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At an early time,a paper ticket was necessary even for passengers who bought tickets online.But now people are saying goodbye to paper tickets.

Passengers can swipe(刷)an ID card to pass through a gate before taking a high﹣speed train. "It's very convenient and fast, "said Wu Yuanzhen,a passenger from Guangxi. "I am a business man and travel a lot by train.For us,time is money.E﹣tickets save time and improve travel efficiency(效率). "

For passengers who need to change or return their tickets,they can change the tickets or get their fund(退款) through 12306.cn or the ticket office at the station.

Since 2011,passengers have been able to swipe their ID cards at self﹣service machines to take the Beijing﹣Tianjin high﹣speed railway and Beijing﹣Shanghai high﹣speed railway.And now checking﹣in by swiping an ID card is available at high﹣speed railway stations in most cities across China.At stations in some remote(偏远)areas,passengers still need a paper ticket to get on a train.

(1)Were paper tickets necessary when people travelled by train 15 years ago?         

(2)What is the advantage of c﹣tickets?                                  

(3)How can you change or return your e﹣tickets?                         

(4)Is checking﹣in by swiping an ID card available in your hometown?          

(5)According to the passage,where do people sill have to use a paper train ticket in China?        


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Drones(无人机)are like planes, but come in many shapes and sizes. They have no pilots and controlled from outside the drones. During these years, they have been used to attack(进攻)enemies or move goods in dangerous areas.

    Now small drones are a part of people's lives. For example, people use drones to take photos or make videos. Besides, a drone delivery (投递) service has proved successful.

    Online store JD can use drones to deliver small packages(包裹). It has built several drone stations so that it can load ( 装载) and deliver its packages.

    Drones have made our shopping experience different. We can order a new coat in early morning and it will be delivered before we finish breakfast.

    Bizzby Sky, a UK company, has created a delivery service for small goods. Open a smartphone app(应用软件) ,enter your address, set a time and pay enough money for the delivery service. Then in minutes, a drone will do tasks for you.

    However, any drone company needs government permission (允许) to fly its drones in many countries. We believe we will see more and more drones with goods fly in the sky very soon.


(1)Drones are like Planes, but come in many  . They have been used in some fields such as attacking enemies or   in dangerous areas.

(2)Drones can   to take photos or make videos by people. Besides. a drone delivery service has

proved to be another  

(3)Several   have been built by JD to have its packages loaded and  

(4)If you open a smartphone app, enter  , set a time and   enough money on the delivery service, a drone will do tasks for you.

(5)Today's shopping experience isn't   the old one because of drones. However, no drone company can fly its drones   getting government permission in many countries.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you ask me what my favorite sport is, my answer is swimming. I started learning how to swim when I was five years old. I have been swimming ever since.

There are many reasons why I love swimming, but I'll just share a few with you. Maybe I can even encourage you to go for a swim.

    The first reason I love swimming is that I feel totally relaxed whenever I leave the pool. I love the feeling of floating on the water and feeling almost weightless.

On the other hand. it can also be a competitive sport which raises your heartbeat. It's amazing pushing yourself to the challenge of beating someone else to the finish line. It's great fun racing across the pool as fast as you can!

    Another reason that I love swimming is that it has more styles than other sports such as running and walking.It doesn't feel like you're doing the same thing over and over again.

    In summer, swimming can be a nice, refreshing (恢复精力的) break! There's nothing better than jumping into the water on a hot summer's day. You can choose to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea.

    And finally,it's a life skill which everyone should have.Not only is it good for your health, but you never know when you'll need your ability to swim.

(1)In Paragraph 3, "floating" means "  " in Chinese.

A. 跳跃

B. 漂浮

C. 翻滚

D. 日光浴

(2)The last sentence of the passage means that  

A. swimming is a healthy sport

B. swimming is a useful life skill

C. everyone should have more life skills

D. you should teach your friends to swim

(3)Which of the following is not mentioned?  

A. Swimming is relaxing.

B. Swimming is competitive.

C. Swimming is simple

D. Swimming is refreshing.

(4)What can be the best title for the passage?  

A. How to Swim Better

B. Let's Do Sports

C. A Swimming Star

D. Why I love Swimming

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


The COVID﹣19 epidemic(新冠疫情)is sill spreading rapidly throughout the world.Luckily,it is under control in China with the efforts of our government and all the people.However,we should still be careful in our daily life.There're some rules for us to follow.

