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A teenage girl couldn’t stand her family rules, so she left home.
She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and        years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has been dead. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still         her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she       a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love you. Come back home!”
One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was surprised and she couldn’t believe her     . “Is that me?” She moved        and read the words, “I still love you.” She cried. She couldn’t wait        back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She        her mother up, “It’s me! Your daughter is back home!” The mother and her daughter looked at each other in excitement, full of happy tears. The daughter asked, “         is the door unlocked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered softly, “The door has never locked         you left. We miss you all the time. We believe that you’ll come back some day.”
As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness, even everything with their parents.        this way, both parents and children can be happy.

A.a little B.a few C.much D.more

A.looking for B.looking after C.looking at D.looking up

A.sets on B.puts up C.cuts up D.makes up

A.eyes B.ears C.nose D.head

A.farther B.further C.closer D.away

A.going B.go C.to gone D.to go

A.wake B.wakes C.woke D.waking

A.what B.who C.when D.why

A.since B.for C.before D.unless

A.With B.In C.By D.On
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Bert Manson, 82, slowly opened his eyes and turned to face the clock on the bedside table. It was 8:23 a.m. He felt ____. The time was nothing to him. He had nothing to do all day. He lay on the bed, ________ to the cars on the highway and the shouts of the children running to school.
After a while, Bert ______ got out of bed and asked himself the same questions as he did every morning: Would he fall today? If so, would anyone come? How long would he _______? Would he die? He looked out of the window into the street below. “And who would ______?”he spoke quietly.
After Bert’s wife died a year ago, his son and daughter said they would visit once a week. But the last time was months ago. On the phone, they always had a(n) ________: too busy at work; the children are _______; bad weather; no time. Nobody seemed to have any time…except for Bert. He ________ his granddaughters. He loved it when Mandy and Ruth came to visit. They brought him candy and _______.
He walked to a chair near the bedroom door ________. He rested for a moment before continuing in small steps to the bathroom.
A. pleased       B. sad            C. surprised
A. listening     B. pointing       C. shouting
A. happily       B. quickly        C. carefully
A. hide          B. wait           C. follow
A. care          B. decide         C. forget
A. chance        B. accident       C. reason
A. excited       B. perfect        C. sick
A. introduced    B. missed         C. refused
A. hope          B. trouble        C. fear
A. in time      B. in pain        C. in person

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sigh and you sigh alone, cry and you cry alone, but smile, the whole world smiles       you. So what can smiles bring to you?
Smiles improve your appearance. A smile is an easy way      your looks. Just think about this: a person is sighing, a person is smiling--who seems to(看起来) have      looks?
Smiles make things right again      say much more than words can. If you make a silly mistake, say something wrong, or feel alone or      , a smile can make things right again. A smile lets other people      that you’re prepared to be open to them, and that you’re ready to help.
Smiles make you feel good. Even if you’re feeling      sad, put happy thoughts into your mind ,and just add a smile.      will make you cheerful .
Smiles make other people feel good. An open-mouthed smile shows that you’re friendly. And people feel comfortable to see a smile, no matter where they are.
Smiles bring you      happier life. Smiling      you happiness, friends, success, and a longer life. Now , are you ready to smile?

A.with B.to C.from D.on

A.change B.changes C.changed D.to change

A.good B.well C.better D.best

A.or B.but C.and D.nor

A.sad B.sadly C.sadden D.sadness

A.know B.to know C.knowing D.knew

A.little B.a little C.few D.a few

A.They B.Them C.Its D.It

A.a B.an C.the D./

A.bring B.brings C.brought D.bringing
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Benefits(益处)of Doing More than You Are Paid for
One rainy afternoon an old lady walked into a Philadelphia department store.Most of the clerks ignored(忽略)her,         only one young man asked if he could help her.She replied that she was just         for the rain to stop.He told her he wouldn’t try to         her anything she didn’t want.Instead he brought her         .
When the rain stopped,the lady          the young man and asked for his card.A few months passed,the owner of the store received         inviting this young man to Scotland to get orders for providing goods for a large company!The letter was         the old lady for whom the clerk had provided a chair.She happened to be owner’s mother of the large company,         .
When the young clerk had his bags packed for Scotland,he had already been one of the          in that department store,all because he had shown a little          to a stranger when no one else would.
A.or                 B.and                 C.but
A.looking            B.waiting            C.asking
A.sell              B.buy                 C.pass
A.an umbrella       B.a book             C.a chair
A.told              B.thanked            C.helped
A.a card             B.a gift              C.a letter
A.from               B.for                C.to
A.also               B.too                C.either
A.bosses             B.clerks              C.friends
A.honesty           B.cleverness         C.care

