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    LIFE is AWKWARD.What should you do when your parents are embarrassing(使尴尬)you in front of your friends?Or what if you see what looks like a classmate stealing someone else's headphones? In our social Q's column(专栏),the teenager Harper Ediger and the adult Philip Galances give their best advice to kids looking for help navigating real﹣life situations,Now it's your turn:Do you have a question about an uncomfortable social situation at school,at home,on social media or among friends?Email it to us at Kidsqs@njpost.com and Harper and Philip may answer it in a future issue.Please include your age and hometown.Come on,we know you have one.

    To inspire(激励)you, here are reader﹣submitted questions we've published in previous issues:

    My mom signs me up for camps and activities without asking what I want to do.I only learn what I'm doing at the last minute.I don't like that it's a surprise,and I feel that I should be able to help plan my time.How can I have more of a say

    At my school, fourth graders need to learn different dances,then dress up for a fancy party where we ask partners to dance with us.This makes me nervous,and I'm not looking forward to it.How should I handle this situation?

    My sister is home for college break,and lucky me,she's my roommate.As I'm 12 and she's almost 19, we both want our own space.I know she doesn't mean it personally, but she always complains that she doesn't have a home, which makes me feel as if I'm intruding in my own room.Do I tell her how l feel or let it go?

(1)What should be included in your email to the social Q's column?  

A.Name,age and social media

B.Age,school and hometown.

C.Age,hometown and questions.

D.Name,school and questions.

(2)The underlined word "say" in the passage means  

A.the ability to plan time

B.the chance to set up camps

C.the right to make decisions

D.the plan to enjoy activities

(3)The writer uses some published reader﹣submitted questions in order to  

A.show kids ways of solving problems

B.give kids examples of what to write about

C.share Harper and Philip's advice with kids

D.offer kids a chance to complain about their lives

(4)The social Q's column is designed to  

A.help kids deal with their troubles

B.train kids to write

C.have kids introduce themselves

D.advise kids to behave well

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Below is how four students answered their teacher's question in class.

Annie: I like shopping and talking to People. I think I can learn how to do business. Maybe selling clothes is a good business for me.

Jerry: My hobbies are playing computer games and making friends online, We often share our funny stories by e﹣mail. I guess I will learn more about computers and make super﹣smart computer programs.

Tim: My parents have kept lots of pets since I was little. We have experienced many things together, good and bad, happy and sad. These stories have always stayed in my mind. One day, I will share them with people by drawing and writing books.

Emily: Though my mom and two sisters are all doctors, I'm sure I will stay as far away from a hospital as I can. I hate being sick, and I'm afraid of seeing sick people looking weak and sad. I'll keep strong by playing my favorite sport, tennis, everyday. One day I'll join the national team and be another Li Na.

36. What does the underlined word them refer to(指代)?  

A. Parent

B. Pets

C. Stories

D. Books

37. What do we know from the reading  

A. Annie is good at making clothes.

B. Jerry enjoys meeting people on the Internet

C. One of Tim's parents is an animal doctor

D. Emily was once very weak and now she is strong.

38. What question did the teacher most probably ask in class?  

A." What do you want to do in the future?"

B. " what's your plan for the coming vacation?"

C. "What do you like to talk about with your friends?"

D. "what's your favorite thing to do with your family?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Critical thinking(批判性思维) is trying to improve the way you think. People use critical thinking in every area of life to solve problems and evaluate claims(评估主张).

Like every other skill, critical thinking takes practice. When a problem comes our way, we need to think critically to decide how to solve it. When we see an advertisement, for example, we should stop and think. Advertisements are made to make people feel certain that they are true, and then people can buy the products. But is what the advertisement says true? Is it making a claim? Or does it only interest us? Critical thinking is important and stops us from making poor choices. In fact, we are using it if we ask questions naturally about what we see.

Practice makes perfect. While you are growing in critical thinking, you'll become a wiser and more thoughtful person. There are many ways of doing practice. Here are a few.

★ Read about a topic people disagree on. Look at articles or books on all sides of the subject. For each side of the subject, think carefully and evaluate it.

★ When you see or hear a claim, ask questions about it. Who is making the claim and why?

★Evaluate your own thinking. Where and why do you think uncritically? How can you improve?

Critical thinking should be part of everything we do. It may help you to succeed at work or school Make yourself into a habit of critical thinking. Change your thoughts and change your world.


