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  These days everyone wants to "get rich" fast. We all      marrying someone from a wealthy family, making a big       or winning the lottery (彩票). But do these things really make us happy? Many of the richest celebrities (名人)happen to be some of the most    people. They buy expensive houses and clothes that they     use. They may become      and even become addicted to  . They have become so    money and material things that they forget about the people and activities they love.
Now, more young people have the opportunity for a better education, and better chances of making a high      . These are great achievements, but will they make you happy? In the US many young people believe that being rich and being happy are two       things. When      university, they often choose to study subjects that they are interested in     subjects that will get them high-paying jobs. Instead of     in "business" or "management", many American students today have majors like "theater", or "modem dance". The    is that making a lot of money doesn't mean that you will be     with your life. Nowadays, young people are   careers that they love doing instead of careers that pay well.
I think that as being      becomes more possible, we need to      what the term "fortune" really means. Do we need to have money or material things to be      ?Or does fortune just mean having what we need to be happy?    , what things make you happy? Be honest with yourself. It may take     a rich spouse (配偶) or much money to make you happy!

A.think of B.dream of
C.care about D.insist on

A.change B.friend
C.effort D.fortune

A.unhappy B.happy
C.lucky D.unlucky

A.always B.really
C.never D.personally

A.annoyed B.depressed
C.satisfied D.injured

A.work B.games
C.adventures D.drugs

A.focused on B.intended for
C.bored with D.tired of

A.salary B.goal
C.degree D.fame

A.difficult B.different
C.pleasant D.important

A.admitting B.attending
C.presenting D.considering

A.less than B.other than
C.better than D.rather than

A.majoring B.studying
C.crowding D.starring

A.point B.purpose
C.result D.question

A.concerned B.connected
C.content D.impressed

A.creating B.avoiding
C.missing D.choosing

A.independent B.wealthy
C.unselfish D.famous

A.study B.understand
C.rethink D.recall

A.fortunate B.unfortunate
C.successful D.famous

A.Even so B.If so
C.If possible D.If necessary

A.kind of B.nothing but
C.as much as D.more than
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Every culture is riddled with unwritten rules,such as ones on punctuality(守时).I'm British. Soon after moving to Switzerland,I(1)   (throw)a house﹣warming party and was greatly surprised when all 30 guests showed up (2)   (exact) on time. Years later,having moved to France. I turned up at the appointed hour for a dinner,only to find that no other guest(3)   (arrive) and my hostess was still in her sleeping suit.


Mangroves,known as "red forest" in China,grow between land and sea,characterised by their complex roots. When (4)   (see) from afar,the mangrove forests appear more splendid.

Mangroves can help soften waves and protect (5)   (city) from coastal winds. For these reasons,they are praised as "coastal guardians". Up to now,China (6)   (establish)a number of protected areas with mangroves.


Nina has run marathons in 32 countries. All of her runs have a guiding purpose: to call attention (7) global water issues. Nina recently finished her year﹣long series of runs in Chicago,(8)  thousands were attending a water conference. She called for action (9)   (address)the struggles of people around the world (10) (face)"too little water or too dirty water". Her efforts have encouraged others to take part by running through a global campaign called "Run Blue".

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Many people need guidance in choosing a career (职业). Fortunately, there is much information on the Web about job opportunities (机会). With all the information available, it's not surprising that people can feel confused. So if you're ready to start your first job or change careers, where do you begin?
The Occupation Handbook is a good resource.  Regularly updated, the Handbook is available as a book and on-line. Not only is information provided about the United States as a whole, but readers can easily search for information about their particular state. You can read about the fastest-growing occupations in the area where you live and find out what they are like. You can also learn how to apply for jobs.
Take, for example, Nadia's situation. Nadia was a doctor's assistant in Iran, and her goal in the United States is to become a nurse. However, she needs to work while she is studying nursing. She is interested in becoming a medical assistant to help work her way through college.  When going on-line to the Handbook and searching under "medical assistant", Nadia is happy to read that this is expected to be one of the fastest-growing careers through 2010. Besides, job opportunities are even better for people with experience. She discovers that medical assistants not only have to do some office work, but have medical responsibilities as well. Nadia decides this job will be interesting and will also provide excellent experience for her nursing career.
The Occupation Handbook is just an example of websites that can help you plan a new career. When you have found information about some different careers, you will be ready to talk to career advisers. Choosing your future career is an extremely important decision. It's worth taking the time and finding as much information as you can.