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One rainy morning, my phone woke me up. It was a phone call from a       driver who had my friend’s mobile phone.     , my friend had left it in the taxi the night before.
A       morning for taxi drivers in this big city is a very busy time. He asked me where he could meet me to give me the mobile phone. I told him the street where I lived. Then I quickly     and got dressed in order to meet       on the corner.
My friend had only recently moved to this city. So his mobile phone was very      to him.
When the taxi driver arrived, I thanked him and praised him           having such a kind and beautiful heart. I asked him for his name,       my friend himself could thank him. He said my praises and       were all that he needed. Then he drove off.
I told my friend how I had received his      . Hearing this, he was thankful and said kindness was really everywhere in this world.
A. bus         B. taxi            C. car
A. Clearly      B. Hardly          C. Luckily
A. sunny       B. rainy            C. windy
A. gave up      B. stayed up       C. got up
A. him         B. her             C. me
A. important   B. exciting        C. difficult
A. on          B. to              C. for
A. ever since   B. so that         C. even though
A. thanks      B. wishes          C. suggestions
A. ID card     B. birthday gift   C. mobile phone

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you sometimes try something new and expect to be successful for the first time? Are you angry with ____ if you aren’t?
Do you know a baby how to learn to walk? When a baby falls, the loving parent ____ him, “That’s OK. Try again.” Can you imagine if after many falls, the parent ____ the baby and says, “Well, I guess you’ll ____ be good at walking.” and doesn’t let the child continue to try?
Remember the first time you ____ your bike? I do. I didn’t lose my ____. I went back and tried again. Didn’t you?
“When I was a kid,” my dad told me, “you know, I ____ 4 UP(一种汽水饮料), but it wasn’t very good. I went back to the lab and ____ 5 UP and still, it wasn’t right. ____ I tried 6 UP, but it didn’t succeed. So I stopped. If I went on ____, may be 7 UP would be the hit!” Time after time, he said, he ____ too soon. He told me, “If I had tried one more, I could have been a rich man.”
Thomas Edison ____ over a thousand ____ before he found the filament(n.电灯泡的)灯丝 material that would make an electric light bulb shine.
____ we try something new, we need practice. No matter how well we plan, there are times unexpected problems developing.
Failure is ____ not an option(选择). It is a chance only for those who try.

A.you B.yourself C.yours D.your

A.obeys B.beats C.encourages D.hates

A.picks up B.dresses up C.cleans up D.looks up

A.nearly B.always C.never D.often

A.fell off B.fell down C.fell from D.fell over

A.confidence B.chance C.dream D.plan

A.produced B.invented C.thought D.wanted

A.started with B.came up with C.looked forward to D.was willing to

A.Finally B.First C.Luckily D.Second

A.try B.trying C.to try D.tried

A.gave out B.gave up C.gave away D.gave in

A.fail B.fell C.failed D.felt

A.times B.time C.money D.chance

A.Whenever B.Whatever C.However D.Whichever

A.truly B.really C.hardly D.easily

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意, 然后从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
Many of you are studying English and you may be      why it is so difficult to learn. It’s actually not too difficult to learn      you know some      about the language and culture that it  reflects(反映). Perhaps the first thing you need to know about English is that it is made up of several other languages      French, German, Latin, Greek and AngloSaxon. In addition, there are words     Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names, even some Chinese and Japanese      can be found in the English language. This borrowing of words       other languages is      of the key reasons      some of the difficulities that people meet with        they are learning English.

A.knowing B.wondering C.earning D.hearing

A.but B.and C.if D.unless

A.news B.facts C.truth D.information

A.such as B.the same as C.so as D.for example

A.in B.off C.of D.from

A.words B.culture C.language D.letters

A.for B.to C.from D.out

A.that B.something C.one D.this

A.why B.if C.what D.for

A.when B.before C.after D.While

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes      dark to you? Are your lessons sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and        all the time. If you see the world  with your warm heart, you'll find the whole world smiling to you.
On a sunny morning, you plan to have a walk to relax yourself. Just before you go out, it      starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start to complain about the weather. But dear friends, why           sit down and listen to the free concert that the nature brings you? And with the timely rain, crops (庄稼) in the fields will grow better and farmers will have a good harvest (收成).
        everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, life isn't a bed of roses. It's very common to meet difficulties on the way to success.         , difficulty isn't terrible. The real terrible thing is that we are afraid of it. Difficulty is         a spring (弹簧). If you are      , it will be strong. So when you meet difficulties, don't give up. Instead you should face them with a smile.
Attitude (态度)       everything. With an optimistic (乐观的) attitude, life is easy and       . If you want to be happy, try to remember these five rules: Free your heart from hate; Free your mind from worries; Live an easy life; Give more; Expect less. The quickest way to receive happiness is to smile, the fastest way to lose it is to complain.

