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Are You Ready For High School?

If you can do these things by the time you go to high school, you'll get on well with others in high school.


    A little respect (尊重) goes a long way. Don't help yourself to her personal things in the room, and let her know if you plan to treat friends there. If you don't feel like you're being treated fairly, have a talk face to face.


    The first meeting with someone really does matter. To make an immediate connection, look a person in the eye and give a firm handshake. Keep eye contact while you're chatting and mention the person's name when saying goodbye.


    One study found that holding something in can make you feel lonely and sad. So for your health and friendships, write down the secret in a safe place instead of talking about others in public.


    If someone did something nice for you﹣a gift, some help, now's the time to take out your pen! Sending the person a handwritten note card within 48 hours afterward is a sign that you really have it together.

A. Keep a Secret

B. Be the Best Roommate

C. Make a Great First Impression (印象)

D. Write a Fantastic Thank﹣You Note

(5)Please give one more suggestion on how to get on well with others.(回答不多于5个单词)


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Time Management

       Do you ever wish you had more time? Everyone gets the same amount of time each day, But here are some ways to use those hours better.As a popular saying says, "Work smarter,not harder."

       The most important way to manage your time is to set priorities(优先权)(1)  Also,consider whether or not they are urgent﹣if they need to be done right away.It can be easy to forget important tasks that aren't urgent, so make time for them.

       Decide ahead of time what you're going to do at certain times each day.Schedule times not only to meet people but also to do things alone. Then you can make sure every thing gets done.

       (2)  Are you smarter in the morning,afternoon or evening? Schedule difficult tasks for times you feel good,saving easy ones for when you're tired.

       Write down what you need to do and when.I keep two to﹣do lists: one for the present tasks and one for larger projects I'm working on.(3)   And I don't get discouraged by looking at a long list of items I can't finish. I focus on the shorter list of each days tasks.

       (4)   When someone wants to give you a task,think carefully.Is it really important enough to spend your precious( 宝贵的) time on? Could someone else do it instead?

       (5)   If you're in charge of running a meeting,keep it short.Reading articles or talking to friends online can also use up much of your time.Don't allow it.

       In the end,using time well is about making a good plan and sticking to it.

A.Think about the time of day you work best.

B.That way I can make sure I don't forget anything.

C.Figure out (弄明白) which of your tasks is the most important.

D.Often,managing time means saying no to things that aren't so important.

E.Meetings also tend to be a waste of time, so avoid them whenever possible.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Yingxiu Town of Wenchuan, Qi Jianfeng attended the 10th anniversary(周年纪念日) of Wenchuan Earthquake with hundreds of doctors and volunteers, (1)  

    Wenchuan was hit by a strong earthquake on May 12th,2008.At least 69,000 people were killed and more than 375,000 were hurt.(2)  Soldiers and doctors quickly arrived in the area.At that time,they were saving people and rebuilding (重建) homes.(3)  he wanted to help those who had lost their families or homes. Qi Jian feng sorked as a volunteer after the earthquake. He also listened to the local people carefully so that they had someone to talk to.

   Qi's job lasted (持续的)for three years. (4)  but Qi kept on staying here. He saw the destroyed (毁坏的) place become a new town. The beautiful mountains and friendly people made him prefer to work here. He got a job and bought an apartment in Wenchuan.(5)  He hopes to help people specially the young receive earthquake traning.

    Although the earthquake broke many things apart, it brought everyone closer together.

A. It was easy enough to save the people under the buildings.

B. He never imagined what a big difference an earthquake made to his life.

C. Most volunteers have left Wenchuan.

D. He has remained in Wenchuan ever since then.

E. As soon as Qi Jianfeng heard the news.

F. Many people became homeless.

G. Qi Jianfeng was on his way to Wenchuan.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.Talk to your parents and let them know you want to have other activities.A healthy mind and body will be good for your study.

B.Try to make friends with your classmates.Be friendly to others.Don't look down upon others even though they are not as good as you in study.

C.You don't need to do any exercises if you get high marks in your exercises.

D.Go to bed earlier at night.Concentrate on(聚精会神) what the teacher says.If you have any questions,ask the teacher at once.

E.Don't worry.Just take it easy.You will certainly make progress if you can keep on.

F.You can have a talk with your teacher.Tell him how you are feeling.And make up your mind to study harder.

Match the advice according to what you read.

(1)    I often feel sleepy in class.I don't know what the teacher is saying and I don't know how to do homework,either.

(2)    I am not a good student in my teachers' eyes.It seems that the teacher cares little about such students like me.I feel sad about this.

