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Liu Jichen believes good behavior(表现)should be encouraged so that it will become a good habit.The young man has succeeded in making millions of people form the habit of clearing their plates as part of the nation's efforts to cut down food waste.

Liu Jichen and his team have developed a WeChat mini﹣program called "Clear Your Plate".After a meal,users can open the mini﹣program and take a picture of (A) theirempty plates.Once the picture is recognized(被识别)by the AI(人工智能),users can collect points. (B) They can be used to buy products or give away meals to children and old people in need.

Bi Haibao is a 26﹣year﹣old teacher from a college in Qingdao,Shandong Province.He was one of the program's first users before it went popular on campus(校园).He led a student team to join in a competition for the "empty plate" campaign(活动).The result is good,as many students mentioned their awareness(意识)of food saving had improved.Students who use the AI program might gradually form good habits of saving food.

Liu,who believes technology can help with "Clear Your Plate",said refusing food waste should be a lifestyle choice for everyone. (C) " We make our efforts to encourage young people to save food " he said.











  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

What do you do if you're stranded(处于困境的)on a lonely island? Surely you need to find a way to get in touch with the outside world. Your best chance of doing this is to draw the attention of a passing plane.
  Body signals(信号)
  Pilots from different countries understand body signals if they have the correct training. When you wave your arms up and down in a straight line, it means "yes". When you point downwards and swing your arm from side to side, it means "no". If you want the pilot to know that it's safe to land, push your hands out in front of you and bend(弯曲)your knees. If you want to say that it's not safe to land, put your arms in the air and move them to one side.
  Smoke signals
  The smoke from a fire can be seen from far away, so it's a good way to draw attention. If the weather is dry, it isn't hard to start a fire. Remember, however, that fires can be very dangerous if they get out of control. Never light a fire unless you're sure that it can't spread. If the ground is dark, light smoke can be seen more easily. Green grass and leaves produce light smoke.
  Ground-to-air signals
  It's a good idea to build some signals, too. Use large pieces of wood to make the symbols(标记). If you can't find any wood, use earth. Some useful symbols are:
  F "I need food and water."
  II "I need medicine."
  I "I am badly hurt."
  X" I am unable to move from here."
  Pilots' replies
  If the pilot lowers the plane's wings from side to side, this means "message received and understood". (At night, the pilot flashes the plane's green lights.) If the pilots flies the plane in a clockwise circle, this means "message received but not understood".(At night, the pilot flashes the plane's red lights.)
However, there is no signal which means "message not received". Why not?
Which picture means "it's not safe land"?

What can we learn from the passage?

A.Swinging your arm from side to side means "yes".
B.If the ground is dark, light smoke can't be seen.
C.If you need some medicine, make a symbol "II".
D.The pilots make replies with a blue light at night.

   What is the passage mainly about?

A.The explanation of building signals on an island.
B.The importance of making signals on an island.
C.Ways of sending out signals on a lonely island.
D.Ways of receiving signals from a lonely island
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Susan, the US
My best friend is Fanny. She is clever and interesting. We always look after each other. The first week we met, I got sick and she looked after me every day.


Betty, England
My best friend is Ana. She is honest and serious. We were born in the same city in England. Then I moved to America with my family. I thought I would never see Ana again. When I went to college in New Your, Ana and I shared the same room!


Ken, Japan
I love to spend time with Daisuke because he is funny and smart. We enjoy talking about the funny things we did when we were children, and tell the same stupid jokes over and over again.


Lily, Australia
Linda is a very confident girl and she is really kind. Some people may wonder why Linda and I are best friends because we totally different, but I think this is why we are such good friends.

Who is Susan’s best friend?

A.Ana. B.Fanny. C.Linda. D.Daisuke.

Where is Ken from?

A.Australia. B.The US. C.England. D.Japan.

What is Linda like?
A. Confident and kind.              B. Funny and smart.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How to get that job!

    Interviews can be quite frightening but our top five tips can help you.Don't worry — relax!Remember these things and you'll be fine.


    Find out exactly where the interview is and how to get there.Remember that buses and trains can often be late so allow plenty of time.It's better to be early than late.


    Think about what the interviewer will ask you.He or she will probably ask about your qualifications(资格)and your experience but they'll also ask you why you want the job as well.Think of some possible questions and prepare your answers before you go.


    If you wear something new it will make you feel uncomfortable.It's best to wear something smart but something you like and feel happy in.


