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I would like to suggest that for sixty to ninety minutes each evening all television broadcasting in the United States be forbidden by law.
Let us take a  36 , reasonable look at what the results might be if such a(an)  37  were accepted; families might use the time for a real family hour. Without the distraction of TV, they might   38  together after dinner and actually talk to one another. It is well known that many of our  39  —everything in fact, from the generation gap to the high divorce rate to some forms of  40  illness —are caused at least in part by  41  to communicate. By using the quiet family hour to  42  our problems, we might get to know each other better, and to like each other better.
On evenings when such talk is  43 , families could discover more active pastimes(消遣,娱乐. Freed from TV, forced to find their own activities, they might take a   44  together to watch the sunset  45  they might take a walk together.  46  free time and no TV, children and adults might discover reading. There is more entertainment in  47  than in a TV program.  48  report that the generation growing up with television can hardly write an English sentence,  49  at the college level.  50  is often learned from reading. A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.
A different  51  of reading might also be done as it was in the past: reading aloud. The quiet hour could become the story hour. When the  52  ends, the TV net works might be forced to  53  with better shows in order to get us back from our newly discovered activities.
At first glance, this idea seems radical(激进的. How will we spend the time then? The fact is: it has been only twenty-five years  54  television came to control American free time. Those of us thirty-five and older can  55  childhoods without television. It wasn’t that difficult.
36.A.valuable   B.pleasant    C.quick D.serious
37.A.advice      B.suggestion C.opinion     D.Offer
38.A.get around       B.stand still  C.meet  D.sit around
39.A.problems  B.trouble     C.affairs      D.Misfortune
40.A.physical    B.common   C.mental      D.familiar
41.A.attempt     B.failure      C.ability      D.permission
42.A.discuss     B.talk   C.make sure D.see to
43.A.impossible       B.unnecessary      C.funny       D.unpleasant
44.A.walk B.look  C.ride   D.rest
45.A.and   B.or     C.but    D.While
46.A.At    B.In     C.For   D.With
47.A.a fine poem     B.a good book     C.a quiet hour     D.a composition
48.A.Professors B.Scientists  C.Parents     D.Educators
49.A.yet    B.still   C.even  D.just
50.A.Writing    B.Skill  C.Speaking  D.Listening
51.A.form B.kind  C.method     D.step
52.A.reading     B.quiet hour C.activity     D.programme
53.A.come across     B.come about      C.come up   D.broadcast
54.A.before      B.since C.until  D.after
55.A.remind     B.remember C.recognize  D.Know

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Most people generally _1_them and the job they do—although there are certain people who do not believe that the police _2_have the power that they do.
What does a policeman actually do? It is not _3_job to describe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in _4_.A policeman often has to control traffic, either _5_ foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all, or a lot of, his time _6_up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop _7_motorists and help when there is an accident.
A policeman has to help keep the _8_, too. If there is a fight or some other disturbance, we _9_ the police to come and restore order. And they often have to _10_ situation at great risk to their own _11_.
We expect the police to solve crimes, of course, so an ordinary policeman, _12_ he is not a detective(侦探),will often have to help_13_and arrest criminals.
And _14_ do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash,a_15_,a road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. _16_a policeman has to be _17_to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the _18_ world.
The police do an absolutely necessary job, they do it _19_ well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could _20_ do the job of a policeman.
1. A. dislike         B. join         C. appreciate      D. admire
2. A. should         B. would       C. could          D. must
3. A. a funny        B. a pleasant    C. an interesting    D. an easy
4. A. it             B. one         C. his             D. them
5A.on              B. by          C. under          D. with
6. A. walking        B. driving      C. wandering      D. searching
7. A. resting         B. tired        C. speeding        D. drunken
8. A. peace          B. silence      C. situation        D. condition
9. A. wait for        B. call         C. think of         D. expect
10. A. turn to        B. avoid       C. deal with        D. treat
11. A. safety         B. families     C. future          D. friends
12. A. although      B. as if         C. however        D. even if
13. A. get rid of      B. question     C. look for         D. sentence
14. A. how          B. where       C. what           D. who
15. A. power failure   B. fire         C. thunder storm   D. thief
16. A. Yet           B. Then        C. As            D. So
17. A. provided       B. promised    C. prepared       D. presented
18. A. future         B. modern      C. real           D. whole
19. A. extremely      B. specially     C. surprisingly    D. particularly
20. A. hardly        B. forever       C. ever          D. never