A.is B.seems C.seemed D.seem

A.cry B.smile C.complain D.laugh

A.suddenly B.finally C.hardly D.certainly

A.don't B.not C.didn't D.doesn't

A.But B.For C.So D.Although

A.In fact B.From early on C.For example D.Such as

A.unlike B.likes C.likely D.like

A.powerful B.weak C.confident D.strong

A.decides B.deciding C.to decide D.decide

A.please B.pleased C.pleasant D.pleasure

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Smiles and tears are part of life. But do you find enough time for laughing? I'm not asking if you experience lots of good times . Of course, we should laugh        the happy times. But do you also laugh during the difficult times?
Erma Bombeck is famous        her funny books. But she wrote        about a more serious subject-cancer (癌症) in children. The book is titled, I WANT TO GROW        , I WANT TO GROW UP. Erma talks with many children who        cancer and learns important lessons from them. She learns, for example, that cancer survivors (幸存者) know how to smile at life, though they are receiving chemotherapy (化疗).
She tells about the experience of        Jessica. Jessica's leg was cut off at the knee because of cancer. She was learning to wear a prosthesis (假肢). Jessica told about playing soccer. She hit the ball hard        her foot. The ball flew off in one direction (方向)        her man-made leg flew another way. Then the brave girl lay on the floor, laughing happily.
As the saying goes, "There's a time       and a time to laugh." Do you find        time to laugh?
Survivors know how to laugh If you can laugh even when you're in trouble, you will make it. Remember, laugh and the whole world laugh with you. Cry and you cry alone!
A. when    B. during    C. while
A. with     B. as     C. for
A. it     B. one     C. ones
A. have     B. having    C. had
A. 15 years old   B. 15-years-old   C.15-year-old
A. in     B. with     C. under
A. while    B. when     C. whether
A. crying    B. to cry       C. cried
A. many    B. plenty of    C. a lot

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When someone says, “Well, I guess I’ll have to face the music”, it doesn’t mean that he is planning to go to hear a singer or           a concert. It shows you may feel uncomfortable when you are called in by your leader to           why you did this and that or why you did not do this or that. If you “face the music”, you are sure to be less unhappy than that.
Every one of us has to “face the music” at some time or another, especially as           . We can all remember father’s           words “I want to talk to you”. And only because we did not listen to him. What a(an)          thing it was!
In the middle or at the end of every          , we students have to “face the music”. The result of the exam will            whether we will face the music or not. If we don’t get good         , that means parents’ cold faces and contempt (轻视) of the teachers and classmates.
“To face the music” is          to every American, young or old. It is at least 100 years old. It really            that you have to do something, no matter how terrible the whole thing might be, because you know you have no choice.

A.manage B.attend C.miss D.forget

A.discover B.believe C.explain D.encourage

A.friends B.teachers C.leaders D.children

A.angry B.magical C.exciting D.honest

A.terrible B.important C.interesting D.careful

A.season B.term C.year D.month

A.follow B.change C.decide D.realize

A.chances B.marks C.tools D.choices

A.known B.strange C.safe D.harmful

A.discusses B.covers C.develops D.means

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you heard of palm(手相) reading? It is to study the ________ on the hand and tell a person’s future life.
To study a person’s personalities and future, a palm reader looks _________ at the three main lines on the active hand (the one a person writes with). The reader usually looks first at a person’s Life Line. This lines begins under the index finger (食指), and goes down ____________ the wrist (手腕). This line tells ________ a person lives his or her life. A person ________ a deep Life Line is brave and full of energy. If a person has a faint (模糊的) line, he or she is a thinker.
The _______ line is the Heart Line. It runs across the hand, just below the fingers. This line tells one’s feelings. A person with a deep Heart Line is peaceful. Family is important to this person. Those with a faint line do not like to be alone. They need friends all the time. They usually like to ____________ others.
The Head Line, the third one, is below the Heart Line, it tells how a person thinks. A person with a long Head Line __________ things very carefully. Those with short Head Line are good at ________ decisions rapidly. A person with a deep Head Line is clever and talkative. Those with a faint Head Line are often very creative.
Palm readers believe that these lines and marks on the hand can tell us something about our personalities. Do you agree? Try the test on ___________.

