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Volunteering is fun and rewarding(有益的), but if you want to be a good volunteer, you need to learn more. (1)   

Be well﹣trained. Know what you're doing as a volunteer. If you need to learn about your job,(2)   If you're good at your job, it will be easier to help others.

(3)   Work as part of a team and make sure everyone works together and shares the work.If someone asks for help, just give a hand. If you need some help, ask politely for it.

 Be understanding. (4)   

Be friendly. (5)   To be a volunteer, you might meet new people who want to make friend with. You might just meet someone who becomes a friend for the rest of your life.

A. Treat others like friends, and they'll do the same for you.

B. begin to do it at once.

C. Try to understand what other people are facing.

D. Here's some advice on how to do the volunteering jobs well.

E. Don′t try to do everything by yourself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Volunteering is fun and rewarding(有益的), but if you want to be a good volunteer, you need to learn more. (1)   

Be well﹣trained. Know what you're doing as a volunteer. If you need to learn about your job,(2)   If you're good at your job, it will be easier to help others.

(3)   Work as part of a team and make sure everyone works together and shares the work.If someone asks for help, just give a hand. If you need some help, ask politely for it.

Be understanding. (4)   

Be friendly. (5)   To be a volunteer, you might meet new people who want to make friend with. You might just meet someone who becomes a friend for the rest of your life.

A. Treat others like friends, and they'll do the same for you.

B. begin to do it at once.

C. Try to understand what other people are facing.

D. Here's some advice on how to do the volunteering jobs well.

E. Don′t try to do everything by yourself.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In a school, you may hear a student saying in Chinese," 我对汉语很感兴趣." but you're not in China. You're in a foreign country. Like the student, many foreigners are learning Chinese. But it's not easy. The Chinese use a different character( 汉 字 ) for each word. People have to memorize about 600 characters before they can do even basic reading and writing. For foreigners, it's hard to memorize them. And the following chart shows the top 3 difficulties for foreigners while learning Chinese.

Writing Chinese characters

Understanding the same word in different sentences

Reading Chinese poems

April 20 Chinese Language Day

As one of the six official working languages of the United Nations(UN)(联合国), Chinese Language Day has been celebrated since 2011. The UN holds colorfulactivities on this day. This helps spread Chinese and Chinese culture.

However, Chinese is more popular around the world today. The long history and colorful culture of China attract many foreigners to learn Chinese With the rapid development, China is staying ahead in many fields and is playing its role in the world. Chinese is becoming a global (全球的) language and its popularity has risen around the world. Many countries set up Chinese courses in their schools.

For example, in the UK, students used to choose between Spanish, Latin, French and other foreign languages. But now schools encourage their students to study Chinese. The increase in popularity of Chinese has been surprising. 1031 people took Chinese language exams in 2001, and the number was 2062 last year, while 2561 people chose Spanish. It's predicted that studying Chinese in the UK could overtake(超过) Spanish in less than five years.

Just like the foreigners do, we also learn foreign languages. Different languages carry different cultures. So exchanges are necessary. By learning a foreign language, we not only have a useful tool of communicating, but experience a new culture, what's more important, learning a foreign language well will help us tell our own stories to the world.

(1)Please translate the underlined sentence into English.   

(2)According to the passage, why is it difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese?   

(3)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.   

(4)How does the UN celebrates Chinese Language Day?   

(5)Compared with 2001, how many more people took Chinese language exams in the UK last year? What does the result tell us?   

(6)What can you do by learning a foreign language?   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We've heard about several "poor students" in the past year. Cui Qingtao, a student from Yunnan, working with his parents on a building site when he got an admission letter(录取通知书) from Peking University. (1)   She is a student form Hebei. She was doing her part﹣time job in a different city when her family got her admission letter from Peking University.

(2)   For example, they are all strong and optimistic (乐观的). Li Enhui said in an interview, "As long as we are alive, there are no problems that cannot be solved, and many people don't have my experiences. (3)   " Such an idea makes many adults feel embarrassed. He refused to accept donation money and decided to make money by himself. This is also the common thing that "poor students" have.