(3)    My parents are very strict with me.I am not allowed to have any fun even listening to music.I get sick of sitting there and doing exercises again and again.

(4)    I know I am not talented.Even though I work hard on my study,I make no progress.I feel sad.

(5)    I do very well in my study.My teachers and parents are proud of me.But I am not happy at all.I don't know how to get on well with others.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

匹配 阅读下篇材料,从所给的A﹣F六个选项中,选出正确的选项填空,使短文通顺,内容完整.

    If you want to be successful, you should learn how to start your day. Although you cannot achieve all your goals in one day, starting your day in a correct way is still important. Here are some ideas on how to start your day right.

    Get up an hour early.

    (1)  .This means that people who get up early can have a good start and are more likely(可能的)to succeed.


    Health experts say drinking a cup of water in the morning can speed up our body's metabolism(新陈代谢).Then we can study or work more actively.


    Your breakfast is ready. But you decide to check WeChat quickly. Well, you'd better not.


    Exercise in the morning.

    Some people may disagree with this one. Some people like to exercise after work.

    (5)   because by the end of the day, you may not have the time or energy to exercise. Exercising in the morning prevents that from happening.

A.The early bird gets the worm.

B.Drink a glass of water.

C.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

D.Experts suggest doing exercise in the morning.

E.It will waste your morning time.

F.Don't check Wechat when you get up.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Inside of the World

    When I was a very little boy, I was always asking questions.

    One day when I was walking with my nurse along the city street, I asked,"Jane what's under the street?""Oh, just dirt(尘土)," she replied." And what is under the dirt?Oh, more dirt. " she replied.

    (1)  .So I asked again, "Well, what's under that?""Oh, nothing﹣I don't know﹣why are you always asking so many questions? "she asked.

    I knew there must be something under that.(2)  I also heard that Chinese lived on the other sideof the world, head down, I wanted to find out if that was true.

    (3)  ,down, down, down. till I came through on the other side, and then I would know.I was a very little boy, you see. With a small shovel(铁锹), I started a hole in the backyard behind the grapevines(葡萄藤). No one knew what I was doing.(4)  

    Then one evening my father asked, "What's that hole in the backyard? " (5)  He didn't laugh when I told him, but he asked me if I knew how far I would have to dig.

    I hadn't dug through the world, but I did know how far it was.

A. I knew my secret was out

B. I wasn't satisfied with her answer

C. And I just wanted to know what it was

D. So I made up my mind I would dig down through the world

E. I wanted to keep it a secret until I had dug all the way through

F. As a result, I became closer and closer to the inside of the world

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fire is useful and important to us. You use it to cook meals every day. But if you are not careful, the fire may take place anytime. Many people get hurt or die in fires. So knowing how to ①/prɔ'tekt/          yourself in the fire is very important.

    When the fire happens, the first thing you must do is to find safe routes(路线)to get away quickly. ②If you are in the taller floors of the buildingyou can't use the lift. You should run out along the stairs. From the lower floors of the building, you can jump out through the window if it is③/'nesəsərI/    

    If you can't get out of the noon, you must be careful of the smoke.④事实上,大部分人在火灾中死于浓烟. Find something wet to cover your nose and mouth. Keep low to the ground,and you will take in(吸入) less smoke. And you can also open the window, keep your head outside to get fresh air and shout for help.

    Remember: Nothing is more important than your life. You must leave everything behind, your money, your pets and so on. After you're out, don't go back for anything.

 Follow those waysand you can keep safe in the fire 


①/prɔ'tekt/  ;③/'nesəsərI/  




A. In those ways, you can make good use of fire

B. Follow those ways, and you can keep safe in the fire

C. In those ways, you can take everything out of the fire

D. Follow those ways, and you can save other people's lives

(5)what is the most important thing you should remember in the fire according to the passage?             

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many of us have had the same "pleasant surprise".After you mark a song as a favorite on a music app(程序),it suggests songs of the same kind to listen to (1)    

   Big data(数据)is a lot of sets of information that are put together so they can be used by a computer program.It can have different kinds of information from many sources(来源),such as information that comes from schools,social media sites,companies,and governments. (2)    Another set can have what they like,where they go to school,and how much time they spend on the computer.

   (3)    The government uses it to understand how many people travel on buses or trains.The information is then used to make bus or train systems better.Companies use big data,too.It helps them understand who buys their products.For example,one company uses weather data to see when people eat the most ice﹣cream.

   Big data can be used for good reasons.Some hospitals use big data to predict if a baby who is born too early will get sick.The hospital can then take extra steps to take care of that baby so he or she does not get sick. (4)    It can be used to predict which kinds of people are likely to break the law or hurt others,even if they have not done anything wrong.