(1)People use critical thinking to   and evaluate claims.

(2)Critical thinking can stop us from   

(3)What kind of person will you become as you grow in critical thinking?   



  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some parents are used to doing almost everything for their children. They see their older children as babies all the time! It can be a very common problem in China, because most parents only have one child in China. Some parents care so much about the safety of their children that they are afraid to let them go anywhere or do anything by themselves. So their children fail to learn social skills and become more dependent(依赖的)on them!

    In fact, no children really enjoy being looked after by their parents all the time. No parents would be happy knowing that. Because of too much care, their children don't know anything about the world. Children need their own time to grow into adults and to learn how to deal with problems. Too much care damages their fun when they are growing up. And when suddenly they can't depend on their parents, these children will be in a big trouble!

    It's nice that parents show their care to their children. It's nice that children know that their parents' care is out of love. And it will be nicer if the children let their parents know how much love they really need and how much love is too much.

(1)According to the writer, the common problem in China is that  

A. many children don't like to go to school   

B. some parents do almost everything for their children

C. some parents don't let their children go anywhere

(2)Most Chinese children know little about the world because  

A. their parents take too much care of them    

B. most parents have only one child

C. they are too young

(3)The underlined word "them" in Paragraph 1 refers to (指代)  

A. children

B. parents

C. teachers

(4)What does the writer really want to tell us?  

A. Children don't need any love.     

B. Parents should give children as much love as possible.

C. Parents should let their children do things themselves.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

With so much free time on our hands during lockdown, many of us have entertained the idea of knowing more about the world. Learning a foreign language is a good choice. Here are a few examples, in order of time it takes people to learn them.

    Latin languages (about 600 hours)

   The popular Latin languages ﹣ Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese ﹣ require about 600 hours to learn. Of these, Spanish and Italian are the easiest for English speakers to learn. They are followed by Portuguese and finally French.

    Latin languages share many words with English.However,those shared words look or sound similar, but have different meanings over time.

    Greek (1,100 hours)

    Modern Greek is maybe the easiest language to learn that uses a different alphabet(字母表).It is also a language that has contributed many words to English. Indeed, the president of Greece once gave two speeches at an international meeting that included just Greek loan words(外来词) as well as the unavoidable basic English.

    Japanese (2, 200 hours)

    Counting objects in Japanese depends on whether they are long and thin (like "roads"), small and round (like "apples"), thin and flat (like "sheets of paper"), and hundreds more examples.

    What Japanese you speak also depends on your gender(性别). There's a "rough" language for men and a more "ladylike" language for women, but you must understand both.

    Chinese (2, 200 hours)

    Each Chinese written word is hardly understandable when spoken between a Mandarin (普通话) speaker in Beijing and a Cantonese speaker in Guangdong. If you think that's strange, consider our number system: the symbol "2" is widely understood but it's pronounced "two" in English and "duex" in French.

(1)For an English speaker, which of the following is the easiest to learn?  

A. Japanese.

B. French.

C. Greek.

D. Italian.

(2)What can we learn from the passage?  

A. The same word in two languages always has the same meaning.

B. The English language and the Greek language use the same alphabet.

C. Objects are counted differently in Japanese according to their shapes.

D. A Mandarin speaker and a Cantonese speaker write Chinese differently.

(3)The purpose of this passage is to tell English speakers  

A. how to learn some foreign languages

B. why they must learn a foreign language

C. some information on the difficulty of foreign languages

D. not to choose an Asian language to learn as it is too hard

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Zhang Shiyuan,13

I am very interested in all kinds of dramas,especially those by William Shakespeare.But it is impossible to watch stage(舞台)drama every week.So my small goal is to watch at least one movie online from Shakespeare's works.It will not only improve my English,but also help me have my own taste in drama.

Wu Qianhui,14

For me,the small goal is to run 3,000meters every day.It isn't an easy thing,especially to do it every day.But I will not shy away from the challenge.I have the confidence (自信)to make it.I believe I can hold on and achieve my goal.

Gu Jiayi,13

My goal is to master a skill like cooking.It is not very difficult,but it takes a lot of time.So I'll make myself learn how to cook during holidays.The aim will help me make good use of time and be more independent.

Zhen Yishi,14

I want to finish reading two English novels this year.Reading plays an important role in our life.It will not only improve my English reading and writing skills,but also develop my knowledge in many fields.It is not a big goal.But to achieve this goal,I need patience and persistence(坚持).

