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  首页 / 试题库 / 初中英语试题 / 日常生活类阅读 / 阅读理解

Here are two letters to George and his replies.

Alice is worrying about ________.
A. her friends   B. her marks             C. her height                   D her weight
Bob should ________ according to George’s letter.

A.take more exercise B.talk to his friends
C.join a basketball team D.learn some French.

George advises Alice to talk to ________ for help.

A.her mother B.her teacher C.Bob’s teacher D.Bob’s friends
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using it is a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.
Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can go online.
Don’t give your password(密码) to anyone else, and never give out the following information—your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information.
Check with your parents before giving out a credit card(信用卡) number.
Never send a photo of yourself to someone by e-mail unless your parents say it’s OK.
Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents ought to make sure it’s a right place for you.
Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your parents’ permission(允许). Never meet anyone you met online alone.
Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as strangers.
If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.
Treat other people as you’d like to be treated. Never use bad language.
Remember — not everything you read on the Internet is true.
It’s good for children to ______ on the Internet.
A. give password to others      B. get useful knowledge and information
C. give out a credit card number
The writer tells children to ______.
A. send their photos to him     B. make rules for Internet use with parents
C. believe everything they read on the Internet
According to the passage, if your parents don’t agree, never ______.
A. read anything on the Internet     B. relax in your free time
C. have a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online
What should NOT be done when you are on line?
A. Using bad language.    B. Leaving the site if you feel uncomfortable.
C. Treating everyone online as strangers.
The main idea of this passage is about ______.
A. how to use computers         B. information on the Internet         C. Internet safety rules

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Having Fun “Growing” and “Stealing”?
Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students.People can “farm” on a piece of “land” and “grow’’, “sell” or even “steal” “vegetables”, “flowers” and “fruits” on the Net. They can earn some e-money and buy more “seeds”,  “pets” and even “houses”.
Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.
Harold:I don’t quite understand why they are so mad about the childish game, Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.
Allan:I enjoy putting some “bugs” in my friends’ gardens and we’ve become closer because of the game.Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.
Laura:You know, people in the city are longing for(渴望) the life in the countryside.It reduces my work pressure(压力);besides, it gives me the exciting experience of being a “thief”.
Ivy:  Well. it’s just a waste of time.Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not focus on (专注于)their study.
According to the passage, people can’t _______things in this game.

A.grow B.borrow C.steal D.sell

Among the people Joyce interviewed,____ likes the game while____ dislikes the game.

A.Laura; Allan B.Allan; Harold C.Harold; Ivy D.Ivy; Allan

From Laura’s words, we can guess that she’s most probably_________

A.a student B.an office worker C.a farmer D.a thief

Which is NOT the reason why people like the game?

A.They are longing for country life.
B.They can have fun with friends.
C.The game can relax people and give them a new experience.
D.They are confident enough to face the real world.

Where can you find this passage?

A.In a car magazine. B.In an advertisement.
C.In a newspaper D.In a science book
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We can’t live without love and we know what love is, but we don’t say only humans know what love is. Yes, it’s impossible for animals to do some things because of their physical body. However, sometimes some of them might be able to show us the love that we have forgotten on our “busy road”, just like the following story.
A dog, was knocked down by a car and died in the middle of the road. Later, another dog ran beside the body of the dead dog and he tried to wake his friend up using his legs. When his effort to wake up his friend failed, he tried to push his friend to the roadside. But his friend was too heavy for him to push.
Though traffic was busy and dangerous, he wouldn’t want to go away from his friend, just standing beside his friend shouting and crying.
A lot of people saw this story and were very touched (感动的). Even a dog can show his loyalty (忠诚) and love to his friend, what can our humans do?
The dog died because _______________.

A.it was badly ill B.it was knocked down by a car
C.it was too old D.it fought against other dogs

The other dog saw it lying in the middle of the road and it wanted to ________first.

