a tree in your backyard.
D.Support local farmers in daily life.
E.Buy items with less packaging.
F.Try to save energy when you do some washing.

It’s easy to live green.“Focus on reducing your energy and water consumption and your waste generation,you’ll be on your way to reducing your footprints on the planet,”says Malten.
It’s best to walk,bicycle,or use mass transit for your daily commuting,but for those who must use their own vehicles,improving the efficiency of your car’s fuel mileage(耗油量)is as easy as keeping your tires properly inflated and changing your oil and air filters if necessary.
Using cold water rather than hot water in the washer saves electricity and works just as well as hot water with most clothes.Line drying is not only more environmentally friendly,but it also will keep clothes from shrinking and fading.
If you’re headed to a restaurant that you know serves king-sized portions,bring a small piece of Tupperware along to take the leftovers home,so that you can keep one fewer styrofoma(泡沫塑料)container from the landfill pile.If you are going to a supermarket,bring your own canvas tote bags “Although many supermarket recycle used plastic bags,the process still requires much energy to be used to transport and process the materials,”says Malten.
Food grown or produced halfway around the world didn’t just appear in the supermarket-it was shipped by plane,boat,truck or rail,and no matter what kind of transportation it took,greenhouse gases were emitted along the way.Pick the apple grown in your state instead of the banana grown in another country.
It seems simple,but just,one tree can consume tons of carbon over its lifetime.If planted properly, it will also provide shade on a sunny day,perhaps reducing the use of energy for air-conditioning in buildings and homes:“While reducing energy will cut our carbon emissions,it is also important to restore more natural ‘sinks’ that capture carbon,” Malten says,“Planting trees is an easy place to start.’’

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A. 20 Years Younger
The book details easy and effective steps we can all take to rebuild the foundation of youth and enjoy better health, improved energy, and a positive outlook on life. The four basic programs are: an exercise system for fighting muscle and bone loss, a longevity-focused diet, sleep rejuvenation, and wrinkle-fighting skin care. Woven throughout the text is practical advice on changing appearances, controlling stress, staying mentally sharp, navigating medical tests, and much more.
B. Born To Run
Full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science, and, most of all, pure inspiration, Born to Run is an epic adventure that began with one simple question: Why does my foot hurt? In search of an answer, Christopher McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets, and in the process shows us that everything we thought we knew about running is wrong.
C. Natural Running
In Natural Running, Abshire explains how modern running shoes distort the efficient running technique that humans evolved over thousands of years. He reviews the history of running shoes and injuries, making the case for barefoot running but also warning about its dangers.
D. Woodworking
This book includes excellent instruction from a best-selling woodworking author on all aspects of woodworking with hand tools. He approaches setting up the all-hand tool shop, explains how the tools work in wood, addresses the joinery, and finishes with instructions on building a workshop accessory to use with hand tools. Also included are other sample projects and information on finishing the hand-worked projects.
E. Whittling Little Folk
At the beginning of the book, readers will find step-by-step carving and painting instructions for a Scandinavian inspired man and woman. Once they have learned to carve these two projects, readers will find an additional 18 patterns that can also be created with the same technique and some subtle changes.
F. Quick and Easy Meals
The book offers healthy, low-carb Primal-approved recipes that can all be completed in under half and hour and, in many cases, in just a few minutes. Sisson and Meier show you how to delight your family or guests every time with quick, delicious meals using local produce, CSA meats, healthy fats (yes, and real butter) and common herbs and spices.
Carina is fond of art and likes carving very much. In order to make something for the coming Mothers Day, she is searching a new idea.
Daisy is a busy salesgirl, who is difficult to find time to cook. She likes home meals.
Alexander is a college student. He likes running. He wants to know more about the secret of shoes and running.
Sammy majors in PE. He will do a research on how to train long distance runners.
Nancy is looking for a book about advice on controlling stress, changing appearances, and enjoying a better health.

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Being a good student doesn’t mean you have to drop all social activities and dive into your books.It is still possible to have a healthy social life while getting good grades.       Here are how you can achieve it:
Decide for yourself at the start of the term that you won’t let your schoolwork sweep you away.       
Write down your weekly schedule on a piece of paper.Chances are that you’ll have small gaps between classes during the week and more free time at the weekend.Make sure that every time you find yourself in one of those between-class gaps you use the time efficiently.     
Set aside at least one large amount of time each week as free time.Keep in mind the law of diminishing returns(收益递减).Past a certain point,more hours studying will be of little benefit.        Protect both your free time and your school time carefully.If one starts to infringe(侵犯)on the other,that is just the beginning of a long,slippery downhill slope(斜坡).
       This way,you can co-ordinate(协调)your free time with theirs.
Whenever possible,find social activities that take you off campus and away from your schoolwork.