  Get vaccinated (打疫苗)

Since there's still no special medicine to cure(治愈) COVID﹣19, (1)    The government is providing available vaccine(疫苗)for everyone in our country.If you're over 18 years old and in good health,you can get vaccinated near your community. (2)    

②Wear masks(口罩)

People have been used to wearing masks since the epidemic broke out.It is summer now,maybe wearing masks in hot weather makes you feel uncomfortable.However, (3)    

So whenever you go out,don't forget to put on your mask.You may look cooler with a mask on!

③Wash your hands

(4)    Especially when you get home from school or work,or return from any other public places,the first thing you should do is to turn on the tap(水龙头),pick up the soap and wash your hands completely.

④Keep safe social distance(距离)

You'd better not go to crowded places.The summer vacation is beginning.If you have to go to the stores,movies,parties,supermarkets,etc,besides wearing masks,remember to keep social distance. (5)       

Anyway,take good care of yourself and live a safe and happy life!

A.Wash your hands as often as possible.

B.But you have to pay!

C.we don't need to do anything about it.

D.What's more,it is free!

E.Avoid getting too close to other people.

F.the vaccine is the most important way to prevent it.

G.it is still a good way to stop the virus(病毒) from spreading among people.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)Who plays the leading role in making decisions?  

A. Cat.

B. Marc.

C. Iggy.

D. Barney.

(2)The underlined word "awesome" probably means  

A. awful

B. crazy

C. nervous

D. fantastic

(3)What do we know about the Island Club?  

A. It's a new place for the three friends.

B. It's one of the top clubs of UK.

C. Coffee is always free there.

D. Iggy prefers to eat there.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever counted the number of digits (数字)in your mobile phone number? Your number has 11 digits. You may sometimes find it hard to remember your number. That's because China has the longest mobile phone numbers in the world. Why is that?

The 11 digits can be divided into three parts. Each part has a different meaning. The first three numbers tell you which mobile phone service provider(提供者) you are using. For example, 135 is for China Mobile Communications Corporation and 188 is for China Unicom. The fourth to the seventh digits tell you where the number is registered (注册). And the last four digits are random(随机的).

The main reason for using 11 digits is that we have the largest population in the world. We once had 10numbers. But as our population grew, there were not enough numbers for us to use. So we began to use 11 digits starting from 1999. Eleven digits can be used to make tens of billions of mobile phone numbers. That's enough for each person to have seven or eight phone numbers to use in China.

And mobile phone numbers can be recycled. Usually, the service provider will reuse a canceled number after three to six months. If you call a number that you haven't contacted (联系)for a long time, you may find that its owner has changed.

Besides China, Britain and Japan also use 11﹣digit mobile phone numbers. But their numbers always start with 0. So they cannot create as many numbers as we can. Countries like the United States, Australia and India use phone numbers with 10digits. Canada's mobile phone numbers are perhaps the shortest in the world: they use seven digits.

(1)Is China the only country that uses 11﹣digit mobile phone numbers in the world?  

(2)What can we know from the fourth to the seventh digits of a mobile phone number in China?  

(3)Why does China use 1l digits for mobile phone numbers?  

(4)When can a mobile phone number be recycled in China?  

(5)Which country perhaps has the shortest mobile phone numbers in the world?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sir,I think I will tell you what happened last night.My husband Mr.Smith went to bed at about half past ten.The servants had already gone to their rooms.Only my housekeeper stayed in her room at the top of the house until I needed her.

I read a book in this room until after eleven.Then I walked round to make sure that all was right before I went upstairs(楼上).I went into the kitchen,the storeroom,the living room,and finally the dining﹣room.As I came near the window,which is covered with thick curtains(窗帘),I suddenly felt the wind blow on my face,and realized that it was open.I pulled the curtain to one side,and found myself face to face with a man who had just walked into the room.By the light of my bedroom candle,I saw two other men entering behind the first.I was so scared,walking back quickly,but the man was on me in a minute.He caught me first by the wrist(手腕)and then by the throat.I tried to shout,but he hit me heavily over the eyes,and I fell to the ground.I must have been unconscious for a few minutes.When I woke up,I found they had tied me to the chair,and a scarf round my mouth stopped me from making any sound.At this time,my unlucky husband came into the room.He had certainly heard some suspicious (令人怀疑的)sounds,and he came prepared.When he rushed at one of the bad men,another man took the poker(拔火棍)out of the fireplace quietly and hit him heavily as he passed.My husband fell without a sound and never moved again.

(1)When did the bad men go into the house?  

A.Before Mr.Smith went to bed.

B.While Mrs.Smith was reading a book.

