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A Better Way to Start Your Day

    Whether you love mornings or not, they're a fact of life. If you hate them, here are some ways to make them less awful. If you're a morning person, these tips can make mornings even better!

    (1)  . Be sure to get an adequate (足够的) amount of sleep. Most people need seven or eight hours of sleep to feel their best during the day. If you must get up at 5 or 6 a.m., go to bed early to get your eight hours. Turn off the TV, computer or smart phone and hit the hay. When you get enough sleep, you won't feel sleepy. You can get out of bed on time. That will make your day better, too.

    Turn on some music in the morning. Play any tunes you like. It doesn't matter. (2)  .You'll feel much happier as you start the day.

    (3)  . As your mother said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your body is out of fuel (燃料) by morning. You need some to help you control your blood﹣sugar. That affects your mood(情绪) and energy for the day.

    Don't watch TV or read a newspaper first thing in the morning.Your brain is fresh and ready to work on new things. Don't fill it up with negative (消极的) information about the world and its problems. Instead, read something inspiring(鼓舞人的) or uplifting.(4)  

    Avoid answering QQ or WeChat first thing. Use that precious (宝贵的) morning time to get some exercise, eat breakfast and enjoy life. Check QQ or WeChat last before you leave your house. Then you'll only have time to check the most important messages.(5)  

    Every day is a new day﹣enjoy it!

A. A good breakfast can make your day.

B. Your day will start better if you take time for the important things.

C. A good morning starts the night before.

D. Just turn on something that makes you feel good.

E. This will give you positive thoughts to start your day.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

This story is about Mrs. Jones, an 82﹣year﹣old lady. Although her life was hard, she was always nicely dressed every day. This morning Mrs Jones was moving to the nursing home. The nursing home was very busy. After hours of waiting, Mrs Jones still smiled sweetly when she was told that her room was ready.(1)在去她房间的路上,我告诉她房间是什么样子的.

    Suddenly she said, "I love it!"

    "But Mrs Jones, you haven't seen the room yet!" I was surprised at her reply.She stopped and said,"Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is placed. (2)It depends on how I decide to think about the room. I have already decided to love the room before I actually see it."

    Then she continued, "I have a choice. I can spend the day in bed and consider how tiny my room is.Or I can just get out of bed and be thankful that I can still enjoy a new day. Each day is a gift. (3)I'll enjoy my life and all the happy memoriesI have stored them in my bank account (账户) before."

    Life is like a bank account. You can take out what you've put in. (4)If you have put a lot of happiness in your bank accountyou can take out some of it when you feel sad

    Attitude (态度) is everything.











  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many students think it is too difficult to learn English well, though they know it is important. (1)  

    Firstly, (2)   A lot of people can't speak English well because they are afraid of making mistakes. But in order to improve your spoken English, you need to be brave and confident. Don't care too much about the mistakes in your spoken English. Being able to express your ideas is the most important thing.

    Secondly, (3)   You can watch Hollywood movies like Spider﹣Man and Captain America. Listen to what they say carefully and try to understand the main ideas of the movies.

    Lastly, (4)   I know that students are tired nowadays and you always have to do exercises of different subjects. But practice makes perfect. Only by doing a lot of exercises can you get better English skills.

   (5)   and you just have to find the best way for you.

A.watch English movies.

B.don't be afraid to speak English.

C.listen to English songs.

D.Here are some ideas on how to learn English well.

E.All in all, there are many ways to learn English well,

F.do a lot of English exercises.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Some experts believe that burpee(立卧撑)is the best exercise in the world because this exercise is

one that anyone can do very easily and extremely cheaply.

    How to perform the basic burpee correctly:

(1)  keep your back straight, squat(下蹲) down and place your hands on the floor.

(2)  Begin in a standing position with your back straight and your arms at your sides.

(3)  Bring your feet back to the squat position by placing your hands on the floor. Then jump

straight up as high as you can after the squat position, holding your arms up directly over your head.

(4)  Move your feet back behind you, so that you move from a squat position to a full﹣length legextension. Keep both arms and legs straight and strong.

