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Right now you probably spend most of your time in school. Do you wonder what you are going to do after high school? Will you continue to go to school? Will you learn a trade? Perhaps it is time to think about your choices and to prepare for them. Some day work will be a big part of your life.

    What kind of job would be right for you? Think about your interests and your skills. You may like to listen to music, dance, play basketball, or work with computers. You may know how to drive a car or how to get along with people. Knowing both your interests and skills will help make a better plan for your career(职业).

    To get an idea of what work you would like to do, make a list of your interests and a list of your skills. Think about what you have done to be successful in your interests. After that, brainstorm a list of career choices that might match your interests and skills. You can later keep your lists with the projects and documents that can help you achieve the career you want. They can help you know more clearly about your achievements in school and in the world of work.

    Roberta Zhan, an art designer, finds her work satisfying because it allows her to use her interests and skills. She enjoyed imagining something in her mind's eye while she was in school. She took art, design, and computer lessons, and also learned about taking photos on her own.

    Here is what she says about the meaning of work: "If you have a job you like, work means much more than just making money. It means using your talents, making a contribution(贡献), and getting a real sense of satisfaction from doing a job."

(1)The passage is most probably written to  

A. students

B. teachers

C. parents

D. designers

(2)At the beginning, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by  

A. listing facts

B. giving examples

C. asking questions

D. explaining differences

(3)Roberta Zhan might be most interested in  when she was at school.

A. singing songs

B. creating pictures

C. playing basketball

D. playing computer games

(4)The passage is mainly about  

A. the real meaning of work

B. the importance of interests and skills

C. the journey of Roberta's life

D. the way of preparing for the future career

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Technology is everywhere. We see it any place we go and, in fact, almost all of us carry some piece of technology with us every time we leave the house. What I always forget, though, is just how useful and powerful technology can be when we want to help others.

    There is not a single room in my house that does not have some electronic devices (设备)lying around in it. Whenever I am at home, I am almost always using at least one electronic device. If you walked into my living room on any given day, you would find that, first, I have the television on. At the same time, I usually have my laptop resting on my knee, or I will be using my mobile phone. Even when I'm not at home I am always using my phone, and at work or in cafes, I sit down and connect to the local wireless network on my laptop.

     I must say that I waste a lot of time on the computer and the time I spend on it could be much better spent if I were to take up a little online volunteering.

    The technology we carry about everywhere can have a great power to do good for the world and to help others and recently I discovered just how much online volunteering there is to do in the world. From using your language skills to do translations, to developing and managing projects and helping with IT work, there is so much that so many people can do to help people in their own countries and across the world. The United Nations, in fact, has a huge page with "Volunteers Recruited" on its website.

    This work can support the poor and help charities who cannot pay for staff members. Many organizations only require you to work an hour a week﹣some even less. And the support provided by online volunteers can really help make a difference to those in need.

(1)From Paragraph 2, we can know that the writer   

A. uses technology a lot

B. works in a cafe

C. is a computer engineer

D. likes modern music

(2)The underlined word" Recruited" in Paragraph 4 means "  ".

A. Ordered

B. Wanted


D. Warned

(3)In the writer's opinion, people should spend more time    with technology.

A. working on computer programs

B. keeping the Internet safe

C. inventing electronic products

D. helping people in need

(4)What can be the best title for the passage?  

A. Website Design

B. Internet Organizations

C. Online Volunteering

D. Online Translation

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Messaging app WeChat is being used for an ever longer period of time and is growing into a lifestyle choice embedded into daily activities and communication, a new survey has found.

In 2016, one﹣third of WeChat's 889million monthly active users spent four hours or more per day on the app, twice that of a year ago, according to the survey showed by Penguin Intelligence, a research arm of Tencent Holdings.

The average(平均)daily time spent is also up a bitnow at 66 minutessurpassing that of Facebook's average 50 minutes recorded last year

And it's becoming more popular than ever, spreading into new aspects of life from offline payments to receiving newsfeeds.

The survey also found a larger number of newly﹣added connects(联系) of WeChat users are casual acquaintances(泛好友), especially in work﹣related communication. Such a developing situation is turning the app into a virtual(虚拟的) workplace. Over 80% of users have handled(接触过) office work on WeChat, from transferring documents and coordinating(协调) tasks to taking video calls and doing business.

"The all﹣in﹣one super app is completely changing the way we live. When lining up for coffee, I can't see a single customer holding a wallet,         , they hold mobile phones over a reader and coffee are theirs," said Fred Wellington, an Australian auditor working in Shanghai.