C.Before the servants went to their rooms.

D.When Mrs.Smith was checking the rooms.

(2)Where did the event take place?  

A.In the kitchen.

B.In the dining﹣room.

C.In the living room.

D.In the storeroom.

(3)What does the underlined word"unconscious"mean?  





(4)What did the bad men NOT do after they went into the house?  

A.They caught Mrs.Smith by the hair.

B.They hit Mrs.Smith heavily.

C.They tied Mrs.Smith.

D.They killed Mr.Smith.

(5)Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?  

A.Mrs.Smith was too scared to cry for help.

B.The bad men went into the room through the door.

C.Mr.Smith guessed something unusual was happening.

D.Mr.Smith knew how many bad men were in the house.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Have you ever thought how important T﹣shirts are in your life?I don't mean expensive designer T﹣shirts,After all,just because you spend a lot of money on a shirt doesn't mean that it looks good.I'm talking about the T﹣shirts that say something about you,like where you've been,what you like,or what you think.Those are often the T﹣shirts that we feel the most comfortable in and that we wear again and again.I'm going to tell you about two T﹣shirts that I really,really love and explain why.

    I've been to London twice.The first time I went I saw this shirt in a souvenir(纪念品)shop and my dad bought it for me.I really loved the design and the colors.And it reminds me of something funny that happened.One day we were travelling around the center of London.We almost got lost,but we found our way — thanks to the picture on this T﹣shirt!

    Sometimes I've bought clothes that I've never worn or that I've only worn once or twice.But I've worn(and washed o)this T﹣shirt hundreds of times.I love music and I love Adele.I haven't seen many of my favorite artists live,but I bought this when I went to Adele's concert two years ago.It was a great concert and this is a great souvenir.And white T﹣ shirts go with anything,not just jeans!

    So,those are just two of my favorite T﹣shirts that tell a story.What about yours?

posted 16th April at 16:57                                                                     post a comment

    I've never been to China and I don't know any Chinese,but one of my favorite T﹣shirts has the Chinese characters on it.One of the reasons that I like it is because I love the bright colors of the characters.And it has sentimental(情感)value.Last year,my brother studied in Beijing and he gave me this when he came home.

Nuria Gil,Spain

(1)What did Sara's T﹣shirt help her family do in London?    

A.Find a souvenir shop.

B.Know where they were.

C.Take a short way.

D.Remember who they were.

(2)Why is the other T﹣shirt so important to Sara?    

A.It has never been worn before.

B.It washes well.

C.It was bought at Adele's concert.

D.It goes with jeans.

(3)What does Nuria think of her T﹣shirt?    

A.It is old.

B.It is simple.

C.It is expensive.

D.It is valuable.

(4)What is the purpose of this blog?    

A.To produce popular T﹣shirts.

B.To make an ad for T﹣shirts.

C.To introduce favorite T﹣shirts.

D.To offer a design for T﹣shirts.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever imagined what life will be like in 2060?An international group of forty scientists have made some surprising predictions.They said that in the next forty years,our lives would change beyond our wildest dreams.

Firstly,humans can grow body parts themselves.Dr.Ellen Heber﹣Katz is one of the forty scientists.He says, "People will think it common that sick organs (器官) can be repaired.It's just like the way we fix a car." Damaged parts will be taken away.Scientists could use human cells (细胞) to grow new organs.New technologies like this will also help people to live longer.Within forty years,most people will be able to live up to one hundred years.

Secondly,the scientists have predicted that a machine will be invented to "read" the minds of animals.In 2060,we will be able to "talk" to animals.Scientists say that humans may first "talk" with mammals (哺乳动物) and then other vertebrates (脊椎动物) such as fish.

Our houses might also change beyond our imagination.Dr.Susan Greenfield predicts that when you enter the living room,sensors (传感器) will know you.They will turn on the lights.If you talk to the lights,they will change to the color of your choice.

But what would be the biggest breakthrough (突破) over the next forty years?A number of scientists believe it would be the discovery of aliens.NASA scientist Chris Mckay says, "We may find aliens in space and talk with them." He believes marks of alien life may even be found here on Earth.

Does life in 2060 sound cool to you?Let's wait and see what will really happen then!

(1)Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?    


In 2060,humans may be able to communicate with dogs and aliens.


Most people will be able to live up to two hundred years in forty years.


The sensors will turn off the lights after you leave the living room in 2060.

(2)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? (P1=Paragraph 1)    




(3)The writer wrote the passage in a    tone (语气).







(4)What is the best title for the passage?    