   (5)    It is because the computer programs used to look at big data and understand it are written by people.People think a certain way.Because they think a certain way,they build a model of those ideas.These ideas are then used to look at the data.Sometimes,these ideas are helpful for people or businesses.Other times,bad ideas can cause problems for certain groups of people.


Big data can be used in many ways.


Why do we use big data for bad things?


Big data can also be used for bad reasons.


How can big data be used for good and bad things?


One set of data can have people's names and addresses.


In fact,this magic,mind﹣reading power depends on data.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Reading an English newspaper is a good way to improve a student's language ability.As there are many useful and common words in an English newspaper,it may help students increase their vocabulary(词汇量)as well as improve their reading skills.(66)他们可以从报纸上学到新的知识. But what is the proper way to read an English newspaper?Do students need to look over all the content(内容)of the newspaper?

The first step is to choose a right newspaper with good language.Then turn to the front page and read the headlines(标题)to know what has happened.As the most important things are put on the front page,it's easy to find out what you're interested in and then turn to the page to read it completely.(67)There is no need to go through all the articles

Secondly,read newspapers every day.Remember words through context(上下文),in which these words may appear repeatedly.(68)Once they appear several timesyou will remember them easily.Don't look up every unknown word in your dictionary.You can try to guess the meaning between sentences.(69)如果你的猜测错了,不要放弃.Keep reading,and you will become familiar with the words after reading them several times in different texts.

Reading English newspapers makes us knowledgeable.(70)It can not only help us know what is happening in the world but also improve our language

66. They can learn new knowledge from newspapers 

67. 没有必要浏览所有的文章 

68. 一旦这些词出现多次,你就能轻而易举地记住它们了 

69. If your guess is wrongdon't give up 

70. 读英语报纸不仅能帮助我们了解时事,而且还能提高我们的语言水平 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.Remember the environment

B.Keep a good memory for your holiday

C.Travel with your friends

D.Do some research

E.Get organized

F.Help the local population

Travel Tips for Holidays Abroad

Everyone loves holiday abroad.They give us the chance to see some sights,have some fun and relax.However,holidays aren't always a great experience.Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday.


Have you packed your passport?Your tickets?Every year,thousands of people miss flights because they've forgotten their passport,they arrive at the airport too late,or even go to the wrong airport.


How much do you know about the place you are going to visit?Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people.Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends.


Try to reduce the pollution you cause.Travel by train if you can.Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train.Of course,it might be impossible to avoid flying,but when you arrive,use buses or trains instead of taxis.


You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants.This means that your money will go to local people,rather than to a large international company.


You don't want to forget your holiday.Make a scrapbook﹣a book of memories﹣about your holiday.You can show it to friends,or just use it to remember all the good times you had! And don't forget the new friends you made on holiday.Did you promise to send them pictures or presents?Don't forget to do it! Then next time you go on holiday,you can visit them again.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Liao Yifeng, a police officer, working in a small village in Wuhan, is a "father" to thirty nine "left﹣behind" children, whose parents are working far away from home and seldom spent time with them.

    Wang Tianle, an eight﹣year﹣old boy, was the first to call Liao "Dad". Wang's parents divorced when he was only six months old. He never saw his mother again and his father later disappeared after getting into debt. When Liao learned that the boy couldn't even afford the 100 yuan monthly school living fees, ①             , bring 100 yuan.

    During last year's Mid﹣Autumn Festival, Liao carried a kilo of meat and pig's feet to his home. After dinner, the boy put his arm around Liao's neck and asked sweetly, "Uncle Liao, can I call you daddy?" Liao was deeply moved,               

    With a two﹣year﹣old son of his own, Liao said he knew how important a father's love was to a child.

    In Wang Tianle's school, there are 407 left﹣behind children. With the help of teachers, Liao knows clearly each child's home conditions and pays more attention to the 39 children whose families are the poorest.

    Liao has built a special room named "family love room" in the police station, where Liao helped these left﹣behind children with their homework and taught them about safety in his spare time.

    Moreover, a computer in the "family love room" play an indispensable role because it offers a precious opportunity for Liao to help children whose parents are working far way to chat with them online.


A. and he made up his min to be a good "father"

B. he felt upset and began going to his home every month

C. but he didn't know what to do


(2)Where can we find the article like this?  

A. In a guidebook.

B. In science magazines.

C. In an instruction book.

D. In newspapers.

(3)请将文中划线部分"Liao has built a special room named ‘family love room' in the police station."译成汉语.


(4)Mark T(true) or F(false) according to the passage.

   Thanks Liao's help, parents can communicate with their children.

