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When you are ill, you will see a doctor. The doctor will write a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctor’s notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemists can’t read them.
One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family in the restaurant. The doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it.
“What shall I do?” she asked her husband. “I don’t know whether he is going to come or not. I don’t want to call him and say that I don’t understand him.”
Her husband thought for a few minutes and then he had and idea. “Take it to the chemist,” he said. “He will be able to read it for us.” The woman went to the chemist’s shop and gave the doctor’s “note” to him. The chemist looked at it for a long time.
“Could you wait a moment, Miss?” he said. Then he went to the back of the shop. After a few minutes he came back, carrying a large bottle(瓶子).  He gave the bottle to the woman.
“Take one spoonful(一匙) every day,” he told the woman.
根据短文内容判断正误,正确的在答题卡上涂A, 错误的在答题卡上涂B.
The doctor invited the woman to dinner one day.
The woman couldn’t read the note because the doctor wrote it badly.
The husband asked his wife to go to the chemist’s shop and get some medicine.
The chemist gave the woman a large bottle of medicine.
In fact, the chemist didn’t know the meaning of the doctor’s note at all.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

(1)  Leo enjoys travelling and wants to learn how to make different typical dishes.

A. Night Light

The writer talks about his hard life as a blind person,and describes the challenges on his way to success.

(2)  Jeff loves the countryside and enjoys writing.He wants to develop his writing skills.

B. Action Plan

It's all about famous sportspeople and includes lots of interviews about what they've done to succeed.

(3)  Chloe loves doing sports and would like to learn how top sportspeople succeed.

C. Days in the Sun

The writer describes his happy early life on a small farm,and how travelling around the countryside helped him to become a writer.

(4)  Mia likes books about exciting experiences happening in the past.

D. Endless Days

It's about a true story of the first pilots.With plenty of photos,the book brings history to life for readers.

(5)  Dan wants to read books about someone who's brave enough to face his challenges.

E. Our Lives

This is the perfect book if you're interested in cultures.It introduces recipes(菜谱) for traditional dishes from different places.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We all know the dangers of fires. It’s good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions.

Put a smoke alarm(火警) in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.
Make escape(逃脱) plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.
Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.
Practise for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:
★    Don’t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.
★    Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.
★    What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don’t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket(毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.
There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don’t forget to call 119 for help.
When a smoke alarm rings at home, it means _________.

A.you have to get up B.water is running to the floor
C.something is burning D.someone breaks your window

The writer advises us to do the following to prepare for a fire except that _________.

A.we practise for a fire B.we make escape plans
C.we buy fire extinguishers D.we use electrical cookers

When a fire happens,____ if you open the hot door.

A.the door will soon be on fire B.the electricity will be cut off
C.the fire will grow more quickly D.the house will fall down

What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?

A.Stop, run, roll. B.Stop, drop, roll.
C.Run, drop, roll. D.Roll, drop, stop.

What is the best title for this passage?

A.Be Ready for a Fire. B.The Causes of a Fire.
C.Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher. D.The Dangers of a Fire.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It is a convenient kind of transportation.It is also great exercise.And it makes a healthy lifestyle.Do you know what it is?Yes,we are talking about biking.

Most of us know that biking is a clean and cheap way to get around a city.It not only reduces traffic problems and pollution,but it is also good for people's health.

In many countries,bike﹣friendly facilities(设施) are making people's lives better.

In the world's top bike﹣friendly city,Copenhagen,the capital city od Denmark(丹麦),traffic lights in main crossings are always green for bike riders during peak(高峰) hours.And when it's snowy,the snow is cleared from the bicycle roads first and then car roads.

The US has a special day to encourage people to ride bikes.It is Bike to Work Day on May 20th.To make cycling easy,the government had built over 200cycle roads until 2014.

In China,you can also find a few bike﹣friendly cities.Xiamen is one of them.You can rent bikes and take a ride on the circular road(环岛路).In Xiangtan,people have been able to rent bikes in busy areas of the city in the past two years.It's very convenient and liked by many people

46.What is the text mainly about?  

A.Great exercise.

B.A healthy lifestyle.


47.From the text,we know that the world's top bike﹣friendly city is in  




48.May 20th is a special day in America to encourage people to go to work  

A.by car

B.by nike

C.by subway

49.The US government had built over 200   until 2014.