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, but divorce(离婚) is becoming_1_as“popular”.Most American people get married, _2_,at the present time, and fifty percent of American marriages end _3_ divorce. However, four out of five divorced people do not _4_ single. They get married a second time to _5_ partners. Sociologists(社会学家)tell us that in the next century, _6_American people will marry three _7_ four times in one lifetime. Alvin Toffler, an American sociologist, _8_this new social form serial(连续的)marriages. In his book Future Shock, Toffler gives many _9_ for this change in American marriage. In modern society, _10_ lives don't stay the same for very long.Americans_11_ change their jobs, their homes, and their circles of _12_So,the person who was a _13_ husband or wife ten years ago is sometimes not as good ten years _14_After some years of marriage, a husband and wife can _15 _that their lives have become very different, and they don't 16the same interests anymore. For this reason, Toffler says, people in the twenty first century will not _17_ to marry only one person for an _18_ lifetime. They will plan to stay married to one person for perhaps five or ten years, and then marry _19_.Most Americans will expect to have a “marriage carrier”that _20_ three or four marriages.
1. A. already           B. almost          C. ever        D. even
2. A. anyway           B. then            C. but         D. therefore
3. A. with            B. from            C. in          D. for
4. A. live              B. take            C. make       D. stay
5. A .new             B. old              C. young       D. pretty
6. A. most             B. main            C. few         D. mostly
7. A. and             B. by              C. or          D. to
8. A. asks             B. calls             C. tells        D. lets
9. A. causes           B. chances           C. problems    D. reasons
10. A. human's         B. people's          C. person's      D. man's
11. A. frequently       B. quickly           C. rapidly      D. fast
12. A. parents         B. classmates         C. neighbors    D. friends
13. A. polite           B. strict              C. good      D. unfriendly
14. A. late             B. latter           C. lately       D. later
15. A. imagine         B. feel              C. believe     D. suppose
16. A. enjoy           B. hold             C. divide      D. share
17. A. desire          B. plan              C. wish       D. design
18. A. entire         B. extreme           C. total       D. whole
19. A. the other       B. others             C. other       D. another
20. A. appears        B. happens           C. includes     D. carries

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world’s great writers. Before   36    this question, it will be useful to introduce some   37  concepts. Conflict,  38   as opposition among  social units-or individuals-directed against one another, is  39 from competition, which    40   opposition among social units   41  seeking to obtain something which is   42   inadequate supply. Competitors may not know about one another, which those who   43  in a conflict do. Conflict and competition are both   44   of opposition. The meaning of opposition has been stated as a process by which social unit function in the disservice of one another, opposition is   45  contrasted to cooperation, a   46   by which social units function in the service of one another. These   47   are necessary because it is important to emphasize that    competition between individuals or groups is inevitable in a world of limited   48  , but conflict isn’t . Conflict, nevertheless, is very likely to occur and is probably an essential and desirable   49  of human societies.
Many authors have 50 their arguments that war cannot be avoided on the idea that in the struggle for existence among groups of animals, only those which are best 51 remain alive. In general, however, this struggle in nature is competition, not conflict. Those who fail in this competition 52 starve
to death or are 53 by other types of animals. This struggle for 54 is not similar to human war, but is like the competition of 55 for jobs, markets, and materials. The most important quality of this struggle is the competition for the necessities of life that are not enough to satisfy all.
36.A.considering    B.solving C.answering    D.saying 
37.A.related    B.used     C.translated    D.sacred 
38.A.specified B.remarked     C.defined       D.claimed      
39.A.variable  B.distinguished      C.various D.isolated      
40.A.acknowledged       B.denies  C.assumes       D.means 
41.A.critically B.approximately     C.independently     D.costly 
42.A.on   B.for       C.with     D.in
43.A.enter      B.participate   C.fall      D.involve      
44.A.formations     B.classes  C.terms   D.reactions    
45.A.nevertheless   B.however      C.thus     D.maybe
46.A.procession     B.standard      C.process D.measurement     
47.A.accounts B.definitions   C.descriptions D.explanations      
48.A.resources       B.origins C.sources D.materials    
49.A.matter    B.element       C.event   D.coincidence
50.A.concentrated  B.fixed    C.centered      D.based  
51.A.encouraged    B.accepted      C.adapted       D.adopted      
52.A.not only B.either   C.neither D.both   
53.A.killed     B.raised   C.fired    D.surrounded 
54.A.resistence       B.privilege     C.favour  D.employment      
55.A.workers  B.officials      C.individuals  D.residents    

