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The day was Thankful Thursday, our “ regular day” of service. It’s a __36__tradition that my two little girls and I began years ago. On this __37__  Thursday, we had no idea exactly what we were going to do.
__38__ along a busy road, we prayed for guidance in search of __39__our weekly Act of Kindness. My girls were__40__, and started shouting “ McDonald’s” . Suddenly I realized that almost every crossing I__41__ was occupied by a beggar, and then it hit me! All these beggars must be hungry. Perfect! We were going to buy__42__for them.
It was a great way to__43__. The Act of Kindness was anonymous(匿名的),and we loved what we saw in the back view mirror: a__44__and delighted person holding up his lunch bag and just looking at us__45__we drove off.
We had come to the end of our “ route” where there was a small woman standing there, asking for__46__. We handed her our final lunch bag, and then made a U-turn to head back in the opposite direction for home. Unfortunately, the light stopped us. I was __47__and didn’t know quite how to behave.
“No one has ever done anything like this for me before,” the woman said with__48__. I replied, “Well, I’m glad that we were the first one.”__49__ uneasy , and wanting to move the conversation along, I asked, “So, when do you think you’ll eat your lunch?”
“Oh honey, I’m not going to__50__this lunch.” I was confused , and she continued , “I have a little girl of my own at home and she just __51__ McDonald’s , but I can never buy it for her because I just don’t have the __52__ . You know what… tonight she is going to have McDonald’s !”
So many times I had__53__whether our Acts of Kindness were too small or insignificant to really__54__any difference . Yet in that moment, I recognized the__55__of Mother Teresa’s words, “We cannot do great things---only small things with great love.”

A.weekly B.monthly C.yearly D.daily

A.common B.particular C.ordinary D.usual

A.Walking B.Running C.Driving D.Wandering

A.finding B.meeting C.realizing D.fulfilling

A.hungry B.tired C.puzzled D.bored

A.talked about B.passed through C.turned down D.picked up

A.bread B.cloth C.lunch D.water

A.receive B.beg C.present D.give

A.surprised B.troubled C.pleased D.moved

A.because B.as C.but D.otherwise

A.trouble B.invitation C.change D.advice

A.worried B.frightened C.feared D.embarrassed

A.amazement B.excitement C.enjoyment D.disappointment

A.Keeping B.Feeling C.Sounding D.Seeming

A.accept B.refuse C.eat D.share

A.dislikes B.prefers C.sells D.loves

A.money B.courage C.honour D.choice

A.considered B.questioned C.determined D.imagined

A.make B.keep C.determine D.promote

A.importance B.value C.structure D.truth

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Field trips are popular with my students and as a teacher, I often make it a rule that when we are on a field trip, there will be no talking as we enter a building. This rule       to entering any place, whether it is a cinema, a church, a theatre, or any other place.
Once, in New York City, I took my class to see a(n)       near Times Square. When we arrived at the theatre, there were about twenty other classes       outside waiting to get in. The students from the other schools were not       and there was pandemonium(乌烟瘴气). I told my students to stay in a line and keep      . I told them that we would not carry ourselves like those other      . Soon we started to file into the theatre, and it was very disorganized. There was a lady trying to       the groups and get them to their seats,       students were everywhere and       really knew where to go. My class, observing our rule, walked in       in two single-file lines. We stood near the door behind everyone else,and we      . All of a sudden, the lady who was       noticed us and she walked       our direction.She asked the students       the teacher was for our group, and I raised my      . She asked, “Very, very nice to meet you. Come this way.” We were   51   into the theatre first, and we were given front-row seats.
Sometimes       for others may not seem like it is going to have an effect,especially when you       no one around who is taking manners into      . However,that is usually the time when such       actions will be most appreciated and recognized.