A.cycle roads

B.car roads

C.main crossings

50.Biking is liked by people in Xiangtan because it is  




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Online shopping has become something very common for young people, however, it's not easy for the old people to buy things on the internet. Therefore, offline Daigou stores, or buy-for-you stores, are becoming popular among the old.
64-year-old man Li Hui'an is searching for his favorite CD in an offline Daigou shop. He says, "It's very convenient to buy things online, however, I can't use the internet. After I happened to find this buy-for-you shop, I decided to try, as I wanted to buy an opera CD. Finally I got one I'd searched for for several years. I was so happy. I have become crazy about offline shopping. "
The store owner Liu Min says in order to meet the need of people who want to buy things online but can't use the internet, she started the business of offline buy-for-you. In only about ten days since the start of the business, she has received more than 20 orders from customers (顾客). Liu Min is not the only one who finds the large need of offline buy-for-you business in the market. In Dalian city, northeast China, more than 300 such stores opened their doors only in April.
In order to attract more customers, they have opened their shops in residential communities (居民区). And they charge a suitable service fee. For example, when buying things that cost less than 200 yuan for customers, they usually charge 5 yuan as service fee.
Though the offline buy-for-you service makes it easier for certain people to shop online, what if there is any problem with the ordered thing, let's say, like a quality problem? The shop owners say they will deal with any quality problems that may happen when using their Daigou service.
What is offline shopping?

A.Buying things in a common store.
B.Buying and selling things on the internet.
C.Buying things on the internet for the old.
D.Buying things on the internet for the people who can't use the internet.

Why do many old people like offline shopping?

A.They don't like going shopping.
B.They are good at buying things on the internet.
C.They don't like buying things online themselves.
D.Offline shopping makes it easier for them to shop online.

What's the meaning of the underlined word "charge"in the fourth paragraph?

A.收费 B.管理 C.交纳 D.缴税

Which of the following is NOT true about the offline Daigou service?

A.People can find buy-for-you shops in residential communities.
B.The customers have to pay a suitable service fee.
C.There are many problems with the ordered things.
D.The store owners deal with the quality problems.

We can know from the passage that________.

A.Li Hui'an is crazy about shopping online
B.offline buy-for-you business is in great need
C.Liu Min is the first one who has an offline Daigou store
D.there are about 300 buy-for-you stores in Dalian city
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

"I have no special talent.I'm only passionately curious. " This famous quote from Albert Einstein might tell the reason for his success.When Newton discovered gravity,and when Thomas Edison invented the light bulb,their curiosity was greatly satisfied.If they hadn't been curious,what a loss for humans!

    There is a common truth that intellectual curiosity (求知欲)contributes to school performance more than intelligence.Some studies also show there are benefits of curiosity in improving the long ﹣ term level of learning and memory,and a lot of positive results are connected with curiosity.

    It has been known that both animals and humans are willing to take a risk to satisfy their curiosity despite knowing that the result will remain unchanged.Despite there being different views on the reason for curiosity,most experts reach an agreement that like the way the stomach looks for food,our brain looks for knowledge.People and animals are eager to know things because getting that information means a reward.

    An interesting thing is that our brain will release a pleasure﹣related chemical when it has been given new information ,making seeking information much like eating — another pleasant activity.Researchers newly found that increasing the release of the chemical greatly increased the curiosity in animals.However,how exactly the chemical plays a role still remains a mystery.

    Considering the present level of research on curiosity and the driving force of curiosity,including scientific curiosity,more research should be carried on in this field.It's safe to say that curiosity itself will help uncover curiosity.And remember even though the idiom says "Curiosity kills the cat",it ends with satisfaction bringing it back.

(1)What do the examples mentioned in Paragraph 1 intend to tell us?   

A.The importance of being curious.

B.The advice from successful people.

C.The reason why humans keep curious.

D.The relationship between curiosity and efforts.

(2)What can we learn about intellectual curiosity from Paragraph 2?   

A.It often requires long﹣term training.

B.It helps people develop a positive lifestyle.

C.Students with it learn better than those smart ones.

D.Students born smart often have stronger intellectual curiosity.

(3)Which of the following ideas is generally accepted about curiosity?   

A.Human curiosity comes when they want to change results.

B.It is natural and common among humans and animals.

C.It is often related to some adventurous activities.

D.Animals' curiosity appears with hunger.

(4)What does the author mean in the last paragraph?   

A.Curiosity takes many different forms.

B.People may make mistakes because of strong curiosity.

C.Curiosity makes people dissatisfied with their present situations.

D.People should do more research on curiosity with some curiosity.

(5)Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?   

A.It's safe to say that curiosity itself won't help uncover curiosity.

B.People shouldn't have any curiosity.

C.Intellectual curiosity contributes to school performance less than intelligence.