Shen Botao,14

My present small goal is to pass the piano grade exams.When I was in primary school,I began to learn to play the piano.I not only took a great interest in music,but also relaxed myself.I want to play the piano better.I think I can make it by the end of this term.

41.Which goal is NOT mentioned?  

A.To win a running competition.

B.To learn cooking.

C.To read two English novels.

D.To pass the piano grade exams.

42.   can improve their English while they are achieving their goals.

A.Wu Qianhui and Zhen Yishi

B.Zhang Shiyuan and Gu Jiayi

C.Zhang Shiyuan and Zhen Yishi

D.Zhen Yishi and Shen Botao

43.According to the passage,we can know  

A.Zhang Shiyuan has good taste in drama

B.Gu Jiayi is not independent at all

C.reading can help Zhen Yishi develop her knowledge

D.Shen Botao doesn't like playing the piano

44.What can we learn from the passage?  

A.We should have a goal,maybe just a small one.

B.We should know how to achieve our goal.

C.We need patience and persistence to achieve a goal.

D.All above.

45.You may find this passage in  

A.a guidebook

B.a storybook

C.a news report

D.a teen magazine.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

May 20,2021

Dear Principal,

   I think the students in our school should wear uniforms.Many schools already have them.Uniforms will help our families save money,since we would have to buy only one or two uniforms for the whole year.Uniforms could also give us more pride in our school.And best of all,if we all wore uniforms,kids wouldn't tease each other about their clothes.

   I know some students think uniforms are ugly and uncomfortable.But maybe we can pick a uniform that everyone likes.I think this is a wonderful idea for our school.


                                                                                                                          Justin Jones


(1)Who is this letter written by?    


A father.


A mother.


A teacher.


A student.

(2)Which of these is a fact about uniforms?    


They are uncomfortable.


Some schools already have them.


They are ugly.


They aren't to expensive.

(3)Justin wrote this letter to    .


ask for new clothes


say sorry to the principle


thank the principle


suggest that students wear uniforms

(4)Some students don't want to wear uniforms because they think    .


uniforms are expensive


school pride is silly


the principal is mean


uniforms can be ugly and uncomfortable

(5)How does Justin organize his ideas?    


First express ideas,then list reasons,and show problems,at last give solutions.


First show problems,then give solutions,and show problems,at last express ideas.


First list reasons,then show problems,and express ideas,at last give solutions.


First give solutions,then show problems,and list reasons,at last express ideas.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When meeting strangers, we usually notice their hair, skin colour and clothes. We like to group those things we don't know by comparing them with the things we know.

So what's wrong with this? For example, we think that short boys can't possibly be good basketball players. The girls who love to be dressed up can't be excellent students. Or we think shy students can't be good at giving speeches. These are typical(典型的) examples of stereotypes.

Stereotypes make people form a wrong opinion about others at first sight. In fact, it takes a lot more than just looking at a person to know and understand him or her. The following is my story.

One day, it was snowing, but not very heavily. Before class, I collected all the exercise books and sent them to the teachers' office. The exercise books looked piles in my arms, so I could hardly see the ground. Suddenly, I slipped over(滑倒) and dropped all the exercise books I was carrying.

I tried to stand up but failed, I was about to pick them up when I saw a boy coming towards me. It was Mike.

Mike and I had been classmates for over 2years, but we had never shared more than 5sentences together. He was a boy with few words, but I liked talking. We were totally different. I didn't like him and didn't want to be seen at that moment.

"Anything serious?" His words brought me out of my thoughts. "I saw you sitting on the ground from the back window, so I rushed here. Let me help you!" He helped me up and picked all the exercise books up.

Seeing this, I was so moved that I couldn't say a single word.

We walked towards the teachers' office and this time, he talked a lot to me. I found quite a different Mike.

I took a deep breath and said to myself, "I nearly made a big mistake ﹣ judging(判断) MIke only by his appearance."

26. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as typical examples of stereotypes?  

A: Dishonest children can't be others' true friends.

B: Shy students can't be good at giving speeches.

C: Short boys can't possibly be good basketball players.

D: The girls who love to be dressed up can't be excellent students.

27. Why did the writer dislike Mike at the beginning?  

A: Because the writer didn't know Mike at all.

B: Because Mike didn't hand in his exercise book.

C: Because the writer thought they weren't the same type.