A.contributes B.applies C.turns D.belongs

A.play B.lady C.teacher D.exhibition

A.sorted out B.settled down C.turned away D.lined up

A.behaving B.listening C.concentrating D.watching

A.order B.contact C.watch D.time

A.places B.seats C.classes D.teachers

A.scold B.dismiss C.attract D.organize

A.and B.but C.so D.while

A.anyone B.nobody C.everyone D.somebody

A.anxiously B.immediately C.quietly D.hurriedly

A.passed B.chatted C.rushed D.waited

A.in trouble B.on guard C.in charge D.on business

A.in B.to C.for D.under

A.how B.where C.what D.whether

A.voice B.arm C.head D.hand

A.pushed B.driven C.led D.separated

A.respect B.love C.concern D.support

A.receive B.visit C.recognize D.meet

A.practice B.effect C.account D.operation

A.urgent B.kind C.legal D.firm

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some passengers won’t turn off their mobile phones or iPads during takeoff or landing. It happens on almost every          now. It’s time to turn off personal electronic devices when the plane’s door         . However, there’s always at least one person who keeps talking, texting, playing, watching or emailing — and          strict orders to power down during flights.
“People have become so          to those devices, and a lot of people          whether they really need to turn them off,” says an airhostess from Southwest Airlines.
Is turning off the devices really          in the first place? Lots of passengers have doubted about the          of leaving devices on. They think one cell or message or game isn’t going to          down the plane.
Indeed, there’s no          scientific evidence that having devices powered on during takeoff and landing would cause a         , only that there is the potential of a problem.
In the US, pilots are allowed to use certain electronic devices during takeoff and landing, but if passengers’        devices are tested at the same time, it may lead to wrong warnings and          readings on the aircraft instruments. In some studies researchers found mobile phones could          global-positioning satellite systems or other aircraft systems. Though the effects are          slight, they could result in disaster.
If even the          possibility of disaster exists, it’s better to turn them off during takeoff and landing.

A.seat B.flight C.passenger D.device

A.opens B.closes C.turns D.moves

A.giving B.obeying C.ignoring D.receiving

A.addicted B.connected C.opposed D.exposed

A.decide B.choose C.understand D.question

A.reliable B.necessary C.dangerous D.excellent

A.fact B.value C.danger D.price

A.knock B.bring C.shut D.fall

A.large B.great C.firm D.heavy

A.problem B.difficulty C.question D.mistake

A.small B.expensive C.various D.colorful

A.clear B.right C.bad D.false

A.affect B.operate C.control D.change

A.unusually B.strangely C.exactly D.seemingly

A.remotest B.biggest C.best D.worst

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off. She told him that she would   21  the water in ten minutes.
Thirty minutes later, when the passenger’s ring for  22  sounded, the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so  23  that she forget to deliver him the  24  . As a result, the passenger was  25  to take his medicine. She hurried over to him  26  a cup of water, but to her surprise he  27  it.
In the following hours on the  28  , each time the air hostess passed by the  29  , she would ask him with a  30  whether he needed help or not. But the passenger  31  paid attention to her words.
When he was going to get  32  the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to  33  him the passenger’s booklet(意见簿). She was very 34  . She knew that he would write down  35  words, which might result in the loss of her job.  36  with a smile she handed it to him.
Off the plane, she  37  the booklet and cracked a smile,  38  the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times  39  . How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”
That’s  40  ! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?   