D.Increasing the release of the chemical greatly increased the curiosity in animals.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


Most teens need more than 9hours of sleep each night.But about 1in 4teens has trouble in sleeping.Lack(缺少) of sleep can affect everything from our feelings to how well we focus on tasks like studying.It can also influence sports performance,increase our chances of getting sick,and may be related to weight gain in some people.

How can we get the sleep we need?Here are some ideas:

Be active during the day.Get at least 60minutes of exercise a day.Physical activity can decrease(减少) stress and help people feel more relaxed.Just don't work too close to bedtime because exercise can wake you up before it slows you down.

Say goodnight to electronics.Experts suggest using the bedroom for sleep only.At least shut everything down an hour or more before lights out.

Keep a sleep routine(常规).Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body expect sleep.Creating a set bedtime routine can improve this relaxation effect.Spending time with a pet,writing a diary or doing anything else can relax you.

Expect a good night's sleep.Instead of worrying that you won't sleep,remind(提醒) yourself that you can.Say"Tonight,I will sleep well"several times during the day.It can also help to practice breathing exercises or gentle exercises before bed.

Everyone has a sleepless night once in a while.But if you regularly have trouble in sleeping and you think it's affecting your mood or performance,talk to your doctor.

46.How many hours of sleep do most teens need each night?  

47.Can physical activity increase stress or decrease stress?  

48.If Tom often has trouble sleeping and it affects like performance,what should he do?  

49.Does making the light on help to have a good sleep?  

50.Write down at least one of your suggestions about getting the sleep we need.  

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Most viruses can be found and killed by our immune system as soon as they enter our bodies.However,some viruses,for example,the coronavirus,are sneaky.They are difficult to recognize and find.These viruses can cause deadly diseases,like COVID﹣19.Human﹣to﹣human transmission can easily occur,and pandemic will therefore break out.Vaccination is by now a simple,safe and effective way to protect us from the diseases.

Vaccines are something that "looks" exactly the same as the viruses,mainly made from the viruses that are weakened or killed.They will not make us really ill.They only stimulate and activate our immune system to work,telling it something harmful is coming in.The immune system will know what the "viruses" look like,and send B cells(lymphocytes)or antibodies to find and kill them.Meanwhile,B cells will remember them for the next kill.A vaccine may also give us passive immunity by providing B cells taken from an animal or a human to play the same role.

Scientists have developed more than 180 vaccines to fight against COVID49.The technical approaches of these vaccines can be a little different,but their aims are the same.

Take the inactivated vaccine as an example.In an inactivated vaccine,the coronaviruses are already killed or made into the ones unable to produce more new viruses.When the immune system "sees" them,it will try to kill them.The question is:without enough these viruses• how can B cells remember them?That's why we need to take the vaccine more than one time.Though this vaccine is safe,it might not be as effective as it is expected to be.

The live﹣attenuated vaccine is different.In this vaccine,the viruses are weakened,but they are alive.They can produce enough new viruses to train the immune system to kill and remember them,so people only need to take the vaccine once.The live﹣attenuated vaccine is considered the most effective,but there is a worry:what might happen once these viruses wake up?

Therefore,although vaccination is by now one of the best ways to protect us from COVID﹣19,it can be better.

(1)The coronavirus can    .


not be killed


not be found


cause deaths


stop pandemic

(2)Which of the following can be the best topic sentence of Paragraph 2?    


Vaccination can provide us with B cells.


Vaccines are made from different viruses.


Vaccination can prepare us against viruses.


Vaccines won't make us ill as the viruses do.

(3)Compared to the inactivated vaccine,the live﹣attenuated vaccine    .


needs taking more than once


is equally safe


contains viruses that are killed


is more effective

(4)What can we learn from the passage?    


Vaccination is good enough to treat COVID﹣19.


The immune system can be more effective with vaccines.


The viruses in inactivated vaccines can make new viruses.


180 vaccines have been developed to fight against diseases.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everybody enjoys acts of kindness.But can you explain why?Some people think kindness is something out of love and care,while others believe it is just a tool that we use to become more popular.But research shows that being kind can activate (激活)an area of the brain called Striatum.Research also shows that kindness improves people's mood (情绪).But why and how does it happen?Here are a number of different ways.

Being kind can make someone smile.If you see yourself smile in a situation,people around may be smiling,too.This is specially true for your close friends and family .A kind act makes someone who is sad feel better. Itcan also make ourselves fee good.So why not set off that chain(链条)of good feelings to people around?