1)How many WeChat's monthly active users spent four hours or more per day on the app in 2015?(根据短文内容回答问题)  

2)Please translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.  (请把第3段中划线句子译成汉语)

3)Why is the app WeChat being turned into a virtual workplace? Give two examples.  (根据短文内容回答问题,并从文中举出两个例子)

4)Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with one word.  (根据对文章的理解,在空白处填入一个恰当的词)

5)Please give a suitable title for the passage.  (请给文章拟一个标题)

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you use a calendar to help you organize your life? By listing what you need to do on any special day,you can make sure to keep all for your appointments and not worry whether you've forgotten something.Calendars are also useful for reminding(提醒) people what day a certain holiday is on and what days you might have off from work. Besides, they are used for planning fun things like vacations and outings.

    A calendar is usually divided into twelve parts, and each one stands for a month with all the days laid out

in a grid﹣like(网格状的) form. A block of space usually is for one day, and there is enough space for you to write down what you need to do on that certain day. You probably use all different kinds of calendars. A calendar on your cell phone screen is easy to use, and so is a large paper calendar that hangs on your wall.

    Here is one page of Mary's calendar and it shows her plans in May.

(1)People use calendars to   

①make plans for vacations and outings

②buy birthday presents on the cell phones

③help remember their appointments

④remind themselves of the holidays and the days off





(2)From Paragraph 2 we can know   

A. what a calendar looks like

B. what a calendar is used for

C. how we draw a calendar on the wall

D. how we organize our life with a calendar

(3)When is Greg's birthday   

A. Friday May 11.

B. Sunday May 13.

C. Friday May 18.

D. Sunday May 20.

(4)How many full days will Mary spend in London   

A.Two days.

B.Three days.

C.Four days.

D.Five days.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was very young,people in our village lived by planting fruit trees.My grandmother always took me to the orchard(果园) on the hill.At that time,they had to carry water from the river at the foot of the hill to halfway up the hill.Even though we worked so hard,the production level of fruit was still low because it was short of water there.

    One day,two young men led a group of workers to our village.They learned about the difficulties we faced,and later,canals and other projects began to be built in my village, "Who are they?" I asked. "They are good men from our government," my grandma replied.

    Shortly afterwards,I moved to another city for my junior high school.The only reason I ever came back to my hometown was my grandmother.

    One day,my family and I made time to return.We were surprised because everything had changed.The canal ran past every orchard so villagers didn't have to go up and down the hill anymore.The river was now so clean that fish swam happily in it.When we arrived home,my grandma took out some fresh pears and apples.She told us that after the water conservation project(水利工程) was completed a policy(政策) was made to encourage more people to increase the fruit production with clean water in the river.

    Thank those good men who have devoted themselves to the development of our countryside.

    Nowadays,people work hard to live in a big city,However,we should not forget our hometowns where we are from.

(1)What troubled the villagers most was that    .

A.they had too much work

B.it was not convenient to go up the hill

C.they could only grow fruit trees

D.there wasn't enough water in the orchard

(2)The good men came and offered help probably because of    .

A.the villagers' suggestions

B.the government's support

C.a school' s practical activity

D.a company's engineering plan

(3)We can infer from the passage that     .

A.the grandmother doesn't like to live in the city

B.the village is a place of interest for tourists now

C.there will be more fruit production in the village

D.more people like to work in the countryside nowadays

(4)The underlined phrase devoted themselves to is closest in meaning to      .

A.prepared much for

B.donated money to

C.drawn public attention to

D.put much effort into

(5)What can be the best title for the passage?       

A.How is a village improved?

B.Who are the good men?

C.Why do people come back?

D.What does a hometown mean?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As long as everyone contributes a little, the world will become a much better place.

    Most people are kind﹣hearted and want to lend a helping hand. Now let's share some memorable moments.

    Linda: Once, when I was on my way back to my hometown, I lost my purse without even knowing it. I was told over the train's loudspeaker that my purse was at the railway station's lost and found office. But the train had already started. Seeing my helplessness, a kind hostess offered to lend me some money. I went back to the railway station and got my purse. I am still thankful to the railway staff and the person who found my purse.

    Scott: When I was a little boy, there was a time when I went to fish with my elder sister. All of a sudden, I slipped into the river. The next thing I remember is my father holding me in the hospital. Today I still don't know who got me out of that river. I have been trying to help other people whenever I can all these years.

    Tina: One of my neighbors is an old man who cannot speak. He makes money by recycling waste. Our other neighbors don't like his behavior. But in my opinion, it's his way to support his family. Once, after cleaning my house, I placed some cardboard boxes in his garden and left my rubbish beside my door. However, when I was about to go out, I found nothing outside my door but a note: "I have thrown away your rubbish. You are a nice girl. Thanks a lot!"