Finding information on the ______  for Tomorrow’s Job
☆  There is a lot of job information on-line, but too much of it may sometimes be ______
Facts of the Handbook 
☆  The information is updated in a ______  manner.
☆  Its vast resources include ways of job ______
☆  She wants to become a nurse in the United States.
he needs to work to make ______ for her college study.
☆  Her previous ______  may help her to get the job.
☆ If she’s a medical assistant, he’II also take medical ______
☆ Find some information on-line before ______           career advisers.
☆  The time you spend and the efforts you make will be ______
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  • 难度:未知

Romanticism  (浪漫主义)  was  a  literary,  artistic  and  intellectual  movement  that  originated  in  Europe  towards  the  end  of  the  18th  century.  And  it  reached  its  peak  from  1800  to  1840.
Romanticism  urged  people  to  look  at  nature  and  surroundings  from  a  scientific  point  of  view.  It  was  also  a  rebellion  against  scientific  rationalization  (合理化  )  of  nature.  It  permitted  a  person's  imagination  and  freedom  in  art.  The  concept  of  romanticism  was  present  in  all  the  major  art  forms,  like  literature,  the  visual  arts  and  music.
Friedrich  Schlegel,  a  German  philosopher,  writer  and  critic,  used  the  term  “Romantic”  for  the  first  time  to  name  a  new  school  of  literature  which  arose  in  opposition  to  “Classicism”.  Though  the  concept  of  Romanticism  was  identified  much  earlier,  critics  believe  that  Romanticism  in  English  literature  dates  from  the  Lyrical  Ballads.  The  romantics  were  very  interested  in  mystery,  ambition  and  adventure.
In  the  visual  arts,  the  term  Romanticism  refers  to  a  trend  that  appeared  in  the  19th  century,  which  was  characterized  by  opposition  to  the  classical  forms  and  its  rules.  Romanticism  in  the  visual  arts  focused  more  on  the  spiritual  and  emotional  representation  of  nostalgia(怀旧).  Romantics  used  objects,  like  wild  trees,  moonlight,  and  so  on,  to  convey  their  ideas  and  concepts.
In  music,  Romanticism  was  characterized  by  the  freedom  of  forms  and  an  emphasis  on  the  emotions.  It  was  German  composers  who  used  romanticism  widely  and  developed  this  concept.  Many  famous  composers  worked  in  smaller  forms  of  music  that  had  flexible  structure;  for  instance,  ballads,  solo  piano  music,  and  so  on.
Romanticism  influenced  the  literature  and  arts  of  the  18th  and  19th  century.  The  popularity  of  this  movement  declined  gradually  with  passing  time,  but  it  has  a  significant  place  in  the  history  of  literature  and  art  development.