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever we've become used to suddenly disappears.  36 , for example, the neatly-dressed woman I 37 to see -- or look at -- on my way to work each morning.
For three years, no matter  38 the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8:00 am. On  39  days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime  40  out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses. 41  , she was an ordinary working woman. Of course, I  42  all this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how  43 I expected to see her each morning. You might say I   44  her.
“Did she have an accident? Something  45 ?” I thought to myself about her  46 .  Now that she was gone, I felt I had  47 her. I began to realize that part of our  48   life probably includes such chance meetings with familiar 49 : the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who 50  walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are   51  markers in our lives. They add weight to our  52  of place and belonging.
Think about it.   53  , while walking to work, we mark where we are by  54 a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though  55 , person?
36. A. Make               B. Take           C. Give               D. Have
37. A. happened          B. wanted         C. used                  D. tried
38. A. what                B. how                 C. which                 D. when
39. A. sunny               B. rainy           C. cloudy            D. snowy
40. A. took               B. brought         C. carried            D. turned
41. A. Clearly              B. Particularly      C. Luckily              D. Especially
42. A. believed             B. expressed        C. remembered         D. wondered
43. A. long               B. often            C. soon               D. much
44. A. respected            B. missed             C. praised            D. admired
45. A. better               B. worse               C. more              D. less
46. A. disappearance        B. appearance           C. misfortune         D. fortune
47. A. forgotten            B. lost                 C. known             D. hurt
48. A. happy               B. enjoyable            C. frequent           D. daily
49. A. friends             B. strangers            C. tourists            D. guests
50. A. regularly            B. actually             C. hardly             D. probably
51. A. common             B. pleasant           C. important          D. faithful
52. A. choice              B. knowledge           C. decision            D. sense
53. A. Because             B. If                C. Although           D. However
54. A. keeping             B. changing         C. passing             D. mentioning
55. A. unnamed             B.unforgettable         C. unbelievable        D. unreal

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A recent study shows that gossip(流言蜚语)is more powerful than truth.It suggests people believe what they hear through the grapevine(小道消息)__36__they have evidence to the contrary.
Researchers, __37__students using a computer game, also found gossip played an important role when people __38__ decisions."We show that gossip has a strong __39__, even when people have __40__ to the original information as well as gossip about the same information.Thus, it is __41__ that gossip has a strong controlling potential," said Ralf Sommerfeld, who led the study.
In the study, the researchers __42__ the students money and allowed them to give it to others in a series of rounds.The students also wrote __43__ about how others played the game that everyone could review.Students tended to give __44__ money to people described as “scrooges (吝啬鬼)” and more to those described as “__45__ players”.“People only believed the gossip, not the past decisions," Sommerfeld said in a telephone interview.
The researchers then took the game a step_46_and showed the students the actual decisions people had made.But they also supplied false gossip that contradicted that __47_.In these cases, the students_48_ their decisions to award money on the gossip, __49__ the hard evidence.
“If you know what the people did, you should care, but they still __50__ what others said,” Sommerfeld said.Researchers have __51__ used similar games to study how people cooperate and the __52__ of gossip in groups.Scientists define gossip __53__ social information spread about a person who is not __54__.In evolutionary terms, gossip can be an important tool for people to __55__ information about others' reputations or find the way through social networks at work and in their everyday lives.
36.A.in case     B.for fear that     C.as if  D.even if    
37.A.testing     B.checking C.examining       D.experimenting
38.A.draw       B.make       C.reach       D.conclude
39.A.impression      B.difference       C.influence D.function
40.A.access      B.entrance   C.charge     D.communication
41.A.curious    B.serious     C.obvious    D.worth
42.A.impressed      B.asked       C.showed    D.gave
43.A.articles    B.notes       C.dairies     D.letters
44.A.less B.more       C.fewer       D.much
45.A.general    B.mean       C.generous D.outgoing
46.A.away       B.forward   C.ahead       D.further
47.A.existence B.evidence C.confidence      D.dependence
48.A.based       B.put   C.focused    D.passed
49.A.more than       B.less than   C.rather than      D.other than
50.A.referred to      B.listened to       C.turned to D.stuck to
51.A.soon        B.presently C.far    D.long
52.A.strength   B.energy     C.effect     D.force
53.A.as     B.for   C.to     D.by
54.A.absent      B.present     C.gone  D.missing
55.A.achieve    B.earn C.acquire    D.win