(1)According to the passage above, we know that  

A. the hostess found Linda's purse

B. Linda knew where she lost her purse

C. Scott still doesn't know who got him out of the river

D. some cardboard boxes were stolen by Tina's neighbor

(2)The writer is trying to tell us the value of  

A. health

B. kindness

C. money

D. safety

(3)The passage above is probably a  

A. report

B. diary

C. novel

D. letter

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知



Dear Kids Advice Magazine

June 10,2017

Hi,my name is Evan and being the eldest child in the family surely has its disadvantages.First of all,I have to share all my toys and games with my younger Siblings,William and Julia.Of course,they don't need to return the favour because I'm totally uninterested in their things.Besides that,Julia and William are always hanging around me.It's especially annoying when I have a friend over.We look for a secluded place in the house where they can't disturb (打扰) us,but within minutes,they've found us and are asking to join in.I just can't seem to get a moment's peace.At meal times,I have to eat whatever is on my plate regardless of the portion size or taste.William and Julia only need to try one bite when it's not their favorite food.Not only this,but I'm expected to be cooperative (合作的,配台的) at all times because I'm the oldest and need to be a role model for them.

It doesn't seem fair either that I have more chores to do around the house than Julia and William put together.Plus,when it comes to practising our musical instruments,I have to practise more than double the time.Oh,and the worst part of it all is the huge quantities of homework I get compared to them.

I'm feeling rather annoyed with my sibling situation.Can you please write back with some advice?

                                                                                                                          Yours truly

                                                                                                                          Evan Smith

21.How many children are there in Evan's family?

22.What does the underlined phrase "a secluded place" mean in Chinese?

23.Why is Evan expected to be cooperative at all times?

24.How did Evan feel when he wrote this letter?

25.Evan thinks many things unfair,but in fact some of them are not his brother and sister's fault.List 2 of the unfair things.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is increasingly popular for Chinese young people to share their experiences on Social media(媒体), such as the "moments"'(朋友圈)on popular instant messaging service WeChat.

    "I have been reading ‘Jane Eyre' for 40 days with 48, 000 words finished," Li Anqi said. Li has been sharing her reading experience on WeChat moments every day since January.

    Working in Yinchuan, capital of Northwest China's Ningxia, Li wants to learn English very much, but cannot bare (摆脱) the daily grind(日常工作) of school lessons.

    "I found many of my WeChat friends had been reading books or learning English on mobile reading apps, and I did not want to fall behind," Li said.

    In January, she spent more than 100 yuan purchasing( 购买) an online reading class at the Bohe Reading app, which tells customers they can: "Finish reading your first English book here."

    At the reading class, teachers assign reading homework and give instructions to 430 class members every day.

    A survey report released(发布) on Thursday said 70.9 percent of primary and middle students in China use the Wechat instant messaging App.

    At the same time, 75.9 percent of Chinese children have their own mobile phones, according to China National Children's Center.

    The figures were based on a survey of nearly 9000 children across China.

    However, 28.8 percent of them never read news online and 43.2 percent have never touched newspapers.

    The center called for efforts to address the digital divide between urban and rural education and protect children's privacy(隐私) as Internet users.

(1)In the second paragraph, Jane Eyre is  

A. a book

B. an advertisement

C. a piece of news

(2)What's Li Anqi?  

A. A worker

B. A doctor

C. A teacher

(3)Why is Li Anqi taken as an example?  

A. To suggest that experience﹣sharing on social media is getting more and more popular in China.

B. To advise us to take an online English reading course like her.

C. To call for us to be a good reader like her.

(4)What percentage of Chinese children have their own mobile phones?  

A. 70.9 percent

B. 75.9 percent

C. 43.2 percent

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Eating your way around the world

    Australia: Try a pie floater?

    Feeling hungry? No visit to South Australia is complete without trying the local food﹣a pie floater. They are traditionally sold at roadside food shops, some of which stay open all night. It is a meat pie floating in a thick green pea soup. Finally, the pie is covered with plenty of bright red tomato ketchup(番茄酱). Enjoy!

    Vietnam :Soup for breakfast

    The food stands in the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, open early in the morning and stay busy till late at night, selling fast food to hungry passers﹣by. The most famous dish is pho, a noodle soup with slices of beef or chicken and different vegetables. It's usually eaten for breakfast﹣many Vietnamese people say they cannot start the day without this delicious food!