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What is critical thinking? Critical thinking is defined as thinking logically and developing an ability to ask questions or ask for evidence for a particular subject. Developing critical thinking skills in a child through the right critical thinking exercises is very important.
Critical thinking develops the ability of subjective analysis of a particular fact. Critical thinking is to evaluate the reason behind a particular fact. All possible viewpoints must be thought about before analyzing a fact, and this develops problem-solving skills in a child.
Here are some exercises you can use to encourage your child to think critically.
Quiz your child. Ask your child about daily activities that he does in the school. Quiz him about certain things that do not have a single correct answer. This will increase his ability to think about the things he’s just learned in class. Keep on telling your child simple information about nature, like the seasons when flowers bloom. You can either ask him questions or just explain to him in a casual way.
Recognize and classify. For critical thinking, your child must learn to recognize important information that is closely connected with the subject. Classification of things on a certain firm and logical basis of information is included in the critical thinking ability. Colorful toys or images can be included in teaching critical thinking. Ask your child to identify the names of the flowers, fruits and animals from a colorful chart.
Critical thinking exercises are not intended to make your child intelligent, but it is about making him successful in his decision-making ability and helping him make a successful career. Although thinking habits are cultivated(培养) in early childhood through exercises, they are indeed helpful for a lifetime.
Title: Critical Thinking Exercises for Children

____of critical thinking
●Thinking logically.
●An ability_________
●An ability to ask for evidence for a particular subject.
●Enable your child to ______particular facts widely and subjectively.
●Develop ______in a child.
Critical thinking exercises
●Ask the child about his daily activities in the school.
●Quiz him about certain things with more than one _________
Share simple information about ____ casually
● Learn to recognize important information.
● Classify things on a certain firm and logical basis of information
● Ask your child to __________of the flowers, fruits and animals from a colorful chart.
To develop the child’s ability to_____ and help him make a successful career.
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  • 难度:未知

It is not easy to find true friends.Even if you’ve connected with someone,how do you really know he is a true friend?And often you will find that someone who you thought you could trust may have let you down.There are ways you can know if a friendship is true and how you can hold onto that friend.
Generally speaking,a true friend is someone who will be there for you no matter what happens.They will stand by you through bad and good times.They will accept you for who you are without trying to change you,and they will be there to help you grow in new ways.
A true friend will keep you secrets for you trust him.They will be honest and be someone you can depend on.They will listen and be someone you can talk things over with,even if they may not have advice to share with you.
However,friendship is a two-way street.To find true friends and keep them,you must in turn be the same as well.Be there for them in their hard times and share the good times with them.Be someone your friends can depend on as well and offer them the same thing they give to you.A friendship will fall apart fast if only one person is giving and putting all the effort.If you are the only one making an effort,be honest and it works.
Actually,there will be barriers in the road but that is the test of true friendship.If it can survive those barriers,it will be stronger and better than ever.Just as St Thomas Aquinas put it,“There is nothing on this earth more prized than friendship.”

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Homework is an important part of education. However, what is it about homework? What makes it important?
First, homework helps students learn. Homework produces higher learning ability by asking the student to read the same text many times.
Most of the time, homework will ask students to read other books. So children have to read and understand it by themselves. Sometimes, parents must help children with this type of learning. Children hope to use what they have read to solve questions and problems in the homework.
Good use of homework makes children know that learning can happen with or without the teacher.As homework is finished, students learn to work out their own problems. Most students need a little help now and then, but doing homework is a way that children can learn to take care of themselves. If the student can do his or her own work, it is likely the ability he gets will be good for their future life.
Most homework gives room for additional(额外的) learning. Short answers, long answers and papers provide a way for students to learn things that interest them. Science can give the student a chance to go deeper into a field and have a better understanding. These things are almost impossible within the classroom education. If the project is done by a group, the students will also learn cooperation(合作).
Good study skills students get from homework and test preparation can be used easily in most work places.
Title: Importance of.


