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he; go;   take;   race;   world;   difficult; well; wide; have; be

For most of us Chinese, Rick Clay might not be so popular. However, the name is     (1)   known in the sports field. Rick Clay lives in Wellington, New Zealand. He is one of the(2)   top athletes (田径运动员). He first became famous five years ago when he broke the 400m world record.

Rick(3)   won five gold medals (奖牌) in the last few years. This year has been very(4)   for Rick, however. In May, he had bad luck because he hurt(5)   by accident while he was preparing for this year's Tokyo World Championships. He was(6)   to the hospital. The doctor said it was not serious but would still take some time for him to be all right again. Ever since then, he has not run in any more(7)   

Rick has tried to be positive (积极的) about his health."It's been a hard year,but I'm getting(8)   , though it takes time," he said. "I love green plants and flowers.There (9)   many in my yard. I have done lots of gardening and spent more time with my family. So that's good."

The next world competition is in Sydney in December."I really want to (10)   . But I'm not sure if my leg will be ready for the game. I do hope it will be by then."

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Last term,Peter was (76)    at home.His parents were doing business in another city.He felt lonely,so be often turned on the computer and palyed computer (77)    .However,sitting in front of the computer for a long time is (78)    for him.And he spent little time on his study.He failed his exams.Luckily,his parents (79)    his problem in time,They decided to come back home.Peter studies hard now.So far,he has made progress in his study.He (80)    he can catch up with his classmates soon.

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because   bring   city   easy   even   goal   important   make   repeat   they

Chile (智利) is a long and beautiful country with ocean to the west and mountains to the east.Some of the villages are a very long way from(1)   and some of the schools are very small.

It is difficult for small schools to teach science(2)   they don't have enough teachers or equipment(设备).This is where the Science Bus Project can help.The bus(3)   special science teachers,new ideas and equipment to schools in different parts of the country.Sometimes the children go inside the bus for(4)   science lessons or clubs.Sometimes the teachers(5)   bring the equipment inside the classroom.The children do experiments(实验).The materials used in the experiments are(6)   to find,for example recycled plastic bottles,so that the class teacher can(7)   the experiments with the class when the bus has gone.

The(8)   of the Science Bus Project is to bring science to children all over Chile.Since 2012,the bus has visited lots of schools in Chile,and hundreds of teachers have learned how(9)   their science classes fun and exciting.

Science is(10)   for all of us,as it helps us understand our world and we can learn about it inside or outside of the classroom.

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fail knife exactly thanks to himself

(1)Every time when she       ,Jane tells herself not to give up.

(2)        the high﹣speed trains,our journey becomes much shorter now.

(3)Many people can't remember       when their mothers' birthdays are.

(4)Western people eat with       and forks while Chinese people use chopsticks.

(5)Bob told his parents that he could look after      even when he was home alone.

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present;   if;   last;   they;   usual;   other;   interest;   good;   help;   have

Friendship and kindness go hand in hand.A friendship can(1)   forever when friends are kind to each other.

People(2)   become friends because they have something in common.They share many of the same(3)   and like to be together.It is easy to be a friend when everything is going great, but a true friend is one who sticks around in both the(4)   times and the bad.A good friend will cheer you up when you are(5)   a bad day.Show a friend you care. Ask the other person,"What can I do to help you?"and be willing to do it.

Listen to your friends.Be honest.Tell(6)   what is wrong if they have hurt you.Send a card, give them a little(7)   , or call them on the phone just to say "I value our friendship".(8)   whenever and wherever you can.Good friendships are not easy to develop, but a friendship can last forever (9)   you are loyal and sincere.If you are a friend to(10)   , they will usually be a friend to you.Friends make life better.

Word Bank

loyal 忠实的

sincere 真诚的

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last;   paint;     develop;    visit;       seem

(1)I   the wall several times yesterday. However, the rain has just washed the colour off.

(2)Boys and girls, join in the summer camp, and you   some basic life skills.

(3)It   too late. Let's have a rest and work on the plan tomorrow morning, shall we?

(4)Those foreigners couldn't stop taking photos while they   the Suzhou Gardens.

(5)The film festival   for a week. You will have one more week to enjoy films for free.