A.wake his friend up B.push his friend to the roadside
C.catch up with the car D.stop the traffic

We learn __________ from the passage.

A.the car driver is too cruel B.animals can also show love
C.the two dogs are brothers D.friends are the best in the world
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One of my favorite things to do is hiking in mountains.Because
nobody likes the idea of getting lost,I always prepare before every
trip.But what’s the best navigation tool,a Global Positioning Sys-
tem(GPS)or a good old map and compass?
Five of my friends and I hiked through the mountains on a trail
(路线)I marked.One team of three carried a GPS,and the other
team used a map and compass.
It took the GPS team 3 hours and 1 1 minutes to get through the
whole hike,however,it took the map and compass team only 2
hours and 49 minutes.The biggest problem the GPS team met was
that they lost the satellite signal(卫星信号)in some places.With
no map or compass,they had to walk around until they were in a
place where the signal was good.The map and compass team was
able to spot different landmarks,compare them to their maps and then use the compass to point them in the right direction.
When I head out on my future hikes,I’m bringing a map,a compass and a GPS to show me the way.
(   )The two teams____.
A.had the same navigation tool  B.went along the same trail  C.had the same problem
(    )The GPS team spent ____ time than the map and compass team in the whole hike.
A.1ess    B.more    C.the same
(    )In the end,the writer found out____.
A.the map and compass were too old navigation tools to use any more
B.it wasn’t necessary to bring a map and a compass together with a GPS
C.the GPS had some disadvantages in hiking in mountains

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How does Lucy spend a week?

Practice playing volleyball
Go to see Tim  Children’s Hospital
Part-time job(兼职工作)
Go to the station to meet her uncle Ricky
See Mr Green     10:30—11:30a.m.
Part-time job     2:00—6:00p.m.
A birthday party for Lily  7:00—10:00p.m.
Help Frank with his Maths

Where does Lucy meet Tim?

A.At Frank’s house. B.At Lucy’s house.. C.At the station. D.In the hospital

How many hours a week does Lucy do her part—time job?

A.Five hours. B.Eight hours. C.Ten hours. D.Eleven hours.

          is ill in hospital.

A.Lucy. B.Lily C.Tim. D.Ricky

Her uncle Ricky is coming on         .

A.Saturday B.Friday. C.Thursday D.Wednesday

What does Lucy do on Saturday evening?

A.Have a birthday party B.Study with Frank
C.Play volleyball D.Do part—time job.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Stress(压力) is everywhere in our everyday life. Not only men have it, but also women and young people.全品中考网 
The most important reasons of stress are: diseases, exams, making money, getting married, moving houses, changing jobs, ending friendships and so on.
How do you know whether you have stress? Give your answers to the following questions?

Do you easily get angry?
Do you often sleep badly?
Do you get headaches a lot?
Do you take sleeping pills (药片)?
Do you find it difficult to relax?
Do you usually hide your feelings?
Do you smoke and drink a lot to keep quiet?
Do you find it difficult to put your heart into something?

If you answer “Yes” to more than two of these questions, you are one of those people with stress. So what can you do about it?
Doing relaxing exercises, talking with friends and listening to light music are all usual ways of relieving(减轻) stress. However, doctors now say that there are easier ways --- people should laugh and smile more often. When you laugh and smile, your body relaxes. They also say that people, especially men, should cry more often, because crying is the natural way of relieving stress.全品中考网 
If you have over ________ problems listed in the table, you are the person with stress.

A.two B.three C.four D.eight

Which of the followings is NOT the reason of stress?

A.Taking exams. B.Watching films.
C.Making money. D.Moving houses.

What’s the easier way to relax your body?

A.Talking with friends. B.Doing relaxing exercises.
C.Laughing, smiling and crying. D.Listening to light music.

The main idea of the passage is           .