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

To Design Perfect School Uniforms 设计完美的校服
Believe it or not, there are good reasons for wearing a school uniform. It makes you   1__  proud of your school. It builds a common spirit of unity (整体) among students and   2  them of the values and history of their school. But for most students, school uniforms are not something to be proud of   3  .
“Why   4   the school uniform just one day a week? Always wearing the same clothes makes me feel boring,” a senior student from a high school complained (抱怨). “I don’t like the big English letters of the name of our school on the back,” said a junior student “They could be  __5  .” The main student complaints about school uniforms are: simple colors, boring designs and bad   6  . And a teacher at a middle school in Guangzhou said that   7   a teacher and a mother, she eagerly   8   the quality of school uniforms will be improved soon.
What has caused all these problems? Chen Hong, a uniform designer in Shenzhen, pointed out that problems   9   because the whole society doesn’t see the   10   of the school uniform.
“Most designers are  11   to stick to the same old fashion,   12 _ there are no professionals (专业人员)   13   work for students,” Chen said.
His company   14   most of the awards in the first national competition for school uniforms last month in Nanning, Guangxi.
“Besides, high quality calls for a high price,” said Chen. “But in some schools, the annual (一年一度) expense for each student’s uniform is only 50 to 60 yuan. How can we produce high quality clothes with so   15   money?”
Even with these problems, efforts have been made   16   the situation, according to Zhai Shiliang,   17   of the School Uniform Administration and Service Center in Beijing. A school clothes competition was held in April in Beijing. Thirty-seven uniforms,   18   in schools next spring, were selected from 570. “We will offer the samples (样品) for schools to choose,” Zhai said.
“The perfect uniform should remind the students of the school’s honor and cause them to be proud of it   19   they are,” Chen said. Zhai added, “During the 2008 Olympic Games, the whole world will see the new appearance of our   20   century young generation with new school uniforms.”
1. A. take                   B. feel                C. to take            D. to feel
2. A. remains              B. remember          C. reminds          D. recalls
3. A. at all                  B. in all              C. for all             D. after all
4. A. not to wear           B. to wear           C. not wear         D. wear
5. A. large                  B. larger             C. small              D. smaller
6. A. quantity             B. amount           C. quality            D. unit
7. A. as                         B. like                C. for                 D. with
8. A. wishes                       B. needs              C. wants             D. hopes
9. A. come through     B. come up         C. come in          D. come on
10. A. importance       B. important           C. design            D. possibility
11. A. like                  B. possibly          C. unlikely          D. likely
12. A. if                     B. although         C. because           D. because of
13. A. what                B. which             C. that                D. ×
14. A. won                 B. has won          C. wins                  D. had won
15. A. few                  B. little                  C. much              D. many
16. A. improve           B. develop          C. change            D. to change
17. A. a head              B. the head          C. Head              D. head
18. A. being seen               B. to be seen       C. to see             D. will be seen
19. A. whenever and wherever                 B. when and where 
C. what and who                               D. whatever and whoever
20.A. 19th                 B. 20th                      C. 21st                D. 22nd