Secondly,being kind starts or develops a social connection with others.Kind acts like buying someone a present make friendships stronger.Research has shown that spending money on others may help you get a stronger feeling of happiness than spending it on yourself.Similarly,charities(慈善)also open up new circles of people to connect with someone on the other side of the world.

In another recent research,even children in their first year of secondary school know how being kind makes them feel happy.If one person is kind,he or she makes others in the group kind.It also lifts everyone's spirits.Imagine that you make cakes for the office and it makes others do it each month.Then you're getting cakes a lot more days than providing them.

The story doesn't end here.Being kind may improve your mood,but research has also shown that if you're in a good mood,you can act much more kindly.This makes it a wonderful two﹣way relationship,doesn't it?

(1)The writer lends in the topic by    .


telling a story


asking questions


giving examples


making a survey

(2)The underlined word"It" in Paragraph 2 refers to"    ".


the situation


the family


the kind act


that chain

(3)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?       





(4)If you were an editor(编辑),you'd put the above passage in "    "of a newspaper.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Dogs may be man's best friends,but for Sisu,a stray dog,the unicorn(独角兽)is his best friend.

   Recently,Sisu broke into a store in North Carolina five times,trying to steal the same purple unicorn toy.But every time he got it,a salesman would find him,take the toy away and put it back on the shelf.When it turned out that Sisu wouldn't give up,the salesman had to lock the door and not let Sisu in,and then called Duplin County Animal Services for help.

   Samantha Lane,the officer who answered the call,was so moved by Sisu's love for the unicorn that she bought the $10 toy for the dog.

   "The only thing we can think of is that he came from a family that had a similar toy or had children who had one, " said Joe Newbum,a director of Duplin County Animal Services.

   "It's a nice dog," Newbum added. "He likes to play and he is very smart.He sits,stays and shakes hands.He is very polite."

   And whoever is lucky enough to adopt(收养)Sisu will get two best friends for the price of one.According to the Facebook post from Duplin County Animal Services,Sisu and his stuffed animal have already had an adopter.

(1)Why did Sisu break into the store in North Carolina?    


To meet his adopter.


To look for some food.


To get the unicorn freely.

(2)What can we learn from Joe Newbum's words?    


The family had only one child.


The family owned many unicorns.


Joe Newbum thought highly of Sisu.

(3)What is the right order according to the story?    

a.Sisu was adopted at last.

b.Sisu broke into the store.

c.The salesman called for help.

d.The officer bought Sisu the unicorn.







(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?    


Brave for Love


Kind to Animals


Proper Feeding of Dogs

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Over 30 percent of all food goes to waste,according to The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (联合国粮农组织).Supermarkets throw away food that is not sold before its sell﹣by date,while families throw away food that they can't finish eating.

The world's first food bank was founded in the US in 1967.Some people and stores donated (捐赠) extra food to the bank.People could take the food home there if they didn't have money to buy any for themselves.In Shanghai,there is a "shared fridge" in some communities.It is free for everyone to take food from it.

A UK company called The Real Junk Food Project says that food that has passed its sell﹣by date is still safe to eat.They collect this food from supermarkets and sell it in cafes.You only have to pay as much as you feel is necessary.If you don't want to spend money,you can volunteer at the cafes instead.

What else can we do to stop food waste?The answer is simply buying less food.

Share more,throw less

Food(1)        .

Over 30 percent of all food goes to waste.

Supermarkets throw away food that has

(2)    its sell﹣by date.

Families throw away food that they can't finish eating.

Food bank

It was created in the US in 1967.

People who couldn't(3)    any food for themselves could get food for free.

Shanghai communities have shared fridges.

Pay as you(4)    

The Real Junk Food Project collects that food that is not sold before its sell﹣by date.

People can get food by volunteering at the cafes (5)    paying as they wish.

Bay less

That's the least people can do.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sunday Plan





Play football

Have a picnic

See a film


Play the piano

Listen to music

See a film


Read a book

Play football

See a film


Ride a bike

Go shopping

See a film

Weather table for Sunday




















56.Lingling will   on Sunday morning.


ride a bike


read a book


play the piano


play football

57.You will most probably find all of the four in   this weekend.


a park


a cinema


a shop


a football club

58.If you like skating very much,you can have fun in   









59.Daming will most probably wear   in Guangzhou.


a sweater


a raincoat


a T﹣shirt


a scarf

60.According to the weather,   will most probably have to change the Sunday plan.









  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

    Helping others is a great thing to do. You can learn new things and have fun. You can help people, animals or the environment. It can make you feel good too! How can you help?

    Charities are organizations that help others, for example, UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund, You can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own. You can also help people or places you know.