A.take B.bring C.carry D.hold

A.food B.drink C.service D.medicine

A.tired B.silent C.calm D.busy

A.water B.help C.milk D.warning

A.held on B.held up C.held out D.held down

A.for B.about C.with D.in

A.refused B.accepted C.liked D.hated

A.seat B.air C.floor D.flight

A.customer B.passenger C.guest D.visitor

A.glance B.look C.smile D.cry

A.never B.often C.always D.seldom

A.on B.to C.off D.from

A.hand B.take C.throw D.lend

A.glad B.angry C.curious D.sad

A.important B.sharp C.polite D.nice

A.So B.Because C.And D.But

A.hid B.tore C.opened D.closed

A.if B.for C.after D.when

A.in all B.above all C.or else D.or so

A.wrong B.wonderful C.impossible D.right

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The new science of spending comes to a surprising conclusion .How we use our money may      as much or more than how much we’ve got it.
Money spent on experiences , rather than material goods,      more happiness.
Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning to      $1 million under your bed .What would you do             that cash?
The money will probably make you think about one thing         all else---- yourself. A large amount of research reveals that money       our selfish sides. We will        much on what that money can do for us alone. Perhaps you are imagining buying a faster car, or even a new house.
But studies show that     goods often fail to deliver         happiness. Fortunately ,our ongoing research        many ways to get more happiness from every dollar you spend .Changing how you spend money can increase your happiness.
But making these        needs to challenge some of our ideas of spending. It’s hard not to       buying a house as a wise investment. But research shows it brings very little happiness. A study in the United States found that homeowners , on average ,were no happier than       .
So, working hard to save money for a house might not be such a good idea        it means spending less time with your families and friends.
And dozens of studies show that people get more happiness from buying        than material things. Experimental purchases—such as trips ,concerts and special meals –are more     connected to our sense of self.
And experiences come with one more     . They tend to bring us       to other people , but more often, material things are enjoyed       .So social contacts are important to        mental and physical health.                

A.present B.matter C.appear D.equal

A.leads to B.breaks out C.holds on D.brings along

A.keep B.own C.discover D.count

A.to B.with C.about D.for

A.above B.below C.before D.after

A.shows B.explains C.proves D.designs

A.depend B.concentrate C.take D.look

A.mental B.material C.beautiful D.clever

A.outgoing B.lasting C.willing D.exciting

A.invites B.offers C.prefers D.follows

A.changes B.plans C.decisions D.mistakes

A.know B.view C.dream D.judge

A.buyers B.sellers C.builders D.renters

A.if B.how C.unless D.though

A.houses B.cars C.experiences D.health

A.clearly B.hardly C.generally D.deeply

A.advantage B.conclusion C.purpose D.identity

A.familiar B.close C.proper D.native

A.completely B.worldwide C.secretly D.alone

A.gain B.damage C.improve D.build

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in her life, she might go home and write in her diary. Now, a teenager with         problems might go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog (博客). In many ways, a diary and a blog are very        .So, what makes blogging different from writing in      diary?
The biggest difference is that blogging is much more        than a diary. Usually, a teenager treats her diary like a book full of         that she does not want to       .
It’s interesting that someone who writes in a blog       a diary will probably write nearly the same information. I have a little sister, and sometimes I go online to read her           . She writes about things like waking up early for swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry test.         I was at her age, I wrote about the same things, but       in my diary. Then, after I had finished writing, I would hide my diary in a secret place because I was         that my sister might read it!
The biggest       with blogging is that anyone can read what you write. If I was angry with a friend during high school and wrote something       about her in my diary, she would never know.         , if my sister ever wrote something bad about a friend, that friend         read her blog and get angry.
There are also       to blogging, of course. If I was feeling sad one day and wrote in my diary, “Nobody cares about me.”         would know about it. However, if my sister wrote the same sentence in her blog, her best friends would       respond and tell her how much they         her. Blogs help people stay in       with their friends and to hear what the people around them are doing.                            

A.the same B.troublesome C.difficult D.daily

A.familiar B.special C.similar D.different

A.a personal B.an ordinary C.a common D.a traditional

A.attractive B.public C.convenient D.quick

A.thoughts B.puzzles C.mysteries D.secrets

A.tell B.share C.publish D.solve

A.instead of B.as well as C.in favour of D.in spite of

A.blog B.diary C.report D.web

A.Although B.Since C.When D.Because

A.only B.already C.still D.never

A.angry B.hopeless C.glad D.worried

A.problem B.doubt C.trouble D.mistake

A.hard B.wrong C.mean D.funny

A.Besides B.However C.Therefore D.Then

A.should B.will C.must D.might

A.reasons B.disadvantages C.shortcomings D.advantages

A.everyone B.no one C.anyone D.someone

A.happily B.especially C.quickly D.immediately

A.like B.miss C.need D.help

A.friendship B.touch C.debate D.mind

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Americans value competition. They believe that competition       out the best in any individual. They claim that it challenges or even       each person to produce the very best that is humanly possible.      , the foreign visitor will see competition encouraged in the American home and in the American classroom,      at the youngest age levels. You may find the     placed on competition confusing, especially if you come from a society that promotes cooperation    competition among individuals. But Americans teaching in the Third World countries find the lack of competition in a classroom situation equally      . They soon learn that what they had thought to be one of the universal human qualities       only a particularly American or Western value.

