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  首页 / 试题库 / 初中英语试题 / 人生感悟类阅读 / 完型填空

One Sunday afternoon,my younger brother and I were left alone at home.I was doing my homework        my younger brother was watching TV.Suddenly,the doorbell rang.My brother thought it was our parents, so he opened the    quickly.
A tall man stood outside and asked politely    our parents were at home.
    thinking,my brother answered,“No.” When I wanted to close the door,he suddenly    the door very hard and came into our house.He took out a      6and ordered me to tie up my brother’s    with a rope (绳索).I tied up his hands in a special way so my brother could untie(松开)himself        .The man then tied my hands up and locked     of us in the kitchen.
Soon, he went upstairs.I taught my brother to untie his rope with his hands.He then untied    .We rushed to the telephone to call the police, but the line was cut off.The doors were all locked from outside.It was lucky that the man forgot        the kitchen door.We got out of the house    the window and went to the    pay phone to call the police.
Soon the police came and the man was caught.By the time, my parents had come home.We told them the whole story.My parents were glad that we were not    .They told me that I should stop my brother from    the door to the stranger.I learned a lesson on safety.

A.as B.before C.while D.when

A.cupboard B.door C.doorbell D.window

A.if B.how C.when D.why

A.After B.By C.Before D.without

A.pushed B.took C.knocked D.closed

A.candy B.gift C.knife D.phone

A.feet B.legs C.hands D.arms

A.difficultly B.easily C.hardly D.suddenly

A.all B.both C.each D.neither

A.me B.myself C.him D.himself

A.locking B.closing C.closed D.to lock

A.across B.under C.over D.through

A.farther B.nearest C.cheapest D.nicest

A.crying B.hurt C.frightened D.lost

A.turning on B.sending C.opening D.closing

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are        people’s health. Many people like to watch     play sports games. They buy tickets      turn on their TV sets to sit     them .
Sports      with the season. People play      games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room, sometimes they play outside. We can     sports here and there. Some sports are very interesting.     people       different countries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very       to each other.

A.good for B.good at C.good D.good to

A.other B.others C.the other D.the others

A.and B.but C.or D.so

A.in front B.in the front C.in the front of D.in front of

A.change B.are C.play D.start

A.same B.different C.the same D.the different

A.see B.look C.find D.watch

A.Sometimes B.When C.Or D.So

A.from B.to C.outside D.inside

A.friend B.friendly C.friends D.more friendly

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We live in the “computer age.” Long ago computers couldn’t do    . They were very big and    . They used a lot of energy. Only a few people were     in them. Today computers are     and cheaper. They can       difficult work.
Computers      important for many reasons. They work faster and make fewer mistakes. They can remember much information. A computer can work out millions of problems      a few seconds. A person might need years      so many problem.
People now use computers in nearly very  kind of work. Computers are very useful and the     of computers is growing. More computers mean more jobs for people,     people need to run(操作)and mend them.
Would you like to learn how to run a computer?
A. many        B. much         C. a lot of
A. cheap        B. expensive     C. more expensive
A. interest      B. interesting     C. interested
A. small        B. smaller       C. turn
A. do          B. make         C. to play
A. turns        B. got           C. become
A. in          B. for            C .at
A. work        B. to work out     C. to work
A. use         B. useful         C. useless
A. why       B. how           C. because

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空: 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题1分, 满分10分)
There is nobody in the world the same         you. you are unique独特唯一的! Everybody is         from everyone else. That is good!          it makes the world an interesting place. There are people taller         you, and shorter than you. Maybe your hair is the same color as your friend’s hair, but maybe it is longer than          . Another difference is your hair may be straight, hers may be curly. I am sure you have some friends who are        than you. And you also have some friends, they are  as         at sports as you. But there are also people around you who are not good at some things.
      does your best friend look like? Do you both        to finish your homework at school? Do you both want to wear the same clothes every day? I think         some ways you are the same, but in many other ways you are different. So say loudly to the world, “I am who I am – I’m unique!

A.with B.as C.of D.from

A.better B.different C.smart D.good

A.Because B.So C.Although D.But

A.after B.than C.then D.in front of

A.her B.she C.hers D.she’s

A.smart B.smarter C.smartest D.a smart

A.bad B.better C.well D.good

A.Where B.What C.How D.How often

A.like B.enjoy C.would like D.going

A.through B.by C.in D.on

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填在答题卡相应位置。
Do you want to be a TV news reporter? People often ask me       I love my job. Well, it’s very exciting. I’m the first to know about important news stories. I travel around the world and I talk to people. I find out what is       in different places. I talk to some important and famous people. I’ve talked to people in the government,     as well as   famous sportsmen, sportswomen and film stars. I ask people to tell me about       lives. I want to know how they feel.
A lot of people want to work in TV news,       you have to be energetic and creative. You have to show that you       do it. You must learn how to use a video camera, to write reports, and to speak to the camera. What’s the best       to learn? Your school or college TV station is a good place to      ,but you have to get a job!
Most people start with an unpaid job, so they can      . The best place to learn is at a small station. There aren’t many people , and as a result, you get more chances. I had an unpaid job at a station. And one night, when        else was ill, I read the news in air. I did well, and as a result, I got my first paid job.