Whatever kind of values you hold, such personalities( 品 格 ) are necessary for growth. (4)   Not everything goes well all the time. Only being strong and optimistic, can one go through difficulties. In fact, living in poor families doesn't promise such good personalities, and living in happiness doesn't promise optimistic attitudes(态度). We like such "poor students" because they are strong and optimistic.

For them, few can choose their   lifestyles. (5)   That's why they are highly praised. Every one of us should learn from them.

A.Life is full of ups and downs.

B.A girl named Wang Xinyi is another example.

C."Poor students" are usually hard﹣working and caring.

D.And these experiences make me grow and become better.

E.Born in poor families, these students have a lot in common.

F.However, all of them can choose their attitudes towards life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Experts in nutrition(营养)suggest that we should eat at least five different kinds of vegetables and fruit a day.They are very necessary for our health and help our bodies work well.They can help reduce(减少)the risk of getting ill.There are a lot of vegetables and fruit to choose from and they taste delicious.(1)   

It's easy to buy our food from the local supermarket,so why do we go to the trouble of growing our own?Here are several good reasons:

(2)   You can pick and eat it at once.When you have tried it,you will agree that vegetables and fruit that are eaten straight from the garden taste better than anything you can buy in a supermarket.

You may want to cut down on your "food miles" ﹣ the distance that a product has travelled before it reaches your kitchen.Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth.(3)   

Homegrown food is likely to be healthier.Food producers often use fertilizers(化肥)and pesticides(农药)which can end up in your food.If you grow your own,things are different.(4)   You might also choose to grow some traditional vegetables and fruit.These often have more of the vitamins,minerals(矿物质)and protein(蛋白质)that keep you healthy.

(5)   And you can grow your own even if you only have a small backyard or a balcony(阳台).Some food can grow well in pots,including lettuce,tomatoes,potatoes and carrots.You can recycle plastic bottles and cups to grow something.Just make sure there are holes for drainage(排水)and a small plate under them to catch drops of water.

Happy gardening!

A.Best of all,you can grow your own!

B.But where to grow your own is a problem.

C.That's not so good for you,or for the planet.

D.Food that you grow yourself is always fresh.

E.If you have a large garden,growing your own is easy.

F.You can control what goes on and into the food you eat.

G.So it's better to eat more vegetables and fruit in our daily life.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A proverb is a short, well﹣known saying that expresses a common truth or belief. Proverbs are found in most cultures and are often very old.

In American history, Benjamin Franklin was a scientist, inventor and writer as well as a leader of the American Revolution. (1)   

Franklin wrote a book called "Poor Richard's Almanac". (2)   Some of them are still used today, like this one: "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

Franklin is also remembered for other proverbs like, "A penny saved is a penny earned."(3)   

Here are other examples of proverbs that Americans use. The first ones are about love. Some people say, "All is fair in love and war." They mean that anything you do in a relationship or in battle is acceptable.

(4)   In other words, when you are in love with someone, you may refuse to see anything bad about that person.

Here is another popular saying about love: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Some people believe that a woman can win a man's love if she prepares his favorite foods.

"(5)   " This proverb is true in love and war or other situations. It means that what you do is more important than what you say.

We have to stop here, so we must say, "All good things must come to an end."

Word Bank





根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思 通顺、内容完整.

A.Actions speak louder than words.

B.Another proverb says "Love is blind."

C.He was also famous for his proverbs.

D.This means that money should not be wasted.

E.He included many proverbs that he had heard or created.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

阅读下面短文,从文后方框内所给的 A、B、C、D、E 中,选出恰当的一项还原到文中合适的位置,使文章内容完整且符合逻辑.

In some science﹣fictions, we can see non﹣driver buses on the road. In the past, we could hardly

imagine to take this kind of bus to go everywhere. But we did make that come true on December 2, 2017.

(1)   . The name of the non﹣driver buses is Alphaba. They have been put into use in Guangdong province. The most attractive news about Alphaba is that its driving system is developed independently by Chinese designers and engineers.