A.carries B.brings C.picks D.comes

A.forces B.causes C.leads D.teaches

A.Particularly B.Occasionally C.Consequently D.Accidentally

A.even B.still C.only D.already

A.thoughts B.interest C.attitude D.value

A.together with B.rather than C.in spite of D.along with

A.puzzling B.unacceptable C.unfortunate D.discouraging

A.encouraged B.respected C.represented D.Produced

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are two leading, complementary views on the sources of workplace stress. Understanding the difference between the two is the first step in learning how to cope with.
The first regards stress as coming from how you     your situation. For example, one day your boss emerges from a long, closed-door meeting      upset. Then she e-mails you requesting a meeting. Do you      think you’d be fired? If your mind starts spinning a disaster, it’s enough to drive your body to a stress         . To cope with it, you may not be able to avoid the stir,          you can learn to change your response and         your mind. Start keeping a list of everything in your day that causes stress. Is there something new or          in your work life? Do certain colleagues make your      boil? Find how every item        the list makes you feel and then ask yourself, “Is my reaction correct?” This step is the      to finding a        way to deal with them, once you understand where your emotions are coming from.
The other view says outside factors,         distressing work environments, mostly drive workplace stress. Common        of stress-causing environments include non-communicative bosses,           isolating work, and jobs that require much effort but offer little     . Finding another job may be the most effective solution in the long run. But until the job market       , find ways to regain a sense of control          your        . If you must endure a two-hour trip in rush-hour traffic to arrive at the office by 9 am, start your workday earlier, so you      the worst time to travel. If you can’t         your colleagues, shut your office door or take your work to a conference room for part of the day.

A.believe B.perceive C.receive D.relieve

A.feeling B.keeping C.looking D.turning

A.constantly B.currently C.immediately D.occasionally

A.situation B.reaction C.condition D.association

A.and B.even if C.but D.if

A.calm B.change C.set D.speak

A.creative B.different C.familiar D.successful

A.blood B.body C.head D.heat

A.among B.within C.on D.to

A.way B.key C.method D.technique

A.healthier B.newer C.readier D.stronger

A.as B.despite C.except D.like

A.appearances B.atmospheres C.categories D.characteristics

A.socially B.publicly C.organizationally D.personally

A.wealth B.profit C.award D.reward

A.puts up B.calls up C.picks up D.gets up

A.over B.on C.in D.at

A.positions B.properties C.spaces D.surroundings

A.avoid B.miss C.prevent D.resist

A.accept B.convince C.please D.stand

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The students at Sandy’s high school were badly shaken by the news that a classmate had          himself. The suicide note read: “It’s hard to         when nobody cares if you die.”
Glen, a teacher, realized this was a          moment about the importance of making people feel
        . He asked his class to imagine they were about to           and to write a note “telling someone how and why you          him or her.”
Sandy, who had a           relationship with her mother, decided to write her          . Her letter read: “We’ve had some           times and I haven’t always been a very good         ,but I know I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re the          person I’ve ever known, And even when I disagree with you, I never           you love me and want what’s best for me. Thanks for not           up on me”.
When her mom read the note, she cried and hugged Sandy          but said little.
The next morning, Sandy found a        on her mirror: “Dearest Sandy, I want you to know being your mother is ,by far, the most important thing in my life.         I got your note, I thought I had lost your love and          . I felt like such a failure. I intended to        it all last night. Your note saved my          .”
Be careful not to underestimate the          of expressed appreciation. It won’t always save a life, but it will always make someone’s life better.