A.why B.if C.when D.how

A.hiding B.beginning C.rising D.happening

A.as far as B.instead of C.as well as D.such as

A.our B.their C.her D.your

A.so B.but C.because D.since

A.must B.can C.should D.will

A.job B.reason C.way D.skill

A.run B.keep C.leave D.start

A.learn B.work C.train D.write

A.everyone B.someone C.nobody D.everything

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problems. We can easily become unhappy        we solve our problems.        about our problems can affect how we do things at school or at home. So how do we deal with our problems?
Most of us have probably been angry         our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps they said something you didn’t like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometines, people can stay angry for years about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendsships may         .
When we’re angry, however, we are usually the ones affected. Have you ever seen young children playing together? But they fight very soon, and decide not to talk to each other. However, this usually doesn’t            for long. They become good friends again. This is an important       for us: we can solve a problem by learning to forget.
Many students often complain about school. They might feel they have too much work to do sometimes, or think the rules are too           . We must learn how to change these “problems” into “challenges”(挑战). As young adults, it is our duty       our best to deal with challenge with the help of our teachers.
By comparing yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so       . Think about Stephen Hawking, for example, a very clever scientist. He can’t walk or even speak, but he regards his many physical problems as unimportant. Now he is known    a great scientist in the world.  We are probably quite healthy and smart. Let’s not worry about our problems. Let’s face the challenges instead.

A.unless B.if C.when D.as

A.Worry B.Worrying C.Worried D.Worries

A.of B.to C.with D.in

A.lose B.be lost C.keep D.be kept

A.last B.do C.produce D.make

A.program B.tool C.class D.lesson

A.kind B.strict C.weak D.free

A.to try B.to have C.to put D.to keep

A.terrible B.pleasant C.painless D.useful

A.about B.for C.with D.as

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Stress(压力) is the feeling you get when you’re really worried about something. This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours, or even days. It makes you feel     , scared (恐惧的), or angry. You may find it difficult to eat and sleep, or you might eat and sleep much     than usual. Stressing out will lead to serious problems like heart illness.     not all stress is bad for you. Sometimes it can     your body and mind alert (机敏的) and can make you perform better, like when you’re giving a speech to your class or running to the finish line.
What causes stress? Do you know     your dad is worried about the bills, or your mom is unhappy? Because they’re stressed out! There are lots of things in your life that     cause stress —— having too much homework, taking a test in a subject that you are not good     , or hearing your parents argue!
There are some ways to    stress. If you’re stressed out, try these quick and easy ways to relax! Take part in sports and out-of-class activities. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Eat a healthy, balanced      that includes all kinds of food. Talk with your close friends, family members or teachers. It’ll make you feel better, and    may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.
A. calm         B. excited         C. upset
A. more         B. better            C. less
A. So                    B. Or         C. But
A. stop         B. keep             C. provide
A. how            B. why              C. when
A. can             B. need             C. must
A. on              B. at                C. in
A. start with        B. agree with        C. deal with
A. vegetables        B. fruit              C. diet
A. they           B. we         C. he

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

从A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(共10 小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
What do you think of your Chinese? Is it good or bad? If you think you are good at Chinese,
You can        the competition named the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition(汉字听写大赛)。 The competition became popular     the teenagers. Let’s know something about it.
More and more computers and smart phones are used by teenagers. They spend     time on
the Internet in playing or chatting. They are used to      messages by computers and smart phones. Some of them forget to write Chinese Characters     . The teachers and parents are very     it. What can they do?
Not long ago, they found an interesting game called the Chinese characters Dictation. The program modeled       After the American show “National Spelling Bee”, where middle school students stand on the stage to write down Chinese via(通过)dictation.  Over two hundred competitions are from forty-six schools. The audience(观众)are interested in this      kind of competition, too. They would like to write down the characters      the competitors were writing them. But they found it was also difficult for them to write down all the characters.
Is it an interesting competition? Can you be the      ?
A. take part in    B. work together in         C. join up with
A. between         B. in                      C. among
A. too many        B. too much              C. much too
A. sending         B. send                  C. sent
A. at hand         B. by hand              C. in hand
A. crazy about     B. worried about         C. busy with
A. it              B. this                 C. itself
A. usual         B. old                     C. new
A. as for         B. while                   C. as though
A. winner         B. worker               C. teacher