    In the interview,don't sit looking at your feet.Make sure you sit up and look the interviewer in the eye.This makes you look honest and more confident.


    It's a good idea to ask questions at the interview.Ask about the company or the job.Prepare some questions before the interview.It makes you look more interested if you do this.

A.Ask a question!

B.Be relaxed.

C.Wear comfortable clothes.

D.Be on time!

E.Make eye contact(眼神交流)!

F.Be prepared!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every time you're online,you are bombarded (如炮轰)by pictures,articles,links and videos trying to tell their story.(1)    

Read these tips,and don't get fooled by fake news!

1.Check the source (来源)

(2)    Does it look real?Is the text well written?Fake news websites often use addresses that sound like real newspapers,but don't have many real stories about other topics.

2.Watch out for fake photos

Many fake news stories use images (图像)that are Photoshopped or taken from an unrelated site.Sometimes,if you just look closely at an image,you can see if it has been changed.Or use a tool like Google Reverse Image search.

3. (3)     

Look to see if the story you are reading is on other news sites that you know and trust.If you do find it on many other sites,then it probably isn't fake( although there are some exceptions).

4.Look for other signs

There are other methods that fake news uses.These include using ALL CAPS (全大写)and lots of ads that come out when you click on a link. (4)       If the news story makes you angry,it's probably designed to make you angry.

If you know these things about online news,and can use them in your everyday life,then you have the control over what to read and what to believe.If you find a news story that you know is fake,the most important advice is:don't share it!


A.Check the story is in other places.

B.Unluckily,not all of these stories are true.

C.Fake news stories often spread much faster.

D.Also,think about how the story makes you feel.

E.Look at the website where the story comes from.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

K.L. Rothey, 71, from the United States, a retired lawyer 
Rothey has given himself the Chinese name of Luqi or “roadside beggar(乞丐)”. In his eyes, beggars are doing important work collecting rubbish. What they do is not dirty. Littering the street is, he adds.
Rothey first visited China in 1984 and soon he became interested in Chinese culture. Married to a Chinese calligrapher (书法家), he lived in Huangshi, Hubei Province.
Many people know him because he often shows up in the street collecting rubbish. “Huangshi is my home so I hope it becomes cleaner and more beautiful,” says Rothey. He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities, including Wuhan.
Rothey says he’ll continue collecting rubbish, as long as he is able to.
Jill Robinson, 50, from Britain, founder(创立者)and CEO of Animals Asia Foundation.
She has been working for nearly 20 years to stop people from getting the bile(胆汁)from moon bears for use in traditional medicine.
She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Hong Kong in the mid-1980s. A business trip to a bear farm in the mainland in 1993 changed her life. She saw so many moon bears killed by people. That made her cry. She said she would be back to set them free.
In 1998, she set up the Animal Foundation. In July 2000, the foundation agreed to free 500 farmed moon bears. In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue(救援)Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.
Now, bear farms have been stopped in the area of two-thirds of China. “As much as we rescue them, they rescue us. These bears rescue us every single day and they teach us to be better people,” Robinson says.

Jill Robinson
He first visited China in 1984 and became interested in Chinese culture.
He often 78.       in the streets in Huangshi.
He has also organized volunteers to collect rubbish in other cities.
She began working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare in the mid-1980s.
79.               in the mainland changed her life in 1993.
She set up the Animal Foundation in 1998.
In 2002, the Moon Bear Rescue Center was set up in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan.
The two passages are about two foreigners who have helped improve Chinese lives with their contributions(贡献).We should 80.           them and do what we can to protect the environment.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

To Give up or Not to Give up as Class Monitor?
Dear Brad, 
In about 3 months, I will take a very important test. If I pass the test with good grades, I can get to the 10th grade and choose a good school to study in. Now I am trying my best to achieve this. At the same time, I’m the monitor in my class, which means I should do lots of things for my class. ① I am so busy with my school-work and duties as monitor that I dont have enough time to keep a balance between them . Gradually I become lazy. ②The other day, my head teacher told me that she was disappointed in my poor performance as class monitor . Her words really discouraged me. 
What should I do now, to give up or not to give up as class monitor? I must do my best in school because how well I do will influence where I go after this school year is over and it can affect the rest of my life. Being class monitor is also a valuable learning experience because my teacher trusts me to be a good leader. ③ I dont want to go to my parents for suggestions, for they will get worried about me . Can you tell me how to choose?
Yours, 
I am    busy with my school-work and duties as monitor      have enough time to keep a balance between them. 
The other day, my head teacher said to me, “             disappointed in your poor performance as class monitor.”