A.sacrificed B.defeated C.abandoned D.killed

A.live B.imagine C.struggle D.think

A.sad B.final C.teachable D.great

A.ashamed B.valued C.excited D.scared

A.die B.fail C.retire D.survive

A.miss B.hate C.admire D.appreciate

A.close B.casual C.bad D.personal

A.classmate B.mom C.father D.teacher

A.free B.delightful C.pleasant D.rough

A.daughter B.student C.friend D.trainer

A.best B.wisest C.luckiest D.gentlest

A.trust B.doubt C.consider D.predict

A.taking B.going C.giving D.looking

A.coldly B.hesitantly C.shyly D.tightly

A.note B.gift C.notice D.reminder

A.Since B.Until C.Though D.When

A.confidence B.courage C.respect D.heart

A.end B.make C.get D.fall

A.life B.time C.money D.honor

A.push B.price C.meaning D.power
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

No one would be willing to pay one-third of the price for the packaging or wrapping of what he or she purchases. But over-packaging has become a disease that leads to an __50__ waste of resources and __51__ environmental pollution.
The wasted packaging materials are __52__ to be worth about 280 billion yuan annually. And such packages and wrappings thrown away by customers __53__ up half of the volume of solid waste in cities. __54__, it is high time that regulations were __55__ to stop enterprises from spending too much on unnecessary packaging and wrapping.
To produce paper packaging or wrapping, many more trees have to be cut down. Over-packaging also limits the interest of consumers when they have to spend quite a high percentage on something that they will have to throw into the dustbin. The simple truth is that the more a producer spends on packaging, the __56__ the products it sells will be.
Product packaging and wrapping used to be very simple 30 years ago. "Shabby" was the word many had used to __57__ the way Chinese products were packaged. And shabby packaging was blamed for making Chinese products __58__ in the international market.
It is __59__ to pay enough attention to packaging or wrapping products in such a manner that they can be __60__ to customers' eyes. But that does not definitely justify that packaging should even outshine what is inside.
In the Chinese proverb, “maidu huanzhu,” the buyer returns the pearl and just keeps the case because the __61__ is too fancy and luxurious. It not only laughs at the poor __62__ of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary __63__ the seller has made in making the case. Another message from the proverb is that over-packaging helps cultivate an __64__ consuming attitude - to buy fancy-looking stuff but not what they really need.

A.enormous B.available C.invisible D.illegal

A.results from B.contributes to C.depends on D.calls for

A.predicted B.required C.acknowledged D.estimated

A.look B.hold C.make D.add

A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Furthermore

A.observed B.broken C.adopted D.forbidden

A.better B.more expensive C.cheaper D.more useful

A.recommend B.praise C.consider D.criticize

A.popular B.impressive C.unattractive D.qualified

A.ridiculous B.incredible C.unnecessary D.reasonable

A.accustomed B.appealing C.similar D.grateful

A.former B.next C.other D.latter

A.judgment B.eyesight C.appetite D.health

A.contributions B.efforts C.progress D.use

A.unfamiliar B.unhealthy C.unnatural D.unavoidable

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays, a hospital always manages to keep its beds full. This is good on the one hand, and it’s bad on   36   hand.
One day, I went to see a sick friend at the hospital. I first went to the   37   desk, where I could get a permit to visit the patient.
  38   I could ask which room my friend was in, the lady set down my name, age, filled out a form and   39   a bell. I was just about to tell her what I was coming for when two men arrived with a wheelchair,   40   me in it and pushed me down the hall.
“I’m not   41  ,” I shouted. “I’m just looking for a friend.”
“When he comes,” one man said, “we’ll   42   him up to your room.”
In a minute I   43   myself in a small room. In no time they undressed me and covered some other things   44   me. One man said “If you need anything, press the button.”
“I want to get my   45   back.” I begged.
“Oh, you can   46   us,” a voice said, “Even if the   47   happens, we will see that your wife will get everything.” They left and locked the door   48   them.
I was trying to think of how to escape by the door when Dr. Ward came in with several of his   49  .
“Thank God you finally came,” I said.
“It hurts that badly?” he asked.
“No, on the contrary, I am not ill   50  .”
Dr. Ward looked   51  . “If you don’t feel any pain, that means it’s much more   52   than we expected.” Then he turned to his students, “This is the most difficult kind of patient to deal with because he refuses to   53   that he is ill. __54__ he won’t tell us where it hurts, he will never be well again until we find the hurt out for   55   by doing exploratory surgery (手术探查) .”

