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China has ordered a ban on advertisements during television drama programs. An ad will not be allowed to run in the middle of a program running 45 minutes in length, beginning on January 1st. The authorities say_______ ban is important for the growth of culture. Television stations say this will cause ________ a loss in revenue(收入). Most audience feel glad _______ finally such a policy has been carried out ________ some still doubt whether this is an effective policy or not. Simply banning TV stations from broadcasting inserted advertisements is no use.
Even if SARFT completely banned domestic TV stations from broadcasting advertisements, they could still implant(植入)advertisements ________ TV shows. Why can China not learn some lessons from western TV channels such as NHK and BBC? They are public channels_______ any advertisements. But they charge their viewers. In China, TV viewers only need to pay cable television fees, ______ are rather low. And TV stations make profits through broadcasting advertisements. If we can learn some lessons from western countries,_______ will be rather helpful to the final solution of the conflict between audience and TV stations.

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The Olympic motto is "faster, higher, stronger." The ___( intend) meaning is that one's focus should be on bettering one's achievements, rather than on coming in first.
The motto ___ (be) with the Games from the   _   (found) of the International Olympic Committee in 1894. It was proposed by the father of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin, who got ___  from a speech given by a friend of his.
___ of the five Olympic rings is ___ different color. Together, they represent the five inhabited continents, although no particular ring ___  (mean) to represent ___  specific continent. The rings are interconnected to represent the idea that the Olympics are universal, __   (bring)athletes from the entire world together.
The Olympic flag places the Olympic rings on a white background. ____      every national flag in the world contains at least one of the flag's six colors (black, blue, green, red, yellow, white), this further symbolizes the universality of the Olympics.

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It is hard work rather than luck that brings people success.Those who ____ (consider) to be successful must have been working hard ____ (achieve) their goal and their success can also benefit others.
Some people argue that one can not succeed ____ he works very hard.There are many examples to show that success comes from hard work.One example is _____ Madam Curie had been working all day and all night _____ she made the great discovery of radium.
Other people think that luck and opportunity are _____ (importance) than hard work.They argue that even if one works hard, he can not succeed ____ luck and opportunity.For instance, _____ film star, Zhang Ziyi, could never be famous if she was not given a chance to play a role in the film.
I think that _____ hard work and good luck are important.If one wants to be successful, he has to work hard on one hand and he has to seize the opportunity and luck on the _____.These two factors are essential for one’s success.

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When I was 19,I got a job in my local bookstore.     (live) in the large city,I usually saw many strange customers,most of     were teenagers. They didn't come often;I forgot all the customers     two. One night a 15-year-old girl came in looking for a book with a boy. They seemed to find    they wanted to buy. But when they came to the counter, the girl found she was a dollar or two short to buy the book,and she took       all her money to prove it. She looked so     (disappoint). Just then I remembered my discount card and it was still active,so I told the girl not     (worry). I put in my code,being happy that I could help them with this card. With the book       her hand she gave me a thankful smile,and then she and the boy got out of the store happily,leaving me    (feel) content,too. This experience     (influence) me deeply every day since then. In fact, sometimes a little thing can also make one's world beautiful.

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Going to a British high school  one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.    was very happy with the school hours in Britain. On the first day, all of the students attended    assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl      name was Diana. During the assembly, the headmaster told us the best way   earn respect was to devote ourselves to study   achieve high grades. My favourite teacher was Miss Burke. I found that the homework was not    heavy as what I used to get in my old school. However, it was a bit challenging for me at first,    all the homework was in English.

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Girl:Hey, that is a good portrait. It is so realistic. You’ve got the ____(express) right---- the look in the eyes.
Boy:Yes, I’m pleased with it.  ___  do you make of the mouth? Do you think I need to do more work on it?
Girl:No, you needn’t change anything. It is brilliant. The light_____(come) in through the window is amazing. You are a good painter!
Boy:Thanks for compliment! I am indeed fond ____ painting. Are you interested in it?
Girl:Yes, but I am half as good __ you. Painting is hard for me and I can’t _____(possible) paint well. I think drawing is a lot ___ (easy). I do quite a lot of drawing.
Boy:I see. I find that practising teaches me ______( observe) things very carefully. Do you go to art galleries?
Girl:No, I don’t. But I should because I do love arts.
Boy:Well, how _____ going to an art gallery next weekend? I am sure we can find something interesting.
Girl:I’d love to.
Boy:There is a pop art exhibition on at the moment.
Girl:Um….. I don’t like pop art.
Boy:_____ do I, really. So let’s go to the art gallery next weekend

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Everyone has his own attitude 61 getting old. The night before her eighth birthday, I found my daughter Lizzy sat on her bed 62 (weep).“I love being seven,”she cried.“I don’t want to be eight!”I held her in my arms and explained that 63 was going to be even better to be eight than being seven. I told her how much I loved her and 64 a wonderful birthday she was going to have. 65 (eventual) she was comforted. It’s always strange 66 (tell) that you are a year older, even when you aren’t very old. Now I’m in my early 60s, and I don’t always recognize the face in the mirror, 67 something has changed the way that I think. The process of aging increasingly interests and amazes me, annoys and irritates me, and sometimes still makes me 68 (frighten), too, but much, much less than it used to. There is 69 ongoing sadness at the absence of the friends and family members 70 have died before me.