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I had the meanest mother in the whole world. While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have porridge, eggs or toast. When others had Cokes and candy for lunch, I had to eat a sandwich. But at least I wasn’t alone when I was sad. My sister and two brothers had the same mean(刻薄的) mother as I did.
My mother preferred to know where we were all the time. She had to know who our friends were and where we were going. We had to clean clothes and take a bath every day. The other kids got to wear the same clothes for days. We could not lie in bed “sick” in order to miss school.
The worst is yet to come. We had to be in bed by nine each night and get up at eight the next morning. We couldn’t sleep till noon like our friends. So while they slept, my mother was brave to break the Child Labour Law. She made us work. We had to wash dishes, make beds, and learn to cook and all sorts of things at home. I believe she lay awake thinking up all things for us to do. 
My mother was a complete failure as a mother. Two of her children received higher education. None of us have ever been arrested(taken away by the police) or divorced. She forced us to grow up into educated and honest adults. I am trying to raise my three children this way. I am filled with pride when my children call me “mean”. Why? Because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the world.
How many children does the writer’s mother have?

A.Four. B.Two. C.Three. D.Six. 

What can you infer(推测) from the passage?

A.My family was rich, so I ate a sandwich for lunch.
B.My mother was a great success. We love her.
C.If we didn’t want to go to school, the best way was to pretend to be sick.
D.We needn’t share the housework at home. 

The best title for this passage may be     . 

A.My childhood B.The meanest mother
C.I do as my mother did D.Unforgettable memories
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

We can see this ad _________.

A.at a cafe B.at a library C.at school D.at home

We can go for lunch at _________on Monday.

A.10:30 B.11:45 C.12:30 D.14:30

Mrs. Zhou will spend _________ if she goes for dinner on Friday.

A.$ 6 B.$ 7 C.$ 11 D.$ 12

Mr. Brown and his 8-year-old son had to pay _________ for dinner last Sunday.

A.$ 7 B.$ 11 C.$ 12 D.$ 17

You can _________ according to the ad.

A.take away the food in one box for $ 8 B.enjoy all you can eat and barbecue
C.get a free bottle of wine with your friend D.call the Chinese Cafe at 9651 4655
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pigs are misunderstood (误解).Some people think of them as lazy and stupid.Did you know that pigs are very smart?Pigs are smarter than most pets and wild animals.(3) Experts say that pigs are easier to train than dogs and cats.Would you want a pig for a pet

Keeping a pet pig is fun,but it is work.Pigs like to go for walks like a dog,Would you like to walk a pig down your street?They can be trained to do tricks,and they like to be petted.They usually get along with other pets.

Pet pigs must be kept on a diet (节食).They like to eat like hogs (肉猪)!(4) An adult pet pig should not weigh more than 150 pounds.But many weigh up to 300 pounds because of overfeeding.

Pigs are some of the cleanest animals on the earth.They can learn to use a little like a cat.Many live in houses and apartments.But they can get in the way.

Pigs have a good sense of smell.They help find truffles(松露)in the forests.These plants sell for high prices.So the pigs are valued for their work.

Besides pork (meat from pigs),pigs provide us with many useful products.Pig hair is used to make hairbrushes and furniture(家具).Some of pig parts can be used to help sick people.

Pigs are found in every part of the world.They serve many useful purposes.They can work as guards like dogs.In the United States,two pigs were kept to guard the gate on the farm,which worked really well.


(1)According to the passage,what good qualities do pigs have?


(2)Choose one good quality of pigs and give some examples to prove(证明)it.







  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A.However,some new illnesses will appear.

B.Biotechnology(生物技术)will make food better and healthier.

C.Some cities on water will have two floors.

D.They will be much safer.

E.They will have pictures that,as clear as photos.

Cars will run on solar power or electricity and will be much cleaner.(1)   For example,if you are too close to another car or if you are driving dangerously,your car will slow down by itself.

    Since there won't be any spare place,new cities will have to be built in the sea.(2)   

    People will live on the upper floor,the lower floor will be used for traffic,shops and factories.

    (3)    Plants that are not influenced by insects (昆虫) or illnesses will be developed.The taste of fruit and vegetables will be better and food will be kept longer.

    New technology will be used to make TVs that are only 5 cm thick.(4)    Electrical appliances(电器)will be quieter and will be controlled by computer.They will also use 50% less power.