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Last year, I was speaking at a gathering of wealthy male investors. The organizers posted the   1   of a survey showing that only a small percentage of wealthy men believed their wives spent too much.
'What?'  2   one participant. 'Those guys have to be lying.'
There is no reliable  3   of who spends more among the rich: men or women. Both will say the other is the  4   spender.
A recent survey by Wilmington Trust, Campden Research and Relative Solutions proves the  5   . The companies polled 40 women (I know, that is more like a show of hands than 'survey'), each with a net worth of $25 million or more.
About half the respondents(受调查者) inherited(.继承) their  6   , a quarter  7   it from their husbands and the other quarter earned it  8   . That is roughly in line with other surveys of  9   women and the source of their money. One interesting note: among the self-made women, 90% got their money from owning a business, rather than  10   a salary.
As for  11   , almost all the women (90%) described their spending habits as 'below their means.' The report on the survey said that is 'possibly  12   they do not view their extreme wealth as defining their success.
'Women tend not to spend as much as  13   and splash(泼洒得使到处是) their names all over the place,' said one woman in the survey, describing her spending as conservative and he lifestyle as 'below the radar.'
Many women also worried about wealth having  14    effects on their children and didn't want to spend lavishly(挥霍) to  15   a bad example.
At the same time, 70% of the women said they 'buy nice things when  16   .' And 93.5% of the women said they were responsible for making  17   on major purchases, which  18   that they do a lot of the big spending.
Of course, for truly major purchases a house in Aspen, Colo., a Gulfstream, a Feadship the couple probably makes the decision  19   .
But what about other  20   ? Do you think men or women do most of the high-end spending?
(   ) 1. A. results                B. reasons             C. times                D. directions
(   ) 2. A. cried                  B. sighed              C. shouted            D. laughed
(   ) 3. A. data                   B. measure            C. division            D. news
(   ) 4. A. biggest                  B. bigger              C. smaller             D. worse
(   ) 5. A. matter                B. message            C. point                D. report
(   ) 6. A. spirit                 B. money              C. habit                D. cost
(   ) 7. A. bought                      B. robbed             C. got                   D. earned
(   ) 8. A. itself                  B. herself              C. ourselves          D. themselves
(   ) 9. A. wealthy              B. poor                 C. ordinary            D. honest
(   ) 10. A. making            B. earning             C. taking              D. spending
(   ) 11. A. buying             B. wasting            C. spending           D. saving
(   ) 12. A. when                      B. if                     C. whether            D. because
(   ) 13. A. women             B. youth                      C. adults                  D. men
(   ) 14. A. serious             B. good                C. bad                  D. various
(   ) 15. A. send                 B. set                   C. do                    D. give
(   ) 16. A. necessary          B. possible            C. pleased             D. anxious
(   ) 17. A. plans                B. decisions          C. appointments    D. suggestions
(   ) 18. A. notices             B. stresses             C. implies             D. intends
(   ) 19. A. away                B. together            C. as well             D. out
(   ) 20. A. purchases         B. effects              C. differences        D. Examples