A.about stress and how to relieve your stress
B.that there are many reasons for having stress
C.that laughing and smiling more can help relieve your stress
D.stress is everywhere in our everyday life
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most of you know this mathematical game, of course. You and your friend draw crosses and circles on a sheet of paper. You do it one after another. The first pupil who gets three marks in a row wins. But do you know that you can play this game another way and it will become more interesting? You must try to make your friend win. If you get your three marks in a row, you don’t win — you lose!

It is more difficult to play this game the other way. The second pupil can always win (if he plays the right way), but he may not win if the first pupil begins with his mark in the center. Then if the first pupil always takes a place on the other side of his friend’s mark, nobody will win.
If your friend does not know the secret which we have explained, you must play each time so as to leave him the greatest number of ways to win. You may try a few games and you will see how interesting it is to play the game this way.
The passage tells us that it is _____ to play this game.

A.interesting B.difficult C.impossible D.unusual

What s the new rule of the game if we play it another way?

A.The one who gets his three marks in a row wins.
B.The one who makes his friend win wins.
C.The one who plays the right way wins.
D.The one who makes his friend lose wins.

According to the new rule of the game, the second player can always win if the first player __.

A.begins with his mark in the center
B.takes a place on the other side of his friend’s mark
C.tries to get his three marks in a row first
D.doesn’t begin with his mark in the center

What result does the following picture show?
○ =" the" 1st player   × =" the" 2nd player

A.Both of the players win. B.The first player wins.
C.Neither of the players wins. D.The second player wins.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.What an Interesting Game B.A Game of Circles and Crosses
C.The Secret We Want to Explain D.Marks on a Sheet of Paper
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last summer vacation, I volunteered to work at a vet’s(兽医诊所). There I saw a lot of dogs. Minnie was the funniest-looking dog I’d ever seen. Short thin curly hair covered her sausage-shaped(香肠形)body. Her eyes always seemed surprised. And her tail looked like a rats tail.
She was brought to the vet because her owners didn’t want her any more. I thought Minnie had a sweet personality, though.“No one should judge her by her looks,”I thought. Finally, I advertised Minnie in the local paper.“Funny-looking dog, well-behaved, needs a loving family.”
When a boy called, I warned him that Minnie was strange-looking. The boy on the phone told me that his grandfather’s sixteen-year-old dog had just died. They wanted Minnie no matter what. I gave Minnie a good bath. Then we waited for them to arrive. At last, an old car pulled up in front of the vet’s. Two kids raced to the door. They picked Minnie up and rushed her out to their grandfather, who was waiting in the car. I hurried behind them to see his reaction to Minnie. Inside the car, the grandfather held Minnie in his arms and stroked her soft hair. She licked(舔)his face. Her tail wagged(摇摆)around so quickly that it looked like it might fly off her body.
“She’s perfect!”the old man said happily.
I was thankful that Minnie had found a good home.
Suddenly, I saw that the grandfather’s eyes were a milky white colour—he was blind.
The last three sentences in the first paragraph tell us      .

A.how funny Minnie looked B.how well Minnie behaved
C.Minnie was a beautiful dog D.Minnie was dying

Why did the writer advertise Minnie in the local newspaper?

A.Because he wanted to sell her at a good price.
B.Because he didn’t want her any more, either.
C.Because he wanted to find a family for her.
D.Because he wanted to have another dog.

Why did the boy who called the writer want Minnie?

A.Because he loved all kinds of dogs very much.
B.Because he had seen Minnie and loved her very much.
C.Because his grandfather’s dog was too old.
D.Because his grandfather’s dog had just died.

The underlined word“stroke”may mean      .

