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Here are some good suggestions for you to learn English well.

    (1)  Even if there is no one around to speak to, talk to yourself. Name things as you pass them. This simple language learning skill will help you understand these everyday words.

    Talk to your friends you know in English. (2)  They may understand you even if they don't speak it.Simple expressions like"Good morning!" in English will make those sentences more natural to you.Your friends may even start to learn a few sentences as well.

    (3)  You'll hear the language used in a real situation and this will help you judge(判断)the pronunciation even better. You will also come to further understand and better enjoy the culture behind the language.

    The easiest language learning skill is to try! Don't be afraid to make mistakes when you speak and write English, In fact, you will learn as much from your mistakes as you will learn from your success. (4)  

    It's a good way to find an English club. It's helpful to speak with other peuple who are still going through the course of lerning English. (5)  

A. Explain to them you are practicing it.

B. They will give you lots of learning skills.

C. You can speak Chinese with your friends.

D. Listen to English songs when you are free.

E. The best way to get better at English is to speak it.

F. Never let the fear of making any mistakes hold you back.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Me Before You is my favorite romance(浪漫)novel by British writer Jojo Moyes.It tells the story of Louisa Clark and William Traynor(known as Will).At the end of the book,Will dies and leaves Louisa a lot of money.What happens next?You can find out in the book's sequel(续集)After You.

Will wants Louisa to use the money to live her life happily and richly﹣to travel,discover new chances and continue her education.However,Louisa is too sad and finds it difficult to forget Will.Louisa now works at a bar in an airport,watching people fly to amazing places.Her boss is really unfriendly and she lives in an apartment that doesn't feel like home.

However,all of this is about to change.One night,Louisa meets a girl at her doorstep(门阶).She tells Louisa where she is and Louisa can't believe her cars.If she closes the door,her life will stay the same.If she opens the door,she will accept challenges and become the woman Will wanted her to be.Which will she choose?You'll have to find out the answer for yourself.

Jojo Moyes wrote After You because she wanted to give her characters from Me Before You a future.Her use of language is as descriptive(描写性的)and powerful as that in Me Before You.One special quote(引文),"Because me being here sort of means you're still here",deeply touched me.I think this line is really emotional(有感染力的)and powerful.

(1)Who is the main character in the book After You?   

(2)What's the relationship between Will and Louisa?   

(3)Where does Louisa work after Will's death?   

(4)Why did Jojo Moyes write After You?   

(5)What does the writer of this passage think of the quote?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Which sentence should be put at the end of the paragraph on the right? (  )

I like to see the mountains. There are some small mountains and some tall mountains. The small mountains are green and have

lots of trees.________

A.The mountains are tall.

B.The mountains are tall and nice.

C.The nice mountains are interesting to look at.

D.The tall mountains are covered with white snow.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day,I fished with my grandfather. When we sat by the river,our bobbers(浮漂) floated(浮动)together. He told me to be patient. We were lucky to enjoy the warmth of the sun. I was with my grandfather happily. I wanted to be like him.(1)   He worked hard all the time for everyone,but he managed to find time to smile at the life.

My grandfather was an amazing man. He taught me many things﹣ the way to fish, the value of good friends, the respect for the old and the importance of working hard. The list was long. My grandfather didn't always teach me or tell me directly. (2)   When she was a child, it was my grandfather's duty to teach and guide her.(3)   It's a family tree.

The family tree is a learning tree.(4)   They balance the family structure(结构). Over time, the branches(树枝) above grow large, join with other families, and protect the older branches below. (5)   The branches above take over (接管) their role on the learning tree,supporting the new family members. In this way, the life goes on for generations forever.

A.Instead. I learned them from my mother.

B.He was well liked by everyone.

C.Gradually,the old branches grow weak,die and fall away.

D.Then the things my grandfather taught my mother would be passed on to me.

E.The larger, older branches support and guide the smaller,younger ones.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I failed a test. I felt terrible. It hurt me both inside and out. I was embarrassed. Just think about it.(1)   !

    I cried. I could not sleep. "I was supposed to be at the top! How will I face my friends at school? I thought. I would never be happy again. Never!

    (2)  .She said, "So, you failed a test. But do you know about another test that is even more important?"

    "What is it?" I looked at my mother, puzzled.

    "It is whether or not you can learn from your mistake," my mom continued. "(3)  .To me, that is more important than what you scored on a test."


    After a few days of struggling,I finally understood what my mom had said.She was right.(5)   I will walk away from this a better person.

A. What my mom said really made me think

B. My mom found out about my problem

C. I should not pity myself because of this one bad test

D. Learning from your mistakes will make you strong

E. A smart girl did not pass the test

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all want to protect our environment, but most of us are too busy or too lazy to make big changes that will improve our lifestyle and save the environment. Here are some suggestions for protecting our environment.

Donate, You may have lots of clothes or things you don′t like. 1 If they are still useful give them to someone who needs them You can also choose to give them to charities.

Turn off your instruments When you do not use an instrument, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave the room. It's an easy habit to keep and you can save electricity and money.