(5)请用至少两个英文形容词来评价 "Liao Yifeng".


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It seems that food deliverymen(送货员) are always in a hurry. They wear blue, red or yellow helmets and many of them don't follow traffic rules. (1)   They use mobile phones while driving.

    These rude behaviors have caught the public's attention. In the first half of 2017, food deliverymen had 76 traffic accidents in Shanghai, according to Shanghai Public Security Bureau. That means every two and a half days, a food deliveryman will die or get hurt on the road.

    (2)   The strict rules of the food delivery service companies and the anxious customers may be the answer. Many companies will fine(罚款) a deliveryman up to 2,000 yuan, if he fails to deliver an order on time, reported China Daily. (3)  

    To solve the problem, food delivery service companies need to improve their incentive systems, noted CRI Online. (4)  Shanghai has asked companies to train their deliverymen on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a deliveryman gets caught breaking traffic rules more than twice, then he will be banned(禁止) from driving food service delivery vehicles for a whole year.

A. Some cities are also taking action.

B. What are the strict rules used for?

C. What makes deliverymen take such risks?

D. Fines also go to those who get bad reviews from customers.

E. They drive on the wrong side of the road and run red lights.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recently,teenagers face many kinds of problems.Like many of them.I was once troubled with worries and dissatisfaction.Few people could understand my feelings.(1)   

    "The problem with your generation is that you always expect to be happy," my mother once said.(2)   Shouldn't we try hard to achieve it?

    But now I have noticed a change in my thinking.I gradually realize what my mother said was correct.Over these years,many studies have shown that we are crazy about happiness and high personal confidence(3)    In fact,we may often be happier when we stop focusing on happiness.

    We should also reset our expectations of the future.Don't expect miracles(奇迹),and accept that no matter how hard we try,feelings of failure and unhappiness will appear from time to time.When we feel sad,it's often because we have learned something painful but important.(4)   At the same time,we should learn how to deal with them better than trying to make them disappear.

    (5)   As my mother tried to teach me all those years ago, "Prepare for the worst,hope for the best,and be unsurprised by everything in between."

A.Neither could my parents.

B.We should keep the stress off ourselves.

C.Surely happiness was the purpose of living.

D.That may make us less satisfied with our lives.

E.Happiness arrives when we are least expecting it.

F.So it's necessary for us to accept sad feelings as part of life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Starting your new school life can be difficult.Everything seems hard,and you don't even know where to go for your own classes.(1)    Here are some suggestions on how to make friends at a new school.

Be active to start a conversation.A smile goes a long way.When walking in the halls,don't keep your eyes on the floor.If you see someone,give them a smile or say hi.(2)    

Remember people's names.(3)    You can say something like, "I remember you said something very interesting yesterday and wanted to talk about it some more,but I'm new here and don't remember your name yet.Would you mind telling me again?"

Join some clubs and activities.A new school and a new group of classmates offer more chances to explore(探索) some new interests. (4)    There you can meet people who share your interests and are looking forward to making new friends too.

(5)     Do you want to help the old or protect the environment?Speak up.Share your unique(独特的) ideas in the new school.Your new schoolmates will remember you immediately.They are more likely to talk with you and know you better.Then you will be able to make new friends.



Have an opinion.


Making new friends can be hard too.


If not,don't be afraid to ask them more than once.


They will smile and introduce themselves to you too.


Try to develop your skills as a leader in the new school.


This is a great help to you to have your first talk with others.


Try to be a member of a sports team or a part of a school play.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dawa Dorji has many jobs: singer, barkeeper and English tour guide, but he is most famous as the lead singer of the first folk (民间的) pop band in Tibet (西藏).

    In 2003, Dawa Dorji met two fans of Tibetan music. (1)  ,and later another two joined the band.

    (2)  , so they had to practise on weekdays in a small village after work. Dawa Dorji and his band members believed that they needed to communicate with their audience (听众) in order to write good songs. (3)  

    At the beginning, most audience were foreigners, but after a couple of months, many local people came to enjoy their music. (4)  

    "Whenever there is a festival, we Tibetans sing and dance. I sang songs with the old people, and I learned more about how to sing," said Dawa Dorji.

    (5)  , and many of them are from traditional ones.

    Dawa Dorji believes that their efforts (努力) are meaningful for introducing Tibetan folk music to the whole nation, and even the whole world.

A. Dawa Dorji was born in Lhasa

B. Each member of the band had his own job

C. They became good friends and started a band

D. As a result, the band became more and more popular

E. So at weekends they rushed to restaurants to sing for free

F. So far, four albums(唱片) with 48 Tibetan language songs have come out

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