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What can a city do about litter(扔垃圾)? Garbage in the streets is a big problem. There are some answers to this problem. A city can buy more garbage cans(垃圾桶). ___   usually that doesn’t help much. In some cities,people don’t use garbage cans.
The police can ______. They can watch for litterbugs. Litterbugs are people who throw(扔) garbage on the ground. The police can tell them to ______! But sometimes even the police cannot help much. Some people don’t care(关心). They ______throw garbage on the ground.
All people must want to keep parks and streets ______. Advertisements(广告) can help. People can talk about the problem ______the radio and television. They can ask for help. You can ask for help. You can ask your neighbours to care about the ______.
There is a popular saying,“Every little bit counts. ”In a city,every little bit of litter makes a difference. Every little bit of garbage makes a city ______. Every “litter” bit of garbage in a garbage can helps to ______a clean city.
People can make a city clean or dirty. In fact,only ______can make the difference between clean and dirty.

A.But B.So C.Or D.And

A.use B.answer C.help D.save

A.leave B.stop C.stay D.1ie

A.also B.too C.never D.still

A.quiet B.clean C.different D.traditional

A.on B.in C.with D.to

A.school B.park C.house D.city

A.clean B.dirty C.special D.green

A.sweep B.search C.make D.visit

A.people B.police C.parents D.students

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hearing is very important to all of us. We can        beautiful music, nice songs of birds, the laughter of people or other different kinds of        in the world with our ears.     we must try to protect our ears. The following will tell you       protect ears.
Listening to        music a lot can be bad for ears,        when headphone(耳机) are used. So        the volume(音) when you’re wearing headphones or try not wear headphones. You should give your ear a rest if you like wearing headphones. You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing headphones.
Before swimming, remember       earplugs(耳塞) into your ears or wear a swim hat to stop water         into your ears. If you are going to a concert, wear earplugs to protect your ears         the terrible music!       , special earplugs can be made for you if you often go to concerts or if you are a musician. See a doctor if your ears        .        some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so.         the advice above now and you won’t be saying “what? what?” when you are getting         .

A.listen B.hear C.listening D.hear of

A.sounds B.noise C.voices D.barks

A.Because B.Although C.So D.But

A.what B.how C.what to D.how to

A.loud B.aloud C.loudly D.quiet

A.specially B.especial C.special D.especially

A.turn to B.turn off C.turn down D.turn up

A.put B.to put C.putting D.to putting

A.get B.to get C.from getting D.with getting

A.for B.from C.with D.at

A.In fast B.In short C.In general D.In a word

A.break B.sick C.ill D.hurt

A.Drink B.Eat C.Take D.Have

A.Listen B.Hear C.Follow D.Fetch

A.young B.old C.sick D.tired

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

完形填空。 (共10 小题,10分)
Friends are very important in people’s lives. Some friends have     views(观点)and interests, and    like the same things. Should friends be different      the same? In my opinion, I don’t care. I have two best friends, Wang Lei and Lin Ying. Wang Lei    _like me. I am    _than most of the students in my class, and Wang Lei is also quiet. And we both enjoy  .On weekends, we often go to the library to do some reading. But the other friend of mine, Lin Ying, is    .different from me. She is much more outgoing, and she likes  __and often makes me laugh. She also likes    _    , so she is stronger. I don’t think differences are important in a   _.
What’s your opinion(看法)?
A. same       B. different    C. more
A. others     B. another        C. other
A. and      B. but         C. or
A. isn’t      B. doesn’t     C. is
A. quiet      B. quieter         C. more outgoing
A. reading books B. playing games   C. watching TV
A. not        B. more      C. quite
A. doing sports     B. telling jokes     C. going to parties
A. sports     B. books           C. movies
A. match     B. family      C. friendship(友谊)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Life in the year 3044 is very different        life in the 21st century. We still do many of the things you did, but we do them       . For example, we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just               a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost       we human beings do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have       fun together. She helps me        my homework and we often go swimming. She is programmed to take care of me if anything       , so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me messages, just like old-fashioned e-mail, and I can download information from her memory. It’s great       an e-friend. I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk        .
I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044, but I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room. Maybe        I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.