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fifteen percent of US teenagers aged 12 to 17 who own mobile phones have received nude(裸体)or nearly nude images of someone they know, according to a survey released on Tuesday.
Only four percent of mobile phone-owning   1  in that age group have sent sexually suggestive pictures of themselves, a practice known as "sexting,"   2  the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.
The Pew survey found that girls and boys were equally as likely to have sent a suggestive picture to   3 person and  4   teenagers were more likely to have engaged in "sexting."
Eight percent of 17-year-olds with mobile phones have sent a sexually provocative(刺激的) image  5   texting and 30 percent have  6    a nude or nearly nude image on their phone.
Only four percent of 12-year-olds have sent suggestive images of   7  .
Amanda Lenhart, a senior research specialist at Pew and the author of the report, said sexually suggestive images have become a   8   of "relationship currency" for teens.
"These images are    9  as a part of or instead of sexual activity, or as a way of starting or  10  a relationship with a significant other," she said. "And they are also passed  11   to friends for their entertainment value, as a joke or for   12  ."
"The desire for risk-taking and sexual exploration during the teenage years   13   with a constant connection via mobile devices creates a 'perfect storm' for sexting," said Lenhart.
"Teenagers have always grappled with issues around sex and   14   , but their coming-of-age mistakes transgressions have never been so easily   15   and stored for others to see," she added.
The survey found that teens with unlimited text messaging plans were more likely to receive "sexts"   16   images of people they know. About 75 percent of mobile phone owning teens have unlimited plans.
Among this group, Pew said 18 percent reporting receiving "sexts"    17   with eight percent of teens on    18   data plans and three percent of teens who pay per message.
According to Pew, 58 percent of 12-year-olds own a mobile phone and 83 percent teens aged 17   19    .
Pew noted that a number of US states are grappling with how to  20   "sexting" among minors and some legislatures(立法机关) have stepped in to consider laws that would downgrade charges from felonies(重罪) to misdemeanors(轻罪).
Pew conducted telephone interviews with 800 teens aged 12 to 17 and their parents between June 26 and September 24.
(   ) 1. A. teens                  B. adults                  C. students            D. parents
(   ) 2. A. referring to               B. reporting          C. saying              D. according to
(   ) 3. A. other                 B. another             C. others               D. the other
(   ) 4. A. younger             B. fewer                      C. older                D. more
(   ) 5. A. by                        B. in                    C. on                    D. through
(   ) 6. A. accepted             B. received           C. sent                  D. mailed
(   ) 7. A. others                B. themselves        C. himself             D. herself
(   ) 8. A. habit                  B. system              C. method             D. form
(   ) 9. A. shared                B. limited             C. tasted                      D. controlled
(   ) 10. A. remaining         B. gaining             C. maintaining      D. obtain
(   ) 11. A. along                      B. by                    C. as                    D. for
(   ) 12. A. joy                  B. fun                  C. excitement     D. delight
(   ) 13. A. compared         B. followed           C. combined         D. went
(   ) 14. A. friendships     B. scholarships      C. relatives           D. relationships
(   ) 15. A. transmitted    B. transformed      C. formed             D. switched
(   ) 16. A. containing               B. concluding        C. including          D. concerning
(   ) 17. A. comparing               B. compared         C. connected         D. joined
(   ) 18. A. limited             B. unlimited          C. few                  D. little
(   ) 19. A. have                B. same                C. do                   D. too
(   ) 20. A. do with            B. deal with          C. remove             D. ban

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One day,not too long ago,the employees of a large company in St.Louis,Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door.The sign said,“Yesterday the person who had been hindering (阻碍) your  1 in this company passed away.We  2  you to join the funeral in the room that has been  3 in the gym.”
At first everyone was sad to  4 that one of their colleagues had died,   5 after a while they started getting  6  about who this person might be.
The excitement  7  as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last 8  .Everyone wondered.“Who is this person that was hindering my growth?Well,   9  he’s no longer here!”
One by one the   10 got closer to the coffin (棺材) and when they looked inside it,they  11 became speechless.They stood beside the coffin,  12 into silence,as if someone had  13  the deepest part of their soul.
There was a mirror inside the coffin—everyone who looked inside it could see himself.There was also a  14  next to the mirror that  15  ,“There is only one person who is capable to 16  limits to your growth:it is YOU.”
You are the only person who can revolutionize your  17 .  You are the only person who can 18 your happiness,realization and success.You are the only person who can help yourself.Your life does not change when your boss changes,your friends change,your parents change,your partner changes or your company changes.Your life changes when YOU change,when you go  19 your limiting beliefs and when you realize that you are the only one 20 for your life.
1. A.ability                   B.progress       C.talent                  D.practice
2. A.demand                 B.allow         C.invite                  D.advise
3. A.started                   B.prepared      C.opened                 D.created
4. A.learn             B.receive        C.notice       D.find
5. A.for            B.or               C.so               D.but
6. A.angry                    B.sorry       C.curious             D.nervous
7. A.grew                     B.appeared    C.improved            D.developed
8. A.sight                     B.attention     C.appreciation              D.respect
9. A.at least                  B.in fact     C.at once                  D.in general
10. A.employees            B.managers  C.friends          D.citizens
11. A.quickly         B.finally       C.obviously          D.suddenly
12. A.worried        B.depressed   C.shocked           D.embarrassed
13. A.broken          B.touched           C.stolen                  D.changed
14. A.letter                   B.sign         C.mark                     D.page
15. A.told                       B.warned           C.wrote                     D.read
16. A.set             B.take          C.put              D.get
17. A.business              B.heart        C.life                 D.success
18. A.realize                 B.satisfy       C.influence        D.consider
19. A.for                 B.upon         C.over               D.beyond
20. A.reasonable            B.responsibleC.suitable           D.valuable