(2)   . The bus can go to different directions exactly with the help of GPS. The GPS on the bus is connected with the traffic﹣control center.(3)   . They help the bus to deal with complex( 复 杂 的 ) road conditions. Alphaba can judge( 判 断 ) rapidly if it needs to stop when there are traffic lights or any dangers 100meters ahead of it. It will park itself in the right place at the station.

(4)   . They find no driver and the steering wheel( 方 向 盘 ) turning slowly itself. It's amazing! Besides, the bus provides the most comfortable seats and the best service for the passengers.(5)   

Next time, when you travel to Guangdong, why not consider trying the non﹣driver buses?

A.It makes them feel at home during the ride

B.The highest speed of Alphaba is 40km/h

C.There are several electronic cameras around the bus

D.China is the only country to invent non﹣driver buses

E.The passengers are very shocked after getting on the bus

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Most people want to be happy,but few of them know how to findhappiness.Money and success alone do not bring happiness forever.Aristotle(亚里士多德), a Greek thinker,said,"Happiness depends upon ourselves" (1)   Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier. (2)   such as reading a good book, listening to your favourite music,spending time with close friends.People who have several close friends often live happily. (3)   

(4)   .Many people go dancing or play sports.People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.

Finally,many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. (5)   You can help a friend with his or her lessons, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person.

A.They could enjoy simple things in their lives.

B.In other words,we make our own happiness

C.The first secrect of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life.

D.In want to feel happier,do good things to help other people.

E.The second secrect to living a happy life is to be active.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fires do happen. If there is a fire, you might not have much time to decide what to do. Being prepared and knowing what to do early can save your life. (1)   Your family should practice this getting﹣out plan. (2)    If you have such a meeting place outside, you can quickly make sure that everyone is out of the house.

You should also remember that smoke is usually far more dangerous than the fire. A person can die after just a few minutes in a smoke filled room.(3)   

Finally, before you open any doors, always feel the door lock first. If the door lock is hot, fire must be on the other side of the door.(4)   You will have to find another way out. These are simple suggestions.(5)   

A.Your family should also have a meeting place outside.

B.The most important thing is to have a getting﹣out plan.

C.Since smoke rises, stay low to the floor.

D.Go upstairs to the top of the building.

E.If you can remember them, you will be much safer in a fire.

F.Do not open it!

G.Can you use water to put out the fire?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The Internet is shaping our lives. We already have online shopping services and mobile payment. However, this is just a start. The world's leading tech companies are planning to build smarter online communities.(1)   It was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang last year. The development of artificial intelligence(AI, 人工智能) was a hot topic at the conference. If a machine can learn and solve problems as humans do, it can be called AI.

The company Alibaba uses AI technology in its unmanned supermarket in Wuzhen. There is no salesperson in the supermarket, just a tablet on a desk that says "please smile". (2)   The bigger you smile, the more discounts(折扣) you get. Payment is done automatically through your Alipay account. When you first enter the supermarket, the supermarket's AI recognizes your face and your account.

There is also AI that can read lips. (3)   It recognizes your mouth's movements and turns them into voice or text messages. This could be very useful when you are trying to talk to someone on your phone in a noisy place. Police could also use the technology to help them find criminal suspects by lip﹣reading recordings from video cameras.

(4)   Microsoft's chatbot XiaoIce can not only provide useful information, but also chat with people like a real friend. XiaoIce has a WeChat account. After following the account, users can start talking with her. (5)   She keeps improving herself by talking with users.

These technologies are being put into wider use. We may see a smarter world and better lives in the near future.

A. She knows when to comfort you or tell jokes.

B. They discussed this at the World Internet Conference.

C. AI technology will take jobs away from humans one day.

D. Sougou brought its lip﹣reading system to the conference.

E. If you smile, it will give you a special discount for your goods.

F. Another type of AI focuses on understanding human emotions.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once upon a time,there was a strange bird.He lived in a tree near the bank of a river.(56)   One day,one of the two heads saw a delicious fruit on a tree.He picked it and started eating the fruit."It is one of the most delicious fruits I have ever eaten,"he said.