A.of B.from C.in D.with

A.different B.difference C.differently D.differences

A.like B.for C.at D.up

A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

A.many B.a few C.a lot of D.little

A.with B.at C.on D.doing

A.will happen B.happens C.happened D.is going to happen

A.have B.having C.to have D.has

A.in B.about C.with D.at

A.one day B.in one day C.after one day D.with one day

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As a teenager, I felt I couldn't always make people happy. I was rebellious(反叛的)outside, but I wanted to be         inside.
Once I left home to hitch-hike(搭便车)to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn't          , and there were many times I didn't feel safe. One situation especially       me thankful to still be alive. When I returned home, I was different, not so       of myself.
I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was staying with us, was wearing my clothes. And my family seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be        if I wasn't there. I told my mom, and she explained        Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could take my place. I pointed out, "She is more patient and neater than I have ever been." My mom said these were wonderful     ,but I was a loved member of the family who couldn't be replaced(替代)even with my faults(过错).
I became a searcher, wanting to find out who I was and what made me so special. My view(看法)of myself was      .I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my position.
Each of us is special to this world. So        about being replaced. You        be.

A.challenged B.liked C.reminded D.influenced

A.easy B.hard C.awful D.long

A.expected B.caused C.kept D.forced

A.tired B.sure C.afraid D.clear

A.trusted B.worried C.cared D.missed

A.although B.since C.because D.if

A.manners B.standards C.qualities D.feelings

A.remaining B.changing C.forming D.developing

A.talk B.throw C.write D.forget

A.mustn't B.shouldn't C.can't D.needn't

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Will you put others’ needs before your own? What        will you get if you do? Here is an experience of mine.
It was a wet day and I had a         time. I was busy and everyone I talked to was in a bad mood. What’s more,I went out without breakfast and I left my        at home. So I couldn’t get lunch and was terribly hungry.
When I finshed my work,I        to ask my wife to meet me at the door with some money so that I could quickly go to buy      _.Then I quickly made my way home in hope of eating my          meal of the day at 5:00 p.m.
As I was halfway(半路上)home,my wife told me by phone that a friend of ours was in       and needed a lift(搭便车)home. My mind said,“I will get him        I get the meal.”But my mouth said,“All right,I’ll give him a         .”
He jumped in the car with a smile on his face and repeated how        he was that I would drive him home. He told me he usually walked home from his com but pany but that day the          stopped him from making that journey.
Traffic was a         . A drive to him normally took 10 minutes but that day it took 30 minutes.
Now you would guess the person that I was helping is a         friend of mine. But,in fact,he is a friend of a friend.
I wonder if I will ever see this person again but I feel glad I was there when he
So you will feel yourself helpful and useful when you         more about others.

A.help B.feeling C.change D.reward(奖励)

A.fun B.quiet C.hard D.good

A.keys B.glasses C.wallet D.notebook

A.called B.wanted C.tried D.remembered

A.gifts B.clothes C.fruit D.dinner

A.hot B.first C.simple D.free

A.trouble B.danger C.fear D.treatment

A.since B.after C.before D.when

A.choice B.suggestion C.ride D.greeting(问候)

A.sorry B.thankful C.surprised D.satisfied(满意)

A.rain B.time C.work D.traffic

A.view B.stop C.joy D.mess( 混乱)

A.new B.lovely C.close D.common

A.chose B.phoned C.joined D.needed

A.learn B.worry C.care D.talk

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Time is very important in our life. But it never had any importance in my life until I          a watch from my father that made me responsible(有责任). It           me the importance of time in my life.
I got this gift on a gray-sky day. I had to go to the      , at 9.00 am to pick up my uncle Ali and take him to my father’s house. However, I forgot it         I was playing with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 am, I       my uncle, but I was late for him. He had got out of the plane and       a taxi to my father’s house.
I got to my father’s house at 2:00 pm        . My father looked at me angrily. I said “Hi” to him and my     uncle. My father asked me to sit     him and handed me this watch which was a gift from      . It weighed 8 oz(盎司)and all of it was made of silver. Then he said, “Essa, did you have fun       your friends today? What you did was not very nice and you should be sorry for your      .” I felt sorry and told my father that I wouldn’t do it again. Then he said, “This watch will be a reminder(提醒物)for you. I hope today you have learned something     .”
I learned a lesson from my father: to respect(尊重)time and      be late. The watch is important to me, not because of its      , but because of the lesson that I learned from it.

A.bought B.received C.borrowed D.broke

A.learned B.found C.sent D.told

A.airport B.school C.hospital D.station

A.so B.because C.if D.though

A.saw B.forgot C.remembered D.met

A.got B.driven C.ridden D.taken

A.one day before B.the next day C.that day D.the other day

A.surprised B.tired C.pleased D.lonely

A.next to B.around C.behind D.away from

A.us B.him C.them D.you

A.of B.for C.with D.about

A.words B.actions C.play D.fun

A.important B.interesting C.expensive D.exciting

A.never B.usually C.sometimes D.often

A.look B.price C.size D.weight

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