D: Because Mike didn't help the writer collect the exercise books.

28. The writer probably wants to tell us  

A: we'd better not go outside on snowy days

B: we should get along well with our classmates

C: people shouldn't judge someone at first sight

D: people with different personalities can't be friends

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Can you imagine walking in, sitting next to a stranger and asking for the latest news or putting a recent novel down next to someone's coffee and asking for their opinion before giving yours?

    But more than 300 years ago, this kind of behaviour was encouraged in thousands of coffeehouses all over London. In 1712, the Starbucks site(位置) today was occupied(占据) by Button's coffeehouse Inside, poets, writers and members of the public gathered around long wooden tables drinking, thinking, writing and discussing literature into the night. On the wall, near where the Starbucks community notice board now stands, was the white marble(大理石) head of a lion with wide﹣open mouth. The public was invited to feed it with letters and stories. The best of the lion's digest(文摘) were published in a weekly edition of Joseph Addison's Guardian newspaper, named "the roaring of the lion".

    Today, few people know Button's. It's just one of London's forgotten coffeehouses.

    London's first coffeehouse was opened by a Greek named Pasque Rosee in 1652. While a servant for a British merchant in Turkey, Rosee developed a taste for the exotic(异国情调的) Turkish drink and decided to import(进口) it to London. People from all walks of life came to his business to meet, greet, drink, think, write, and joke.

(1)Where was the white marble lion head?  

A. In the backyard of the Starbucks.

B. On the Button's long wooden tables.

C. In Joseph Addison's Guardian newspaper.

D. On the wall of Button's coffeehouse.

(2)How often was "the roaring of the lion" published?  

A. Every day

B. Every week.

C. Every month

D. Every year)

(3)What kind of coffee did Pasque Rosee import to London?  

A. Turkish coffee.

B. Black coffee.

C. White coffee

D. Sweet coffee.

(4)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?  

A. People could hardly found a coffeehouse in 1712 in London.

B. Starbucks, Button's and Rosee's were famous coffeehouses of London in 1700s.

C. Button's was usually noisy and crowded at night 300 hundred years ago.

D. Only businessmen enjoyed the exotic coffee at Pasque Rosee's.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's been 100 years since the actor and filmmaker Charlie Chaplin produced the film The Kid ,which many consider to be his greatest one.

Like all films at the time,The Kid was made in black and white and was silent (made without any sound,not even the characters talking).The story is about the relationship between " the Tramp",played by Chaplin,and his adopted (领养的)child,played by Jackie Coogan.The pair develop a partnership where the six year﹣old boy breaks windows and runs away,so that Chaplin's character can offer his services as a window fixer.

Although the film is a comedy,it also has some tragedy,reflecting Chaplin's own life.He started testing actors for the role of the Kid just a few days after his baby son had died.Chaplin was known for being hard to please,and it is said that if he could,he would have played every role in every one of his films.When Chaplin visited a theatre,a dancer brought his son,Jackie Coogan,on stage,and Chaplin knew he had his co﹣star (联袂主演者).Chaplin later wrote, "All children in some form have talents;the trick is to bring it out in them.With Jackie it was easy.

Like the Kid in the film,Chaplin and his brother Sydney grew up very poor.They lived in London and were raised by their mother.When Chaplin was 10 years old,his mum became too ill to loo after her sons,so they had to take care of themselves.He later wrote that the film sets in The Kid were based (基于)on the places where he and Sydney had lived with their mother as children. "Perhaps that's why the film had some truth," he said.

(1)The second paragraph mainly talks about    .


why The Kid was made


when The Kid was on


how The Kid got successful


what The Kid is about

(2)We can infer from Paragraph 3 that Jackie Coogan    .


always visited the theatre alone


was possibly talented in acting


knew much about Chaplin before


played every role in Chaplin's films

(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Chaplin?    


He had a poor childhood experience.


He was brought up by his father.


He looked after his mother very well.


He produced films with his brother.

(4)What's the best title for the passage?       


A film about a dancer.


A family in London.


A place for film making.


A life on film.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You may study differently from your friends,but your study habits are not wrong!

    Kelly and Maria are best friends with a lot in common.They love doing things together,such as going to movies and concerts,shopping,or just sitting at a small cafe.Since they take a lot of the same school subjects,they would love to study together,but they find this impossible.Their working styles are so completely different that they can't be in the same room while they are studying!