(5)As a form of exercise, the burpee is   

A.difficult and boring

B.useful but difficult

C.simple and inexpensive

D.simple but expensive

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

You've been learning words since you were a tiny baby. At first, you learned them only by hearing other people talk. Now that you're a reader, you have another way to learn words. What should you do when you come to a word and you think you don't know what it means? (1)  

Say it

    First, sound it out.Then say it to yourself. (2)  .Sometimes you know a word in your head but you don't know what it looks like in print. So if you match up what you know and what you read ﹣ you have the word!

Use context

    If this doesn't work, take the next step: look at the context ﹣ the other words and sentences around it.Read this sentence:When it rained,the dog looked for shelter in the doorway.(3)  Rain and in the doorway might give you helpful information.


    If the context doesn't help, look at the parts of the word. Does it have any parts you know?These can help you understand what it means. If you don't know the meaning of miner, try looking at parts of the word. You might know that a mine is a place underground where people get coal and other valuable things. A lot of times, ﹣er at the end of a word means"a person who does something".So a miner might be someone who works in a mine.

Look it up

    If the three steps above don't work, you can look it up. (5)  ﹣either a book or online.

    Nobody knows the meaning of every word, but good readers know how to understand words they don't know.


A. Use word parts

B. Look at the words

C. It might sound like a word you know

D. You can find the word in a dictionary

E. Following some easy steps can help you

F. If the word shelter doesn't look familiar, look at the words around it

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

陈琳准备在学校外语文化节上介绍巧克力脆饼(chocolate crunchies)的制作方法.请你帮她从A﹣E中选择相应的图片,填入(1)﹣(5)题的各个步骤中,完成PPT演示文稿.

(1)  Step1.Break the dark chocolate into small pieces.Put them into a saucepan.

(2)  Step2.Add the butter and honey(sugar is also OK).

(3)  Step3.Heat gently until the mixture is smooth.Stir(搅动)the mixture while it is heating.Do not let the mixture boil.

(4)  Step4.Take the saucepan off the heat and wait for 5 minutes.Add the cornflakes to the mixture.Mix it well.

(5)  Step5.Spoon the mixture into paper cake cups.Put the cups with chocolate crunchies into the fridge.Leave them for six hours to set.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A middle﹣aged man, Xu Shijie, from Kaifeng is a pedicab(三轮车) driver, or rather, a tour guide. Over the past 15 years, he has served hundreds of foreign tourists. He told them stories about Kaifeng in English.

    (1)   With the help of a dictionary, he read English magazines and books in his spare time. He also kept a diary in English. Thus, he could learn more new words and grammar.

     He first talked to a foreign tourist in 2003. He was nervous and not sure whether the tourist could understand him or not Luckily, the tourist understood him and they talked happily that day.

      Since then, Xu has studied English even harder. He practiced listening and speaking skills every night. In order to provide a better introduction to Kaifeng, he has also read lots of books about the city's history and culture. Xu is now better known as Jason, his English name. He has become the most popular pedicab driver in Kaifeng.(2)   He often helps tourists buy train tickets or medicine. Sometimes, he also helps them find quality hotels. Many people call Xu a culture ambassador. XU said he would try his best to live up to the praise and make Chinese culture known to the world.


A. Xu has learned English all by himself.

B. At first, people laughed at Xu's poor pronunciation of English.

C. Foreign tourists don't care about Xu's best service.

D. This is not only because he can speak English, but also because he is warm﹣hearted.

练习二:Translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.  

练习三:What does the passage mainly talk about?                      


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a fine day. Sherlock Holmes invited his best friend Doctor Watson to go camping with him. They found a nice hill and put up their tent.Then they went fishing and climbed the hill.(1)  They began to chat(聊天) happily.

    "Watson, look up into the sky and tell me what you can see."said Holmes.

    "(2)  "Watson replied.

    Holmes asked again, "What does that tell you?"

    Watson thought for a while,"It tells me that there are tons of galaxies(星系) and planets."

    Holmes continued asking, "(3)  "

    Watson smiled. "It tells me that God is great and powerful. At the same time, (4) ___ "

    "Oh, I think so. Is that all?"asked Holmes.

    "No, as for the weather, (5)   What does it tell you?"Watson said.

    Holmes laughed. "Someone has stolen our tent."

A. They went to sleep early.

B. humans are tiny.

C. At the end of the day, the two friends lay down on the grass for the night.

D. it will be a sunny day tomorrow.

E. What else does it tell you?

F. It was raining hard when they got to the top of the hill.

G. I can see millions of stars in the sky.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Liao Yifeng, a police officer, working in a small village in Wuhan, is a "father" to thirty nine "left﹣behind" children, whose parents are working far away from home and seldom spent time with them.