Life in 2060


The Biggest Breakthrough


How to Live Longer

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most children are taught the virtue (美德) of honesty from stories.The well﹣known story of Pinocchio teaches the importance of telling the truth.Every time Pinocchio lies,his nose grows longer and longer.Another story is about the boy who"cried wolf." In the end,he loses all his sheep and the trust of his fellow villagers because he tells lies many times.These types of stories show children that "honesty is the best policy." Still,if thisis the case,then why do so many people lie?The fact is that people lie for many reasons.

One reason people lie is to minimize (减少) a mistake.While it is true that everyone does something wrong from time to time,some people do not have the courage to admit their errors (错误) because they are afraid they will be blamed.For example,students might lie to their teachers about unfinished homework.They might say that they left the work at home when,in fact,they did not do the work at all.These students do not want to get in trouble or seem irresponsible,so they make up an excuse﹣ a lie﹣ to save face.

Another reason for lying has to do with self﹣protection.Parents,particularly those with young children,may teach their children to use this type of"protective" lie in certain circumstances (状况).What should children do if a stranger calls while the parents are out?Many parents teach their children to explain that their mother and father are too busy to come to the phone at that time.In this situation,protective lying can mean greater safety.

People lie for many reasons,both good and bad.Lying to keep the peace or to stay safe can have positive results.However,lying to stay out of trouble can lead to more trouble in the end.Understanding the motives behind the impulse (冲动) to lie might minimize this habit of lying.

(1)What does the underlined word"this" refer to in the passage?    


Honesty is the best policy.


The well﹣known story of Pinocchio.


The story of the boy who"cried wolf".

(2)Why do some children lie to their teachers?    


Because they like making up an excuse.


Because they have left the homework at home.


Because they are afraid to be blamed at school.

(3)How does the writer explain why people tell lies?    


By asking questions.


By giving examples.


By showing the results.

(4)What is the correct structure of the passage? (P﹣paragraph 1)    




(5)What's the best title for the passage?    


The Truth behind Lying.


The Types of Lies.


The Habit of Lying.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I love to go biking! Two years ago I bought an exercise bike(健身脚踏车). But soon I got bored with being at home, so I bought a used bike and started going for short rides. Now I plan day trips in my neighborhood (街区). When you drive a car, you miss many things. It's surprising how much more you can see when you're biking.


    My favourite thing to do at weekends is to go to the beach. The beach is beautiful all through the year. I usually drive there. If the weather is cold, I wear some warm clothes and go for long walks on the beach. When the weather is hot. I enjoy swimming or just lying in the sun.


    At weekends I like to read books. If the weather is nice, I'll take a good book to the park and stay there reading for hours. I think there's nothing as delightful as reading a good book.


    Weekends are for going hiking(徒步旅行) with my parents. We live near some beautiful mountains. Sometimes we camp out at night. We really enjoy cooking dinner over a campfire and spending a night under the stars!


(1)Now Sam plans to  

A. drive a car

B. go for short rides

C. ride his exercise bike

D. go biking in his neighborhood

(2)Barbara   if the weather is cold.

A. drives on the beach

B. walks on the beach

C. swims in the sea

D. lies in the sun

(3)The underlined(划线的)word "delightful" in what Bill says probably means   in Chinese.





(4)Which of the following is True about Grace?  

A. She goes hiking alone at weekends.

B. She doesn't like cooking over a campfire.

C. She and her parents sometimes camp out.

D. She and her parents live in the mountains.

(5)What does the passage mainly talk about?  

A. Favourites

B. Suggestion

C. Shopping

D. Nature

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Stress is a feeling you can have both in your mind and in your body.(3)It can make you want to eat lessnot talk to your friends and family

    A little stress in life is normal. But controlling stress is important because if you feel stressed for too long, it can seriously affect your body.Older people who have stress for a long time can develop heart disease ,high blood pressure and other serious health problems.

    The good news is that it can be very easy to control stress. Here are three tips:

    Tip 1: Try to eat right. Some people who feel stressed try to feel much better by eating chocolates, ice cream and other sweets. A little sugar isn't bad for you but don't stop eating fruit and vegetables.

    Tip 2: Exercise regularly. (4)People who are very busy with jobs or family life can feel tired a lot Getting regular exercise can give you more energy and help you think about the things in your life that give you stress.

    Tip 3: Most importantly, watch out for each other. Stress can make you feel alone. It's important to watch for stress in people that are close to you: Friends look out for friends, and teachers look out for students.


(1)Why is controlling stress important?