    Kelly would like to study in a clean,open space,while Maria works best with books,papers and other things around her.Kelly prefers to study in a totally silent room,but Maria loves to play music or even have the TV on.Kelly can sit for hours without moving,and often gets all her homework done in one sitting.Maria,however,is always getting up,and says that she thinks best when she's on the move.

    You might be asking yourself:which way of studying gets better results?Many people believe that a silent,tidy setting(环境)is the way to go,.Some research has even shown that outside noise and untidiness help some people focus(聚焦)their attention,because it makes them form a "wall" in their mind around what they are doing and improves their focus.

    So,if you're a student who chooses to study while sitting at a table in a busy shopping center,don't worry about it.If you work in total silence,that's OK,too.Judging from Kelly 's and Maria's study habits,the best way to study is the way that works for you.In their very different ways,both of them do well in school,and both finish their work within the required time as well.

(1)Kelly and Maria are mentioned as an example in this passage to    .

A.discuss two different study habits

B.compare the differences in their hobbies

C.show the importance of a good study habit

D.express the writer's worry about their friendship

(2)Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?    

A.and they have difficulty in study

B.and it can be true for most of them

C.but that doesn't seem necessarily true

D.but nobody does research on this question

(3)What can we infer from the last paragraph of this passage?    

A.Students who like to study in silence will be more successful.

B.Both study habits can help students make progress in their studies.

C.Only a small number of students can study well in a noisy situation.

D.Friends with different study habits can do better by studying together.

(4)What can be the best title for the passage?    

A.Are you studying the "right" way?

B.How can you improve your study habits?

C.Is it possible for friends to study well together?

D.What are the advantages of different study settings?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You've been learning words since you were a tiny baby.At first,you learned them only by hearing other people talk.Now that you're a reader,you have another way to learn words.What should you do when you come to a word and you think you don't know what it means?(1)    .

Say it

First sound it out.Then say it to yourself.(2)    .Sometimes you know a word in your head but you don't know what it looks like in print.So if you match up what you know and what you read ﹣ you have the word!

Use context

If this doesn't work,take the next step:look at the context the other words and sentences around it.Read this sentence:When it rained,the dog looked for shelter in the doorway.(3)    .Rain and in the doorway might give you helpful information.


If the context doesn't help,look at the parts of the word.Does it have any parts you know?These can help you understand what it means.If you don't know the meaning of miner,try looking at parts of the word.You might know that a mine is a place underground where people get coal and other valuable things.A lot of times, ﹣er at the end of a word means "a person who does something".So a miner might be someone who works in a mine.

Look it up

If the three steps above don't work,you can look it up.(5)    ,either a book or online.

Nobody knows the meaning of every word,but good readers know how to understand words they don't know.

Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage.Each choice should be used only once.

A.Use word parts

B.Look at the words

C.It might sound like a word you know

D.You can find the word in a dictionary

E.Following some easy steps can help you

F.If the word shelter doesn't look familiar,look at the words around it

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

From an early age,we were taught that if we wanted to be successful,we had to study hard and get good results at school.In fact,good students may just end up doing jobs they don't like,and some even lead an unhappy life.Why is it like that?

    In some parents' eyes,school grades matter most for their kids.In reality,there are many things to consider besides the school subjects,for example,how to be a happy person,what to do to keep healthy,and how to get along well with others.That is to say,school is not just enough if you want to have a great life.

    Doing well in school is different from doing well in life.Studies show that people who failed at school may not end up failing in life.You may have already known that some famous people,like Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs,didn't do very well at school or even failed to finish school.In fact,there are a lot more than just the big shots who are successful in life without finishing school.They seize (抓住)every chance to learn and finally make it to the top.

    Life is really a long lesson,so long that you can't define(界定)a person's success by just one section (部分)of it.If you have already finished school,keep learning because what you have learned at school will never be enough to live a satisfying life.If you are still studying,whether you are good or bad at school,don't take your school results too seriously as long as you have put your heart into it.Keep learning to make the most of your talents(天赋).That's how you can live a happy and successful life.

(1)What's the writer's main purpose of writing Paragraph(段落)One?      

A.To introduce a topic.

B.To give examples.

C.To provide a solution.

(2)In some parents' eyes,what's the most important for their kids based on Paragraph Two?


A.Being happy.

B.Staying healthy.

C.Getting good grades.

(3)What does the underlined expression "big shots" in the third paragraph mean?      




