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A young man, while travelling through a desert, came across a spring of clear water.     water was sweet. He filled his leather container so that he could bring some back to an elder     had been his teacher. After a four-day journey, the young man    (present) the water to the old man. His teacher took a deep drink, smiled     (warm), and thanked his student very much for the sweet water. The young man went home     a happy heart.
After the student left, the teacher let     student taste the water. He spat it out,    (say) it was awful. Apparently, it was no longer fresh because of the old leather container. He asked his teacher, “Sir, the water was awful. Why did you pretend to like    ?” The teacher replied,“You tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love. Nothing could be    (sweet).”
We understand this lesson best     we receive gifts of love from children. Whether it is a cheap pipe or a diamond necklace, the proper response is appreciation. We love the idea within the gift rather than the thing.

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Mrs. Wilson, ______is the wife of a rich man, ______(invite) some of her friends to lunch. She was trying a new way to cook fish and she was very pleased with herself _______the fish was ready. As the fish was very hot, she put it near the open window to  cool for a few minutes. Five minutes later, when she came back for it, she was ____(surprise) to find the neighbor’s cat staring at the fish. She was in time to stop the cat before it was too late. That afternoon every one enjoyed the fish. They talked and laughed ____ four o’clock.
After the guests left, Mrs. Wilson felt tired ____happy. She was sitting down in a chair near the window when she saw the neighbor’s cat ___(die) in her garden, she was sure the fish was bad. What ____happen to her friends? She at once telephoned the family doctor for help, the doctor would like each guest   ___(meet) him. Once again Mrs. .Wilson was alone in her chair still tired but no longer happy, just then the telephone rang. ______was her neighbor, “oh, Mrs. Wilson” he cried, “My cat was killed by a car and put in your garden.”

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I’m  only daughter of my parents. So they are worried   everything I do. For example, I ride my bike, my parents won’t let me (ride) by myself. They are afraid I might fall off my bike and hurt  .They are taking great trouble to support the bike, with my mother even (carry) a first-aid box. I’m not free to ride and I often say (angry), “Why not let me ride alone?”
Now, most families have one child.   want to do everything for their children. This does no good to them. Too much love from parents may prevent children from __independent. In my opinion, parents should let their children do they should do alone.

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A rich land owner decided to leave possessions to one of his two sons. As he lay on the deathbed, he called the two young men to him before      break of dawn and even before the cock could crow. He then said, “I will leave all my earth to the one    can best fill this room. It was in this room       I made plans on how to build up my fortune. Not an inch must     (leave) uncovered. As I am getting      (weak) by the hour you both must come back by midnight.” He handed them a small piece of silver and an empty bag to put their purchases in. They both went out and      (hurry) came back with their purchases.    (bring) the straw, the elder began to spread it around the floor,       far from filling the room. It did not even cover half the space. “This is no use, son,” said the father, “and let me see how    brother fills the room.” The younger son took out of his bag a large candle,  (set) it on the table in the center of the room and lit it. A brilliant bright light filled up the whole room. The father was delighted and exclaimed, “Son, I am sure you will use the wealth well.”

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with  that   little  start  do  because  way  how  make  explain  bad
Sometimes, we see some people reading books while biting their nails (咬指甲). According to the BBC(英国广播公司), up to 45 percent of teenagers bit their nails. There is not an exact answer to      why people bite their nails. But most commonly, nail biting is said to be a nervous habit. It is done       of stress(压力), boredom or excitement.
What’s more, a report says that people with higher levels of intelligence(智力)        biting their nails at an early age. It believes that compared       common person,     with higher levels of intelligence may feel higher levels of stress more easily.
This habit is       for the biters. It can give them red or sore fingertips. And long-term nail biting can affect(影响)       nails grow.
But don’t worry! There are many       to stop biting your nails. First, keep your nails clean. The more you focus on taking care of your nails, the      likely you may bite them again. Also, when you feel stressed, try to relax.       exercise or having a warm bath both help.