    Wang Tianle, an eight﹣year﹣old boy, was the first to call Liao "Dad". Wang's parents divorced when he was only six months old. He never saw his mother again and his father later disappeared after getting into debt. When Liao learned that the boy couldn't even afford the 100 yuan monthly school living fees, ①             , bring 100 yuan.

    During last year's Mid﹣Autumn Festival, Liao carried a kilo of meat and pig's feet to his home. After dinner, the boy put his arm around Liao's neck and asked sweetly, "Uncle Liao, can I call you daddy?" Liao was deeply moved,               

    With a two﹣year﹣old son of his own, Liao said he knew how important a father's love was to a child.

    In Wang Tianle's school, there are 407 left﹣behind children. With the help of teachers, Liao knows clearly each child's home conditions and pays more attention to the 39 children whose families are the poorest.

    Liao has built a special room named "family love room" in the police station, where Liao helped these left﹣behind children with their homework and taught them about safety in his spare time.

    Moreover, a computer in the "family love room" play an indispensable role because it offers a precious opportunity for Liao to help children whose parents are working far way to chat with them online.


A. and he made up his min to be a good "father"

B. he felt upset and began going to his home every month

C. but he didn't know what to do


(2)Where can we find the article like this?  

A. In a guidebook.

B. In science magazines.

C. In an instruction book.

D. In newspapers.

(3)请将文中划线部分"Liao has built a special room named ‘family love room' in the police station."译成汉语.


(4)Mark T(true) or F(false) according to the passage.

   Thanks Liao's help, parents can communicate with their children.

(5)请用至少两个英文形容词来评价 "Liao Yifeng".


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


    Do you ever wish you were as thin as a model(模特) or as strong as your favourite football player? Maybe you wish you were taller or just thinner a little. Those thoughts are a natural part of growing up.

But learning what you can and can't change about your body is part of growing up, too. It can be hard to do. But when people accept the way they look, they often feel happier.

    Some children worry that they're not growing and developing as fast as their friends. It's important to know that puberty(青春期) doesn't happen at the same time for every child. And there are no special medicines that can make it happen sooner!

    Eating healthy foods and exercising more can make all children feel better. Why? Because they will help you feel energetic (精力充沛的) and keep your body working just the way it should be.

    Watching TV and playing computer games can be fun, but they don't do much for your body because you sit when you do them.

    But when you move your body﹣by playing, dancing, taking part in sports, or even cleaning your room﹣you exercise your muscles(肌肉). When you exercise the muscle, it gets stronger. And when you have strong muscles, you can do whatever you want to do!


(1)When do people often feel happier about their bodies according to the passage?  

(2)What do some children worry about in the third paragraph?


(3)Why do not watching TV and playing computers do much for your body?


(4)How does your muscle become when you exercise it? (仅用一词回答)




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Laurence Kim was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 11, 1951. He was not like other children when he was young. A medical scan (扫描) showed that the two halves of his brain were not connected in the usual way. He developed an amazing memory. He started to read when he was two. He remembered everything he had read.

    To read more quickly, he read the left page with his left eye and the right page with his right eye. By reading the two pages at the same time, (1)看完一本书花他不到一小时的时间.By the age of 30, he had memorized around 12,000 books.

    However, he did not develop so well in other areas. (2)He could not walk before four years old , and he had problems putting on his clothes and shoes. His social skills were poor, and he was extremely sensitive (敏感的) about new people. In 1984, Peek and his father met Hollywood movie writer Barry Morrow. Morrow was fascinated by Peek and began to write a new play about Peek's experiences. The movie Rain Man won an Oscar for Best Picture in 1988. (3)This changed Peek's life. (4)He got used to being the center of attention. He became more self﹣confident. He appeared on TV and traveled around the country with his father to develop awareness(意识) of his condition.

    Peek was not only an amazing man but also a real Rain Man. Sadly, Peek died of a heart attack in 2009.



任务三:写出(3)处 "this" 指代的内容.  



  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I did not grow up in a family with books.(1)   My process of being a reader seemed amazing. I got lost in one book that opened up my world and changed my life.