A.Balance is the key.
B.Encourage your friends to follow a similar plan.
C.It is very important to be determined about this.
D.Try not to affect others’ time and just focus on your own.

E.You’re better off spending this time with friends.
F.You can spend more time on social life than on study.
G.Read a few pages of your school books or do some quick chores(杂活),for example.

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Toys are not merely playthings. Toys form the building blocks for our child’s future. They teach our children about the world and about themselves. They send messages and communicate values. 
Wise parents also think about the number of toys that children are given. While most toy rooms and bedrooms today are filled to the ceiling with toys, intentional parents learn to limit the number of toys that kids have to play with. __
Kids learn to be more creative. ____Two German public health workers conducted an experiment in which they convinced a kindergarten classroom to remove all of their toys for three months. Although boredom set in during the initial stages of the experiment, the children soon began to use their basic surroundings to invent games and use imagination in their playing.
__When too many toys are introduced into a child life, their attention span will begin to suffer. A child will rarely learn to fully appreciate the toy in front of them when there are countless opinions still remaining on the shelf behind them.
 hildren with fewer toys learn how to develop interpersonal relationships with other kids and adults. They learn the give and take of a good conversation. And studies have shown childhood friendships seem to lead to a greater chance of success academically and in social situations during adulthood.

A.Kids establish better social skills.
B.Kids develop longer attention spans.
C.Kids learn to take greater care of things.
D.So do your child a favor today and limit their number of toys.

E.Too many toys prevent kids from fully developing their gift of imagination.
F.They understand that fewer toys will actually benefit their children in the long term.
G.Thus, wise parents think about what foundation is being laid by the toys that are given to their kids.

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You must think positively no matter how big a challenge is. If you think positively you will feel better and will be able to overcome challenges in life. Furthermore, meet an optimistic person and you will notice how motivated he is towards life.      on the other hand, negative thinking will only cause more depression in your life.
  Don’t be jealous of those who are successful around you. Instead, take inspiration from their success stories. This will make you motivated to get what you want. Moreover, you can also read books that are written by inspirational and successful personalities.
There is a famous quote that reads, “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.” If your mind is healthy you will think positively.       Whether you are working out in the gym or going for a long walk, make sure that you incorporate an exercise plan in your daily routine.
    Hence, it is important to break your routine and do something different. Either you go on a vacation or learn a new skill, it is important to break the monotony in your daily life.
Human beings are extraordinary individuals who are able to complete the hardest tasks and achieve the impossible. It is important to get out of your comfort zone and try something different.        .

A.Therefore, it is important to exercise.
B.Keeping yourself motivated is not a difficult task.
C.You might lose motivation by doing the same things over and over again.
D.One of the best ways to motivate oneself is to get inspired by other’s success.

E.Remember, positive thinking gives you motivation to achieve what you want.
F.By doing so you will get motivated and your attitudes towards life will be positive.
G.Do things that make you happy and find inspiration in possibly everything you see.

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  • 难度:未知

Article writing has been a way of conveying information through the web. If you’ re a writer, being able to let them stay on your article for more than two seconds is already a success. Your writing style can create more readers for your content if you know how to catch the attention of readers.
Be Direct-to-the-Point
Website writing differs from print writing. People do not want to spend much time on a website because they want to get the information they need.
Be Informative
Articles for web content are briefly written. They flesh out the information without decorations. Be sure that your articles are not confusingly worded. Make sure you organize your facts logically so that your reader can effectively process them.
Be Conversational
Be conversational so that readers can grasp what you mean in your article. With quality content, engage your readers so that your article will have that personal and human touch.
Be Connected
Most article writers just place sentences that state a certain fact to form a paragraph. However, in readers’ hopes, these writers fail to establish a human connection. So it is important to make the connection smooth and not abrupt.

A.Stay away from decorations when writing online content.
B.Most readers like to read articles that“speak”to them.
C.Connection will allow the readers’ minds to effectively process what is written.
D.Get to your point directly so that your readers can process the information.

E. Here are some important points to consider before writing online.
F. Article writing is a fun way of establishing a connection with a reader and a writer.
G. Complex sentences tend to wrongly lead your reader and make them confused.

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