The other head said,"(57)   "The first head laughed and said,"You know that we have only one stomach.It makes no difference whether I eat it or you eat it.Moreover,I'm the one who found the fruit.(58)   "Later that day,the other head found a tree having poisonous(有毒的)fruits.He took a poisonous fruit and told the first head,"I will eat this fruit.

The first head shouted,"(59)   If you eat it,both of us will die."The other head replied,"Shut up!I'm the one who found the fruit.I have the right to eat it."(60)   In the end,both of them lost their lives.


So I have the right to eat it.


The first head started crying,but the other head still ate the poisonous fruit


Let me also taste the delicious fruit.


The bind had two heads,but they shared one stomach.


What do you think of the bird with two heads?


Please don't eat this poisonous fruit.


The bind looks very beautiful and cute.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The novel coronavirus (新冠病毒) has changed our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the way people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's take a look.

(1)   B  Lean forward (倾身向前), touch faces and make a kissing sound. This is French people's favorite way of greeting, But when the virus is going around, too many kisses are not good. An expert gives everyone in France a suggestion: simply looking into a person's eyes can be a greeting.It's not as romantic as kissing, but it's safe.

(2)   E  Like the French, Italians are also romantic people.When they meet,they always hug or kiss each other. Recently, an Italian grandma made a video to help everyone fight the disease. According to her, if you want to say hello to others, do not hug or kiss.Instead, you can close one of your eyes and give them a wink (眨眼). Isn't it cute?

(3)   D  It's a very Australian thing to put your hand out to shake hands.But if you do this,the virus can jump from one person to another. Now a health official (官员) in Australia says a pat (拍打) on the back would be better. But it also has some problems.For example,it's a bit impolite if you do this to your teacher. What do you think?

(4)   C  People in Iran often shake hands when they meet. But a recent video shows that an interesting way to greet others is now popular in Iran. In the video, three Iran men wear masks and put their hands in their pockets. They don't shake hands, but try to"shake" feet.

(5)   A  An official from the WHO suggested that we use three greetings: waving hands, Thai"wai"(泰式合十礼) and bumping elbows (碰肘礼).


A. The advice from the WHO.

B. No kissing, even if you are French.

C. Is the footshake the new handshake?

D. Pat on the back.

E. Grandma has a good idea.

(1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)   


New Greeting Ways

   The novel coronavirus has made a big difference(1)   our lives. In many countries, it has also changed the(2)   people greet each other. To help stop the spread of coronavirus, people give up their usual greeting styles and invent safe ways. Let's(3)   __  at them.

   In France and Italy, people learn to use their(4)   ,to greet people instead of kissing or hugging. In Iran, people try to shake(5)   rather than shake hands. An official from the WHO gives us three suggestions: waving hands, Thai "wai" and bumping elbows.

   What do you think of these new greetings?

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nowadays,e﹣hongbao is quite popular in China.It is considered that e﹣hongbao comes originally from"lucky money"for the spring festival.(61)   People hope to get good luck from it.

People send e﹣hongbao not only on festivals but in other situations as well.On birthdays,for example,people may get e﹣hongbao from family,relatives and friends,especially when they are not in the same place.(62)   On that day,to express their love,Chinese lovers prefer to send each other e﹣hongbao of 5.20 yuan,9.27 yuan or 13.14 yuan….

People like to play e﹣hongbao games on smartphones.(63)   Some of the lucky ones may receive much while some get only a few fen.No matter how much money they get in the end,they want to try their luck.Usually,the person who gets the most money will send e﹣hongbao one more time.In fact,whether they get much or little,they have lots of fun.And the games bring people cheer together.

(64)   If you forget to take the wallet with you when shopping or eating in restaurants,don't worry.A smartphone can help you out.That's great,isn't it?However,each coin has two sides.Some people complain e﹣hongbao is just a way to make customers spend more money.And paying by e﹣hongbao can be dangerous sometimes.(65)   Safety always comes first.


A.Money from e﹣hongbao can also be used to pay.

B.In the games,people all hope to get some money.

C.It's a new convenient way to send greetings and wishes.

D.For another example,February 14 this special to lovers.

E.Be careful not to give away personal information like your ID numbers.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