Walk or cycle 2 Driving cars is one of the biggest causes of pollution If you want to drive your car, ask yourself the following question: Do I really need my car? Walk or ride your bike if the journey is short.




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


It is probably no exaggeration (夸张) to say that, these days, anyone who uses WeChat or QQ also uses memes. (1)   Memes are usually pictures or GIFs (动图) of famous people, TV and film scenes. They are often paired with a line of words explaining the pictures.

You must have seen the memes of singer Huang Zitao with his famous words, "I will not die easily."(2)   Others include actor Zhou Jie shouting with anger and basketball player Yao Ming laughing but looking like crying. If there is something in common with these people, it is probable that they all have exaggerated facial expressions. Users make memes of them for fun.

On the other hand, memes make online messaging chatting closer to real life than just sending text messages. (3)   For some people, like youth, they can chat online only using memes without typing a single word. Sometimes this turns into a kind of competition to see who has the most or the funniest memes. (4)   Do you want to have a try, too?

A. Huang's memes are one of the users' favorites.

B. Memes or biaoqingbao have become important in online chatting (聊天) among Chinese.

C. If they are tired of the popular ones, they can make their own memes using meme apps.

D. Because they give people information in a simpler, funnier and clearer way.

(5)Which of the following is true according to the passage?   


Memes play an important part in online chatting all over the world.


All the people can chat on line without typing a single word.


People can only use popular memes even though they feel bored of them.


D Users make memes of famous people for fun.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever seen a "tomboy? I have a girl classmate, Rose, who acts like a boy. She's outgoing.She loves soccer and likes to play with boys. She even looks like a boy. On the first day of school,I was so surprised that to learn Rose was a girl that I (1)____asked her,"Are you a boy or girl?" But that doesn't matter at all.

    Whenever she goes, she carries the smile along. She also shares it with everyone she meets.When she plays soccer or basketballshe smiles with joy If her team wins, her smile shows joy and pride. If she loses a game, her smile says"They are so good. I had great fun (2)____with them." When she meets a friend, her smile is agreed him, and when she meets a teacher, her smile is filled with respect.

    Every day, when I ask her about my math problems, she tells me everything she knows.Before each math class,I see her either helping the class at the front,or bringing the homework of the class together.I have never seen her say a word of displeasure or boast(夸耀) about her great success in her study.


(1)        (2)  


(2)No matter where she goes,she carries a smile along





(4)What does Rose look like?


(5)What do you think of Rose? Please describe her with two adjectives(形容词)


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Getting English Language Learners to Put Down the Books and Have Some Fun

Even if there's so much about English that can be learned from a book or even in a traditional classroom setting,a lot of the language can still be learned best in more relaxing situations where students are having fun.Here are some suggestions.

★Communicate with strangers.If you live in an area filled with English speakers,get students out of the classroom.(1)    .Students may not speak to strangers,but they'll hear conversations taking place and may begin to understand how the words learnt in the classroom are actually used in everyday speech.

★Let their guard down.One difficult thing for learners is confidence (自信)when they speak English.Fun activities,especially those outside of the classroom,give students a chance to feel relaxed.(2)    .It may take a bit of time at the beginning,but once students get into it,they'll start to get confidence.

★Make use of English media (媒体).Most recorded language instruction is pretty boring and it can get tiring hearing the same voice repeat the same phrases.(3)    .They will hear common expressions and more everyday conversations in the movie.If they're not sure about something they hear,it can turn into a more formal lesson once back in the classroom.

★(4)     .Casual (随意的)conversations give learners the chance to hear or use English in situations.They can talk all they want about expressions to use while dining out or informal words to use with friends,but it takes a trip to McDonald's or a picnic in the park for many of those expressions to truly set in.


You can let students go to a movie in English.


Put them among other English speakers.


They may hate to speak English.


Hear or use English in situations.


They will speak more freely.

(5)How do you learn English? (回答不多于10个单词)                        

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Problems between parents and children are common.If you need to improve your relationship with your parents,you are not alone.To develop a better relationship with your parents,you should change how you think and do things.(1)   .

    Act first.Don't wait for your parents to try to improve the relationship.(2)   .

   Be thankful to your parents.Think about everything that your parents have done for you,you are sure to feel thankful to them.(3)   .Give them a nice gift or do some housework without being asked.They will be happy with you for these actions.

    (4)   .Talk to your parents about things that you care about and your feelings about these things.Often talk to them,and your parents can understand you better.If so,it's easy for them to discuss things that you are interested in and develop the relationship.

    Accept that your parents are different.They grow up in a different situation with different technologies.(5)   .Try to remind them of any problem in their relationships with their parents because of these differences.Use this information when you talk to your parents to improve your relationship with them.

A.Be open and honest.

B.Be brave and hard﹣working.

C.You should take action first.

D.Here is some advice for you.

E.So they think in a different way.

F.Show your thanks with your actions.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You've been learning words since you were a tiny baby.At first,you learned them only by hearing other people talk.Now that you're a reader,you have another way to learn words.What should you do when you come to a word and you think you don't know what it means?(1)    .