A.抚摸 B.拔 C.剪 D.揪

Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Minnie wasn’t the type of dog the old man loved.
B.The old man couldn’t see how funny Minnie looked.
C.Minnie knew very well how to make others dislike her.
D.Minnie was like the old man’s dog which had just died
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A few years ago, Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet. The business he started from his home in Ohio, the USA, now sells 500,000 CDs a year and has made him into a millionaire(百万富翁)at the age of 24.
“I could see that this was the future of shopping,” says Stirling. “Why should you pay $15 for a CD and spend the time and the money getting into the store and parking your car? You can have the same CD for half of the price by clicking(敲击)on your computer. And we can find any CD you want and bring it to your door in 24 hours!” 
According to Stirling, this is the only beginning, “I believe that one day we’ll do our shopping over the net: it’s easier, quicker and cheaper. Shops and supermarkets will be the past.” 
Dave Stiring started his business from______.

A.his home B.his company C.the office D.the country

How has Stirling become so rich?

A.By making ice cream. B.By making advertisements.
C.By selling ideas to others. D.By selling CDs over the Internet.

If you pay $15 for a CD in the store, how much should you pay for it over the net?

A.$15. B.$12. C.$7.5. D.$30.

By shopping over the net, you won’t_____.

A.spend the time and the money B.drive your car any more
C.click on your computer D.get into the store by yourself

 What can we learn from the passage?

A.More than half of the Americans prefer to shop over the net.
B.Shops and supermarkets will be the past in the future.
C.Some people don’t like to go shopping over the Internet.
D.It’s easier, quicker and more expensive to do our shopping over the net.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We have made a survey about the food we have in a day in our class.Here are the results.

According to the results,the doctor gave us the following suggestions.We should have more fruit and vegetables,and fewer smacks.A healthy diet(饮食)is important.

         milk &eggs;grains(谷物);fruit &vegetables;meat & fish;snacks

(1)The favorite food in our class is    .


meat and fish


fruit and vegetables





(2)The number of students who have milk and eggs is       .


A 20




C 35



(3)The doctor thought we should have more       .









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

As we all know,environmental pollution is still serious nowadays.Our group wanted to know how many students knew about each kind of the pollution and we wanted to learn how often they sorted(分类) rubbish.So we did a survey among the students in our school.Here are the results of our questionnaire(问卷).

   The results of the questionnaire

Do you know about these problems?

How often do you sort rubbish?

(1)The survey is mainly about    .


scientific research


environmental protection


everyday habits


physical education

(2)We can know there are    parts in the questionnaire.









(3)    is known by the fewest students.


Air pollution


Water pollution


Noise pollution


Global warming

(4)    have begun to sort rubbish according to the chart(图表).


All of the students


Most of the students


Some of the students


None of the students

(5)What can we learn from the results of the questionnaire?    


Air pollution is noticed by a large number of students.


The students don't realize the situation of the environment at all.


Five kinds of environmental pollution are mentioned in the questionnaire.


Most students take enough action to sort rubbish.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

At the doctor's office

    Wilson is a foreign student in Britain.He is learning English there.He still has some trouble using the language.

    Doctor: Good morning. You're a new patient, I think. What's the trouble?

    Wilson: Sometimes I feel cold and sometimes hot. I have a headache and a stomachache. Doctor:Yes, you look a bit offcolour

    Wilson: What colour, please?

    Doctor: Sorry, what I said was "off﹣colour".We use it to describe how people look or feel when they are unwell. Let me take your temperature. When did this start?

    Wilson: I felt very tired last night when I went to bed. Then I felt really bad this morning when I woke up.

    Doctor: I see. Now, let's look at your temperature. Ah, just as I thought, a hundred and one.Wilson: Oh, a hundred and one? So high?

    Doctor: Ah, yes, that must sound strange to you. We measure people's temperature on the Fahrenheit scale(华氏). In centigrade, your temperature is 39℃, which is a bit high, but not exactly boiling point(沸点).

    Wilson: Oh, it isn't very bad, then.

    Doctor: No, it isn't serious. You've got a cold. I'll give you some medicine. You'd better stay at home in the warm for a day or two and drink plenty of water.

    Wilson: Thank you very much, doctor. I'm feeling better already. It wasn't so difficult telling you about my illness.