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

About 1,000 students were having a final exam in a huge lecture hall. Obviously the teacher wasn’t very well liked, who kept shouting out how much time was left. During the exam he was so  36   going around the room making sure that nobody   37  . He asked the students to pile the   38   tests on the huge desk. This made for quite a mess(混乱).
Anyway, everyone needed a fairly good   39  . Many students did poorly when rushed.  40of the students thought that he must get a good grade, so he went on when the professor said “  41   down and check up your exam sheets”.
Five   42   turned into ten, ten into twenty, twenty into forty … almost an hour   43   the test was over, our friend finally put down his pencil,   44   up his work, and headed to the front to present his final. The whole time, the professor sat there,   45   waiting for the student to complete.
“What do you think you are doing?” It was clear that the professor had   46   only to give the student a   47   time.
“Turning in my exam,” replied the student confidently.
“I’m afraid I have some bad   48   for you,” the professor gloated(幸灾乐祸), “Your  49 is an hour late. You’re FAILED it. And I’ll see you next term when you   50   my course.”
The student smiled slyly(狡诈地)   51   asked the professor, “Do you know who I am?” “No,” cried out the professor   52  .
The student   53   the professor right in the eyes and said slowly, “I didn’t think so,” so he lifted up one of the   54   half way, put his test neatly into the center of the pile, let the pile fall  55   his test in the middle, turned around, and walked out of the huge lecture hall.
36.A.kind                       B.busy                       C.strict                      D.serious
37.A.cheated                   B.failed                            C.slept                       D.passed
38.A.written                   B.succeeded               C.unfinished               D.completed
39.A.teacher                   B.friend                     C.grade                      D.paper
40.A.All                         B.One                        C.None                      D.Each
41.A.pencils                   B.papers                    C.hands                     D.books
42.A.students                  B.minutes                  C.sheets                     D.piles
43.A.if                           B.though                    C.before                    D.after
44.A.gathered                 B.brought                  C.sent                        D.made
45.A.strangely                B.excitedly                 C.anxiously                D.curiously
46.A.promised                B.managed                 C.waited                    D.worked
47.A.easy                       B.hard                       C.long                       D.good
48.A.information            B.result                      C.advice                    D.news
49.A.exam                      B.time                       C.arrival                    D.turn
50.A.accept                    B.repeat                     C.learn                      D.begin
51.A.and                        B.but                         C.so                          D.however
52.A.cruelly                   B.calmly                    C.angrily                   D.firmly
53.A.searched                 B.hit                         C.blamed                   D.looked
54.A.hands                     B.eyes                       C.desks                      D.piles
55.A.changing                B.burying                  C.improving               D.sticking

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A young man rushes about a small room, hiding himself behind a chair, jumping on the desk, jabbing (刺) the air with his pencil. To an outsider there appears to be no __1__ for these strange acts. However, he is the __2__ of an experiment in hypnosis (催眠). Being hypnotized, the young man has __3__ the suggestion that there is a fierce dog in the room. So he acts as though there were.
According to the popular conception of hypnosis, a hypnotized person is in a __4__ like sleepwalking-seemingly awake yet out of touch with his or her normal __5__ awareness and self-control. There are, however, enormous __6__ between the sleepwalker and the hypnotized person. First, the sleepwalker, __7__ the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and doesn’t take instructions. Second, the sleepwalker doesn’t remember sleepwalking, while the hypnotized person __8__ everything that went on under hypnosis.
Obviously, sleep and hypnosis are different. But what exactly is hypnosis? Psychologists still don’t have a firm answer to this question. Although hypnosis has been already successfully __9__ to a large range of medical uses, there is little clear agreement as to how hypnosis works. Only when scientists can understand this, can the full potential (潜能) of hypnosis in medical treatment be __10__.