   Belgium: Home of French fries

    You can find French fried potatoes all over the world, but as Belgians will tell you, they, not the French, invented this popular street food, back in the 17th century. French fries, eaten from a paper cone are the Belgian's favourite food. The secret of perfect French fries is that they are fried (油炸) twice in hot oil, to give a perfect, golden outside.

(1)A pie floater in South Australia is a kind of food with  

A. fried potatoes

B. thick soup

C. beef or chicken

D. a golden outside

(2)According to the passage, all the three kinds of local food  

A. are sold in the street

B. have meat inside

C. have tomato ketchup

D. are fried in hot oil

(3)The passage most probably comes from the  column(栏目) in a magazine.

A. education

B. health

C. travel

D. technology

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The World's Worst Traffic If we travel in big cities, it's very likely that we will come across traffic jams, which often make us complain (抱怨). But people in Bangkok, Thailand, have more to complain about. This is because Bangkok has the worst evening rush hour traffic in the world, according to a GPS company in Europe. Each year, the company will work out a list of the world's most congested (拥堵的) cities. The results are based on statistics (数据) of 390cities across the world. This year, Chinese cities Chongqing and Zhuhai are also on the list. The list aims to help drivers and cities understand the traffic trends (趋势) and take actions to improve the bad traffic.

Teens Artist Tries to Solve the Smog Problem

Beijing is a city often covered with smog. Many people are looking for ways to solve it. A Dutch artist has made a tower that takes in smog and gives off clean air. This tower is 7meters tall and is the biggest air cleaner in the world, according to Chinanew.com. It can clean the air in an area the size of a soccer field in 36hours. Beijing has been testing the tower since January. But some experts don't think this tower can truly work. It's more of an art piece to raise people's awareness (意识) of air protection, they said. People will know if the tower works when the results come out.Teens

46. Who comes up with the idea of building the tower?  

A. An artist.

B. A scientist.

C. An expert.

D. Chinanew.com.

47. Some experts think the tower  

A. really works well

B. needs more tests

C. is like a soccer field

D. is more of an art piece

48. According to Passage 2,  is the city with the worst traffic this year.

A. Bangkok

B. Chongqing    

C. Zhuhai   

D. Beijing

49. The list in Passage 2mainly aims to  

A. offer statistics   

B. describe the traffic in Thailand

C. help cities better their traffic

D. call on people to ride bikes

50. The passages above are  

A. posters  

B. ads

C. news  

D. notices

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Safe Travel Abroad

    Preparing to go traveling abroad can be really stressful, especially if you don't know what to expect. Here is a list of important things to remember, so you know exactly what you need to do before you take off.

    What vaccines(疫苗) do I need?

    Go to your doctor for advice as soon as you know you're going traveling. They will know what vaccines you will need and will be able to advise you on when you need to have them. Remember, some vaccines need to be given months ahead, so make sure you book an appointment as early as possible.

    Do I need a visa(签证)?

    It's important that you have the correct official documents for traveling abroad. If you don't have the necessary paperwork, you might be refused entry. You'll need to check that your passport hasn't been out of date either.

    How do I arrange travel insurance(保险)?

    Travel insurance is really important. It can protect you in different kinds of situations, such as if you need medical treatment or if your flights are canceled. Travel insurance can be arranged easily online or over the phone, but you can always turn to your local travel agency. Travel agents will also be able to advise you on what you are insured against.

(1)Those who  will most probably be interested in this text.

A. work in insurance companies

B. need medical treatment

C. plan to travel abroad

D. want to take vaccines

(2)The text above may be from the part of  in a newspaper.

A. news

B. life

C. sports

D. advertisement

(3)The main purpose of the text is to  

A. help you make a travel plan

B. tell you how to keep safe while traveling

C. give you some advice on travel preparations

D. suggest you buy insurance for your family

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone gets angry. Many things may make you angry. Maybe your teacher gave you too much homework. Or maybe a friend borrowed your favorite video game and then broke it. You may get angry when something doesn't go your way. Maybe you get mad at yourself when your team loses an important game. Or maybe you become a road rager (路怒族) when a driver accidentally cuts in front of you. That makes you angry!

    You need to know what to do with your anger. Here are some things you can do when you feel angry:

    •Count to 10.

    •Get or give a hug.

    •Talk to a friend you can trust.

    •Draw a picture of your anger.

    •Sing along with the music player.

    •Take some exercise, such as taking a bike ride, going skating and playing basketball.

    Never getting angry is impossible. But when you're angry, you can do something and it can make things better. Don't let anger be the boss of you. Take charge of it!

(1)According to the passage, which of the following things can make you angry?  