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age   who   like    child    though    protect

you   ask    find    fall      about     complete

A female swimming athlete once set a goal(目标)for herself. She decided to swim across the English Channel before she retired. If she could succeed, she would be the first person in the world (1)   did it. On that day, she jumped into the sea without any hesitation(犹豫)and swam towards the opposite bank without any (2)   . In the journey, she faced heavy fog, heavy rain and heavy waves. (3)   she was tired, she still carried on swimming. But in the end, she gave up. And she didn't know that the opposite bank was only one mile away when she gave up.

Later she(4)   about the reason. And she said, "The reason why I gave up is that I could not see the place which I was going to reach(5)   ." It was a great pity that one mile broke her dream.

Since we were young (6)   , too many success stories have been telling us about courage and persistence(坚持). But they never told us where (7)   courage and persistence. You can only have courage when you know where your goal is. You can only manage to persist when you know where your goal is.

And that's because when you know where your goal is, you can only prepare(8)   well in the mind. Courage and persistence never (9)   from the sky. They come from weighing between input and output.

A life without goal is(10)   a ship without a compass. It goes nowhere. There is no courage or persistence in a life without goals.

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clear complete excite follow health interview luck shine silence ten touch well

When the other models appeared on the stage, the audience cheered and clapped. Then it was Niu’s turn. The audience suddenly became __(1)___. However, after four or five seconds, Niu ___(2)___ heard someone next to the stage say in admiration, “So cool!”

Niu Yu, 24, became a(n) __(3)__ star at Shanghai Fashion Week for her confidence, even though she was wearing a prosthetic leg. When Niu was only 11, she ___(4)___ lost her right leg during the Wenchuan Earthquake.

Niu has won lots of praise. This gives those who have prejudice(偏见) against the disabled a hit on the nose.

“I __(5)__ by something they said. They said the traditional view was that sports were for people with __(6)___ legs, but sports should be a kind of spirit. Even though I have lost a leg, I still deeply love sports and will do so forever,” Niu said. Actually, Niu first drew the public's attention when she __(7)__ a marathon—a 42-kilometer race in 2018, which was held in Wenchuan to mark the ___(8)___ anniversary(周年纪念) of the earthquake.

Now, Niu works as a photographer and has more than 850, 000 __(9)__ on social platforms, such as Douyin. “I feel I have a social responsibility to bridge the disabled and the public. Showing my life to the public can allow them to ___(10)___ understand our group and can also tell other disabled people that our society is more tolerant(宽容) than they imagined,” she explained.

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surprise; a; help; hand; with; final; good; but; note; ask

Danny lived a hard life with his mother in a small town. Although they were poor, they were always ___1___ to those in need.

One day, Danny saw ___2___ old man carry a huge bag. The man looked tired and hungry. He ___3___ people to help him carry the bag. ___4___ nobody agreed to help him. Danny offered to give him a ___5___. The old man told Danny that he had no money to pay him.

___6___ a laugh, Danny said that he was just trying to help. He asked the old man where he wanted to go. He told Danny to follow him.

___7___, the old man stopped right in front of Danny’s house. “This is my house!” cried Danny. The old man just turned around and told Danny, “This bag is for you. Use it ___8___.” Then he went off. Danny opened the bag and was ___9___ to find a lot of money inside. A ___10___ inside it said, “Help comes to those help.”

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be; I; number; polite; walk

One day, a little boy came into a shop. He ___1___ to the shop assistant(售货员) and said, “I’d like twelve exercise books of six cents each and nine pencils of ten cents each. How much are they?”

The shop assistant wrote these ___2___ down on a piece of paper and thought for a minute. Then she answered, “$1.62.”

“If I give you $10, how much money will I get back?”

“You will get $8.38 for change. Here you are. These ___3___ the things you want.”

“No, thanks. In fact, I don’t need to buy anything. This is ___4___ math homework.” The boy looked at the piece of paper and asked ___5___, “Can I take it away?”

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first, require, among, care, be, different, both, habit, how, finally

Cooking is supposed to be the most basic living skill for humans. However, there are many kids who are used to being fed and taken ____1____ of everywhere like “little emperors and little princesses”. They can’t tell the ____2____between food materials like leeks(韭菜)and shallots(小葱).