Make students repeat       .
Develop thinking ability
Make students read      .
Help students to work out       .
Be good for their         .
Learn more
Give room for       .
Provide a way for students to learn        things
Help go deeper into a field and understand better
Help learn      by working with a group
Get study skills
Use the skills in their        when they left schools
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The   Human  Development  Report
In the year 2000,147 world leaders          to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or        . From this agreement        the Human Development Report.
One of the most important     of this report is the Human development Index. This        the achievements of 175 countries. The Index ______ a country’s achievement ____ three ways:  life expectancy, education and income. The Index has some _______. Norway is at the _______  of the list, ____ the US is ____ number 7. The bottom ten countries are all African countries, ___ Sierra Leone at the _____ of the list.
The report ____ eight Development Goals and gives __ of successful development. ___, the _____ are still great. In developing countries, about 115 million children are not being ____. More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink ___ water.
The report ___ that we are making some ___ but we need to make greater ____. ___, the countries that give the most money are the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

来源:2015年课时同步(外研版)高一下英语必修3随堂练Module 2-1
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ㅤXiao long bao(soup dumplings),those amazing constructions of delicate dumpling wrappers,encasing hot,(1)____(taste)soup and sweet,fresh meat,are far and away my favorite Chinese street food. The dumplings arrive steaming and dangerously hot. To eat one,you have to decide whether(2)____(bite)a small hole in it first,releasing the stream and risking a spill(溢出),(3)____to put the whole dumpling in your mouth,letting the hot soup explode on your tongue. Shanghai maybe the (4)____(recognize)home of the soup dumplings but food historians will actually point you to the neighboring canal town of Nanxiang as Xiao long bao's birthplace. There you will find them prepared differently﹣more dumpling and less soup,and the wrappers are pressed (5)____hand rather than rolled. Nanxiang aside,the best Xiao long bao have a fine skin,allowing them (6)____(lift)out of the steamer basket without allowing them tearing or spilling any of (7)____(they)contents. The meat should be fresh with (8)____ touch of sweetness and the soup hot,clear and delicious.

ㅤNo matter where I buy them,one steamer is (9)____(rare)enough,yet two seems greedy,so I am always left (10)____ (want)more next time.

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For thousands of years,people have told fables (寓言)(1)   (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom.Fables were part of the oral tradition of many early cultures,and the well﹣known Aesop's fables date to the(2)   (six) century B.C.Yet,the form of the fable still has values today,(3)    Rachel Carson says in " A Fable for Tomorrow. "

Carson uses a simple,direct style common to fable.In fact,her style and tone (口吻) are seemingly directed at children. "There was once a town in the heart of America,(4)   all life seemed to enjoy peaceful existence with its surroundings," her fable begins,(5)   (borrow) some familiar words from many age ﹣ old fables.Behind the simple style,however,is a serious message (6)   (intend) for everyone.

(7)   (difference) from traditional fables,Carson's story ends with an accusation instead of a moral.She warns of the environmental dangers facing society,and she teaches that people must take responsibility(8)   saving their environment.

The themes of traditional fables often deal with simple truths about everyday life.However,Carson's theme is a more weighty(9)   (warn) about environmental destruction.Carson proves that a simple lyric form that has been passed down through the ages can still (10)   (employ) today to draw attention to important truths.

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Why do we dream?Scientists aren't completely sure,and they have diverse 11 (idea).Dreams might be a side effect of memory making.When you sleep,your brain sorts through everything 12 happened during the day,trying to link new experiences to old memories. As it 13 (connect) things,your brain tums them into a story,and you get a dream.

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After reading the passage below fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word for the other blanks use one word that best fits each blank.

Millions of Baby Olive Ridley Turtles Emerge in Orissa

   Nature is full of wonders. In (1)         is one of the most breathtaking sights in nature, millions of baby Ridley turtles broke out of their eggshells under the sand at one of their mass nesting grounds in coastal Orissa. The baby turtles started their journey towards the Bay of Bengal (2)         they emerged from their nest in the southern district of Ganjam, about 175 km from Bhubaneshwar.

   Orissa is the home to three mass nesting sites of the Oliver turtles, a species (3)         (threaten) with extinction, and one of the sites, Gahirmatha,(4)         around 70 to 80 million turtles lay eggs on the beach every year, is considered one of the world's largest nesting sites.