    Many new ways to treat illnesses will be successful using products of genetic engineering (基因工程).Treatments will be found for the flu (流感)and the common cold.(5)   

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


(1)Where and when did Amy last see her mobile phone?


(2)What color is the mobile phone?


(3)How can people know the phone is Amy's?


(4)Does Amy need her phone back right away?


(5)How can Amy be contacted(联系)if the phone is found?



注意:1. 内容包括第二节问题答案的所有信息(顺序可调整);2.不得出现校名和人名等真实信息.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Do you want to make friends with a special man? Here is some information about him.
He is quiet and shy. He likes to hide his eyes behind his hair. He doesn't smile very often. However, if you talk to him about music, he'll have a lot to say.
This is Jay Chou, the 34-year-old Taiwanese pop king(天王). His fans are so excited because he will have a singing party next month. Many pop stars will come, too.
Chou grew up just with his mother. He did not talk much and did badly in many school subjects.  His mother noticed the boy's special interest in music and sent him to learn piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing.
Chou is not very handsome. He does not speak clearly when he sings or talks. But the singer has a lot of fans. "He is really good at music. It makes him attractive(有魅力的) to me, " said Liu Jiajun, a Junior 2 student in No. 101 Middle School in Beijing.  "He is true to himself. He never follows others, "said Zhang Yujie, a Junior 1 girl at No.23 Middle School in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
How old is Jay Chou now?

A.Thirty-one. B.Thirty-two.
C.Thirty-three. D.Thirty-four.

From this passage, we know that Jay Chou_________.

A.is very handsome B.has a bright smile
C.often makes too much noise D.is a pop music star

When he was a little child, he_________.

A.talked a lot every day B.did well in his study at school
C.started to like music D.had a lot of fans

According to one of his fans, Jay_________.

A.is a good student B.has long and beautiful hair
C.is a famous pianist D.is very attractive to them

The sentence "He never follows others" in the last paragraph means_________.

A.he always has his own style
B.he likes to walk alone
C.he doesn't like other people's songs at all
D.no one can catch up with him
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pearl and June were good friends and spent most of their time together.
They were both very old and they worried about their health. Most of the time they talked about nothing else.
They worried about their food. Was it clean? Would it give them pains in the stomach?
They worried about the weather. Was it too cold and wet? Would it give them pains in their bones?
They worried about pollution in the air. would it give them pains in their chests(胸部)and throats(喉咙)?
They worried about being hurt in a car accident, killed in a plane crash, getting sick, and so on.
All they could think about was being ill or hurt.
One day they went on a train journey together.
“We’ll need some food,”Pearl said.
“We’ll buy some bananas,”June said.“They are good to eat and always clean.”
And so they bought two bananas to eat on the train.
It was not long before they were hungry.
Pearl took out the bananas and gave one to June. Then she peeled(剥)the skin of her banana and took a large bite of it.
At that moment the train went into a tunnel(隧道). Everything went black.“Don’t eat your banana,”Pearl shouted at June.“Mine has made me go blind!”
What did the two old ladies talk about most of the time? _________

A.Themselves. B.Other people. C.Healthy food. D.Dangerous drivers.

The old ladies didn’t want to ______.

A.eat any bananas B.travel by train
C.be young again D.get sick

Pearl ate her banana ________.

A.after they came out of the tunnel B.at the station
C.before June ate hers D.before she was hungry

Pearl thought that the banana _______.

A.stopped her from seeing B.would make her hungry
C.would make her ill D.would be good for June

What’s the best title of the story? __________.

A.What Good Friends B.What a Bad Train Journey
C.Bananas Are Good for You D.Bananas Are Bad for You
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I work in a small shop. It’s next ________ an English school . Every day students come to____ things.
I _______at six o’clock in the morning . And then I have breakfast at home .
I get to (到达) the _____ at about six fifty. The shop opens at seven. We sell (卖)food and drink. We sell school things, _____ . They are all very nice , but they are not ______ .So _______ people often come to _______ shop from morning to evening.
I have  _______ in the shop at half past twelve . At seven in the evening the shop is closed. We go home _______dinner .

A.for B.at C.in D.to

A.buy B.do C.take D.want

A.look at B.get up C.go home D.think about

A.classroom B.school C.shop D.hospital

A.too B.also C.and D.but

A.new B.heavy C.dear D.fine

A.many B.much C.a lot D.a little

A.we B.us C.our D.ours

A.hamburgers B.breakfast C.chicken D.lunch

A.to B.for C.with D.at
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
