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This teenager can﹣﹣and his mum's very happy with him.

(1)  He goes to school,does his homework,meets his friends and enjoys playing sports.But between 5:30and 6:30from Monday to Friday,Tom does something different.He cooks dinner for all the family:mum,dad,younger brother Joe and elder sister Emma.

"(2)  Maths and English are important,of course but they need other skills too to help them in today's world.First I taught Tom how to cook easy meals like pizza or egg and chips.(3)  Yesterday he made vegetable soup.It was good! We all liked it very much."Tom's mum says.

"I love cooking and I think I'm really good at it.(4)  I don't know why,it isn't difficult and it's great fun!" Tom says.

In the past,Tom didn't help out at home and his mum wasn't pleased with him.(5)  

A.None of my friends cook.

B.Tom is like any other teenager.

C.Today,things are different and she is very happy.

D.Then he started using the recipes in some cookbooks.

E.I think it's important for teenagers to learn how to cook.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


     Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park,a national park primarily in the US state of Wyoming(怀俄明州)?At Yellowstone National Park,.When they are heated for more than a few minutes,they will break up.

     In Atlanta,the USA,there is a popular restaurant which is very special.In the restaurant,waiters no longer throw uneaten food into litter cans.Instead,

     In America,a new activity known as "zero waste" is becoming popular.It is carried out in schools,cafes,gyms,parks,restaurants and other places."Zero waste" activity calls on people to produce less litter.It encourages people to reuse whatever they can.

     Although the idea seems a little unrealistic (不现实的),it is necessary.According to a new report,American people produce the largest amount of the litter in the world.Each person produces almost 4.6pounds of litter every day.More than half of the litter which is put into landfills is harmful.Actually,this is bad for the environment.Besides this,more landfills(填埋场) are needed.

"Nobody wants to have a landfill lying near his house,"said Jon D.Johnson from the Environmental Protection Agency,which helps to carry out "zero waste" activity."There are not enough landfills,so we can't put all our litter into them.We should try to recycle it as much as we can."


A.the plates used for food are made of a special kind of plastic

B.there are several restaurants

C.the food is used to make compost(混合肥料)



63.What's the purpose of "zero waste" activity in paragraph 3?


64.请将文中划线部分"More than half of the litter which is put into landfills is harmful."译成汉语.  

65.What's the main idea of this passage?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

There are world records at the Olympic Games.But what are the world records in the animal kingdom?

The largest and heaviest animal on earth is the blue whale.It weighs between 110and 120tons.Its heart is the size of a Mini Cooper,It's got the biggest mouth in the world as well.About 100people can fit inside it.But it doesn't eat people!In fact,the biggest thing it can eat is the size of an apple.

The giraffe is smaller than the blue whale but it is also a record breaker.It's the tallest living land animal.It's got the longest neck﹣about 2metres long,and it's got the longest legs﹣about 1.8metres long.Drinking is difficult,but eating from the top of trees is easy!And its tongue is 50cm long!

The most dangerous animal in the world isn't a lion or a bear.It,s an insect!The mosquit﹣oes (蚊子) that carry malaria kill over 1million people a year.After that,the most dangerous animal is the venomous snake.They kill 50,000to 125,000people a year.

46.  47.  48.  

A.the mosquito  

B.the giraffe

C.the blue whale

49.  50.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.Remember the environment

B.Keep a good memory for your holiday

C.Travel with your friends

D.Do some research

E.Get organized

F.Help the local population

Travel Tips for Holidays Abroad

Everyone loves holiday abroad.They give us the chance to see some sights,have some fun and relax.However,holidays aren't always a great experience.Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday.


Have you packed your passport?Your tickets?Every year,thousands of people miss flights because they've forgotten their passport,they arrive at the airport too late,or even go to the wrong airport.


How much do you know about the place you are going to visit?Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people.Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends.


Try to reduce the pollution you cause.Travel by train if you can.Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train.Of course,it might be impossible to avoid flying,but when you arrive,use buses or trains instead of taxis.


You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants.This means that your money will go to local people,rather than to a large international company.


You don't want to forget your holiday.Make a scrapbook﹣a book of memories﹣about your holiday.You can show it to friends,or just use it to remember all the good times you had! And don't forget the new friends you made on holiday.Did you promise to send them pictures or presents?Don't forget to do it! Then next time you go on holiday,you can visit them again.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Reading an English newspaper is a good way to improve a student's language ability.As there are many useful and common words in an English newspaper,it may help students increase their vocabulary(词汇量)as well as improve their reading skills.(66)他们可以从报纸上学到新的知识. But what is the proper way to read an English newspaper?Do students need to look over all the content(内容)of the newspaper?