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Summer was coming and it was getting hotter. Mrs. King got   early one morning and went to the market after she     (have)breakfast. She knew that everything was cheap there before eight o'clock. She wanted to buy many    (vegetable)for her family. Suddenly she saw there were a   of people around a farmer. She hurried there and found that he was selling some beef.
“How       does it cost?”a woman asked.
“Two dollars a kilo.”
“Oh,how cheap it is!”Mrs. King said to herself.“John      (like)beef very much. I'd better buy some here.”
When she got    with five kilos of beef,her son was happy but her husband got angry.
“What a silly woman!”said Mr. King.“How shall we keep it fresh in such hot weather?”
“Your aunt is very rich,”said Mrs. King.“Why not go and borrow some money ___  her? Then we'll be able to buy a fridge.”Mr. King agreed and they began to teach their five-year-old son what _ (say)when they were at his aunt's house·
“John,”Mr. King said,“how can we keep the beef fresh?”
“That's easy,”the boy said  (happy).“By eating it!”

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I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting    my car broke down near a remote village. Cursing my   (fortune), I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me    (argue) as to who should have the honour of receiving me    a guest in their house. Finally, I accepted the offer of    80-year-old peasant woman who lived alone in a little house. While she was getting me settled into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse      my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometers away    there was a garage.
I had noticed three hens     (run) free in my hostesscourtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table. Other villagers brought me goat’s cheese and honey. We drank together and talked    (merry) till far into the night.
When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I    (cause) her. But she refused.

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We may find ourselves in many situations, where we discover or learn something that matters for us. But somehow, it really makes no____(different). So what can be done?___(benefit) from each experience in a learning environment, you need to answer these 3 questions:
What have I learnt or discovered? Most of us___(easy) answer this question. We just list____learning points that matter to us. At this stage we are rarely sure of why,____we simply don't express it.So what does it mean to me? This question ____(help) us to express how important the learning points are and why____are important.
And now what do I do with this? This last question is the____important because this is the one that helps us to use the learning. It turns the theory into practice.
____doing so, you'll surprise yourself how much these simple questions change the way you learn greatly. Over the coming weeks and months, you'll notice how much you immediately apply ____you've learnt and also how much it opens up your perceptions(洞察力) of everyday life.

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How to learn a oreign language? Here are some tips for you.
Spend the time! The     time you spend on a language, the faster you will learn. This means listening, reading, writing, speaking, and studying words and phrases. This means finding     (特别的) ways to spend as much as time   (体会) the language you are learning as possible.
Listen and read every day! Listen w   you are on your MP3 player. Read what you are listening to. Listen to and read things that you like, things that you can m   understand, or even partly understand.
Take    (责任) for your own learning! If you do want to learn the language, take control. Choose content of interest that you want to listen and read. Pay     (注意) to the words and phrases that you need to understand. Do not w  for someone else to show you the language. Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it.
Relax and enjoy   ! Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand. It does not matter. You are learning and improving. The language will  (逐渐) become much clearer in your brain. So sit back and enjoy.

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As the communication between China and Britain is becoming ____(increasing) frequent, the differences between them ___(cause) a heated discussion in the past few years.
Firstly, table manners are the essential procedure in everyone’s daily life. We get used to ___(use) chopsticks while Englishmen use knife and forks. It’s not polite to burst into laughter when eating in Britain, ____indicates you don’t respect others. ___ the contrary, we laugh and talk during a meal. What’s more, in Britain, we have to wander along the left side of the road, but traffic in our country keeps to the right. In addition, for Chinese students, __they have experienced in studying is an ____(organization) learning style. Students are required to follow a clear plan. ___(compare) with Chinese education, British education is ____ flexible and imaginative. Students there are encouraged to discuss the subject they want to learn. Last but not least, in China, “thank you” is not frequently used between friends and family members while “thank you” is widely used in Britain.
There is no sense in debating which is better. We owe these manners ____ a long history, so you should do as the Romans do.

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By “luxury(奢侈品)”, we mean "a pleasant and often expensive thing that is not necessary". From a historical point of view, things which were a luxury when they first came into being all became necessities later.
Anything, no matter         luxurious it is, will become a necessity, when it is widely used. This is true of many of the present luxuries, among which mobile phones, cars, computers and many other things     (include). It is known to all that the purpose of the development of science is      (make) things easy for the mankind, not for only     small number of people.    , the first thing to do after a new invention occurs is to spread it so as to benefit       many people as possible. In the course of the spread, the luxury becomes decreasingly luxurious until       the end it becomes a necessity. This is an objective law, and          can be an exception.
With the quick    (develop) of science and technology, the process for many things to become a necessity from a luxury will be greatly shortened. Anything that can be imagined will be invented and in no time becomes a necessity      (access) to ordinary people.