   The female turtles drag (5)         up the beach from the sea, dig a nest, lay at least one hundred eggs, cover and conceal their eggs and nest, and then return to the sea. The females never visit the nest again to take care of the eggs that (6)         (deposit) in the warm sand.

   The baby turtles emerge from the eggs after 45 60 days, then the babies grow without their mother, which is a rare phenomenon in nature, Interestingly, it is on the same beach where they were born (7)         the females lay their eggs.

In the recent years, sea erosion has led to many turtles' nest (8)         (damage) or destroyed. Also, some fierce animals such as dogs and birds (9)         (reduce) the number of nesting turtles. And of course man has also had a negative impact (10)

        using engine﹣powered fishing boats near the turtles' nesting grounds.

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Secret codes (密码)keep messages private。Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.

People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 36   Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.

There are three main types of cryptography. 37   For example, the first letters of "My elephant eats too many eels" Spell out the hidden message "Meet me."

38   You might represent each letter with a number, For example, Let's number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message "Meet me" would read "13 5 20 13 5."

A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 39 For example "bridge" might stand for "meet" and "out" might stand for "me." The message "bridge out" would actually mean "Meet me." 40    However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.


It is very hard to break a code without the code book.


In any language, some letters are used more than others.


Only people who know the keyword can read the message.


As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them.


You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.


With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words.


Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.

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  • 难度:未知

Things You Should Insist on No Matter What People Say
Life can get pretty crazy at times.  Happiness is dependent upon ourselves,and there are some things in life you should always insist on doing,no matter what others have to say about it.Here is a list of some things you should always do.
1.Learn from your mistakes
No matter what people say,you will make mistakes in your life.Life is a learning process in itself.Some people will make you feel bad about your mistakes,or insult you for making them.   Accept your mistakes fully and really figure out what went wrong.
2.Embrace change and creativity
A popular proverb is,“You cannot solve a problem in the same state of consciences that created it.”    Change and creativity are vital in today’s world.Things are always changing,so why should we be any different?
3.Appreciate what you have
 This can take away from our happiness.Sometimes you just need to sit back and be happy about where your life is right now,and what you have to show for it. Sure people might tell you it’s not good enough,but don’t listen to them.It is good enough,and it gives you a sense of pride when you can enjoy the things you already have in life.
4.Listen to your heart
Sometimes you just need to follow your instincts and do what your heart tells you. There are some situations,like relationships,that rely more on your heart than on your head.People will surely tell you differently,but you should always insist on listening to what you want and feel. Again,you are the one who lives with your choices,and you are the one that has to live with the“what ifs.”  

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Some people succeed, while others may not. This is because some people possess certain qualities, which others do not.
The first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic. If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as those who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear aim and a reason for doing something because motivation is a key to achieving success. If you do not have an aim, then you will not be motivated to work hard and put your performance under the microscope to make sure that every detail is right.
Another quality that helps people succeed is creativity---thinking about things in a different way and wondering how others would do the same thing. Think about some successful people you know. They might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the most creative ones.
Reading is another to success, as it will help you learn about how other people have achieved success. If you want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books about people like Bill Gates and Jerry Yang, who have achieved amazing success in their areas of business.
Practicing is equally important if you want to success because practice makes perfect. Practise every day at whatever career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself, your business and your self-confidence begin to grow. If you feel confident about what you do, this confidence will make other people believe in you as well. Your colleagues will be happy to work with you, and your boss will give you more responsibility. Finally if you are a successful person, you will be able to look people in the eye and smile confidently.
Success is yours for the taking! Cheers!
Title _______

Certain qualities
Supporting details
●Try hard _______ people who do expect to win.
●Have a clear aim and a reason for doing something because a key to achieving success is _____
_______about things in a different way.
●Study how other people would do the _______ thing.
●Help you know about how _______ have achieved success.
●Read books about __ people such as Bill Gates and Jerry Yang to encourage yourselves.
●_______ the saying “practice makes perfect.”
●Believe in yourself and do what you want to do ______.
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