The first step is to choose a right newspaper with good language.Then turn to the front page and read the headlines(标题)to know what has happened.As the most important things are put on the front page,it's easy to find out what you're interested in and then turn to the page to read it completely.(67)There is no need to go through all the articles

Secondly,read newspapers every day.Remember words through context(上下文),in which these words may appear repeatedly.(68)Once they appear several timesyou will remember them easily.Don't look up every unknown word in your dictionary.You can try to guess the meaning between sentences.(69)如果你的猜测错了,不要放弃.Keep reading,and you will become familiar with the words after reading them several times in different texts.

Reading English newspapers makes us knowledgeable.(70)It can not only help us know what is happening in the world but also improve our language

66. They can learn new knowledge from newspapers 

67. 没有必要浏览所有的文章 

68. 一旦这些词出现多次,你就能轻而易举地记住它们了 

69. If your guess is wrongdon't give up 

70. 读英语报纸不仅能帮助我们了解时事,而且还能提高我们的语言水平 

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

翻译语篇 阅读下面的短文,将文中的画线部分译成汉语或英语.

With the development of technology,smartphones are widely used among people.71.We can find many people playing mobile phones in the busesrestaurants and supermarkets We call these people Phubbers(低头族).

Many teenagers spend too much time playing games,listening to music and sending messages to their friends on the phones.72.他们没有足够的时间来学习. Some teachers complain that their students get worse grades than before.73.Playing mobile phones too much is not only bad for their study but also their health The more they play mobile phones,the more tired they will feel.Some students have to wear glasses,because they play smartphones too much.74.So some teachers don't allow the students to use mobile phones at school

We often see many phubbers using their mobile phones on the streets.It's really dangerous.75为什么远离你的手机呢?You should study hard and take part in more outdoor activities instead of playing mobile phones in your free time.






  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world,was invented by accident?Many people believe that tea was first drunk about 5,000 years ago.It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink.One day,Shen Nong was boiling drinking water over an open fire.Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time.It produced a nice smell so he tasted the brown water.It was quite delicious,and so,one of the world's favorite drinks was invented.

A few thousand years later,Lu Yu,"the saint of tea",mentioned Shen Nong in his book Cha Jing.The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea.It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used.From then on,the tea was getting more and more popular in the world.

56.When was tea first drunk?  

57.In which country was tea drunk first?  

58.What color was tea found first?  

59.Who was"the saint of tea"?  

60.What's main meaning of the first paragraph(段落)?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you want to relax yourself with a movie?Why not consider Mulan?(66).这是一部激动人心的动作片. It comes from an old Chinese story.The movie is about a village girl,Mulan.( 67).She dresses up like a boy and takes her father's place to fight in the armyI think the actress played Mulan's role well.The other actors were also fantastic.They all did a good job in the movie.(68).我非常喜欢木兰.(69).The movie shows her love for her familyfriends and country I'm deeply moved by it.(70).What a pity if you missed it! Take your family and friends to the cinema right now!






  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


(71)The Internet is becoming more and more popular.It brings us a lot of fun and convenience,(72)但它也引起一些新的问题.Children like the Internet.They would rather communicate with others online than talk with their parents.

On the one hand,in my opinion,the Internet brings people closer.On the other hand,(73)如果我们花太多的时间在网络上,we will have less time with our families and friends in the real world.

(74)Parents are always staying with us.So why not talk to them face to face when we have problems.If so,(75)I'm sure that we can get on well with our parents

71.  ;72.  ;73.  ;74.  ;75.  

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  • 难度:未知


A rich man was trying to find his daughter a birthday gift when he saw a poor man with beautiful white horse.(71)He told the man that he would give him500 for the horse

The poor man answered."Sir,it doesn't look so good."And he walked away.

The next day the rich man came back.He would give the poor man﹩1,000 for the horse.

The poor man said again,"Sir,it doesn't look so good."

(72)在第三天,the rich man took out $2,000 for the horse.

He said he wouldn't take no for an answer.The poor man said OK.

(73)Then the rich man took the horse home

(74)富人的女儿很喜欢这个礼物.She climbed onto the horse,but then the horse ran into a tree.It turned out that the horse was blind.The rich man ran to see the poor man.He asked for a reason.The poor man said,"I told you.(75)It doesn't look so good."






  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Every week,Julia would go to visit her grandparents.(66)The grandfather would give each child a few coins and tell them to buy something they like They would buy toys and candy.After they grew a little bit older,their parents thought that it was time for them to learn how to manage(管理)money.So the parents asked the children to think of ways to manage money.

Ruben is the cleverest boy.He decided to earn money by buying and selling things.(67)他得到了来自全家的支持.But Nico,the smallest child,still spent the money as usual.Ruben thought (68)it was unfair and he stopped saving his moneytoo

For little Julia,she had a wonderful,secret plan.But (69)她的父母对她感到非常失望.They thought Julia wasn't doing anything.

One day,Julia came with a violin and played it for the family.Everyone was surprised.They knew that Julia liked the violin.(70)but her family was too poor to afford the violin classes for her So,Julia found a street violinist and asked his to teach her.In return,she gave his all her money.The violinist was deeply moved by Julia.He taught her for months and rent a violin to her.Then,Julia gave performances with the violinist in the street.By doing this,she earned enough money to pay for the violin.