    My primary school teacher always gave her pupils time to read for pleasure in school. She believed it would improve reading greatly.(2)   It was a biography(传记) of actress Greta Garbo. I picked it up and began to read from cover to cover. The words I read attracted(吸引) me and I was excited. I realized that there were other women like Greta who had made great efforts and changed their lives. I recognized(认识) myself in her.

    From then on, my teacher had a hard time keeping me supplied(提供) with books. She dug up all the biographies of women that she could find.(3)  

    It has been a long road. I am now a physics professor in a university.(4)     Recently, someone gave me Justice Sonia Sotomayor's autobiography. Once again, I am encouraged and am imagining new possibilities for my life.

A. Most of my time is spent reading scientific literature.

B. Their stories were like road maps that allowed me to see where I could go on with my life.

C. In my home, there was neither time nor energy to read.

D. Reading plays an important role in my life.

E. One day, she put a book on my desk.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently,teenagers face many kinds of problems.Like many of them.I was once troubled with worries and dissatisfaction.Few people could understand my feelings.(1)   

    "The problem with your generation is that you always expect to be happy," my mother once said.(2)   Shouldn't we try hard to achieve it?

    But now I have noticed a change in my thinking.I gradually realize what my mother said was correct.Over these years,many studies have shown that we are crazy about happiness and high personal confidence(3)    In fact,we may often be happier when we stop focusing on happiness.

    We should also reset our expectations of the future.Don't expect miracles(奇迹),and accept that no matter how hard we try,feelings of failure and unhappiness will appear from time to time.When we feel sad,it's often because we have learned something painful but important.(4)   At the same time,we should learn how to deal with them better than trying to make them disappear.

    (5)   As my mother tried to teach me all those years ago, "Prepare for the worst,hope for the best,and be unsurprised by everything in between."

A.Neither could my parents.

B.We should keep the stress off ourselves.

C.Surely happiness was the purpose of living.

D.That may make us less satisfied with our lives.

E.Happiness arrives when we are least expecting it.

F.So it's necessary for us to accept sad feelings as part of life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Starting your new school life can be difficult.Everything seems hard,and you don't even know where to go for your own classes.(1)    Here are some suggestions on how to make friends at a new school.

Be active to start a conversation.A smile goes a long way.When walking in the halls,don't keep your eyes on the floor.If you see someone,give them a smile or say hi.(2)    

Remember people's names.(3)    You can say something like, "I remember you said something very interesting yesterday and wanted to talk about it some more,but I'm new here and don't remember your name yet.Would you mind telling me again?"

Join some clubs and activities.A new school and a new group of classmates offer more chances to explore(探索) some new interests. (4)    There you can meet people who share your interests and are looking forward to making new friends too.

(5)     Do you want to help the old or protect the environment?Speak up.Share your unique(独特的) ideas in the new school.Your new schoolmates will remember you immediately.They are more likely to talk with you and know you better.Then you will be able to make new friends.



Have an opinion.


Making new friends can be hard too.


If not,don't be afraid to ask them more than once.


They will smile and introduce themselves to you too.


Try to develop your skills as a leader in the new school.


This is a great help to you to have your first talk with others.


Try to be a member of a sports team or a part of a school play.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dawa Dorji has many jobs: singer, barkeeper and English tour guide, but he is most famous as the lead singer of the first folk (民间的) pop band in Tibet (西藏).

    In 2003, Dawa Dorji met two fans of Tibetan music. (1)  ,and later another two joined the band.

    (2)  , so they had to practise on weekdays in a small village after work. Dawa Dorji and his band members believed that they needed to communicate with their audience (听众) in order to write good songs. (3)  

    At the beginning, most audience were foreigners, but after a couple of months, many local people came to enjoy their music. (4)  

    "Whenever there is a festival, we Tibetans sing and dance. I sang songs with the old people, and I learned more about how to sing," said Dawa Dorji.

    (5)  , and many of them are from traditional ones.

    Dawa Dorji believes that their efforts (努力) are meaningful for introducing Tibetan folk music to the whole nation, and even the whole world.

A. Dawa Dorji was born in Lhasa

B. Each member of the band had his own job

C. They became good friends and started a band

D. As a result, the band became more and more popular

E. So at weekends they rushed to restaurants to sing for free

F. So far, four albums(唱片) with 48 Tibetan language songs have come out

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