A.reason B.purpose C.doubt D.evidence

A.species B.target C.subject D.aim

A.received B.accepted C.admitted D.believed

A.time B.course C.development D.state

A.awake B.waking C.sleepy D.sleeping

A.influence B.relations C.similarities D.differences

A.unlike B.like C.for D.with

A.forgets B.destroys C.enjoys D.remembers

A.come B.put C.turned D.changed

A.exploited B.saved C.made D.kept

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Have you ever noticed advertisements which say “Learn a foreign language in 6 weeks or your money back”?
Of course, it never happens quite like that. The only language which is easy to learn is the native tongue. Before the Second World War people usually learnt a foreign language in order to read the literature of the nation. Now speaking a foreign language is what most people want. Every year millions of people start learning one. How can they do it?
Some people try at home, with books or tapes; some use radio or television programs. If they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will take a long time. A few people have to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or more hours a day. It is easier to learn a language in the country where it is spoken in everyday life. However, most people cannot afford this, and for many it is not nesessary. They need the language in order to do their work better. For example, scientists chiefly need to be able to read books and reports in the foreign language. Whether the language is learnt quickly or slowly, it is hard work. Machines and books will help. But they cannot do the students’ work for them.

A.replaces B.takes C.follows D.happens

A.native B.common C.spoken D.special

A.spoke B.liked C.learnt D.disliked

A.world B.tradition C.time D.nation

A.that B.why C.what D.because

A.shows B.programs C.activities D.plays

A.However B.Also C.Afterwards D.Still

A.pay B.afford C.obtain D.gain

A.practical B.possible C.necessary D.successful

A.result B.succeed C.decide D.help

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Human beings may be the most intelligent animal species, but most of us are not too sure what we mean when we talk about intelligence. One moment we all use the word to __1__ someone who knows the answer to a difficult questions, and the next we will say that someone is __2__ because they have made a lot of money. Intelligence is the ability to __3__ new approaches to solve problems, as __4__ to doing things out of habit or conditioning. Rats in a maze (迷宫) can learn __5__ the mistake that they made, but this isn’t really intelligence. A good example of intelligence is the way to learn a language isn’t directly __6__ to intelligence. As children, we are all programmed to learn to speak and it is not the __7__ that intelligent children always speak at a younger age. But as we grow older, intelligent people have an advantage because they will find ways of making the most of the __10__ they have.

A.refer B.say C.mention D.describe

A.intelligent B.aggressive C.capable D.successful

A.come up with B.put up with C.get up with D.make up with

A.contrast B.different C.opposed D.compared

A.of B.about C.from D.with

A.speed B.way C.effect D.goal

A.gets B.is C.makes D.takes

A.related B.joined C.compared D.combined

A.instance B.example C.case D.fact

A.abilities B.time C.money D.chance

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

The wonders of Virtual Reality (VR) (虚拟现实) can now take you back into a world that no person has ever seen. In this amazing new VR game, you will go back __1__ 100 million years, and live among the dinosaurs (恐龙).
You will __2__ dinosaurs eat, sleep and fight. You will admire the great __3__ of the strange flowers and huge trees.
You will __4__ a huge, friendly dinosaur with your hands. You will glide- through the __5__ on the back of a flying dinosaur and look down on the land and seas far __6__ you.
You will watch a terrifying struggle, as two of the world’s most __7__ and dangerous dinosaurs fight each other right in front of you. You will __8__ down into the deep seas, and discover mysterious dinosaurs __9__.
Remember that, as in all VR games, you will enjoy all these experiences in complete __10__. This is an excellent, exciting and educational game which brings the world of the dinosaurs to life as never before.

A.at age B.in time C.for D.to

A.see B.watch C.stare D.glance at

A.beauty B.smell C.bloom D.figure

A.feed B.train C.catch D.rescue

A.land B.water C.air D.sea

A.under B.above C.below D.behind

A.fierce B.tame C.talented D.naughty

A.jump B.drop C.fall D.dive

A.in the past B.on the ground C.under the water D.in the forest

A.loneliness B.danger C.happiness D.safety

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