  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Too many people want others to be their friends,but they don't give friendship back.That is why some friendships don't last very long.To have a friend,you must learn to be one.You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you.Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules:be honest,be generous(慷慨的),be understanding.

Honesty is where a good friendship starts.Friends must be able to hones'one another.

如果你不说实话,人们通常都会识破.If a friend finds out that you haven't been hones',you may lose your friend'.

Generosoity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow.You don't have to give your lunch money or your clothes,of course.Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy,like your hobbies and your interests.Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.These can be very valuable to a friend.They tell your friend what is important to you ③________.

Sooner or later everyone needs understanding and help with a problem.Something may go wrong at school.④Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.Turning to a friend can be a first step in solving the problem.So to be a friend,you must listen and understand.You must try to put yourself in your friend's place so you can understand the problem better.

No two friendship are ever exactly alike.But all true friendships have three things in common.If you plan to keep your friends,you must practise honesty,generosity and understanding.

61.According to the passage,what should we learn to be a good friend? To be honestgenerous and understanding. 




  easier to solve  talking about the problem.


A.By sharing them you may know your friend better.

B.By sharing them you help your friend know you better.

C.By sharing them you canunderstand each other better.

D.By sharing them you may solve your problem easier.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Nicole Kelly a 23﹣year﹣old girl,was born without her left forearm,①____that didn't stop her ②____ becoming Miss Iowa after a three﹣day competition in Davenport.

Kellly will go to Atlantic City to compete for Miss America and she will give a talk about the importance of overcoming (克服)disabilities.

"A year ago,I certainly didn't think I would have something to do with the beauty③/kwi:n/______,"Kelly wrote on her"Meet Miss Iowa"page."But now I know that being Miss Iowa is perfect and speaking out on the stage is very important for me.⑤Ifeel so thankful for those who have encouraged me at every step of the way"

"As I grew older,I learned to ④/ək'sept/______the strange eyes from others…with an outgoing character that would not give in,"she wrote."This meant that I would try everything!⑥从游泳到舞蹈,没有我不愿意尝试的事情.Now I stand on the stage and find it very suitable for me."

Kelly said that being a star was a good way to show herself,and more importantly,it helped her walk out of the sadness of being disabled.





(5)What's the topic of the talk Kelly will give?  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone wants to become perfect.Unluckily,being perfect may not happen.Here's some useful advice about how to refuse perfection.

●NO more comparisons

     Compared with others,you may feel that you are not perfect.The solution?End your comparison.NO comparing,no pain.

●Accept your mistakes

     When perfection is your goal,mistakes mean failure.Your fear of criticism(批评)may keep you from①        risks or trying new things.Nobody is perfect.Take it easy.You needn't take others' words seriously.

●Ask for help

     Part of beating perfection is accepting that mistakes are part of human beings.If you don't give up,you will be successful one day.You shouldn't prevent you from asking for help you need to really improve.

●Don't judge(评判)yourself

    Find a trusted friend,family member or teacher who is not a perfectionist﹣someone who can take criticism and has learned from his or her mistakes.Share your goals and achievements with him or herno matter how small they are

●Pay attention to your language

    Cut out the words like never,always and should from your self﹣talk,Carry a notebook and take notes whenever you want to say these words.Realizing this means you're well on your way to changing them.

    The more confidence (自信) you develop,the②        you'll feel the need to be perfect.And when you give up perfection,happiness can begin right now.




72.(A)If you want to make your dream come true,you shouldn't  trying.

   (B)A Chinese soldier called Shen Liangliang took part in the UN peace keeping operation(维和行动).  ,he lost his life.



74.How many pieces of advice are mentioned in the passage?


75.What is the main idea about the passage?


  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you seen the cartoons of two penguins(企鹅) on the Internet?They sit on either side of a small boat.They are friends,but each does something selfish(自私的) which causes their friend "ship" to sink(沉没).

(53)   It shows how much people value friendship and sometimes worry they may lose their friends.(54)   A friend is someone to talk to about your deepest feelings.And with a good friend you will never be alone.

(55)   The key to protecting your friend "ship" from sinking comes down to three simple things:sharing,caring and communicating.Good friends like to share everything with each other.They share their snacks,they share their knowledge about schoolwork,sometimes they even share their clothes!(56)   They do whatever they can to make their friends happy.But the most important part of friendship is communicating.

(57)   It also means that you keep in touch with your friends even though they may be in different schools or live far away.Without communication it is sure to send your friend "ship" to sink into the sea.

A.And good friends also care about each other.

B.The cartoons have become very popular.

C.However,keeping friendship isn't always easy.

D.Communicating means talking to your friends and being honest with them.

E.A friend is someone you can share your happy and sad moments with.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