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Dear fellow students,
May I have your attention,please? Now I'd like to make a speech here.As we know,waste      (become)a common scene on campus recently.Some pour the remains of a meal where there is still much        (1eave);others     (simple)walk away after washing hands,leaving the water        (run);students leave the classroom every day      noticing whether fans are switched off.Has thrift(节俭),one of the national tradition        developed from our long history gone?       so,find it back!
We don't have to take great pains to control waste,but action and a grateful heart are needed;thank the water that runs through our fingers,and save it for poor Arabian or African countries struggling in water       (short);thank the light we enjoy because in poor areas,children share       dim lamp reading;thank all the paper we are able to use,for trees are cut down      (satisfy)our needs;thank everything nature can offer and everything we can own.
Live and act,so the tradition of thrift will never fade.

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Once upon a time, a man punished his 5-year-old daughter for using up the family's only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper. Money was tight, and he became even more upset      on Christmas Eve, he saw that the child had pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a shoebox to put under the Christmas tree.
Nevertheless, the next morning the little girl, filled with     (excite), brought the gift box to her father and said, "This is for you, Daddy!"
As he opened the box, the father     (embarrass) by his earlier overreaction.
But when he opened it, he found it was empty    again he became angry. "Don't you know, young lady, " he said harshly, "when you give someone a present there's supposed to be       inside the package!"
The little girl looked up at him with tears        (roll) from her eyes and said: "Daddy, it's not empty. I blew kisses into it until it was all full."
The father was crushed. He fell        his knees and put his arms around his precious little girl. He begged her to forgive him for his unnecessary anger.
An accident took the life of the child only a short time later. It is told       the father kept that little gold box by his bed for all the years of his life. Whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems he would open the box, take out        imaginary kiss, and remember the love of this beautiful child    had put it there.

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Learning to study isn’t difficult.  The first thing to remember is    you must be willing to learn.  It doesn’t mean that you must like the subject.  It does mean,     , that you must be willing to learn whatever is necessary.  Try to understand     it is important and how it helps you. Having a good command of mathematical facts will be useful in  whole life.  Enough words and expressions make any kind of writing  (easy) than you thought.  Of course your (curious) will make the subject that you think is going to be uninteresting attractive.
Here is some advice for you.  Have a certain time and place each day so that you can bury yourself in study    interruptions. Have everything ready before you sit down to study.   (know) what you should learn is also important.  Read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things.  What’s more, you need  (consult)your teachers in time when you have trouble with your homework.  Never forget the importance of review and preview.
Follow the advice   you are sure to benefit from it.

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Mr. Li:  OK, listen up! _____ we can enjoy ourselves on the Great Wall, there are a few rules and ______(suggest). OK?
All:      Yes, Mr. Li.
Mr. Li: First, you must keep to the path. You mustn’t walk along the edge because you might fall and hurt yourself. Is that clear?
All:     Yes.
Mr. Li:  And you have to keep together. You mustn’t go off _____ your own, because you might get _____(lose).
All:    OK, Mr. Li.
Jack:  Can we have something _____(eat) now? I’m starving.
Mr. Li:  No, you can’t, Jack! You only ______(have) breakfast an hour ago. I think we should start walking, and then stop at noon for our picnic. But you shouldn’t drink all the water, because you may need some __(late).
Jack:   Can we go rock climbing?
Mr. Li: Yes, you can, ____ you must use ropes. You have to think about ____(person) safety! And you must have the right shoes. OK, I think that’s all. Let’s go down this path, and then we can cross the stream and climb up to the top of that mountain. Then we can take ___ look across the countryside...
Jack:   ...and have lunch?
Mr. Li: ...and then walk along that part of the wall, up there. Come on! I’ll lead the way.
Jack:   I feel tired already. I may need a rest very soon.

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