A.heart B.fingers C.lines D.life

A.quickly B.carefully C.actually D.fast

A.over B.along C.towards D.around

A.how B.where C.when D.what

A.about B.has C.with D.have

A.last B.same C.second D.final

A.fight over B.take after C.make friends with D.argue with

A.talks about B.comes up with C.thinks about D.considers about

A.doing B.taking C.bringing D.making

A.itself B.ourselves C.yourself D.myself

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone in our school loves      . We do morning exercises after we      . We have P.E. classes       a week, and we play sports at five every afternoon. The most       sport is basketball. The boys enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it, too. Another popular sport is football and in every class there       a lot of football fans. Usually volleyball is played outside when the weather is      . We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often have friendship matches with teams from       schools.
Besides ball games, some of us like running,       and throwing. Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we       a sports meeting.
Sports help to keep us       and happy.

A.art B.music C.sports D.painting

A.have dinner B.get up C.get home D.have lunch

A.the second B.two C.second D.twice

A.popular B.boring C.tiring D.difficult

A.is B.was C.are D.were

A.windy B.rainy C.terrible D.fine

A.other B.others C.another D.the other

A.writing B.jumping C.singing D.drawing

A.build B.take C.have D.make

A.health B.healthy C.healthier D.unhealthy

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Today, many people send cards, presents and flowers on Mother’s Day to show their love, but few people know how Mother’s Day started. The earliest festival for _      _ was from Greece. Christians (基督教徒) celebrated this festival on the fourth Sunday. In England, people celebrated the holiday to _      _ all the mothers and called it “Mothering Sunday”.
In America, Mother’s Day started nearly 150 _      _ ago. Anna Jarvis, a housewife, organized a day to raise people’s awareness(意识) of the poor. She believed that mothers would _      __ her. She called it “Mother’s Work Day”. In 1905 whe_      _nna__      __, her daughter, also named Anna, began an activity in memory of the work of her mother. She __      __ what her mother said, “There are many days for __      __, but none for mothers”. She wrote letters to lots of famous people asking for a day for mothers. After three years, Anna handed out her mother’s favorite flowers, white carnations (康乃馨) at a church. In 1913, the government (政府)decided that officials(官员) would wear__      __ carnations on Mother’s Day. The next year, Mother’s Day_      __an American national holiday and it was on the second Sunday in May.
Soon , more and more countries began to _      __ Mother’s Day. It became a popular holiday all over the world.

A.sisters B.mothers C.fathers D.Teachers

A.thank B.allow C.discover D.treat

A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

A.change B.suppose C.support D.advise

A.died B.woke C.ran D.started

A.cheered B.reminded C.forgot D.remembered

A.flowers B.men C.stars D.animals

A.white B.red C.yellow D.pink

A.became B.named C.planned D.imagined

A. invite B.express C.celebrate D.develop

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Three small fish lived in the sea. When they were very young, their parents died. They had to look after each other day after day. Finally, they grew up and were         to swim deeper and further.
One morning. the three fish were        to a shallow (浅) water by a big wave (浪). A small       was taken there. too. It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was fight in front of them. The largest fish realized that they were in      and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible. The second largest fish          with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not. He said that there was much        for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around        . At last, the largest fish returned to the         by jumping over the lowest part of the boat. The second largest fish also succeeded in joining his eider brother in the other side of water.       the youngest one didn't follow them and still swam joyfully.
Two hours later, when the        rose up, the water in the small shallow corner dried up. The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺乏)of water.
A. afraid                 B. sad                  C. pleased
A. allowed                 B. given               C. taken
A. tree                    B. boat                 C. stick
A. safety                 B. danger               C. peace
A. agreed                  B. talked               C. compared
A. time                   B. food                C. water
A. slowly                  B. luckily             C. happily
A. sea                    B. river                C. lake
A. And                    B. But                  C. So
A. storm                 B. moon                C sun

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A:Good afternoon, Mr White.
B: Good afternoon.         your name, please?
A:         name is Jim.           are you, Mr White?
B: I’m fine,        . And          ?
A: I’m fine,       . Excuse         , Mr White. What’s this        English?
B: It’s a pen.
A:        you spell it, please?
B:        . P-E-N, pen.
A: Thank you. Goodbye!

A.what B.What's C.How D.How's

A.I B.My C.Your D.You

A.How B.What C.Where D.That

A.OK B.thanks C.worry D.yes

A.what B.you C.I D.your

A.too B.to C.two D.hello

A.I B.you C.my D.me

A.in B.it C.is D.are

A.Can B.Is C.Are D.Am

A.No B.yes C.no D.Yes

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