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I was being tested for a driving licence ____ the third time. I had been asked to drive in heavy traffic and had done so ___ (succeed). After ___ (instruct) to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy ___ test. The examiner must have been pleased with my ____, for he smiled and said, 'Just one more thing, Mr Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you. As soon as I tap on the window, you must stop ____ five feet. I continued __ (drive) and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly. ___ the sound could be heard clearly, ___ took me a long time to react. I suddenly pressed the brake pedal hard and we were both thrown forward. The examiner looked at me sadly. 'Mr Eames,' he said, ____ a mournful voice,' you have just killed that child!'

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When I was a ten-year-old girl, I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life”. To talk before the whole class! Just imagine how  (terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that with so many eyes fixed upon me. I had no other (choose), though. First I was to draft the speech and that was just a piece of cake for me, because I was a good writer--something to pride myself in. But the hard part  (lie) in my oral presentation; to read from  paper was not allowed; I had to give the speech  my memory and in front of such a big audience! A real trial began when I stood on the platform with my legs (tremble) and my mind blank. How much time had passed by, I didn’t know. My listeners were still waiting, patiently and without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found  back, giving out my speech with difficulty. Finally I finished. After seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding. I made it! From then on, my fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with my confidence building  , I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overcome it,    we will be able to achieve our goals.

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Agent: What is the  with you, madam? You look pale and anxious.
Susan: Jesus, I lost my luggage just now.
Agent: Take it easy. Would you please tell me more details? I will try to help you.
Susan: Thank you. I have just been to the cafe, where I put my luggage under the table. Then I  (order) a coffee when I was waiting for the train. When I finished drinking, I found my suitcase     (go).
Agent: What kind of suitcase did you lose?
Susan: A small blue leather case,  my name tag on the top and my personal stuff inside.
Agent: I feel sorry to hear that. Or maybe someone just picked up the wrong case.
Susan: It is  (possible)! I can’t believe it.
Agent: Will you please leave your name and your address here? We will try  (find)the suitcase for you.
Susan: How long does  take?
Agent: Sorry, I have  idea. Will you please wait here for  while? We are going to extend your ticket to the next train, in  case you may have enough time to find your luggage.
Susan: It seems that I have no other choice.

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In the past a gentleman would offer his seat     a lady on a crowded bus. But now, he will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper,  (leave) the lady standing     someone else gets off. You can’t entirely blame men   this change in manners. Gone are the days when women could be referred to the weak. A whole generation has grown up demanding   (equal) with men in jobs, in education and in social life.  Hold a door for some women   you are likely to get   angry lecture on treating women    weaklings. Take a girl out for a meal and she’ll probably insist on paying __share of the bill. All these, according to some sociologists, will change men’s attitude towards women and the conventional active politeness is perhaps slowly being  (replace) by true consideration for the needs and feeling of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings.

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There was a farm in a small country. The farmer’s daughter had to carry fresh milk to customers in various villages, one of   was a priest(牧师).     (reach)his house, the milkmaid had to cross a stream. People crossed it by raft(竹筏).
One day the priest, finding it arrived very late,     (scold) the poor girl. “What can I do?” she said. “I started out early from my house,    I had to wait a long time for the boatman to come.”
Then the priest said, “What! people have even walked across the ocean by   (repeat) the name of God, but you can’t cross this little river.” This milkmaid took his words very seriously.
  then on, she brought the priest’s milk punctually(准时地) every morning. He became curious about it and asked her how it was  she was never late any more.
“I crossed the river repeating the name of God, just as you had told me to do,    waiting for the raft,” she replied. The priest didn’t believe her, so they went together to the water and the milkmaid began to walk over    . Looking back, the milkmaid saw the priest floundering(踉跄) in the water.
“Sir!”she cried. “You are uttering the name of God, but all    while you are holding up your clothes from getting wet. That is not trusting in God.”

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Until recently daydreaming was viewed as a waste of time or it___ (consider) an unhealthy escape from real life and its duties. But now some people are taking a fresh look at daydreaming. Some think it may be a very __(health) thing to do. Some researchers are finding that daydreaming may be important to mental health. Daydreaming, they tell us, ___ a good means of relaxation. But its benefits go___ this. A number of psychologists have conducted experiments and have reached some____(surprise) conclusion.
Dr. Joan T. Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contributes growth. It also improves ___(concentrate), attention span, and the ability to get along with others. Industrialist Henry J.Kaiser believed that much of his success was due ____the positive use of daydreaming. Florence Nightingale dreamed of becoming a nurse. The young Thomas Edison pictured__as an inventor.
For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came____. Dr Harry Emerson Fosdick offered this advice: “Hold a picture of yourself…in your mind’s eye, and you will be drawn toward it. Picture yourself___(vivid) as defeated and that alone will make victory impossible.

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Travel is a very good activity. When traveling, you can relax   , forget your tiredness or troubles, and have the energy to take on the new tasks waiting for you.
But sometimes traveling is   an enjoyable thing. For example, the weather can be changeable. If you can climb a mountain, it may rain suddenly. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold. The worst thing is that you may have your money stolen   you may have an injury. All these terrible things are     can happen to you.
Therefore, when you are going on a trip, you    make a good preparation  , you must have clear information about the weather. Secondly, you should choose     good companion (同伴) so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful enough and try to avoid accidents.    you do this, you will surely enjoy your travel.

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Traffic safety is everybody's business. Records show       every year a lot of people die in traffic accidents. Some of the accidents are due     mechanical problems. However, most of them are the results of careless      reckless driving, and could be avoided. A lot of people disregard traffic signals and rules. They drive regardless of speed limits, run through      lights, drive in the wrong direction, talk and laugh while   , and turn as they wish without giving signals. They    slow down while approaching(接近) crossroads. So many people violate traffic regulations that we cannot put too much emphasis on     importance of traffic safety. Only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking   sidewalks(人行道)

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