    Volunteering is when you give your time to help others. Some ways of volunteering are:

• visiting old people to talk to them or help them

• walking dogs at an animal shelter

• cleaning up a park


    Fund﹣raising is when you collect money to help others. Some ways of fund﹣raising are:

• making cakes or biscuits to sell

• doing a sponsored(赞助)activity. For example, family and friends give you money if you finish a long walk.


    Donating is when you give your things to help others. Some ways of donating are:

• giving your old toys or clothes to a charity that helps sick children or poor people

• giving your old books to a library

    So, what can you do to help others?

(1)Which organization is mentioned in the passage?  


B. Oxfam.



(2)Which of the following is a good way to raise money for a charity?  

A. Visiting a sick child.

B. Doing a sponsored walk.

C. Cleaning up a library.

D. Talking with old people.

(3)What does an animal shelter probably refer to?  

A. A house to protect animals from rain.

B. A building to keep animals on display.

C. A home for large and dangerous animal.

D. A place for poor and homeless animals.

(4)What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?  

A. To show ways of helping others.

B. To share personal experiences.

C. To explain reasons for donations.

D. To introduce some organizations.

(5)Where does the passage probably come from?  

A. A magazine.

B. A story book.

C. A travelling guide.

D. A science fiction.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's a school holiday today. It's warm and the sun is shining.It's the perfect day for an outing. Zack,Vera, Kelly and Tim are discussing what they are going to do. Let's listen and see what happens…

    Zack: Hey you guys, it would be a shame to stay inside on a day like this. How about taking the bus to Stanley and going to the beach?

    Tim: [excitedly] That sounds great.

    Kelly:I'm in! But can we go to the mall first so I can get some suntan oil?

    Zack: [hesitantly(犹豫地)] Well, Kelly, I suppose we've got time…

    Vera: And we can stop off in Tsim Sha Tsui and get something to eat first.I'm sorry,but I don't think I'll be able to get anything good once we get there.

    Zack: I don't know, Vera ﹣it's already eleven o'clock..

    Tim: Actually, why don't we have a look at Stanley, Market before we go to the beach? The bus stops right in front of the market. I want to look for some casual shirts and trousers.

    Kelly: Oh, yes, Tim, let's do that.Maybe they have some trendy swim suits,and some jewellery…

   Zack: [to himself] This is really awful! [to the others] Look, I don't want to go to a restaurant or go shopping﹣I just want to go to the beach on a nice day. You all said you'd go with me, but if you don't want to, you don't have to. See you later.

[sound of a door opening and closing ]

    Vera: Somebody's not glad!

    Tim: Well, it was his idea to go out, after all.

    Kelly: Oh, dear, poor Zack. I'm going to call him.

[on the telephone] Hi, Zack? Look, just wait at the bus stop for me. I'm coming now. I won't go to the mall.

    Tim: Tell him I'm coming too. We don't need to stop at the market.

    Vera:[sighs(吸气)] Oh, all right. I can risk having lunch at the beach, I guess.

    Kelly:[on the telephone] Zack? We're all coming now. We should all enjoy this great day together.

[to the rest] OK, let's go. We shouldn't keep Zack waiting.

    Tim:[hurriedly] OK, come on, everybody…[fade]

(1)What does "I'm in!" in line 7 mean?  

A. I'll come too.

B. I'm on the bus.

C. I'm at home now.

D. I've made a decision.

(2)In lines 9 and 10, Vera thinks that  

A. it's more fun to have lunch in Tsim Sha Tsui

B. the food at Stanley Beach isn't very good

C. the others will be angry because of her suggestion

D. she will be hungry by the time they get to the beach

(3)In line 22, who does "somebody" refer to?  

A. Kelly.

B. Tim.

C. Vera.

D. Zack.

(4)Which of the following might be the best title for the play? 

A. How to Make Decisions

B. Let's Plan a Trip!

C. Stop for a While

D. Keep It Simple!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone feels nervous and worried from time to time. Here are 3 ways to help deal with them.

☆ Spend time with friends or family. Well﹣planned activities are great. (1) Doing things with your friends or family can make you feel comfortable If you feel worried or nervous about something, talk about it with someone. You'll be reminded that everyone has bad feelings sometimes. You're not alone.

☆ Get close to nature. Taking a walk in a park or going on a hike in a forest can make you relaxed. Invite your friends or family members to enjoy the peace of nature.

☆ Think actively. (2) A good way to forget bad things is to pay more attention to things that are good and active Allow yourself to dream, wish and imagine the best things that could happen one day.




  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