    Doctor: No, language doesn't matter too much to a doctor. After all, vets manage without language at all.

    Wilson: Please, what's a "vets"?

    Doctor: Animal doctors. Now I must end this English lesson and see my next patient.

(1)Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word "off﹣colour"?  

A. tired

B. lazy

C. sick

D. stressed

(2)What do we know about Wilson?  

A. He is good at English.

B. He has had a cold.

C. He is from the UK.

D. He knows the doctor well.

(3)What is the doctor like?  

A. Impatient.

B. Strict.

C. Humorous.

D. Curious.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On a hot day,many people like to go to the beach.Some beaches,however,are not safe for swimming.

At some beaches,there are sharks in the water.So people put out shark nets.They help stop too many sharks from getting close to the beach.Sharks can still swim under or around the net.But if they try to swim through,they will get caught.Sharks can die if they are not cut free.

    Shark nets don't just catch sharks.They can catch other animals,too.They have caught dolphins,stingrays and turtles.Even a whale has been caught in a shark net.I took many people to get it free.

    Some animals are not so lucky.They are killed in the nets.One day,a whale was swimming with her calf.The calf got caught in a shark net.The mother whale tried to get the calf to come with her.The calf was caught in the net.It couldn't get free.The mother had to watch it die.

    Many people think shark nets should not be used.Sharks are important to the ocean.They eat sick and dead fish.They help to keep the ocean clean.Sharks are the lions and the tigers of the sea.

    Some people think there are other ways to keep beach safe for people.Sharks potters are people who watch for sharks.They go to a high place.Then they can look down on the beach.If they see a shark,a siren(汽笛)will sound.They put up a white flag.Then people get out of the water.

    After all,the water is a shark's home.

(1)What can we know about shark nets according to the passage?   

A.They are used to keep sharks from coming near the beach.

B.People place them to catch sharks,dolphins,stingrays and turtles.

C.Sharks will be caught when they get close to them.

D.All the animals caught by them are set free.

(2)What does the underlined word "calf" mean in paragraph 4?    

A.A huge whale.

B.A young whale.

C.A father whale.

D.A mother whale.

(3)What does the writer imply(暗示)about the beach safety?   

A.People should keep away from beaches.

B.Everyone should work as a shark spotter.

C.It's not the best way to put out shark nets.

D.Some dangerous beaches should be shut down.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    I think there are several reasons that suggest developing robots is a waste of money.

    In San Diego recently $ 325,000 was spent on inventing a robotic squirrel to do some scientific experiments. The research proved that squirrels are able to scare away snakes by wagging (摇动) their tails. Do you need a robotic squirrel to work this out?

    What about AIBO,a robotic pet,developed in Japan? In Japanese aibou means "buddy". These pets have been developed at huge cost mainly to provide entertainment.They've been used in movies and music videos. Universities have used them for educational purposes.However, in 2006 the company stopped producing these robotic pets in order to save money. Was it worth a lot of money?

    Then there's NAO, a robot which has been developed by a French company.Its main purpose is to make life easier for humans. It speaks 19 languages and has its own personality.It can tell children a story, help in the classroom or the home, or act as a companion to those people who need someone to be with.A fully developed one costs ﹩16,000. Is that value for money? Who can afford it anyway?

    There may be good reasons why it is worth developing robots, but so far I haven't thought of any.

(1)What does the underlined word "companion" in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?  





(2)What is the true fact about the robots mentioned?  

A. The robotic squirrel is needed by every scientist to do some research.

B. AIBO wasn't made any more because it only provided entertainment.

C. A fully developed NAO may tell kids stories in different languages.

D. All the three types of robots used to be produced at a very low cost.

(3)What does the writer think of developing robots?  

A. It can help bring people a lot of fun.

B. It has advantages in many ways.

C. It may be useful but costs too much.

D.It is worth a great deal of money.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