A. Your friend asked you to help him.

B. Your teacher gave you too much homework.

C. Your parents gave you a gift on your birthday.

(2)The underlined part "when something doesn't go your way" probably means  

A. when you get lost

B. when you are on a wrong way

C. when things don't go as you imagine

(3)In the passage, the writer gives us   pieces of advice.

A. five

B. six

C. seven

(4)As for doing with anger, which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?  

A. Talk to a friend you believe.

B. Get a hug.

C. Pull weeds in the garden.

(5)The passage is mainly about  

A. how to deal with your anger

B. never getting angry

C. drawing a picture of your anger

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A survey of young people around the world looked at their ideas of today's teenagers.It shows how different they are to those of their parents and grandparents.The survey wanted to try and understand the next generation ( 一 代 人 ) of adults better and these are some of the results.They show that there are many more (A) similarities between young people around the world than differences.


Gap years ( 间隔年 ) between school and university are becoming more and more common.Today's teenagers want to travel to different countries and experience different cultures.They regard this as an important part of their character development.


For most teenagers,family and friends are the most important side of life.According to the survey,60 percent of British young people said their relationship with their family was of the highest importance to



75 percent of teenagers in Western Europe expect to have enough money to live when they are adults.They are a happy generation.Eight out of ten believe they will have a good profession with a job they enjoy.They also expect that they will be happy and healthy.


Young people now are hungry for all kinds of information on mass media.57 percent of teenagers in the UK read at least one magazine every week,which is one of the highest totals in the world.

任务一 根据文章内容,把相关的信息匹配.将答案的字母代号填入对应的横线上.

A.Hope in the future           B.Crazy for information

C.Discovering the world          D.Family and friends





任务二 根据上下文,猜测文中(A)处划线单词 similarities 的中文意思.  

任务三 找出(B)处划线单词 them 所指代的内容.  

任务四 请从文中找出与They have strong interest in learning about all kinds of information from radio,television,Internet and so on.意思相近的句子.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Where does your food come from? How is it made? These days many people worry about food safety. (1)  . In 1906 Upton Sinclair, an American writer, wrote The Jungle. The book is a story of a poor family in Chicago. It is also about the dangerous ways that food was prepared. People were so worried that the US started testing food.

    These days more things are done to make food safe. (2)  . They also control how food is managed and prepared. Laws are important. But it's more important to make sure the rules are followed. A good food safety system keeps people safe. It also helps them eat healthy food. Labels(标签) on food give people important information.(3)  

    Although food safety systems usually work, there can be problems. Sometimes mistakes are made. (4)   , a truck might carry eggs and then ice cream. The ice cream could make people sick when the truck isn't cleaned before carrying it. Other problems are not mistakes. Sometimes companies break rules to make more money. When this happens, people don't know if their food is safe.

    (5)   , food is closely related(关联的) to our daily life. We should take actions to make food safer.

A. For example

B. As we all know

C. But food safety is not a new worry

D. Laws control where food comes from

E. Then they can make good choices about their food

F. Stricter laws should be made for food safety

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

According to the World Happiness Report,people who live in Denmark(丹麦) are the happiest in the world.Why?Because they know the secret to happiness﹣"hygge".But what is"hygge"?

The Danish(丹麦的) word"hygge"(pronounced"hoo﹣ga") is often translated in English as"coziness".But coziness paints only part of the picture.It's also about spending peaceful time in a quiet environment with no calendar.It's about spending time alone or spending time with family.

Danish people are very good at"hygge".For example,they create a"hygge"environment by burning candles in classrooms,kitchens,bedrooms,etc.According to some reports,Danish people burn more candles every year than people from any other European country.

However,"hygge"isn't just about creating a nice and warm environment; it is best enjoyed with family members and friends.With up to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter,Danish people spend more time indoors as a result,and they often get together for a meal or hot drinks,without the distraction(使人分心的事物) of technology or the stress of daily life.

Still can't understand what"hygge"is?If you're reading this in a comfortable chair,with a few candles around you,that sense of coziness you're feeling might just be"hygge".


(1)People who live in   are the happiest in the world?





(2)How do Danish people create a"hygge"environment?  

A.By painting their houses.

B.By cleaning up bedrooms.

C.By burning candles.

D.By shopping online.

(3)With up to 17 hours of darkness every day in winter,Danish people  

①play computer games till midnight

②spend more time indoors as a result

③stay up late to work in their own rooms

④often get together for a meal or hot drinks





(4)In the last paragraph,the word"coziness"means"  "in Chinese?





(5)The article mainly tells us  

A.when Danish people like to stay at home

B.why Danish people burn so many candles

C.how Danish people spend their winter

D.what the Danish secret to happiness is.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