Say it

First sound it out.Then say it to yourself.(2)    .Sometimes you know a word in your head but you don't know what it looks like in print.So if you match up what you know and what you read ﹣ you have the word!

Use context

If this doesn't work,take the next step:look at the context the other words and sentences around it.Read this sentence:When it rained,the dog looked for shelter in the doorway.(3)    .Rain and in the doorway might give you helpful information.


If the context doesn't help,look at the parts of the word.Does it have any parts you know?These can help you understand what it means.If you don't know the meaning of miner,try looking at parts of the word.You might know that a mine is a place underground where people get coal and other valuable things.A lot of times, ﹣er at the end of a word means "a person who does something".So a miner might be someone who works in a mine.

Look it up

If the three steps above don't work,you can look it up.(5)    ,either a book or online.

Nobody knows the meaning of every word,but good readers know how to understand words they don't know.

Choose five sentences out of the six in the box to complete the passage.Each choice should be used only once.

A.Use word parts

B.Look at the words

C.It might sound like a word you know

D.You can find the word in a dictionary

E.Following some easy steps can help you

F.If the word shelter doesn't look familiar,look at the words around it

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A recent report found that kids 30years ago could run faster and longer than kids today

The report found that today's kids were 15% less healthy than kids from 30years ngo

You're a 13﹣year﹣old girl.Your mom was the same kind of kid when she was your age.Now imagine we could set upa mile race between you and your mom from 30 years ago.The study shows your mom would probably beat you in the race by 1.5 minutes.I was the same for boys.A boy from 30 years ago would beat a boy today.

The scientists who did the study think there are some reasons for the big fall in health.First,too many of today's kids are overweight. Thatmakes it harder for them to run fast.Second,kids today don't get enough exercise.The doctor says that kids should take exercise at least 60 minutes every day.That's why ③ 学生在学校上体育课是重要的.

So what should kids do?lf you don't want your mom and dad to think they are faster than you,don't spend a lot of time looking through the Internet,watching TV or movies.Instead,do things that will get you up and to move.




79.The report found that kids from 30 years ago were 15%     than today's kids.


80.That's why   


81.What does the underlined word"That"mean in the passage?


82.If you want to be faster than your parents,what should you do?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    I always had a nice cup of tea every morning in my country in Indonesia.(66)  

    When I arrived in the early morning for the first time at Sydney airport,the first thing that I looked for was a coffee shop.Finally,I found a nice coffee shop with many people queuing (排队)to order.(67)  Then a very friendly girl asked me if she could help me.I said that I would like to have a cup of tea.Then she asked me,"(68)  "I thought she was making a morning joke with me.So I said,"Red tea,please."With a very unfriendly face she asked me again,"Black or white tea,please?"(69)  I didn't know what actually black or white tea was.I only knew that having tea is usually with or without sugar.

    One day I had a cup of tea at the university tea room.I saw a lady drinking tea with milk in it.Then I asked her,"(70)  "She smiled and said,"Yes,you can."At that moment,I understood that black tea is no milk added and white tea is with milk.How big is the difference of having tea between Indonesian and Australian people!

A.I didn't say anything.

B.I jumped into the queue.

C.Would you like black or white tea?

D.Can I say that you are having a white tea?

E.It gave me a great feeling in the morning.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It seems that food deliverymen(送货员) are always in a hurry. They wear blue, red or yellow helmets and many of them don't follow traffic rules. (1)   They use mobile phones while driving.

    These rude behaviors have caught the public's attention. In the first half of 2017, food deliverymen had 76 traffic accidents in Shanghai, according to Shanghai Public Security Bureau. That means every two and a half days, a food deliveryman will die or get hurt on the road.

    (2)   The strict rules of the food delivery service companies and the anxious customers may be the answer. Many companies will fine(罚款) a deliveryman up to 2,000 yuan, if he fails to deliver an order on time, reported China Daily. (3)  

    To solve the problem, food delivery service companies need to improve their incentive systems, noted CRI Online. (4)  Shanghai has asked companies to train their deliverymen on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a deliveryman gets caught breaking traffic rules more than twice, then he will be banned(禁止) from driving food service delivery vehicles for a whole year.

A. Some cities are also taking action.

B. What are the strict rules used for?

C. What makes deliverymen take such risks?

D. Fines also go to those who get bad reviews from customers.

E. They drive on the wrong side of the road and run red lights.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

陈琳准备在学校外语文化节上介绍巧克力脆饼(chocolate crunchies)的制作方法.请你帮她从A﹣E中选择相应的图片,填入(1)﹣(5)题的各个步骤中,完成PPT演示文稿.

(1)  Step1.Break the dark chocolate into small pieces.Put them into a saucepan.

(2)  Step2.Add the butter and honey(sugar is also OK).

(3)  Step3.Heat gently until the mixture is smooth.Stir(搅动)the mixture while it is heating.Do not let the mixture boil.

(4)  Step4.Take the saucepan off the heat and wait for 5 minutes.Add the cornflakes to the mixture.Mix it well.

(5)  Step5.Spoon the mixture into paper cake cups.Put the cups with chocolate crunchies into the fridge.Leave them for six hours to set.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