(2)What health problems can develop if older people have stress for a long time?







  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last month some parents visited a pizza restaurant in Florida with their children. On the door, they saw a sign "NO CHLDREN." "Why can't we bring our children?" "What on earth does the owner want to do?" The parents were surprised and complained angrily.

    So why did the restaurant put up the sign on its door?

    Troy Taylor, the owner of the pizza restaurant, found that many parents couldn't control their children and many children couldn't have meals quietly, so they disturbed other customers. Some people said that this was unfair. Mr. Taylor explained his decision. He said that the restaurant was near a busy road, so there might be some danger if the parents didn't take good care of their children. So he made up his mind to ban(禁止) children from his restaurant.

    Others supported his decision, they said they were bored of noisy children in restaurants and now they could finally have a place for adults only.

    (3)In factmany other restaurants have also met the same problem Some have done nothing and others have tried to ban children during certain times of the day. There's one restaurant in Italy. It has been creative in dealing with the problem. They rewarded(奖励)well﹣behaved children to encourage parents to control their children.

    (4)These methods may be useful for a whilebut it is difficult to solve this problem completely


(1)Why does Mr. Taylor ban the children from his restaurant?


(2)There are four methods to solve the problem in the passage. Which one do you think is the best? Why?







  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you and your family go out for dinner,do you notice how many dishes you usually order?It's OK if you finish all of them.But if you waste too much food,you need to pay for it.

    Last year,China's top legislature (立法机关)reviewed (审议)a draft law (法律草案)for stopping food waste for the first time.In general,a draft will become law after the top legislature reviews it three times.

    According to the draft law,restaurants should tell customers not to order too much.If customers leave too much food uneaten,restaurants can charge (收费)them for food waste.The law also bans (禁止)waiters from encouraging people to order too much food.Some restaurants may use the"N﹣1"mode for people to order dishes."N" stands for the number of persons at a table.So if there are six people at your table,you should order just five dishes,which can help people control the amount of dishes in a proper way.

    The draft law also asks schools to teach their students to avoid food waste.It also bans TV programs about overeating and overdrinking.Producers of such programs will face a fine of up to 100,000 yuan.

    Food waste happens in many places and has long been a big problem around the world.We need to obey the law and refuse to waste food.

(1)If customers waste too much food,they       .

A.need to pay some money for it

B.need to say sorry about it

C.can't enter the restaurant again

D.can leave the restaurant for free

(2)According to the"N﹣1" mode,if 9 persons plan to eat in the restaurant,they need to order    dishes.





(3)Which is NOT true according to the passage?       

A.Students should avoid food waste at school.

B.Programs about overeating will be allowed on TV.

C.Food waste has been a big problem all over the world.

D.Waiters can't encourage people to order too much food.

(4)You may read the passage in       .

A.a storybook

B.a guidebook

C.an advertisement

D.a newspaper

(5)What does the passage mainly talk about?    

A.Harm of food waste.

B.Importance of healthy food.

C.Law to stop food waste.

D.Advantages of stopping food waste.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Inventions make the world better, smarter and a little more fun.

The folding bike helmet (头盔)

People hate to wear a helmet because it's thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones, but flexible (灵活的) enough to fold almost totally flat. Also it is

much easier to carry.

Shoes that tie themselves

After we see the movie Back to the Future, almost everyone wants a pair of self﹣tying shoes. Now, thanks to Nike, the shoe dream comes true. When you press a button, the shoes can tie themselves.

The smart alarm clock﹣Hello Sense

An alarm clock, called Hello Sense, can improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you have a perfect sleep environment. And it can record your sleep cycles.

Sweet potatoes that could save lives

The lack (缺乏) of vitamin A can cause blindness and many other illnesses for illnesses. In sub﹣Saharan Africa, plant experts are helping them grow a kind of new sweet potatoes. These potatoes can help them

fight against some illnesses.

(1)The folding bike helmet is  

A. thick and heavy

B. made from metal

C. not as strong as a traditional one

D. flexible enough to fold almost flat

(2)Which company makes self﹣tying shoes?  

A. Adidas.

B. Kappa.

C. Nike.

D. Li﹣Ning.

(3)The smart alarm clock can NOT  

A. improve our sleep

B. control our weight

C. record our sleep cycles

D. control the temperature in the bedroom

(4)If a child has a poor eyesight, he may be in the lack of  

A. vitamin A

B. vitamin B

C. vitamin C

D. vitamin D

(5)You can find the passage in a  

A. newspaper

B. story book

C. guide book

D. cookery book

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