(4)According to the passage,which sentence may agree with the writer's idea?      

A.It takes money to be successful.

B.School grades aren't everything.

C.Successful people never finish school.

(5)What can we infer (推断) from the text?      

A.Old habits die hard.

B.Leaning is a lifelong journey.

C.Good grades always promise a successful life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you get lots of reading tasks as part of your homework? You might wish that you could read faster.There are some people who say that you can learn to read at super﹣high speeds. But experts disagree on this idea.

    "Speed reading is not actually possible," said Elizabeth Schotter,a scientist at the University of South Florida, US. Schotter pointed out that people who say that they can teach others how to speed read are usually doing it to make money by selling courses and books.

    In fact, speed reading has been made known to people since 1959, when US educator Evelyn Wood introduced a speed reading program. Several US presidents have even asked their officers to take speed reading courses. However, there is no real science behind speed reading.

    Schotter explained that reading is a task difficult to finish. It includes four steps: seeing a word, getting back its meaning from your memory, connecting it to other words in the same sentence, and then moving on to the next word.This process uses many parts of the brain at one time. It can't be sped up.

    Some people who say they are able to speed read are simply skimming. Skimming involves reading a passage quickly and only looking for certain words or sentences.

    Skimmers can figure out the main idea of a passage﹣especially if it's a topic they're familiar with﹣﹣but they will not be able to remember all the pieces of information.

    So is there a way to become a faster reader? Research suggests that you should try to improve the number of your words and simply read more.

(1)According to Schotter, which of the following is TRUE?  

A. It's good for students to read at super high speeds.

B. Speed reading courses are supported by real science.

C. Reading includes four steps,it's not easy to finish.

D. Speed reading courses and books are useful for us.

(2)What can we know from Paragraph 5?  

A. Skimmers will not forget all the pieces of information.

B. You must read the passage carefully when you are skimming it.

C. Skimming focuses on all the words or sentences of a passage.

D. By skimming, skimmers may find the main idea of a passage.

(3)According to this passage, how to read faster?  

A. Learn more words and read more.

B. Taking speed reading courses can help.

C. Read more books about speed reading.

D. See the words at super﹣high speeds.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Some researchers explain how most people form their social groups with people of their age.Especially, as children and teenagers, even adults, people make their friends based on proximity (邻近) more than anything else. Even in a college classroom,the students may not make friends with those who have similar personalities and interests. It's the people they really sit next to. Clearly, who stands to you has the greatest influence on you.As Jim Rohn has widely said. "You are average (平均) of five people you spend the most time with."

    Over the past ten months, I've paid Ryan, it Famous writer of several bestselling books, to help with

the book I'm writing. Working with him has shown me just how low my standards for my work are. For example, every time I send him a drab (草稿), he shows me how it could be 10 times better,and he holds me to that standard.

    It's because that I don't know what I don't know. Working with Ryan has made me realize what is possible and what it takes to create something powerful.

    Like Ryan,my business partner Richard has wonderful ideas and far different experience than I have.He has written 36 New York Times Bestsellers.He's been speaking and doing events for 20 years.Richard always performs at high levels,and he is also very strict with me because my performance is a reflection (反映) on him. It's not a bad thing because it creates high pressure (压力) to help me make great progress in organizing author training.

    In a word,you need to stay with those people who can help you realize your level and potential.Staying with people who have higher standards is the fastest way for you to change.If you don't change your environment, your progress will be very slow. Who you stay with has huge importance. You can't ignore this.

(1)Why did the writer quote (引用) Jim Rohn's words in Paragraph 1  

A.To support the writer's opinion.

B.To introduce the writer's best friend.

C.To show Jim Rohn's working ability.

D.To prove Jim Rohn is a great person.

(2)Which of the following can be put at the beginning of Paragraph 3  

A. It's not that my workmates' abilities are low.

B. It's not that my working ability was born low.

C. It's not that' e friends based on proximity.

D. It's not that I've paid Ryan to help me with my book.

(3)What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refer to (指代)?  

A. The writer's performance.

B. Jim Rohn's famous saying.

C. Richard's different experience.

D. Richard's strictness with the writer.

(4)The writer mainly wants to tell us that  

A. we can improve our working abilities by ourselves

B. we must pay attention to our talent and potential

C. we'd better make friends with those who can hold us to higher levels

D. we should stay with those who have similar personalities and interests

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