A.another B.other C.the other D.others

A.meeting B.office C.information D.medicine

A.Before B.Until C.While

A.beat B.rang C.struck D.took

A.pushed B.placed C.pulled D.invited

A.well B.sick C.good D.healthy

A.command B.carry C.send D.order

A.found B.realized C.felt D.understood

A.on C.up D.to

A.money B.friend C.clothes D.form

A.upset B.expect C.wonder D.believe

A.best B.hardest C.worst D.easiest

A.behind B.before C.beside D.by

A.friends B.students C.relatives D.teachers

A.at al B.in all C.after all D.above all

A.excited B.worried C.satisfied D.surprised

A.interesting B.comfortable C.serious D.pleasant

A.add B.settle C.concern D.recognize

A.Before B.Since C.When D.As soon as

A.himself B.themselves C.yourselves D.ourselves

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee.  ______ I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place, but I sensed ______. I saw their bodies, but I couldn’t feel their souls (灵魂) ______ their souls belonged to the ______ .
I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man ______ in front of it. “I’m Steve”, he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “ I can’t talk with you. I’ m ______”, he said. He was chatting online with somebody—probably someone he didn’t know---and, ______, he was playing a computer game--- a war game. I was _____ .
Why didn’t Steve want to talk with me? I tried ______ to speak to that computer geek(电脑玩家),______ not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction. I was ______ . I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “ ______ !” I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me. I ______ , and saw nobody showed any interest.
______, I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more ______ having a relationship with the ______, particularly Steve. I wouldn’t want to ______ the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines ______ with people.
I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didn’t even ______ that the coffee was bad, ______Steve didn’t notice there was a person next to him.

A.Before B.Since C.While D.Although

A.loneliness B.pain C.sadness D.fear

A.until B.when C.because D.unless

A.home B.world C.café D.net

A.sleeping B.sitting C.laughing D.learning

A.thirsty B.busy C.tired D.sick

A.first of all B.just then C.at the same time D.by that time

A.frightened B.delighted C.moved D.surprised

A.once B.again C.first D.even

A.but B.so C.if D.or

A.excited B.respected C.afraid D.unhappy

A.Shut up B.Enjoy yourself C.Leave me alone D.Help me out

A.walked about B.walked out C.raised my hand D.raised my head

A.From then on B.At that moment C.In all D.Above all

A.interested in B.tired of C.careful about D.troubled by

A.geek B.soul C.shop D.computer

A.tell B.plan C.imagine D.design

A.other than B.instead of C.except for D.as well as

A.pretend B.understand C.realize D.insist

A.as if B.just as C.just after D.even though
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How long can human beings live? Most scientists who study old age think that the human body is1to live no longer than 120 years. However, 110 years is probably the longest that anyone could hope to live -- if he or she is2healthy and lucky. Some scientists even say we can live as long as 130 years! Yet, our cells simply cannot continue to reproduce3. They wear out, and as a result, we get old and4die.
Even though we can't live forever, we are living a5life than ever before. In 1900, the average American life span (寿命) was only 47 years, but today it is 75 years!

When does old age begin then? Sixty-five may be out-of-date as the6line between middle age and old age. After all, many older people don't begin to experience physical and mental7until after age 75.
People are living longer because more people8childhood. Before modern medicine changed the laws of nature, many children died of common childhood9. Now that the chances of dying10are much lower, the chances of living long are much higher due to better diets and health care.