In order to stress(强调)the importance of hard-working spirit education ____3____ students, the Communist Party of China Central Committee recently released(发布)the guidelines. The guidelines call for students to respect labor(劳动)work. Students should learn basic life skills and develop good working ____4____ through such education.

Students will be ____5____ to understand and master the basics of home cooking from preparing vegetables to ____6____ being able to complete the whole process of home cooking independently. These will be lifelong skills for kids, helping them develop into well-rounded individuals(个体)not just students who ____7____ able to take exams.

As children’s ____8____ teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn ____9____ to do chores at home. Students should master one or two life skills every year. These skills can include cooking, washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms.

It’s really important for students to take labor education ____10____ at school and at home.

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can, I, be, five, miss, good, in, road, wait for, back

“What a great film!” says Dan.

Dan Parks and Sue Barrington are leaving the Odeon cinema in Oxford.

“I love Eddie Redmayne,” says Sue.

“Yes, he’s a ___1___ actor,” replies Dan.

He looks at his watch.

“It’s ___2___ o’clock already,” he says. “Time to get home.”

“Yes,” says Sue. “It’s beginning to get dark.”

They walk up the street and look for their bikes. There ___3___ a lot of bikes in Oxford. The city is flat and a lot of people cycle.

“There’s my bike,” says Dan. He looks for Sue’s, but he ___4___ see it.

“Where’s ___5___?” asks Sue. “It’s not here.”

Then they see her bike lock on the ground — ___6___ two bits.

“Oh no!” says Sue. “Bike thieves!”

Dan looks up and down the road. He sees a police car fifty metres away on the other side of the street.

___7___ me,” he says to Sue, and runs across the street.

She watches him. He talks through the window of the police car and points ___8___ at her.

Then a policewoman gets out of the car and comes across the road with Dan.

“Hello,” says the policewoman to Sue. “I’m PC Jennings. Your friend tells me your bike is ___9___ . Now tell me about the bike.”

“Well, it’s blue,” begins Sue. “It’s a ____10____ bike. And it’s only a year old.”

Jennings writes everything in her notebook.

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Australia,nearly,suggest,till,take part in

(1)I'm right here waiting      you come back.

(2)I      an environmental project last Saturday.

(3)Carmen loves the       singer Dan Dervish very much.

(4)If you're looking for some birthday gifts,here is my       .

(5)It takes       half an hour to get to the park from my home.

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Mike:Good afternoon, Susan.

Susan:(1)   ,Mike.

Mike:Are you free this afternoon?

Susan: (2)   , why?

Mike:Would you like to go shopping with me?

Susan:(3)   , when?

Mike: (4)   .I'll meet you at the school gate.


Mike:See you.

A. Good afternoon.

B. I'd like to.

C. See you then

D. You're welcome

E. Yes, I am free

F. At 2:00 pm

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My father told me that there used to be a forest near our town. But the farmer who owned the forest(1)   trees every year until one year, there were no trees left.

One day,our teacher took us out and we had a(2)   in the field where the forest used to be.While eating and drinking, we(3)   about the beautiful forest we once had.One of my classmates comes from a tribe (部落) that lived in the west of our country. He told us what he thought about the change."It makes me really (4)   to learn that a forest has disappeared. My people have taught me to(5)   think seven generations (七代人) in the future. That's to say, when we do something to the land, we should never(6)   it. We must care about nature and leave it good enough for later generations.

When we heard what he said, we kept (7)   first. " Let's plant some trees!" said our teacher after a moment."It will be a good (8)   !"So that's what we did. For the rest of the spring,we worked hard and we planted thousands of trees.

That was five years ago.Today,when I stand in that field which was once empty,I see(9)   about as tall as I am. It's great to see how we've(10)   the field. It taught us the power of thinking about the future.

(1)A. cut up

B. cut down

C. looked for

D. looked after

(2)A. picnic

B. test

C. wish

D. lesson

(3)A. planned

B. feared

C. knew

D. talked

(4)A. tired

B. excited

C. sad

D. hopeful

(5)A. sometimes

B. always

C. seldom

D. never

(6)A. protect

B. hurt

C. study

D. sell

(7)A. thankful

B. happy

C. silent

D. shy

(8)A. start

B. mistake

C. mess

D. warning

(9)A. trees

B. leaves

C. grass

D. flowers

(10)A. broken

B. bought

C. wasted

D. changed

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