On the whole, our population is getting older. The11in our population will have lasting effects on our social development and our way of life. Some people fear such changes will be for the worse, while some see12, not disaster, many men and women in their "golden years" are healthy, still active, and young in13if not in age.
As the society grows old, we need the14of our older citizens. With long lives ahead of them, they need to15active and devoted.

























































































































  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Water costs money.In some places water is hard         .What      when a town
has these problems?A small town in California found a happy      
Very      rain ever fell there.The town had no water      .The water it used was        from a river 300 miles away.As more people        live in the town           water was needed.Now water        to be brought in from 600 miles away.All these cost        money.
The town      a plan.It found        to clean its “dirty” water.Once the cleaned water was reused         many ways.Five      lakes were built.Here people could swim and fish and go      .They        have picnics in their new parks.Farmers had more water      their crops.New factories can be built,now that they have the promise of       
In most places,water is used and thrown      .The town that saved        water
has saved the town!

A.supplying B.getting C.to get D.to supply

A.happens B.happening C.is happened D.happened

A.key B.answer C.answering D.way

A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

A.of itself B.of its own C.for its own D.for itself

A.fetch B.take C.brought in D.guided

A.come to B.came to C.coming to D.came for

A.many B.plenty of C.more D.many more

A.has B.had C.must D.needed

A.many B.a few C.a great many D.a lot of

A.put B.made C.supply D.noticed

A.a way B.ways C.an answer D.a key

A.for B.by C.at D.in

A.man-making B.man-make C.man-made D.man made

A.boating B.to boat C.to boating D.on boating

A.must B.could C.needed D.had to

A.as B.with C.for D.to

A.water enough B.enough water C.crops enough D.enough crops

A.off B.of C.away D.out of

A.it’s B.its C.one’s D.his

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What do Chinese college graduates have in common with ants? The recent         Ants Tribe about the lifeof some young people         flock (聚集) to Beijing after        university, describes the graduates, like ants, as smart but         as individuals, drawing strength from living together in communities.
The book, which is based         two years’ interviews with about 600 low-income college graduates in Beijing,         in mid September, about a month before an announcement from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that 74% of the 6.11 million new graduates had been         by Sept. 1.
For the book’s chief editor, Lian Si, a professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, that piece of statistic says        about the real situation for many of these graduates. “I am always         how many of these employed college graduates are leading a decent life,” Lian said. “I hope this book could offer a window on these graduates, whose stories are         known.”
The setting of the book is several so-called “settlement villages for college students” on the outskirts of Beijing,         large number of college graduates        . Most of these graduates work for         or medium-sized businesses,         less than 2,000 yuan a month. They live together because it’s        : the rent in these communities is only around 350 yuan a month. Many of them travel several hours a day for short-term jobs or job interviews.
Tangjialing, a small         20 kilometers from Tiananmen Square, has around 3,000         villagers, but has become a         for more than 50,000 migrants, most of them         from all over the country. Lian describes the students’        as five-or-six-storey buildings with two or three people crammed together in each room of about 10 square meters. Up to 70 or 80 people share the same toilet and kitchen.

A.film B.story C.book D.magazine

A.who B.what C.which D.whose

A.leaving B.studying C.going D.working

A.meaningful B.meaningless C.important D.tiring

A.up B.on C.at D.out

A.camp up B.came on C.came along D.came out

A.fired B.interviewed C.employed D.graduated

A.much B.little C.some D.more

A.wondering B.researching C.studying D.telling

A.rarely B.well C.always D.often

A.which B.that C.why D.where

A.work B.study C.relax D.live

A.small B.big C.famous D.unknown

A.earning B.thinking C.shopping D.paying

A.expensive B.comfortable C.cheap D.convenient

A.city B.town C.community D.village

A.original B.young C.rich D.poor

A.school B.hotel C.home D.company

A.benefit B.differ C.come D.suffer

A.lives B.dormitories C.buildings D.restaurants

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
